Shs Research English 1

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Philippine Christian University

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A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Philippine Christian University


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for
Research in Daily Life 1


Saldua, Hubert Lois G.

Addun, Paulo E.
Aguilando, Christene Jane P.
Enriquez, Ram-Ianne, M.
Norte, Michael Angelo
Reyes, Allen Raphael M.
Traje, Marc Khristian C.
Tuazon, Luisa Jean J.


APRIL 2023
Philippine Christian University
S en ior H ig h S ch ool


The researchers would like to give their most sincere appreciation to the following

people who cooperated and contributed to making this study possible:

Mr. Dan Lerry Leal, our Research Daily Life adviser, for always being patient and for

guiding us on this research study. Mr. Leonito Dela Cruz, our Adviser. for motivating

us and for his never-ending reminders just to make sure we are doing well in our


Sir Collado, Miss Mocaboc, and Miss Corcuera, we thank you. For guiding us in

making our study run smoothly by providing us with fresh ideas and suggestions to

make our study more meaningful.

And to all the respondents who took part in this study and for giving your time to

answer our interview questions honestly and wholeheartedly

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This study is fully dedicated to our loving parents, who have been our inspiration,

who have given us strength when we were about to give up, and who continue to

provide moral, spiritual, emotional, and financial support.

Secondly, our Research Daily Life teacher, Mr. Dan Lerry Leal, who played a

significant role in supporting us in order to make our research paper successful.

Without his guidance, and knowledge we wouldn’t be able to complete this study.

To our brothers and sisters, relatives, friends, classmates, and teachers who offered

helpful advice and encouragement to help us complete this study.

Finally, we praise the Almighty God for his guidance, mental strength, protection, and

powers in providing us with a healthy life. All of these, we offer you.

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Acknowledgments…………………………………………………………… i

Dedication…………………………………………………………………… ii

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………. iii


Background of the Study……………………………………. 1

Statement of the Problem…………………………………… 2

Significance of the Study…………………………………… 3

Scope and Delimitations………………………………… .... 4

Definition of Terminologies………………………………. 5


Theoretical Framework………………………………… …. 12

Conceptual Framework……………………………………. 14

Synthesis…………………………………………………… 16


Research Design…………………………………………… 17

Research Locale……………………………………………. 17

Research Participants………………………………………. 18

Research Instrument………………………………………...19

Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………. 19

Data Analysis………………………………………………. 19
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REFERENCES……………………………………………………………. 20


Appendix “A” Letter of Consent …………………………………. 22

Appendix “B” Sample Interview Questions………………………. 23

Appendix “C” Coded Data………………………………..............24

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This chapter includes the introduction, statement of the problem, scope and

delimitation, significance of the study and the definition of terms used.

Background of the study

In this research, the impact of the learning environment on grade 11 students

will be studied. The effects and problems experienced by students will be shared here.

The learning environment is a way to help and improve a student's learning.

Knowledge about the learning environment has a big impact on avoiding the problems

students experience in school. This study about the learning environment will be

further expanded so that students can better understand the impact of the learning


Since not everyone knows the learning environment, other students have and

experience different problems. One of the problems experienced by other students is

their loneliness, and not having interaction. In this "loneliness", some educational

institutions have created and started programs aimed at promoting awareness of the

"epidemic" of relationships between students on campus (Clay, 2018). The effects of

loneliness affect student results and performance, such as the Sense to feel connected

(Reedy, 2019; Sit et al., 2005). The low performance of other students is also a

problem because they cannot focus on their studies. But there are many effects of the

learning environment that helps to improve the students even more, and one of the
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things that help is the teachers. An important factor in determining the execution of

the teacher is the process. The principal educator directly or indirectly influencing

students is the teacher. Education process (Dwi Riyanti et al., 2016; Feola & Nunes,

2014). Results from teacher performance real work—both in terms of quality and

quantity—completed by a teacher in carrying out the duties assigned to him, including

developing lesson plans, putting them into practice, conducting assessments, and

assessing analyzes (Čech et al., 2016). The learners are currently needed for a good

social environment to improve the performance of their surroundings and models. So,

a healthy learning environment should be tidy, peaceful, and comfortable (Gilavand,

2016). Students and teachers should work well together so that everyone's

performance will be smooth and everyone's learning environment will grow. We hope

that this study about the learning environment will be expanded and appreciated for

the betterment of the student's performance.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to improve Philippine Christian University Learning

Environment for GRADE 11 TVL students’ safety. It sought to answer the following


1. Impact of physical learning environments on student academic performance.

2. The effect of the learning environment on student creativity and innovation.

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3. The effectiveness of personalized learning environments in increasing student

learning outcomes.

Significance of the Study

The students. This research is especially dedicated to students, as they stand to

profit the most from the findings. The findings of this study, in particular, can be used

by Grade 11 TVL students to obtain a better knowledge of how their classroom

environment affects their learning ability.

