Competency Based Learning Material: Tourism Housekeeping NC Ii

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The unit of competency, “Provide housekeeping services to guest”, is one of
the competencies of HOUSEKEEPING NC II, a course which comprises the
knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a TVET trainer to possess.
The module Providing housekeeping services to guest, contains training
materials and activities related to identifying learner’s requirements, preparing
session plan, preparing instructional learning materials and organizing learning
and teaching activities for you complete. In this module, you are required to go
through a series of learning activities in order to complete each learning outcome.
In each learning outcome are Information Sheets, Self- Checks and Task Sheets.
Follow and perform the activities on your own. If you have questions, do not
hesitate to ask for assistance from your facilitator.
Remember to:
 Work through all the information and complete the activities in each section.
 Read information sheets and complete the self-check. Suggested references
are included to supplement the materials provided in this module.
 Most probably, your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager. He is
there to support you and show you the correct way to do things.
 You will be given plenty of opportunities to ask questions and practice on the
job. Make sure you practice your new skills during regular work shifts. This
way, you will improve your speed, memory and confidence.
 Use the Self-Checks or Task Sheets at the end of each section to test
your own progress. Use the Performance Criteria Checklist or Procedural
Checklist located after the sheet to check your own performance.
 When you feel confident that you have had sufficient practice, ask your
Trainer to evaluate you. The results of your assessment will be recorded in
your Progress Chart and Accomplish Chart.

List of Competencies

Unit of Competency Module Title Code

Provide housekeeping Providing TRS5123111

services to guests housekeeping
services to guests

Clean and prepare rooms for Cleaning and
incoming guests prepare rooms for
incoming guests

Provide valet/butler Providing
service valet/butler

Laundry linen and guest Laundering
clothes linen and guest

Clean public areas, facilities Cleaning public
and equipment areas, facilities
and equipment

Deal with/handle Deal
intoxicated guests with/handle

Qualification Title : HOUSEKEEPING NC II

Unit of Competency : Provide Housekeeping Services to Guests

Module Title : Providing Housekeeping Services to Guests

This module deals with the skills and knowledge required to provide a
range of general housekeeping services to guests.


Upon completion of this module, the trainee/ student must be able to:
LO 1. Receive housekeeping
requests LO 2. Provide
housekeeping requests LO 3.
Provide advice to guest
LO 4. Liaise with other departments

1. Accept and record guest/staff housekeeping requests and
service delivery in accordance to enterprise policies and
2. Confirm and note details of requests made in accordance with
enterprise procedures
3. Apologies are made where a request has arisen from a delayed delivery
of service
4. Referred request not related to housekeeping to appropriate department.
Learning Outcome Summary

LEANING OUTCOME 1 Receive housekeeping requests

1. Hotel codes and regulations
2. Interpersonal skills: Communication and listening Skills
3. Upselling and selling techniques
4. Basic operational skills on facilities and equipment
5. Personal hygiene
6. Hotel organization structure: departments and its functions
“Rank and File”
7. Preparing requisitions for maintenance services

1. Obtain identified service/item through liaison with other staff
in accordance with enterprise procedures
2. Locate and deliver required items to guest room in accordance
with enterprise procedures
3. Set up equipment in guest room in accordance with the request
of the guest
4. Remove requested items from guest rooms in accordance
with enterprise procedures.


Student/ trainee must be provided with the following:

Tools Equipment Materials/ Supplies
Tapes Computer Pen and paper
Brochures/Manuals Shower (with hot and cold) Alarm clock
Guest Folio/ Guest list Refrigerator Television and video player
Caution Signs Electric fan Room supplies and amenities
Housekeeping/forms Air conditioning unit
Alarm clock
Operating manuals


 Interview (oral/ questionnaire)

 Observation
 Demonstration of Practical Skills
 Written examination
Learning Outcome 1


Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read Information Sheet 1.1
Receive housekeeping requests

2. Answer Self-check 1.1 Receive

housekeeping requests, Compare Read and understand the Information Sheet in the Module
your answer with the Answer Key Provide housekeeping services to guest of the CBLM on
Housekeeping NC II. Check yourself by answering Self-
Check. You must answer all the questions correctly before
3. Read and understand
proceeding to the next activity. Compare your answer with
Information Sheet 1.1-2 Provide
the provided Answer Key in every Self-Check
housekeeping requests
4. Answer Self-check 1.1-2 Provide
housekeeping requests Compare
your answer with the Answer Key

5. Perform Information Sheet Secure the evaluation of your output by

Provide advice to guest trainer and let him record your

6. Answer Self-check 1.1-3 on In comparing your answers from the model answer be sure
procedures in performing valet that all your answers are correct before proceeding to the
services: next activity
a) Receiving a call from the guest
b) Collecting and checking laundry for
possible damages
c) Sorting laundry items
d) Packing and delivery of laundry

7. Read Information Sheet 1.1-4 Read and understand the Information Sheet
on procedures in keeping laundry in the Module Provide Provide/Butler
area clean in accordance with the Service of the CBLM on Housekeeping NC II.
establishment standards. Check yourself by answering Self-Check.

8. Answer Self-check 1.1-4 on You must answer all the questions

procedures in keeping laundry correctly before proceeding to the next
area clean in accordance with the activity. Compare your answer with the
establishment standards. provided Answer Key in every Self-Check.
Compare your answer with the
Answer Key 1.1-4.

After doing all activities of this

Learning Outcome (LO), you are ready
to proceed to the next LO on “Display
Professional Valet Standards.”
A housekeeper, is one who is responsible for administering
housekeeping maintenance and for insuring that everything is in order.
She sees to it that all occupants are comfortable, safe, and protected
from disease- causing bacteria.

Importance of housekeeping
Housekeeping may be defined as “ provision of a clean, comfortable, safe
and aesthetically, appealing environment “. By another definition :
Housekeeping is an operational department in a hotel, which is
responsible for cleanliness, maintenance, aesthetic upkeep of rooms,
public areas, back areas and the surrounding. The effort that a
housekeeping department makes in giving a guest a desirable room has
a direct bearing on the guest experience in a hotel. Guest room are the
heart of the hotel. It is rightly said that housekeeping is a 24 x 7 x365
operation. Imagine the stacks of linen needed to make up all the beds in
a hotel; the huge amounts of bath soap, tissue and another amenities
such shampoos, colognes and so on that must be placed in the
guestrooms; the miles of carpeting, floors, walls and ceilings to be
cleaned and maintained; the countless pieces of furniture that must be
dusted and polished and the barrels of cleaning compounds along with
special tools and equipment needed in order to clean these.
Types of Housekeeping
1. Domestic Housekeeping refers to housekeeping maintenance in a house. It covers bedrooms,
kitchen, dining, receiving area, grounds and the surrounding areas within the house.
2. Institutional Housekeeping applies to housekeeping maintenance in commercial lodging
establishments like hotels, resorts, inns and

