Fire Code Rule 10

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RULE 10.



This Rule covers the fire safety measures for buildings, structures and facilities, hazardous
materials and wastes, hazardous operations and processes, and miscellaneous hazardous
premises and/or conditions that by its very nature or relation to life, property and environment
pose threat or danger.



A. This Chapter deals with life safety from fire and like emergencies in buildings, structures and
facilities. It covers construction, protection and occupancy features to minimize danger
to life from fire, smoke, vapor and fumes before buildings are vacated. It also discusses
procedures and guidelines in fire drills required for all types of occupancies to prevent panic
in times of emergencies. It specifies the number, size, and arrangement of means of egress
sufficient to permit prompt and safe escape of occupants from buildings, or structures or
facilities in case of fire or other conditions dangerous to life and property.
B. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prohibit a better type of design, building
construction, more exits, or otherwise safer conditions than the requirements specified in
this Chapter.
C. Nothing in this Rule is intended to prevent the use of new methods or devices, provided
sufficient technical data are submitted to demonstrate that the new method or device is
equivalent in quality, strength, fire resistance, effectiveness, durability, and safety to that
prescribed by this Rule.


A. Every building or structure, new or old, designed for human occupancy shall be provided
with exits sufficient to permit the fast and safe escape of occupants in case of fire or other
emergencies. The design of exits and other fire safety construction shall be such that
reliance for safety of life in case of fire or other emergencies will not depend solely on any
single fire safety construction. Additional safeguards shall be provided for life safety in case
any single safeguard is ineffective due to some human or mechanical failure.
B. Every building or structure shall be designed, constructed, equipped, maintained and
operated to avoid danger to lives and ensure safety of its occupants from fire, smoke, vapor
and fumes, during the period of escape from the building or structure.
C. Every building or structure shall be provided with exits of kind, number, location and capacity
appropriate to the individual building or structure, with due regard for the character of the
occupancy, the number of persons exposed, the fire protection available and the height
and type of construction of the building or structure, to afford all occupants convenient
facilities for escape.
D. Every exit of buildings or structures shall be arranged and maintained to provide free and
unobstructed egress from all parts thereof at all times. No lock or fastening device that
would prevent escape from the inside of any building shall be installed except in mental,
penal, or correctional institutions where personnel are continually on duty and effective
provisions are made to evacuate occupants in case of fire or other emergencies.
E. Every exit shall be clearly visible. The route to the exit shall be conspicuously marked in such
a manner that every occupant of a building or structure will readily know the direction of
escape. Each route of escape, in its entirety, shall be so arranged or marked that the way
to a place of safety outside is unmistakable. Any doorway not constituting an exit shall be
marked to minimize its possible confusion as an exit. Likewise, passage constituting a way to
reach an exit shall be marked to minimize confusion.
F. All means of egress shall be provided with adequate and reliable illumination.
G. Fire alarm systems or devices shall be provided in every building or structure of such size,
arrangement, or occupancy, to provide adequate warning to occupants.

H. Every building or structure, section, or area thereof of such size, occupancy and arrangement
such that the reasonable safety of a number of occupants may be endangered by the
blocking of any single means of egress due to fire or smoke, shall have at least two means
of egress remote from each other, so arranged as to minimize any possibility that both may
be blocked by any one fire or other emergency conditions.
I. Every vertical way of exit and other vertical openings between floors of a building shall be
suitably enclosed or protected to afford reasonable safety of occupants while using exits
and to prevent spread of fire, smoke, or fumes through vertical openings from floor to floor
before occupants have entered exits.
J. Required Fire Safety Programs/Measures
In addition to the requirements, lessees or occupants of buildings, structures or facilities
shall observe all pertinent fire safety measures.
1. All occupants or lessees of buildings, structures or facilities shall organize themselves, and
develop and implement fire safety programs to include among others, fire prevention
in the premises, notification of the BFP on the existence of fire, evacuation of persons
and initial firefighting. The building owner shall take the initiative of formulating the fire
safety program for his/her building and of organizing the occupants to implement the
2. In buildings, leased to and used by one (1) or several companies or persons, the
management of each company or each person shall be responsible for fire safety
measures within the leased or occupied areas. The building owner shall be responsible
for the common areas in the building such as the means of egress, utilities and building
services equipment or systems.
3. In building structures or facilities, such as condominium and the like, where some units
of the building are not yet sold, the provisions of para 2 above shall apply. When all
condominium units have been sold, responsibility for fire safety measures in the common
areas such as the means of egress, utilities, building equipment/system and the building
as a whole, shall devolve jointly upon all individual unit owners, occupants and building
K. Compliance with this Chapter shall not be construed as eliminating or reducing the
necessity of complying with other provisions for safety of persons using a structure under
normal occupancy conditions. Also, no provision of RA 9514 and its RIRR shall be construed
as requiring or permitting any condition that might be hazardous under normal occupancy
L. Construction and Repair Operations
1. New Construction
a. No building or structure under construction shall be occupied in whole or in part until
all required means of egress required for the part to be occupied are completed,
inspected and approved for occupancy.
b. Adequate escape facilities shall be maintained at all times in buildings under
construction for the use of construction workers. These facilities shall consist of doors,
walkways, stairs, ramps, fire escapes, or other arrangements in accordance with the
general guidelines of RA 9514 and its RIRR in so far as they can be reasonably applied
to buildings under construction.
2. Repairs or Alterations
a. Existing buildings may be occupied during repairs or alterations provided that all
existing fire protection systems/devices are continuously maintained or, in lieu thereof,
other measures are taken to provide equivalent safety.
b. Flammable or explosive substances or equipment necessary for the repair or alteration
of a building or structure may be introduced therein while it is occupied, only if the
conditions of use and the safeguards provided will not create any additional danger
or impair the use of the means of egress.
M. Cooking equipment shall be protected by automatic kitchen hood fire suppression in
accordance with internationally recognized standards.

A. A building or structure, or portion of buildings or structure, shall be classified as follows:
1. Assembly
a. Assembly occupancies include, but are not limited to, all buildings or portions of
buildings 1) used for gathering fifty (50) or more persons for such purposes as
deliberation, worship, entertainment, eating, drinking, amusement, awaiting
transportation, or similar uses; and 2) used as special amusement buildings.
b. Assembly occupancies include theaters; assembly halls; auditoriums; exhibition
halls; museums; restaurants; drinking establishments; places of worship; classrooms of
fifty (50)persons and over capacity; libraries; Internet shops of over fifty (50) persons
capacity; dance halls; clubrooms; skating rinks; gymnasiums; cockpit arenas; bowling
facilities; pool rooms; passenger stations and terminals of air, surface, underground,
and marine public transportation facilities; recreational facilities; piers; courtrooms;
conference rooms; mortuary chapels or funeral homes; and special amusement
c. Restaurants and drinking establishments with an occupant load of less than fifty (50)
persons shall be classified as mercantile occupancies.
d. Occupancy of any room or space for assembly purposes by less than fifty (50) persons
in a building of other occupancy and incidental to such other occupancy shall be
classified as part of the other occupancy and subject to the provisions applicable
2. Educational
a. Educational occupancies include all buildings or portions thereof used for gathering
of six (6) or more persons for purposes of instruction.
b. Educational occupancies include schools, universities, colleges, academies, and
c. Other occupancies associated with educational institutions shall be in accordance
with the appropriate parts of this Chapter.
d. In case where instruction is incidental to some other occupancy, the Section of the
Chapter governing such other occupancy shall apply.
3. Day Care
a. Day care occupancies include buildings, or portions thereof, in which four (4) or more
clients receive care, maintenance, and supervision, by other than their relatives or
legal guardians, for less than twenty-four (24) hours per day.
b. Day care occupancies include adult day care centers, except where part of health
care occupancies; child day care centers; day care homes; kindergarten classes
that are incidental to a child day care occupancy; and nursery schools.
4. Health Care
a. Health care facilities are those used for purposes of medical or other treatment or
care of persons, where such occupants are mostly incapable of self-preservation
because of age, physical or mental disability, or because of security measures not
under the occupants’ control.
b. Health care facilities include hospitals, nursing homes, and birth centers.
5. Residential Board and Care
a. Residential board and care buildings are those used for lodging and boarding of
four (4) or more residents, not related by blood or marriage to the owners or operators,
for the purpose of providing personal care services.
b. Residential Board and Care include:
1) Group housing arrangement for physically or mentally handicapped persons
who normally attend school in the community, attend worship in the community,
or otherwise use community facilities.
2) Group housing arrangement for physically or mentally handicapped persons
who are undergoing training in preparation for independent living, for paid
employment, or for other normal community activities.

3) Group housing arrangement for the elderly that provides personal care services
but that does not provide nursing care.
4) Facilities for social rehabilitation, alcoholism, drug abuse, or mental health
problems that contain a group housing arrangement and that provide personal
care services but do not provide acute care.
5) Assisted living facilities.
6) Other group housing arrangements that provide personal care services but not
nursing care.
6. Detention and Correctional
a. Detention and correctional buildings are those used to house one (1) or more
persons under varied degrees of restraint or security where such occupants are
mostly incapable of self-preservation because of security measures not under the
occupants’ control.
b. Detention and correctional occupancies shall include those used for purposes such
as adult correctional institutions, adult or youth detention facilities, adult community
residential centers, adult work camps, youth rehabilitation center, and adult and
juvenile substance abuse centers, and other similar facilities where occupants are
confined or housed under some degree of restraint or security.
7. Residential
a. Residential occupancies are those occupancies in which sleeping accommodations
are provided for normal residential purposes and include all buildings designed to
provide sleeping accommodation.
b. Residential buildings, structures or facilities are treated separately in this Rule in
the following groups: hotels, motels, apartelles, pension houses, inns, apartments,
condominiums, dormitories, lodging or rooming houses, and single and two -family
dwellings, and the likes.
8. Mercantile
a. Mercantile occupancies include stores, markets, and other rooms, buildings, or
structures for the display and/or sale of merchandise.
b. Mercantile occupancies include malls, supermarkets, department stores, shopping
centers, flea markets, restaurants of less than fifty (50) persons capacity, public/private
dry and wet markets, water refilling stations, drugstores, hardwares/construction
supplies, showrooms, and auction rooms.
c. Minor merchandising operation in building predominantly of other occupancies,
such as newsstand in an office building, shall be subject to the exit requirements of
the predominant occupancy.
d. Office, storage, and service facilities incidental to the sale of merchandise and
located in the same building should be considered part of the mercantile occupancy
9. Business
a. Business buildings are those used for the transaction of business other than that
covered under Mercantile, for the keeping of accounts and records, and similar
b. Included in this occupancy group are offices for lawyers, doctors, dentists and other
professionals, general offices, city/municipal halls, business process outsourcing
(BPO), call centers, Internet shops, massage parlors, beauty parlors, barbershops of
less than fifty (50) occupants, and court houses.
c. Minor office occupancy incidental to operations in other occupancy shall be
considered as a part of the dominant occupancy and shall be subject to the
provisions of the Chapter applying to the dominant occupancy.
10. Industrial
Industrial occupancies include factories that make products of all kinds and
properties which shall include but not be limited to product processing, assembling
and disassembling, mixing, packaging, finishing or decorating, repairing, and material
recovery, including factories of all kinds, laboratories, dry cleaning plants, power
plants, pumping stations, smokehouses, gas plants, refineries, sawmills, laundries, and
11. Storage
a. Storage occupancy includes all buildings or structures utilized primarily for the storage
or sheltering of goods, merchandise, products, vehicles, or animals. Included in this
occupancy group are warehouses, cold storages, freight terminals, truck and marine
terminals, bulk oil storage, LPG storage, parking garages, hangars, grain elevators,
barns, and stables.
b. Minor storage incidental to other occupancy shall be treated as part of the other
12. Mixed Occupancies
a. Refers to two (2) or more classes of occupancies occurring/located/situated/existing
in the same building and/or structures so intermingled that separate safeguards are
b. The means of egress shall be sufficient to meet exit requirements for the occupants
of each individual room or section, and for the maximum occupant load of the
entire building. Fire safety construction, protective and warning systems, and other
safeguards shall meet the most stringent requirements of the occupancy involved.
13. Special Structures
This class of occupancy includes buildings or structures which cannot be properly
classified in any of the preceding occupancy groups. Such special buildings and
structures shall conform to the fundamental guidelines provided for in Division 2 and to
any specific provisions applicable thereto in Division 19 both of this Chapter.
B. In case of conflict as to the type or classification of occupancy, the same shall be determined
by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.



A. For purposes of this Chapter, the degree of hazard shall be the relative danger of the start
and spread of fire, the generation of smoke or gases, and the danger of explosion or other
occurrences potentially endangering the lives and safety of the occupants of the building
or structure due to the nature of the contents or processes/operations therein.
B. The degree of fire hazard shall be determined by the C/MFM having jurisdiction on the basis
of the nature, character of the contents, and the process or operations being conducted
in the building or structure: Provided, however, that where the flame spread rating of the
interior finish or other features of the building or structure are such as to involve a fire hazard
greater than the hazard of contents, the greater degree of fire hazard shall govern, except
if such hazardous areas are segregated or protected as specified in Section of this
RIRR and the applicable Sections of Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter.


The hazard of contents of any building or structure shall be classified as follows:
A. Low Hazard
Those of such low combustibility that no self-propagating fire therein can occur and
that, consequently, the only probable danger requiring the use of emergency exits will be
from panic, fumes or smoke or fire from some external source.
B. Moderate Hazard
Those which are liable to burn with moderate rapidity or to give off a considerable
volume of smoke but from which neither poisonous fumes nor explosions are to be expected
in the event of fire.
C. High Hazard
Those which are liable to burn with extreme rapidity or from which poisonous gases or
explosions are to be expected in the event of fire.



A. Means of egress for both new and existing buildings shall comply with this Division except as
may be modified for individual occupancies by Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter.
B. Any change, alteration or addition that would reduce the means of egress below the
requirements for new buildings is prohibited.


A. Permissible Exit Components
An exit shall consist of the approved components that are described, regulated, and
limited as to use by Sections through of this RIRR. Exit components shall be
constructed as an integral part of the building or shall be permanently affixed thereto.
B. Protective Enclosure of Exit
1. When an exit is required to be protected by separation from other parts of the building
by some requirements of this RIRR, the construction of the separation shall meet the
following requirements:
a. The separation shall have at least one (1) hour fire resistance rating when the exit
connects three (3) storeys or less, regardless of whether the storeys connected are
above or below the storey at which the exit discharge begins.
b. The separation shall have at least two (2) hours fire resistance rating when the exit
connects four (4) or more storeys, whether above or below the floor of discharge.
It shall be constructed of noncombustible materials and shall be supported by
construction having at least a two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating.
c. Any opening in the separation wall/construction shall be protected by an approved
self-closing fire resistive door.
d. Openings in exit enclosure shall be confined to those necessary for access to the
enclosure from normally occupied spaces and for egress from the enclosure.
2. No exit enclosure shall be used for any purpose other than for means of egress.
C. Capacity of Means of Egress
1. The egress capacity for approved components of means of egress shall be based on
the capacity factors shown in Table 1, Capacity Factors.


Area and RAMPS
(width per person)
(width per person)
Board and Care 10.0 mm 5.0 mm
Health Care, Sprinklered 7.6 mm 5.0 mm
Health Care, Non Sprinklered 15.0 mm 13.0 mm
High Hazards 18.0 mm 10.0 mm
All Others 7.6 mm 5.0 mm
2. The required capacity of a corridor shall be the occupant load that utilizes the corridor
for exit access, divided by the required number of exits to which the corridor connects.
But the corridor capacity shall be not less than the required capacity of the exit to
which the corridor leads.
3. For stairways wider than one thousand one hundred twenty millimeters (1,120 mm) and
subject to the seven and six tenths millimeters (7.6 mm) width per person capacity factor,
the capacity shall be permitted to be increased using the following equation:

C = capacity, in persons, rounded to the nearest integer
Wn = nominal width of the stair

D. Occupant Load
1. The total capacity of means of egress for any floor, balcony, tier, or other occupied
space shall be sufficient for the occupant load thereof, and shall not be less than the
number computed by dividing the floor area assigned to that use by the occupant load
factor in accordance with the requirements of Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter for
individual occupancies. The occupant load in any building or portion thereof shall be
the maximum number of persons that may be in the space at any time, as determined
by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
2. Where exits serve more than one (1) floor, only the occupant load of each floor
considered individually need be used in computing the capacity of the exits of that
floor; provided, that exit capacity shall not be decreased in the direction of exit travel.
When means of egress from the floor above and below converge at an intermediate
floor, the capacity of the means of egress from the point of convergence shall not be
less than the sum of the two (2).
3. When any required egress capacity of a balcony or mezzanine passes through the
room below, that required capacity shall be added to the required egress capacity of
the room below.
E. Measurement of Means of Egress
1. The width of means of egress shall be measured by clear width starting from the
narrowest point of the egress component under consideration, unless otherwise
provided in para 2 hereof.
2. Projections of not more than one hundred fourteen millimeters (114 mm) at a maximum
height of nine hundred sixty-five millimeters (965 mm) within the means of egress on
each side shall be permitted.
F. Minimum Width
The width of any means of egress shall not be less than nine hundred fifteen millimeters
(915 mm) except when specifically provided under Division 8 through 20 of this Chapter.
G. Number of Means of Egress
1. The number of means of egress from any balcony, mezzanine, storey, or portion thereof
shall not be less than two (2), except when specifically permitted in Division 8 through
20 of this Chapter.
2. When the occupant load for any storey or portion thereof is more than five hundred
(500) but not more than one thousand (1,000), the means of egress shall not be less than
three (3); in excess thereof, the means of egress shall not be less than four (4).
3. The occupant load of each storey considered individually shall be required to be used
in computing the number of means of egress at each storey, provided that the required
number of means of egress is not decreased in the direction of exit travel.
4. No doors other than hoistway door, the elevator car door, and doors that are readily
openable from the car side without a key, tool, special knowledge, or special effort shall
be allowed at the point of access to an elevator car.
5. Elevator lobbies shall have access to at least one exit. Such exit access shall not require
the use of a key, a tool, special knowledge, or special effort.
H. Arrangement of Exit
1. Exits shall be located and exit access shall be arranged so that exits are readily
accessible at all times.
2. When exits are not immediately accessible from an open floor area, continuous
passageways, aisles, or corridors leading directly to every exit shall be maintained and
shall be arranged to provide access for each occupant to not less than two (2) exits by
separate ways of travel.
3. Corridors shall provide exit access without passing through any intervening rooms other
than corridors, lobbies, and other spaces permitted to be open to the corridor.
4. Remoteness shall be determined in accordance with the following:
a. When more than one (1) exit is required from a building or portion thereof, such exits
shall be remotely located from each other and shall be arranged and constructed
to minimize the possibility that more than one exit has the potential to be blocked by
any fire or other emergency condition.
b. When two (2) exits or exit access doors are required, they shall be located at a
distance from one another not less than one half (1/2) of the length of the maximum
overall diagonal dimension of the building or area to be served, measured in a
straight line between the nearest edge of the exit doors or exit access doors, unless
otherwise provided in para “c” hereof.
c. In buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler
system, the minimum separation distance between two (2) exits or exit access doors
measured in accordance with para “b” hereof shall not be less than one-third (1/3)
the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area to be
d. Where exit enclosures are provided as the required exits specified in para “b”
and para “c” hereof and are interconnected by not less than one-hour (1-hr) fire
resistance-rated corridor, exit separation shall be measured along the line of travel
within the corridor.
e. Where more than two (2) exits or exit access doors are required, at least two (2) of
the required exits or exit access doors shall be arranged to comply with the minimum
separation distance requirement.
5. Interlocking or scissor stairs shall be considered only as a single exit for new buildings.
I. Dead-End Limits
Means of egress shall be so arranged that there are no dead-end pockets, hallways,
corridors, passage ways or courts, whose depth exceeds six meters (6 m) unless otherwise
specified in individual occupancies by Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter.
J. Measurement of Travel Distance to Exits
1. The maximum travel distance in any occupied space to the nearest exit shall not exceed
the limits specified for individual occupancies by Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter.
Maximum travel distance shall be determined as follows:
a. The travel distance to an exit shall be measured on the floor or other walking surface
along the center line of the natural path of travel, starting from the most remote
point subject for occupancy, curving around any corner or construction with a
three hundred millimeters (300 mm) clearance therefrom, and ending at the center
of the doorway or other point at which the exit begins. Where measurement includes
stairs, it shall be taken in the place of the tread nosing.
b. In the case of open areas, distance to exits shall be measured from the most remote
point subject for occupancy. In case of individual rooms subject for occupancy by
not more than six (6) persons, distance to exits shall be measured from the floors of
such rooms, provided that the path of travel from any point in the room to the room
door does not exceed fifteen meters (15 m).
2. Where open stairways or ramps are permitted, as a path of travel to required exit, such
as between mezzanines or balconies and the floor below, the distance shall include the
travel on the stairway or ramp, and the travel from the end of the stairway or ramp to
reach an outside door or other exit, in addition to the distance to reach the stairway or
3. Where any part of an exterior way of exit access is within three meters (3 m) horizontal
distance of any unprotected building opening, as permitted by Section of this
RIRR for outside stairs, the distance to the exit shall include the length of travel to ground
K. Access to Exits
1. A door from a room to an exit or to a way of exit access shall be of the side-hinged,
swinging type. It shall swing with exit travel.
2. In no case shall access to exit be through a bathroom, bedroom, or other room
subject to locking, except where the exit is required to serve only the bedroom or other
room subject to locking, or adjoining rooms constituting part of the same dwelling or
apartment used for single family occupancy.
3. Ways of exit access and the doors to exits to which they lead shall be designed and
arranged to be clearly recognizable as such. Decorations or draperies shall not be
placed on exit doors. Mirrors shall not be placed in or adjacent to any exit in such a
manner as to confuse the direction of exit.
4. Exit access shall be arranged that it will not be necessary to travel toward any area of
high hazard occupancy in order to reach the nearest exit, unless the path is protected
by suitable partitions.

L. Exterior Ways of Exit Access
1. Access to an exit may be by means of any exterior balcony, porch, gallery, or roof that
conforms to the requirements of this Section.
2. Exterior ways of access shall have smooth, solid floors, substantially level, and shall have
guards on the unenclosed sides at least equivalent to those specified in para “H” of
Section of this RIRR.
3. A permanent, reasonably straight path of travel shall be maintained over the required
exterior way of exit access. There shall be no obstruction by railings, barriers, or gates
that divide the open space into sections appurtenant to individual rooms, apartments,
or other uses. Where the C/MFM having jurisdiction finds that the required path of travel
is obstructed by furniture or other movable objects, he/she shall require their removal.
However, if the width of the exterior way of exit access is greater than the required path
of travel, he/she may permit the relocation of such furniture to one side so that they
are out of the pathway. Such furniture shall then be fastened so they can no longer be
moved. Alternatively, he/she may require that railings or other permanent barriers be
installed to protect the path of travel against encroachment.
4. An exterior way of exit access shall be arranged so that there are no dead-ends in
excess of six meters (6 m) in length.
5. Any gallery, balcony, bridge, porch or other exterior exit access that projects beyond
the outside wall of a building shall comply with the requirements of this Division as to
width and arrangement.
M. Discharge from Exits
1. All exits shall terminate directly at a public way or at an exterior exit discharge. Yards,
courts, open space, or other portions of the exit discharge shall be of required width and
size to provide all occupants with a safe access to a public way, and be in accordance
with NFPA 101, Life Safety Code with respect to changes in elevation, stairs, ramps, or
keeping means of egress free from obstruction. Means of egress shall be permitted to
terminate in an exterior area for detention and correctional occupancies as otherwise
provided in NFPA 101.
2. Where permitted for individual occupancies by Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter, a
maximum of fifty percent (50%) of the exits may discharge through areas on the floor of
discharge provided all of the following requirements are met:
a. Exits shall discharge to a free and unobstructed way to the exterior of the building
and is readily visible and identifiable from the point of discharge from the exit.
b. The floor of discharge into which the exit discharges and any other portion of the
level of discharge with access to the discharge areas are protected with approved
supervised sprinkler system or separated from it in accordance with the requirement
for the enclosure of exits except if the discharge area is a vestibule or foyer complying
with all of the following, and where allowed in Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter:
1) The depth from the exterior of the building is not greater than three meters (3 m);
2) The length is not greater than six meters (6 m);
3) The foyer is separated from the remainder of the level of discharge by construction
providing protection at least the equivalent of wired glass in steel frames; and
the foyer serves only as means of egress, including exits direct to the outside.
c. The entire area on the floor of discharge is separated from areas below by construction
having a minimum of two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating.
3. Stairs and other exits shall be so arranged as to make clear the direction of egress to the
a. An exit from the upper storeys in which the direction of egress travel is generally
downward should not be arranged so that it is necessary to change to travel in an
upward direction at any point before discharging to the outside. A similar prohibition
of reversal of the vertical component of travel should be applied to exits from storeys
below the floor of exit discharge. However, an exception is permitted in the case of
stairs used in connection with overhead or under floor exit passageways that serve
the street floor only.
b. Exit stairs that continue beyond the floor of discharge shall be interrupted at the
floor of discharge by partitions, doors, or other effective means. Stairs and ramps
that continue more than a half (1/2) storey beyond the level of discharge shall be

provided with an approved means to prevent or dissuade occupants from traveling
past the level of discharge during emergency building evacuation.
4. Stairs, ramps, bridges, balconies, escalators, moving walks and other components of
an exit discharge shall comply with the detailed requirements of this Division for such
5. Subject to the approval of the C/MFM having jurisdiction, exits may be accepted to
discharge to roofs or other sections of the building or adjoining buildings, where the roof
has a fire resistance rating at least the equivalent of that required for the exit enclosure,
and where there is a continuous and safe means of egress from the roof, and all other
reasonable requirements for the safety are maintained.
6. The exit discharge shall be so arranged to meet the remoteness criteria in NFPA 101, and
marked to make clear the direction of egress travel from the exit discharge to a public
a. The entire area on the level of discharge shall be separated from areas below by
construction having a fire resistance rating not less than that required for the exit
b. Levels below the level of discharge in an atrium shall be permitted to be open to the
level of discharge where such level of discharge is protected.
N. Headroom
The minimum headroom shall not be less than two meters (2 m) nor any projection from
the ceiling be less than two meters (2 m) from the floor.
O. Changes in Elevation
Where a means of egress is not level, such differences in elevation shall be negotiated
by stairs or ramps conforming to the requirements of this Section for stairs and ramps.
P. Interior Finish in Exits
The flame spread of interior finish shall not exceed Class B in accordance with Section of this RIRR in exit enclosures, except when allowed in Division 8 through 20 of this


A. Application
1. A door assembly, including the doorway, frame, door, and necessary hardware, may be
used as a component in a means of egress when it conforms to the general requirements
of Section of this RIRR and to the specific requirements of this Section.
2. Every door and every principal entrance which are required to serve as an exit shall be
designed and constructed that the way of exit travel is obvious and direct. Windows,
which because of their physical configuration or design and the materials used in their
construction could be mistaken for doors, shall be made inaccessible to the occupants
by barriers or railings conforming to the requirements of para “H” of Section of
this RIRR.
3. The door assembly required by this Section shall comply with the fire protection rating
and, where rated, is self-closing or automatic-closing by means of smoke detection in
accordance with para “G” of this Section, and is installed in accordance with NFPA 80,
Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Windows.
B. Swing and Force to Open
1. Any door in a means of egress shall be of the side-hinged or pivoted-swinging type. The
door shall be designed and installed so that it is capable of swinging from any position
to the full required width of the opening in which it is installed. Doors required to be of
the side-hinged or pivoted-swinging type shall swing in the direction of egress travel
where serving a room or area with an occupant load of fifty (50) or more persons.
2. A door shall swing in the direction of egress travel when used in an exit enclosure
or where serving a high hazard contents area, unless it is a door from an individual
living unit that opens directly into an exit enclosure. During its swing, any door in a
means of egress shall leave not less than a half (1/2) of the required width of an aisle,
corridor, passageway, or landing unobstructed and shall not project more than one
hundred seventy-eight millimeters (178 mm) into the required width of an aisle, corridor,
passageway, or landing, when fully open. Doors shall not open directly onto a stair
without a landing. The landing shall have a width not less than the width of the door.

3. Unless exempt by other provisions of this Rule, any door used in an exit shall be designed
and installed that when a force is applied to the door on the side from which egress is to
be made, it shall swing in the direction of exit travel from any position to the full instant
use of the opening in which it is installed.
C. Locks, Latches, Alarm Devices
1. A door shall be arranged to be readily opened from the side from which egress is to be
made at all times when the building served thereby is occupied. Locks, if provided, shall
not require the use of a key, a tool, or special knowledge or effort, for operation from the
inside of the building.
2. A latch or other fastening device on a door shall be provided with a knob, handle,
panic bar, or other simple type releasing device, the method of operation of which is
obvious, even in darkness.
3. A door designed to be kept normally closed in a means of egress, such as a door to
a stair or horizontal exit, shall be provided with a reliable self-closing mechanism in
accordance with para “G” of this Section, and shall not at any time be secured in the
open position. A door designed to be kept normally closed shall bear a sign reading
substantially as follows:
4. Doors on buildings of four (4) or more storeys in height shall be provided with re-entry
mechanism to provide access out of the stairway to another exit. There shall be re-entry
mechanism every four (4) floors that provide a way out of the stairway.
5. Doors not allowing re-entry shall be provided with a sign indicating the location of the
nearest door, in each direction of travel that allows re-entry or exit.

