Case1 Santos RianneCaile B.

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AGBUS 1220- Human Resource Management

Name: Rianne Caile B. Santos

Course/Section BSAB 1-1

Case 1

Sarah recently graduated and was hired as Training Staff in Fashion Trends. The company
supplies office uniforms and different clothing orders from a big mall nearby. Since it started
operations two years ago, the business has been successful in producing and delivering the orders
of its customers. The managing President, Jim, being a fashion designer himself, does hands-on
work and supervise the marketing efforts, office operations, and production activities. Recently,
the orders have doubled. The production of these orders requires hiring new staff and acquiring
more sewing machines. Now that the business has expanded, Jim is realizing a need to create a
standard training procedure for staff especially since the newly hired sewers are starting work
and sets of brand new technology sewing machines are arriving in two weeks. The production
unit need to meet the delivery dates of the increased volume of orders the soonest possible time.
Currently, the new staff undergoes work orientation with an experienced staff by observing how
the work is done, and learning on the job. Jim saw this takes time and has higher incidence of
poor quality output. Sarah is then tasked to create a training program particularly for the new

Use the case example to answer the following questions.

1. What are the key factors that Jim and Sarah must consider in designing the
orientation and onboarding activities?
Orientation includes tasks such as putting the new hire on the payroll and
enrolling them in the necessary benefits while onboarding activities are a
longer process (up to a year) aimed at minimizing the time it takes new hires to
achieve reasonable productivity levels. Since the new staff went in a work
orientation to help them know how their jobs will be done, Jim and Sarah must
develop a training program that will train every employee well without missing
any information. They must consider the ADDIE model which means Analysis,
Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Through this model, it
will give off a dynamic, flexible guideline for constructing effective training and
performance support tools. In addition to this, ADDIE attempts to save time
and money by capturing problems while they are still easy to fix. After the
training, Jim and Sarah can analyze and evaluate the results of the program
through the Kirkpatrick Model that includes Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and
AGBUS 1220- Human Resource Management

Results. This will help them determine how the new employees reacted to the
training, if they truly understood it, if they are applying and utilizing what they
learned at work, and if the training and module had a positive impact on the

One of the main factors that Jim and Sarah must consider in achieving a
successful and practical orientation and onboarding activities is that they must
make the new employees acquainted and comfortable to make works much
easier as they are anxious in their environment or workplace. In order to
achieve this, they must invest in a welcoming and structured onboarding
process to keep things organized and successful that results in a victorious
organization. One factor that they can consider is having a team involvement
in which new employees should not only be included but the entire team.
Assigning a mentor would aid in the development of partnerships and
demonstrate to the newcomer that the company values them. Secondly,
having a consistent structure that would help the company reflect its values. A
set of structures will help the employee, the team, and the admiration in having
a transition as smooth as possible since they need to produce orders that have
been doubled. They can have functional training that covers the company's
products and services, clients/customers, and organizational structure, as well
as systems orientation for the company's general systems and role-specific
systems requirements. Most importantly, Jim and Sarah must make sure that
all newly hired employees have access to all information that they need to
know to succeed in their position or desired goal.

2. What training methodologies are appropriate for the new employees of Fashion
Trends? Explain.
Experiential learning can be the best method for the new employees of
Fashion Trends since they can work while having their training at the same
time that can help lessen the time and incidence of producing poor quality
outputs. This will also help new employees be well trained since they are
already exposed in their working
environment or having a concrete experience where they are engaged directly
in an authentic situation that can help them learn in a quicker way. After this,
they will be able to notice what happens and relate it to past experience and
conceptual understandings. Moreover, they will have the ability to connect
AGBUS 1220- Human Resource Management

ideas and link to existing knowledge and understanding which is called

abstract conceptualization. Lastly, they can plan action and test new ideas
that will result to honing skills in a new experience and this method is called,
active experimentation. During the experiential learning process, the learner is
challenged to take action, make decisions, and be accountable for results,
and is continually involved in asking questions, exploring, experimenting,
being curious, solving problems, taking responsibility, being imaginative, and
building meaning.

3. How can training help Fashion Trends in meeting its business objectives?
Training is an essential tool especially in reaching objectives that a business
wants to achieve. Training can help Fashion Trends meet its business
objectives because it will help improve productivity and adherence to quality
standards in which employees will be able to attain and develop skills that will
allow them to provide a greater variety of work. It makes the teams sell better
by teaching them about your goods and services, enhancing their marketing
skills, and improving their troubleshooting and customer service
effectiveness. Furthermore, when a company introduces training courses,
productivity typically rises and can increase the ability to respond effectively
to change.

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