Machine Learning Foundations and Applications Assignment 1 Due Date: 10 October, 2021

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Assignment 1 Due Date: 10 October, 2021

Total Marks: 50

[Instructions: Please show all the steps and calculations with proper explanation.
Numerical accuracy is less important than methodological accuracy. You can submit
through Moodle. You can work out on paper and submit scanned copies, or you can
directly work out using LATEX. The submission filename should be <roll
number>.pdf. Copying will result in 0 marks.]

1) Consider a 3-class classification problem with 3 features: 2 of which are binary and 1 discrete
with 4 values. 200 training examples are provided. In the table below, the statistics of these
examples are provided. Using them, construct a decision tree of depth 3, i.e. choose two
features for splitting sequentially. Use the decision tree to compute the accuracy on the
training set, i.e. how many of the 200 training examples are classified correctly. [10 + 5 = 15]

X1 X2 X3 #(Y=1) #(Y=2) #(Y=3)

1 1 A 15 0 0
1 2 A 15 0 0
2 2 A 2 9 1
2 1 A 3 5 0
1 1 B 0 10 4
1 2 B 0 10 1
2 2 B 8 2 4
2 1 B 7 3 1
1 1 C 0 6 0
1 2 C 0 9 0
2 2 C 1 0 14
2 1 C 0 0 20
1 1 D 0 2 15
1 2 D 1 3 14
2 2 D 1 0 9
2 1 D 0 0 5

2) Suppose you have been given only part of the above table, other rows are missing (X). Use a
Naïve Bayes Classifier to make class label predictions for the feature values along those rows.
Indicate the corresponding confidence values. [10]
X1 X2 X3 #(Y=1) #(Y=2) #(Y=3)
1 1 A 15 0 0
1 2 A 15 0 0
2 2 A 2 9 1
2 1 A X X X
1 1 B 0 10 4
1 2 B 0 10 1
2 2 B 8 2 4
2 1 B X X X
1 1 C X X X
1 2 C 0 9 0
2 2 C 1 0 14
2 1 C 0 0 20
1 1 D 0 2 15
1 2 D 1 3 14
2 2 D 1 0 9
2 1 D X X X

3) Given 20 training examples with 2 features – both continuous, construct the best decision
stump (single split) with only 2 leaf nodes. Choose the feature and also the threshold. Plotting
the points on 2D plane may help you. [5]

ID X1 X2 Y ID X1 X2 Y
1 5 7 1 11 13 6 2
2 7 12 1 12 14 8 2
3 12 5 1 13 17 15 2
4 10 8 1 14 15 9 2
5 6 11 1 15 13 10 2
6 13 8 1 16 11 5 2
7 8 12 1 17 16 18 2
8 9 11 1 18 15 7 2
9 11 6 1 19 12 12 2
10 8 12 1 20 18 9 2

4) Use the same examples as above to construct a Naïve Bayesian Classifier where the Class-
conditional distributions are Normal (for each feature). Estimate the parameters of the normal
distributions from the data (sample mean and sample variance). For which feature values is
your NBC least confident? [5 + 5 = 10]

5) (i) You are given a training set with N data-points of the form (xi, yi, wi), where xi is a D-
dimensional vector, the label yi is real-valued, and wi denotes the weight. You are now
required to fit a linear regression model to this data, of the form y=a’x + b as usual. However,
fitting errors are now weight-dependent, i.e. the loss should be more for points with higher
weightage. Find the linear regression model in this situation, starting from the objective
function and showing the necessary steps. [5 marks]

(ii) Suppose you are given N datapoints (xi, yi) where xi is a D-dimensional vector and the label
yi is real-valued. One again you are required to fit a linear regression model to this data, but
the vector “a” should be as close to a given vector “v” as possible in terms of Euclidean
distance. Find the linear regression model in this situation, starting from the objective function
and showing the necessary steps. [5 marks]

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