4a's Lesson Plan

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4A’s Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 9

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Differentiate sentences that express permission, obligation and
b. Identify modals of permission, obligation and prohibition in sentences; and
c. Use modals of permission, obligation, and prohibition appropriately in
sentences using real life situations, and relevant issues.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Grammar Awareness
Learning Competency: Express Permission, Obligation, and Prohibition Using
Materials: Laptop, projector, pictures and visual aids
Reference: Module in English for Grade 9, quarter 1

III. Procedure:

A. Preliminary activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of the Attendance
d. Review of the past lesson

B. Motivation

a. The teacher will be showing a pictures

b. Students who can guess the correct answer will be receive a prize.
Instruction: Imagine that you are in your new school. Match the signage below
with their corresponding meaning.
A. Unauthorized person is not allowed here.
B. Smoking is not allowed here.
C. You must not litter here.
D. You must not drink here.
E. You cannot eat here.
F. Do not enter.
G. You can pitch in here
C. Activity
The teacher will give an activity that will be written on the board, about sentences
that expresses permission, obligation or prohibition, and the students will write it
on a ½ sheet of paper.
Direction: Tell whether each sentence expresses permission, obligation or
prohibition. Write the modals on the space provided.
1. _____ The security guard should stay in front of the supermarket.
2. _____ Can I just get a piece of paper from your desk?
3. _____ You have to be ready for the interview tomorrow.
4. _____ You may now start answering the questions.
5. _____ You can’t copy my homework.

D. Analysis
The teacher will then ask the following questions to the students:
1. What have you observed with the activity?
2. Can you identify correctly the modals of permission, obligation and prohibition
easily or is it hard, and why?
3. Do you think learning permission, obligation, and prohibition using modals
helps you in daily activities in life? Why?
E. Abstraction
The teacher will properly discuss the topic.
Modals are auxiliary or helping verbs. They may be used in expressing
permission, obligation and prohibition.
Examples: I believe I can fly.
1. Permission is an act of giving consent or authorization. In stating permission,
modals to be used include can, could and may.
a. Can is used to ask for and give permission.
b. Could is also used as a more polite and more formal modal in asking
permission (which may not be given).
c. May is the most polite and formal modal used in asking and giving permission.
2. Prohibition is the act of disallowing or prohibiting someone in performing or
doing something. Modals showing prohibition include can’t and must not/mustn’t.
a. Can’t is used in dealing with something against rules, laws and signs. This is
used when the speaker is not the one who sets the rules.
b. Must Not/Mustn’t is used in dealing with something that is not permitted. In this
context, it is the speaker who sets the rules.
3. Obligation expresses commitment or duty. Modals used in expressing
obligation include have to (has to) and must.
a. Has/Have to is used when obligation comes not from the speaker. The
obligation is set by an authority, rule or law.
b. Must is used when expressing obligation comes from the speaker or from an
4. No obligation expresses the absence of commitment or duty as one may do it
or not. Don’t (doesn’t) have to is used to express no obligation.\
F. Application
a. The class will be divided into four groups.
b. Every group will act out every designated modals.
c. Every group must portray the use of modals in real life situation in 5

Group 1: Permission
Group 2. Prohibition
Group 3. Obligation
Group 4. No obligation
Content: 30%
Presentation: 40%

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Write your answers in a one whole sheet of paper, and follow the
instructions on every corresponding letter.
A. Choose two correct responses to give to each question. Write the letter of the
correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. When asking permission, which of these will you use?
a. Can she come to see us tomorrow?
b. Will she not come to see us tomorrow?
c. May she come to see us tomorrow?
d. Would she not come to see us tomorrow?
2. When stating the need for someone to do
something, which of these will you use?
a. You have to give up smoking.
b. She can’t use this room.
c. You mustn’t reveal where you got the information.
d. You should help your mother more.
B. Answer the following questions in the best way you can using correct modals.
3. What should people do when they feel angry?

4. What must a student do to maintain good grades?


5. What do you ought to do when you vote?

C. Use the correct modals of prohibition in each of the sentences.
6. You _____ share fake news in social media to avoid confusion.
7. She _____ occupy this area right now I am using it.
8. He _____ talk to me right now I need to finish my research work.
9. I _____ involve myself with this kind of trouble.
10. You _____ enter the theater without your ticket.
V. Assignment
Direction: Using the appropriate modal auxiliaries, create dialogues based on the
given situations below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. You are the SSG president and you would like to ask permission from
the school principal to attend a leadership training.

2. You are the class president and you want a truant classmate to know that it
is necessary to come to class on time.

Prepared by: Kyra J. Camia

English Teacher

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