Lesson Plan in English 9: A. Preliminary Activities

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Lesson Plan in English 9

February 11, 2020

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

A. Relate text content to particular social issues, concerns or dispositions in real life
B. Formulate predictions based on the material viewed (EN9VC-IVd-1.3/2.3)

II. References/ Materials

 Anglo-American Literature 9 (Learner’s Manual) –Lesson 3: Learning from Others

Your Initial Task (1-2), pp. 501-503
 Internet Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psMbUy8eAAI (video 1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRtuD0zqtPo (video 2)
 ICT Integration: Laptop and Screen Monitor/Projector
 Manila Paper, Marker
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Review
What moral or life lesson does the story “Death of a Salesman” try to convey?
B. Statement of Objectives

 Relate text content to particular social issues, concerns or dispositions in real life
 Formulate predictions based on the material viewed.
C. Motivation
“What’s in a Pic?”

 Present the captured images of the 2 video clips.

 Ask the class to predict what the messages in the videos are by analyzing the
pictures. They should write their answers in their activity book.
 Ask the students to take turns in sharing their answers. Tell them that you will go
back to their responses after they’ve seen the video clips.
D. Presentation of the Lesson

 Before the students watch the video clips, ask them to give their “recipe” for
 Show the class the two video clips. Remind them that as they watch they have to
take down important notes about the video clips.

o Successful Life-Motivational Video

o Inspirational Video – Just do it

F. Generalization
 Ask students what the two videos are about.
 Find out whether their predictions about each video is the same as the actual
content of the videos.
IV. Evaluation

 Divide the students into 2 groups. Let them answer Task 2 “Watch and Learn” on
Manila paper to be presented to the class. Write down the message of the each
of the videos. Then, decide whether you like or dislike the message and be sure
to explain why.

Message of the Video Like Dislike Why?


 Let student present and discuss their output. (Students’ performance will be
graded using the attached rubric)
 Supplement students’ answers.
V. Assignment
Determine the overall message of each video. Then, compare and contrast each of the
messages. Write down the strong and weak points of each message under the pros and cons
box. Write the message that you choose to follow in the decision box.

How do I become successful in life?

Video 1 Video 2

Pros Cons Pros Cons


Prepared by: ERROL A. PAROCHA

Teacher I


Head Teacher III- English Department

Noted by: ROSS U. RIVERA

Secondary School Principal IV

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