The Teachers. This study would give teachers a better grasp of how their

students feel in their learning environment, and it would also give students a better

awareness of how they feel. The study aims to provide teachers with useful insights

about their students' feelings and views of their learning environment, which can have

a substantial impact on their academic achievement, engagement, and general well-


Parents/Guardians. This study aims to show parents how their children's

classroom environment might have a direct impact on their learning capacity. The

study's findings can be especially valuable for parents who may not fully comprehend

the impact of the learning environment on their child's academic success.

Future Researchers. This study could be used by future researchers to perform

their own research related to Impact of learning environment towards the learning

capacity of students.
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The school. The study can benefit the school in identifying areas where the

learning environment for children can be improved. Learning about the factors that

influence students' academic performance allows the school to make targeted

modifications to classroom design, teaching methods, and other components of the

learning environment to improve learning outcomes.

Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on ensuring the safety of Grade 11 TVL students of

Philippine Christian University. Whether the condition of their classroom and the

utilities are regularly checked for the safety and welfare of the learners. The

population that is covered in our study are the grade 11 TVL students. this will be

conducted during the second semester school year 2022-2023 The researchers will be

doing a face-to-face interview to gather data for the study.

One drawback is the concentrated group, which is entirely composed of random

5-10 TVL students in Grade 11, our study is also limited only to Grade 11 students

preventing data collection from lower and higher year levels or other schools. Our

research design is qualitative which prevents the researchers to gather numerical data,

which restricts our ability to expand and collect more data to help support our

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Definition of Terminologies

Learning Capacity. the actual structure of your brain, including all of the neural

networks that affect how well you think (memory, attention, processing speed, and

capacity to sequence thoughts).

Learning Environment. Encompasses learning resources and technology, means of

teaching, modes of learning, and connections to societal and global contexts.

Maintenance. The act of keeping property or equipment in good condition by making

repairs, correcting problems, etc.

Risk Factors. Risk factor or determinant is a variable associated with an increased

risk of disease or infection. Due to a lack of harmonization across disciplines,

determinant, in its more widely accepted scientific meaning, is often used as a


Safety Hazards. These are the most frequent and will be found in most workplaces at

some point. They include hazardous circumstances that can result in harm, disease, or


TVL. Technical Vocational Livelihood

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This chapter presents the relevant research that was considered by the

researcher to support the thesis and significance of the current study. Research on

collaborative learning and experts in the field of education have provided ideas, facts,

and hypotheses that help to understand the study of collaborative learning. The current

study was made possible thanks to these investigations.

Related Literature (Local)

According to the news article written by Chi (2023), Classroom shortages have

been named the most urgent educational issue by vice president Sara Duterte, who

also serves as education secretary, as two out of three school buildings are in poor

condition. This is according to the Department of Education's first-ever Basic

Education Report, released on Monday.

"The most important problem striking the Filipino basic education is the lack of

school infrastructure and resources to enable the optimal teaching process," remarked

Duterte. Only about 104,000 out of 328,000 educational institutions (or one out of

three) are still in good repair, according to data in DepEd's BER, which outlined the

agency's goals and problems to fix. "The DepEd is not ignorant to the reality that there

is a need to develop and renovate classrooms to meet the expanding number of

students," Duterte added.

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According to Duterte, DepEd's budget for 2023 will allow for the construction

of about 6,000 classrooms. This hardly makes up around 6.5% of the estimated 91,000

classroom deficit in August. In addition to the inadequate amount set out each year for

building new classrooms, Duterte claimed that recent typhoons have severely

damaged a number of schools with shoddy infrastructure. For instance, Duterte stated

that at least 17,000 classrooms that were harmed by Super Typhoon Odette in 2021

still need to be fixed or replaced, costing over P9.82 billion. According to Duterte, the

ministry still has a backlog of over 190,000 school buildings in need of moderate to

substantial repairs for a variety of factors. She said, "Our schools are not calamity-


Related Literature (Foreign)

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(UNESCO,2012) observed that in today’s world, education systems must constantly

evolve in order to effectively respond to the rapidly changing demands of the societies

they serve. To reach a common understanding of how both the physical and social

dimensions of learning environments affect the quality of learning processes, an

exploration of the relationship between place and process is needed. The teaching-

learning process cannot take place in a vacuum in formal education settings. It occurs

as a result of interaction among components of the learning environment. In learning

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environment, elements of teaching-learning process include: teacher, students,

content, learning process and learning situation (Arul Laurence, 2012)

Students and teachers work well in a school culture where academic success

and the motivation to learn, is expected, respected and rewarded. Such an atmosphere

where students learn to love learning for learning's sake, results in better academic

achievement. The school is a special social space where education, training and

personality development of children who are a community’s future assets are founded

and run by proper training methods, appropriate physical space and favorable

psychological environment(Raccoon gang,2018).Students in the process of

socialization require a healthy environment and models so as to increase their

performance.(Gilavand,2016).Hence, a clean, quiet and comfortable environments are

important components of learning environment. Furthermore, creating an ideal

learning environment ought to be a priority of every concerned educationalist because

being comfortable should be a combination of several factors which include

temperature, lighting, and noise control etc (Murugan & Rajoo, 2013). The extent to

which students’ learning could be enhanced depends on their location within the

school compound, the structure of their classroom, availability of instructional

facilities and accessories. It is believed that a school with adequate learning

environment contributes to stir up expected outcomes of learning that will facilitate

good academic performance, by encouraging effective teaching and learning (Duruji

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Related Studies (Local)

According to Aquino (2019) Classroom environment seems to be an important

motivating factor that makes the teaching and learning process enjoyable. The quality

of teaching and learning will become evident in every learning institution when

proper facilities and instructional materials are provided. The presence of these

facilities and instructional will enable the students to be more comfortable which may

contribute to a better academic performance in the class. A well-equipped classroom

will not only affect the learners but also the teacher’s attitude in the class. The way in

which the teacher organizes their class or how they control it will yield positive or

negative consequences for their students. A teacher who is motivated and have

positive attitude there will also a positive impact on the students’ performance.