Institutional Housekeeping usually covers the following areas:

 Guest rooms
 Hallways and corridors
 Lobby
 Public areas and restaurants
 Offices
 Stairways
 Grounds and Plants
 Linen and laundry area
 Pest control

It does not include the kitchen and dining areas since these are handled by the Food and Beverage

Scope of Housekeeping Maintenance

1. Maintenance of Public Areas to include:

 Lobby
 Corridors
 Function rooms (conference room, social hall, etc.)
 Offices
 Grounds and garden landscape
 Reception area
 Hallways
 Other areas accessible to public
2. Rooms Maintenance, covering:

 Guestrooms
 Hallways in guestroom areas
 Service
 Linen room

3. Linen and Laundry Service, servicing:

 Guest Laundry
 Uniform of staff
 Linen used of food/beverage operations

4. Installati on, cleaning and Maintenance of Fixtures and Faciliti es like furniture and

5. Pest Control.

Standards of a Good Housekeeping :

1. Cleanliness
2. Orderliness
3. Sanitation
4. Guest and client comfort
5. Eye appeal
6. Safety
7. Materials control and preventive maintenance
8. Guest relation
Information Sheet 1.1

Receive housekeeping requests

Learning Objectives:

After reading the information sheet, the trainee must be able to:

 Know how to accept housekeeping requests from guests

 Know how to accept housekeeping requests from staff
 Record housekeeping requests according to
enterprise requirements
 Advise on time for provision/delivery of identified service or
items to guest room

Performance Criteria:

A. Accept housekeeping requests from guests


Housekeeping is an important area in any accommodation property. Most people see

housekeeping as simply „cleaning guest rooms‟ but from an operational perspective there is a
lot more to housekeeping than just that.

The role of housekeeping is to ensure the comfort and safety of guests whilst they are staying at a
hospitality organisation.
This is the guests 'home away from home'. It is essential that that a guest is able to enjoy their room in
the same manner and with the same ease as they would enjoy in their own house. The aim of
housekeeping is to strive to enable guests to access items as easily as in their own home.
Understandably an accommodation room is considerably smaller in size than the customer's normal
residence and therefore items that they may need might not be in immediate access.
A hotel cannot provide all the necessary items a customer may need inside each and every room for a
number of reasons:

The room size is too small

It would become cramped for space Not all

customers need all items

The capital outlay for a business would be considerable It reduces

the chance of damage and theft.

Therefore it is vital that housekeeping are able to get a requested item to a room in the shortest
possible time.

Types of accommodation properties

The items included in a room or upon request differ depending on the type of accommodation

Housekeeping requests by guests can be made across a range of accommodation properties for a wide
variety of reasons.
A housekeeping department exists in any property that offers in-house

Housekeeping departments operate within:

Hotels, motels and clubs
Resorts, chalets and hostels
Passenger ships and trains
Serviced apartments.

Types of guest requests

There may be many times during a shift when the room attendant will have to
handle guest requests and the reasons can vary.

Need for item sent to the room

A guest may request services or products such as:

Additional equipment in their room – because they have needs during their
stay that are not accommodated by the normal in-room items

Valet or laundry service – common among long stay guests

Additional bedding – where the existing bedding is unsuitable, uncomfortable

or insufficient
Extra tea, coffee, sugar and milk sachets – a common request where the
guests spend a lot of time in their room
Extra crockery or cutlery – where the room features a kitchen or kitchenette
this is also a common request especially where guests want to entertain in
their rooms
Vases – for flowers that have been delivered to them

Replacement items such as hair dryers, toasters, irons and electric jugs to
replace items that are not working
Extra bathroom guest supplies – another common request for long-term
guests: guests with long hair often ask for extra shampoo and conditioner
Additional items in compendium – such as letterhead paper, envelopes,
postcards, pens, note paper
Additional towels – to accommodate extra showers or baths taken by the
guests: where the property has a swimming pool this is a common request
Extra hangers for clothes, extra pillows, extra blankets
A power conversion board – to adapt their electrical equipment to the power
supply of the venue: common where the property caters to some international
Ice and ice buckets.

Servicing of room

Rectification cleaning - guests may request an improvement in the servicing of room. They require
housekeeping staff to provide remedial service to the room when the original room service is deemed
by the guest to be sub-standard

Clean-up after an in-room party or entertainment

A special room service where they have spilled something on the floor.


Repair or removal of broken equipment – such as controls for the TV, DVD player, air conditioner,
broken bedside lights, free-standing lamps

Instructions to enable them to work equipment – such as the TV, in-room safe, lights (especially
where room cards are needed to activate the power to a room), heating and cooling controls.

Guests may also contact housekeeping when making a Lost and Found enquiry. They may have found an
item in a room they have just been roomed in or they may contact housekeeping after they have
departed to enquire about something they have lost.

Housekeeping is often the department that operates the Lost and Found facility for a venue because
most Lost and Found items come from guest rooms.
Handling complaints
Ensuring guest comfort may relate not just to issues that can be handled quickly by
housekeeping (such as rectification cleaning, a replacement jug for one that not working or extra tea
and coffee supplies) but also handle or direct guest requests relating to:

Noisy people in the room next doors Poor

views from the balcony

Noisy pigeons outside the room which stop guests getting to sleep Noisy
elevators near the room

Lack of facilities in the room

Quality of facilities that is below guest expectations Advertising that has

created expectations that are not being


In most cases housekeeping may not be able to rectify these complaints personally, but they should
ensure the appropriate person is contacted in a timely manner.
Handling guest requests promptly

Given that housekeeping staff are usually very busy trying to achieve the
tasks set for them by the Executive Housekeeper on a daily basis (which are
essentially the servicing of departing and staying guest rooms), they must still
ensure they handle any requests from in-room guests in addition to their
allocated workload and do so in a polite and friendly manner, in accordance
with all relevant house policies and procedures.
If the room attendant cannot assist the guest immediately, they should at least
acknowledge the guests request and advise them when assistance will become
There may also be times when a guest makes a request and the room
attendant cannot provide an immediate answer as to whether or not the
request can be fulfilled.
In such instances, the room attendant should seek out accurate information to
satisfy the guests requests, or pass on the request to the appropriate
department (or the Floor Housekeeper) for action and follow up.
The guest should always be told of how their request is to be dealt with and
kept informed about the progress of the request.

