For years, man and nature have seek to control each other in a probabilistic way
N/B: Biosphere is the point of intersection of the three spheres where all living
organisms including man existence.
Culture: is simply the totality of man’s way of life including language, food,
clothing, housing, religion, social attitudes and behaviors.
Society: is a space that is socially constructed by man and it’s embodiment of his
cultural and social economic relations.
Human geography therefore studies and explains how the society as a socially
constructed space is shaped by man. It is within the socially constructed space
(society) that all the facets of human life including social, economy, political,
Cultural historical and environmental matters are bound up
To the economist, development simply connotes the process of achieving
sustainable economic growth over a long period of time.
Doudney Seers 1969: states that development involves not only economic growth
but also conditions in which people in a country have adequate access to food
and jobs and where income inequality and poverty are greatly reduced.
1. To increase the availability and widen the distribution of basic life
sustainable such as food, shelters, health and security.
2. To raise levels of living through higher income, more jobs, better education,
cultural values and higher self esteem.
The word under-development is a generic term for describing lack or inability of a
person or a country to experience positive growth economically, socially and
politically. It is a process by which a group of people fined it difficult to improve
on their quality of life due to a set of factors.
Factors ranging from lack of personal capabilities to national failures in
economic and social systems. By social system, we mean the value based issues
such as attitudes, educational institutions, land tenure systems, belief systems,
cultural values and community organization.
Under- development can be identified through the following indicators;
The most popular of these measures are Gross national product (GNP) and
Human Development Index (HDI).
Gross National Product (GNP): is based on the total economic output by the
citizens of a country and it is used to define the world into four classes namely;
(a) Low income countries with GNP per Capita of 905 dollars and less
(b) Lower middle income countries with GNP per Capita of 906 dollars to
3,905 dollars
(c) High middle income countries with GNP per Capita of 3,905 to 11,115
(d) High income countries with GNP per Capita of 11,116 and above
Human Development Index (HDI): Is a composite index used to rank and establish
whether a country is developed or developing or underdeveloped. HDI was
developed by the World Bank and its values ranges between 0.00 – 1.00. HDI is
actually calculated based on three (3) indicators namely; Life expectancy, Adult
Literacy or education and Standard /quality of living expressed in GNP per
The World Bank used HDI to classify the whole world into four (4) namely;
In 2013, Nigeria HDI was 0.50 and the country was ranked 152nd in the whole
world, the least in Africa was Niger with 0.34 and ranked 187th country in the
N/B: The last 20 ranked countries were from Africa.
Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI): Measures the basic needs of the people
such as health, water, sanitation, nutrition and education. PQLI has three (3)
major indicators and these are;
3. Literacy rate
The Democracy Index (TDI): It is a 0 -10 index that measures the level of political
development and participation of the citizens. The TDI is used to classify countries
a. Full Democracies
b. Flood Democracies
c. Hybrid Democracies
The world commission on environment and development (WCED) 1987: Define
sustainable development as the development that needs the present generation
without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own
needs. The concept of sustainable development embodies a powerful idea of
inter-generational equity where successive generations receive of diminishing
national resources and economic opportunities.
This invariably suggest in the pursuit of economic growth and long time
comfort, man must be conscious about the allocation of resources such that
human development does not vitiate in the rejuvenating about of the National
Sustainability: Is a situation where development vectors do not decrease over
time. The debate on the continuous survival and quality of life of mankind has
been ongoing for a very long time.
In 1798, Thomas Malthus (1776 – 1834) essay on the principle of
population argued that resources are finite and growing in arithmetical order,
while human population grows in exponential fashion.
Over time, if not checked, according to Malthus human existence will be
severely challenged leading to precedence, wars, misery, poverty and child
The MDGs goals are as follows with targets of 2015 has the following objectives
1. To eradicate poverty by 2015
2. Achieve universal primary education
3. Promote gender equality and empowerment
4. Reduce child mortality
5. Improve maternity health
6. Reverse the spread of HIV / AIDS and malaria
7. Ensure environmental sustainability
8. Develop global partnership for development
For SDGs (Sustainable development goals) with target of 2030 has 17 goals
1. No poverty
2. Zero hunger
3. Good health and well being
4. Quality education
5. Gender equality
6. Ensure access to clean water and sanitation
7. Ensure access to affordable and clean energy
8. Promote descent work and economic growth
9. Build resilient industry, innovation and infrastructure
10.Reduce inequalities
11.Sustainable cites and communities
12.Responsible consumption and production
13.Take action to combat climate change
14.Sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources
15.Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial eco-system
16.Promote inclusive and peaceful society and institutions
17.Strengthen partnerships for implementation of SDGs
i = Pat
Where i = Impact of technology
P = Population
a = affluence
t = Technology
What is Tourism?