AND _________ FLOOR
D. Egress Capacity Width
In determining the egress width for swinging doors, only the clear width of the doorway
when the door is open ninety degrees (90 o) shall be measured. In determining the egress
width for other types of doors for purposes of calculating capacity, only the clear width of
the doorway when the door is in the full open position shall be measured. Clear width of
doorways shall be measured between the face of the door and the stop in accordance
with Section para “E” of this RIRR.
E. Width and Floor Level
1. Door openings in means of egress shall not be less than seven hundred ten millimeters
(710 mm) in clear width. When a pair of doors is provided, not less than one of the doors
shall provide at least seven hundred ten millimeters (710 mm) clear width opening.
2. No single door in a doorway shall exceed one and twenty-two hundredths meters
(1.22 m) in width.
3. The elevation of the floor surfaces on both sides of a door shall not vary by more than
thirteen millimeters (13 mm). The elevation shall be maintained on both sides of the
doorway for a distance not less than the width of the widest leaf. Thresholds at doorways
shall not exceed thirteen millimeters (13 mm) in height. Raised thresholds and floor level
changes in excess of six millimeters (6 mm) doorways shall be beveled with a slope not
steeper than one (1) in two (2).
F. Panic Hardware
1. When a door is required to be equipped with panic hardware by some other provisions
of this Rule, the panic hardware shall cause the door latch to release when a force of
not more than seven kilogram-force (7 kgf) is applied to the releasing device in the
direction of exit travel.
2. Such releasing devices shall be bars or panel extending not less than two-thirds (2/3) of
the width of the door and placed at heights suitable for the service required, and shall
not be less than seven hundred sixty millimeters (760 mm) nor more than one thousand
one hundred twenty millimeters (1,120 mm) above the floor.
3. Required panic hardware shall not be equipped with any locking or dogging device,
set screw, or other arrangement which can be used to prevent the release of the latch
when pressure is applied to the bar.
G. Self-Closing Devices
A door normally required to be kept closed shall be installed or equipped with automatic
door closer in accordance with the following criteria:
1. Upon release of the hold-open mechanism, the door becomes self-closing.
2. The release device is designed so that the door instantly releases manually and, upon
release, becomes self-closing, or the door can be readily closed.
H. Maintenance
No lock, padlock, hasp, bar, chain, or other device, or combination thereof shall be
installed or maintained at any time on or in connection with any door on which panic
hardware is required by this Chapter, if such device prevents, or is intended to prevent, the
free use of the door for purposes of egress.
I. Power Operated Doors
1. Where required doors are operated by power, such as those with photo-electric
actuated mechanism which open upon the approach of a person or doors with
power-assisted manual operation, the design shall be such that in event of power failure,
the door may be opened manually to permit exit travel or closed where necessary to
safeguard means of egress.
2. No power-operated door shall be counted as a required exit unless it also swings with
the exit travel by manual means.
J. Screen and Storm Doors
No screen door or storm door in connection with any required exit shall swing against
the direction of exit travel in any case where doors are required to swing with the exit travel.
K. Revolving Doors
1. A revolving door shall not be used in a means of egress for an exit from the floor of
discharge directly to the outside except where specifically permitted in other Divisions
of this Chapter. It shall not be used at the foot or top of stairs at the floor of discharge.
Where permitted, the revolving door or doors shall be given a credit of only fifty percent
(50%) of the required capacity of exit except as provided in para K.2 hereof. Such
revolving doors shall be of approved type.
2. The number of revolving doors used as exit doors shall not exceed the number of
swinging doors used as exit doors within six meters (6 m) except when revolving doors
may serve as exits without adjacent swinging doors for street floor elevator lobbies, if no
stairways or doors from other parts of the building discharge through the lobby, and the
lobby has no occupancy other than as a means of travel between elevators and street.
3. Revolving doors shall be equipped with means to prevent their rotation at too rapid a
rate to permit orderly egress.
L. Turnstiles
1. No turnstiles or similar device to restrict travel to one direction, or to collect fares or
admission charges, shall be placed to obstruct any required means of egress, except
that approved turnstiles not over nine hundred ten millimeters (910 mm), which turn freely
in the direction of exit travel, may be used in any occupancy where revolving doors are
permitted. Turnstiles over nine hundred ten millimeters (910 mm) shall be subject to the
requirements for revolving doors.
2. No turnstiles shall be placed in any required exit, or barring the way of access thereto or
travel therefrom, unless immediately adjacent or within six and one tenth meters (6.1 m)
there is a swinging door or gate opening freely in the direction of exit travel, an open
passage serving the same general path of travel as the turnstile.
3. Turnstile shall be rated the same as revolving doors as regards to units of exit width and
rates of travel.
M. Doors in Folding Partitions
1. When permanently mounted folding movable partition are used to divide a room into
smaller spaces, a swinging door or open doorway shall be provided as a way of exit
access from each such space.

2. The swinging door may be omitted and the partition may be used to enclose the space
completely under the following conditions:
a. The subdivided space shall not be used by more than twenty (20) persons at any
b. The use of the space shall be under adult supervision;
c. The partitions shall be so arranged that they do not extend across any aisle or corridor
used as a way of access to the required exits from the floor;
d. The partitions shall conform to the interior finish and other applicable requirements of
this Chapter; and
e. The partitions shall be an approved type, shall have a simple method of release, and
shall be capable of being opened quickly and easily by inexperienced persons in
case of emergency.
N. Horizontal Sliding Doors
Horizontal sliding doors shall meet the following criteria:
1. The door is readily operable from either side without special knowledge or effort.
2. The force that, when applied to the operating device in the direction of egress, is
required to operate the door is not more than seven kilogram-force (7 kgf).
3. The force required to operate the door in the direction of exit travel is not more than
fifteen kilogram-force (15 kgf) to set the door in motion and is not more than seven
kilogram-force (7 kgf) to close the door or open it to the minimum required width.
4. The door assembly complies with the fire protection rating and, where rated, is
self-closing or automatic-closing by means of smoke detection in accordance with
para “G” of this Section, and is installed in accordance with NFPA 80, Standard for Fire
Doors and Fire Windows.


A. General
1. Stairs used as a component in the means of egress shall conform to the general
requirements of Section of this RIRR and to the special requirements of this
2. All stairways designated as a means of egress shall be continuous from the uppermost
floor level down to the ground floor.
B. Dimensional Criteria
1. Standard stairs shall meet the following criteria:
a. New stairs shall be in accordance with Table 2, Dimensional Criteria for New Stairs
and Table 4, New Stair Width.
b. Existing stairs shall be permitted to remain in use, provided that they meet the
requirements for existing stairs shown in Table 3, Dimensional Criteria for Existing Stairs.
c. Approved existing stairs shall be permitted to be rebuilt in accordance with the
1) Dimensional criteria of Table 3, Dimensional Criteria for Existing Stairs.
2) Other stair requirements of Section of this RIRR.
3) The requirements for new and existing stairs shall not apply to stairs located in
industrial equipment access areas except as otherwise provided in Division 17 of
this Chapter.


Feature Dimensional Criteria

Minimum Width See Table 4
Maximum height of risers 180 mm
Minimum height of risers 100 mm
Minimum tread depth 280 mm
Minimum headroom 2,000 mm
Maximum height between landings 3,660 mm


Minimum width clear of all obstructions, except projections
not more than one hundred fourteen millimeters (114 mm) 915 mm
at or below handrail height on each side
Maximum height of risers 205 mm
Minimum tread depth 230 mm
Minimum headroom 2,000 mm
Maximum height between landings 3,660 mm

2. Minimum New Stair Width

a. Where the total occupant load of all storeys served by the stair is fewer than fifty (50),
the minimum width clear of all obstructions, except projections not more than one
hundred fourteen millimeters (114 mm) at or below handrail height on each side, shall
be nine hundred fifteen millimeters (915 mm).
b. Where stairs serve occupant loads exceeding that permitted by para B.2.a of this
Section, the minimum width clear of all obstructions, except projections not more
than one hundred fourteen millimeters (114 mm) at or below handrail height on each
side, shall be in accordance with Table 4, New Stair Width and the requirements of
paras B.2.c, 2.d, and 2.e of this Section.


Total Cumulative Occupant Load Assigned to the Stair Width

< 2,000 persons 1,120 mm
> 2,000 persons 1,420 mm

c. The total cumulative occupant load assigned to a particular stair shall be that stair’s
prorated share of the total occupant load, as stipulated in paras B.2.d and B.2.e of
this Section, calculated in proportion to the stair width.
d. For downward egress travel, stair width shall be based on the total number of
occupants from storeys above the level where the width is measured.
e. For upward egress travel, stair width shall be based on the total number of occupants
from storeys below the level where the width is measured.
C. Curved Stairs
Curved stairs shall be permitted as a component in a means of egress, provided that
the depth of tread is not less than two hundred eighty millimeters (280 mm) at a point three
hundred five millimeters (305 mm) from the narrowest end of the tread, and the smallest
radius is not less than twice the stair width.
D. Spiral Stairs
1. Where specifically permitted for individual occupancies by Divisions 8 to 20 of this
Chapter, spiral stairs as a component of means of egress shall comply with the following:
a. Riser heights shall not exceed one hundred eighty millimeters (180 mm).
b. The stairway shall have a tread depth of not less than two hundred eighty millimeters
(280 mm) for a portion of stairway width sufficient to provide egress capacity for the
occupant load served in accordance with para “C” Section of this RIRR.
c. At the outer side of the stairway, an additional two hundred sixty-five millimeters
(265 mm) of width shall be provided clear to the other handrail, and this width shall
not be included as part of the required egress capacity.
d. Handrails shall be provided on both sides of the spiral stairway.
e. The inner handrail shall be located within six hundred ten millimeters (610 mm),
measured horizontally, of the point where a tread depth of not less than two hundred
eighty millimeters (280 mm) is provided.
f. The turn of the stairway shall be such that the outer handrail is at the right side of
descending users.
2. Where the occupant load served does not exceed three, spiral stairs shall be permitted,
provided that the following criteria are met:
a. The clear width of the stairs shall be not less than six hundred sixty millimeters
(660 mm).
b. The height of risers shall not exceed two hundred forty millimeters (240 mm).
c. The headroom shall be not less than one and ninety-eight hundredths meters
(1.98 m).
d. Treads shall have a depth of not less than one hundred ninety millimeters (190 mm) at
a point three hundred five millimeters (305 mm) from the narrower edge.
e. All treads shall be identical.
f. Handrails shall be provided on both sides of the stairway.
3. Where the occupant load served does not exceed five, existing spiral stairs shall be
permitted, provided that the requirements of para D.2.a through 2.e above are met.
E. Winders
Where allowed in Division 8 through 20 of this Chapter, winders shall be permitted in
stairs, provided that the same shall have a tread depth of not less than one hundred fifty
millimeters (150 mm) and a tread depth of not less than two hundred eighty millimeters
(280 mm) at a point three hundred five millimeters (305 mm) from the narrowest edge.
F. Enclosure
1. All interior stairways shall be enclosed in accordance with the provisions of Section and Section of this RIRR, except insofar as open stairways are permitted
by para A.2 of Section of this RIRR.
2. There shall be no enclosed, usable space within an exit enclosure, including under
stairs, nor shall any open space within the enclosure be used for any purpose that has
the potential to interfere with egress.
G. Stair Details
1. All stairs serving as required means of egress shall be of permanent fixed construction.
Each new stair and platform, landing, balcony, and stair hallway floor used in buildings
of four (4) storeys or more and in all new buildings, required by this Rule to be of
fire-resistive construction, shall be non-combustible material throughout, except the
handrails. Treads of stairs and landing floors shall be solid.
2. Each stair, platform, landing, balcony, and stair hallways floor shall be designed to
carry a load of four hundred eighty-eight kilograms per square meter (488 kg/m2) or a
concentrated load of one hundred thirty-six kilograms (136 kg), so located as to produce
maximum stress conditions.
3. There shall be no variation exceeding five millimeters (5 mm), in the width of treads
or in height of risers in any flight, except as permitted by para “H” of this Section for
monumental stairs.
4. Every tread less than two hundred fifty millimeters (250 mm) shall have a nosing or an
effective projection of approximately twenty-five millimeters (25 mm) over the level
immediately below.
5. Where material of stair treads and landings is such as to involve danger of slipping,
non-slip material shall be provided on tread surface.
6. Stairways and intermediate landings shall continue with no decrease in width along the
direction of exit travel.
H. Guards and Handrails
1. Means of egress such as stairs, stair landings, balconies, ramps and aisles located along
the edge of open-sided floor and mezzanines, shall have guards to prevent falls over
the open side. Each new stair, stair landing, and ramp shall have handrails on both
2. Required guards and handrails shall continue for the full length of each flight of stairs.
3. The design of guards and handrails and the hardware for attaching handrails to guards,
balusters, or masonry walls shall be such that there are no projecting logs on attachment
devices or non-projecting corners or members of grilles or panels which may engage
loose clothing. Opening in guards shall be designed to prevent loose clothing from
being wedged in such openings.

4. Handrails Details:
a. Handrails on stairs shall be not less than seven hundred sixty millimeters (760 mm) nor
more than eight hundred sixty-five millimeters (865 mm) above the upper surface
of the tread, measured vertically to the top of the rail from a point on the tread
twenty-five millimeters (25 mm) back from the leading edge, except on stairways
designed for use by children an additional handrail may be provided lower than the
main handrail.
b. Handrails shall provide a clearance of at least thirty-eight millimeters (38 mm)
between handrail and wall to which it is fastened. Handrails shall be of such design
and so supported as to withstand a load of not less than ninety-one kilograms (91 kg)
applied to any point, downward or horizontally.
c. Handrails shall be so designed as to permit continuous sliding of hands on them.
d. Every stairway, required to be more than two and twenty-three hundredths meters
(2.23 m) in width, shall have intermediate handrails dividing the stairway into portions
not more than two and twenty-three hundredths meters (2.23 m) in width, except
that in monumental outside stairs, two (2) handrails may be permitted.
5. Guard Details:
a. The height of guards shall be measured vertically to the top of the guard from a point
on the tread twenty-five millimeters (25 mm) back from the leading edge or from the
floor of landings or balconies.
b. No guards shall be required for inside stairs which reverse direction at intermediate
landings, where the horizontal distance between successive flights is not more than
three hundred five millimeters (305 mm).
c. Guards shall not be less than one and six hundredths meters (1.06 m) high. Guards
protecting changes in level, one storey or less on interior balconies and mezzanines,
shall be not less than ninety-one hundredths meter (0.91 m).
d. Guards shall be so constructed that the area in the plane of the guard from the top
of the floor, riser, or curb to the minimum required height of guard shall be subdivided
or filled in one of the following manners:
1) A sufficient number of intermediate longitudinal rails so that the clear distance
between rails measured at right angles to the run of rail do not exceed
two hundred twenty-five millimeters (255 mm). The button rails shall not be more
than two hundred twenty-five millimeters (255 mm) from the top of the floor,
tread or curb measured vertically.
2) Vertical balusters spaced not more than one hundred fifty-two and a half
millimeters (152.5 mm) apart.
3) Areas filled wholly or partially by panels of solid wire mesh or expanded metal
construction or by ornamental grilles which provide protection against falling
through the guard equivalent to that provided by the intermediate rails or vertical
balusters specified in the two preceding paragraphs.
4) The lower part of the area may consist of a continuous substantial curb, the top
of which is parallel to the run of stairs of level areas and the height of which is
not less than seventy-six millimeters (76 mm) on stairs (measured at right angles
to the curb from its top to the nosing of the tread) and not less than one hundred
fifty-two and and a half millimeters (152.5 mm) for level areas.
5) Masonry walls may be used for any portion of the guard.
6) Any combination of the foregoing that provides equivalent safety.
e. Enclosure walls and guards consisting of masonry, railings, or other construction shall
either be designed for loads transmitted by attached handrails or shall be designed
to resist a horizontal force of seventy-five kilograms (75 kg) per lineal meter applied
at the top of the guard, whichever condition produces maximum stress. For walls or
guards higher than the minimum height, the specified force shall be applied at a
height one and seven hundredths meters (1.07 m) above the floor or tread.
f. Intermediate rails, balusters, and panel fillers shall be designed for a uniform load of
not less than one hundred twenty-two kilograms per square meter (122 kg/m2) over
the gross area of the guard (including the area of any opening in the guard) of which
they are a part. Reactions due to this loading need not be added to the loading
specified by para H.5.c of this Section in designing the main supporting members of
I. Smoke-proof Enclosures
1. General
Where smoke proof enclosures are required in other Sections of this Code, they shall
comply with this Section, except for approved existing smoke proof enclosures.
2. Performance Design
An appropriate design method shall be used to provide a system that meets the
definition of smoke proof enclosure. The smoke proof enclosure shall be permitted to be
created by using natural ventilation, by using mechanical ventilation incorporating a
vestibule, or by pressurizing the stair enclosure.
3. Enclosure
A smoke proof enclosure shall be enclosed from the highest point to the lowest point
by barriers having two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance ratings. Where a vestibule is used, it
shall be within the two-hour (2-hr) rated enclosure and shall be considered part of the
smoke proof enclosure.
4. Vestibule
Where a vestibule is provided, the doorway into the vestibule shall be protected
with an approved fire door assembly having a one and a half-hour (1.5-hr) fire
resistance rating, and the fire door assembly from the vestibule to the smoke proof
enclosure shall have not less than a twenty-minute (20-min) fire resistance rating.
Doors shall be designed to minimize air leakage and shall be self-closing or shall be
automatic-closing by actuation of a smoke detector within three meters (3 m) of the
vestibule door. New doors shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 105, Standard for
Smoke Door Assemblies and Other Opening Protectives.
5. Discharge
Every smoke proof enclosure shall discharge into a public way, into a yard or court
having direct access to a public way, or into an exit passageway. Such exit passageways
shall be without openings, other than the entrance to the smoke proof enclosure and the
door to the outside yard, court or public way. The exit passageway shall be separated
from the remainder of the building by a two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating.
6. Access
For smoke proof enclosures other than those consisting of a pressurized stair enclosure
complying with para I.9 of this Section, access to the smoke proof stair enclosure shall
be by way of a vestibule or an exterior balcony.
7. Natural Ventilation
Smoke proof enclosures using natural ventilation shall comply with para 3 hereof
and the following:
a. Where access to the stair is by means of an open exterior balcony, the door assembly
to the stair shall have a one and a half hour (1.5-hr) fire resistance rating and shall
be self-closing or automatic-closing by actuation of a smoke detector. Openings
adjacent to the exterior balcony specified in the preceding paragraph shall be
b. Every vestibule shall have a net area of not less than one and a half square meters
(1.5 m2) of opening in an exterior wall facing an exterior court, yard, or public space
not less than six meters (6 m) in width.
c. Every vestibule shall have a minimum dimension of not less than the required width
of the corridor leading to it and a dimension of not less than one and eighty-three
hundredths meters (1.83 m) in the direction of travel.
8. Mechanical Ventilation
Smoke proof enclosures using mechanical ventilation shall comply with para 3
hereof and the following requirements:
a. Vestibules shall have a dimension of not less than one and twelve hundredths meters
(1.12 m) in width and not less than one and eighty-three hundredths meters (1.83 m)
in direction of travel.
b. The vestibule shall be provided with not less than one air change per minute, and
the exhaust shall be one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the supply. Supply air shall
enter and exhaust air shall discharge from the vestibule through separate tightly

constructed ducts used only for such purposes. Supply air shall enter the vestibule
within one hundred fifty millimeters (150 mm) of the floor level. The top of the exhaust
register shall be located not more than one thousand one hundred fifty millimeters
(1,150 mm) below the top of the trap and shall be entirely within the smoke trap
area. Doors, when in the open position, shall not obstruct duct openings. Controlling
dampers shall be permitted in duct openings if needed to meet the design
c. To serve as a smoke and heat trap and to provide an upward-moving air column, the
vestibule ceiling shall be not less than five and one tenth meters (5.1 m) higher than
the door opening into the vestibule. The height shall be permitted to be decreased
where justified by engineering design and field testing.
d. The stair shall be provided with a damper relief opening at the top and supplied
mechanically with sufficient air to discharge at least seventy and eight tenths cubic
meters per minute (70.8 m3/min) through the relief opening while maintaining a
positive pressure of not less than twenty-five Newton per square meter (25 N/m2) in
the stair, relative to the vestibule with all doors closed.
9. Stair Pressurization
a. Smoke proof enclosures using stair pressurization shall use an approved engineered
system with a design pressure difference across the barrier of not less than twelve
and a half Newton per square meters (12.5 N/m2) in sprinklered buildings, or
twenty-five (25 N/m2) in non-sprinklered buildings, and shall be capable of maintaining
these pressure differences under likely conditions of stack effect or wind. The pressure
difference across doors shall not exceed that which allows the door to begin to be
opened by a force of one hundred thirty-three Newtons (133 N) in accordance with
Section of this RIRR.
b. Equipment and ductwork for stair pressurization shall be located in accordance with
one of the following specifications:
1) Exterior to the building and directly connected to the stairway by ductwork
enclosed in noncombustible construction.
2) Within the stair enclosure with intake and exhaust air vented directly to the
outside or through ductwork enclosed by a two-hour (2-hr) fire-resistive rating.
3) Within the building under the following conditions:
a) Where the equipment and ductwork are separated from the remainder of
the building, including other mechanical equipment, by a two-hour (2-hr)
fire-resistive rating.
b) Where the building, including the stairway enclosure, is protected throughout
by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system and the equipment
and ductwork are separated from the remainder of the building, including
other mechanical equipment, by not less than one (1) hour fire-resistive rating.
c. In all cases specified by para I.9.a through 9.b of this Section, openings into the required
fire resistance–rated construction shall be limited to those needed for maintenance
and operation and shall be protected by self-closing fire protection–rated devices.
10. Activation of Mechanical Ventilation and Pressurized Stair Systems
a. For both mechanical ventilation and pressurized stair enclosure systems, the activation
of the systems shall be initiated by a smoke detector installed in an approved location
within three meters (3 m) of the entrance to the smoke proof enclosure.
b. The required mechanical system shall operate upon the activation of the smoke
detectors specified in para “a” above and by manual controls accessible to the fire
department. The required system also shall be initiated by the following, if provided:
1) Water flow signal from a complete automatic sprinkler system; or
2) General evacuation alarm signal.
11. Door Closers
The activation of an automatic-closing device on any door in the smoke proof
enclosure shall activate all other automatic-closing devices on doors in the smoke proof
12. Emergency Power Supply System (EPSS)
EPSS for new mechanical ventilation equipment shall be provided in accordance
with NFPA 110, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems.

J. Monumental Stairs
Monumental stairs, either inside or outside, may be accepted as required exits if all
requirements for exit stairs are complied with, including required enclosures and minimum
width of treads, except that curved stairs may be accepted with a radius of seven and a
half meters (7.5 m) or more at the inner edges.


A. General
Any permanently installed stair outside of the building being served is acceptable as a
means of egress under the same condition.
B. Enclosures
1. Under all conditions where enclosure of inside stairways is required, outside stairs shall
be separated from the interior of the buildings with walls having the same fire-resistance
rating as that required for the wall enclosing inside stairs. Any opening in such wall shall
be protected by fire doors or fixed wired glass windows.
2. Wall construction required by para B.1 of this Section shall extend as follows:
a. Either vertically from the ground to a point three thousand fifty millimeters (3,050 mm)
above the topmost landing of the stairs or to the roofline, whichever is lower.
b. Horizontally for not less than three thousand fifty millimeters (3,050 mm).


A. Application
1. A horizontal exit is a way of passage from one building to an area of refuge in another
building on approximately the same level, or a way of passage through or around a
wall or partition to an area of refuge on approximately the same level in the same
building, which affords safety from fire or smoke from the area of escape and areas
communicating therewith.
2. Horizontal exits may be substituted for other exits to an extent that the total exit capacity
of the other exits (stairs, ramps, doors leading outside the building) will not be reduced
below half that required for the entire area of the building or connected building if
there were no horizontal exits, except for health care occupancies, where the total exit
capacity of the other exits (stairs, ramps, doors leading outside the building) shall not be
reduced below one-third (1/3) that required for the entire area of the building.
B. Egress from Area of Refuge
1. Every fire compartment allowed in connection with a horizontal exit shall have in addition
to the horizontal exit or exits at least one (1) stairway or doorway leading outside, or
other standard exit. Any fire section not having a stairway or doorway leading outside
shall be considered as part of an adjoining section with stairway.
2. Every horizontal exit shall be so arranged that there are continuously available paths of
travel leading from each side of the exit to stairways or other standard means of egress
leading to outside the building.
This requirement is complied with where the entire areas from each side of the
horizontal exit to the stairways or other standard means of egress are occupied by
the same tenant; or where there are public corridors or other continuously available
passageways leading from each side of the exit to stairway or other standard means of
egress leading to outside of the building.
3. Whenever either side of the horizontal exit is occupied, doors used in connection with
the horizontal exit shall swing in opposite directions and shall not be locked from either
4. The floor area on either side of a horizontal exit shall be sufficient to hold the occupant
of both floor areas, allowing not less than three tenths square meter (0.3 m2) clear floor
areas per person.
5. Every building shall be provided with separate means of egress. in cases where means
of egress is by means of horizontal exit to another building or structure, the exits of
said building shall be maintained, properly protected and readily accessible to the
occupants of the other building

C. Bridges and Balconies
1. Each bridge or balcony utilized in conjunction with horizontal exits shall comply with the
structural requirements for outside stairs and shall have guards and handrails in general
conformity with the requirements of Section of this RIRR for stairs and smoke
proof enclosures.
2. Every bridge or balcony shall be at least as wide as the door leading to it and not less
than one and twelve hundredths meters (1.12 m) for new construction.
3. Every door leading to a bridge or balcony serving as a horizontal exit from a fire area,
shall swing with exit travel out of the fire area.
4. Where the bridge of balcony serves as a horizontal exit in one direction, only the door
from the bridge or balcony into the area of refuge shall swing in.
5. Where the bridge or balcony serve as a horizontal exit in both direction, doors shall be
provided in pairs swinging in opposite directions, only the door swinging with the exit
travel to be counted in determination of exit width, unless the bridge or balcony has
sufficient floor area to accommodate the occupant load of either connected or fire
compartment on the basis of three tenths square meter (0.3 m2) per person or in existing
buildings by specific permission of the C/MFM having jurisdiction, in which case doors
on both ends of the bridge or balcony may swing out from the buildings.
6. The bridge or balcony floor shall be on the level with the floor of the building.
7. Ramps shall be employed where there is a difference in level between connected
buildings or floor areas. Steps may be used where the difference in elevation is greater
than five hundred thirty-three and four tenths millimeters (533.4 mm). Ramps and stairs
shall be in accordance with the Sections of this Rule pertaining to ramps, stairs and
outside stairs.
8. All wall openings, in both of the connected buildings or fire areas any part of which is
within three meters (3 m) of any bridge or balcony as measured horizontally or below,
shall be protected with fire doors or fixed metal-frame wired-glass windows; except
where bridges have solid sides not less than one and eight tenths meters (1.8 m) in
height, such protection of wall openings may be omitted.
D. Openings through Walls for Horizontal Exits
1. Walls connected by a horizontal exit between buildings shall be of non-combustible
material having a two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating. They shall provide a separation
continuous to the ground.
2. Any opening in such walls, whether or not such opening serves as an exit, shall be
adequately protected against the passage of fire or smoke therefrom.
3. Swinging fire exit doors on horizontal exits shall swing with the exit travel. Where a
horizontal exit serves on both sides of a wall, there shall be adjacent openings with
swinging doors at each wall, opening in opposite directions, with signs on each side
of the wall or partitions indicating as the exit door which swings with the travel from
that side, or other approved arrangements providing doors always swinging with any
possible exit travel.
4. Sliding fire doors shall not be used on a horizontal exit except where the doorway
is protected by a fire door on each side of the wall in which such sliding fire doors
are located. In this case, one fire door shall be of the swinging type as provided in
para C.3 of this Section and the other may be an automatic sliding fire door that shall
be kept open whenever the building is occupied.
E. Omission of Fire Partition on Certain Floors
1. Where a fire partition is used to provide a horizontal exit in any storey of a building, such
partition may be omitted in any lower storey under the following conditions:
a. The open fire area storey from which the fire partition is omitted shall be separated
from the storeys above by construction having at least two-hour (2-hr) resistance
b. Required exits from the storeys above the open fire area storey shall be separated
therefrom by construction having two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating and shall
discharge outside without travel through the open fire area storey.
c. Vertical openings between the open fire area storey and the storeys above shall be
enclosed with construction having two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating. Other details
shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section of this RIRR.

2. Where a fire partition is used to provide a horizontal exit for any storey below the
discharge level, such partition may be omitted at the level of the discharge under the
following conditions:
a. The open fire area storey shall be separated from the storeys below by construction
having at least two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating.
b. Required exits from storeys below the open fire area storey shall be separated from
the open fire area storey by construction having two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating
and all discharge directly outside without travel through the open fire area storey.
c. Vertical openings between the open fire area storey and the floors below shall be
enclosed with a construction having two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating. Other
details shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section of
this RIRR.


A. Application
A ramp shall be permitted as component in a means of egress when it conforms to
the general requirements of Section of this RIRR and to the special requirements of
this Section.
B. Dimensional Criteria
The following dimensional criteria shall apply to ramps:

Feature Dimensional Criteria

Minimum width clear of all obstructions, except projections not
more than one hundred fourteen millimeters (114 mm) at or 1,120 mm
below handrail height on each side
Maximum slope 1:12
Maximum cross slope 1:48
Maximum rise for a single ramp run 760 mm

C. Protective Enclosure
1. When a ramp inside a building is used as an exit or exit component, it shall be protected
by separation from other parts of the building as specified in para “B” Section
of this RIRR.
2. Fixed wired glass panels in steel sash may be installed in such a separation in a building
fully provided with approved, supervised sprinkler system.
3. There shall be no enclosed usable space under ramps in an exit enclosure nor shall the
open space under such ramps be used for any purpose.
D. Other Details
1. A ramp, as well as the platforms and landings associated therewith, shall be designed
for not less than four hundred eighty-eight kilograms per square meter (488 kg/m2) live
load and shall have a nonslip surface.
2. The slope of a ramp shall not vary between landings. Landings shall be level and
changes in direction of travel, if any, shall be made only at landings.
3. A ramp used as an exit component in a building more than three (3) storeys, or in a
building of any height of noncombustible or fire-resistive construction, shall be of
noncombustible material. The ramp floor and landings shall be solid and without
4. Guards and handrails complying with para “H” Section of this RIRR shall be
provided in comparable situations for ramps, except that handrails are not required in
Class A ramps.
E. Special Provisions for Outside Ramps
1. Outside ramps shall be arranged to avoid any impediments to their use. For ramps more
than three (3) storeys in height, any arrangement intended to meet this requirement
shall be at least one and twenty-two hundredths meters (1.22 m) in height.
2. Outside ramps and landings shall be designed and maintained to minimize water
accumulation on their surfaces.
A. Application
Any hallway, corridor, passage or tunnel, may be designated as an exit, passageway
and used as an exit or component when conforming to all applicable requirement of
Section of this RIRR, as modified by the provisions of this Section.
B. Protective Enclosure and Arrangement
1. An exit passageway shall be protected by separation from other parts of the building as
specified in para “B” of Section of this RIRR.
2. Fixed wired glass panels in steel sash may be installed in such a separation in building
provided with Automatic Sprinkler System.
C. Width
The width of an exit passageway shall be adequate to accommodate the aggregate
capacity of all exits discharging through it.
D. Floor
The floor shall be solid and without perforations.


Escalators and moving walks shall not constitute as part of the required means of egress,
unless they are previously approved existing escalators and moving walks.


A. Fire Escape Stairs
1. General
a. Fire escape stairs (not those under Section and of this RIRR) may be
used in required means of egress only in existing buildings, subject to the applicable
provisions of Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter. Fire escape stairs shall not constitute
more than fifty percent (50%) of the required exit capacity in any case. Fire escape
stairs shall not be accepted as constituting any part of the required means of egress
for new buildings.
b. Fire escape shall provide a continuous unobstructed safe path of travel to the ground
or other area of refuge to which they lead. All stairs leading to an adjoining roof, which
shall be clearly indicated with appropriate signage, shall be provided with handrails.
Where a single means of egress consists of a combination of inside stairs and fire
escape stairs, each shall comply with the applicable provision of this Chapter, and
the two shall be so arranged and connected as to provide a continuous safe path of
2. Types
a. The following types of fire escape stairs are recognized by this Chapter:
1) Return platform types with superimposed runs; or
2) Straight run type with platforms continuing in the same direction.
b. Either of these may be parallel to or at right angle to the building. They may be
attached to buildings or erected independently of them and connected bridges.
3. Stairs Details
Fire escape stairs, depending upon the requirement of Division 8 through 20 of this
Chapter, shall be in accordance with the following table and subsequent paragraphs.