The basis for providing excellent levels of customer service in


In order to ensure the comfort and wellbeing of guests, housekeeping

must develop a good relationship with guests.
This can be achieved by:
Good personal presentation – as determined by house requirements that
apply to uniforms and personal hygiene
Greeting guests by name when known
Providing excellent service at all times
Not giving the guests the impression that serving their needs is a
Not rushing service delivery as and when it is required
Enquiring “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
Finishing service delivery with appositive statement: “Its been a pleasure”
Providing information to guests (about the property, the local area, tourist
attractions, transport, local customs, currency etc) –
and not just providing service in terms of specific housekeeping duties
Assisting guests in public areas (such as the corridors of their floors or in
lifts) or in-room when they see them struggling with their luggage. The
assistance may simply involve offering to call a porter to assist
Handling complaints in a professional manner
Providing a safe and secure environment for the guests while they are
staying in the establishment
Having excellent product knowledge about the appliances, items, features in
guest rooms.
For room attendant to provide excellent service, they must know the
importance of making guests feel safe, secure and welcome while they are away
from home.

Handling guest complaints

Unfortunately, even with the best of intentions, things can sometimes go

wrong and result in a guest complaint. As identified before, some requests are
in fact complaints.
The following are guidelines to assist in dealing with a customer complaint:
Remain pleasant at all times, but do not smile when the guest is
Listen without interruption
Know the correct procedure and the establishment policy on dealing with
customer complaints
Ask the guest how they would like you to resolve the problem
Focus on the issue and don’t take the complaint personal
Apologise to the guest for any inconvenience
Advise your supervisor and get their feedback as to how they feel you
handled the situation.

Use guest name where possible

When dealing with a guests request, the room attendant should

acknowledge the guest by addressing them by their name, if appropriate and
It is said that a person likes nothing better than to hear the sound of their own
Using the guests name is an excellent way of personalising the service and
showing that the individual guest is valued.
Make sure however that you follow any house policies that might apply to the
use of guests names.
These usually reflect generally applicable standards of courtesy, such as:
Avoid using first names – only use last names
Never use nicknames
Get the pronunciation right – if you are not sure you can do this, use „Sir‟ or
If you don’t know the guests name or have forgotten it address the guest by
„Sir‟ or „Madam‟.

How will I know the guests name to begin with?

Most requests from guests for items for their room come about from: A phone call
to housekeeping from the guest

A face-to-face conversation with the guest as they are walking down the corridor and see you
cleaning rooms.

In either situation they usually begin the conversation by identifying

themselves and the room they are staying in – “Hi, I’m Greg Jones from 377. I
was wondering if you could …”
This provides the perfect opportunity to find out the guests name but you have
to be alert to the possibility it is going to happen and be ready to listen for it
and remember it.
If you forget the guests name it is easy enough to find out a name from the
internal rooming system using the room number as the basis for the search:
where there is more than one person in the room (for example, a twin room
may have 2 males or 2 females) and you are not sure who is who, use „Sir‟ or

B. Accept housekeeping requests from

staff Introduction

Housekeeping not only services the needs of the guest. As the

department responsible for the cleanliness of a property, it is often called upon
to handle requests made by other departments.
Therefore all departments will have requests of housekeeping. Similar to
dealing with requests from guests, these requests must be handled in a
professional and timely manner.

Types of staff requests

The types of requests may be varied depending on each specific situation,

however there are some common staff requests including:
Cleaning duties - of items such as furniture, carpets, equipment, windows,
floors and bench surfaces
Cleaning of in-house facilities – including public areas, change rooms and
Emergency cleaning – unexpected cleaning
requests Cleaning and servicing of staff changing

Staff Uniforms

Order and supply of staff uniforms

Providing laundry service – many properties operate their own on-premise
laundry whilst other venues will use the services of an outside commercial
laundry. Most staff uniforms will be cleaned through the housekeeping

Provision of Supplies

Cleaning products, rags & equipment

Clean linen for F&B departments
Towels for gymnasiums.


Check rooms and floors for safety concerns

Ensure guest room and emergency doors are
shut Close storerooms
Participate in emergency and evacuation procedures.

Other tasks

Move room service trays from rooms or corridor to appropriate store area
Check mini bars for departing guests
Check actual status of a room – whether a guest has actually left the room or
if it is occupied.
As mentioned, when handling requests made by staff, they must be handled in a timely
manner. These requests are made to help provide a better experience for guests and
must be treated seriously. All staff members are part of a team, each with a role to play.
Housekeeping has many requests for other departments and would also expect their
requests to be handled in an efficient manner.

A. Record housekeeping requests according to enterprise



Any contact that housekeeping has with a guest has the potential for a request to
be made by the guest.
The reality is that guests rarely speak with housekeeping staff unless they have a need
to do so, so be aware of this and be ready to respond appropriately.

Confirm and note details of the request

Confirming what is needed

The key to this is repeating back to the guest what it is they have told
you they want, using your establishment knowledge to clarify any areas that
are not clear.
For example, if a guest phones and says they want more towels, you need to
determine what size towels they want. If the guest tells you they have spilled
something in their room and want it cleaned up, you should ask the nature of
the spill (what was spilled, what it was spilled on, and how big the spill is) so
you can prepare for what is needed.
Sometimes the guest will ask questions about what is available to suit their
need, so you need to respond accurately and honestly to these questions. It is
important that honesty is used so that you avoid creating false expectations in
the mind of the guests.

Noting details of what is needed

The key to this is to not rely on your memory but rather to write down
the relevant details.
This advice applies whether the request comes in person or over the phone.
There should always be note paper and a pen near the phone in the
housekeeping department and a room attendant should always have a
notebook and pen as standard items when they are working.
When a guest makes a request simply write
down: Guest name
Room number
Specifics of the request – type of item or service required, number involved
(where appropriate – „6 wine glasses‟)
Time for delivery to the room that was agreed to.

It is always wise to confirm the details to save time, effort and guest frustration
if the wrong item or service is delivered. There may often be communication

difficulties caused by different languages, lack of local knowledge, tiredness

and unfamiliarity with the property.

B. Advise on time for provision/delivery of identified service or

items to guest room


After a request has been received, recorded and confirmed, you should
provide the guest with an estimated timeframe as to when the request will be
Keys to agreeing on a timeline

The timeframe for meeting any guest request must be reasonable and
It is best if the guest agrees that the time given by you is agreed to by them,
but sometimes they place unrealistic timelines that simply can’t be met. Obtain
agreement where possible and where you can’t, do your best and be as quick
as you can.
Remember you will probable have other tasks to do and other guest needs to
provide so the Golden Rule is „Under-promise and over-deliver‟.
For example, if you tell the guest the item or service they have requested will be
there in 5 minutes and it actually takes 10 minutes they will be disappointed
and annoyed. If you promise the item in 10 minutes and have it there in 5
minutes, they will tend to be impressed with your fast response.
Never allow yourself to be forced or intimidated into a timeline that you know
cant be met. It is far better to politely explain this timeframe cannot be met,
explaining the reasons why, where applicable, and re-assuring the guest you
will act as quickly as possible.

