Collection of Coal Samples From Core: Standard Practice For

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Designation: D 5192 – 09

Standard Practice for

Collection of Coal Samples from Core1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5192; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3.1.2 caves or washouts, n—zones of increased hole diam-

1.1 This practice describes procedures for collecting and eter caused by rock fragments that fall from the walls of a
handling a coal sample from a core recovered from a borehole. borehole and can block the hole or contaminate the cuttings
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as and which erode or abrade the sidewall of the borehole by the
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this action of the drilling. These zones can affect the accuracy of
standard. certain geophysical logs (especially density). Corrections to
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the other geophysical logs can be made if a caliper log is available.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the The most common causes of caves or washouts include soft or
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- fractured lithologies, the presence of water-producing zones,
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- and the downhole pressure of the drilling medium (fluid or air)
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. that often causes differential erosion of various strata within the
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.3 concretion, n—in a geological sense, a mass of min-
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 eral matter found in rock of a composition different from its
D 121 Terminology of Coal and Coke own and produced by deposition from aqueous solution in the
D 388 Classification of Coals by Rank rock.
D 1412 Test Method for Equilibrium Moisture of Coal at 96 3.1.4 core, n—in drilling, a cylindrical section of rock (coal)
to 97 Percent Relative Humidity and 30°C that is usually 5 to 10 cm in diameter, taken as part of the
D 2013 Practice for Preparing Coal Samples for Analysis interval penetrated by a core bit and brought to the surface for
D 2796 Terminology Relating to Megascopic Description geologic examination, representative sampling, and laboratory
of Coal and Coal Seams and Microscopical Description analyses.
and Analysis of Coal 3 3.1.5 core barrels, n—two nested tubes above the bit of a
D 4371 Test Method for Determining the Washability Char- core drill, the outer rotating with the bit, the inner receiving and
acteristics of Coal preserving a continuous section or core of the material pen-
D 4596 Practice for Collection of Channel Samples of Coal etrated. The following two types of inner barrels are commonly
in a Mine used. split-tube barrel, n—a type of inner barrel consisting
3. Terminology of two longitudinal halves of pipe bound together by reinforced
3.1 Definitions—For additional definitions of terms, refer to tape at intervals along the barrel length that allows easy access
Terminology D 121. to a relatively intact core (by cutting the tape). (This is the
3.1.1 borehole, n—the circular hole through soil and rock preferred barrel type for coal exploration, when available.)
strata made by boring. solid-tube barrel, n—a type of inner barrel consist-
ing of a single solid-walled length of pipe in which removal of
the core is accomplished by mechanical or hydraulic pressure
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D05 on Coal and at one end of the pipe thus extruding the core onto a core tray.
Coke and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D05.18 on Classification of (The core is likely to be less intact than when a split-tube barrel
Coals. is used.)
Current edition approved June 1, 2009. Published June 2009. Originally
approved in 1991. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as D 5192 – 08. 3.1.6 core sample, n—that part of a core of rock or coal
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or obtained so as to accurately represent a thickness of a unit
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM penetrating by drilling.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.
3.1.7 geophysical log, n—a graphic record of the measured
Withdrawn. The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced or computed physical characteristics of the rock section en-
on countered in a borehole, plotted as a continuous function of

