ArcGiS Geological Modeling Techniques
ArcGiS Geological Modeling Techniques
ArcGiS Geological Modeling Techniques
ArcGIS Geological Modelling
Pook, Geoffrey
Meinhardt (C&S) GEOT
Geology Team
ArcGIS Geological Modelling
Geological Layers
The following 8 stages will introduce the concepts behind the production of a 3D
layered model for ground conditions. It assumes that sufficient data has been
collected from desk study and GI sources and that an interpretation of
expected ground conditions is known.
Use an Excel spreadsheet (or the AGS Converter Table) to record data in
depth descending order with reference to:
• Easting
• Northing
• Stratum base
Meinhardt (C&S) GEOT
ArcGIS Geological Modelling
Label each Worksheet in the Excel Document with an appropriate name for
reference later.
If localized layers occur within the site boundary (e.g. pond deposits, marble,
cavities that do not cover the full site area) these may require lenses to be
created. This can be implemented with the use of a separate table. Record the
following data only for the BHs that contain the relevant strata.
• Easting
• Northing
• Stratum Top
• Stratum Base
Ensure that lenses are interpreted accurately to prevent overlapping with BHs
that do not contain any evidence. Consider using multiple lenses at varying
depths based on strata concentrations.
Meinhardt (C&S) GEOT
ArcGIS Geological Modelling
Stage 2 – ArcCatalog
Paste the Excel table in to the folder using the Windows interface.
Open ArcCatalog and Add a Folder Connection to the newly created Folder. Add
a New Shape file to your folder called Site Area. Use a Polygon style with the
Hong Kong coordinates. Additional polygon shapefiles can be added for each lens
that needs to be displayed within the model.
Stage 3 - ArcMap
Meinhardt (C&S) GEOT
ArcGIS Geological Modelling
These data points will now be presented on your map. The data will be displayed
in 2D planes providing the display of the total area covered by the BHs.
Stage 4 - Polygon
Meinhardt (C&S) GEOT
ArcGIS Geological Modelling
Right click the shapefile and click Edit. Within the edit toolbar on the right of
the ArcMap interface click the shapefile named Site Area and choose the
polygon shape from the options below it.
Stage 5 – ArcScene
Open a new project in ArcScene and choose the Hong Kong Coordinates if
prompted. Add in the tables needed from the project folder created earlier.
Display the X Y data and include the Z data for each layer*. The data will be
presented as 3D point layers.
Meinhardt (C&S) GEOT
ArcGIS Geological Modelling
*NOTE As the base of one stratum is most likely the top of the subsequent
stratum, it is not necessary to create duplicate layers. It is suggest that only
the following layers are created:
• GL
• Strata 1 base
• Strata 2 base
• Strata X base (etc.)
• Founding/Termination Level or a set depth to encompass all BHs e.g. -
100mPD (this last option will ensure that the model created has a smooth
Stage 6 – Rasters
In the Search bar locate the IDW tool to create a raster image from the point
data. Locate the point layer for GL and create the raster using the Z data for
GL (the current layer), saving it in the project folder.
Repeat this
process for
each relevant
layer for
Meinhardt (C&S) GEOT
ArcGIS Geological Modelling
Stage 7 – TIN
Stage 8 – Extrusion
Locate the Extrude Between tool. Using two TINs, extrude the Site Area
polygon between them. This will automatically adopt the thickness of the layer
and will cover the extent of the original site area polygon.
Meinhardt (C&S) GEOT
ArcGIS Geological Modelling
3D Vertical Boreholes
• Plot top or base of each strata by using Table to Table conversion tool in
ArcScene then Display XY Data.
Meinhardt (C&S) GEOT
ArcGIS Geological Modelling
• Use Extrude (in Properties) to extrude each buffer disc by the thickness
of the relevant layer
Meinhardt (C&S) GEOT
ArcGIS Geological Modelling
3D Horizontal/Inclined Coreholes
• Calculate the mPD of each strata boundary using the principles outlined
above and the diagram below.
mPD (m)
• Each strata for each corehole will be contained within its own table as
Meinhardt (C&S) GEOT
ArcGIS Geological Modelling
• Plot initial and final of each strata as two points by using Table to Table
conversion tool in ArcScene then Display XY Data.
• Use the Points to Line tool to connect these points.
• Use 3D Buffer of this line to produce a cylindrical corehole
• Colour the resultant cylinder based on Rock/Soil Type
LiDAR data can be used as ground level for model surfaces. Simply Clip the
section of DTM that you require for your site boundary using the principles
outline in the previous section. Convert this raster to a TIN using the Raster to
TIN tool. When extruding layers use this as the ground level from which to
Meinhardt (C&S) GEOT
ArcGIS Geological Modelling
3D Structures
Buildings, basements,
foundations and piles can be
created and shown within
models. If the 2D layout is
known and XY coordinates are
obtained for the extent of the
structure a polygon Shapefile
can be created to recreate the
footprint of the building. This
can then be extruded between
known levels, e.g. ground level or
the maximum height of the
structure. This method limits
the user to creating only simple
rectangular polygonal structures.
It is possible to create
a polyline Shapefile with
3D data where each
intersection of the line
can be given an mPD
value. This can then be
turned into a regular
cylinder using the 3D
Buffer tool.
Meinhardt (C&S) GEOT