(According to Aquino), a good classroom has a stimulating climate-one that results

not only from desirable physical surroundings and healthful conditions but also from

social relationship and emotional attitudes.

Research by Sunday (2012) revealed that there is a significant relationship

between physical school environment and student's academic performance in senior

secondary school physics. To him, the physical school environment has some

influences on student's academic achievement in senior secondary school physics. The

physical facilities, human resources, and the relationship among them determine the

physical environment of the school. The result indicated that students with adequate
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laboratory facilities in physics perform better than those in school with less or without

facilities, this is simply because laboratory forms part in enriching the physical school

environment. It was also discovered that poor facilities and inadequate space, as well

school environment of items including seats in the classroom, library and laboratory

would affect the organization of learning environment. Favorable school climate gives

room for students to work hard and improve their academic achievement.

Related Studies (Foreign)

According to the study by Mihat, Hanafi, Yassin, Tahar (2019) The Malaysian

Education Development Plan (MEDP) (2013-2021) outlines 11 shifts in the nation's

education system transformation to ensure that the full person level of engagement in

state education is not left behind in the changes. MEDP promotes equality of access to

international quality education in the first shift. This is consistent with one of the

country's educational goals, which is to bridge the educational gap between

geography, socioeconomic status, and student aptitude. The goal is to ensure that all

students, including special education students, have equal access, equity, and quality

in education.

According to the Biwako Declaration (2003-2012), the government should

provide appropriate infrastructure that Persons with Exceptional Ability can use. As a

result, the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development has taken the
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lead in developing a Special Ability Action Plan 2016-2022 with the goal of

empowering and recognizing Special Ability individuals in society. The effort aims to

make all schools and higher education institutions handicapped-friendly by

implementing Universal Design (UD) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

According to an article on the Spring Independent School District's website, UDL is

an application of the UD principle found in architecture that removes barriers to give

access for all users. UDL in classroom removes barriers in curriculum and instruction

by making flexible possibilities available to all students, hence improving

engagement. Referring to McLeod (2007), Maslow suggested that human needs

could be put into five levels. From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are:

physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualization. At the first

stage this physiological requirement is the most basic requirement i.e., the need for

food and drink. This requirement is important for every living organism, notably

human. Human would move to the next level once the first level of needs has been

fulfilled which is Safety Needs where human need to feel safe, comfortable and

secure. This is a matter of concern by the relevant parties in meeting the needs of

students with special needs learning problems to feel comfortable and conducive in

following the process of teaching and facilitating in the classroom, and generally in

school. Preeti and Kiran (2012), mentioned that to ensure the teaching and facilitating

process goes well and to produce the best impact and effect, the classroom must

always be accommodated in a comfortable and conducive environment for the

students. Beaton et al. (2000), stated that the place where a pupil with special abilits
Philippine Christian University
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studiey would influence their behaviour, achievement and social growth. Therefore, a

conducive classroom not only produces excellent students but also provide guidance

on the pupil’s behaviour

Theoretical Framework

Person-environment fit theory (Zurenda & Holmbeck, 2008) concerned with the

interaction of an individual's traits and the environment, in which the individual not

only influences his or her surroundings, but the environment also influences the

individual (see above discussion of transactional models). The adequacy of this fit

between a person and the environment can impact motivation, behavior, and overall

mental and physical health163; that is, if the fit is ideal, the individual's functioning

may be enhanced; if the fit is insufficient, the individual may experience

maladaptation. A developmental-behavioral pediatrician, for example, may discover

that a specific school environment is not providing much needed academic

programming for an academically at-risk child. The clinician may intervene, with the

purpose of optimizing the match between the child's requirements and the school's

curriculum. When a specific solution is advised, the importance of person-

environment fit with parents can provide a valuable justification.

A developmental framework has successfully integrated the person-

environment fit paradigm. Person-environment fit theory, or, more specifically, stage-
Philippine Christian University
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environment fit theory, within this developmental perspective, postulates that the

combination of an individual's developmental stage and the surrounding environment

produces adaptive change within the individual. 164 Proponents of this perspective

contend that synchronizing the developmental trajectory to the characteristics and

changes in the surrounding environment will encourage positive growth and maturity.

Figure 1

John F. Rauthmann’s Process model of person-environment fit and its consequences.