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 5192 – 09
depth. Measurements are made by a sonde, which contains the 4.2 The coal core is cleaned of drilling fluid, if necessary,
detectors, as it is withdrawn from the borehole by a wire line. properly described, and packaged so that loss of moisture is
Several measurements are usually made simultaneously, and minimized. From this core, coal and roof and floor material of
the resulting curves are displayed side by side on the common interest are collected for analysis and testing.
depth scale. A common suite of logs used in coal exploration
include caliper, density (gamma-gamma), natural gamma, and 5. Significance and Use
resistivity. 5.1 A properly collected sample that includes the total coal caliper log, n—a continuous mechanical measure- bed interval provides a sample that is a representative cross
ment of the diameter and thus the rugosity of the borehole. The section of the coal bed at the point of sampling. Core samples
tool identifies zones where swelling or cavings (washouts) are taken for subsequent testing needed for evaluation of coal
have occurred during drilling. The tool’s value is in allowing quality and characterization for commercial evaluations, for
qualitative or quantitative corrections to be made to other planning of mining operations to maintain coal quality, for the
geophysical logs which are affected by borehole size (espe- determination of coal rank in accordance with Classification
cially density). D 388, and for geologic coal resource studies. density log (gamma-gamma log), n—measures elec- NOTE 1—Because of the potential for lateral variability, a sample may
tron density within lithologic units which is related to their not represent the quality of the coal bed at another sample point. The
bulk density. The wireline tool records the intensity of gamma reliability of the data generated from core samples is dependent on the
radiation (in counts per second) from a nuclear source within number and spacing of the sample points and the variability of the coal
the tool after it has been attenuated and backscattered by characteristics in a given area.
lithologies within the borehole. Due to the distinctly low 5.2 Moisture determined directly from a core sample shall
density of coals, the density log is essential in coal exploration be considered questionable in any core sample because of
for identifying coal seams and coal-seam partings. The bias/ possible contamination from drilling fluids and groundwater. If
resolution of density logs can be affected by source-detector a more representative estimate of the inherent moisture content
spacing (closer spacing increases resolution), borehole size and of the core sample (with the exception of certain low-rank
irregularities (see caves or washouts), and the presence of coals) is desired, the sample should be analyzed according to
casing and logging speed. Test Method D 1412. natural gamma-ray log, n—a record of the natural
radioactivity of the lithologies encountered in the borehole 6. Apparatus
environment. During recording of geophysical logs, the 6.1 Steel Measuring Tape, not less than 10 m (30 ft) long.
amount of natural radiation is recorded and presented in either 6.2 Rock Hammer, Chisel, or Pick, with file for sharpening.
counts per second (CPS) or American Petroleum Institute 6.3 Water Source, to provide fresh, clean water for rinsing
(API) units. Unlike many other log types, a representative drilling mud from cut surface of the core.
natural gamma log can be obtained where borehole or fluid 6.4 Waterproof Marking Pencils that are visible on coal,
conditions, or both, are not optimal or where casing is present. such as a yellow lumber crayon.
The natural gamma log is most often used in the coal 6.5 Polyethylene Bags, Tubing, or Sheets, 0.1 mm (4 mil) or
environment for identifying classic lithologies and differenti- thicker.
ating coal seams and coal-seam partings. 6.6 Core Tray, constructed of wood, plastic, or metal, onto resistivity log, n—a measure of the voltage differen- which to extrude the core from the core barrel.
tial of strata along the walls of a borehole when electrical 6.7 Boxes for Core Storage, constructed of wood, plastic, or
current is passed through the strata. The resistivity log requires coated cardboard or if the core is to remain stratigraphically
a fluid-filled hole to constantly provide a conductive medium oriented, use containers such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe.
between electrodes on the tool. The spacing between the 6.8 Tags and Waterproof Marking Pens, for sample identi-
electrodes determines the precision of the bed boundary fication and for marking depths, orientation, and so forth, on
relationships in much the same manner as with the density log. the plastic sheeting.
The resistivity log is useful primarily in conjunction with other 6.9 Notebook and Pencil, or other means for record keeping.
log types. The logs are affected by casing, logging speed, 6.10 Waterproof Container, to hold sample tag.
electrode spacing, formation porosity, and resistivity changes 6.11 Geophysical Logging Unit (optional), consisting of
in the borehole fluid. recording equipment and sondes for high-resolution density
3.1.8 floor, n—the rock material immediately underlying a and caliper logs and possibly gamma and resistivity logs.
coal bed.
3.1.9 roof, n—the rock material immediately overlying a 7. Planning for Sampling
coal bed. 7.1 Obtain information such as geologic, topographic, and
3.1.10 sonde, n—an elongate cylindrical tool assembly used land ownership for locating suitable sites for drilling. Choose
in a borehole to acquire a geophysical log. sites that will best satisfy the purpose of sampling.
7.2 A core approximately 47 mm (1.87 in.) in diameter
4. Summary of Practice yields a sufficient sample for most purposes. Minimum sample
4.1 At selected sites in a deposit of coal, a borehole is drilled mass requirements for analytical tests, such as washability
and the core containing the coal and surrounding strata of rock testing, may dictate a sample mass that can only be obtained
is recovered. from larger diameter cores or multiple separate cores.