Minimum widths 600 mm clear between rails
Minimum horizontal dimension
600 mm
any landing of platform
Maximum rise 230 mm
Minimum tread, exclusive of
230 mm

Tread construction Solid, 13.00 mm diameter perforation permitted
Winders (spiral) None
Risers None
Maximum height between
3.66 m
Headroom, minimum 2.00 m
Door or casement windows 610 mm by 1.98 m
Access to escape or double hung windows 762 mm by
914.40 mm clear
Level of access opening Not over 305 mm above floor; steps if higher
Discharge to ground Swinging stair section permitted
45 per unit access by door; 20 if access
Capacity number of persons
by climbing over window rail

4. Arrangement and Protection of Openings

Fire escape stairs shall be so arranged that they will be exposed by the smallest
possible or window and door openings. There shall be no transom over doors. Every
opening, any portion of which is in the limits specified below, shall be completely
protected by approved fire doors or metal-frame wired glass windows in the same
manner as provided for outside stairs and outside ramps.
5. Access
a. Access to fire escape stairs shall be provided in accordance with Table 6 in
para A.3 of this Section and the general provisions of para “K” of Section of
this RIRR.
b. Where access is by way of double windows, such windows shall be so counter
balanced and maintained that they can be readily opened with a minimum of
physical effort. Insert screens, if any, on any type of opening giving access to fire, an
escape stair shall be of types that may be readily opened or pushed out. No storm
sash shall be used on any window providing to fire escape stairs.
c. Fire escape stairs shall extend to the roof in all cases where the roof is subject to
occupancy or is constructed and arranged to provide an area of refuge from fire.
In all cases where stairs do not extend to the roof, access thereto shall be provided
by a ladder in accordance with pertinent provisions of Section of this RIRR,
however such ladders are not required in the case of roofs with pitch or slope steeper
than sixteen and sixty-seven hundredths percent (16.67%).
d. Balconies, to which access is secured through windows with sills above the inside
floor level, shall be not more than four hundred sixty millimeters (460 mm) below the
sill. In no case shall balcony level be above the sill.
6. Materials and Strength
a. Iron, steel, reinforced concrete, or other approved noncombustible materials shall
be used for the construction of fire stairs, balconies, railings, and other features
appurtenant thereto.
b. Balconies and stairs shall be designed to carry a load of four hundred eighty-eight
kilograms per square meter (488 kg/m2) or a concentrated load of one hundred
thirty-six kilograms (136 kg) so located as to produce maximum stress conditions.
c. Except where embedded in masonry or concrete or where a suitable fire resistive and
waterproof covering is provided, no structural metal member shall be employed, the
entire surface of which is not capable of being inspected and painted.
d. All supporting members for balconies and stairs, which are in tension and are fastened
directly to the building, shall pass through the wall and be securely fastened on the
opposite side or they shall be securely fastened to the framework of the building.
Where metal members pass through walls, they shall be protected effectively against
corrosion. Holes in the wall through which metal members pass shall be effectively
fire-stopped to preserve the fire resistive quality of the wall.

e. Balcony and stair enclosure and railings shall be designed to withstand a horizontal
force of seventy-five kilograms per meter (75 kg/m) of railing or enclosure without serious
deflection, and support at walls for such railings or enclosures shall be in the manner
specified in para A.6.b of this Section for tension members, except as provided in
para A.6.f of this Section.
f. Notwithstanding the provisions of para A.6.b and 6.c of this Section, the C/MFM
having jurisdiction may approve any existing fire escape stair for a very small building
when load test or other evidence shows satisfactory or adequate strength.
7. Guards and Handrails
a. All fire escapes shall have walls or guards on both sides, in accordance with para
“H” of Section of this RIRR, except for height, which shall be one thousand
seventy millimeters (1,070 mm) and nine hundred ten millimeters (910 mm) for fire
escape for every small building, the height being measured vertically from a point
on the stair tread twenty-five millimeters (25 mm) back from the leading edge, or
vertically above any landings or balcony floor level.
b. All fire escapes shall have handrails on both sides, not less than seven hundred
sixty millimeters (760 mm) but not more than one thousand seventy millimeters
(1,070 mm) high, measured vertically from a point on the stair tread twenty-five millimeters
(25 mm) back from the leading edge, all in general conformity to the requirements
for stair handrails, para “H” of Section of this RIRR.
c. Handrails and guards shall be so constructed as to withstand a force of ninety-one
kilograms (91 kg) applied downward or horizontally at any point.
8. Swinging Section of Fire Escape Stairs
a. Swinging stair sections shall not be used for fire escape stairs, except where termination
over sidewalks, alleys or driveways makes it impracticable to build stairs permanently
to the ground. Where used, swinging stairs shall comply with all provisions of this
b. Swinging section of stairs shall not be located over doors, over the path of travel from
any other exit, or in any location where there are or would likely to have obstruction.
c. Width of swinging section of stairs shall be at least equal to that of the stairs above.
d. Pitch/slope shall not be steeper than that of the stairs above.
e. Railings shall be provided similar in height and construction with those required
for the stairs above. Railings shall be designed to prevent any possibility of injury to
persons when stairs swing downward. Minimum clearance between moving sections
where hands might be caught shall be one hundred millimeters (100 mm).
f. If distance from lowest platform to ground exceed three and sixty-seven hundredths
meters (3.67 m), an intermediate balcony not more than three and sixty-seven
hundredths meters (3.67 m) from the ground or less than two meters (2 m) in the clear
underneath shall be provided with width not less than that of the stairs and length
not less than one and two tenths meters (1.2 m).
g. Counterweight shall be provided for swinging stairs and this shall be of type balancing
about a pivot, no cables being used. Counterweight shall be securely bolted in
place, but sliding ball weights or their equivalent may be used to hold stairs up and
help lower them. Counterbalancing shall be such that a person weighing sixty-eight
kilograms (68 kg), who makes one step from the pivot, will not start swinging the
section downward, but when he/she is one quarter of the length of the swinging
stairs from the pivot, the section will swing down.
h. Pivot for swinging stairs shall have either a bronze bushing or sufficient means to
prevent sucking on account on corrosion.
i. No latch to lock swinging stairs section in up position shall be installed.
B. Fire Escape Ladders
1. Application
No form of ladder shall be used as a fire escape under the provisions of this Chapter,
except those ladders conforming to paras B.2 and B.3 below may be used in single
and two -family dwellings and residential apartments of not more than three (3) storey

provided that the height shall not exceed nine meters (9 m); in elevated platforms
around machinery or similar spaces subject to occupancy by not more than three (3)
able-bodied adults; and as a means of escape to unoccupied roof spaces from boiler
rooms, grain elevators and towers as permitted by Division 18 and 20 of this Chapter. For
purposes of this Subsection, mezzanine floors shall be counted as ordinary floor.
2. Installation
a. All ladders shall be permanently installed in fixed position, supported by rigid
connection to the building or structure at intervals not exceeding three meters (3 m).
b. Where ladders provide access to roofs or elevated platforms, rails shall extend not
less than one and fourteen hundredths meters (1.14 m) above roofline or platform
floor or above coping or parapet. Extension of side rails to roof shall be carried over
coping or parapet to afford hand hold.
c. Ladders shall be arranged parallel to buildings or structures with travel either between
ladder and buildings, in which case minimum clearance between center of rungs
and buildings shall be six hundred eighty millimeters (680 mm), or outside of ladder,
in which case minimum clearance between center of rungs and buildings shall be
one hundred sixty millimeters (160 mm).
d. Ladders shall be vertically or positively inclined. No negatively inclined ladders
(i.e. ladder sloping out over the head of a person using it) shall be permitted.
3. Construction
a. Ladders shall be constructed of iron, steel or other metal in the design that has
equivalent strength and resistance to corrosion.
b. Rails of iron or steel ladders shall not be less than one hundred twenty-five millimeters
(125 mm) by fifty millimeters (50 mm) in section, not less than four hundred millimeters
(400 mm) apart.
c. Rungs shall not less than twenty-two millimeters (22 mm) diameter and shall be
riveted or welded in position not less than two hundred fifty millimeters (250 mm) nor
more than three hundred five millimeters (305 mm) on center.
d. The lowest rung of any ladder shall be not more than three hundred five millimeters
(305 mm) above the level of the ground or balcony floor beneath it.
C. Slide Escape
1. Use and Capacity Rating
a. A slide escape may be used as component of means of egress where specifically
authorized by Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter.
b. Slide escapes, where permitted as required exits, shall be rated at one exit unit per
slide, with rated travel capacity of sixty (60) persons per minute.
c. Slide escapes, except as permitted for high hazard manufacturing buildings or
structures, shall not constitute more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the required
number of units of exit width from any building or structure or any individual storey or
floor thereof.
d. Slide escapes, used as exits shall comply with the applicable requirements of this
Division for other types of exits.


A. General
1. Illumination of means of egress shall be provided for every building and structure in
accordance with this Section, as required by Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter.
2. Illumination of means of egress shall be continuous during the time that the conditions
of occupancy require that the means of egress be available for use. Artificial lighting
shall be employed at such places and for such periods of time as required to maintain
the illumination to the minimum lumen values herein specified.
3. The floors of means of egress shall be illuminated at all points including angles and
intersections of corridors and passageways, landings of stairs, and exit doors to values
of not less than ten and seven tenths (10.7) lux.

4. Any required illumination shall be so arranged that the failure of any lighting unit, such
as the burning out of an electric bulb, will not leave any area in darkness.
B. Sources of Illumination
1. Illumination of means of egress shall be from a source of reasonably assured reliability,
such as public utility electric service.
2. Where electricity is used as a source of illumination of means of egress, the installation
shall be properly made in accordance with the appropriate and internationally
accepted standards.
3. No battery operated electric light nor any type of portable lamp or lantern shall be
used for primary illumination of means of egress; but may be used as an emergency
source to the extent permitted under Emergency Lighting, para “C” of this Section.
4. No luminescent, fluorescent, or reflective material shall be permitted as substitutes for
any of the required illumination herein specified.
C. Emergency Lighting
1. In occupancies specified in Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter, emergency lighting
facilities shall be provided for means of egress. Where maintenance of illumination
depends upon charging from one energy source to another, there shall be no
appreciable interruption of illumination during the changeover. Where emergency
lighting is provided by a prime-mover-operated electric generator, a delay of not more
than ten (10) seconds shall be permitted.
2. Emergency lighting facilities shall be arranged to maintain the specified degree of
illumination in the event of failure of the normal lighting for a period of at least one and
a half (1.5) hours.
3. An emergency lighting system shall be provided as specified in Divisions 8 through
20, subject to the approval of the C/MFM having jurisdiction as to the suitability of the
equipment for its intended use and the conditions in the individual premises.
4. Electric battery-operated emergency lights shall use only reliable types of storage
batteries, provided with suitable facilities for maintenance in properly charged
conditions. Dry batteries shall not be used to satisfy these requirements. Electric storage
batteries used in such lights or units shall be approved for their intended use and shall
comply with the applicable Philippine National Standards (PNS) or other internationally
accepted standards.
5. An emergency lighting system shall be so arranged as to provide the required illumination
automatically in the event of any interruption of normal lighting, such as any failure of
public utility or other outside electrical power supply, opening of a circuit breaker or
fuse, or any manual act, including accidental opening of a switch controlling normal
lighting facilities.
6. An emergency lighting system shall either be continuously in operation or shall be
capable of repeated automatic operation without intervention.
7. All emergency lighting systems installed in accordance with this Section shall be
properly maintained. Maintenance program shall be documented and incorporated
in Fire Safety Maintenance Report (FSMR).


A. Signs
1. Where required by the provisions of Division 8 through 20 of this Chapter, exits shall be
marked by a readily visible sign. Access to exit shall be marked by readily visible signs
in all cases where the exit or way to reach it is not immediately visible to the occupants
and in any case where required by the applicable provisions of Divisions 8 through 20 of
this Chapter for individual occupancies.
2. Any door, passage, or stairway, which is neither an exit nor a way of exit access and
which is so located or arranged as likely to be mistaken for an exit, shall be identified
by a sign reading “NOT AN EXIT” and shall be identified by a sign indicating its actual
character, such as “TO BASEMENT”, “STOREROOM”, “LINEN CLOSET”, or the likes.

3. Every required sign designating an exit or way of exit access shall be so located and
of such size, color, and design as to be readily visible. No decorations, furnishing, or
equipment which impair visibility of an exit sign shall be permitted, nor shall there be
any brightly illuminated sign (for other than exit purposes), display, or object in or near
the line of vision to the required exit sign of such a character as to distract attention from
the exit sign.
4. A sign reading “EXIT” with an arrow indicating the direction shall be placed in every
location where the direction of travel to reach the nearest exit is not immediately
5. Every sign shall be distinctive in color and shall provide contrast with decorational
interior finish, or other signs.
6. Directional Sign Requirements. The sign shall have a height of three hundred millimeters
(300 mm) to six hundred millimeters (600 mm) from the floor to the line of vision and shall
have a narrow width of seventy-six millimeters (76 mm) painted on the wall by a photo-
luminescent paint or any equivalent material with photo-luminescent characteristic
pointing to the direction of the exit.
B. Illumination of Signs
1. Every sign shall be suitably illuminated by a reliable light source giving a value of not
less than five thousandths (0.005) lumens per square centimeters on the illuminated
surface. Such illumination shall be continuous as required under this Section, and where
emergency lighting facilities are required, exit signs shall be illuminated from the same
2. Internally illuminated signs shall be provided in all occupancies where reduction of
normal illumination is permitted, such as in motion picture theaters.
3. Luminous directional signs shall comply with para “C” hereof.
C. Size of Signs
Every exit shall have the word “EXIT” in plainly legible letters not less than one hundred
fifty millimeters (150 mm) in height, with the principal strokes of letters not less than nineteen
millimeters (19 mm) in width; except that in existing buildings, externally illuminated exit signs
having the word “EXIT” in plainly visible letters not less than one hundred fifteen millimeters
(115 mm) in height, other than in places of assembly, may be continued in use. Other
signages required by this Rule shall be of the same dimension, unless otherwise provided.


A. An emergency evacuation plan shall be posted on strategic and conspicuous locations in
the building containing the following basic information:
1. “You Are Here/ room number/ building” Marking
2. Fire Exits
3. Primary Route to Exit (Nearest to the viewer)
4. Secondary Route to Exit (Second nearest to the viewer)
5. Fire alarm pull stations and annunciators
6. Fire extinguishers/ hose cabinets
7. Emergency Light
8. First Aid Kits locations (if applicable)
9. Emergency Call stations (if applicable)
10. Areas of safe refuge (for high-rise building)
11. Assembly areas instructions
12. “In Case of Emergency” instructions
B. This shall be drawn with a photo-luminescent background to be readable in case of power

C. It shall conform with the standard design format provided in this RIRR with the minimum
dimension of:
1. Two hundred fifteen and nine tenths millimeters (215.9 mm) height by three hundred
thirty and two tenths millimeters (330.2 mm) width if mounted on every rooms/spaces
with fifty square meters (50 m2) floor area and below;
2. Four hundred fifty-seven and two tenths millimeters (457.2 mm) height by six hundred
nine and six tenths millimeters (609.6 mm) width if mounted on rooms/spaces fifty-one
square meters (51 m2) to one hundred fifty square meters (150 m2) floor area including
building lobbies upon entry, elevator lobbies at every floor, hallways and corridors
on every bend/corner or at every fifteen meters (15 m) interval in the case of long
hallways; or
3. Six hundred nine and six tenths millimeters (609.6 mm) height by nine hundred fourteen
and four tenths millimeters (914.4 mm) width if mounted on rooms/spaces one hundred
fifty-one square meters (151 m2) floor area and above provided that it shall be mounted
on multiple locations within the open space such as upon entry to the building, areas of
assembly, or at every twenty-five meters (25 m) interval in the case of auditoriums and
D. Symbols/icons/logos to be used for the marking shall be in accordance with NFPA 170,
Standard for Signs and Symbols.
E. The wall mounted maps shall be oriented to correspond to the actual floor layout as
perceived by the viewer.



A. Where required by any individual occupancy of RA 9514 and its RIRR, construction and
compartmentation shall apply to new, existing, permanent or temporary buildings.
B. Appropriate provisions of the latest edition of National Building Code of the Philippines
(NBCP) shall be used to determine the requirements for the construction classification.
C. The design and construction of fire walls and fire barrier that are required to separate the
buildings or subdivide the building to prevent the spread of fire shall comply with Section 602,
Fire Resistive Standards of the latest edition of NBCP, and NFPA 5000, Building Construction
and Safety Code.
D. In high rise buildings and healthcare occupancy building, a quality assurance program
for devices and systems installed to protect penetration and joints shall be conducted by
an approved inspection agency in accordance with American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) E2393, Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Resistive
Joint Systems and Perimeter Fire Barriers.
E. Required fire resistive construction, including fire barriers, fire wall, exterior walls due to
location on property, fire resistive requirements based on type of construction, draft-stop
partition, and roof coverings shall be maintained and shall be immediately repaired,
restored or replaced where damaged, altered, breached, penetrated, removed or
improperly installed.
F. Fire-rated gypsum wallboard for walls or ceiling that are damaged to the extent that
openings exist shall be replaced or returned to the required level of fire resistance using a
listed repair system or using materials and methods equivalent to the original construction.
G. Where readily accessible, required fire resistance-rated assemblies in high rise buildings
shall be inspected at least once every three (3) years.
H. The person responsible for the conduct of inspection shall demonstrate appropriate
technical knowledge and experience in fire resistance rated design and construction
acceptable to the Chief BFP or his/her duly authorized representative.
I. A written report prepared by the person responsible for conducting the inspection shall be
submitted to the C/MFM having jurisdiction, documenting the result of visual inspection.
J. A certification of fire stopping in accordance with any of the following promulgated rules
and regulations of PD 1096, National Building Code of the Philippines; NFPA 251, Standard
Method of Test of Fire Resistance of Building Construction and Materials; American National
Standards Institute (ANSI)/ Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 263, Standard for Fire Tests of
Building Construction and Materials; and ASTM E119, Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of
Building Construction and Materials, if available, from the third party shall be submitted to the
C/MFM having jurisdiction.


A. Any fire door installed in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter shall be in
accordance with NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and other Opening Protectives. The fire
resistance rating of any fire door shall be as measured in accordance with the appropriate
internationally accepted standards. Each fire door shall be appropriate for the location in
which it is installed.
B. Any swinging fire door and any door in stair enclosure walls designed to prevent the spread
of fire shall be provided with approved positive latching means to hold it in closed position
against the pressure of expanding fire gases.
C. The owner or his/her authorized representative shall be responsible for the annual inspection
and testing of doors and its assembly and automatic closing doors. Hardware shall be
examined and other defective parts of its assembly shall be replaced immediately with the
same fire rating and mechanism. Reports shall be included in FSMR.


A. Any smoke partition when required shall be constructed of fire resistive materials and shall
form an effective member, continuous from outside wall to outside wall and from floor to
floor slab, thereby including continuity through all concealed, spaces, such as those found
above a suspended ceiling, and including interstitial spaces.
B. Smoke partitions shall have openings only for ingress and egress and for building
services equipment. Doorways shall be protected by doors meeting the provisions of
para “C” hereof, and any openings where building services equipment pierces the partitions
shall be closed. Transfer grills, whether equipped with fusible links and release dampers or
not, shall not be used in these partitions.
C. Doors in Smoke Partitions
1. Doors in required smoke partitions shall be of swinging type and shall have a protection
rating of at least twenty minutes (20 min).
2. Any glass panels in doors in smoke partitions shall be of transparent wired glass mounted
in steel frames.
3. Doors in smoke partitions shall be automatically self-closing.
4. Doors in smoke partitions shall close the opening, with only the clearance for proper
operation under self-closing.
5. Doors in smoke partitions shall be without undercuts, louvers, or grills.
D. Where door assemblies are required elsewhere in this RIRR to be smoke leakage-rated/
smoke proof, door assemblies shall comply with the following:
1. They shall be tested in accordance with acceptable and approved local and
international standards.
2. Door assemblies shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 105, Standard for the
Installation of Smoke Door Assemblies and Other Opening Protectives.


A. General
1. Interior finish means the exposed interior surfaces of buildings including, but not limited
to, fixed or movable walls and partitions, columns, and ceilings. For requirements on
decorations and furnishing, see para “B” of Section of this RIRR.
2. A finish floor or covering shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section, provided
however that in any case where the C/MFM having jurisdiction finds a floor surface
of unusual hazard, the floor surface shall be considered part of the interior finish for
purposes of this Chapter.

3. Interior finish materials shall be grouped in the following classes, in accordance with
their flame spread rating:
a. Class A Interior Finish
Flame Spread 0-25. Includes any material classified at twenty-five (25) or less on
the test scale described in para 4 hereof. Any element thereof when so tested shall
not continue to propagate fire;
b. Class B Interior Finish
Flame Spread 26-75. Includes any material classified at more than twenty-five
(25) but not more than seventy-five (75) on the test scale described in para 4 hereof;
c. Class C Interior Finish
Flame Spread 76-200. Includes any material classified at more than seventy-five
(75) but not more than two hundred (200) on the test scale described in para 4
d. Class D Interior Finish
Flame Spread 201-500. Includes any material classified at more than two hundred
(200) but not more than five hundred (500) on the test scale described in para 4
hereof; and
e. Class E Interior Finish
Flame Spread over 500. Includes any material classified at over five hundred (500)
on the test scale described in para 4 below.
4. Interior finish materials as specified in para 3 above shall be classified in accordance
with NFPA 255, Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
B. Fire Retardant Paints
1. In all buildings, the required flame spread classification of interior surfaces may be
secured by applying a proven fire retardant paint or solution to existing interior surfaces
having a higher flame spread rating than permitted.
2. Fire retardant treatment and/or application shall be in accordance with NFPA 703,
Standard for Fire Retardant-treated wood and Fire Retardant Coatings for Building
3. Surfaces of walls, partitions, columns, and ceilings shall be permitted to be finished with
factory-applied fire-retardant-coated products that have been listed, labeled and
4. Columns and beams of a building that are constructed by steel shall be protected by
listed and approved fire retardant paints.
5. Fire-retardant coatings or factory-applied fire retardant assemblies shall possess the
desired degree of permanency, and shall be maintained so as to retain the effectiveness
of the treatment under the service conditions encountered in actual use.
C. Automatic Sprinklers
Where approved, supervised automatic sprinklers are installed, interior finish with
flame spread rating not over Class C may be used in any location where Class B is
normally specified, and with rating of Class B in any location where Class A is normally
specified, unless specifically prohibited in this RIRR.
D. Use of Interior Finishes
1. Interior finish material shall be used in accordance with requirements for individual
classes of occupancy specified elsewhere in the Rule. Wherever the use of any class
of interior finish is specified, the use of a class of lower flame spread rating shall be
permitted, ex. where Class B is specified, Class A may be used.
2. In all new buildings other than private residences, Class A or Class C interior shall be
used in all basements or other underground spaces from which there is no direct exit to
the outside of the building, if subject to occupancy for any purpose other than storage
or service facilities.
3. Interior finish of Class E shall not be used in any room space subject to human occupancy,
except to such extent as may be specifically permitted by the C/MFM having jurisdiction
on the basis of finding that such use does not significantly increase the life hazard;
provided however, that such use of Class E interior finish shall not in any case exceed ten

percent (10%) of the aggregate interior surface of the walls and ceiling of the room or
space in which such Class E material is located.


A. General
1. Every stairway, elevator shaft, light and ventilation shaft, chute and other opening
between storeys shall be enclosed or protected to prevent the spread of fire or smoke,
except openings of building protected by automatic fire suppression system as permitted
by other Section of this Rule.
2. In any building with low or ordinary hazard occupancy protected with approved,
supervised sprinkler system, up to three (3) communicating floor levels are permitted
without enclosure protection between floors, provided all the following conditions are
a. The arrangement is permitted by the applicable occupancy Section of this Chapter;
b. The lowest or next to the lowest level is a street floor;
c. The entire area, including all communicating floor levels, is sufficiently open and
unobstructed so that it may be assumed that a fire or other dangerous condition in
any part will be immediately obvious to the occupants of all communicating levels
and areas;
d. Exit capacity is sufficient to provide simultaneously for all occupants of all
communicating levels and areas, all communicating levels in the same fire area
being considered as a single floor area for purposes of determination of required
exit capacity;
e. Each floor level, considered separately, has at least a half of its individual required
exit capacity provided by an exit or exits leading directly out of that area without
traversing another communicating floor level or being exposed to the spread of fire
or smoke therefrom; and
f. All requirements of this Chapter with respect to interior finish, protection of hazards,
construction and other features are fully observed, without waivers, except openings
in floors of educational, healthcare, and detention and correctional occupancies
shall be enclosed as required in Divisions 9, 11 and 13 of this Chapter, respectively.
3. Each floor opening, as specified in para A.1 of this Section, shall be enclosed by
substantial walls having fire resistance not less than that required for stairways in para
A.4 hereof, with approved fire doors at windows provided in openings therein, all so
designed and installed as to provide complete barrier to the spread of fire or smoke
through such openings.
4. The enclosing walls of floor openings serving stairways or ramps shall be so arranged
as to provide a continuous path of escape including landings and passageways, in
accordance with Section of this RIRR, providing protection for person using the
stairway or ramp against fire or smoke therefrom in other parts of the building. Such
walls shall have fire resistance rating, as follows:
a. New buildings, four storeys or more in height – two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating.
b. New buildings, below four storeys – one-hour (1-hr) fire resistance rating.
B. Special Provisions for Escalator Openings
Any escalator shall have its floor opening enclosed or protected as required for other
vertical openings; except in buildings completely protected by approved supervised
sprinkler system in accordance with Section of this RIRR. Escalator opening may be
protected by any one of the methods, as described in para “C” through “E” below.
C. Sprinkler Vent Method
1. Under the conditions specified in para “B” above, escalator openings may be protected
by the “sprinkler-vent” method, consisting of a combination of an automatic smoke
detection system, automatic exhaust system, and an automatic water curtain, meeting
the design and other requirements as specified in the succeeding Sections.
2. The exhaust system shall be of such capacity as to create a downdraft through the
escalator floor opening. The downdraft has an average velocity of not less than
ninety-one and a half meters per minute (91.5 m/min) under normal conditions for a
period of not less than thirty minutes (30 min).

3. Operation of the exhaust system for any floor opening shall be initiated by an approved
device in the storey involved and shall be any one of the following means in addition to
a manual means of opening and testing the system:
a. Thermostats - fixed temperature, rate-of-rise, or a combination of both
b. Water flow in the sprinkler system
c. Approved supervised smoke detection. Smoke detection devices, if used, shall be so
located that the presence of smoke is detected before it enters the stairway.
4. Electric power supply to all parts of the exhaust system and its control devices shall be
designed and installed for maximum reliability.
5. Any fan or duct used in connection with an automatic exhaust system shall be installed
and maintained in accordance with the latest editions of Philippine Mechanical
Engineering Code (PMEC) and Philippine Electrical Code (PEC), or other approved
engineering practice.
6. Periodic tests, not less frequently than quarterly, shall be made of the automatic exhaust
system to maintain the system and the control devices in good working conditions.
7. The water curtain shall be formed by open sprinklers or spray nozzles so located and
spaced as to form a complete and continuous barrier along all exposed sides of the
floor opening and reaching from the ceiling to the floor. Water intensity for water curtain
shall be not less than approximately thirty-seven and twenty-five hundredths liters per
minute (37.25 L/min) per linear meter of water curtain, measured horizontally around the
8. The water curtain shall operate automatically from thermal responsive elements of fixed
temperature type so placed with respect to the ceiling (or floor) opening that the water
curtain comes into action upon the advance of heat toward the escalator opening.
9. Every automatic exhaust system, including all motors, controls and automatic water
curtain system, shall be supervised in an approved manner, similar to that specified for
automatic sprinkler system supervision.
D. Spray Nozzle Methods
Under the conditions specified in para “B” above, escalator openings may be protected
by the nozzle method, consisting of a combination of an automatic fire or smoke detection
system and a system of high velocity water spray nozzle meeting the following requirements:
1. Spray nozzles shall be in the open type and shall have a solid conical spray pattern
with discharged angles between forty-five degrees (45o) and ninety degrees (90 o). The
number of nozzles, their discharge angles, and their location shall be such that the
escalator opening between the top of the well-way housing and the tread-way will be
completely filled with the dense spray on operation of the system.
2. The number and size of nozzles and water supply shall be sufficient to deliver a discharge
of one and four tenths liters of water per square meter per second (1.4 L/m2/sec) through
the well-way, with area to be figured perpendicular to tread-way.
3. Spray nozzles shall be so located as to effectively utilize the full advantage of the
cooling and counter-draft effect. They shall be so positioned that the center line of
spray discharge is as close as possible in line with the slope of the escalator, not more
than an angle of thirty degrees (30o) with the top slope of the well-way housing. Nozzles
shall be positioned also, so that the center line of discharge is an angle of not more than
an angle of thirty degrees (30 o) with the top slope of the well-way housing.
4. Spray nozzles shall discharge at a minimum pressure of one hundred seventy-two
kilopascals (172 kPa). Water supply piping may be taken from the sprinkler system,
provided that in so doing an adequate supply of water will be available for the spray
nozzles and the water pressure at the sprinkler farthest from the supply riser is not reduced
beyond the required minimum.
5. Control valves shall be readily accessible to minimize water damage.
6. A non-combustible draft curtain shall be provided extending at least five hundred ten
millimeters (510 mm) below and around the opening and a solid non-combustible well-
way housing at least one and a half meter (1.5 m) long, measured parallel to the handrail
and extending from the top of the handrail enclosure to the soffit of the stairway or
ceiling above, at each escalator floor opening. When necessary, spray nozzles shall
be protected against mechanical injury or tampering that might interfere with proper
7. The spray nozzle system shall operate automatically from thermal response elements
of the fixed temperature type, so placed with respect to the ceiling (or floor) opening
that the spray nozzle system comes into action upon the advance of heat towards the
escalator opening. Supervised smoke detector located in or near the escalator opening
may be used to sound an alarm. The spray nozzle systems shall also be provided with
manual means of operation.
8. Control valves for the spray nozzle system and approved smoke detection or thermostatic
devices shall be supervised in accordance with applicable provisions of Section
of this RIRR.
E. Partial Enclosure Method
1. Under the conditions specified in para “B” of Section of this RIRR, escalator
opening may be protected by a partial enclosure, so designed as to provide an
effective barrier to the spread of smoke from floor to floor.
2. Partial enclosure shall be of construction providing fire resistance equivalent to that
specified for stairway enclosures in the same building, with openings therein protected
by approved self-closing fire doors or may be of approved wired glass and metal frame
construction with wired-glass panel doors. Such doors may be equipped with electric
opening mechanism to open the door automatically upon the approach of a person.
However, the mechanism shall be such as to return the door to its closed position upon
any interruption of electric current supply, and the adjustment shall be such that the
pressure of smoke will not cause opening of the door.
F. Fire Stopping
1. In new construction, any concealed space, in which materials having a flame spread
rating greater than Class A as defined in Section of this RIRR are exposed, shall
be effectively fire-stopped as provided below, with approved materials, unless the
space is sprinklered in accordance with this Section.
a. Every exterior and interior wall and partition shall be fire-stopped at each level, at
the top storey ceiling level, and at the level of support for roofs.
b. Every unoccupied attic space shall be subdivided by fire stops into areas not to
exceed two hundred eighty square meters (280 m2).
c. Any concealed space between the ceiling and the floor or roof above shall be
fire-stopped for the full depth of the space along the line of support of the floor or
roof structural members and, if necessary, at other locations to form areas not to
exceed ninety-three square meters (93 m2) for any space between the ceiling and
floor, and two hundred eighty square meters (280 m2) for any space between the
ceiling and the roof.
2. In every existing building, fire stopping shall be provided as required by the provisions of
Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter.
3. Penetrations for cables, cable trays, conduits, pipes, tubes, combustion vents and
exhaust vents, wires, and similar items to accommodate electrical, mechanical,
plumbing, and communications systems that pass through a wall, floor, or floor/ceiling
assembly constructed as a fire barrier shall be protected by a fire stop system or device.
G. Atriums
Unless prohibited by Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter, an atrium shall be permitted,
provided that all of the following conditions are met:
1. The atrium is separated from the adjacent spaces by fire barriers with not less than
one (1) hour fire resistance rating, with protective openings for corridor walls, unless the
following are met:
a. The requirement of para 1 above shall not apply to existing buildings with atrium that
are compliant with the provisions of the previous IRR of RA 9514, provided that no
changes or renovation has been made thereat.
b. Any number of levels of the building shall be permitted to open directly to the atrium
without enclosure, based on the results of the engineering analysis required in para 5
below but health care occupancies prohibit the open floors addressed from involving
patient sleeping and treatment rooms. Thus, there would need to be, at a minimum,
a smoke-resisting membrane, such as a glass window, between the patient room
and the atrium space.

c. Glass walls and inoperable windows shall be permitted in lieu of the fire barriers
where all the following are met:
1) Automatic sprinklers are spaced along both sides of the glass wall and the
inoperable windows at intervals not to exceed one and eighty-three hundredths
meters (1.83 m).
2) The automatic sprinklers specified in para 1 above are located at a distance
from the glass wall not to exceed three hundred five millimeters (305 mm) and
arranged so that the entire surface of the glass is wet upon operation of the
3) The glass wall is of tempered, wired, or laminated glass held in place by a gasket
system that allows the glass framing system to deflect without breaking (loading)
the glass before the sprinklers operate.
4) The automatic sprinklers required by para 1 above are not required on the atrium
side of the glass wall and the inoperable window where there is no walkway or
other floor area on the atrium side above the main floor level.
5) Doors in the glass walls are of glass or other material that resists the passage of
6) Doors in the glass walls are self-closing or automatic-closing upon detection of
7) The glass is continuous vertically, without horizontal mullions, window treatments,
or other obstructions that would interfere with the wetting of the entire glass
2. Access to exits and exit discharge are permitted to be within the atrium.
3. The occupancy within the atrium meets the specifications for classification as low or
ordinary hazard contents.
4. The entire building is protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic
sprinkler system in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
5. An engineering analysis is performed that demonstrates that the building is designed
to keep the smoke layer interface above the highest unprotected opening to adjoining
spaces, or one and eighty-three hundredths meters (1.83 m) above the highest floor
level of exit access open to the atrium, for a period equal to one and a half (1.5) times
the calculated egress time or twenty (20) minutes, whichever is greater.
6. For other than existing, previously approved smoke control systems, where an engineered
smoke control system is installed to meet the requirements of para “G” of this Section,
the system is independently activated by each of the following:
a. Upon actuation of the required automatic sprinkler system within the atrium or areas
open to the atrium.
b. Manual controls that are readily accessible to the BFP.
7. Dangerous concentrations of smoke are promptly removed from the atrium, and the
exhaust system designed in accordance with NFPA 92, Standard for Smoke Control
8. Sprinklers are closely spaced with a maximum spacing of one and eighty-three
hundredths meters (1.83 m) on the center, provided that it can be shown that the
glass can be wet by the sprinklers using a given discharge rate, and that the one and
eighty-three hundredths meters (1.83 m) spacing is not exceeded.
9. The engineering analysis should include the following elements:
a. Fire dynamics, including the following:
1) Fire size and location
2) Materials likely to be burning
3) Fire plume geometry
4) Fire plume or smoke layer impact on means of egress
5) Tenability conditions during the period of occupant egress

b. Response and performance of building systems, including passive barriers, automatic
detection and extinguishing, and smoke control

c. Response time required for building occupants to reach building exits, including any
time required to exit through the atrium as permitted by para “G” of this Section.
10. Zoning of the activation functions of ventilation system by manual fire alarms,
extinguishing systems, and detection systems is required such that ventilation system
operates only when actually needed.