As seen in Figure 1. A person-environment connection (any form from Table 1),

defined as fit here, may first proximally influence trait expressions: specifically,

which types of emotions, behaviors, cognitions, and desires (ABCDs; Wilt & Revelle,

2015) will be expressed how strongly and consistently. Person-environment

correlations, in other words, may limit the repertory and actualization of personality-

relevant dynamics and processes in terms of content, level, and variety. Those trait

expressions, which are dependent on person-environment correlations, then have more

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distant consequences in the three domains of traitedness, assessments, and adjustment

for the self (intrapersonal route) and for others (interpersonal route). There can be

direct effects (for example, from trait expressions on adjustment) as well as more

indirect or mediated effects (for example, from the person-environment connection to

adjustment via trait expressions, traitedness, and assessments). Furthermore, intra- and

interpersonal processes may be dependent on and impact one another over time.

Conceptual Framework

The study has utilized the IPO approach. For its inputs, these are problems

regarding our title “The Impact of Learning Environment Towards the Learning

Capacity of Grade 11 Students”

For its process, the inputs are then subjected to analysis and organization of

the data. As a result of these processes, it was assessed by the researchers that the

implication of the result was applied to the learners by presenting the problem to

school in order to improve classroom environment.

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Figure 2

The Conceptual Framework of the Study


• What is the effect of •Data gathering •Find out the

the learning classroom conditions
environment on
for the Grade 11 TVL
student creativity and
innovation? students. And to
•Surveys and determine whether
• Do you think that
they are safe or not.
the effectiveness of Interviews
personalized learning
environments has a •Present the problems
huge effect on to the school in order
increasing student
to improve classroom
learning outcomes? •Organization and
• How do you think Interpretation of data
can the school P
improve classroom r
conditions to ensure e
•Data analysis s
students safety?
u n
• As a student, what n
do you think are the t
impact of physical t
learning i h
environments on k e
student academic g
performance r
• m
s t
Philippine Christian University
S en ior H ig h S ch ool


The aforementioned related literature and studies and theoretical framework

made it abundantly clear that learning environment poses a significant effect on the

learning capacity of the students. The Person fit theory (Zurenda & Holmbeck, 2008)

focuses on how the interaction between an individual and his/her environment

influences each other. It provided the researchers with a new understanding regarding

how an individual gets effected by his/her environment and how an environment gets

effected by the individual. The model (Rauthmanns, 2020) shows that Individuals'

expression of emotions, actions, cognitions, and desires (ABCDs) is influenced by the

person-environment link, as defined by fit. This can limit the diversity and

consistency of personality-relevant processes and dynamics, affecting the individual's

and others' traitedness, appraisals, and adjustment. These effects can be either direct

or indirect, with intra- and interpersonal processes influencing and being influenced

by one another throughout time.

The research literature and studies show that the learning environment affects

an individual's learning capacity. According to (Gilavand, 2016). Students in the

process of socialization require a healthy environment and models in order to improve

their performance. As a result, a clean, peaceful, and comfortable study environment

is essential. Furthermore, creating an ideal learning environment ought to be a priority

of every concerned educationalist because being comfortable should be a combination

of several factors which include temperature, lighting, and noise control etc.

(Murugan & Rajoo, 2013).

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This chapter explains how the study was conducted, it includes research design,

respondents, locale, sampling technique used, instrumentation, data gathering

procedures, and statistical treatments of data.

Research Design

The Phenomenological Research was utilized by the researchers, who

interviewed random 5-10 grade 11 TVL students using a survey. Phenomenological

Research focuses on the study of an individual's lived experiences within the world.

Hence, Phenomenological Research was chosen as the research design.

Phenomenological Research is an inquiry design derived from philosophy and

psychology in which the researcher describes persons' lived experiences with a

phenomenon as described by participants. This narrative concludes with the substance

of the experiences of various people who have all witnessed the occurrence. This

design has strong philosophical foundations and usually entails conducting interviews

(Giorgi, 2009; Moustakas, 1994).

Research Locale

The study is conducted at Senior High School of Manila, Philippine Christian

University located at 771 Gen. Malate St. corner Vasques St. Malate, Manila. The

researchers use Grade 11 TVL learners as respondents of the study for the school year

2022-2023. Philippine Christian University (PCU) is a private coeducational

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protestant university located at Ermita Manila, Philippines. It was founded in 1946

through the initiatives of the Laymen of the Evangelical Association of the

Philippines. Originally named as Manila Union University, it was renamed as

Philippine Christian College (PCC). In 1976, the PCC acquired university status. PCU

is one of the two major mainline protestant universities at the heart of Metro Manila.

Research Participants

The respondents of this study are taken from TVL strands of PCU – SHS…

The Table 1 below shows the graphical representation of the profile of the respondent.

Table 1

Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Gender Age Strand

#1 410 Male 17 TVL-ICT

#2 418 Male 17 TVL-ICT
#3 417 Female 17 TVL-Tourism

#4 416 Female 17 TVL-Tourism

#5 308 Female 16
#6 304 Male 17
#7 410 Female 17 TVL-Tourism
#8 418 Male 18 TVL-ICT
#9 416 Male 17 TVL-Tourism

In total, this study will gather data on ten participants from the strand of TVL.
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Research Instruments

The researchers employed a Semi-Structured interview for the respondents to

answer their questions. The interview questions follow a predetermined arrangement.
How the learning environment would need to be developed was the focus of the
questions the researchers came up with. In the form of open-ended questions, the
respondents were asked questions that might have countless different answers.

