College of Liberal Arts University of Luzon

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College of Liberal Arts

University of Luzon








5. Rationale and Background of the Study:

Children are our future. In the light of this, it cannot be discarded that

children play a vital role in the shaping of the society. In this consideration,

it is a must to safeguard and reinforce their behavior and psychological

wellness to attain optimum development of these individuals and the society

they are living in.

Psychological well-being refers to how people evaluate their lives.

According to Diener (1997), these evaluations may be in a forms of cognitions

or in the form of affect.

Thus, the core of this study is the improvement of these children’s

psychological well-being. The program is entitled, Guhit Tawa Para sa Batang

Juan, a combination of art and play activities that ran for fourteen (14) days

from December, 2016 to February, 2017 to chosen respondents.

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College of Liberal Arts
University of Luzon

6. Problem

This study seek improve the psychological well-being of eight (8)

children under the care of Kalinga ng Ama Shelter for Children. Findings

of the study are the basis of continued utilization of the program.

The present study pursued to investigate:

1. How are the respondents characterized as the following:

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Grade Level

d. Condition

2. What are the materials and activities provided by the program?

3. What is the pre-test mean of the group?

4. What is the post-test mean of the group?

5. Is there a significant difference in the pre-test means and post-test

means of the respondents?

7. Methodology

The researcher utilized a group of 8 children as respondents of the

study and were engage in a series of art and play activity to enhance

their psychological well-being. Data were gathered at the beginning,

during and at the end of the program which ran from mid-December to

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University of Luzon

late February. The beginning and the end of the session will be kept in a

time record book. The Psychological well0being status of each in-house

are scored and recorded before the start of the enhancement program.

Before marks were computed to after marks to determine the extent of

progress. The difference between the two marks were computed for

evaluation of the program.

8. Findings

The salient findings of the study are presented in this section.

1. The respondents are from ages 11-15, and grade levels 2 to 6.

2. Three of the respondents are enrolled in Alternative Learning System

(ALS) during the conduct of the program.

3. The activities offered by the program are simple and easy to create.

4. The pre-test means (PRMs) of the respondents are generally, interpreted

as having seldom feelings of unhappiness and dissatisfaction.

5. The PRM of the group is 24.62 and the post-test means (POM) of the

group is 25.56.

6. 75% of the total population of the in-house respondents have shown an

increase in their post-test means while two or 25% have been noticed to

decline by 0.07 and 0.30 which is not an intervening factor.

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University of Luzon

7. Six (6) out of eight (8) in-house respondents’ scores are interpreted as

average and still read as having seldom feelings of unhappiness and


8. Two (2) out of 8 means are read as having feelings of happiness and

satisfaction all the time.

9. The computed t-value (-1.46) was greater than the critical t-value

(0.0944845) at p<one-tailed 0.05 alpha which disapproves the statement

that there is no significant difference between the PRMs and POMs.

10. Interpretations such as having seldom feelings of unhappiness and

dissatisfaction is not solely negative. Hence, it only implies that the in-

house respondents experience low points at some point in their lives.

11. Interpretations such as having feelings of happiness and

satisfaction at all time is highly commendable. It means that the person

has already developed his/her self-confidence and knows his/her self-

worth. It signals that the person in this state, is open to changes and

new discoveries, can now manage tasks and responsibilities well; is

independent and can make a decision of his own and is growing.

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University of Luzon

9. Conclusions

After the data were computed, analyzed and interpreted the following

conclusions were drawn:

1. The in-house respondents of the study are noticed to have improved their

psychological well-being state at the end of the program implementation.

2. The planning and designing of the program itself aided in the success of

the study.

3. The children in childcare have seldom feelings of unhappiness and

dissatisfaction which still needs further improvement and continuous


4. The null hypothesis is rejected, thus, there is a significant difference in

the in-house respondents PRMs and POMs.

10. Recommendations

On the basis of the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher

recommends the following:

1. Increase the number of respondents.

2. Select respondents with low and very low psychological wellness.

3. Compare the differences with and in between the groups of respondents.

4. Diagnose the Emotional Quotient (EQ) level of the next respondents.

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5. Know if the next respondents inside a childcare or any other institutions

have already undergone other intervention and enhancement programs.

6. Prolong the duration of the program by three months thru adding more

activities relevant to the purpose of Guhit-Tawa.

7. Overcome the difficulties of facilitating the activities by adding more

members to implement the program.

8. Innovate the materials to be utilized. They must always adapt to the

needs of the respondents.

9. Cite and provide more variables which the study can be looked into.

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With immense love and appreciation, the researcher would like to

encompass her warmest gratitude to the following persons who

contributed to the accomplishment of the study.

To Professor Glory Ann B. Feliciano, our adviser, who patiently

guided us through the loops and holes of thesis writing since day one; for

her unlimited consideration to extend deadlines and her unwavering

commitment reseach.

To Ma’am Phoebe Faith M. Batac, Ma’am Ira Mae V. Palad and

Ma’am Jinkee Q. Viado, our panelists during defenses, for giving an

ample time to read, review and recheck our manuscripts; and for sharing

their insights – all for the betterment of the study.

To Pastor & Mrs. Roland Santiago, the founders of Kalinga ng

Ama, for opening their doors in the shelter and for their faith in the

researcher to allow their in-house children be a part of Guhit Tawa

without inhibitions and second thoughts;

To Dean Virginia M. Nisperos, our dean, for extending her

knowledge and enthusiasm which aided in the completion of the study.

To Ma’am Marietta G. Llamas, our nanay in the Guidance Center,

for her warm smiles and hugs and motherly care to uplift our spirits

every time.
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To Ma’am Jennifer, Ma’am Maricar, Ma’am Edralyn and other

teachers in Kalinga ng Ama for their supervision and help during the

activities and games.

To Mama and Papa, who provided financial and moral support; for

always having the ear to listen and mouths to encourage and to my

brother, friends and classmates, who never give up on me during my

low times.

To Ms. Daisirie and Ms. Rowena, for accompanying the

researcher in her visits in Kalinga ng Ama whenever they have their

spare time.

And most of all, thank you our creator, Lord Jesus Christ, for His

infinite love to forgive our transgressions and doubts; for replenishing my

strength drained by the stress and pressures of everyday.

Thank you.



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University of Luzon


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