A. General
1. Fire detection, alarm, and communication systems if required by Division 8 through
20 of this Chapter shall be in accordance with the NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and
Signaling Code, or latest edition of Philippine Electronics Code and Philippine Electrical
Code (PEC).
2. When a required fire alarm system is out of service for more than four (4) hours in a
twenty-four hour (24-hr) period, the C/MFM having jurisdiction shall be notified within
twenty-four (24) hours, and a fire watch shall be assigned until the fire alarm system has
been returned to service.
3. To ensure operational integrity, the fire alarm system shall have an approved
maintenance and testing program which shall be developed by the building
management in accordance with internationally accepted standards. Records of
conducted maintenance and testing should be maintained and submitted together
with the FSMR when required by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
B. Signal Initiation
1. As provided in Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter, activation of the complete fire
alarm system shall be initiated by, but not be limited to, any or all of the following means:
a. Manual initiation
b. Automatic detection
c. Extinguishing system operation
2. Manual fire alarm boxes shall be used only for fire protective signaling purposes.
3. A manual fire alarm box shall be provided in the natural path of escape from fire, near
each exit from an area, and shall be readily accessible, unobstructed and at visible
4. Additional fire alarm boxes shall be so located that from any part of the building not
more than thirty meters (30 m) horizontal distance on the same floor must be traversed
in order to reach a fire alarm box.
5. For fire alarm systems using automatic fire detection or water flow detection devices,
at least one manual fire alarm box shall be provided to initiate a fire alarm signal. This
manual fire alarm box shall be located where required by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
6. Where a sprinkler system provides automatic detection and alarm initiation, it shall be
provided with an alarm initiation device which will operate when the flow of water is
equal to or greater than that from a single automatic sprinkler.
7. Where a complete smoke detection system is required by another Section of this Code,
automatic detection of smoke shall be provided in all occupiable areas, common areas,
and work spaces in those environments suitable for proper smoke detector operation.
C. Smoke Alarms
Where required by Division 8 through 20 of this Chapter, single station smoke alarms and
multiple station smoke alarms shall be in accordance with NFPA 72.
D. Occupant Notification
1. Occupant notification shall provide signal notification to alert occupants of fire or other
emergency as required by other Sections of this RIRR.

2. A pre-signal system may be permitted where the initial fire alarm signal is automatically
transmitted without delay either to the nearest fire station, a fire brigade, or to an on-site
staff person trained to respond to fire emergency.
3. A positive alarm sequence may be permitted, provided that it is in accordance with
NFPA 72.
4. Notification signals for occupants to evacuate shall be by audible and visible signals in
accordance with NFPA 72, or other means of notification subject to the determination
and approval of the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
5. The general evacuation alarm signal shall operate throughout the entire building.
E. Emergency Forces Notification
1. When required by Division 8 through 20 of this Chapter, emergency forces notification
shall be provided to alert the nearest fire station and fire brigade in case of fire or other
2. Where fire department notification is required by another Section of this RIRR, the fire
alarm system shall be arranged to transmit the alarm automatically via any of the
following means which shall be in accordance with NFPA 72:
a. auxiliary fire alarm system
b. central station connection
c. proprietary system
d. remote station connection
3. Automatic fire department notification shall be mandatory in the following types of
a. All high rise buildings;
b. All hospitals;
c. All educational institutions, hotels, and apartment buildings (condominium) of at
least four (4) storeys in height;
d. All highly hazardous occupancies; and
e. All mall buildings.
F. Emergency Control
1. A fire alarm and control system shall be arranged to activate automatically the control
functions necessary to make the protected premises safer for building occupants.
2. Where required, the following functions shall be activated by the complete fire alarm
a. release of hold-open devices for doors or other opening protectives;
b. stairwell or elevator shaft pressurization;
c. smoke management or smoke control systems; and
d. unlocking of doors
3. The functions specified in para 2 above shall be permitted to be activated by any
fire alarm and control system, where otherwise not required by RA 9514 and its RIRR.
Additionally, such a fire alarm and control system shall be permitted to recall elevators,
if the activation of the system for this purpose comes only from elevator lobby, hoist way,
or associated machine room detectors.
G. Location of Controls
Operator controls, alarm indicators, and manual communications capability shall be
installed in a control center at a convenient location acceptable to the C/MFM having
H. Annunciation
1. Where alarm annunciation is required by another Section of this RIRR, it shall comply
with the requirements of para 2 through para 7 below.
2. Alarm annunciation at the control center shall be by means of audible and visible

3. For purposes of alarm annunciation, each floor of the building, other than floors
of existing buildings, shall be considered as not less than one zone, unless otherwise
permitted by another Section of this Code.
4. Unless otherwise permitted by another Section of this Code, if a floor area exceeds
one thousand eight hundred sixty square meters (1,860 m2), additional zoning shall be
provided, and the length of any single zone shall not exceed ninety-one meters (91 m)
in any direction.
Exception: Where the building is provided with automatic sprinklers throughout, installed
in accordance with Section of this RIRR, the area of the alarm zone
shall be permitted to coincide with the allowable area of the sprinkler zone.
5. A system trouble signal shall be annunciated at the control center by means of audible
and visible indicators.
6. A system supervisory signal shall be annunciated at the control center by means of
audible and visible indicators.
7. Where the system serves more than one building, each building shall be considered


A. General
1. Automatic sprinklers if required by Division 8 through 20 of this Chapter shall be in
accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems or NFPA 13R,
Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems Low Rise Residential Occupancies.
2. The plans and specifications to be submitted shall be signed and sealed by a Professional
Mechanical Engineer (PME).
3. All automatic sprinkler and standpipe systems required by RA 9514 and its RIRR shall
be inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with NFPA 25, Standard for the
Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. Records
of conducted maintenance and testing should be maintained and submitted together
with FSMR.
4. Where a required automatic sprinkler system is out of service for more than four (4)
hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period, the owner shall notify the nearest fire station
immediately upon discovery but not later than twenty-four (24) hours, and a fire watch
shall be assigned until the sprinkler system has been returned to service.
5. Sprinkler impairment procedures shall comply with NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection,
Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.
B. Supervision
1. Supervisory Signals
Where supervised automatic sprinkler systems are required by another Section of
this Code, supervisory attachments shall be installed and monitored for integrity in
accordance with NFPA 72. A distinctive supervisory signal shall be provided to indicate
a condition that would impair the satisfactory operation of the sprinkler system.
Monitoring shall include, but shall not be limited to, monitoring of control valves, fire
pump power supplies and running conditions, water tank levels and temperatures,
tank pressure, and air pressure on dry-pipe valves. Supervisory signals shall sound and
shall be displayed either at a location within the protected building that is constantly
attended by qualified personnel, or at an approved remotely located receiving facility.
2. Alarm Signal Transmission
Where supervision of automatic sprinkler systems is required, water flow alarms shall
be transmitted to an approved proprietary alarm receiving facility, a remote station, a
central station, or the fire station.
C. Other Automatic Extinguishing System
1. In any occupancy where the character of the potential fuel fire is such that
extinguishment or control of fire will be more effectively accomplished by a type of
automatic extinguishing systems other than automatic sprinkler system such as but not
limited to carbon dioxide, dry chemical, foam, or water spray, a standard extinguishing
system of appropriate type shall be installed subject to the approval of the C/MFM
having jurisdiction.

2. If the extinguishing system is installed in lieu of a required, supervised automatic sprinkler
system, the activation of the extinguishing system shall activate the building fire alarm
system, where provided. The activation of an extinguishing system that is installed in lieu
of a required supervised automatic sprinkler system shall be indicated at the building
fire alarm system, where provided.
D. Manual Extinguishing Equipment
1. Any fire extinguisher provided shall be installed, inspected and maintained in
accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. Each standpipe and hose system provided shall be in accordance with Section
of this RIRR


A. The design, installation and maintenance of standpipe systems shall be in accordance with
NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe, Private Hydrant and Hose Systems.
B. Wet Standpipes
Wet standpipe system extending from the cellar or basement into the topmost storey
shall be required in the following:
1. Assembly occupancies with an occupant load exceeding one thousand (1,000);
2. Educational, healthcare and detention and correctional, business and mercantile,
industrial, and hotels and apartments occupancies, four or more storeys in height, and
3. Hazardous storage and business and mercantile occupancies having a floor area
exceeding one thousand eight hundred sixty square meters (1,860 m²) per floor.
4. When required in Divisions 8 to 20 of this Chapter.


A. The C/MFM having jurisdiction shall designate the type and number of fire extinguishers to
be installed and maintained in all buildings, structures and facilities, in accordance with this
B. All buildings, structures and facilities shall be installed with portable fire extinguishers that
are designed, installed and maintained in accordance with this Section. Fire extinguishers
shall be installed even if the property is equipped with automatic sprinklers, standpipe and
hose, or other fixed fire protection equipment.
C. Classification of Hazards
The classification of Hazard for purposes of application of this Section shall be as follows:
1. Low Hazard
Light hazard occupancies are locations where the total amount of Class A
combustible materials, including furnishings, decorations, and contents, is of minor
quantity. This can include some buildings or rooms occupied as offices, classrooms,
churches, assembly halls, guest room areas of hotels/motels, and so forth. This
classification anticipates that majority of content items are either noncombustible or so
arranged that a fire is not likely to spread rapidly. Small amounts of Class B flammables
used for duplicating machines, art departments, and so forth are included, provided
that they are kept in closed containers and safely stored.
2. Moderate Hazard
Ordinary hazard occupancies are locations where the total amount of Class A
combustibles and Class B flammables are present in greater amounts than expected
under light (or low) hazard occupancies. These occupancies could consist of dining
areas, mercantile shops, and allied storage; light manufacturing, research operations,
auto showrooms, parking garages, workshop or support service areas of light (or low)
hazard occupancies; and warehouses containing Class I or Class II commodities as
defined by NFPA 231, Standard for General Storage.
3. High Hazard
Extra hazard occupancies are locations where the total amount of Class A
combustibles and Class B flammables present, in storage, production, use, finished
product, or combination thereof, is over and above those expected in occupancies
classed as ordinary (or moderate) hazard. These occupancies could consist of

woodworking, vehicle repair, aircraft and boat servicing, cooking areas, individual
product display showrooms, product convention center displays, and storage and
manufacturing processes such as painting, dipping, and coating, including flammable
liquid handling. Also included is warehousing of or in-process storage of other than
Class I and Class II commodities.
D. Classification, Ratings, and Performance of Fire Extinguishers
1. Portable fire extinguishers are classified for use on certain classes of fires and rated for
relative extinguishing effectiveness as determined by the Bureau of Product Standard,
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
2. The classification is as follows:
a. Class A: fires involving ordinary combustible solid materials
b. Class B: fires involving flammable and combustible liquid and gas
c. Class C: fires involving energized electrical equipment
d. Class D: fires involving combustible metal fires
E. Fire Extinguisher General Requirements
1. The classification of fire extinguishers shall consist of a letter that indicates the class of
fire on which a fire extinguisher has been found to be effective, preceded by a rating
number (applicable to Class A and Class B only) that indicates the relative extinguishing
effectiveness. Fire extinguishers classified for use on Class C and Class D hazards shall
not be required to have a number preceding the classification letter.
2. Portable fire extinguishers shall be maintained in a fully charged and operable condition,
and kept in their designated places at all times when they are not being used.
3. Fire extinguishers shall be conspicuously located where they will be readily accessible
and immediately available in the event of fire. Preferably, they shall be located along
normal paths of travel, including exits from areas.
4. The following types of fire extinguishers are considered obsolete and shall be removed
from service:
a. soda acid
b. chemical foam (excluding film-forming agents)
c. vaporizing liquid (e.g., carbon tetrachloride)
d. cartridge-operated water
e. cartridge-operated loaded stream
f. copper or brass shell (excluding pump tanks) joined by soft solder or rivets
5. Cabinets housing fire extinguishers shall not be locked, except where fire extinguishers
are subject to malicious use, locked cabinets shall be permitted to be used, provided
they include means of emergency access.
6. Fire extinguishers shall not be obstructed or obscured from view, except in large rooms,
and in certain locations where visual obstruction cannot be completely avoided,
arrows, lights, signs, or coding of the wall are the acceptable means of identifying its
7. Portable fire extinguishers other than wheeled types shall be securely installed on the
hanger or in the bracket supplied or placed in cabinets or wall recesses. The hanger or
bracket shall be securely and properly anchored to the mounting surface in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions. Wheeled-type fire extinguishers shall be located in
a designated location.
8. Fire extinguishers installed under conditions where they are subject to physical damage,
ex. from impact, vibration, the environment, shall be adequately protected.
9. Fire extinguishers having a gross weight not exceeding eighteen kilograms (18 kg) shall
be installed so that the top of the fire extinguisher is not more than one and a half meter
(1.5 m) above the floor. Fire extinguishers having a gross weight greater than eighteen
kilograms (18 kg), except wheeled types, shall be so installed that the top of the fire
extinguisher is not more than one meter (1 m) above the floor. In no case shall the
clearance between the bottom of the fire extinguisher and the floor be less than one
hundred millimeters (100 mm).
10. Extinguisher operating instructions, original manufacturer’s labels, labels that specifically
relate to the extinguisher’s operation or fire classification, or inventory control labels
specific to that extinguisher shall be located on the front face of the extinguisher and
be clearly visible, except the Hazardous Materials Identification Systems (HMIS) labels,
six-year maintenance labels, hydrotest labels, or other labels.
11. Fire extinguishers mounted in cabinets or wall recesses shall be placed so that the fire
extinguisher operating instructions face outward. The location of such fire extinguishers
shall be marked conspicuously.
12. Where fire extinguishers are installed in closed cabinets that are exposed to elevated
temperatures, the cabinets shall be provided with screened openings and drains.
Vented fire extinguisher cabinets should utilize tinted glass and should be constructed to
prevent the entrance of insects and the accumulation of water. Vented fire extinguisher
cabinets constructed in this manner will lower the maximum internal temperature five
and six tenths degrees Celsius (5.6 °C) to eight and three tenths degrees Celsius (8.3 °C).
13. Water-type fire extinguishers, ex. water, Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), Film
Forming Fluoro-Protein (FFFP), shall not be installed in areas where the temperatures
are outside the range of four degrees Celsius to forty-nine degrees Celsius
(4 °C - 49 °C). All other types shall not be installed in areas where temperatures are
outside the range of negative four degrees Celsius to forty-nine degrees Celsius
(-4 °C - 49 °C). Fire extinguishers shall not be exposed to temperatures outside the range
shown on the fire extinguisher label; except where it is installed in locations subject to
temperatures outside these ranges, it shall be of a type approved and listed for the
temperature to which it is exposed, or it shall be placed in an enclosure capable of
maintaining the stipulated temperature range.
14. The fire extinguisher owner or the owner’s agent shall be provided with an instruction
manual that details condensed instructions and cautions necessary to the installation,
operation, inspection, and maintenance of the fire extinguishers. The manual shall refer
to this standard as a source of detailed instruction.
F. Selection of Fire Extinguishers
1. General Requirements
The selection of fire extinguishers for a given situation shall be determined by the
character of the fires anticipated, the construction and occupancy of the individual
property, the hazard to be protected, ambient-temperature conditions, and other
factors. The number, size, placement, and limitations of use of fire extinguishers required
shall meet the requirements of para 2 hereof.
2. Selection by Hazard
Fire extinguishers shall be selected for the classes of hazards to be protected.
a. Fire extinguishers for protecting Class A hazards shall be selected from the following:
1) Water type
2) Multipurpose dry chemical type
3) Wet chemical type
b. Fire extinguishers for protection of Class B hazard shall be selected from the following:
2) FFFP foam
3) Carbon dioxide
4) Dry chemical type
c. Fire extinguishers for protection of Class C hazard shall be selected from types that
are specifically listed for use on Class C hazards.
d. Fire extinguishers and extinguishing agents for the protection of Class D hazards shall
be of types approved for use on the specific combustible-metal hazard.
3. Application for Specific Hazards
a. Selection of fire extinguishers for pressurized flammable liquids and pressurized gas
fires type of hazard shall be made on the basis of recommendations by manufacturers
of this specialized equipment. The system used to rate the effectiveness of fire
extinguishers on Class B fires (flammable liquids in depth) is not applicable to these

types of hazards. It has been determined that special nozzle design and rates of
agent application are required to cope with such hazards.
b. Selection of fire extinguishers for fires involving Class B materials in motion (three -
dimensional Class B fires) such as pouring, running, or dripping flammable liquids,
which generally includes vertical as well as one (1) or more horizontal surfaces, shall
be made on the basis of recommendations by manufacturers of this specialized
c. Fire extinguishers for the protection of delicate electronic equipment shall be
selected from either a carbon dioxide type or a halogenated agent type.
G. Distribution of Fire Extinguishers
1. General Requirements
a. Fire extinguishers shall be provided for the protection of both the building structure
and the occupancy hazards contained therein.
b. Required building protection shall be provided by fire extinguishers suitable for
Class A fires.
c. Occupancy hazard protection shall be provided by fire extinguishers suitable for
such Class A, B, C, and D fire potentials as might be present.
d. Fire extinguishers provided for building protection can be considered also for the
protection of occupancies having Class A fire potential.
e. Buildings having an occupancy hazard subject to Class B or Class C fires, or both, shall
have a standard complement of Class A fire extinguishers for building protection, plus
additional Class B or Class A fire extinguishers, or both. Where fire extinguishers have
more than one letter classification (such as 2-A: 20-B: C), they can be considered to
satisfy the requirements of each letter class.
f. Rooms or areas shall be classified generally as light (or low) hazard, ordinary (or
moderate) hazard, or extra (or high) hazard. Limited areas of greater or lesser hazard
shall be protected as required.
g. On each floor level, the area protected and the travel distances shall be based on
fire extinguishers installed in accordance with Tables 7, Fire Extinguishers for Different
Types of Class A Hazards, and Table 8, Fire Extinguishers for Different Types of Class B
2. Size and Placement
a. Class A Hazards
1) Fire extinguishers for the different types of hazards shall be provided on the basis
of Table 7 below.



Low 2–A* 15 m 200 m2
Moderate 3–A* 12 m 100 m2
High 4–A* 10 m 75 m2
* Two 2-A rated fire extinguisher, provided they are installed adjacent to each other,
may be used to fulfill the requirements of one 3-A or 4-A rated extinguisher.

2) The protection requirements shall be permitted to be fulfilled with fire extinguishers

of higher rating, provided the travel distance to such larger fire extinguishers does
not exceed fifteen meters (15 m).
3) In cases where building spaces are compartmentalized or separated from each
other by fire barriers, each compartment not exceeding the maximum protection
area specified Table 7 shall be provided with at least one (1) fire extinguisher.
b. Class B Hazards (other than fires in flammable liquids of appreciable depth)
1) Fire extinguishers for the different types of Class B hazards shall be provided on
the basis of Table 8 below.



Low 5-B 10 m 200 m2
Moderate 10-B 10 m 100 m2
High 40-B 10 m 75 m2

2) The protection requirements shall be permitted to be fulfilled with fire extinguishers

of higher rating, provided the travel distance to such larger fire extinguishers does
not exceed fifteen meters (15 m).
3) In cases where building spaces are compartmentalized or separated from each
other by fire barriers, each compartment not exceeding the maximum protection
area specified in Table 10, Hazardous Area Protection shall be provided with at
least one (1) fire extinguisher.
c. Class B Hazards in Flammable Liquids of Appreciable Depth [greater than six (6) mm]
1) Portable fire extinguishers shall not be installed as the sole protection for
flammable liquid hazards of appreciable depth where the surface area exceeds
one square meter (1 m2).
2) For flammable liquid hazards of appreciable depth, a Class B fire extinguisher
shall be provided on the basis of at least two (2) numerical units of Class B
extinguishing potential per square meter of flammable liquid surface of the
largest hazard area.
3) Travel distances for portable fire extinguishers shall not exceed ten meters (10 m).
d. Class C Hazards
Fire extinguishers with Class C ratings shall be required where energized electrical
equipment can be encountered that would require a non-conducting extinguishing
medium. This requirement includes situations where fire either directly involves or
surrounds electrical equipment. Since the fire itself is a Class A or Class B hazard, the
fire extinguishers shall be sized and located on the basis of the anticipated Class A
or Class B hazard.
e. Class D Hazards
1) Fire extinguishers or extinguishing agents with Class D ratings shall be provided
for fires involving combustible metals.
2) Fire extinguishers or extinguishing agents (or mediums) shall be located not more
than fifteen meters (15 m) of travel distance from the Class D hazard.
3) Portable fire extinguishers or extinguishing agents (or mediums) for Class D hazards
shall be provided in those work areas where combustible metal powders, flakes,
shavings, chips, or similarly sized products are generated.
4) Size determination shall be on the basis of the specific combustible metal, its
physical particle size, area to be covered, and recommendations by the fire
extinguisher manufacturer on data from control tests conducted.


A. Any process, operation or storage having a degree of hazard greater than that normal to
the general occupancy of the building or structure under consideration shall be enclosed
with construction having at least a four-hour (4-hr) fire resistance rating or shall be provided
with automatic fire protection or both, as specified in Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter.
Where a hazard is high, both the fire-rated construction and automatic fire protection shall
be used.
B. All construction enclosing hazardous operation or storage shall have not less than two-hour
(2-hr) fire resistance, and all openings between the balance of the building and rooms or
enclosures for hazardous operations or processes shall be protected with self-closing or
automatic fire doors.

C. Where hazardous processes or storage area of such a character as to involve an explosion
hazard, explosion venting to outside the building shall be provided by thin glass or other
approved vents.
D. Where automatic protection is required, such protection shall be by automatic sprinklers
in accordance with Section of this RIRR or other approved extinguishing system
appropriate to extinguish fires in hazardous materials stored or handled.



A. Equipment using gas and related gas piping shall be in accordance with NFPA 54, National
Fuel Gas Code, or NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, as the case may be.
B. Electrical wiring and equipment shall be in accordance with the latest edition of PEC.
C. Cooking equipment shall be protected by automatic kitchen hood fire suppression system
in accordance with NFPA 96, Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of
Commercial Cooking Operations and NFPA 17A, Standard for Wet Chemicals Extinguishing
System, except in the following:
1. Restaurants and similar establishments with an occupant load of less than fifty (50)
persons (classified under mercantile occupancy) which could include, but not be
limited to, fast foods, carinderias, food stalls, food trucks, food counters that use the
following cooking equipment:
a. Outdoor equipment;
b. Portable equipment; and/or
c. Equipment used only for food warming.
2. Restaurants that use small cooking appliances and do not have kitchen hoods and
exhaust ducting systems.
D. Electronics and telecommunications equipment and installation shall be in accordance
with the Philippine Electronics Code or NFPA 76, Standard for the Fire Protection of
Telecommunications Facilities.


A. The design and installation of air conditioning, ventilating, heating, cooking, incinerating,
or other building services equipment shall be installed in accordance with the latest edition
of PMEC.
B. Where ducting of air conditioning and ventilating system passes through from one room
to another room or from one fire barrier to another fire barrier, it shall be provided with
automatic fire dampers.


A. Smoke control systems shall be provided in the following:
1. All high rise buildings through the pressurization of all stairwells, at least one (1) elevator
shaft, zoned smoke control, and vestibule, as component of smoke proof enclosures;
2. Pressurization of smoke refuge area;
3. Every atrium of covered malls of over two (2) levels and every atrium of other occupancies
by Divisions 8 through 20 of this Chapter of over three (3) levels by means of a smoke
extraction/exhaust system, which is compliant with the stated conditions of atrium in
para “G” of Section of this RIRR in addition to the stated conditions for protection
of vertical openings of communicating floor levels in para A.2 of Section of this
RIRR. In case there is another atrium or other succeeding multiple atriums in alternate
vertical pattern in the building, it shall have a Smoke Extraction/Exhaust System on each
atrium of over one (1) level and shall also comply with the stated conditions of atrium
in para “G” of Section of this RIRR. Otherwise, two (2) levels atrium of covered
malls and two (2)/three (3) levels atrium of other building occupancies shall have at
least a natural smoke vent suitable for covered area of atrium, in addition to the stated
conditions for protection of vertical openings of communicating floor levels in para A.2
of Section of this RIRR;

4. Underground structures and windowless facilities in accordance with the provisions in
Section of this RIRR. In addition, every windowless storey or basement shall
have at least a Smoke Venting Facility in accordance with this Section. In cases where
windowless storey or basement is in the high-rise or building with smoke refuge area or
atrium, it shall also comply with the provisions of paras 1, 2 and 3 above;
5. All means of egress serving a smoke-protected assembly seating area shall have
smoke-actuated ventilation facilities or natural ventilation designed to maintain the
level of smoke of not less than one thousand eight hundred thirty millimeters (1,830 mm)
above the floor of the means of egress. The ventilation system shall be in accordance
with NFPA 92;
6. All movie houses pursuant to Section of this RIRR; and
7. All other buildings or structures with at least one thousand one hundred fifteen square
meters (1,115 m2) single floor area.
B. The design, installation, operation and on-going periodic testing of smoke control systems
to the above-mentioned areas of building/structure/facility shall be in accordance with
the latest edition of the latest edition of PMEC and NFPA 92, NFPA 204, Standard for Smoke
and Heat Venting.
C. Documentation Required.
1. Detailed design plans, report, and specifications signed and sealed by a PME shall be
generated and approved by C/MFM having jurisdiction before issuance of FSEC or
Installation Clearance; and
2. Operations and maintenance manual requirement before issuance of FSIC for
Certificate of Occupancy/Business Permit, signed and sealed by the PME.
D. The detailed design, plans, report, specifications shall provide documents with the following
elements, if applicable:
1. System purpose
2. System design objectives
3. Design approach
4. Design assumptions (building height, ambient conditions, reliance on other fire
protection systems, leakage, etc.)
5. Location of smoke zone(s)
6. Design pressure differences
7. Building use limitations that arise out of the system design
8. Design calculations
9. Fan and duct specifications
10. Damper specifications
11. Detailed inlet or exhaust inlets site information
12. Detailed method of activation
13. Smoke control system operation logic
14. System commissioning procedures
15. Smoke control systems engineering analysis
16. Location of manual operating control of smoke control systems or Firefighters’ Smoke-
Control Station (FSCS)
17. Details and location of control of the Smoke Control Systems in a Fire Command Center.
E. Newly installed smoke-control systems shall be inspected by the C/MFM having jurisdiction
and its acceptance testing shall be performed by a third party in accordance with the
criteria established in the approved system design documents, and operations and
maintenance manual.
F. The operations and maintenance manual shall provide the requirements to ensure the
proper operation of the system over the life of the building. The building administrator/
owner shall be responsible for all system testing and shall maintain records of all periodic
testing and maintenance in accordance with the operations and maintenance manual
which shall include the following:

1. The procedure used in the initial commissioning of the system, as well as the measured
performance of the system at the time of commissioning;
2. The testing and inspection requirements for the system and system components and
the required frequency of testing;
3. The critical design assumptions used in the design and limitations on the building and its
use that arise out of the design assumptions and limitations;
4. The purpose of the smoke control system;
5. Operational testing of the smoke-control systems shall be in accordance with
NFPA 92, and shall include all equipment related to the system including, but not limited
to, initiating devices, fans, dampers, controls, doors, and windows;
6. An approved written schedule for such operational tests shall be established with the
periodic inspection of the C/MFM having jurisdiction;
7. Test records shall be maintained in the premises and must indicate the date of such
testing, the qualified service personnel, and any corrective measures needed or taken;
8. All smoke-control systems and devices shall be maintained in a reliable operating
condition and shall be replaced or repaired where defective;
9. The C/MFM having jurisdiction shall be notified when any smoke-control system is out of
service for more than four (4) hours in a twenty-four hour (24-hr) period and again upon
restoration of service of such systems; and
10. The C/MFM having jurisdiction shall require the building to be evacuated or an approved
fire watch to be provided for all portions left unprotected by the fire protection/smoke
control system shutdown until the fire protection system has been returned to service.


A. Every chute and incinerator flue shall be enclosed and the openings therein shall be
protected in accordance with paras A.1 and A.3 of Section of this RIRR, respectively.
In new construction, inlet openings serving chutes shall open only to a room that is designed
and used exclusively for accessing the chute opening. Rubbish chutes and laundry chutes
shall be permitted to open into rooms not exceeding thirty-seven square meters (37 m2) that
are used for storage, provided that the rooms are protected by automatic sprinklers.
B. Every incinerator flue, rubbish chute, and laundry chute shall be designed and maintained
in accordance with the latest edition of PMEC.
C. In new constructions, any chute other than an incinerator flue shall be provided with
approved, supervised sprinkler system.
D. The above requirements shall not apply to detached single or two -family dwellings.


A. Elevator installations shall be in accordance with the latest edition of PMEC.
B. All new elevators shall conform to the firefighters’ emergency operations requirements of
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and
Escalators, except buildings of less than five (5) storeys in height.
C. Elevators shall be subject to periodic inspections and tests by building management,
without prejudice to the power or authority of the BFP to conduct inspection. All elevators
equipped with firefighters’ emergency operation in accordance with para “B” hereof shall
be subject to a monthly operation with a written record of the findings made and kept by
the building management. Such record shall be included in the submission of FSMR.