Sometimes you don’t need agreement

In many cases where a guest makes a request for additional room

servicing requirements, they are happy to be informed “Certainly, Mr Adams.
That’s half-a-dozen extra teas, coffees, sugars and milk for Room 583. I’ll be
there in 5 minutes with those for you. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
By supplying this timeframe, the room attendant is showing that the request
has been taken seriously, and is giving the guest an expectation about the
service to be provided. The 5 minute timeframe may also take into account
other things the room attendant has to do both to finish their allocated work
and meet the unexpected guest request.
However, should this timeframe change for any reason, the room attendant
must inform the guest of the progress being made with their request and
supply the guest with a new revised timeframe, and the reason for the change
in time.
By doing this, the guest will then be able to adjust their expectations: they may
not like the revised timeframe but at least they are aware of it (and can plan
accordingly) and know that something is being done to satisfy them.
This will help ensure greater customer satisfaction.

If you personally are unable to action a request for guest service that you
agreed to, make an attempt to see if someone else can assist. This may mean
asking another room attendant, a porter or a room service person.

Time delays

Despite your best efforts there will probably be times when a breakdown
arises in relation to services provided by the housekeeping department.
In all instances the guest should receive an apology for this lapse in service
and appropriate remedial action should be taken immediately, where
appropriate, to try to retrieve the situation to the best extent possible.

Examples of breakdown in providing housekeeping services to rooms

This breakdown in service provision may result from:

Sub-standard servicing of the guest room when the room was prepared –
someone may have missed cleaning an item, an area or item may not have
been properly
cleaned, guest supplies may not have been re-stocked
A previous promise to deliver a service may not have been fulfilled – a guest
who was promised a replacement hair dryer may not have been supplied with
one. The task could have been forgotten or a message for another staff member
may have been misplaced
A room displaying a „Do Not Disturb‟ sign and the room attendant
responsible for that room not notifying the Floor Housekeeper that, at the end
of the shift the sign was still in place and the room had not been serviced
A promise to deliver something to a room by a certain time may not be able
to be met – perhaps the item required is out-of-stock
or there are insufficient staff to meet the promised timeline
An item that was promised to a guest turns out to be unavailable and can’t
be supplied as promised.

In essence, anything that:

Fails to deliver the service that either we
promised Fails to deliver the service the guest
expected Fails to meet house service delivery
can be said to be a breakdown in service delivery and should be apologised for.

Keys to making apologies

Where there has been a delay you must apologise for this. You must be
sincere in your apology but also brief. You must make sure you apologise not
only for the lack of service or item that wasn’t delivered but you must include
an apology for any inconvenience that has been caused.
The apology should
never: Blame anyone
Discredit the establishment
Commit the establishment to making some form of recompense or


Term Explanation
Chemical A product, normally in liquid format, used to clean a
Clean Free from dirt; unsoiled; unstained
Disinfectant Any chemical agent used chiefly on inanimate
objects to destroy or inhibit the growth of harmful
Defect A shortcoming, fault, or imperfection
Dry Cleaning The cleaning of garments, fabrics, draperies, etc.,
with any of various chemicals rather than water:
garments for cleaning in this way
Fittings Anything provided as equipment, parts, supply
Furniture, carpeting, etc., for a house or room
Housekeeping The maintenance of a house or domestic
Kitchenette A small kitchen or part of another room equipped for
use as a kitchen
Laundry Articles of clothing, linens, etc., that have been or
are to be washed
Malfunction Failure to function properly
Manual handling The act of pushing, pulling or lifting
Planning The act or process of making a plan or plans
Policy A rule, a definite course of action
Polish To make smooth and glossy, especially by rubbing or
Procedure A particular course or mode of action
Provision of supplies Providing housekeeping items including equipment,
cleaning products and cloths
Repair To restore to a good or sound condition after decay
or damage; mend
Receive housekeeping requests
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. is one who is responsible for administering housekeeping maintenance
and for insuring that everything is in order.
2. refers to the upkeep and maintenance of cleanliness and order in a
house or a lodging establishment such as inn, hotel, apartel, condominium,
resort, dormitory or a hospital.
3. defined as “provision of a clean, comfortable, safe and aesthetically,
appealing environment.
4. refers to housekeeping maintenance in a house. It covers bedrooms,
kitchen, dining, receiving area, grounds and the surrounding areas within
the house.
5. applies to housekeeping maintenance in commercial lodging
establishments like hotels, resorts, inns and apartels.

6. common among long stay guests.

7. as determined by house requirements that apply to uniforms and
personal hygiene
8. , free from dirt; unsoiled; unstained.
9. , to restore to a good or sound condition after decay or damage; mend.
10. , to make smooth and glossy, especially by rubbing or friction

B. Enumerate the following:

1. Types of housekeeping (2)
2. Maintenance of public areas include (5)
3. Scope of Housekeeping (5)
4. Standards of Good Housekeeping (8)
5. Types of guest request (5)
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Housekeeper

2. Housekeeping

3. Housekeeping

4. Domestic Housekeeping

5. Institutional Housekeeping

6. Valet or laundry service

7. Good personal presentation

8. Clean

9. Repair

10. Polish

B. Enumerate the following:

1. Domestic Housekeeping, Institutional Housekeeping

2. Lobby, Corridors, Function rooms, Offices, Hallways

3. Maintenance of Public Areas, Rooms Maintenance, Linen and Laundry Service,

Installation, cleaning and Maintenance of Fixtures and Facilities like furniture and
appliances, Pest Control

4. Cleanliness, Orderliness, Sanitation, Guests and Client’s Comfort, Eye Appeal,

Safety, Materials Control and Preventive Maintenance, Guest Relations

5. Additional equipment in their room, Valet or laundry service, Additional

bedding, Extra bathroom guest supplies, Additional towels
Information Sheet 1.2
Provide housekeeping
Learning Objectives:
After reading the information sheet, the trainee must be able to:

 Liaise with other staff to obtain and or deliver identified service or items
Know how to accept housekeeping requests from staff
 Locate and deliver required items to guest room
 Set up equipment in guest rooms
 Collect Items from guest rooms as required

Performance Criteria

A. Liaise with other staff to obtain and or deliver identified service

or items


As identified in the past section, guests or staff may have requests

which must be addressed. In some cases these tasks can be performed by
yourself or within the housekeeping department.
In many cases, in order to respond to a guest request it requires the
involvement of other people or departments.
A guest is not concerned who handles their request. Their concern is that it is
simply handled in a satisfactory and timely manner.
The need for teamwork
On some occasions, there will be a need for teamwork and the person
receiving the request for housekeeping services may need to obtain assistance
from another staff member to comply with the request.
For example, a large spill in a room may be better dealt with by 2 people rather
than just one. A large piece of equipment or furniture that needs moving will
require a „team lift‟ approach.
Where you feel that you are unable to fulfil the request on your own, you
should always be prepared to ask others for their help. You should also be
prepared to help others when they ask for your assistance.