Data Gathering Procedure

The pre-survey interviews created by the researchers will be distributed to

selected sets of sections to respond to. The researchers will then conduct face-to-face

interviews with the selected sections. The researchers will ask the class advisers for

permission to distribute the surveys to their students and validate the survey created

by the researchers. Following that, the researchers will collect the survey data, and the

results of the face-to-face interviews will be assessed and incorporated into the study.

Data Analysis

To handle and evaluate the data for this study, we will use the Thematic

Analytical Method. Thematic Analysis is typically used on a collection of texts, such

as an interview or transcripts. The researcher carefully examines the data to uncover

recurring themes, subjects, ideas, and meaning patterns. The researchers will complete

the following six steps: familiarization, coding, topic generation, theme review, theme

definition and naming, and write up. This procedure will assist the researchers in

avoiding confirmation bias while formulating data analysis.

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A. Articles

Kaufmann, R., & Vallade, J. I. (2022). Exploring connections in the

online learning environment: student perceptions of rapport, climate, and
loneliness. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(10), 1794-1808.

Leong, F. T. L. (2021). Person-environment fit. In ScienceDirect.

Miller-Cochran, S., & Gierdowski, D. (2013). Making peace with

the rising costs of writing technologies: Flexible classroom design as a
sustainable solution. Computers and Composition, 30(1), 50-60.

Monypenny, A. (2022). Safe spaces and epistemic character:

corruption, resilience and protection in the classroom (Doctoral
dissertation, University of Nottingham).

Mulang, H. (2021). The Effect of Competences, Work Motivation,

Learning Environment on Human Resource Performance. Golden Ratio
of Human Resource Management, 1(2), 84-93.

Navarro, A. M. (2022). School Infrastructure in the Philippines:

Where Are We Now and Where Should We Be Heading? (No. DP 2022-
10). Philippine Institute for Development Studies.
Philippine Christian University
S en ior H ig h S ch ool

Usman, Y. D., & Madudili, C. G. (2019). Evaluation of the Effect

of Learning Environment on Students' Academic Performance in Nigeria.
Online Submission.

Walker, H. M., Hops, H., & Johnson, S. M. (1975). Generalization

and maintenance of classroom treatment effects. Behavior Therapy, 6(2),

B. Journals

Crampton, F. E. (2009). Spending on school infrastructure: does

money matter? Journal of Educational Administration.

Gifford, R. (1976). Environmental numbness in the classroom. The

journal of experimental education, 44(3), 4-7.

Mihat, N., Yassin, M. H. M., & Tahar, M. M. (2019). Teachers

views on classroom infrastructure facilities in special education
integration program in primary school. Journal of ICSAR, 3(1), 54-57.

Pajarillo-Aquino, I. (2019). The classroom environment and its

effects on the students academic performance of the college of teacher
education. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management
and Social Sciences, 8(3), 63-76.

Chi, C. (2023, January 30). State of education: Two out of three

school buildings need repairs. Philstar Global.
Philippine Christian University
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Appendix A.

Letter of Consent to Conduct a Study

Dear Respondent, the purpose of this interview is intended to reveal the impact of
learning environment towards the learning capacity of TVL students. By signing your
name on the consent form below, you are indicating that you are willing to participate
in this interview. We guarantee that the information provided will not be used for any
other reason than those stated above. Respectfully,
Saldua, Hubert Lois G.
Addun, Paulo E.
Aguilando, Christene Jane P.
Enriquez, Ram-Ianne, M.
Norte, Michael Angelo
Reyes, Allen Raphael M.
Traje, Marc Khristian C.
Tuazon, Luisa Jean J.

My signature would foreclose my tacit understanding of this particular
interview and that I’ve allowed the researchers to utilize my responses to partake in
this investigation. Likewise, I consent to the use of my responses solely for research
purposes and shall be assured that my identity will and shall not be disclosed.

Signature of over Printed Name of Respondent
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Appendix B.

Sample Interview Questions

Section & Group no.: Philemon Group 4

Leader: Saldua, Hubert Lois G.
Members: Addun, Paulo E., Aguilando, Christene Jane P., Enriquez, Ram-Ianne, M.,
Norte, Michael Angelo, Reyes, Allen Raphael M., Traje, Marc Khristian C., and
Tuazon, Luisa Jean J.

Name of Participant: ________________________________________

1. What are the effect of the learning environment on student creativity and
Follow-up question: Does the learning environment affect your overall creativity as
an individual?

2. Do you think that the effectiveness of personalized learning environments has a

huge effect on increasing student learning outcomes?

3. How do you think can the school improve classroom conditions to ensure students
Follow-up questions: Does the school frequently inspect the classroom safety?

