Analysis of Productivity of Purse Seine Catch Fisheries in Tpi Lonrae, Bone Regency of South Sulawesi

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology

Vol-6, Issue-5; Sep-Oct, 2021

Journal Home Page Available:

Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijeab

Analysis of Productivity of Purse Seine Catch Fisheries in

Tpi Lonrae, Bone Regency of South Sulawesi
Nurul Annisa Putri, Sri Suro Adhawati, Sitti Fakhriyyah, Aris Baso, Najamuddin,

Master of Fisheries Science Student, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Hasanuddin University, Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Makassar
90245 Indonesia

Received: 16 Sep 2021; Received in revised form: 09 Oct 2021; Accepted: 18 Oct 2021; Available online: 24 Oct 2021
©2021 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— The purpose of this study was to analyze the productivity level of purse seine in Bone Regency,
South Sulawesi. The study was conducted from August to November 2020. The method used is Quantitative
Descriptive by using questionnaire tools. The method used is the Random Sampling method with the
number of 10 fishermen. The data analysis used is the total production of handlers by summing the catches
per season in one year. The results showed that the productivity of purse seine fishery products was quite
profitable with an average receipt of Rp. 2,690,038,750 per year. Explained that the total revenue in 1 year
of fishermen purse seine in TPI Lonrae amounted to Rp. 2,690,038,750 the largest income was in the
eastern season of Rp. 1,561,146,340.00 while the smallest income was in the western season of Rp.
323,830,295.00. This difference in income is caused by the difference in sea trip thus resulting in a
difference in the number of catches and the amount of operational costs incurred.
Keywords— Operating Expenses, Productivity and Revenue.

I. INTRODUCTION amount of production by 15,137 tons. (Bone county

Bone County is one of the potential areas in the Marine and Fisheries Service, 2015-2019).
field of marine and fisheries. Over the past five years the Based on the data shows that purse seine fishing
number of fishing gear, especially purse seine fishing gear gear is still productive and still a prima donna. But on the
has increased in 2015 the number of fishing gear by 115, one hand the condition of the field shows that purse seine
in 2019 increased to 183 units. Fish that are the main fishing gear made tends to vary, this can be seen from the
destination for fishing from purse seine are fish that capacity of large ships but fishing gear is small and vice
pelagic shoaling species" or pelagic fish that cluster versa the capacity of small boats but fishing gear is long
(Zulkarnain et al., 2020) Thus, the catch of this seine purse and deep, there are also variations that occur based on the
fishing gear affects the production of fishing products use of ship dimensions and machinery, in addition to the
(Rosana & Viv Djanat Prasita, 2018). design and construction of purse seine fishing gear is
The production of fishery products achieved generally assembled by itself and based on the experience
through fishing efforts at sea in 2019 production amounted of fishermen for generations. (Rumpa A, Najamuddinr,
to 34,556 tons, and decreased production when compared 2017).
to 2020 production of 33,504 tons and 2018 production of Productivity of fish catches using purse seine
25,073.4 tons (Utami et al., 2020) Of the fishing gear that fishing gear is related to the effect of suitability of fishing
dominates catches, especially fishing, is purse seine gear dimensions, ship capacity and fishing aids. Some
fishing equipment where in 2013 the amount of production studies on the analysis of technical aspects related to the
is 2,306 tons, While in 2018 there was an increase in the design and construction of purse seine include research on

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Nurul Annisa Putri et al. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 6(5)-2021