Safety and security

Where you receive a request from a guest for extra service provision and
the guest appears annoyed, upset, affected by drugs or alcohol then you
should always obtain help from another staff member.
Certainly it is important to let someone know the room you are going to.
When you are servicing a room, others can tell where you are by the location of
your trolley and looking at your room chart, but when you respond to a call to
take an item to a room it is impossible for others to know where you are should
you need help.
All it takes is a quick call to another staff member “Hi it’s John here on the 7th
floor: just taking some extra guest supplies to Room 1010. Should be back on
station in 5 minutes.”


Regardless if the request has been forwarded to another person for

completion it is important that you ensure that the request is actioned.
Keep track of what is happening and where required keep the guest informed
of what is happening and expected time for completion.
Once the request has been fulfilled, it is a good idea to check with the guest to
ensure they are satisfied with the outcome.

B. Locate and deliver required items to guest room

In most cases, it will be the responsibility of housekeeping to carry out
any guest requests that they receive.
This is generally fairly easy to do because moist requests relate to items that
the room attendant has ready access to – guest supplies are on the
housekeeping trolley and most other things requested are either in a Floor
Housekeeping storeroom or can be „borrowed‟ from a vacant room.
In other cases, however, some requests may involve a bit more time and effort.

“It’s not my job!”

No staff member should ever use the phrase „It’s not my job” when
responding to a request from a guest.
In a service industry, it is always your job to assist guests.
If the request is outside your normal work responsibility, you should:
Record and confirm the request
Pass the details on to the relevant person for them to action.
Never, ever tell a guest “You’ll have to ring the Maintenance department – we
don’t handle replacing light globes” or “Sorry, Room Service do that – perhaps if
you ring 22 someone there can help you”.

Action is the key to responding to a request

Once a request is received, you must promptly seek out the item or
equipment necessary to complete the request within the agreed timeframe.
The key to any request from a guest is to take action on their request.
To do this, you will most likely just go to your trolley (or to the nearest
housekeeping storeroom), grab what is needed and take it the guest room.

Passing on requests

In other cases, where the request falls outside your ability to fulfil it, the
appropriate person must be notified and the request passed on important
points when doing this are:
Pass on all the relevant details including the name and room number of the
guest is vital. This information allows the person to get back in contact with
the guest to clarify things or amend the promised delivery time
Make sure the person you give the message to understands it. Get them to
repeat it back to confirm it. Make special mention of any important bits
including the need for urgency.
Stress any agreed time that have been given. If you promised the item in 10
minutes, you must let the other person know when that 10 minutes is up.

Requests for information

It is sometimes more time consuming to provide certain things to guests.

Requests for information are amongst
these. Requests for information can cover:
Information on the products and services offered by the establishment – even
though guests have an in-room compendium they can still want more detail
than what is there and there is always the possibility that this information is
Use your product knowledge about the property to answer these questions,
and where you don’t know the answer, apologise, tell them you will find out the
answer and get back to them, then do so.
Availability of services, hours, location of meals, services and equipment –
you might be able to inform a guest that there is an ice machine at the end of
the corridor but perhaps you don’t know when the spa opens or what the
treatments are how much they cost.
How various types of equipment works – you are expected to know how to
operate all the in-room facilities (this should be one of the first things you are
trained in as part of your on-the-job training) but guests may ask you about
other items of equipment throughout the property that you know nothing
about. This is to be expected if you are the first person they see as they walk
back from not being able to operate a piece of gym equipment, not being able to
get the vending machine to work.
Requests for information about local services, attractions, transport,
shopping, entertainment, bars, places to eat. While is probably more a
reception or concierge role, once again, guests can ask you because you are

In these situations:

Never say “I don’t know” and leave it at that

Never tell them it’s not your job to provide that sort of information
Never tell them to look it up in their in-room information compendium.

Never give them the impression that asking for the information is an imposition
or a stupid thing for them to do.

C. Set up equipment in guest rooms


From time to time the housekeeping department may be asked to help

set up items requested by guests.
These requests need to be accommodated as quickly as possible because when
such requests are made, guests are usually waiting to use the items.

What items might be involved?

The items that may need setting up could include:

Table and chairs – for meetings or to assist with the provision of room service
Internet connection
DVD player
Data projector
Portable bed
Portable cot.
In-room meetings
Guest rooms are sometimes hired by companies for business purposes to
hold a small meeting make presentations or display goods and in such
instances it may be your responsibility to move furniture around, set up tables
and chairs before the meeting commences.
Directions will be given by the person hiring the room about what they want,
where they want it set and the time by which it needs to be ready.

Elderly people

Elderly people can often have problems with technologically-based items

in their rooms.
They may be perfectly well able to operate their TV or DVD at home but the one
in their room may be different and they may not be able to make it work.
Don’t make them feel stupid for asking, take time to make sure they have
understood what you have told them and check to see they are able to operate
it properly on their own before you leave. A call to the room 15minutes later to
check everything is fine would also be appreciated and shows evidence of
excellent service.

Elderly people may also seek your regular assistance in:

Moving heavy items – which can include their personal luggage

Getting items down from high places
Obtaining things from low places
Obtaining a wheelchair to access other facilities in the venue.

Portable beds and cots

Setting up portable beds and cots is a task that many in housekeeping
They are often cumbersome to move, and difficult to set up. Lots of injuries
have resulted from moving and setting up these items.
Where possible, it is advisable to place them into rooms and get them set up
prior to the guests arriving – so no-one can hear or see what goes on!
Tips that may assist include:
Be careful – they bite: watch your fingers
Practice before having to do it front of a guest – it’s embarrassing to have
problems with people looking on
Follow the instructions
Don’t rush
Have an experienced person with you when you do your first one. You never
know when you’ll need help even though you’ve done loads of practice.

It should be a standard house rule that guests are never allowed to set up a
portable bed or cot. Not only is allowing them to do this very bad service but
there is a great risk they may injure themselves.
Know the house rules

It is important for you to be well-versed on the different types of

equipment that need to be set up and the steps to take to actually set up the
equipment in a safe, secure and fully-operational manner.
You must also adhere to all health and safety regulations when moving items
about, especially heavy items.
You must also follow any establishment policies on setting up equipment.

Where appropriate, agree on suitable time to collect equipment

There may be times when the guest will only require an additional piece
of equipment for a certain time span – a short-term loan.
When this item is placed in the room, it may be a good idea for you to reach an
agreement with the guest about the collection time for that item.
The main reasons to identify a time for collection for these items are:
To allow the guest to be able to plan their stay with us – it saves them
wondering what is going to happen in relation to the item: they know what‟s
going to and happen and can plan accordingly
To prevent the situation where the guest may place the item in the corridor
outside their door – minimising the chance of damage to the item, or theft
To give the guest space in their room – unwanted items take up space that
the guest may want to use for something else
To allow the asset to be put back into inventory and available for use by
another guest if the need arises.