4. As a student, what do you think are the impact of physical learning environments
on student academic performance
Follow-up question: Do you think having a pleasant physical learning environment
plays a huge part in TVL Grade 11 students’ academic performance? Why?
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Appendix C.

Coded Data

Participant #1 (410)

Interviewer: What is the effect of the learning environment on student creativity and
410: I think it can either decrease or increase a student's creativity and innovation.
Since I saw a study while I was browsing the internet that people who have messy
rooms are more likely to be more creative than the people who have clean, organized
rooms, and I think the reason behind that is that the people who have messy rooms are
given the freedom to be able to organize their room in such a way that it is not fixed
compared to the people who have clean rooms.
Interviewer: Does the learning environment affect your overall creativity as an
410: Personally, no, but it could be affecting me unconsciously and I'm just not aware
of it, so I'd say no.
Interviewer: Do you think that the effectiveness of personalized learning
environments has a huge effect on increasing student learning outcomes?
410: I think yes. That's why kindergarten rooms are designed in such a way that is
colorful and encourages young children to be more creative in their drawing and
Interviewer: How do you think can the school improve classroom conditions to
ensure students safety?
410: Maybe double check the equipment and make sure that nothing malfunctions and
possibly blows up the classroom.
Interviewer: Does the school frequently inspect the classroom safety?
410: I'm not sure if the school actively looks for problems; I don't think they do
though. But we had a problem: the air conditioner started to smell weird, and our
teacher asked us to leave for our safety in case it would blow up.
Philippine Christian University
S en ior H ig h S ch ool

Interviewer: As a student, what do you think are the impact of physical learning
environments on a student’s academic performance?
410: I think it has a huge impact since being uncomfortable in your environment may
lead to you being distracted. Let's say the room is too cold and the teacher is
explaining the lesson. You'd be more focused on trying to get something warm rather
than listening to your teacher, and that could have an effect on your academic
performance since you wouldn't be listening to the teacher anymore.
Interviewer: Do you think having a pleasant physical learning environment plays a
huge part in TVL Grade 11 students’ academic performance? Why?
410: yes, why? Like I said earlier, when you have discomfort, your brain will
immediately try to resolve that since that's just how our brains are designed; it is our
survival instinct to be comfortable, and without that, we are not able to focus in our
class. I think most students experience that, not just TVL grade 11 students, but, yes,
it plays a huge part.
Participant #2 (418)
Interviewer: What is the effect of the learning environment on student creativity and
418: For me, the learning environment has a significant impact on a student's
creativity and innovative thinking. If I was studying in a school that has a neat and
clean physical setting, great educational methods, and approaches being displayed, my
brain is more likely to be more engaged and productive which are two essential
factors for creativity and innovation skills to work.
Interviewer: Does the learning environment affect your overall creativity as an
418: Yes, of course, it does. In my own experience, when my room or the classroom
is messy, unorganized, and unmonitored (when there are no teachers and my
classmates are loud), I notice a drastic change in my focus and creative streak.
Interviewer: Do you think that the effectiveness of personalized learning
environments has a huge effect on increasing student learning outcomes?
Philippine Christian University
S en ior H ig h S ch ool

418: Yes, positively, I think. As a student, getting a customized learning environment

would be a huge boost in our educational journey. A personalized learning
environment would possibly help a student explore his skills and interests. I could see
myself working at a pace I know and unlocking my full potential.
Interviewer: How do you think can the school improve classroom conditions to
ensure students safety?
418: I think our school should hold classroom inspections more frequent, and hold an
annual activity where they will renovate and fix classrooms during vacation.
Interviewer: Does the school frequently inspect the classroom safety?
418: From what I've observed, there are times, rarely, when the staff from PCU, I
think it's the maintenance staff, checking our room. They only did it a few times and
never saw them again until this day.
Interviewer: As a student, what do you think are the impact of physical learning
environments on student academic performance?
418: Physical environment, according to my experience, can impact our mood,
productivity, focus, and engagement which are important factors of academic
performance. Depending on the state of the physical environment, it could negatively
and positively affect a student's academic performance.
Interviewer: Do you think having a pleasant physical learning environment plays a
huge part in TVL Grade 11 students’ academic performance? Why?
418: Yes, it plays a huge part, well at least to me. I have no objective evidence but my
experience can support this answer. I've noticed that when my desk or workspace is
dirty and unorganized, my usual work rate and efficiency go down. This environment
in my home could also be compared to the environment in a class. When our
classroom is very nasty, filled with litter, and dirty in general, I usually find myself
being tardy and lazy.
Participant #3 (417)
Interviewer: What is the effect of the learning environment on student creativity and
Philippine Christian University
S en ior H ig h S ch ool