Tourism is a dynamic and competitive industry that requires the ability to adapt
constantly to customer’s needs and desires as also the customer’s satisfaction,
safety and enjoyment which are particularly the key focus of the tourism industry.
We can also defined tourism as travel for pleasure or business or the theory
and practice of touring, the business of attracting, accommodating and
entertaining tourist.
W.T.O (World Tourism Organization): define tourism as the business that
goes beyond the common perception of tourism that it is not limit to being a
holiday because people travelling to, and staying in these places outside their
usual environment of domain does not spend more than 24 hours or more than 7
days. Example picnickers going to various beaches in Lagos do not spend more
than 6 hours or those travelling outside their domain do not spend more than two
Tourism can be classified into domestic (that is tourism within one country
say from Lagos to Idanri Hills, to olumo rock, to slave relies in Badagry or to the
first storey building in Nigeria or to the point of no return. While international can
be defined as moving from one country to another in search of tourist attractions
which could be medical tourism, educational tourism or institutional tourism,
cultural tourism or market tourism for example the Safari in Kenya, the business
tourism in dubai, the cultural tourism in France and our local cultural tourism that
attracts foreign nationalities to Calabar, or the Osun Oshogbo groove or the black
heritage/ Eyo festival in Lagos.
It is noteworthy to realize that tourism and tourism potentials decline as a result
of strong economic meltdown in the year 2000s, intra and inter ethnic clashes,
Guerilla wars, insurgencies such as Al-Shabab, Boko Harams, Al-Qeedas, the 911
destruction of the world trade tower in US has heightened the fears of people to
embark on tourism.
Tourism declined tremendously as a result of 2009 H1N1 influenza Virus
and the 2014/2015 Ebola Virus but the industry recovered slowly.
In the world, there are top 10 tourist destinations with their financial
receipts growing to 1.03 Billion US Dollars in 2005 and a corresponding increase
of 3.8% in 2010 with China, Russia and Brazil having significant increase in their
spending compared to the previous decades. Though, other tourism attractions or
sites such as Seychelles, U.A.E (Dubai), Sun city in South Africa, Johannesburg or
the sun city in Yamassoukra (second capital of Ivory Coast).
The word tourist was first used in 1772 and tourism in 1811. It is formed
from the word “Tour” which is derived from an old English word called “Turian”
and from an old French word called “Torner” and from Latin word called
“Tornare” which means to turn on or latha or from the ancient Greek word called
The tourism industry is part of the service sector of the hospitality industry and it
has become an important source of income for many regions and countries such
as Saudi- Arabia, Jerusalem, Kenya, Namibia, Zanzibar, Bermuda, Bahamas,
Barbados, France, U.A.E, United Kingdom, USA and some parts of the Latin
1. Tourism brings large amount of income into a local economy in the form of
payment for goods and services needed by tourists. Therefore, aside
increasing the revenue, 6% of overall export of goods and services comes
from tourist and tourist destinations.
a. Biotic Resources: Those resources that are living resources like living things
and organic matters like forest resources, animals ( deals with everything
that has life)
b. Abiotic Resources: It includes land, water, air and metals which includes
Gold, iron, copper, silver and other mineral resources.
c. Reserved Resources: It is the part of the resources that have not been
consumed from the actual resources.
d. Stock Resources: They are those resources that are being surveyed but
don’t have technology to harness it.
This states that resources should satisfy needs but not jeopardize later in the
future. The rate of deforestation was very high which will affect humans through
low rate of oxygen and also pushes animals away from their initial habitants. The
only way to save planet earth is to look for a way to reduce human population.
World commission of environment and development 1984,Britland
commission. It was named after Helen britland former prime minister of Norway.
The earth is spherical in shape, whereby the sun is not equally distributed,
equatorial regions are hot, and Polar Regions are cold.
2. Oil (Fossil Fuel / Petroleum): The following countries have enormous of oil
a. Saudi-Arabia
b. Iran
c. Iraq
d. Venezuela (South America)
e. Texas (North America)
5. Fresh water resources: In the whole world, there is a place called Amazon
Basin in South America, The Congo Basin in Northern America
South: salt water, fresh water, rain forest, guinea savannah, Sudan Savannah,
Fertility is described as the number of life birth by women in a particular area.
Determining fertility rate will include the identification of the actual number of
women in the population and the numbers of children multiply by 1000
(constant). Fertility rate could be determined through the CBR (Crude Birth Rate).
Crude birth rate is calculated by dividing the number of life birth in a given year by
the mid-year population multiply by 1000.
Mortality is refers to the incidents of death. It could be determined through the
determination of
1. Crude Death Rate(CDR): Is the total number of death in a particular year
divided by the mid-year population multiply by 1000
2. Age Specific Death Rate (ASDR): It refers to numbers of death for a
particular age group in a given population.
