Instructional Materials and Their Kinds of Instructional Aids and Their Uses

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used for teaching should not be expensive, as long as it eye captivating and
catches the attention of the students then it is an effective instructional materials. (Marba,
Instructional Materials 2014)
“Educational resources are used to improve student's knowledge, abilities and skills, to
monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall development Tips For Preparation of Instructional Materials
and upbringing.” (Tentativa, 2016) Do the materials fit the objectives?
“ The appropriateness of instructional materials must be judged from the perspective of the -Materials should fit the objectives of the course, unit plan and the lesson plan.
student learner rather than the teacher's perspective. Are the materials well organized?
-These must relate facts to few basic ideas and concepts.
Values and Importance of Instructional Materials ▫ Do the materials prepare the students for the presentation? Objectives or advance
1. To help clarify important concepts. organizers
2. To arouse and sustain student’s interests. Have the materials been presented in a technically appropriate manner?
3. To give all students in a class the opportunity to share experiences necessary for new -Not “over-presented” neither “under-presented”
learning. Do the materials provide sufficient repetition through examples, illustrations, questions and
4. To help make learning more permanent summaries to enhance understanding of content?
-Student diversity
Criteria For Selection of Instructional Materials Is the material suitable to the reading level of the students?
-Using STE (Standard Readability Estimate)
APPROPRIATENESS Does the difficulty of the materials match the abilities of the students?
▫ Materials are appropriate for the subject matter, and also appropriate for the learner’s -Motivation and interest driven
capacity or levels of learning. Guidelines in the Preparation and Use of Instructional Materials (Ecalnir, 2017)
AUTHENTICITY 1. All instructional materials are aids to instruction. They do not replace the teacher.
▫ materials which may not have been specifically designed for classroom use, but for use in 2. Choose the instructional material that best suits your instructional objectives. Decide
real-life situations. (Mugimu, 2016) what you want to accomplish and then employ the tools that are most likely to achieve
INTEREST results. Do not let the media that is available to you determine how or what you will teach.
-Students need a personal connection to the material, whether that’s through engaging 3. If possible, use a variety of tools. Using videos, computers, overheads and the chalkboard
them emotionally or connecting the new information with previously acquired knowledge. not only keeps students’ interest but also responds to the needs of those who receive
Without that, students may not only disengage and quickly forget, but they may also lose information in different ways.
the motivation to try. (Briggs, 2014) 4. Check out your instructional materials before class starts to be sure it is working properly.
PRESENTATION Nothing is more frustrating to you or to your students in the process of the instruction than
- Comprehensiveness of student and teacher resources; alignment of instructional to find that the overhead projector, for instance, does not work in the process of
components; organization of instructional materials; readability of instructional materials; instruction.
pacing of content; ease of use and durability of materials. (Marba, 2014) 5. For results, abide by the general utilization guide on the use of media given below:
COST A. Learn how to use the instructional material.
B. Before using it, make sure you know how to manipulate it to obtain the desired product. COMMUNITY RESOURCES - The use of community resources provides a shared memory for
C. Listen to the record or view the film ahead. the class.. The event becomes part of the common knowledge of the class and can be
D. Check the correct size and complete parts of real objects, photographs or models to be referred to in subsequent lessons. What was learned is, thus, reinforced and extended in
presented. later discussions as the teacher refers to field observations.
E. Prepare introductory remarks, question or initial comments you may need.
F. Provide a conducive environment; arrange the chairs, tables and the equipment and
G. Provide sufficient lightning and ventilation.
H. Explain the objective of the lesson.
I. Stress what is to be watched or listened to carefully.
J. State what they will be expected to do with the information they will learn. Discussion or a
test may follow.
K. There is need to summarize or review the experience.
L. Prepare measures that can assess their gains based on the objectives.

Kinds of Instructional Aids and Their Uses

PRINTED MATERIALS -It is extremely portable, cost effective, readily available, and
comfortable to use. Students don't need special equipment to use it, and with adequate
light, print materials can be used anywhere at anytime. Students can review the materials at
their own speed. (, 2002)
AUDIO AIDS -The aid that involves the sense of hearing are called audio aids. It is the most
dominant mode of instruction. For example: Speakers, Mp3 player, radio, tape recorder,
gramophones etc.
VISUAL AIDS - This guide will help you use visual aids in your oral presentations to achieve
the best impact. Your visual aids should be clear and concise, providing a stimulating
addition to your spoken word.
AUDIOVISUAL -To challenge the attention of the pupils ▫ To stimulate the imagination and
develop the mental imagery of the pupils ▫ To facilitate the understanding of the pupils ▫ To
develop the ability to listen ▫ To facilitate the understanding of the pupils
DEMONSTRATION MATERIALS - Bring the learner closer to reality and actively engage him
or her in a visual • Demonstration tools are useful for cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
skill development.

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