417: Well, I believe that a student's mind works very well when he or she is around
their place that offers a healthy environment for their learnings. When we are inside a
great circle, our creative and young minds function well because we don't have to
worry about anything else. It's just you, your work, and the serene learning place
you're in.
Interviewer: Does the learning environment affect your overall creativity as an
417: On the other hand, when we learn in an unhealthy and messy environment, our
worries pile up because of the stress from our works and the stress that the community
gives us. So, a learning environment really affects a student's mind while doing a
specific task.
Interviewer: Do you think that the effectiveness of personalized learning
environments has a huge effect on increasing student learning outcomes?
417: Yes, a personal learning environment will play a huge factor on increasing a
student's learning outcome because as what I've mentioned before, our minds work
better when we are in a healthy place. Choosing and having our own personal learning
environments that meets our needs and expectations for a place to stay during our
study and learning sessions will help us a lot in doing our academic activities.
Interviewer: How do you think can the school improve classroom conditions to
ensure students safety?
417: First off, we can start improving classroom conditions for the student's safety by
having a let's say monthly building checkups, repairing broken ventilation systems,
and wall cracks caused by previous natural disasters.
Interviewer: Does the school frequently inspect the classroom safety?
417: I don't think schools often inspect classrooms for safety purposes because in
majority, we can clearly see that schools only have checkups every after-earthquake
incident, where in fact there are other factors to weigh.
Interviewer: As a student, what do you think are the impact of physical learning
environments on student academic performance?
Philippine Christian University
S en ior H ig h S ch ool

417: Make sure that the student's learning environment is still safe for them and won't
be able to risk their own safety. It will always play a huge part because it is one of the
key factors.
Interviewer: Do you think having a pleasant physical learning environment plays a
huge part in TVL Grade 11 students’ academic performance? Why?
417: A pleasant learning environment will always help students in creating amazing
tasks and activities. Safety matters and will always matter so it will be nice if schools
start to invest in such programs and give students the comfort while achieving their
Participant #4 (416)
Interviewer: What is the effect of the learning environment on student creativity and
416: The learning environment can have a significant impact on student creativity and
innovation. A supportive and stimulating environment can inspire students to think
outside the box, take risks, and generate new ideas. On the other hand, a restrictive
and unengaging environment can stifle creativity and limit innovation.
Interviewer: Does the learning environment affect your overall creativity as an
416: learning environment can affect the creativity of individuals, not just students.
Interviewer: Do you think that the effectiveness of personalized learning
environments has a huge effect on increasing student learning outcomes?
416: Personalized learning environments can be very effective in increasing student
learning outcomes because they cater to individual student needs and learning styles.
By providing tailored instruction and feedback, students can make progress at their
own pace and achieve greater success.
Interviewer: How do you think can the school improve classroom conditions to
ensure students safety?
416: There are several ways schools can improve classroom conditions to ensure
student safety. These can include regular safety inspections, installing safety
Philippine Christian University
S en ior H ig h S ch ool

equipment such as fire extinguishers and smoke detectors, ensuring proper lighting
and ventilation, and implementing emergency procedures in case of an accident or
natural disaster.
Interviewer: Does the school frequently inspect the classroom safety?
416: It depends on the school's policies and practices. Some schools may conduct
regular safety inspections, while others may not. It's important for schools to prioritize
student safety and take proactive measures to ensure a safe learning environment.
Interviewer: As a student, what do you think are the impact of physical learning
environments on student academic performance?
416: The physical learning environment can have a significant impact on student
academic performance. A clean, organized, and comfortable classroom can promote
better concentration, engagement, and motivation, leading to improved academic
outcomes. On the other hand, a cluttered, noisy, or uncomfortable classroom can be
distracting and detrimental to learning.
Interviewer: Do you think having a pleasant physical learning environment plays a
huge part in TVL Grade 11 students’ academic performance? Why?
416: Yes, having a pleasant physical learning environment can play a huge part in
TVL Grade 11 students' academic performance. When students feel comfortable and
supported in their learning environment, they are more likely to stay engaged and
motivated, leading to better academic outcomes
Participant #5 (308)
Interviewer: What is the effect of the learning environment on student creativity and
308: it affects our learning capability on how can we came up on something new or
our creativeness.
Interviewer: Does the learning environment affect your overall creativity as an
308: it does not affect overall but it can definitely affect us in many ways.
Philippine Christian University
S en ior H ig h S ch ool

Interviewer: Do you think that the effectiveness of personalized learning

environments has a huge effect on increasing student learning outcomes?
308: not huge effect but some effects can increase the outcome.
Interviewer: How do you think can the school improve classroom conditions to
ensure students safety?
308: in this time of the year classroom should have all aircons by now because the
heat can effect on some of the issues everyone dealing right now.
Interviewer: Does the school frequently inspect the classroom safety?
308: I’m not sure because I don’t see anyone inspecting the classroom that often
Interviewer: As a student, what do you think are the impact of physical learning
environments on student academic performance?
308: Physical learning is a good way to interact with us the students and the teachers
its way easier to listen to one another.
Interviewer: Do you think having a pleasant physical learning environment plays a
huge part in TVL Grade 11 students’ academic performance? Why?
308: yes, because the surroundings can be distraction to us if it is noy pleasant in any
Participant #6 (304)
Interviewer: What is the effect of the learning environment on student creativity and
304: The effects of the learning environment on students vary, if their classroom is
well ventilated, suitable to hold educational spots, then the effects would be positive.
Interviewer: Does the learning environment affect your overall creativity as an
304: Yes, it does affect my overall creativity, because I get distracted easily with
unnecessary stuff in the classroom
Interviewer: Do you think that the effectiveness of personalized learning
environments has a huge effect on increasing student learning outcomes?
304: Yes, it has a huge effect on increasing student learning outcomes.
Philippine Christian University
S en ior H ig h S ch ool