D 5192 – 09
NOTE 2—The diameter and length of the core (or number of separate continuous shall be excluded from the samples if the volume
cores) required to obtain a desired mass of sample may be estimated from exceeds that of a parting 10 mm thick. (Refer to Practice
the density of coal, approximately 1.3 to 1.35 g/cm3. The selected D 4596.)
diameter of the core can have an effect on the representativeness of
subsamples obtained from the core sample for various types of testing. As
an example in washability testing, the diameter of the core should be at 8. Core Recovery
least three times the largest dimension of the topsize of any subsamples to 8.1 Recovery for Classification According to Rank and
be obtained from the core sample. For information on determining the Some Other Purposes—The recovery of 100 % of the entire
washability characteristics of coal, see Test Method D 4371 and the report
by Wizzard.4
seam is not possible on every core under even the best of field
A larger diameter core can also be necessary to obtain a more conditions. However, useful information such as apparent rank
representative sample if the quality of the coal varies greatly from layer to can many times be obtained from cores where less than 100 %
layer in the seam. of the seam has been recovered. When portions of the interval
7.3 Increment Sampling—Where differences of coal quality have been lost, the following information should be recorded:
parameters exist among different layers or benches in the same (1) the percent recovery and (2) the estimated location and
coal seam or where the seam is thick, it is best to sample and thickness of the lost intervals. Use of data from cores that
analyze the seam in vertical increments. represent less than 100 % of the total seam thickness shall be
7.3.1 Compositing5—Data obtained from the separate identified as such and used with caution.
analyses of the vertical core increments can be composited by 8.2 Determining Recovery From Comparison of Geophysi-
calculation, preferably by sample mass if sufficient information cal Logs and Core5 —The most reliable measurement of coal
such as core length and density has been measured for each seam thickness can be obtained from deflections on the
increment. Alternatively, a composite sample of the entire seam high-resolution density log and the caliper log. If the roof and
can be produced by combining representative splits of the floor lithologies are other than sandstone, the resistivity and
increments by increment thickness for the determination of natural gamma can also be used, especially if caves or
whole core characteristics. The use of an ash/density relation- washouts have caused material to be lost during coring.
ship for the specific geographic area and seam being studied Generally, the midpoint (the point at one half the deflection
can be helpful in validating direct density measurements. between the lithologic-density lines) on the log trace is used to
Extreme care and cross-checking should be exercised when determine bed boundaries. However, for certain geophysical
combining a sample composite for analysis or when calculating tools it may be necessary to use other criteria, such as one-third
a composite analysis from the analysis of increments. Some deflection, initial deflection, and so forth. Geophysical tool
coal quality parameters are not additive in a linear fashion and manufacturers or service companies have specific instructions
cannot be accurately determined by calculated compositing. for the calibration and interpretation of their logs and should be
Fusion temperatures of ash and Hardgrove grindability and consulted by the user.
Gieseler fluidity indices are examples of physical properties 8.3 Regardless of the method used to determine thickness,
that are nonadditive and best determined on whole samples. check the estimated thickness from the geophysical log(s)
7.4 Sampling Plans for Different Purposes: against measured coal-core sections for final determination.
7.4.1 Variations in the purpose of sampling and in condi- This is particularly critical in cases of gradational contacts or
tions encountered in the field may preclude the establishment thin, dense partings for which thicknesses are commonly
of rigid procedures covering every sampling situation. There- overexaggerated by the response of the geophysical tool.
fore, formulate a plan taking into account the conditions of Generally, thicknesses can be determined from geophysical
drilling, the purpose of the sampling, and the known charac- tools within 630 mm (0.1 ft) or less depending on the type of
teristics of the coal seam. Characteristics include lateral or tool used.
vertical variations in coal quality and occurrences of persistent
mineral parting or concretions within a seam. 9. Sampling Procedures
7.4.2 Sampling Plan for Classification According to Rank: 9.1 Handle the section of coal core carefully as it is A minimum of three, but preferably five or more, extracted from the borehole. Additional breakage should be
whole-seam samples are required to characterize the rank of prevented.
the coal in a given area in accordance with Classification 9.2 Transfer the core onto a core tray that has been
D 388. constructed to receive the length and diameter of the core being All roof and floor rock, all mineral partings more drilled.
than 10 mm (3⁄8 in.) thick, and mineralized lenses or concre- 9.2.1 Split-Tube Core Barrels—Place the tube in the tray,
tions (such as sulfur balls) more than 13 mm (1⁄2 in.) thick and remove one section of the tube, and roll the core into the tray.
50 mm (2 in.) wide shall be excluded from the sample. Angular 9.2.2 Solid-Tube Core Barrels—Place the tube at a slight
or wedge-shaped mineral lenses or concretions that are not angle above the tray with one end in the tray, pull the tube
lengthwise down the tray and push the core at the opposite end,
thereby extruding the core onto the tray while at the same time
Wizzard, J. T., “The Reliability of Using Channel Samples to Represent moving the tube along the length of the tray. Match any broken
Run-of-Mine Coal Washability,” Technical Report TR-82/3, Department of Energy, contacts so that the lengths of the core can be measured.
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center.
Manual on Drilling, Sampling, and Analysis of Coal, ASTM MNL 11, ASTM, 9.3 Measure the lengths of the core for various lithologies
1992. and record the values.