A. All equipment/utilities/facilities mentioned in this Division, especially for stand-alone
equipment, shall not be installed without first securing an installation clearance from the
C/MFM having jurisdiction. This installation clearance shall be a prerequisite for the issuance
of permits required by law for these installations.
B. Installation clearance, which is a prerequisite for issuance of permits shall be required in all
fire protection and warning systems in this RIRR.
C. For installations covered by FSEC, installation clearance shall no longer be required.



The occupant load permitted in any assembly building, structure, or portion thereof shall
be determined by dividing the net floor area or space assigned to that use by the square meter
per occupant as follows:
A. An assembly area of concentrated use without fixed seats such as an auditorium, place
of worship, dance floor, and lodge room: sixty-five hundredths square meter (0.65 m2) per
B. An assembly area of less concentrated use such as conference room, dining room, drinking
establishment, exhibit room, gymnasium, or lounge: one and four tenths square meters
(1.4 m2) per person.
C. Standing room or waiting space: twenty-eight hundredths square meter (0.28 m2) per
D. The occupant load of an area having fixed seats shall be determined by the number of fixed
seats installed. Required aisle space serving the fixed seats shall not be used to increase the
occupant load.
E. Every room constituting a place of assembly and not having fixed seats shall have the
occupant load of the room posted in a conspicuous place near the main exit from the
room. Approved signages shall be maintained in legible manner. Signs shall be durable
and shall indicate the number of occupants permitted for each room.
F. In theaters and similar places of assembly where persons are admitted to the building at
times when seats are not available for them and are allowed to wait in a lobby or similar
space until seats are available, such use of lobby or similar spaces shall not encroach upon
the required clear width of exits. Such waiting spaces shall be restricted to areas other than
the required means of egress. Exits shall be provided for such waiting spaces on the basis
of one person for each one-fourth square meter (0.25 m2) of waiting space area. Such exits
shall be in addition to the exits specified for the main auditorium area and shall conform in
construction and arrangement to the general rules for exits given in this Division.
G. In areas not in excess of nine hundred thirty square meters (930 m2), the occupant load shall
not exceed one person in forty-six hundredths square meter (0.46 m2); in areas in excess of
nine hundred thirty square meters (930 m2), the occupant load shall not exceed one person
in sixty-five hundredths square meter (0.65 m2).


A. Capacity of Exits
1. The capacity of means of egress shall be in accordance with para “C” of Section of this RIRR or shall be in accordance with the succeeding paragraph for means
of egress serving theater-type seating or similar seating arranged in rows.
2. Minimum clear width of aisles and other means of egress serving theater-type seating
or similar seating arranged in rows shall be in accordance with Table 9 below.


Clear width per seat served (in mm)

No. of seats Passageways, Ramps, and
Unlimited 7.6 AB 5.6 C

3. The minimum clear widths shown in Table 9 shall be modified in accordance with all of
the following:
a. If risers are equal to or less than one hundred seventy-eight millimeters (178 mm) in
height, A=1. However, if risers exceed this height, multiply the stair width in Table 9 by
factor A, where:

b. Stairs without a handrail located within a seven hundred sixty millimeters

(760 mm) horizontal distance shall be twenty-five percent (25%) wider than otherwise
calculated, that is, multiply by factor B=1.25. If handrails are provided within seven
hundred sixty millimeters (760 mm), B=1.
c. Ramps steeper than one (1) in ten (10) slope where used in ascent shall have their
widths increased by ten percent (10%), that is, multiply by factor C = 1.10, otherwise
C=1 if the ramp is within or less than one (1) in ten (10) in slope.
B. Minimum Number of Exit
The number of exits shall be in accordance with para “G” of Section of this RIRR.
C. Location of Exits
1. Main Exit
Every assembly occupancy shall be provided with a main exit. The main exit shall be
of sufficient width to accommodate one half (1/2) of the total occupant load, but shall
be not less than the total required width of all aisles, exit passageways and stairways
leading thereto, and shall connect to a stairway or ramp leading to a street.
2. Other Exits
Each level of an assembly occupancy shall have access to the main exit and an
addition shall be provided with exits of sufficient width to accommodate two-thirds
(2/3) of the total occupant load served by that level. Such exits shall open directly to
a street or into an exit court, enclosed stairway, outside stairway, or exit passageway
leading to a street. Such exits shall be located as far apart and as far from the main exits
as practicable. Such exits shall be accessible from a cross aisle or side aisle.
D. Minimum Corridor Width
The width of any exit access corridor serving fifty (50) or more persons shall not be less
than one and twelve hundredths meters (1.12 m).
E. Travel Distance to Exits
Exits shall be so arranged that the total length of travel from any point to reach an exit
will not exceed forty-six meters (46 m) in any place of assembly for spaces not protected by
approved, supervised sprinkler system and sixty-one meters (61 m) in areas so protected.
F. Types of Exits
1. Exits of the specified number and width shall be of one (1) or more of the following
types, in accordance with the provisions of Division 5 of this Chapter.
a. Doors of the swinging type leading directly outside or through a lobby or passageway
leading to the outside of the building
b. Horizontal exits
c. Smoke proof enclosures
d. Stairs
e. Ramps
2. Turnstiles
No turnstiles or other devices to restrict the movement of persons shall be installed
in any place of assembly in such a manner as to interfere in any way with required exit
facilities in accordance with para “L” of Section of this RIRR.
G. Panic Hardware
An exit door from in assembly occupancy shall not be provided with a latch or lock
unless it is a panic hardware.
H. Seating, Aisles and Railings
1. Seating
a. The aisle access way between rows of seating shall have a clear width of not less
than three hundred five millimeters (305 mm) and this minimum shall be increased
by seven and six tenths millimeters (7.6 mm) for every seat over a total of fourteen (14)
but shall not exceed five hundred sixty millimeters (560 mm);
b. Rows of seating served by the aisles of doorways at both ends shall not exceed one
hundred (100) seats per row;

c. Rows of seating served by an aisle or doorway at one end only shall have a path of
travel not exceeding nine meters (9 m) in length, measured from the farthest seat to
an aisle.
2. Aisles
Every portion of any assembly building which contains seats, tables, displays,
equipment, or other materials shall be provided with aisles leading to exit as follows:
a. When serving more than sixty (60) seats, every aisle shall be not less than nine hundred
fifteen millimeters (915 mm) when serving seats on one side only, and not less than
one thousand two hundred twenty millimeters (1,220 mm) when serving seats on
both sides. Such minimum width shall be measured at the point farthest from an
exit, cross aisles, or foyer and shall be increased in width by twenty-five millimeters
(25 mm) for each meter in length toward the exit, cross aisles, or foyer.
b. When serving sixty (60) seats or less, aisles shall be not less than seven hundred sixty
millimeters (760 mm) wide.
c. Aisles shall terminate in a cross aisle, foyer, or exit. The width of such cross aisle, foyer,
or exit shall be not less than the sum of the required width of the widest aisle plus fifty
(50%) percent of the total required width of the remaining aisles which it serves.
d. No dead-end aisle shall be greater than six and one tenth meters (6.1 m) in length.
In arena or thrust stage theaters, dead-end aisles at the stage shall not exceed five
rows beyond a cross aisle.
e. The length of travel to an exit door by any aisle shall be not greater than forty-six
meters (46 m).
f. Steps shall not be placed in aisles to overcome differences in level unless the
gradient exceeds twelve and a half percent (12.5%). Steps in aisles shall conform to
the requirement for stairs as to riser and tread.
g. The gradient of sloping aisles shall not exceed twelve and a half percent (12.5%).
3. Railings
a. The fasciae of boxes, balconies and galleries shall have substantial railings not less
than six hundred sixty millimeters (660 mm) high above the floor.
b. The railings at the ends of aisles extending to the fasciae shall be not less than seven
hundred sixty millimeters (760 mm) high for the width of the aisle, or nine hundred ten
millimeters (910 mm) high if at foot of steps.
c. Cross aisles shall be provided with railings not less than six hundred sixty millimeters
(660 mm) high.
I. Lighting and Signs
1. All places of assembly shall have exit lighting in accordance with Section and
signs in accordance with Section of this RIRR. All places of assembly shall be
provided with emergency lighting.
2. In every auditorium or other places of assembly where pictures, motion pictures or other
projections are made by means of directed light, the illumination projections are made
by means of directed light, the illumination of the floors of exit access may be reduced
during such period projection to values of not less than two ten-thousandths (0.0002)
lumen per square centimeter.
J. Exits Common to Other Occupancies
1. Places of assembly in building of other occupancy may use exits common to the place
of assembly and the other occupancy, provided that the assembly area and the other
occupancy, considered separately, have exits sufficient to meet the requirements of this
2. Exits shall be sufficient for simultaneous occupancy of both the place of assembly and
other parts of the building.


A. Every stage equipped with fly galleries, gridirons, and rigging for movable theater-type
scenery, and every enclosed platform larger than forty-six and a half square meters
(46.5 m2) in area shall be protected with the automatic fire suppression system at the ceiling,

under the gridiron, in usable spaces under the stage or platform and in auxiliary spaces
and dressing rooms, storerooms, and workshops.
When openings are provided on the stage floor for stage lifts, trap doors or stairs,
automatic fire suppression system shall be provided around the opening at the ceiling
below the stage; and baffles at least three hundred millimeters (300 mm) in depth shall be
installed around the perimeter of the opening.
B. Every stage and every enclosed platform larger than forty-six and a half square meters
(46.5 m2) shall have ventilators in or above it, operable from the stage floor by hand, and
also opening by fusible links or other approved automatic heat actuated device or heat
and smoke actuated device, to give a free opening equal to at least five percent (5%) of
the area floor of the stage or enclosed platform. Where mechanical ventilation is provided,
it shall be so arranged that natural ventilation, at least equal to the above, will be available.
Make up air for mechanical ventilation shall not be obtained from the audience (seating)
C. The proscenium opening of every stage shall be provided with a fire resistant curtain
constructed and mounted so as to intercept hot gases, flames, and smoke; and to prevent
glow from a severe fire on the stage showing on the auditorium side within a five-minute
(5-min) period. The curtain shall be automatic closing without the use of applied power.
D. Every stage shall be provided with a fire control station located on or adjoining the stage.
The fire control station shall have the following:
1. Lights to indicate the operations of all emergency lights and power circuits.
2. Manual operating devices to actuate automatic spray heads at proscenium, proscenium
curtain, and smoke vents.
3. Indicator light to show that the automatic fire suppression system is operating, or sprinkler
system valves are open and system is charged with water under pressure.
4. A public address system energized from normal and emergency light and power
5. An alarm system connected to the manager’s office, dressing rooms, and auxiliary
stage spaces. It shall not sound an alarm audible in the audience or seating portion of
the theater.
E. Auxiliary stage spaces such as understage areas, dressing rooms, workshops and similar
spaces associated with the functioning of a stage shall comply with the following:
1. No point within any auxiliary space shall be more than fifteen and twenty-five hundredths
meters (15.25 m) from a door providing access to an exit.
2. There shall be at least two (2) exits available from every auxiliary stage space, one
of which shall be available within a travel distance of twenty-three meters (23 m). A
common path of travel of six meters (6 m) to the two (2) exits shall be permitted.
3. Auxiliary stage spaces shall be protected as provided under this Section.
4. No workshop involving the use of combustible or flammable paint, liquids, or gases, or
their storage shall open directly upon a stage.
F. Where approved, supervised sprinkler system is not required, the proscenium wall of every
theater using movable scenery or decorations shall not have more than two (2) openings
entering the stage, exclusive of the proscenium opening. Such opening shall not exceed
two square meters (2 m2) each and shall be fitted with self-closing fire doors.
G. Each stage shall be equipped with thirty-eight and one tenth millimeters (38.1 mm) wet
standpipes, equipped with at least thirty meters (30 m) hose on each side of the stage.


A. Every place of assembly in which pictures are projected from cellulose acetate, or other
safety film using electric arc, xenon, or other light sources, which generate hazardous
gases, dust, or radiation shall have a projection room that complies with Section of
this RIRR and the following paragraph. This also applies to other latest types of projection,
ex. LCD and i-MAX.
B. There shall be posted on the outside of each projection room door and within the projection
room proper, a conspicuous sign in block letters twenty-five millimeters (25 mm) stroke

A. No decorative material, which will ignite and allow flame to spread over the surface when
exposed to a flame test, shall be allowed to be used in places of assembly.
B. The method of test shall be as follows: the piece shall be exposed to the flame
from a common match and held in horizontal position twelve and seven tenths
millimeters (12.7 mm) underneath the piece, and a constant location for a minimum of
fifteen (15) seconds.
C. Treatments may be applied to decorative material to accomplish flame proofing. Such
treatments shall be renewed as often as may be necessary to maintain the flame-proofed
condition of the material.


Use of pyroxylin coated fabrics inside places of assembly shall be restricted as follows:
A. The nitrocellulose coating shall not exceed four hundred thirty grams (430 g) for every
square meter of fabric.
B The total surface area of fabric-complying with para “A” above shall not exceed one (1)
square meter for every four and a half cubic meter (4.5 m3) of room volume.
C. Where the coating exceeds forty-seven grams per square meter (47 g/m2), the total area
of such fabric shall not exceed one square meter (1 m2) for every two and twenty-five
hundredths cubic meters (2.25 m3) of room volume.


No motion picture screens or screen masking curtains, buntings, or other draperies shall
be used unless the material is flame-proofed and will pass the match-flame test described in
Section of this RIRR.


A. Protection of Vertical Opening
Any vertical opening shall be enclosed or protected in accordance with Section
of this RIRR.
B. Interior Finish
1. The interior finish requirements of this Section shall be in accordance with Section
of this RIRR and subject to modifications specified therein.
2. Interior finish in all means of egress in all places of assembly shall be Class A.
3. Interior finish in general assembly areas shall be Class A.
4. Screen on which pictures are projected shall comply with requirements of Class A or
Class B interior finish, as the case may be.
C. Protection from Hazards
Rooms or spaces used for hazardous equipment, operations and process, such as
but not limited to rooms containing high-pressure vessels, refrigerating machineries, large
transformers, or other service equipment; rooms or spaces used for the storage, processing
or use of boilers or furnaces, combustible supplies, hazardous materials or flammable
or combustible liquids; laundries; and maintenance shops including woodworking and
painting areas shall not be directly located under or abutting required exits and shall be
separated from other parts of the building by fire barriers by construction of not less than
one (1) hour fire resistance rating.
D. Fire Detection and Alarm System
1. All assembly occupancies shall be provided with fire alarm system with manual initiation;
provided however, that where occupants of the building exceed three hundred (300)
persons, the initiation shall be through an automatic detection system.
2. The required fire alarm system shall activate an audible and visible alarm in a constantly
attended receiving station within the building when occupied for purposes of initiating
emergency action.

E. Extinguishing Requirement
1. The following assembly occupancies with occupant load of one hundred fifty (150)
persons or more shall be protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic
sprinkler system:
a. bars with live entertainment;
b. dance halls;
c. discotheques; and
d. assembly occupancies with festival seating.
2. Buildings containing assembly occupancies with occupant load of more than three
hundred (300) persons shall be protected by an approved, supervised automatic
sprinkler system:
a. throughout the storey containing the assembly occupancy;
b. throughout all storeys below the storey containing the assembly occupancy;
c. in case of an assembly occupancy located below the level of exit discharge,
throughout all storeys intervening between that storey and the level of exit discharge,
including the level of exit discharge.
3. The provisions of paras 1 and 2 above shall not apply to assembly occupancy with all
sides open and places of worship at the level of exit discharge with sufficient means of
F. Smoke Management
Public assembly buildings, structures or facilities with more than fourteen (14) seats shall
be provided with smoke management system in such a way that the atmosphere shall
not induce more than the acceptable limit by volume of the contaminated atmosphere
emanating from the fire area.


A. Elevators
Elevators shall not constitute required means of exit. When places of assembly are more
than three (3) storeys aboveground level and equipped with automatic elevators, at least
one elevator shall be designed and equipped for fire emergency use of BFP personnel,
or as may be determined by the C/MFM having jurisdiction. Key operation shall transfer
automatic elevator operation to manual and bring elevator to ground or first floor use by
said personnel. The elevator shall be situated so as to be readily accessible.
B. Air Conditioning
All air conditioning, heating, and ventilation installations shall comply with the provisions
of Division 7 of this Chapter.
C. Special Provisions for Food Service Establishments
All devices in connection with the preparation of food shall be installed and operated
to avoid hazard to the safety of occupants, and shall be installed and maintained in
accordance with good engineering practice.


A. Emergency evacuation plan, in accordance with Section of this RIRR, shall be
submitted to the C/MFM having jurisdiction. Such plan shall also include the capacity and
location of the exit ways and aisles, and shall be displayed prominently in the premises.
B. In all theaters, nightclubs, dance halls and similar occupancies, an audible announcement
and other means of announcement shall be made prior to the performance describing the
location of exits to be used in case of fire or other emergencies.


No person shall permit the overcrowding or admittance of any person beyond the approved
capacity of any place of public assembly. The C/MFM having jurisdiction, upon finding any
overcrowding condition or obstruction in aisles, passageways or other means of egress, or upon
finding any condition which constitutes a serious menace to life, shall cause the performance,
presentation, or entertainment to be stopped until the condition or obstruction is corrected.

A. The C/MFM having jurisdiction, whenever in his/her judgment it is essential for public safety
to deploy standby BFP personnel in any place of public assembly, or any other place where
people congregate, due to the number of persons, or the nature of the performance,
exhibition, display contest or activity, is authorized to detail standby BFP personnel at such
B. The said BFP personnel shall be in uniform and remain on duty during the time such places
are open to the public, or when the activity is being conducted. Before each performance
or the start of the activity, said BFP personnel shall inspect the required fire appliances
provided, to see that they are in proper place and in good working order, and shall keep
diligent watch for fires during the time such place is open to the public or such activity is
being conducted, and take prompt measures for the extinguishment of fire that may occur.


A. All grandstands, tents, and other places of outdoor assembly shall comply with the requirements
of NFPA 102, Standard for Grandstands, Folding and Telescopic Seating, Tents, and
Membrane Structures.
B. Grandstand and bleacher type seating may be used as indoor type seating only when it
meets the requirements of this Division.


The requirements of underground structures and windowless buildings used as places of
assembly shall be in accordance with Section of this Chapter.


A. No display or exhibit shall be so installed or operated as to interfere in any way with access
to any required exit or with visibility of any required exit or of any required exit sign, nor shall
any display block access to firefighting equipment.
B. All displays or exhibits of combustible material or construction and all booths and
temporary construction in connection therewith shall be so limited in combustibility or shall
be protected to avoid any undue hazard of fire which might endanger occupants before
they have the opportunity to use available exits.
C. Any place of assembly used for exhibition or display purposes shall be equipped with
complete automatic fire suppression system, when the exhibition or display area exceeds
one thousand three hundred ninety-four square meters (1,394 m2). For combustible materials
not on display, storage room having an enclosure with fire resistance rating of at least
two (2) hours and protected by an automatic fire extinguishing system shall be provided.


A. Capacity Limitations
In existing places of assembly, the C/MFM having jurisdiction may permit occupancy by
number of persons not to exceed that for which the existing exits are adequate, provided
that measures established are satisfactory to the C/MFM having jurisdiction, to prevent
occupancy by any greater number of persons based on the calculated occupant load of
the building.
B. Interior Finish
Provisions of Section of this RIRR shall apply in existing places of assembly where
interior finish does not conform to the requirements for new assembly buildings.


A. Every projection room shall be of permanent construction consistent with the construction
requirements for the type of building in which the projection room is located. The room shall
have a floor area of not less than seven and four tenths square meters (7.4 m2) for a single
machine and at least three and seventy-five hundredths square meters (3.75 m2) for each
additional machine. Each motion picture projector, floodlight, spotlight, or similar piece of

equipment shall have a clear working space not less than two and twenty-five hundredths
square meters (2.25 m2).
B. Each projection room shall be at least one out-swinging, self-closing door not less than
seven hundred sixty millimeters (760 mm) wide by two thousand millimeters (2,000 mm)
C. The aggregate of parts and openings for projection equipment shall not exceed
twenty-five percent (25%) of the area of the wall between the projection room and the
auditorium. All opening shall be provided with glass or other approved materials, so as to
completely close the opening.
D. Projection booth room ventilation shall be not less than the following:
1. Supply Air
Each projection room shall be provided with two (2) or more separate fresh air inlet
ducts with screened openings terminating within three hundred millimeters (300 mm) of
the floor, and located at opposite ends of the room. Such air inlets shall be of sufficient
size to permit an air change every three (3) minutes. Fresh air may be supplied from the
general building air conditioning system, provided it is so arranged that the projection
booth will continue to receive one change of air every three (3) minutes, when no other
air is supplied by the general air conditioning system.
2. Exhaust Air
Each projection room shall be provided with one (1) or more exhaust air outlets
which may be manifold into a single duct outside the booth. Such outlets shall be so
located as to ensure circulation throughout the room. Projection room exhaust air
system shall be independent of any other air systems in the building. Exhaust air ducts
shall terminate at the exterior of the building in such a location that the exhaust system
shall be mechanically operated and of such capacity to provide a minimum of one
change of air every three minutes. The blower motor shall be outside the duct system.
The projection room ventilation system may also be appurtenant rooms, such as the
generator room and the rewind room.
E. Each projection machine shall be provided with an exhaust duct which will draw air from
each lamp and exhaust it directly to the outside of the building in such a fashion that it
will not be picked up by supply inlets. Such a duct shall be of rigid materials, except for a
continuous flexible connector approved for the purpose. The lamp exhaust systems shall
not be interconnected with any other system.
1. Electric Arc Projection Equipment
The exhaust capacity shall be five and sixty-six hundredths cubic meters per minute
(5.66 m3/min) for each lamp connected to the lamp exhaust system or as recommended
by the equipment manufacturer, whichever is greater. Auxiliary air may be introduced
into the system through a screened opening to stabilize the arc.
2. Xenon Projection Equipment
The lamp exhaust shall exhaust not less than eight and a half cubic meters per minute
(8.5 m3/min) per lamp, nor less than that exhaust volume required or recommended
by the equipment manufacturer, whichever is greater. The external temperature of
the lamp housing shall not exceed fifty-four and a half degrees Celsius (54.5˚C) when
F. Each projection room shall be provided with rewind and film storage facilities.
G. A maximum of four (4) containers for flammable liquids not greater than five tenths liter
(0.5 L) capacity and of a non-breakable type may be permitted in each projection booth.
H. Appurtenant electrical equipment such as rheostats, transformers, and generators may be
located within the booth or in a separate room of equivalent fire resistance construction.


No person shall cause or permit any open flame to be used in any place of public assembly,
or drinking or eating establishments, except when used in conjunction with approved heating
or cooking appliances or under a written permit from the C/MFM having jurisdiction.



A. Classification of Educational Occupancies
1. Educational occupancies shall include all buildings used for the gathering of groups of
six (6) or more persons for purposes of instruction, such as schools, universities, colleges,
and academies.
2. Educational occupancy includes part-day, nursery schools, kindergartens, and other
schools whose purpose is primarily educational even though the children are of
pre-school age.
3. Other occupancies associated with educational institutions shall be in accordance
with the appropriate parts of this Chapter.
4. In cases where instruction is incidental to some other occupancy, the Section of the
Chapter governing such other occupancy shall apply.
B. Occupant Load
1. The occupant load of educational buildings or any individual storey or section thereof
for the purpose of determining exits shall not be less than one (1) person for each one
and nine tenths square meters (1.9 m2) of net classroom area or four and six tenths
square meters (4.6 m2) of net area of shops, laboratories, and similar vocational rooms.
In dry nurseries where sleeping facilities are provided, the occupant load shall be not
less than one person for each three and three tenths square meters (3.3 m2).
2. The occupant load of an area having fixed seats shall be determined by the number
of fixed seats installed. Required aisle space serving the fixed seats shall not be used to
increase the occupant load.
3. The occupant load of individual lecture rooms, gymnasiums, or cafeterias used for
assembly purposes of more than fifty (50) persons shall be determined in accordance
with Section of this RIRR.


A. Capacity of Exits
Capacity of means of egress shall be in accordance with Section para “C” of
this RIRR.
B. Minimum Number of Exits
1. Every room or space with a capacity of fifty (50) or more persons or over ninety-three
square meters (93 m2) in area shall have at least two (2) doorways as remote from
each other as practicable. Such doorways shall provide access to separate exits; but
where egress is through corridors, they shall open upon a common corridor leading to
separate exits in opposite directions.
2. Not less than two (2) separate exits shall be provided on every storey and accessible
from every part of every storey and mezzanine.
C. Travel Distance to Exits
Travel distance to an exit from any point in a building without an approved, supervised
automatic sprinkler system shall not exceed forty-six meters (46 m), and shall not exceed
sixty-one meters (61 m) in any building protected throughout by an approved, supervised
automatic sprinkler system.
D. Access to Exits
1. Every aisle, corridor, balcony, other means of access to exits, and discharge from exit
shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. Any corridor shall be not less than one and eighty-three hundredths meters (1.83 m)
wide in the clear.
3. Doors which swing into an exit access corridor shall be recessed to prevent interference
with corridor traffic; any doors not so recessed shall open the one hundred eighty
degrees (180˚) to stop against the wall. Doors in any position shall not reduce the
required corridor width by more than a half.

4. Drinking fountains or other equipment, fixed or movable, shall not be so placed as
to obstruct the required minimum one and eighty-three hundredths meters (1.83 m)
corridor width.
E. Exterior Corridors or Balconies
1. Where exterior corridors or balconies are provided as means of exit, they shall open
to the outside air except for railings or balustrades with stairs or level exits to grade not
over seventy-six and one fourth meters (76.25 m) apart, so located that an exit will be
available in either direction from the door to any individual room or space, with dead
ends not to exceed six meters (6 m). If balconies are enclosed by glass or in any other
manner, they shall be treated as interior corridors.
2. The floors of balconies (exterior corridors) and stairs shall be solid, without openings, and
shall comply with requirements for outside stairs as regards balustrades or railings, width
and pitch of stairs, and other details, but are not required to be shielded from fire within
the building by blank walls, wired glass windows or the like where the stairs are located
on the side of balcony or corridor away from the building and are separated from the
building by the full width of the balcony or corridor.
F. Exit Arrangement
1. Exits shall be so arranged that at least two (2) separate exits will be available from
every floor area. Exits shall be as remote from each other as practicable, so arranged
that there will be no pockets or dead ends in which occupants may be trapped, and
in no case shall any dead-end corridor extend more than six meters (6 m) beyond the
stairway or other means of exit therefrom.
2. Every classroom or room used for educational purposes or student occupancy below
the floor of exit discharge shall have access to at least one (1) exit which leads directly
to the exterior at level of discharge without entering the floor above.
G. Types of Exits
Exits of the specified number and width shall be of one (1) or more of the following
types, in accordance with the provisions of Division 5 of this Chapter.
1. Doors of the swinging type leading directly outside or through a lobby or passageway
leading to the outside of the building. Any exterior door and any room door subject
to use by fifty (50) or more persons shall be operated by bars or other panic hardware
device with re-entry mechanism, in accordance with Section of this RIRR, except
that a door leading directly to the outside from a classroom occupied by less than fifty
(50) persons may be equipped with the same knob-operated schoolhouse type lock as
is used in classroom doors leading to corridor, with no provision whatsoever for locking
against egress from the classroom.
2. Horizontal exits
3. Smoke proof enclosures
4. Stairs
5. Ramps
H. Additional Exit Details
The provisions of this Section are based on occupancy by normal individuals. Educational
buildings used by persons with physical or mental handicaps shall have additional features
as may be required by the C/MFM having jurisdiction to ensure safe use of such exits in an
I. Dead-End Corridors
Dead end corridors shall not exceed six meters (6m).


A. All educational buildings shall have adequate exit illumination in accordance with
Section of this RIRR. Flexible plan and open plan buildings and buildings designed
for night occupancy and portions of buildings having interior and windowless rooms, areas,
and corridors shall have emergency lighting.
B. All educational buildings shall have signs designating the location of exits or the path of
travel to reach them, in accordance with Section of this RIRR.

Except in buildings protected with approved, supervised sprinkler system in accordance
with Section of this RIRR, every room or space used for classroom or other educational
purposes or normally subject to student occupancy, unless it has a door leading directly to
the outside of building, shall have at least one outside window which can readily be used for
emergency rescue or ventilation purposes, and which meets all of the following provisions:
A. It can readily be opened from the inside without the use of tools.
B. It provides a clear opening with a minimum dimension of five hundred sixty millimeters
(560 mm) in width and eight hundred millimeters (800 mm) in height.
C. The bottom of window opening is not more than eight hundred twenty millimeters (820 mm)
above the floor; and
D. Where storm windows, screens, or anti-burglar devices are used, these shall be provided
with quick opening mechanism so that they may be readily opened from the inside for
emergency egress, and shall be so arranged that when opened they will not drop to the


A. Vertical Opening
Any interior stairways and other vertical openings in educational buildings shall be
enclosed and protected in accordance with Section of this RIRR, except when it
serves only one adjacent floor other than a basement; it is not connected to other stairway
serving other floors; and it is not connected with corridors or stairways serving other floors.
B. Interior Corridors
1. Every interior corridor shall be of construction having not less than a half-hour
(1/2-hr) fire resistance rating, and all openings therein protected accordingly. Room
doors may be forty-four millimeters (44 mm) solid bonded core wood doors or the
equivalent. Such corridor protection shall not be required when all classrooms served
by such corridors have at least one door directly to the outside or to an exterior balcony
or corridor as in Section of this RIRR.
2. Any interior corridor more than ninety-one meters (91 m) in length shall be divided into
sections not to exceed ninety-one meters (91 m) in length by smoke partitions installed
in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
C. Interior Finish
Interior finish shall be Class A in corridors, stairways and other means of egress, and may
be Class B or Class C elsewhere, in accordance with the provisions of Section of this
D. Fire Alarm System
1. Approved fire alarm facilities capable of being manually operated in accordance with
Section of this RIRR shall be provided in every educational building.
2. In building provided with automatic fire suppression system, the operation of the system
shall automatically actuate electrical school fire alarm system.
E. Automatic Fire Suppression System
1. Every portion of educational buildings below the floor of exit discharge, being utilized as
classroom or laboratory, shall be protected with approved, supervised sprinkler system
in accordance with Section of this RIRR:
a. throughout the storey containing the classroom or laboratory; and
b. at the level of exit discharge
2. When the building is classified as high rise it shall be completely protected by approved,
supervised sprinkler system.
F. Hazardous Areas
An area used for general storage, boiler or furnace rooms, fuel storage, janitor closets,
maintenance shops, including woodworking and painting areas, laundries and kitchen
shall be separated from other parts of the building with construction having not less than
one (1) hour fire resistance rating, and all openings shall be protected with self-closing
fire doors, or such area shall be provided with automatic fire suppression system. Where

the hazard is high as determined by the C/MFM having jurisdiction, both the fire resistive
separation and automatic fire suppression system shall be provided.
G. Cooking equipment
Cooking equipment shall be protected in accordance with Section of this RIRR.


A. Elevators
1. An elevator shall not constitute as required means of exit.
2. When an educational occupancy is more than three (3) storeys and equipped with
automatic elevators, one (1) or more elevators shall be designed and equipped for fire
emergency use by firefighters, as specified in Section of this RIRR. Key operation
shall transfer automatic elevator operation to manual and bring elevator to ground or
first floor for use of firefighters. The elevator shall be situated so as to be readily accessible.
If the building is equipped with only one (1) elevator, the same shall be equipped with
firefighter’s switch to be capable of being manually operated.
B. Air conditioning
Every air-conditioning, heating, and ventilating installation shall comply with Division 7
of this Chapter.
C. Electrical Wiring and Equipment
Electrical wiring and equipment shall be in accordance with provisions of the latest
edition of PEC, and all cooking, heating, incinerating and other building services equipment
shall be installed in accordance with Division 7 of this Chapter.