In relation to agreeing on a time for collection of these short-term (or other)

loan items:
The arrangement to pick up should be made as a suggestion rather than a
requirement – the central idea is to provide service not to set limitations or „tell
the guest what to do‟
Guests should be encouraged to contact housekeeping and arrange for an
extension of the pick-up time where they want the item for a longer period
Where housekeeping staff will be off duty when the pick-up time arrives,
arrangements need to made with another department to collect the item. It is
not acceptable for the guest to have to „put up with‟ an item in their room that
they don’t want there simply because we can’t pick it up. Room service staff,
porters, or staff from any department could be asked to assist.

Log books
Some establishments will have a log book to record information about
when and where extra items were delivered and when they need to be collected.
When an item is recovered from a guest room and returned to the store (or the
vacant room from where it was borrowed), this log is signed to demonstrate
that return.
The log book assists in tracking assets and making sure all rooms have their
necessary items.
D. Items from guest rooms as required


Whilst the majority of requests involve items to be taken to the room,

there are times when requests involve items being taken from the room.
These items may be:

Types of items for collection

To service a guest request effectively, you may need to pick up items
from the guest room such as:
Room features including furniture, appliances or amenities not being used
Housekeeping items and equipment that have been left behind
Towels, face washers and bath mats that are now dirty and need replacing
Toilet paper, tissues and other bathroom and guest supplies that have run
A replacement item – to take the place of something that isn’t working
Items that are no longer needed but which have been specially requested
Guest items requiring further action such as dry cleaning, storage or repair.

Keys in collecting items

It is vital to understand that if you have made a promise to pick

something up at an appointed time, the guest is expecting you to arrive at that
They have probable changed their plans, re-arranged things to accommodate
this, and are waiting: and every minute they wait past the scheduled time
seems like an hour and their level of frustration etc. rises and rises. They can’t
get on with what they want to get on with until you arrive!
So make sure you are there when you said you’d
be. If you are going to be late:
Get someone else to collect it – and make sure they do it on
time Contact the room, apologies and arranged a revised time.
Never just be late and fail to notify the guest.
If the item you are picking up is heavy or awkward, take someone else along
or a trolley.
When you arrive to collect the item:
Knock on the door and announce “Housekeeping”
Greet the guest by name
Apologise, if applicable
Tell them why you are there – “I’ve come to pick up the …
Ask for permission to enter the room
Thank the guest for their permission to do so
Keep your eyes and ears to yourself
Pick up the item and walk to the door
Apologise again, if appropriate
Make arrangements for a replacement item, where appropriate and a time for
its delivery
Thank the guest again
Depart the room.


A. Multiple Provide Housekeeping

Choice: Request

1. A large piece of equipment or furniture that needs moving will require a

„team lift‟ approach.
a. Safety and security
b. The need for teamwork
c. Responsibility
d. It’s not my job!”

2. Once the request has been fulfilled, it is a good idea to check with the
guest to ensure they are satisfied with the outcome.
a. Safety and security
b. The need for teamwork
c. Responsibility
d. It’s not my job!”

3. Certainly it is important to let someone know the room you are going to.
a. Safety and security
b. The need for teamwork
c. Responsibility
d. It’s not my job!”

4. Can often have problems with technologically-based items in their rooms.

a. Safety and security
b. Elderly people
c. Responsibility
d. It’s not my job!”
5. Guest rooms are sometimes hired by companies for business purposes to
hold a small meeting make presentations or display goods and in such
instances it may be your responsibility to move furniture around, set up tables
and chairs before the meeting commences.
a. In-room meetings
b. Elderly people
c. Responsibility
d. It’s not my job!”

6. Record information about when and where extra items were delivered
and when they need to be collected.
a. In-room meetings
b. Elderly people
c. Responsibility
d. Log books
7. They are often cumbersome to move, and difficult to set up. Lots of
injuries have resulted from moving and setting up these items.

a. In-room meetings
b. Elderly people
c. Portable beds and cots
d. Log books

8. It is sometimes more time consuming to provide certain things to guests.

a. Request for information
b. Elderly people
c. Portable beds and cots
d. Log books

9. It is important for you to be well-versed on the different types of equipment

that need to be set up and the steps to take to actually set up the equipment
in a safe, secure and fully-operational manner.
a. Request for information
b. Elderly people
c. Know the house rules
d. Log books

10. Is not concerned who handles their request. Their concern is that it
is simply handled in a satisfactory and timely manner.
a. Request for information
b. Elderly people
c. Guest
d. Log books

A. Multiple choice:

1. b
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. a
6. d
7. c
8. a
9. c
10. c
Information Sheet 1.3
Provide advice to guests

Learning Objectives:
After reading the information sheet, the trainee must be able to:

 Advise guests on services and items available through the housekeeping

 Advise guests on the use of items delivered to guest room, if required
 Demonstrate the use of items delivered to guest room, if required
 Liaise with other staff and departments to provide supplementary advice
where appropriate

Performance Criteria

A. Advise guests on services and items available through the

housekeeping department


Many guests will have direct requests and are clear as to what
housekeeping can provide.
For some guests however this may be the first time in a hotel and are unsure
what is available for use in the room.
It is your role to provide assistance and information that may be suitable to
their needs. At times the guest may not directly tell you their need so be aware
of signs that may indicate their requirements.
Items or services that may be required
The guest may require any of the following directly related to the
housekeeping department:
Additional equipment in their room
Fold-away bed – usually stored in the housekeeping department, this bed is
portable and already made up
Additional bedding
Extra blankets – where these are requested it is a good idea to advise the
guest that an extra blanket is provided in the wardrobe just in case they don’t
know this
Extra pillows – as above
Extra towels
Hand towels
Bath towels
Floor mats
Improvement in the servicing of room
Room to be re-vacuumed
Area to be re-cleaned
Bed to be remade
Items in compendium
Extra stationery – determine what is needed and how many
Bathroom supplies

Extra shampoo
Extra soap
Extra shower caps
Items for beverage making
Extra tea, coffee, sugar and milk sachets
Extra crockery or cutlery
Repair or removal of broken
equipment Electrical water jug / kettle
Hair dryer
Iron and ironing board
Light bulb changed
Air conditioning/heating system fixed
Instructions on how to work
Instructions on how to work entertainment equipment
Instructions on how to work heating system

Instructions on operating the in-room safe.

Advising on hotel services and items

It is quite common for guests to ask you questions whilst you are in the
room handling a separate request. As you are face to face with the guest, they
may use this opportunity to ask you questions relating to the products and
services provided in the hotel.
As the „face of the business‟ it is your role to:
Provide information directly
Arrange for someone more suitable to come in person to provide
information Follow up a request including dinner reservations
Arrange copies of information sought including maps, brochures, menus or
contact information.