D 5192 – 09
NOTE 3—In steeply dipping coal seams, the measured coal-seam For other purposes when vertical orientation is critical, special
thickness can exceed the true seam thickness. In addition, improper handling procedures must be followed.
arrangement of broken pieces of the core can also contribute to inaccu-
9.6.1 Bulk Sample to Determine Rank Only—For ranking,
racies in determination of the true thickness of the seam.
all mineral layers are excluded according to It is highly
9.3.1 Splitting the Core Lengthwise by Sawing—If neces- recommended that the excluded layers be sampled and ana-
sary, the core can be sawn in the field or laboratory into lyzed separately. This will allow compositing of the individual
approximately equal sections of intact core. This should be layers later to derive representative analytical estimates of the
performed by keeping the core in the PVC pipe or by using a entire coal seam sampled for resource assessment.
similar support to keep the core intact while sawing. Identify and separate all mineral layers or other parts
9.4 Remove all drill mud or cuttings from the core using of the seam that are to be excluded from the bulk sample
clean water. Alternatively, if contaminating materials are not according to the procedure specified in section when
present and it is suspected that the only moisture in the core is sampling.
the sought-after inherent moisture, apply the following field With a rock hammer or chisel, cut out for exclusion
test: all marked material not to be included in the bulk sample.
9.4.1 Inspect the outside of the core for visible water. Break Place all remaining coal core in a plastic bag. Label
the core in several places and examine the fresh exposed the outside of the bag with a permanent waterproof marking
surfaces. Visible water on either the exterior or interior of a pen. Seal the bag and attach a properly labelled, waterproof
core sample indicates that the moisture content is greater than tab. Package in like manner any excluded layers (materials) to
inherent. If no visible water is present, perform the procedure be analyzed separately from the coal sample.
shown in 9.4.2 to check for dried coal.
9.6.2 Cores for the Characterization of Strata Within the
9.4.2 Apply a light coat of water by spraying or wiping the
Seam—Place the intact core into a split PVC tube or a core box
surface of the coal with a slightly wet cloth, and note the rate
that is lined with polyethylene sheeting. Label top, bottom,
at which the liquid disappears from the sample. Rapid disap-
parting occurrences, elevations, and drilling depth on the inside
pearance (typically within a few seconds) indicates absorption
of the PVC tube half or core-box lid.
and demonstrates that the coal contains less than its full For split PVC pipe, place half of the pipe onto the
compliment of inherent moisture. Slower disappearance (tak-
coal core, break the core to the same length as the pipe, roll the
ing a minute or more) is characteristic of evaporation and
core section and PVC pipe over and place the second half of
suggests that the pores are filled with (inherent) moisture. To
the pipe onto the core. Using fiber reinforced tape, tape the
account for variations in field conditions such as temperature,
halves of the PVC pipe together so they will not separate, mark
humidity, different absorption rates by different coals, and so
the top of the core section on the PVC pipe, either slip the pipe