A. Definitions as Used in this Section
1. Flexible plan and open-plan educational buildings or portion of a building not having
corridors which comply with Section of this RIRR and are designed for multiple
teaching stations.
a. Flexible plan buildings have movable corridor walls and movable partitions of full
height construction with doors leading from rooms to corridors. Flexible plan buildings
without exit access doors between rooms and corridors shall be classified as open
plan buildings.
b. Open-plan buildings have rooms and corridors delineated by use of tables, chairs,
desks, bookcases, counters, low height partitions, or similar furnishings.
2. Common Atmosphere. A common atmosphere exists between rooms, spaces or areas
within a building, which are not separated by an approved smoke partition.
3. Separate Atmosphere. A separate atmosphere exists between rooms, spaces, or areas,
which are separated by an approved smoke partition.
4. Smoke Partition. For purposes of this Section, smoke partitions shall also include floors
and openings therein, in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
5. Room. For the purpose of this Section, a room is a space or area bounded by an
obstruction to egress which at any time enclose more than eighty percent (80%) of the
perimeter of the space or area. Openings of less than two meters (2 m) high shall not be
considered in computing the unobstructed perimeter.
6. Interior Room. A room whose only means of egress is through an adjoining or intervening
room, which is not an exit.
7. Separate Means of Egress. A means of egress separated in such a manner from
other means of egress as to provide an atmosphere separation, which precludes
contamination of both means of egress by the same fire, in accordance with Division 5
of this Chapter.
B. Area Limitations and Separations
1. Flexible plan and open-plan buildings shall not exceed two thousand seven hundred
eighty-seven square meters (2,787 m2) in undivided area. A solid wall or smoke partition
shall be provided at maximum intervals of ninety-one meters (91 m) and openings in
such walls or partition shall comply with Section of this RIRR.

2. Vertical openings shall be enclosed as required by Section of this RIRR.
3. Stages in places of assembly shall be separated from school areas by construction of
non-combustible materials having at least a two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating and
shall comply with Section of this RIRR.
4. Shops, laboratories, and similar vocational rooms, as well as storage rooms, shall be
separated from school areas by construction having at least one (1) hour fire resistance
rating; they shall have exits independent from other areas.
C. General Provisions
1. The specific requirements of this Section are not intended to prevent the design or use
of other systems, equipment or techniques, which will effectively prevent the products
of combustion from breaching the atmospheric separation.
2. The provisions of this Subsection shall apply only to the requirements for providing
separate atmosphere. The fire resistance requirements shall comply with other provisions
of this Chapter.
a. Walls, partitions and floors forming all of or part of an atmospheric separation shall
be of materials consistent with the requirements for the type of construction, but of
construction not less effective than a smoke partition. Openings in walls or partition
used to allow the passage of light shall be wired glass set in metal frames.
b. Every door opening therein shall be protected with a fire assembly as required in
this Chapter, but not less than a self-closing or automatic closing, tight-fitting smoke
assembly having a fire protection rating of not less than twenty (20) minutes.
c. Ducts penetrating atmospheric separation walls, partitions, or floors shall be equipped
with an approved automatic-closing smoke damper when having openings into
more than one atmosphere or atmospheric separation shall be maintained by an
approved method of smoke control.
d. All automatic-closing fire assemblies installed in the atmospheric separation shall be
activated by approved smoke detectors.
e. Janitor closets and storage rooms shall be enclosed by materials having one (1) hour
fire resistance. Stages and enclosed platform shall be constructed in accordance
with Section of this RIRR.
D. Means of Egress
1. Each room occupied by more than three hundred (300) persons shall have one (1) of its
exit access doors through a separate means of egress. Where three (3) or more means
of egress are required, not more than two (2) of them shall enter into the same means of
2. Means of egress from interior rooms may pass through an adjoining or in intervening
room, provided that the travel distance do not exceed those set forth in the succeeding
paragraph. Foyers and lobbies constructed as required for corridors shall not be
construed as intervening rooms. Where the only means of egress from a room is through
an adjoining or intervening room, smoke detectors shall be installed in the area of
common atmosphere through which the means of egress must pass. The detectors shall
actuate alarms audible in the interior room and shall be connected to the school fire
alarm system.
E. Travel Distance to Exits
No point in a building shall be more than forty-six meters (46 m) from an exit, measured
in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
F. Interior Finish
Interior finish in flexible plan and open-plan buildings shall be as follows:
1. Corridors in flexible plan buildings
Class A on rigid material which will not deform at temperature below two hundred
thirty-two degrees Celsius (232˚C).
2. Other than corridor walls
Class A and Class B throughout, except that fixtures and low height partitions may be
Class C. In one-storey buildings the exposed portions of structural members complying
with the requirements for heavy timber construction may be permitted in accordance
with Section of this RIRR.

G. Variable Plans
1. Flexible plan schools may have walls and partitions rearranged periodically, only after
revised plans or diagrams have been approved by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
2. Open-plan schools shall have furniture, fixtures, or low height partitions so arranged
that exits be clearly visible and unobstructed, and exit paths are direct, not circuitous. If
paths or corridors are established, they shall be at least as wide as required by Section of this RIRR.
H. Sprinkler Systems
1. Any flexible plan building or open plan building in which the travel distance to exits
exceeds forty-six meters (46 m) shall have approved, supervised sprinkler systems
in accordance with Section of this RIRR. Such systems shall be electrically
interconnected with the school fire alarm system.
2. Automatic fire suppression systems shall be modified to conform with partition changes.
Modification plans shall have prior approval of the C/MFM having jurisdiction.


Rooms used for preschoolers shall not be located above or below the floor of exit discharge.


The provisions of Section of this RIRR shall apply to Underground and Windowless
Educational Buildings and such buildings shall be provided completely with automatic fire
suppression system.


A. Assembly and Educational
Any auditorium, assembly room, cafeteria, gymnasium used for assembly purposes
such as athletic events with provisions for seating of spectators, or other spaces subject to
assembly occupancy shall comply with Division 8 of this Chapter, which provides that where
auditorium and gymnasium exits lead through corridors stairways also serving as exits for
other parts of the building, the exit capacity shall be sufficient to permit simultaneous exit
from auditorium and classroom sections.
B. Dormitory and Classroom
Any building used for both classroom and dormitory purposes shall comply with the
applicable provisions of Division 14 of this Chapter in addition to complying with Division 9
of this Chapter. Where Classroom and dormitory sections are not subject to simultaneous
occupancy, the same exit capacity may serve both sections.
C. Other Combined Occupancies
Any other combinations of occupancy not covered in this Section shall comply with
all applicable Divisions of this Chapter, with exits adequate to serve all occupancies


A. General
An existing building being used for educational occupancies established prior to the
effective date of RA 9514 and its RIRR may have its use continued if it conforms or is made
to conform to the provisions of this Rule to the extent that, in the opinion of the C/MFM
having jurisdiction, reasonable life safety against the hazards of fire, explosion, and panic is
provided and maintained subject to the provisions of para “B” through “E” below.
B. Additional Protection
The provision of additional means of egress, automatic fire suppression system, area
separations, emergency lighting, and other alternate means of protection may be used to
provide reasonable life safety from fire and panic.
C. Exits
1. Exit deficiency may be corrected by adding additional exits, preferably those which will
provide direct exit to the outside from classroom or student-occupied areas.

2. In lieu of direct exit to the outside from classrooms, additional life safety may be afforded
by the provisions of communicating doors between classrooms or student-occupied
areas to provide access to at least one (1) exit stair without passing through interior
D. Interior Finish
In existing educational buildings which have interior finish that do not comply with
the requirements for new buildings, the provisions of Section of this RIRR shall be
acceptable as alternate requirements.
E. Fire Alarm Systems
Requirements for Fire Alarm System for existing educational buildings shall conform
to those required for new educational buildings, in accordance with para “D” of Section of this RIRR.



A. The requirements of this Section shall apply to day care occupancies in which more than
twelve (12) clients receive care, maintenance, and supervision by other than their relative(s)
or legal guardian(s) for less than twenty-four (24) hours per day.
B. The requirements of Sections,, and of this RIRR shall
apply to day care homes.
C. Where a facility houses more than one age group, the strictest requirements applicable
to any group present shall apply throughout the day care occupancy or building, as
appropriate to a given area, unless the area housing such a group is maintained as a
separate fire area.
D. Places of religious worship shall not be required to meet the provisions of this Section where
operating a day care home while services are being held in the building.
E. No day care center shall be located below the level of exit discharge.


The occupant load, in number of persons for whom means of egress and other provisions
are required, either shall be one (1) person for every three and three tenths square meters
(3.3 m2) or shall be determined as the maximum probable population of the space under
consideration, whichever is greater.


A. General Requirements
The means of egress of day care occupancies shall comply with Section of this
RIRR and this Section.
B. Permissible Exit Components
Components of means of egress for day care occupancies shall be limited to the
following types:
1. Doors
2. Stairs and Smoke-proof Enclosures
3. Horizontal Exits
4. Ramps
5. Exit Passageways
C. Capacity of Means of Egress
Capacity of means of egress shall be in accordance with para “C” of Section
of this RIRR.
D. Number of Means of Egress
The number of means of egress for day care occupancies shall be in accordance with
para “G” of Section of this RIRR and this Section.

E. Arrangement of Means of Egress
1. Means of egress shall be arranged in accordance with para “H” of Section of
this RIRR.
2. No dead-end corridor shall exceed six meters (6 m), other than in buildings protected
throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinklers, in which case dead-end
corridors shall not exceed ten meters (10 m).
3. Common path of travel shall not exceed twenty meters (20 m) in a building protected
throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system and ten meters
(10 m) in a building not protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic
sprinkler system.
F. Travel Distance to Exits
1. Travel distance shall be measured in accordance with para “J” of Section
of this RIRR.
2. Travel distance shall meet all of the following criteria, unless otherwise permitted by
para 3 hereof:
a. The travel distance between any room door intended as an exit access and an exit
shall not exceed fifteen meters (15 m).
b. The travel distance between any point in a room and an exit shall not exceed
twenty-three meters (23 m).
c. The travel distance between any point in a sleeping room and an exit access door in
that room shall not exceed fifteen meters (15 m).
3. The travel distance required by paras 2.a and 2.b above shall be permitted to be
increased by fifteen meters (15 m) in buildings protected throughout by an approved,
supervised automatic sprinkler system.
G. Discharge from Exits
Discharge from exits shall be arranged in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
H. Illumination of Means of Egress
1. Means of egress shall be illuminated in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. Emergency lighting shall be provided in the following areas:
a. Interior stairs and corridors
b. Assembly use spaces
c. Flexible and open-plan buildings
d. Interior or limited access portions of buildings
e. Shops and laboratories
I. Marking of Means of Egress
Means of egress shall have signs in accordance with Section of this RIRR.


Every room or space normally subject to client occupancy, other than bathrooms, shall
have not less than one (1) outside window for emergency rescue that complies with all of
the following:
A. Such windows shall be openable from the inside without the use of tools and shall provide
a clear opening of not less than five hundred sixty millimeters (560 mm) in width and eight
hundred millimeters (800 mm) in height.
B. The bottom of the opening shall be not more than eight hundred twenty millimeters
(820 mm) above the floor.
C. The clear opening shall allow a rectangular solid, with a width and height that provide not
less than the required five tenths square meter (0.5 m2) opening and a depth of not less than
five hundred ten millimeters (510 mm), to pass fully through the opening.


For day care centers with non-ambulatory residents of at least twelve (12), a ramp
complying with Section of this RIRR shall be provided.

A. Vertical Openings
1. Any vertical opening, other than unprotected vertical openings in accordance with
para 2 hereof, shall be enclosed or protected in accordance with Section of this
2. Unenclosed vertical openings not concealed within the building construction shall be
permitted as follows:
a. Such openings shall connect not more than two (2) adjacent storeys (one (1) floor
pierced only).
b. Such openings shall be separated from unprotected vertical openings serving other
floors by a barrier.
c. Such openings shall be separated from corridors.
B. Detection, Alarm and Communication Systems
1. Day care occupancies shall be provided with an automatic fire detection and alarm
system in accordance with Section of this RIRR, except day care occupancies
housed in one room having at least one (1) door opening directly to the outside at
grade plane or to an exterior exit access balcony.
2. A smoke detection system shall be installed in day care occupancies, other than those
housed in one (1) room having at least one (1) door opening directly to the outside at
grade plane or to an exterior exit access, and such system shall comply with both of the
a. Detectors shall be installed on each storey in front of the doors to the stairways and
in the corridors of all floors occupied by the day care occupancy.

b. Detectors shall be installed in lounges, recreation areas, and sleeping rooms in the
day care occupancy.
C. Extinguishing Requirements
1. Buildings with unprotected openings, up to five (5) communicating floor levels not
considered as a high rise building, shall be protected throughout by an approved,
supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. Portable fire extinguishers shall also be provided pursuant to Section of this RIRR.
D. Hazardous Areas
Rooms or spaces for the storage, processing, or use of materials specified in paras 1
through 3 below shall be protected in accordance with the following:
1. Separation from the remainder of the building by fire barriers having a minimum
one (1) hour fire resistance rating or protection of such rooms by automatic extinguishing
systems in the following areas:
a. Boiler and furnace rooms, unless such rooms enclose only air-handling equipment;
b. Rooms or spaces used for the storage of combustible supplies in quantities deemed
hazardous by the C/MFM having jurisdiction;
c. Rooms or spaces used for the storage of hazardous materials or flammable or
combustible liquids in quantities deemed hazardous by recognized standards; and
d. Janitor closets.
2. Separation from the remainder of the building by fire barriers having a minimum of
one (1) hour fire resistance rating and protection of such rooms by automatic extinguishing
systems in the following areas:
a. Laundry rooms;
b. Maintenance shops, including woodworking and painting areas;
c. Rooms or spaces used for processing or use of combustible supplies deemed
hazardous by the C/MFM having jurisdiction; and
d. Rooms or spaces used for processing or use of hazardous materials or flammable or
combustible liquids in quantities deemed hazardous by recognized standards.
3. Where automatic extinguishing is used to meet the protection requirements of
paras 1 and 2, as permitted.

Every interior corridor shall be constructed of walls having not less than one (1) hour fire
resistance rating, unless otherwise permitted by any of the following:
A. Corridor protection shall not be required where all spaces normally subject to client
occupancy have not less than one door opening directly outside or to an exterior exit
access balcony or corridor.
B. In buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system;
corridor walls shall not be required to be rated, provided that such walls form smoke
C. Where the corridor ceiling is an assembly having one (1) hour fire resistance rating; where
tested as a wall, the corridor walls shall be permitted to terminate at the corridor ceiling.
D. Lavatories shall not be required to be separated from corridors, provided that they are
separated from all other spaces by walls having not less than one (1) hour fire resistance.
E. Lavatories shall not be required to be separated from corridors, provided that both of the
following criteria are met:
1. The building is protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler
system in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. The walls separating the lavatory from other rooms form smoke partitions.


A. Utilities
1. Utilities shall comply with the provisions of Section of this RIRR.
2. Special protective covers for all electrical receptacles shall be installed in all areas
occupied by clients.
B. Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Equipment
1. Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning equipment shall be in accordance with
Section of this RIRR.
2. Unvented fuel-fired heating equipment, other than gas space heaters in compliance
with NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1: National Fuel Gas Code, shall be prohibited.
3. Any heating equipment in spaces occupied by clients shall be provided with partitions,
screens, or other means to protect clients from hot surfaces and open flames; if solid
partitions are used to provide such protection, provisions shall be made to ensure
adequate air for combustion and ventilation for the heating equipment.
C. Elevators, Escalators and Conveyors
Elevators, escalators and conveyors, other than those in day care homes, shall comply
with the provisions of Section of this RIRR.
D. Waste Chutes, Incinerators, and Laundry Chutes
Waste chutes, incinerators, and laundry chutes, other than those in day care homes,
shall comply with the provisions of Section of this RIRR.


A. General Requirements
1. The requirements of Section shall apply to day care homes in which more
than three (3), but not more than twelve (12), clients receive care, maintenance, and
supervision by other than their relative(s) or legal guardian(s) for less than twenty-four
(24) hours per day, generally within a dwelling unit.
2. Where a facility houses more than one age group, the strictest requirements applicable
to any group present shall apply throughout the day care home or building, as
appropriate to a given area, unless the area housing such a group is maintained as a
separate fire area.
3. Facilities that supervise clients on a temporary basis with a parent or guardian in close
proximity shall not be required to meet the provisions of this Section.
4. Places of religious worship shall not be required to meet the provisions of this Section
where operating a day care home while services are being held in the building.

B. Classification of Occupancy
1. Family Day Care Home. A family day care home shall be a day care home in which
more than three (3), but fewer than seven (7), clients receive care, maintenance, and
supervision by other than their relative(s) or legal guardian(s) for less than twenty-four
(24) hours per day, generally within a dwelling unit.
2. Group Day Care Home. A group day care home shall be a day care home in which not
less than seven (7), but not more than twelve (12), clients receive care, maintenance,
and supervision by other than their relative(s) or legal guardian(s) for less than
twenty-four (24) hours per day, generally within a dwelling unit.
C. Location
No day care home shall be located below the level of exit discharge.
D. Occupant Load
1. In family day care homes, both of the following shall apply:
a. The minimum staff-to-client ratio shall be not less than one (1) staff for up to six (6)
clients, including the caretaker’s own children under age six (6).
b. There shall be not more than two (2) clients incapable of self-preservation.
2. In group day care homes, all of the following shall apply:
a. The minimum staff-to-client ratio shall be not less than two (2) staffs for up to twelve
(12) clients.
b. There shall be not more than three (3) clients incapable of self-preservation.
E. Means of Escape Requirements
1. Means of escape shall comply with those of Single and Two -Family Dwellings.
2. Every room used for sleeping, living, recreation, education, or dining purposes shall
have the number and type of means of escape.
3. No room or space that is accessible only by a ladder or folding stairs or through a trap
door shall be occupied by clients.
4. In group day care homes where spaces on the storey above the level of exit discharge
are used by clients, that storey shall have not less than one (1) means of escape
complying with one of the following:
a. Door leading directly to the outside with access to finished ground level
b. Door leading directly to an outside stair to finished ground level
c. Interior stair leading directly to the outside with access to finished ground level,
separated from other storeys by one half (1/2) hour fire barrier.
5. Where clients occupy a storey below the level of exit discharge, that storey shall have
not less than one (1) means of escape complying with any of the following:
a. Door leading directly to the outside with access to finished ground level
b. Door leading directly to an outside stair going to finished ground level
c. Bulkhead enclosure
d. Interior stair leading directly to the outside with access to finished ground level,
separated from other storeys by one half (1/2) hour fire barrier
F. Arrangement of Means of Escape
1. No dead-end corridors shall exceed six meters (6 m).
2. Doors in means of escape shall be protected from obstructions.
G. Travel Distance
1. Travel distance shall be measured in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. The travel distance between any point in a room and a door leading directly to the
outside with access to finished ground level shall not exceed forty-six meters (46m).
3. The travel distance between any point in a sleeping room and access to a means of
escape from that room shall not exceed fifteen meters (15 m).
4. The travel distance shall be permitted to be increased by fifteen meters (15 m) in
buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler.
H. Illumination of Means of Egress
Means of egress shall be illuminated in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
I. Protection
1. For group day care homes, the doorway between the level of exit discharge and
any storey below shall be equipped with a fire door assembly having twenty-minute
(20-min) fire protection rating.
2. For group day care homes where the storey above the level of exit discharge is used for
sleeping purposes, there shall be a fire door assembly having twenty-minute (20-min)
fire protection rating at the top or bottom of each stairway.



A. Fundamental Requirements
1. All health care buildings shall be so designed, constructed, maintained, and operated
as to minimize the possibility of a fire emergency requiring the evacuation of occupants.
Because the safety of occupants of health care buildings cannot be assured adequately
by dependence on evacuation of the building, their protection from the fire shall be
provided by appropriate arrangement of facilities, adequate staffing, and careful
development of operating and maintenance procedure composed of the following:
a. proper design, construction, and compartmentation;
b. provisions for detection, alarm, and extinguishment; and
c. fire prevention and the planning, training, and drilling in programs for the isolation of
fire and transfer of occupants to areas of refuge or evacuation of the building.
2. It is recognized that in buildings housing various types of psychiatric patients, it may be
necessary to lock doors and bar windows to confine and protect building inhabitants.
Sections of this Rule requiring the keeping of exits unlocked may be waived by the
C/MFM having jurisdiction. It is also recognized that some psychiatric patients are not
capable of seeking safety without guidance. In buildings in which doors are locked or
windows are barred, provisions shall be made for the removal of occupants by such
reliable means as the remote control of locks or by keying all locks to keys carried
by attendants.
B. Emergency Rooms, Operating Rooms, Intensive Care Units, Delivery Rooms and Other
Similar Facilities
Emergency rooms, operating rooms, intensive care units, delivery rooms and other
similar facilities shall be located on the level of exit discharge. When the above requirement
is not met, one of the following conditions shall be complied:
1. Where the said facilities are located above the floor of exit discharge but in no case
shall exceed five (5) floors, or where the said facilities are located below the floor of
exit discharge but in no case shall exceed one (1) floor, it shall be equipped with ramp
complying with Section of this RIRR leading directly to exit discharge. The
ramp, constructed in a fire resistive and smoke proof enclosure, shall be so designed
to accommodate the movement of hospital beds with non-ambulatory patients to the
level of exit discharge. The enclosure shall have the minimum fire rating of two (2) hours.
2. Where the construction of ramp is not practicable, a horizontal exit compliant with
Section of this RIRR shall be provided leading to another separate building.
C. New Construction, Additions, Conversion
1. Any addition shall be separated from any existing non-conforming structure by a
non-combustible fire partition having at least a two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating.
Communicating openings in such dividing fire partition shall occur only in corridors and
shall be protected by an approved self-closing fire door. Such doors shall normally be
kept closed.
2. Any building converted to these occupancies shall comply with all requirements for
new facilities.
D. Occupancy and Occupant Load
1. Health care occupancies in buildings housing other occupancies shall be completely
separated from them by noncombustible construction having at least two-hour (2-hr)
fire-resistance rating. All means of egress from health care occupancies that traverse
non-health care spaces shall conform to requirements of this standard for health care
occupancies. Any occupancy with a hazard of contents classified higher than that of
the health care and located in the same building as health care occupancies shall be
protected. Industrial, office, mercantile and storage occupancies categorized as high
hazard shall not be permitted in buildings housing health care occupancies.
2. Sections of health care buildings may be classified as other occupancies if they meet
at the following conditions:
a. They are not intended to serve health care occupants for purposes of housing,
treatment, customary access, or means of egress.
b. They are adequately separated from areas of health care occupancies by
construction having two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating.
3. Auditoriums, chapels, staff residential areas, garages or similar occupancies provided
in connection with health care occupancy shall have exits provided in accordance
with other applicable Sections of this Chapter.
4. The occupant load for which means of egress shall be provided for any floor shall
be the maximum number of persons intended to occupy that floor but not less than
one (1) person for each eleven and one tenth square meters (11.1 m2) gross floor
area in health care sleeping departments and not less than one (1) person for every
twenty-two and three tenths square meters (22.3 m2) of gross floor area of inpatient
health care treatment departments. Gross floor areas shall be measured within the
exterior building walls with no deductions.


A. Number and Types
1. Exits shall be restricted to the following permissible types:
a. Doors leading directly outside the building
b. Stairs and smoke-proof enclosures
c. Ramps
d. Horizontal exits
e. Exit passageways
2. At least two (2) exits of the above types, remote from each other, shall be provided for
each floor or fire section of the building.
3. Elevators constitute a supplementary facility, but shall not be counted as required exits.
B. Capacity of Exits
The capacity of means of egress shall be in accordance with Section para
“C” of this RIRR.
C. Access to Exit
1. Every aisle, passageway, corridor, exit discharge, exit location and access shall be in
accordance with Section of this RIRR, except as modified in the succeeding
paragraphs of this Subsection.
2. Travel distance shall comply with the following:
a. Between any room door intended as exit access and an exit shall not exceed thirty
meters (30 m);
b. Between any point in a room and an exit shall not exceed forty-six meters (46 m);
c. Between any point in a health care sleeping room or suite and an exit access door
of that room or suite shall not exceed fifteen meters (15 m);
d. Travel distance shall be measured in accordance with Section of this RIRR;
e. The travel distances in paras 2.a and 2.b above may be increased by fifteen meters
(15 m) in buildings completely equipped with an automatic fire suppression system.
3. Every health care sleeping room, unless it has a door opening at ground level, shall
have an exit access door leading directly to a corridor which leads to an exit. One (1)
adjacent room, such as a sitting or anteroom, may intervene if all doors along the path
of exit travel are equipped with non-lockable hardware, and this intervening room is
not intended to serve more than eight (8) health care sleeping beds. However, special

nursing suites or nurseries permitted in this Division shall not be limited to eight (8) cribs
or bassinets.
4. Aisles, corridors and ramps required for exit access of exit in hospitals or nursing homes
shall be at least two and forty-four hundredths meters (2.44 m) in clear and unobstructed
width. Corridors and ramps in adjunct areas not intended for the housing, treatment,
or use of inpatients shall be at least one and eighty-three hundredths meters (1.83 m) in
clear and unobstructed width.
5. Any rooms and any suite or rooms of more than ninety-three square meters (93 m2) shall
have at least two (2) exit access doors remote from each other.
6. Every exit or exit access shall be so arranged that no corridor or aisle has a pocket or
dead-end exceeding six meters (6 m) and/or a common path of travel exceeding ten
meters (10 m).
7. Any health care sleeping room which complies with the requirements previously set
forth in this Section may be subdivided with non-fire-rated, non-combustible barriers,
provided that the arrangement allows for direct and constant visual supervision by
nursing personnel. Rooms which are so subdivided shall not exceed four hundred
sixty-five square meters (465 m2).
D. Doors
1. Doors shall be in accordance with Section, except as modified in this Subsection.
Door requirements in horizontal exits and smoke partitions shall be in accordance with
Sections and and, this Section.
2. Locks shall not be permitted on patient sleeping room doors.
Exception No. 1: Key-locking devices that restrict access to the room from the corridor
and that are operable only by staff from the corridor side shall be
permitted. Such devices shall not restrict egress from the room.
Exception No. 2: Door-locking arrangements shall be permitted in health care
occupancies, or portions of health care occupancies, where the
clinical needs of the patients require specialized security measures for
their safety, provided that keys are carried by staff at all times.
3. Exit access doors from hospital and nursing home sleeping rooms, diagnostic and
treatment rooms or areas, such as X-ray, surgery and physical therapy, all doors between
these spaces and the required exits, and all exit doors serving these spaces shall be at
least one and twelve hundredths meters (1.12 m).
4. Any door in a fire separation, horizontal exit or a smoke partition may be held open only
by an electrical device which complies with Section of this RIRR. Each of the
following systems shall be so arranged as to initiate the self-closing action throughout
the entire health care facility:
a. the required alarm system
b. the required automatic fire detection system
c. an approved automatic fire suppression system
5. Doors in stair enclosures and in walls surrounding hazardous areas shall not be equipped
with hold-open devices.
E. Stairs and Smoke-proof Enclosures
Every stair and smoke proof enclosure shall be in accordance with Section of
this RIRR.
F. Horizontal Exits
A horizontal exit shall be in accordance with Section and/or as modified in this
1. At least two and eight tenths square meters (2.8 m2) per occupant in a hospital or
nursing home shall be provided on each side of the horizontal exit for the total number
of occupants in adjoining compartments.
2. A single door may be used as a horizontal exit if it serves one (1) direction only and is at
least one and twelve hundredths meters (1.12 m) wide for a hospital or nursing home.
The swing shall be in the direction of exit travel.
3. A horizontal exit involving a corridor two and four tenths meters (2.4 m) or more in width
serving as means of egress from both sides of the doorway shall have the opening
protected by a pair of swinging doors, each door having a clear width of one and fifty-
five thousandths meters (1.055 m) and swinging in the opposite direction from the other.
4. An approved vision panel is required in each horizontal exit door. Center mullions are
G. Ramps
Ramps in accordance with Section of this RIRR shall be permitted.
H. Emergency Lighting, Exit Markings, Alarms and Communication Systems
1. Each hospital shall be provided with emergency lighting as described in Section
and exit markings as described in Section of this RIRR. Such emergency lighting
and the illumination of required exits and directional signs shall be supplied by the
Life Safety Branch of the hospital electrical system as described in NFPA 99, Standard
for Health Care Facilities. The Life Safety Branch shall also serve alarms, emergency
communication systems and the illumination of generator set locations as described in
paragraphs (c), (d) and (e), Section 312 of the same reference.
2. Each nursing home shall have emergency lighting in accordance with Section
of this RIRR. Emergency lighting with at least one and a half (1.5) hour duration shall be
3. Exit signs shall be provided in each hospital and nursing home in accordance with
Section of this RIRR.
I. Emergency Evacuation Plan
Emergency Evacuation Plan shall be provided in accordance with Section
of this RIRR.