Interviewer: How do you think can the school improve classroom conditions to
ensure students safety?
304: I think the school can improve classroom conditions to ensure students safety if
they do a daily maintenance with their aircon.
Interviewer: Does the school frequently inspect the classroom safety?
304: I don't think they do.
Interviewer: As a student, what do you think are the impact of physical learning
environments on student academic performance?
304: As a student, I think the impact of physical learning environments on student
academic performance is critical.
Interviewer: Do you think having a pleasant physical learning environment plays a
huge part in TVL Grade 11 students’ academic performance? Why?
304: It does play a critical part. Because having a good learning environment equals a
good peaceful environment suitable for studying and understanding lessons.
Participant #7 (410)
Interviewer: What is the effect of the learning environment on student creativity and
410: in my observation and my experience we need this and for me it helps to further
expand our creativity especially inside the school
Interviewer: Does the learning environment affect your overall creativity as an
410: It has an impact on doing what is right and not into wrong.
Interviewer: Do you think that the effectiveness of personalized learning
environments has a huge effect on increasing student learning outcomes?
410: Interaction will be better if the effect is utilized, which helps to instruct and
provide details in an appropriate manner.
Interviewer: How do you think can the school improve classroom conditions to
ensure students safety?
Philippine Christian University
S en ior H ig h S ch ool

410: The policy that is used in the classroom should be enhanced, and it would be
better if they could broaden their grasp of how to communicate with the students
about the proper course of action. It will also help to improve the adjustment of the
right if every choice can be made better and has a clear end point in terms of student
rights, so it is better to pay attention to the safety of the students
Interviewer: Does the school frequently inspect the classroom safety?
410: Sometimes it goes unnoticed, that it should be fixed
Interviewer: As a student, what do you think are the impact of physical learning
environments on student academic performance?
410: According to what I see in each student, they are more knowledgeable and have
expanded their knowledge compared to online learning, which is beneficial for
students since it allows them to express themselves more fully and will help them
change their learning habits by letting them know where they excel and where they
need to improve.
Interviewer: Do you think having a pleasant physical learning environment plays a
huge part in TVL Grade 11 students’ academic performance? Why?
410: of course, because it is important to them so that they can focus their views
especially on learning.
Participant #8 (418)
Interviewer: What is the effect of the learning environment on student creativity and
(418): I think the state of the environment greatly affects the mental status of the
students, if a classroom is neat, well-kept, and provides the basic needs of students
(air-conditioned), I think it would help the ability of the students to focus on their
Interviewer: Does the learning environment affect your overall creativity as an
Philippine Christian University
S en ior H ig h S ch ool

(418): Yes, whether it is a noisy learning environment or a room that doesn't provide
even the bare minimum for students (i.e., fans), the students would surely be more
prone to be distracted.
Interviewer: Do you think that the effectiveness of personalized learning
environments has a huge effect on increasing student learning outcomes?
(418): Yes, a learning environment that is pleasing to the eye is a learning
environment a student will be more willing to be in.
Interviewer: How do you think can the school improve classroom conditions to
ensure students safety?
(418): They should make sure that things such as door knobs work and could lock the
doors. Air conditioning also helps students cool down, especially with our country's
frustratingly hot climate.
Interviewer: Does the school frequently inspect the classroom safety?
(418): As far as my observations go, classrooms in our school are very well-kept, the
things inside also work properly without fail.
Interviewer: As a student, what do you think are the impact of physical learning
environments on student academic performance
(418): A cleaner learning environment feels better for students, compared to messy
rooms, in a way where they could focus more on their academics rather than broken,
or dirty things inside the room.
Interviewer: Do you think having a pleasant physical learning environment plays a
huge part in TVL Grade 11 students’ academic performance? Why?
(418): Yes, specifically as a TVL - computer programming student, it is easier for me
to work on our computer programming subject as the room is very clean, trash is also
Participant #9 (416)
Interviewer: what is the effect of the learning environment of student creativity and
Philippine Christian University
S en ior H ig h S ch ool

416: study in positive learning environment, student will be motivated and engaged
higher overall ability
Interviewer: Does the learning environment affect your overall creativity as an
416: having a good environment can help you to be creative and learn new things.
Interviewer: Do you think that the effectiveness of personalized learning
environments has a huge effect on increasing student learning outcomes?
416: it can teach the students well and can help them learn more things
Interviewer: How do you think can the school improve classroom conditions to
ensure students safety?
416: make sure that no one will enter in the school that don’t study or work in the
Interviewer: Does the school frequently inspect the classroom safety?
416: No
Interviewer: As a student, what do you think are the impact of physical learning
environments on student academic performance
416: It makes the student focuses on learning.
Interviewer: Do you think having a pleasant physical learning environment plays a
huge part in TVL Grade 11 students’ academic performance? Why?
416: Yes, they can study better if they have a clean environment and have no

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