forth, apply this test to a number of coal pieces throughout the
into a polyethylene tube or wrap it in a polyethylene sheet,
sample collection process.
securely seal the ends of the plastic, and tie a prepared label in
9.4.3 In the absence of visible water, together with the
a waterproof container to one end of the section. Double-bag
absence of rapid absorption of added water, the coal is
the section in plastic and transport.
considered to be at its inherent moisture level.
9.5 Core Description—Describe and record observations on For a core box, break the core into lengths, each of
the character of the coal seam (refer to Terminology D 2796) to which will fit into one row in the box. Alternatively, wooden
the extent of the sampling plan as follows: boxes can be constructed to match the thickness of the bed.
9.5.1 The type of coal throughout the length of the coal Wrap the core in a polyethylene sheet (0.1-mm minimum
core. Note any banding, if present. If the coal is bituminous, thickness), securely double-seal the ends of the core with a
describe the type of lithologies (vitrain, clarain, durain, fusain, twist wire or tape, and properly indicate the direction of the top
nonbanded, and impure coal) that are present. of the core on the side of the plastic sheet with a waterproof
9.5.2 The type and distribution of mineral matter, if present, marking pen. Tie a label in a waterproof sleeve to one end of
throughout the length of the coal core. the core to identify the sample, place the core length into the
9.5.3 The nature of any fractures or joints in the coal, box, and label and seal the box for transporting. For soft or
including any mineralization of cleat. friable coal, it is advisable to extrude the core directly into the
9.5.4 Drilling marks or erosion of the core. core tray as specified in 9.2.
9.5.5 The lithology of contacts with other rock layers, 9.6.3 Bulk Samples for Other Testing—For samples in
noting especially those characteristics (such as fossils, bur- which stratigraphic orientation is not necessary and only a bulk
rows, or bedding) that suggest marine or nonmarine condition sample of all the coal and partings that comprise the bed is
of their environment during deposition. required, separate the coal from the roof and floor material,
9.5.6 The location of the drill site, the surface elevation of place the coal into polyethylene bags (0.1-mm minimum
the borehole, the depth measurements of the coal seam contacts thickness), seal the bag, such as with a wire tie, attach a labeled
with other lithologies, and the intervals of coal sampled, using tag to the bag, double-bag the sample, and prepare it for
a unique number or series of numbers that identifies any transport.
samples that will be analyzed.
9.6 Field Preparation and Packaging of Samples—Prepare 10. Preparation of Samples for Analyses
the core sample according to the purpose of sampling. Bulk 10.1 Samples for Washability—Prepare samples in accor-
sampling is utilized for samples that do not require orientation. dance with Test Method D 4371. (Warning—Crushing of core

D 5192 – 09
samples is not likely to simulate the size consist of as-mined or 11. Keywords
commercially crushed coal.)
11.1 borehole samples; coal; coal rank; core; core samples;
10.2 Samples for Testing for Quality—Prepare samples in
floor; roof
accordance with Method D 2013.

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