A. Subdivision of Building Spaces
1. Smoke partitions shall be provided, regardless of building construction type, as follows:
a. To divide into at least two (2) compartments every storey used by inpatients for
sleeping or treatment and any storey having an occupant load of fifty (50) or more
b. To limit on any storey the maximum area of each smoke compartment to no more
than two thousand one hundred square meters (2,100 m2), of which both length and
width shall be no more than forty-six meters (46 m).
Note: Protection may be accomplished in conjunction with the provisions of
horizontal exits.
2. Smoke partitions shall be provided on storeys which are usable but unoccupied.
3. Any smoke partition shall be constructed in accordance with Section of this
RIRR and shall have a fire resistance rating of at least one (1) hour.
4. At least two and eight tenths square meters (2.8 m2) per occupant for the total of bed
or litter patients shall be provided on each side of the smoke partition. On other storeys
not housing bed or litter patients at least five tenths square meter (0.5 m2) per occupant
shall be provided on each side of the smoke partition for the total number of occupants
in adjoining compartments.
5. Corridor openings in smoke partitions shall be protected by a pair of swinging doors,
door to swing in a direction opposite from the other. The minimum width of each door
for hospitals and nursing homes shall be one and twelve hundredths meters (1.12 m).
6. Doors in smoke partitions shall comply with Section of this RIRR and shall be
self-closing and held open only if they meet the requirements of this Section.
7. Vision panels of approved transparent wired glass not exceeding forty-six hundredths
square meter (0.46 m2) in steel frames shall be provided in all doors in smoke partitions.
8. Stops are required on the head and sides of door frames in smoke partitions, and center
mullions are prohibited.
B. Minimum Construction Standards
1. Health care buildings of one (1) storey only may be constructed of protected
non-combustible construction, fire-resistive construction, protected ordinary
construction, protected wood frame construction, heavy timber construction or
unprotected noncombustible construction. For the purpose of this Subsection, storeys
shall be counted starting at the lowest floor of exit discharge. All levels below the floor of
exit discharge shall be separated from the floor of exit discharge by at least protected
non-combustible construction.
2. Health care buildings two (2) storeys or more shall be at least of fire-resistive construction.
3. Health care occupancies of two (2) or more storeys shall have enclosure walls of
non-combustible materials having a fire resistance rating of at least two (2) hours around
stairways, elevators, chutes, and other vertical openings between floors.
4. All interior walls and partitions in buildings of fire-resistive and non-combustible
construction shall be composed of non-combustible materials.
5. Every health care sleeping room shall have an outside window or outside door arranged
and located so that it can be opened from the inside without the use of tools or keys, to
permit the products of combustion and to permit any occupant to have direct access
to fresh air in case of emergency. The maximum allowable sill height shall not exceed
nine hundred ten millimeters (910 mm) above the floor, except that in special nursing
care areas the window sill may be one thousand five hundred millimeters (1,500 mm)
above the floor.
C. Construction of Corridor Walls
1. Corridors shall be separated from use areas by partitions having fire-resistance rating of
at least one (1) hour.
2. These walls shall be continuous from the floor slab to the underside of the floor or roof
slab above, through any concealed spaces such as those above the suspended ceilings
and through interstitial structural and mechanical spaces.
3. Doors with a twenty-minute (20-min) fire protection rating shall be used on openings
other than those serving exits or hazardous areas. Doors shall be provided with latches
of a type suitable for keeping the door tightly closed.
4. Transfer grills, whether protected by fusible-link-operated dampers or not, shall not be
used in these walls or doors.
5. Fixed wired glass vision panels may be placed in corridor walls, provided they do
not exceed eighty-four hundredths square meter (0.84 m2) in size and are installed in
approved steel frames. Fixed wired glass vision panels may be installed in wooden
doors, provided they do not exceed forty-six hundredths square meter (0.46 m2) size
and are installed in approved steel frames.
6. Waiting areas of twenty-three square meters (23 m2) or less on an institutional sleeping
floor of fifty-six square meters (56 m2) or less on other floors may be open to the corridor,
provided that they are located to permit direct supervision by the institutional staff, so
arranged to not obstruct any access to required exits. Such areas shall be equipped with
an electrically supervised automatic smoke detection system installed in accordance
with this Section. Not more than one (1) such waiting area is permitted in each smoke
D. Protection of Vertical Openings and Fire-stopping
1. Any stairway, ramp, elevator shaft, light and ventilation shaft, chute and other openings
between storeys shall be enclosed with fire resistive materials in accordance with
Section of this RIRR.
2. A door in a stairway enclosure shall be self-closing; shall normally be kept in closed
position; and shall be marked in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
3. Fire-stopping shall be provided in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
E. Interior Finish
Interior finish of walls and ceilings in means of egress and of any room shall be Class A in
accordance with Section of this RIRR, while floor finish material shall be Class A or B
throughout all hospitals and nursing homes.
F. Alarm, Detection and Extinguishment Systems
1. Every building shall have an electrically supervised automatic fire alarm system capable
of being manually operated in accordance with Section of this RIRR. The fire
alarm system shall be installed with provisions for future connection to the nearest BFP
station in the locality. Internal audible alarm devices shall be provided in accordance
with Section of this RIRR. Pre-signal systems shall not be permitted in healthcare
2. An approved automatic heat and/or smoke detection system shall be installed in all
corridors of hospitals and nursing homes; such systems shall be installed in accordance
with the applicable standards of the NFPA 72, but in no case shall smoke detectors
be spaced farther apart than nine meters (9 m) on centers or more than four and six
tenths meters (4.6 m) from any wall. All automatic heat and/or smoke detection systems
required by this Section shall be electrically interconnected to the fire alarm system.
3. Approved, supervised sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all hospitals and
nursing homes, except for one (1) storey building with a bed capacity of not exceeding
five (5). Replenishment of water supplies shall be strictly considered in the design.
Quick-response sprinklers shall be required in smoke compartments containing patient
sleeping rooms.
4. Approved, supervised sprinkler system shall be in accordance with the requirements of
Section of this RIRR.
5. In light hazard occupancies, required automatic fire suppression systems shall be
in accordance with Section of this RIRR for systems and shall be electrically
interconnected with the fire alarm system. The main automatic fire suppression control
valve shall be electrically monitored so that at least a local alarm will sound when the
valve is closed.
6. If the fire suppression system is an automatic sprinkler, its piping serving no more
than six (6) sprinklers for any isolated hazardous area, may be connected directly
to a domestic water supply system having a capacity sufficient to provide six liters
per minute per square meter (6 L/min/m2) of floor area throughout the entire enclosed
area. As outside-screw-and-yoke shutoff valve shall be installed in an accessible
location between the sprinklers and the connection to the domestic water supply.
7. Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in all health care occupancies in accordance
with Section of this RIRR.
G. Hazardous Areas
Any hazardous area shall be segregated and protected in accordance with Section of this RIRR. Hazardous areas include, but are not limited to, boiler and heater
rooms, laundries, kitchens, gift shops, repair shops, handicraft shops, employee locker
rooms, trash collection rooms, soiled linen rooms, paint shops, and rooms or spaces,
including shops, used for the storage of combustible supplies and equipment in quantities
deemed hazardous by C/MFM having jurisdiction.


A. Air Conditioning, Ventilating, Heating, Cooking and Other Service Equipment
1. Air-conditioning, ventilating, heating, cooking and other service equipment shall be in
accordance with Division 7 of this Chapter.
2. Any heating device other than a central heating plant shall be so designed and installed
that combustible material will not be ignited by it or its appurtenances. If fuel fired,
such heating devices shall be chimney or vent connected; shall take air for combustion
directly from outside; and shall be so designed and installed to provide for complete
separation of the combustion system from the atmosphere of the occupied area.
The heating system shall have safety devices to immediately stop the flow of fuel and
shut down the equipment in case of either excessive temperatures or ignition failure.
Fire-places may be installed and used only in areas other than patient sleeping areas,
provided that these areas are separated from patient sleeping spaces by construction
having one-hour (1-hr) fire resistance rating. In addition thereto, the fireplace shall be
equipped with a hearth that shall be raised at least one hundred millimeters (100 mm),
and a heat tempered glass fireplace enclosure guaranteed against breakage up to a
temperature of three hundred forty-three degrees Celsius (343 ˚C). If special hazards
are present, a lock on the enclosure and other safety precautions may be required.
3. Combustion and ventilation air for boiler, incinerator or heater rooms shall be taken
directly from and discharged directly to the outside air.
4. Any rubbish chute and linen chute, including pneumatic systems, shall be safeguarded
in accordance with Sections and of this RIRR. An incinerator shall not be
directly flue-fed nor shall any floor charging chute directly connect with the combustion
chamber. Any rubbish chute shall discharge into a rubbish collecting room used for no
other purpose and protected in accordance with Section of this RIRR.



A. No board and care occupancy shall have its sole means of egress or means of escape pass
through any nonresidential or non-health care occupancy in the same building.
B. No board and care occupancy shall be located above a nonresidential or non-health
care occupancy, unless the board and care occupancy and exits therefrom are separated
from the nonresidential or non-health care occupancy by construction having a minimum
two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating.


A. Scope
1. This Section shall apply to residential board and care occupancies providing sleeping
accommodations for not more than sixteen (16) residents.
2. Where sleeping accommodations for more than sixteen (16) residents are provided, the
occupancy shall be classified as a large facility.
B. Means of Escape
1. Designated means of escape shall be continuously maintained free of all obstructions
or impediments to full instant use in case of fire or other emergency.
2. Every sleeping room and living area shall have access to a primary means of escape
located to provide a safe path of travel to the outside at street level or the finished
ground level.
3. Where sleeping rooms or living areas are above, the primary means of escape shall be
an interior stair, an exterior stair, a horizontal exit, or a fire escape stair.
4. Sleeping rooms and living areas in facilities without a sprinkler system shall have a
second means of escape consisting of any of the following:
a. Door, stairway, passage, or hall providing a way of unobstructed travel to the outside
of the dwelling at street or the finished ground level that is independent of, and
remotely located from, the primary means of escape.
b. Passage through an adjacent non-lockable space independent of, and remotely
located from, the primary means of escape to any approved means of escape.
c. Outside window or door operable from the inside, without the use of tools, keys, or
special effort, that provides a clear width of not less than five hundred ten millimeters
(510 mm) and a height not less than eight hundred millimeters (800 mm), and the
bottom of the opening not more than eight hundred twenty millimeters (820 mm)
above the floor.
d. Sleeping rooms that have a door leading directly to the outside of the building with
access to the finished ground level or to an exterior stairway shall be considered as
meeting all the requirements for a second means of escape.
e. Sleeping rooms shall not be required to have a secondary means of escape where
the clinical needs of the residents require special security measures, provided all of
the following are met:
1) The building is protected throughout by an approved, automatic sprinkler system
2) A fire alarm system is provided.
5. Aisles, corridors and ramps required for exit access or exit shall be at least one and
eighty-three hundredths meters (1.83 m) in clear and unobstructed width.
C. Interior Stairs Used for Primary Means of Escape
1. Interior stairs shall be enclosed with fire barriers having a minimum of half-hour (1 ⁄2-hr)
fire resistance rating.
2. Stairs shall comply with Section of this RIRR.
3. The entire primary means of escape shall be arranged so that occupants are not
required to pass through a portion of a storey above, unless that route is separated from
all spaces on that storey by construction having a minimum of half-hour (1 ⁄2-hr) fire
resistance rating.

4. Stairs that connect a storey at street level to only one other storey shall be permitted to
be open to the storey that is not at street level.
5. In buildings three (3) or fewer storeys in height and protected by an approved, automatic
sprinkler system, stair enclosures shall not be required, provided that there still remains a
primary means of escape from each sleeping area that does not require occupants to
pass through a portion of a lower floor, unless that route is separated from all spaces on
that floor by construction having a minimum of half-hour (1 ⁄2-hr) fire resistance rating.
6. Stairs serving a maximum of two (2) storeys in buildings protected with an approved,
automatic sprinkler system shall be permitted to be unenclosed.
D. Doors
1. Doors, other than the bathroom doors and paths of travel to a means of escape shall
be not less than eight hundred millimeters (800 mm) wide.
2. Bathroom doors shall be not less than six hundred ten millimeters (610 mm) wide.
3. Doors shall be swinging or sliding.
4. Every closet door latch shall be readily opened from inside.
5. Every bathroom door shall be designed to allow opening from the outside during an
emergency, when locked.
6. No door in any means of escape, other than those meeting the requirements below,
shall be locked against egress when the building is occupied.
a. Delayed-egress locks shall be permitted on exterior doors only.
b. Access-controlled egress door assemblies shall be permitted.
c. Door-locking arrangements shall be permitted where the clinical needs of residents
require specialized security measures or where residents pose a security threat,
provided all of the following conditions are met:
1) Staff can readily unlock doors at all times.
2) The building is protected by an approved, automatic sprinkler system.
E. Protection
1. Protection of Vertical Opening
Vertical openings, other than those meeting the requirement of para C.5 of this
Section, shall be separated by smoke partitions having a minimum of half-hour (1 ⁄2-hr)
fire resistance rating.
2. Hazardous Areas
Areas for cartoned storage, food or household maintenance items in wholesale
or institutional-type quantities and concentrations, or mass storage of residents’
belongings, or other hazardous areas that are located on a floor where primary means
of egress or sleeping rooms are located shall be protected by a construction having a
minimum fire resistance rating of one (1) hour and an automatic detection and alarm
system or automatic sprinkler system.
3. Detection, Alarm and Communication System
a. A manual fire alarm system shall be provided on all small residential custodian care
b. Single station smoke detectors shall be provided in all levels including basements,
living areas and sleeping rooms.
4. Extinguishing Requirements
a. All buildings of four (4) or more storeys in height shall be protected with approved,
supervised sprinkler system, using quick-response or residential sprinklers in
accordance with Section of this RIRR.
b. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with Section of
this RIRR.
5. Construction of Corridor Walls
a. Walls separating sleeping rooms shall have a minimum of half-hour (1 ⁄2-hr) fire
resistance rating. The minimum of half-hour (1 ⁄2-hr) fire resistance rating shall be
considered to be achieved if the partitioning is finished on both sides with lath and
plaster or materials providing a fifteen-minute (15-min) thermal barrier.
b. Sleeping room doors shall be substantial doors, such as those of forty-four millimeters
(44 mm) thick, solid-bonded wood-core construction, or of other construction of
equal or greater stability and fire integrity.
c. Any vision panels shall be fixed fire window assemblies or shall be wired glass not
exceeding eighty-four hundredths square meter (0.84 m2) each in area and installed
in approved frames.
F. Building Services Equipment
1. Utilities shall be installed in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning equipment shall comply with Section
of this RIRR.
3. Elevators, escalators and conveyors shall comply with Section of this RIRR.


A. Scope
1. This Section shall apply to residential board and care occupancies providing sleeping
accommodations for more than sixteen (16) residents.
2. Facilities having sleeping accommodations for not more than sixteen (16) residents shall
comply with Section of this RIRR.
B. Occupant Load
The occupant load in number of persons for whom means of egress and other provisions
are required shall be determined on the basis of one (1) person for every eighteen and six
tenths square meters (18.6 m2), or shall be determined as the maximum probable population
of the space under consideration, whichever is greater.
C. Means of Egress
1. General
a. Means of egress from resident rooms and resident dwelling units to the outside of the
building shall be in accordance with Section and this Section.
b. Means of escape within the resident room or resident dwelling unit shall comply with
Section of this RIRR for single and two-family dwellings.
2. Permissible Exit Components
Components of means of egress shall be limited to the following types:
a) Doors
b) Stairs and Smoke-proof Enclosures
c) Horizontal Exit
d) Ramps
e) Exit Passageways
3. Capacity of Means of Egress
a. The capacity of means of egress shall be in accordance with Section
b. Street floor exits shall be sufficient for the occupant load of the street floor, plus the
required capacity of stairs and ramps discharging onto the street floor.
c. The width of corridors shall be sufficient for the occupant load served but shall be not
less than one thousand five hundred twenty-five millimeters (1,525 mm).
4. Number of Means of Egress
a. Not less than two (2) separate exits shall be provided on every storey.
b. Not less than two (2) separate exits shall be accessible from every part of every storey.
c. Exit access, as required in para “b” above, shall be permitted to include a single
exit access path of not more than sixty-one meters (61 m) if protected with sprinkler
system, and forty-six meters (46 m) if not protected with sprinkler system.
5. Arrangement of Means of Egress
a. Access to all required exits shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
b. Common path of travel shall not exceed twenty meters (20 m).

c. Dead-end corridors shall not exceed six meters (6 m).
d. Any room or any suite of rooms, exceeding ninety-one square meters (91 m2), shall
be provided with not less than two (2) exit access doors located remotely from each
other, said doors shall be swinging in the direction of exit travel.
e. Aisles, corridors and ramps required for exit access or exit shall be at least one and
eighty-three hundredths meters (1.83 m) in clear and unobstructed width.
6. Travel Distance to Exits
Travel distance from any point in a room to the nearest exit, measured in accordance
with Section of this RIRR, shall not exceed sixty-one meters (61 m) if protected
with sprinkler system, and forty-six meters (46 m) if not protected with sprinkler system.
7. Discharge from Exits
Exit discharge shall comply with Section of this RIRR
8. Illumination of Means of Egress
Means of egress shall be illuminated in accordance with Section
of this RIRR.
9. Emergency Lighting
Emergency lighting in accordance with Section shall be provided, unless
each sleeping room has a direct exit to the outside at the ground level.
10. Marking of Means of Egress
Means of egress shall be marked in accordance with Section
D. Protection
1. Protection of Vertical Openings
a. Protection of vertical openings shall be in accordance with Section
b. No floor below the level of exit discharge used only for storage, heating equipment,
or purposes other than residential occupancy shall have unprotected openings to
floors used for residential occupancy.
2. Hazardous Areas
Hazardous areas shall be protected in accordance with Section and in
accordance with Table 10 below.


Hazardous Area Description
(Minimum fire resistance rating)
Boiler and fuel-fired heater rooms 1 hour
Central/back laundries larger than 9.3 m 2
1 hour
Paint shops employing hazardous substances in
quantities less than those that would be classified 1 hour
as severe hazard
Physical plant maintenance shops 1 hour
Soiled linen rooms 1 hour
Storage rooms larger than 4.6 m ,2

but not exceeding 9.3 m2, storing Smoke partition

combustible material
Storage rooms larger than 9.3 m2, storing
1 hour
combustible material
Trash collection room 1 hour

3. Detection, Alarm and Communication Systems

a. An automatic detection and alarm system shall be required in all large residential
custodial care facilities in accordance with Section of this RIRR.

b. An annunciator panel, connected to the fire alarm system, shall be provided at a
location readily accessible from the primary point of entry for emergency response
c. High-rise buildings shall be provided with an approved emergency voice
communication system.
d. Smoke alarms shall be installed inside every sleeping room, outside every sleeping
area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms, and all levels within a resident unit.
e. Corridors and spaces open to the corridors shall be provided with smoke detectors
arranged to initiate an alarm that is audible in all sleeping areas.
4. Extinguishing Requirements
a. All buildings shall be protected throughout by an approved, automatic sprinkler
system, and quick-response or residential sprinklers, except for one (1) storey building
with a bed capacity of not exceeding five (5). Replenishment of water supply shall
be strictly considered in the design. Quick-response sprinklers shall be required in
smoke compartments containing patient sleeping rooms.
b. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with Section of
this RIRR.
5. Corridors and Separation of Sleeping Rooms
a. Access shall be provided from every resident use area to at least one (1) means of
egress that is separated from all sleeping rooms by walls complying with para “c”
through “f“ hereof.
b. Sleeping rooms shall be separated from corridors, living areas, and kitchens by walls
complying with para “c” through “f” hereof.
c. Walls required by para “a” or para “b” hereof shall be smoke partitions having a
minimum of half-hour (1 ⁄2-hr) fire resistance rating.
d. Doors protecting corridor openings shall not be required to have a fire protection
rating, but shall be constructed to resist the passage of smoke.
e. Door-closing devices shall not be required on doors in corridor wall openings, other
than those serving exit enclosures, smoke barriers, enclosures of vertical openings,
and hazardous areas.
f. No louvers, transfer grilles, operable transoms, or other air passages, other than
properly installed heating and utility installations, shall penetrate the walls or doors.
6. Subdivisions of Building Spaces
a. Every storey shall be divided into not less than two (2) smoke compartments with an
area of not exceeding two thousand one hundred square meters (2,100 m2), except:
1) Storeys that do not contain a board and care occupancy located above the
board and care occupancy;
2) Smoke barriers shall not be required in areas that do not contain a board and
care occupancy and that are separated from the board and care occupancy
by a fire barrier;
3) Smoke barriers shall not be required on storeys that do not contain a board and
care occupancy and that are more than one (1) storey below the board and
care occupancy; and
4) Smoke barriers shall not be required in open parking structures protected
throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system.
b. The travel distance from any point to reach a door in the required smoke barrier shall
be limited to a distance of sixty-one meters (61 m).
E. Building Services Equipment
1. Utilities shall be installed in accordance with Section
2. Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning equipment shall comply with Section
3. Elevators, escalators and conveyors shall comply with Section



Detention and correctional occupancies shall include those used for purposes such
as correctional institutions, detention facilities, community residential centers, substance
abuse or rehabilitation centers, and other similar facilities where occupants are confined or
housed under some degree of restraint or security.
A. Occupancy
1. For the application of the life safety requirements of this Division, the resident user
category shall be divided into the following groups:
a. Use Condition I – Free Egress. Free movement is allowed from sleeping areas and
other spaces where access or occupancy is permitted to the exterior via means of
egress that meet the requirements of this RIRR.
b. Use Condition II – Zoned Egress. Free movement is allowed from sleeping areas
and any other occupied smoke compartment to one (1) or more other smoke
c. Use Condition III – Zoned Impeded Egress. Free movement is allowed within
individual smoke compartments, such as within a residential unit comprised of
individual sleeping rooms and a group activity space, with egress impeded by
remote-controlled release of means of egress from such a smoke compartment to
another smoke compartment.
d. Use Condition IV – Impeded Egress. Free movement is restricted from an occupied
space. Remote-controlled release is provided to allow movement from all sleeping
rooms, activity spaces, and other occupied areas within the smoke compartment to
another smoke compartment.
e. Use Condition V – Contained. Free movement is restricted from an occupied space.
Staff-controlled manual release at each door is provided to allow movement from
all sleeping rooms, activity spaces, and other occupied areas within the smoke
compartment to another smoke compartment.
2. To be classified as Use Condition III or Use Condition IV, the arrangement, accessibility,
and security of the release mechanism(s) used for emergency egress shall be such that
the minimum available staff, at any time, can promptly release the locks.
3. Areas housing occupancies corresponding to Use Condition I shall conform to the
requirements of residential occupancies under this Chapter.
Exception: Use Condition I facilities shall be permitted to conform to the requirements
of this Division for Use Condition II facilities, provided that said facilities are
provided with a twenty-four hour (24-hr) on-duty staff.
B. Occupant Load
The occupant load for which means of egress shall be provided for any floor shall be the
maximum number of persons intended to occupy that floor but not less than one (1) person
for every eleven and one tenth square meters (11.1 m2) gross floor area.


A. Types
Exits shall be restricted to the following permissible types;
1. Doors
2. Stairs and smoke-proof enclosures
3. Horizontal exits
4. Exit passageways
B. Capacity of Exits
The capacity of means of egress shall be calculated in accordance with para “C” of
Section of this RIRR.
C. Number of Exits
1. At least two (2) exits of the above types, remote from each other, shall be provided for
each floor or fire section of the building.

2. Exit access travel shall be permitted to be common path not exceeding thirty meters
(30 m).
D. Access to Exit
Every aisle, passageway, corridor, exit discharge, exit location and access shall be in
accordance with Section of this RIRR.
E. Arrangement of Means of Egress
1. Every sleeping room shall have a door leading directly to an exit access corridor, unless
otherwise permitted by the following:
a. If there is an exit door opening directly to the outside from the room at the ground
b. One (1) adjacent room, such as a day room, group activity space, or other common
space shall be permitted to intervene. Where sleeping rooms directly adjoin a day
room or group activity space that is used for access to an exit, such sleeping rooms
shall be permitted to open directly to the day room or space, and shall be permitted
to be separated in elevation by a half or full storey height.
2. No exit or exit access shall contain a corridor, hallway, or aisle having a pocket or dead
end exceeding six meters (6 m).
3. A sally port shall be permitted in a means of egress where there are provisions for
continuous and unobstructed travel through the sally port during an emergency egress
F. Travel Distance to Exits
1. Between any room door intended as exit access and an exit shall not exceed thirty
meters (30 m);
2. Between any point in a room and an exit shall not exceed forty-six meters (46 m); and
3. Any point in a sleeping room to the door in that room shall have a maximum travel
distance of ten meters (10 m).
G. Discharge from Exits
1. Exits shall be permitted to discharge into a fenced or walled courtyard, provided that
not more than two (2) walls of the courtyard are the building walls from which egress
is being made. Enclosed yards or courts shall be of sufficient size to accommodate all
occupants at a distance of not less than fifteen meters (15 m) from the building while
providing a net area of one and four tenths square meters (1.4 m2) per person.
2. All exits shall be permitted to discharge through the level of exit discharge. This
requirement shall be waived, provided that not more than fifty percent (50%) of the
exits discharge into a single fire compartment separated from other compartments by
construction having not less than a one-hour (1-hr) fire resistance rating.
H. Emergency Lighting and Exit Markings
1. Means of egress shall be illuminated in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. Emergency lighting shall be provided in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
3. Exit signs shall be provided in areas accessible to the public.


A. Protection of Vertical Opening
Any vertical opening shall be enclosed or protected.
Exception No. 1: Unprotected vertical openings in accordance with Section of this
RIRR shall be permitted.
Exception No. 2: In sleeping quarters smoke compartments, unprotected vertical openings
shall be permitted in accordance with the conditions of Section
of this RIRR, provided that the height between the lowest and highest
finished floor levels does not exceed seven meters (7 m). The number of
levels shall not be restricted. Sleeping quarters subdivided in accordance
with this Section shall be permitted to be considered as part of the
communicating space. The separation shall not be required to have a fire
resistance rating.

B. Interior Finish
Interior finish shall be Class A or Class B.
C. Detection, Alarm and Communication Systems
1. Detention and correctional occupancies shall be provided with a fire alarm system in
accordance with Section of this RIRR, except as modified by the succeeding
2. Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by manual means in accordance with
Section of this RIRR, by means of any required detection devices or detection
systems, and by means of water flow alarm in the sprinkler system.
Exception No. 1: Manual fire alarm boxes shall be permitted to be locked, provided
that staff is present within the area when it is occupied and staff has
keys readily available to unlock the boxes.
Exception No. 2: Manual fire alarm boxes shall be permitted to be located in a staff
location, provided that the staff location is attended when the building
is occupied and that the staff attendant has direct supervision of the
sleeping area.
3. Occupant notification shall be accomplished automatically in accordance with
Section of this RIRR; a positive alarm sequence shall be permitted.
Exception: Any smoke detectors required by this Chapter shall be permitted to be
arranged to alarm at a constantly attended location only and shall not be
required to accomplish general occupant notification.
4. Fire department notification shall be accomplished in accordance with Section
of this RIRR; a positive alarm sequence shall be permitted.
Exception No. 1: Any smoke detectors required by this Chapter shall not be required to
transmit an alarm to the fire department.
Exception No. 2: This requirement shall not apply where staff is provided at a constantly
attended location that has the capability to promptly notify the fire
department or has direct communication with a control room having
direct access to the fire department.
5. An approved automatic smoke detection system shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR, as modified by paras 6 through 8 hereof, throughout all resident
sleeping areas and adjacent day rooms, activity rooms, or contiguous common spaces.
6. Smoke detectors shall not be required in sleeping rooms with four (4) or fewer occupants.
7. Other arrangements and positioning of smoke detectors shall be permitted to prevent
damage or tampering, or for other purposes. Such arrangements shall be capable of
detecting any fire, and the placement of detectors shall be such that the speed of
detection is equivalent to that provided by the spacing and arrangements required by
the installation standards referenced in Section of this RIRR. Detectors shall be
permitted to be located in exhaust ducts from cells, behind grilles, or in other locations.
8. Smoke detectors shall not be required in Use Condition II open dormitories where staff is
present within the dormitory whenever the dormitory is occupied.
D. Extinguishment Requirements
1. All buildings classified as Use Condition II, Use Condition III, Use Condition IV, or Use
Condition V shall be protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic
sprinkler system in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. The automatic sprinkler system required by the preceding paragraph shall be fully
supervised and electrically connected to the fire alarm system.
3. Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with para “C” of Section of this RIRR.
Exception No. 1: Access to portable fire extinguishers shall be permitted to be locked,
provided that personnel are on duty on a twenty-four hour (24-hr) basis
and keys are readily available to unlock access to the extinguishers.
Exception No. 2: Portable fire extinguishers shall be permitted to be located at staff
locations only.
4. Standpipe and hose systems shall be provided in accordance with Section of
this RIRR.
E. Subdivision of Building Spaces
1. Every storey used for sleeping by residents, or any other storey with an occupant load
of fifty (50) or more persons, shall be subdivided into compartments by means of smoke
2. The requirement for subdivision of building space shall be permitted as follows:
a. By smoke compartments having exit to the public way, provided that such exit serves
only one area and has no opening to other areas;
b. A building separated from the resident housing area by two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance
rating or fourteen meters (14 m) open area; and
c. Secured open area holding a space located fifteen meters (15 m) from the housing
area that provides one and four tenths square meter (1.4 m2) or more of refuge area
for each person.
F. Hazardous Areas
1. Any hazardous area shall be protected in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
The areas described in Table 11 below shall be protected as indicated.


Hazardous Area Description Separation/Protection

Areas not incidental to resident housing 2 hours
Boiler and fuel-fired heater rooms 1 hour
Central or bulk laundries > 9.3 m 2
1 hour
In accordance with Section
Commercial cooking equipment
of this RIRR and NFPA 96
Commissaries Smoke resistant
Employee locker rooms Smoke resistant
Hobby/handicraft shops Smoke resistant
Maintenance shops Smoke resistant
Padded cells 1 hour
Soiled linen rooms 1 hour
Storage rooms > 4.6 m in area but 9.3 m
2 2
Smoke resistant
in area storing combustible material
Storage rooms > 9.3 m2 storing
1 hour
combustible materials
Trash collection rooms 1 hour
Doors used to access the areas specified above shall meet the requirements for doors at
smoke barriers for the applicable use condition.

2. Where smoke barriers are required, they shall limit the occupant load to not more than
two hundred (200) residents in any smoke compartment and limit the travel distance to
a door in a smoke barrier as follows:
a. The distance from any room door required as exit access shall not exceed forty-five
meters (45 m).
b. The distance from any point in a room shall not exceed sixty meters (60 m).
3. Any required smoke barrier shall be constructed in accordance with Section
of this RIRR. Barriers shall be of substantial construction and shall have structural
fire resistance.
4. Openings in smoke barriers shall be protected in accordance with Section of
this RIRR, provided that there shall be no restriction on the total number of vision panels
in any barrier. Provided further that, sliding doors in smoke barriers that are designed
to normally be kept closed and are remotely operated from a continuously attended
location shall not be required to be self-closing.
5. Not less than fifty-six hundredths square meter (0.56 m2) of net area per occupant shall
be provided on each side of the smoke barrier for the total number of occupants in
adjoining compartments. This space shall be readily available wherever occupants are
moved across the smoke barrier in a fire emergency.
6. Doors shall provide resistance to the passage of smoke. Swinging doors shall be
self-latching, or the opening resistance of the door shall be not less than twenty-two
Newton (22 N).
7. Doors in smoke barriers shall conform to the requirements for doors in means of egress
and shall have locking and release arrangements according to the applicable
use condition.
8. Vision panels shall be provided in smoke barriers at points where the barrier crosses an
exit access corridor.
9. Smoke dampers shall be provided.
G. Building Services Equipment
Air-conditioning, ventilating, heating, cooking and other service equipment shall be
in accordance with Division 7 of this Chapter, and shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specifications, except as modified in the following paragraphs:
1. Combustion and ventilation air for boiler or incinerator shall be taken directly from and
discharged directly to the outside air.
2. Any rubbish chute and linen chute including pneumatic systems shall be safeguarded
in accordance with Sections and of this RIRR. An incinerator shall not be
directly flue-fed nor shall any floor charging chute directly connect with the combustion
chamber. Any trash chute shall discharge into a trash collecting room used for no other
purpose and protected in accordance with Section of this RIRR.



Residential occupancies shall include all occupancies so classified in Division 3 of this
Chapter. They shall be classified in the following groups, subject to determination by the C/MFM
having jurisdiction.
A. Hotels. Buildings or groups of building under the same management in which there are
more than fifteen (15) sleeping accommodations for hire, primarily used by transients who
are lodged with or without meals, whether designated as a hotel, inn, motel, or by any
other name. So-called apartelle, condotel or pension houses shall be classified as hotels,
because they are potentially subject to transient occupancy like that of hotels.
B. Dormitories. Buildings where group sleeping accommodation are provided for persons, not
members of the same family group in one room or in series of closely associated room under
joint occupancy and single management, as in college dormitories, convents, fraternity
houses, military barracks, and the like.
C. Apartment Buildings. Buildings containing three (3) or more living units with independent
cooking and bathroom facilities, whether designated as condominium, row house,
apartment house, tenement, garden apartment, or by any other name.
D. Lodging or Rooming Houses. Building in which separate sleeping rooms are rented providing
sleeping accommodations for a total of fifteen (15) or less persons, on either a transient or
permanent basis; with or without meals, but without separate cooking facilities for individual
E. Single and Two -Family Dwellings. Detached dwellings in which each living unit is occupied
by members of a single family.