the speed of sinking purse seine fishing gear (Dwi Ujiti, fishery facilities and infrastructure, kite fishing
2017). effort data and kite fish production data over the
Purse seine is a fishing tool whose productivity past 10 years (2010-2019).
and effectiveness are relatively higher when compared to E. Data Retrieval Techniques
other fishing tools, because in its optimization can catch The research data is obtained with the following
large amounts of fish, which is as much as 435.79 tons. stages:
The development of purse seine fishing methods is 1.Field observation to find out the general
influenced by the main target fish resources of purse seine condition of the research site
fishing efforts. The existence of fish resources can be 2. Questionnaire (questionnaire)
known by the level of vertical distribution and horizontal Questionnaire or questionnaire is a technique of
distribution (swimming layer) of pelagic fish, because the collecting data by giving a set of written
type of pelagic fish is a fish that lives in the middle layer questions to the recess to be answered. Literature
(mid layer) to the surface of the water. Pelagic fish can be studies are collecting data with documentation
divided into two groups, namely small and large pelagics studies, reading literature or research results that
(Mirnawati et al., 2019). are considered relevant to the research theme.
F. Data Analysis
II. RESEARCH METHODS Data obtained both primary data and secondary
A. Time and Place data in quantitative and qualitative analysis.
This study was conducted during 4 months To answer the first problem how the level of
August-November 2020. As for the location of this productivity and income of fishermen catch purse
research in TPI Lonrae District Tanete Riattang, Bone seine in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, then in
Regency. The sample of this study is an ABK fisherman the following analysis:
who destroys all his work on the ship. a. total production of arrests
To find out the total production of purse
B. Type of Research
seine capture units is calculated by summing the
This research is conducted by survey methods, catch per season in one year (eastern season,
namely by conducting observations in the field and transition season, and western season).
interviews directly with respondents, and using
questionnaires as data collection tools that have been
obtained quantitatively analyzed.
C. Sampling Methods
This study uses the Random Sampling method
where respondents or samples are randomly selected by Where:
taking the research location as a fishing base, namely TPI Ʃ Production is an attempt to combine input
factors at a given level of technology to produce
Lonrae in Tanete Riattang District, Bone Regency.
as efficiently as possible.
D. Data Source Ʃ capture efforts to produce fish production using
The data sources used in this study are primary purse seine fishing gear.
and secondary data including:
1. Primary data is primary data conducted with a III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
structured interview using a list of questions The results of identification in the field there are 3
(questionnaires) supported by direct observation types of catches that are dominantly caught in this study.
of the activities of kite fishing fishermen. The three types of catches are small pelagic fish. The three
2. Secondary data collection is obtained from the small pelagic fish include: Kite (decapterus ruselli),
Marine and Fisheries Service, Subdistrict Office, Bentong selar (Selar crumenopthalmus) and Sunglir
Village Office and BPS. The data collected (Elagatis bipinnnulata). The number of catches per type
includes geographical conditions and regional can be seen in the chart below.
administration, population conditions, state of

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Table 1. Percentage of purse seine productivity during study

Month (Kg)
Number Type Of Fish sum (Kg) Percentage
August September October November
1 Layang 5,987 4,345 3,023 3,022 16,377 87%
2 Selar Bentong 1,024 481,25 366,22 300,13 2,171 12%
3 Sunglir 176,25 44,5 21,3 13 254 1%
Sum 18,802 100%

In table 1 above, the number of catches tends to regency fishermen is known as the peak fishing season in
decrease month by month during the study. Sunglir which July - September as the fishing panceklik season. The
was still able to be found in the first 3 months of research months that last both seasons are known as the transition
(August to October), which is from 176, 25; It is then season or the regular season. The phenomenon of this
significantly reduced to 20 kg, in the fourth month fishing season directly affects the efforts of fishing by
disappearing as the eastern season enters. Selar bentong purse seine fishermen.
which in the 1st month (August) amounted to 1024 Kg,
significantly reduced to 481.25 Kg in the 2nd month
(May), which was further gradually reduced until the 4th
month (November). In contrast to the condition of the kite Based on the results of research that has been
which although declining significantly, but still consistent conducted in TPI Lonrae District Tanete Riattang Bone
with its appearance. The increase in the number of kites at Regency, it can be concluded that:
the end of the study amounted to 2,595 Kg in October to The highest production of purse seine catch unit
2,645 Kg in November. Consistency is likely to rise slowly yields at TPI Lonrae in the eastern season, which led to
as the entry of the western season transition begins greater fishermen's revenues in the eastern season in one
(January-March). year.
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