For most guests, they are new to the hotel and as a professional staff member
you should be equipped to provide guests with advice, information or
suggestions to help make their stay more enjoyable.
B. Advise guests on the use of items delivered to guest room, if required

From time-to-time you will be required to help guests use items delivered to or
already in their room.
This may be because guests have had no experience with this sort of item or
because they have no experience with the type or model of equipment in the
It should be remembered that in most situations the guest is likely to feel
embarrassed at having to ask for help so this must be taken into account when
providing advice and assistance.

Keys to providing advice

The prime requirement is that you, yourself, can operate the equipment
It is imperative that you make sure that you find out how to operate all the in-
room items where you work and you have to know all the features of very piece
of equipment.
In addition to this operational knowledge, important aspects of providing
advice are:
Explain the functions and operations of all aspects of the item that the guest
wants to know about – including what all the switches, knobs do. Note that it
may not be necessary to explain all aspects of the item. Just focus on what the
guests want to
know about or be able to do
Make sure all health and safety requirements are covered – remember the
property has a duty of care to all its guests
Use clear terminology, simple words – stay away from jargon
Use some simple questions to test their understanding of
what you have explained to them.

Instructional sheets in different languages

Many guests will not be familiar with equipment in the room as:
They are not the same as they use at home
They may be more technologically advanced
They may be connected to a in-room system – for example the lighting
system may be controlled by a master panel
It is in a different language.

Regardless of why they may not be familiar with items, it is important they we
are able to communicate instructions in a manner which they can understand.
A very good way of doing this is through instruction sheets which are in
different languages or use symbols and pictures to explain how they are used.

C. Demonstrate the use of items delivered to guest room, if required


Whilst providing advice is very helpful in helping a guest to use and

enjoy items in a rooms, quite often you will be required to demonstrate how an
item is used.
As mentioned in the previous section, quite often a guest may not speak your
language and the only way to get your message across is to demonstrate.
Whilst it is important that you demonstrate an item in a clear and concise
manner, it is vital that the guest understands the demonstration and is able to
perform the task themselves.

Keys to providing a demonstration

When providing a demonstration:

Demonstrate the operations and functions – so that guests can see what you
have been talking about
Show the guests where the in-room instructions are – point out the
instructions in the in-room compendium, or posted on the walls of the room. If
relevant operating instructions are not available in-room, make an effort to get
them from somewhere else in the premises
Take your time – don’t rush the explanations. Be prepared to explain things
twice. Be prepared to explain things a different way, using different words or
phrases if necessary
Give them an opportunity to try things out while you are there – to give them
confidence and to allow you extra opportunity to assist
Encourage them to contact you again if they have further problems.

As an effective and interested staff member it is wise to ensure that the guest is
competent in the operations of items they want to use before you leave the
room. However, you may find that guests may want to practice without you
watching, as they may be embarrassed. Use your judgement when determining
how much demonstration and instruction they require.

3.4 Liaise with other staff and departments to provide

supplementary advice where appropriate


Each housekeeping staff member will be required to have a sound basic

understanding of the items in the guest room and how they operate. It is
important to remember that their role, first and foremost, is to ensure the room
is clean and tidy.


There are many items that are either located in the room or available to
be sent to the room. Some of these items may be:
Technologically advanced - such as computers, data projectors and internet
Mechanically advanced – such as televisions, fridges and air conditioners.

A staff member is not expected to understand the inner workings or

components of all items in the room and therefore will not always be able to
demonstrate or explain how to use it.


Likewise, staff members will have a basic understanding of all the items
and services provided in the hotel but will not be able to provide detailed
In addition, many guests will require information on events or activities in the
local community which the staff member cannot fully describe in detail.

Access „experts‟ to provide advice

When guests require information which is beyond your level of

knowledge or understanding it is important that the most appropriate person
is sought to provide further information and advice.
This must be done in a timely manner. It may involve getting the „expert‟ to:
Come and explain or demonstrate to the guest personally or over the
Providing explanation to the housekeeping staff member, who will relay the
information to the guest
Providing information in a written format including brochures, maps, user
manuals or guides.
Self-check 1.3

Provide advice to guests

I. Identification. Choose the correct answer in the box:

Technologically advanced Fold-away bed Take your time

Mechanically advanced Extra blankets

1. Usually stored in the housekeeping department, this bed is portable and

already made up

2. Where these are requested it is a good idea to advise the guest that an extra
blanket is provided in the wardrobe just in case they don’t know this
3. Items such as computers, data projectors and internet access
4. Items such as televisions, fridges and air conditioners.
II. Enumerate the following:
1. Keys to providing advice (4)

2. Keys to providing a demonstration (5)

Answer key 1.3

I. Identification:

1. Fold-away bed
2. Extra blankets
3. Technologically advanced
4. Mechanically advanced

II. Enumeration:

1. a. Explain the functions and operations of all aspects of the item

b. Make sure all health and safety requirements are covered
c. Use clear terminology
d. Use some simple questions
2. a. Demonstrate the operations and functions
b. Show the guests where the in-room instructions are
c. Take your time
d. Give them an opportunity to try things out while you are there
e. Encourage them to contact you again if they have further problems
Information Sheet 1.4
Liaise with other departments

Learning Objectives:
After reading the information sheet, the trainee must be able to:

 Report malfunctions as required

 Advise management of dangerous or suspicious circumstances
 Participate in planning to enhance service delivery standards
and equipment purchase

Performance Criteria

A. Report malfunctions as required


There may be times when you will come across equipment that is malfunctioning – either not
working as intended, making too much noise, is unsafe, is damaged or not working at all.

All such equipment must be immediately tagged as „Out of Order‟ and, where possible and safe to do
so, the item should be removed from the guest’s room and logged at the housekeeping department as
being in need of repair.

Where possible, a replacement item must be placed into the guest room so that required house service
levels are maintained, and guest expectations continue to be met.
Replacement items may come from storage or from a vacant room, in the immediate short term.
Sometimes a new item may be purchased as the replacement.
Reporting malfunctions

You must do your best to immediately replace the item in the guest room by seeking a
replacement from the housekeeping department, storage or substituting one from a vacant room.

Where the item is of such importance such as the fridge, the TV, the air conditioner or stove (in a
kitchenette situation) front office must be notified so they take the room off the board and not sell it.

If the room is occupied and a major piece of equipment is malfunctioning and can’t be repaired or
replaced immediately, the guest will have to be re-roomed (room change) to another room.

It is housekeeping staff who will have to move the guest’s luggage and belongings in such as cases, and
set up those belongings in the new room.

How might I report these problems?

The traditional ways of reporting these equipment problems are:

Verbally – face-to-face or over the phone with the Floor Housekeeper, Maintenance Department or
the Executive Housekeeper

Completing a relevant in-house report form – these are pro forma documents that detail the item of
equipment, the room number the item came form, the problem that was identified, name of the person
reporting it, date.

