Performance Guarantees - Traps and Pitfalls
Performance Guarantees - Traps and Pitfalls
Performance Guarantees - Traps and Pitfalls
GUARANTEES--TRAPS party will require one of their different varieties and types
counterparties to back up its
AN DPITFALLS obligations with additional
of performance
guarantees-and what you
David Lester support. This support might be in
Senior Associate the form of security-for example, a need to do to get the most
mortgage over real property or a out of them.
CLayton Utz charge over all or part of the assets
Brisbane of the corporate counterparty.
Alternatively, it may be considered
that a performance guarantee from
a third party is sufficient. This article
discusses some traps and pitfalls
that should be kept in mind when
asking for a performance
'Performance bond' is a generic
term that has a range of possible
meanings. It is generally accepted
that a performance bond is an
undertaking, under seal, from an
entity guaranteeing the
performance of a third party's
obligations. However, such bonds
may be conditional or
If a bond is conditional then it is a
form of guarantee and, accordingly,
a secondary obligation accessible
only upon proof of breach of the
guaranteed or principal obligation.
It also means the issuer is entitled
to a range of common law and
equitable defences available to a
guarantor: For example, if the