Migration is the movement of people from one geographical area to another for a
period not below 6(six) months.
As an aspect of mobility (general movement/change of location), migration
affects the population of any area than the other type of mobility which is known
as Circulation (temporary movement from one point to another).
Frederick Lord Lugard (1922) in his book “The Dual Mandate” said that the
material development of Africa may be summed up in one word “Transport”.
Filani (1986) in his inaugural lecture posited that question that “How do we get
there from here”?
Modes of Transportation
The modes of transportation are of various modes namely;
1. Beast of Burden
2. Human Porte rage
3. Rail Transport
4. Pipeline Transport
5. Road Transport
6. Air Transport
7. Water Transport
Beast of Burden
This is the use of animals like mule, donkey and horse to transport good, humans
from one place to another. This form of mode may sound old fashion but is still
being used in some societies. This mode is being used in some parts of Northern
Rail Transport
- Nigeria railway began in 1892.
- William shelford survey to estimate the cost of railway construction in Nigeria in
- The secretary of state approved the construction of 20 miles about 32
kilometers of 3 ½ inches (1067 millimeters) gauge railway from Iddo to Otta.
- First railway began from Iddo in the year 1896.
- It reached Otta and Abeokuta in 1898 and finally got to Ibadan 1901.
- Nigerian Railway Corporation was established in 1955 by an Act as a government
-One characteristics of the railway network is its North-South parallelism.
- The old railway network in the country is made up of 3,500 kilometers (Elechi,
1998: 424) of single track route of the same 1067 millimeters gauge which
provides services between Lagos and Port-Harcourt.
-The railway began from Lagos (South-West) and runs to kaura Namoda in the
Northern most part of the country.
- Port-Harcourt (eastern part) runs to Maiduguri in Borno State in the North
Eastern part of the country.
Human Resources: NRC was one of the largest absorber of Labour in Nigeria with
the employment opportunities over 29,576 in 1959/60.
The figure declined to 24,831 in 1989. The declines in the staff strength are both
caused by the Nigerian Civil war 1967-70 and the old age nature of the
equipments, coaches, wagons under which the staff are operating.
Bad Administration: This was summed up in the word of Abharamwa (2001) “I
suspect that the reason for Nigerian railway has not made any remarkable
improvement and impact on the nation’s transport system in particular and the
economy at large is because the parastatals has been managed by people who do
not really understand the essence or importance of viable railway system”.
Engineering: There had been lack of proper maintenance since the advent of the
Nigerian railway. In 1979, the Rail Indian Technical and Economic Services
(RITES) was invited to refurbish and maintain the engines, wagons and
In the early 1980’s, the Chinese Civil Engineering and Construction Company
(CCECC) were invited to continue with the maintenance job which the RITES had
People described the Nigerian railway to be moving with a “snail speed”.
The speed is slow about 50-60km/h.
Germany has the fastest train speed called Transrapid which has a speed of over
400km/h. It has annual passenger capacity of 12.2 million.
Pipeline Transport
Robinson and Bamford (1978) defined pipeline as “A line or conduit of pipes of
varying diameter and length but sometimes hundreds of kilometers long which
are traditionally used for carrying a liquid or gas from the point of supply to the
point of consumption”.
Murray (1975) defined pipelines from its functional perspective as “ a steel metal
with diameter capable of moving oil and natural gas from the heart of the
continent to the parts as in the case of the North America and this has accounted
for about 1/5th of the inter-city freight-ton kilometer”.
In Nigeria, a pipeline is defined under section II (2) of the 1965 Oil pipeline Act “as
a system of pipes for the conveyance of anything other than air, water, water
vapour, or steam and not being a drain, a sewer or pipes for heating, cooling or
for domestic purpose”.
23rd December, 1955, Nigeria opened its first pipeline to crude oil to link Oloibiri
Oil field with Kugbo Bay, over a distance of eleven (11) kilometer in the then
Rivers State.
Evolution of Pipeline
- Oil Transportation began with oil shipment across the Atlantic
- Elizabeth Watt was the first ship to carry a full cargo of oil across the
Atlantic in 1861
- In 1865, another ship called Gluckauf was built in the River Tyne
- Glucsauf according to King (1975) has a carrying capacity of about 2,300
- Water is 65%
- Coal is 35%
Road Transport
- Road transport in Nigeria started as far back as the first decade of the 19 th
- Bush paths were developed into motor able routes which were designed to
serve two main objectives
Air Transport
Nigerian Airways was established in October 1958 as a joint venture between the
Nigerian Government, Elder Dempster Lines, and the British Overseas Airways
Corporation (BOAC) with shareholding of 51,32 2/3 and 16 1/3 % respectively
(Stanford Research Institute 1961).