Where establishments have their own in-house maintenance department it will be the Executive
Housekeeper’s responsibility to contact them for repairs or to make a judgement call about replacement
rather than repair. It is the Executive Housekeeper’s responsibility because the expenses will be
charged against the Rooms Division.

B. Advise management of dangerous or suspicious



Accommodation establishments are the setting for many illegal activities and all room
attendants must be alert for signs this is happening or may take place.

The role of housekeeping is this regard is only to „report‟ – it is not to intervene, take action or put
themselves in harm’s way.

Members of the public can target floors and rooms with a view to breaking and entering. If the thief has
watched their target leave the property to go on a three-hour tour they know the target’s room will be
‟safe‟ for that period and it is a relatively easy target.

Other guests will use their room for illegal activities that they do not want to undertake at home.
Is the activity illegal or immoral?
Individual establishments can have different approaches this.

Most properties are not prepared to allow illegal activity and also frown on immoral activity.

Some turn a blind eye to immoral activities deeming that what guests do in the privacy of their own
room is their business.

You need to speak to your supervisor to determine what applies where you work and accept the
position taken by the establishment. If you ever have any concerns about differentiating between
„illegal‟ and „immoral‟ seek guidance on the distinctions form your supervisor and be guided by them
and their experience.

Taking action
If you notice an item that looks unusual or suspicious, or see an occurrence that is suspicious,
appropriate action should be taken immediately.
The appropriate action may be spelled out in the standard Emergency Procedures for your venue.
The action may be to:

Advise the floor supervisor, the Floor Housekeeper or the Executive Housekeeper Contact venue

Always adhere to workplace policies and procedures when dealing with such matters, as they are
potentially dangerous and serious.
An unusual item or situation may include:

A package left unattended in corridor or stairwells An item

that is heavily blood stained

A package left in a check-out room

A weapon found in a room – whether the room is a stay room or a departed room Drugs – or
packages thought to contain drugs

Evidence of drug taking in a room – including the presence of drug paraphernalia.

Suspicious occurrences or people may include:

Person behaving nervously or anxiously in a corridor, stairwell, near a store room, in the guest
laundry etc

Person in an area they shouldn’t be in – such as areas members of the public in

areas restricted for „Staff Only‟ access

Person using excessive force against another person Loud voices

and swearing
Sounds that indicate damage is being done
Person seeming to loiter on a floor, along corridors, in public areas Person asking
you to let them into a room.

If you see or hear anything that is suspicious, unusual or appears illegal you should: Not say anything to
the persons involved

Try not to alert them to the fact you have noticed something suspicious, unusual etc.

Try to remember as much detail as possible – write down notes when safe to do so

Alert the relevant person as soon as possible in such a way that others (those involved and
other guests) cannot hear what is being said.

It is rare for you to have the authority to call police so you should refrain from doing this in all but the
most extreme cases of actual or imminent danger.
C. Participate in planning to enhance service delivery
standards and equipment purchase


Planning in housekeeping is just as important as in other hospitality departments. Whilst the

majority of services delivered through housekeeping as not done in direct view of the guest, the output
has a tremendous impact on the guest, either in a positive or negative way.

As the staff member working in the environment where the guest resides and being the contact
point for the guest, your input, suggestions and input is invaluable in ensuring that the services and
products provided not only meet the expectations of the guest, but actually exceeds them.

This requires detailed planning of both services and products. Without either of these the guest
experience is certainly compromised.

Planning services
Improving staff knowledge, skills and attitudes
Services are commonly referred to as the output of staff resulting from their current knowledge, skills
and attitudes.

Therefore to improve the service provided, management must plan to improve each staff member’s:


Staff are always keen to learn and improve and management should strive to find out from staff what
they would like to learn to enable them to provide better service.
This training may come in the form of: Workshops

Training sessions Qualifications

and courses Buddy system

Mentoring programs.

Staff have a good understanding of what they consider important to know and this must be
communicated and understood by management.

Range of services

Each hospitality organisation provides a range of housekeeping services to its guests.

A organisation may choose to increase its range of services provided to guests. One example of this may
be the inclusion of a butler service or turndown service. If either of these were to be introduced into
an organisation, a great deal of planning must be undertaken in terms of:

New products associated with the service New

equipment associated with the service

Staff training to develop required knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Planning equipment

When it comes to planning purchases, the task to be performed by housekeeping is

tremendous. The amount of money required to prepare and maintain operational rooms and public
areas is tremendous.

Whilst each operation will have their own budgets with expense items allocated to different
departments, the following are examples of purchases that housekeeping may be required to make:

Furnishings, fixtures and fittings

It is same to assume that in most hospitality organisations the majority of space in a hotel is allocated to
guest rooms. The capital investment to establish and maintain these rooms conservatively start at
USD10,000 a room. This is easy to see given that each room requires a large array of:

Furnishings – bedding, tables, couches, kitchens, televisions, carpets, chairs Fixtures –

lamps, mirrors, cabinets

Fittings – lights, electricals, air conditioners.

Once the guest rooms and other public areas has been set up they must be maintained in a operational
and clean state. Therefore housekeeping needs to purchase:

Equipment – housekeeping cleaning equipment including vacuum cleaners, waxing machines, trolleys

Clothing – uniforms and protective clothing

Chemicals – including all cleaning products and items used to clean including cloths, rags, mops.

Therefore this section has shown the importance of planning, especially in a department as far reaching
as housekeeping, is vital to ensure the guest enjoys their stay in the manner that was not only intended,
but also expected.

I. Matching type:
e Liaise with other departments

1. including all cleaning products a. Furnishings
and items used to clean
including cloths, rags, mops.
2. housekeeping cleaning b. Malfunctioning
equipment including vacuum
cleaners, waxing machines, trolleys
3. lights, electricals, air conditioners. c. fittings
4.bedding, tables, couches, d. Equipment
kitchens, televisions, carpets,
chairs e. Clothing
5. face-to-face or over the phone with
the Floor Housekeeper, Maintenance
Department or the Executive
Housekeeper f. Chemicals
6. uniforms and protective clothing g. verbally
7. lamps, mirrors, cabinets h. services
8. are commonly referred to as
the output of staff resulting from
their current knowledge, skills
and attitudes. i. in-house report form
9. – these are pro forma documents
that detail the item of equipment,
the room number the item came
form, the problem that was
identified, name of the person
reporting it, date.

10. not working as noise, is unsafe, is damaged or

intended, making too much not working at all.
j. fixtures
Answer key 1.4

I. Matching type
1. f. Chemicals
2. d. Equipment
3. c. fittings
4. a. Furnishings
5. g. verbally
6. e. Clothing
7. j. fixtures
8. h. services

9. i. in-house report form

10. b. Malfunctioning

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