A. Occupant Load
The occupant load of residential occupancies in number of persons for whom exits are
to be provided except in detached single and two -family dwellings shall be determined
on the basis of one (1) person per eighteen and six tenths square meters (18.6 m2) gross floor
area, or the maximum probable population of any room or section under consideration,
whichever is greater. The occupant load of any open mezzanine or balcony shall be added
to the occupant load of the floor below for the purpose of determining exit capacity.
B. Capacity of Exits
Capacity of means of egress shall be in accordance with para “C” of Section
of this RIRR.
C. Maintenance of Exits
1. No door in any means of egress shall be locked against egress when the building is
2. No residential occupancy shall have its means of egress pass through any nonresidential
occupancy in the same building, except in buildings provided with approved, supervised
sprinkler system, provided that the means of egress shall not pass through a high hazard
content area as determined by the C/MFM having jurisdiction and the means of egress
shall be separated by a construction of not less than one (1) hour.
3. No guest room or guest suite shall be permitted to be located above a nonresidential
occupancy, except when the guest room or guest suite and its exits are separated from
the nonresidential occupancy by construction having a fire resistance rating of not less
than one (1) hour or when the nonresidential occupancy is protected throughout by
approved, supervised sprinkler system.


A. Requirements
1. Any ballroom assembly or exhibition hall, and other space used for purposes of public
assembly shall be in accordance, with Division 8 of this Chapter. Restaurant having a
capacity of fifty (50) or more persons shall be treated as places of assembly.
2. Any dormitory divided into suites of rooms, with one (1) or more bedrooms opening into
living room or study that has a door opening into a common corridor serving number of
suites, shall be classified as an apartment building.
B. Exit Details
1. Requirements
a. Any room having a capacity of less than fifty (50) persons with an outside door at
street or ground level may have such outside door as a single exit provided that no
part of the room or area is more than fifteen and twenty-five hundredths meters
(15.25 m) from the door measured along the natural path of travel.
b. Any floor below the floor of exit discharge occupied for public purposes shall have
exits arranged in accordance with the subsequent paragraph of this Section, with
access thereto in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
c. Any floor below the floor of exit discharge not open to the public and used only for
mechanical equipment, storage, and service operations (other than kitchens which
are considered part of the hotel occupancy) shall have exits appropriate to its actual
occupancy in accordance with applicable Sections of this Chapter.
The same stairway or other exit required to serve any one (1) upper floor may also
serve other upper floor, except that no inside open stairway, escalator, or ramp may
serve as a required egress from more than one (1) floor.
2. Types of Exits
Exits, arranged in accordance with Division 5 of this Chapter, shall be one (1) or
more of the following types:
a. Doors, provided that doors in any means of egress shall not be locked against egress
when the building is occupied. Delayed egress locks may be permitted, provided
that not more than one (1) such is located in any one egress path;
b. Stairs and smoke proof enclosures;
c. Ramps; or
d. Horizontal exits.
3. Minimum Corridor Width
Corridors, other than those within individual guest rooms or individual guest suites,
shall be of sufficient width to accommodate the required occupant load and shall not
be less than one and twelve hundredths meters (1.12 m).
4. Number of Exits
Not less than two (2) exits shall be accessible from every floor, including floors below
the floor of exit discharge and occupied for public purposes.

5. Travel Distance to Exits
a. Any exit shall be such that it will not be necessary to travel more than thirty meters
(30 m) from the door of any room to reach the nearest exit.
b. Travel distance within a guest room or guest suite to a corridor door shall not exceed
twenty-three meters (23 m) in buildings not protected by an approved, supervised
automatic sprinkler system.
c. Travel distance within a guest room or guest suite to a corridor door shall not exceed
thirty-eight meters (38 m) in buildings protected by an approved, supervised sprinkler
6. Access to and Arrangement of Exits
a. Access to all required exits shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR,
shall be unobstructed, and shall not be veiled from open view by ornamentation,
curtain, or other appurtenance.
b. Means of egress shall be so arranged that, from every point in any open area or from
any room door, exits will be accessible in at least two (2) different directions.
c. Doors between guest rooms and corridors shall be self-closing.
d. Common path of travel shall not exceed ten meters (10 m).
e. Dead end corridors shall not exceed six meters (6 m).
7. Discharge from Exits
a. All of the required exits shall terminate directly to the street or through a yard, court,
or passageway with protected openings and separated from all parts of the interior
of the building.
b. The exits may also discharge on the areas of the floor exit discharge provided the
following are met:
1) Such exits discharge to a free and unobstructed way to the exterior of the building
by not more than six-meter (6-m) distance, which way is readily visible and
identifiable from the point of discharge from the exit.
2) The floor of discharge into which the exit discharge is provided with automatic
fire suppression system and any other portion of the level of discharge with
access to the discharge area is provided with automatic fire suppression system
or separated from it in accordance with the requirements for the enclosure of
exit, and with Section of this RIRR.
3) The entire area on the floor of discharge is separated from areas below by
construction having a minimum fire-resistance rating of two (2) hours.
8. Lighting and Signs
a. Each public space, hallway, stairway, or other means of egress shall have illumination
in accordance with Section of this RIRR. Access to exit shall be continuously
illuminated at all times. Any hotel and dormitory shall have emergency lighting
installed in individual guest rooms or guest suites, hallways, landings of stairways and
other appropriate areas as determined by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
b. Every exit access door from public hallways or from corridors on floors with sleeping
accommodations shall have an illuminated sign in accordance with Section
of this RIRR. Where exits are not visible in a hallway or corridor, illuminated directional
signs shall be provided to indicate the direction of exit.
9. Emergency Evacuation Plan
Emergency Evacuation Plan shall be provided in accordance with Section
of this RIRR.
C. Protection
1. Protection of Vertical Openings
a. Every stairway, elevator shaft and other vertical openings shall be enclosed or
protected in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
b. Any required exit stair which is so located that it is necessary to pass through the
lobby or other open space to reach the outside of the building shall be continuously
enclosed down to the lobby level.
c. No floor below the floor of exit discharge, used only for storage, heating requirements,
or other than hotel occupancy open to guest or the public, shall have unprotected
openings to floors used for hotel purposes.
2. Protection of Guest Rooms
a. In any new hotel building every corridor shall be separated from guest rooms by
partitions having at least a one (1) hour fire resistance rating.
b. Each guest room shall be provided with a door having a fire protection rating at least
twenty (20) minutes.
c. Openings in corridor partitions other than door openings shall be prohibited.
d. Doors that open directly onto exit access corridors shall be self-closing and self-
3. Interior Finish
Interior finish, in accordance with Section of this RIRR and subject to the
limitations and modifications therein specified, shall be as follows:
a. For new construction or new Interior Finish
1) Exits – Class A or B;
2) Lobbies, corridors – Class A or B;
3) Places of assembly – In accordance with Division 8 of this Chapter; and
4) Individual guest rooms – Class B or C.
b. Existing Interior Finish
1) Exits – Class A or B;
2) Lobbies and Corridors;
a) Used as exit access – Class A or B
b) Not used as required exit access – Class A, B or C
c. Places of Assembly – In accordance with Division 8 of this Chapter;
d. Individual guest rooms – Class A, B or C; and
e. Other rooms – Class A, B or C.
4. Fire Detection and Alarm System
a. An automatic fire detection and alarm system, in accordance with Section
of this RIRR, shall be provided for any hotel or dormitory having accommodations for
fifteen (15) or more guests. For less than fifteen (15) guests, a manual fire alarm system
shall be installed.
b. Every sounding device shall be of such character and so located as to arouse all
occupants of the building or section thereof endangered by fire.
c. An alarm-sending station and manual fire alarm box shall be provided at the hotel
desk or other convenient central control point under continuous supervision of
responsible employees.
d. Suitable facilities shall be provided for immediate notification of the BFP.
e. Positive fire alarm sequence may be permitted.
f. Hotels and dormitories including its guest rooms and guest suites shall be required to
be equipped with both audible and visible notification appliance.
g. In hotels and dormitories not equipped with automatic fire detection and alarm
system, guest rooms, living area and sleeping rooms within a guest suite shall be
installed with single-station smoke detectors.
5. Extinguishing Requirements
a. All hotels and dormitories with four (4) storeys or more in height shall be protected
throughout by approved, supervised sprinkler system.
1) Hotels and dormitories with four (4) storeys and below shall be installed with
sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13R.
2) Hotels and dormitories with five (5) storeys and above shall be installed with
sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13.
b. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with Section of
this RIRR.
6. Subdivision of Building Spaces
a. In buildings not protected by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system,
each hotel guest room, including guest suites, and dormitory rooms shall be separated
from other guest rooms or dormitory rooms by walls and floors having fire resistance
ratings of not less than one (1) hour.
b. In buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler
system, each hotel guest room, including guest suites and dormitory room, shall be
separated from other guest rooms or dormitory rooms by walls, floors and fire barriers
having fire resistance ratings of not less than a half (1/2) hour.
7. Hazardous Areas
a. Any room containing high pressure boilers, refrigerating machinery, transformers, or
other service equipment subject to possible explosion shall not be located directly
under or directly adjacent to exits. All such rooms shall be effectively cut off from
other parts of the building as specified in Section of this RIRR.
b. Every hazardous area shall be separated from other parts of the building by
construction having a fire-resistance rating of at least one (1) hour and communicating
openings shall be protected by approved automatic or self-closing fire doors,
or such area shall be equipped with automatic fire suppression system. Where a
hazard is high as determined by the C/MFM having jurisdiction, both fire-resistive
construction and automatic fire suppression system shall be used. Hazardous
areas include, but are not limited to, boiler and heater rooms, laundries, repair
shops, rooms or spaces used storage of combustible supplies and equipment in
quantified deemed hazardous by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
D. Building Services Equipment
1. Air-Conditioning and Ventilation
a. Every air conditioning installation shall comply with Section of this RIRR.
b. No transom/windowpane shall be installed in partition of sleeping rooms in new
buildings. In existing buildings transoms shall be fixed in the closed position and
shall be covered or otherwise protected to provide a fire-resistance rating at least
equivalent to that of the wall in which they are installed.
2. All other building services equipment installed or used in hotels and dormitories shall
comply with Division 7 of this Chapter.


A. General Requirements
1. Any apartment building which complied with all of the preceding requirements of this
Section for hotels may be considered as a hotel and, as such, the following requirements
for apartment buildings will not be applicable.
2. Every individual unit covered by this Section shall at least comply with the minimum
provisions of Section of this RIRR.
B. Exit Details
1. General Types and Capacities of Exits
a. Exits of the same arrangement, types and capacities, as required by Section
of this RIRR shall be provided.
b. Street floor exits shall be sufficient for the occupant load of the street floor plus the
required capacity of stairs and ramps discharging onto the street floor.
2. Number of Exits
Every living unit shall have access to at least two (2) separate exits.
Exception No. 1: Any living unit, which has an exit directly to the street or yard at ground
level or by way of an outside stairway that serves a maximum of
two (2) units or an enclosed stairway with fire-resistance rating of
one (1) hour or more serving that apartment only and not
communicating with any floor below the floor of exit discharge or
other area not a part of the apartment served, may have a single exit.
Exception No. 2: Apartment buildings of not more than three (3) storeys in height
with not more than six (6) living units per floor, with a smoke-proof

enclosure or an outside stairway as the exit, immediately accessible
to all apartments served thereby, may have a single exit.
Exception No. 3: Any building not more than three (3) storeys in height with no floor
below the floor of exit discharge or, in case there is such a floor, with
the street floor construction of at least one-hour (1-hr) fire resistance,
may have a single exit, under the following conditions:
• The stairway is completely enclosed with a partition having a fire
resistance rating of at least one (1) hour with self-closing fire doors
protecting all openings between the stairway enclosed and the
• The stairway does not serve any floor below the floor of exit
• All corridors serving as access to exits at least one-hour (1-hr) fire
resistance rating.
• There is not more than six and one tenth meters (6.1 m) of travel
distance to reach an exit from entrance door of any living unit.
3. Minimum Corridor Width
a. Corridors with a required capacity of more than fifty (50) persons shall be of sufficient
width to accommodate the required occupant load but have a width of not less
than one and twelve hundredths meters (1.12 m).
b. Corridors with a required capacity of not more than fifty (50) persons shall not be less
than nine hundred ten millimeters (910 mm).
4. Access to Exits
a. Exits shall be remote from each other, as required by Section of this RIRR.
b. Exits shall be so arranged that there are no dead-end pockets, hallways, corridors,
passageways or courts.
c. Exits and exit access shall be so located that:
1) It will not be necessary to travel more than fifteen and a half meters (15.5 m)
within any individual living unit to reach the nearest exit, or to reach an entrance
door of the apartment which provides access through a public corridor to an
exit on the same floor level.
2) Within any individual living unit, it will not be necessary to traverse stairs more
than one (1) storey above or below the floor level of the apartment to the nearest
exit or entrance door.
3) The entrance door to any apartment is within thirty-one meters (31 m) of an exit
of within forty-six and a half meters (46.5 m) in a building protected by approved,
supervised sprinkler system in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
d. Doors between apartments and corridors shall be self-closing.
5. Discharge from Exits
Discharge from exits shall be the same as required for hotels in accordance with
Section of this RIRR.
6. Lighting and Signs
a. Every public space, hallway, stairway, and other means of egress shall have
illumination in accordance with Section of this RIRR. All apartment buildings
shall have emergency lighting.
b. Signs in accordance with Section of this RIRR shall be provided in all
apartment buildings.
C. Protection
1. Segregation of Dwelling Units
Dwelling units in row apartments shall be separated from each other by partition
walls having a fire resistance rating of four (4) hours. Such walls shall be constructed
solidly and continuously from the ground to level one meter (1 m) above the ridge line
of the roof.

2. Protection of Vertical Openings
Protection of vertical openings shall be the same as required for hotels in accordance
with para “C” of Section of this RIRR. There shall be no unprotected vertical
opening in any building or fire section with only one exit.
3. Interior Finish
a. For new construction and new interior finish
1) Exits - Class A or B;
2) Lobbies, corridors and public spaces - Class A or B; and
3) Individual living units - Class A, B or C.
b. Existing Interior Finish
1) Exits - Class A or B; and
2) Other spaces - Class A, B or C.
4. Alarm Systems
a. Every apartment building of four (4) storeys or more in height, or more than twelve
(12) apartment units, except row houses shall have automatic fire detection and
alarm system in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
b. Apartment buildings of not more than three (3) storeys in height shall be provided
with manual fire alarm system, provided that dwelling units shall be installed with
single-station or multi-station smoke detectors.
5. Extinguishing Requirements
a. All apartments, except row houses with four (4) storeys in height, shall be protected
throughout by approved, supervised sprinkler system.
b. For four (4) storeys and below it shall be installed with sprinkler system in accordance
with NFPA 13R.
c. For five (5) storeys and above, it shall be installed with sprinkler system in accordance
with NFPA 13.
d. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with Section of
this RIRR.
6. Hazardous Areas
a. Every hazardous area shall be separated from other parts of the building construction
having a fire-resistance rating of at least one (1) hour. Communicating openings
shall be protected by approved automatic or self-closing fire doors. Hazardous areas
include, but shall not be limited to, boiler and heaters rooms, laundry rooms, repair
shops and rooms or spaces used for storage of combustible supplies and equipment
in quantities deemed hazardous by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
b. Both fire-resistant construction and automatic fire suppression system shall be
provided where the hazard is high as determined by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
D. Building Services Equipment
1. Air conditioning and ventilation, when provided, shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. All other building services equipment installed or used in hotels and dormitories shall
comply with Division 7 of this Chapter.


A. General
1. This Section applies only to lodging or rooming houses providing sleeping
accommodations for less than fifteen (15) persons, as specified in Section of
this RIRR.
2. In addition to the following provisions, every lodging or rooming house shall comply with
the minimum requirements for detached single and two -family dwellings.
B. Means of Escape Requirement
1. Every sleeping room and living area shall have access to two (2) means of escape
complying with that of single or two -family dwelling.

2. Every sleeping room above or below the street floor shall have access to two (2) separate
means of exit, at least one (1) of which shall consist of an enclosed interior stairway, an
exterior stairway, a fire escape or a horizontal exit.
3. All exits shall be arranged to provide a safe path of travel to the outside of the building
without traversing any corridor or space exposed to an unprotected vertical opening.
4. Any sleeping room below the street floor shall have direct access to the outside or the
C. Alarm System
A manual fire alarm system shall be provided in accordance with Section of
this RIRR. Likewise, each sleeping room shall be installed with single station-smoke or heat


A. General
This Section covers detached single and two -family dwellings as specified in Section of this RIRR. Where the occupancy is so limited, the only requirements applicable
are those in this Section.
B. Means of Escape Requirements
1. Number, Type and Access to Means of Escape
a. In any dwelling of more than two (2) rooms, every room used for sleeping, living or
dining purposes shall have at least two (2) means of escape, at least one (1) of which
shall be a door or stairway providing a means of unobstructed travel to the outside of
the building at street or ground level. No room or space shall be occupied for living
or sleeping purposes which is accessible only by a ladder, folding stairs or through a
trap door.
b. Every sleeping room shall have at least one (1) outside window. Such window
could be opened from the inside, without the use of tools, keys or special effort or
knowledge to provide a clear opening of not less than five hundred sixty millimeters
(560 mm) in width and eight hundred millimeters (800 mm) in height. The bottom of
the opening shall be not more than one thousand two hundred twenty millimeters
(1,220 mm) above the floor, except if the room has two (2) doors providing separate
ways of escape or has a door leading directly outside of the building.
c. No required path of travel to the outside from any room shall be through another
room or apartment not under the immediate control of the occupant of the first
room or his/her family, not through a bathroom or other space subject to locking.
d. No exit access from sleeping rooms to outside shall be less than nine hundred
millimeters (900 mm) wide.
2. Doors
a. No doors in the path of travel providing means of escape shall be less than seven
hundred millimeters (700 mm) of clear width.
b. Every closet door latch shall be such that children can open the door from inside the
c. Every bathroom door lock shall be designed to permit the opening of the locked
door from the outside in an emergency.
3. Stairs
The width, risers, and treads of every stair shall comply at least with the minimum
requirements for stairs, as described in Section of this RIRR.
C. Interior Finish
Interior finish of occupied spaces of new buildings shall be Class A, B or C as defined in
Section of this RIRR and in existing buildings the interior finish shall be Class A, B, C
or D.
D. Building Services Equipment
No heating equipment such as stove or combustion heater shall be so located as to
block escape in case of fire arising from malfunctioning of the stove or heater.

E. Fire Alarm and Detection System
Each living unit or sleeping room shall be installed with single-station smoke or heat
F. Extinguishing Requirement
Each single and two -family dwelling shall be provided with portable fire extinguishers
in accordance with Section of this RIRR.



A. Classification of Mercantile
1. Mercantile occupancies shall include all buildings and structures or parts thereof with
occupancy as described in Division 3 of this Chapter.
a. Mercantile occupancies shall be classified as follows:
1) Class A. AII stores having aggregate gross area of two thousand seven hundred
eighty-eight square meters (2,788 m2) or more, or utilizing more than three (3)
floor levels for sales purposes.
2) Class B. All stores of less than two thousand seven hundred eighty-seven square
meters (2,787 m2) aggregate area, but over two hundred seventy-nine square
meters (279 m2), or utilizing any balcony, mezzanine or floor above or below the
street floor level for sales purposes, except that if more than three (3) floors are
utilized, the store shall be considered Class A, regardless of area.
3) Class C. All stores of two hundred seventy-eight square meters (278 m2) or less
gross area used for sales purposes on the street floor only.
b. For the purpose of Class A, B, and C, the aggregate gross area shall be the total
area of all floors used for mercantile purposes and, where a store is divided into
sections by fire walls, shall include the area of all sections used for sales purposes.
Areas of floors not used for sales purposes, such as a floor below the street floor used
only for storage and not open to the public, shall not be counted for the purpose
of the above classifications, but exits shall be provided for such non-sales area in
accordance with their occupancy, as specified by other Divisions of this Chapter.
c. A balcony or mezzanine floor having an area less than one half (1/2) of the floor below
shall not be counted as a floor level for the purpose of applying the classification, but
if there are two (2) balconies or mezzanine floors, one (1) shall be counted.
d. Storeys not used for sales above or below sales floor are not counted in the height
e. A mezzanine less than or equal to one third (1/3) the area (new) or less than or equal
to one half (1/2) the area (existing) of the floor below is permitted.
f. Where a number of stores under different management are located in the same
building or in adjoining buildings with no fire wall or other standard fire separations
in between, the aggregate gross of all such stores shall be used in determining
B. Classification of Hazard
The contents of mercantile occupancies shall be classified in accordance with
Division 4 of this Chapter.
Exception: Mercantile occupancies classified as high hazard in accordance with Division 4
of this Chapter shall meet the following additional requirements:
• Exits shall be located not more than twenty-three meters (23 m) of travel from
any point is needed to reach the nearest exit.
• From every point there shall be at least two (2) exits accessible by travel in
different directions (no common path of travel).
• All vertical openings shall be enclosed.
C. Occupant Load
1. For purposes of determining required exits, the occupant load of mercantile buildings
or parts of building used for mercantile purposes shall not be less than the following:
a. Street floor, one (1) person for each two and eight tenths square meters (2.8 m2)
gross floor area. In stores with no street floor as defined in Rule 3 hereof, but with
access directly from the street by stairs or escalators, the principal floor at the point
of entrance to the store shall be considered the street floor. In stores where, due
to difference in grade of streets on different sides, there are two (2) or more floors
directly accessible from the street (not including alleys or similar back streets),
each such floor shall be considered a street floor for the purpose of determining
occupant load.
b. Due to differences in grade of streets on different sides, two (2) or more floors directly
accessible from streets (not including alleys or similar back streets) exist; each such
floor is permitted to be considered a street floor. The occupant load factor is one (1)
person for each three and seven tenths square meters (3.7 m2) of gross floor area of
sales space.
c. Sales floors below the street floor: same as street floor.
d. Upper floors, used for sale: one (1) person for each five and six tenths square meters
(5.6 m2) gross floor area.
e. Floor or sections used only for offices, storage, shipping and not open to the general
public: one (1) person for each nine and three tenths square meters (9.3 m2) gross
floor area.
f. Floors or sections used for assembly purposes: occupant load determined in
accordance with Division 8 of this Chapter.
g. Covered Walls: one (1) person for each two and eight tenths square meters (2.8 m2)
gross floor area.
2. Where any required egress capacity from a balcony or mezzanine passes through the
room below, that required capacity shall be added to the required egress capacity of
the room below.


A. General
1. All exit facilities shall be in accordance with Division 5 of this Chapter and this Division.
Only types of exits specified in this Section shall be used as required exit facilities in any
mercantile occupancy.
2. Where a stairway, escalator, outside stair, or ramp serves two (2) or more upper floors,
the same stairway or other exit required to serve any one (1) upper floor may also serve
other upper floors.
Exception: No inside open stairway, escalator, or ramp may serve as required egress
facility from more than one (1) floor.
3. Where there are two (2) or more floors below the street floor, the same stairway or other
exit may serve all floors, but all required exits from such areas shall be independent of
any open stairways between street and the floor below it.
4. Where a level outside exit from upper floors is possible owing to hills, such outside exits
may serve instead of horizontal exits. If, however, such outside exits from the upper floor
also serve as an entrance from a principal street, the upper floor shall be classified as a
street, and is subject to the requirements of this Section for street floors.
B. Types of Exits
1. Exits shall be restricted to the following permissible types: doors; stairs and smoke-proof
enclosures; horizontal exits; and ramps.
2. In existing interior stair or fire escape not complying with Section or Section of this RIRR may be continued in use, subject to the approval of the C/MFM
having jurisdiction.
C. Capacity of Means of Egress
1. The capacity of means of egress shall be in accordance with Section of
this RIRR.
2. In Class A and Class B mercantile occupancies, street floor exits shall be sufficient for
the occupant load of the street floor plus the required capacity of stairs and ramps
discharging through the street floor.

D. Number of Exits
1. Exits shall comply with the following, except as otherwise permitted by paras 2 through
5 below:
a. The number of means of egress shall be in accordance with Section of this
b. Not less than two (2) separate exits shall be provided on every storey.
c. Not less than two (2) separate exits shall be accessible from every part of every storey.
2. Exit access as required by para 1.c above shall be permitted to include a single exit
access path for the distances permitted as common path of travel.
3. A single means of egress shall be permitted in a Class C mercantile occupancy,
provided that the travel distance to the exit or to a mall does not exceed twenty-three
meters (23 m).
4. A single means of egress shall be permitted in a Class C mercantile occupancy, provided
that the travel distance to the exit or to a mall does not exceed thirty meters (30 m),
and the storey on which the occupancy is located, and all communicating levels that
are traversed to reach the exit or mall, are protected throughout by an approved,
supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
5. A single means of egress to an exit or to a mall shall be permitted from a mezzanine within
any Class A, Class B, or Class C mercantile occupancy, provided that the common path
of travel does not exceed thirty meters (30 m) if protected throughout by an approved,
supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
E. Arrangement and Access of Exits
1. Exits shall be remote from each other and shall be arranged to minimize the possibility
that both may be blocked by an emergency.
Exception: A common path may be permitted for the first fifteen meters (15 m) from
any point in accordance with Section of this RIRR, if there are high
hazard contents.
2. The aggregate width of all aisles leading to each exit shall be equal to at least the
required width of the exit.
3. In no case shall aisles be less than eight hundred millimeters (800 mm) in clear width.
4. In Class A stores, at least one (1) aisle of one and a half meters (1.5 m) minimum width
shall lead directly to an exit.
5. If the only means of entrance of customer is through one (1) exterior wall of the building,
two-thirds (2/3) of the required exit width shall be located in this wall,
6. At least one and a half (1.5) of the required exits shall be so located as to be reached
without going through check-out stands. In no case shall checkout stands or associated
railings or barriers obstruct exits or required aisles or approached thereto.
F. Measurement of Travel Distance to Exits
Travel distance to exits shall be measured in accordance with Section of
this RIRR.
Exception: An increase in the above travel distance to forty-six meters (46 m) shall be
permitted in a building completely protected by an approved, supervised
sprinkler system in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
G. Discharge from Exits
In buildings with automatic fire suppression system in accordance with Section
of this RIRR, one half (1/2) of rated number of exit units of stairways, escalators or ramps
serving as required exits from floors above or below the street floor, may discharge through
the main street floor area, instead of directly to the street, provided that:
1. Not more than one half (1/2) of the required exit units from any single floor considered
separately discharge through the street floor area.
2. The exits are enclosed, in accordance with Section of this RIRR, to the
street floor.
3. The distance of travel from the termination of the enclosure to an outside street door is
not more than fifteen and a half meters (15.5 m).

4. The street floor doors provide sufficient units of exit width to serve exits discharging
through the street floor in addition to the street floor itself, in accordance with
Section of this RIRR.
H. Doors
1. Every street floor door shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR, and a
horizontal exit door, if used, in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. All doors at the foot of stairs from upper floors or at the end of stairs leading to floors
below the street floor shall swing with the exit travel.
I. Exit Signs and Lighting
1. Every mercantile occupancy shall have exit illumination and signs in accordance with
Sections and of this RIRR.
2. Every Class A and Class B store shall have emergency lighting facilities conforming to
Section of this RIRR.


A. Protection of Vertical Openings
1. Any stairway, elevator shaft, escalator opening or other critical opening shall be
enclosed or protected in accordance with Section of this RIRR, except as
permitted in this Section.
2. Exceptions for Class A and Class B stores
a. In any Class A or Class B store, openings may be unprotected between any two (2)
floors, such as open stairs or escalators between street floor and the floor below, or
open stairs to second floor or balconies or mezzanines above the street floor level
(not both to the floor below the street floor and above unless protected throughout
by an approved, supervised sprinkler system).
b. In any Class A or Class B store protected throughout by an approved, supervised
sprinkler system in accordance with Section, openings may be unprotected
under the conditions permitted by Section of this RIRR; or between the street
floor and the floor below the street and between street floor and second floor; or if no
openings to the floor below the street floor, between street floor, street floor balcony,
or mezzanine, and second floor, but not between more than three (3) floor levels.
c. In existing Class A or Class B stores, only one (1) floor above those otherwise permitted
may open if such floor is not used for sales purposes and the entire building is protected
by an approved, supervised automatic fire suppression system.
3. Exceptions for Class C stores
In any Class C store, openings may be unprotected between street floor and
balcony or mezzanine.
B. Interior Finish
1. Interior finish of exits of all stores shall be Class A and Class B in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. In any Class A or Class B store, interior finish of the ceiling shall be Class A or
Class B in accordance with Section of this RIRR, unless completely protected by
an approved, supervised automatic fire suppression system in accordance with Section of this RIRR, in which case Class C interior finish may be used in any Class A or
Class B store. Interior finish of the walls shall be Class A, Class B or Class C in accordance
with Section of this RIRR.
3. In any mercantile occupancy, exposed portions of structural members complying with
the requirements for heavy timber construction may be permitted. Laminated wood
shall be delaminated under the influence of heat.
4. In a Class C store, interior finish shall be Class A, B or C in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
C. Alarm Systems
Class A and Class B stores shall be provided with an automatic fire alarm system in
accordance with Section of this RIRR.

D. Automatic Sprinkler Protection
Approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system protection shall be installed in
accordance with Section of this RIRR in all mercantile occupancies as follows:
1. Throughout all mercantile occupancies three (3) or more storeys in height provided that
at least one (1) of the floors is at least two hundred thirty-two square meters (232 m2).
2. Throughout all mercantile occupancies exceeding one thousand one hundred fifteen
square meters (1,115 m2) in gross area.
3. Throughout floor below the street floor having an area exceeding two hundred
thirty-two square meters (232 m2) when used for the sale, storage or handling of
combustible goods and merchandise.
E. Hazardous Areas
1. An area used for general storage, boiler or furnace rooms, fuel storage, janitor closet,
maintenance shops including woodworking and painting areas, and kitchens shall
be separated from other parts of the building by construction having a fire-resistance
rating of not less than one (1) hour, and all openings shall be protected with self-closing
fire doors.
2. Areas with high hazard contents as defined in Division 4 of this Chapter shall be provided
with both fire-resistive construction and automatic fire suppression system.
3. Cooking equipment shall be protected in accordance with Section of this RIRR.


A. Air conditioning, ventilating, heating, cooking, and other service equipment shall be in
accordance with Division 7 of this Chapter.
B. An elevator shall not constitute required means of exit. When mercantile occupancies are
more than three (3) storeys or more than three (3) storeys above the street floor and equipped
with automatic elevator, one (1) or more elevators and escalators shall be designed and
equipped for fire emergency use by fire fighters as specified in Division 7 of this Chapter. Key
operation shall transfer automatic elevator operation to manual and bring elevator to the
street floor for use of Fire Service. The elevator shall be situated so as to be readily accessible
by firefighters.


A. Self-Service Stores
1. In any self-service store, no check-out stand or associated railings or barriers shall
obstruct exits or required aisles or approaches thereto.
2. In every self-service store, where wheeled carts or buggies are used by customers,
adequate provision shall be made for the transit and parking of such carts to minimize
the possibility that they may obstruct exits.
B. Open-Air Mercantile Operations
1. Open-air mercantile, operations, such as open-air markets, gasoline filling stations,
auto LPG refilling stations, roadside stands for the sale of farm produce and other
outdoor mercantile operations shall be so arranged and conducted as to maintain
free and unobstructed ways of travel at all times to permit prompt escape from any
point of danger in case of fire or other emergency, with no dead ends in which persons
might be trapped due to display stands, adjoining buildings, fences, vehicles, or other
2. If mercantile operations are conducted in roof-over areas, they shall be treated as
mercantile buildings, provided that canopies over individual small stands to protect
merchandise from the weather shall not be construed to constitute buildings for the
purpose of this Chapter.
C. Combined Mercantile and Residential Occupancies
No dwelling unit shall have its sole means of exit through any mercantile occupancy in
the same building.
Exception No. 1: Where the dwelling occupancy and exits therefrom are separated from
the mercantile occupancy by construction having a fire resistance rating
of at least one (1) hour.

Exception No. 2: Where the mercantile occupancy is protected by automatic fire
suppression system in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
Exception No. 3: Where an existing building with not more than two (2) dwelling units above
the mercantile occupancy is protected by an automatic fire detection
system in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
D. Covered Malls and Walkway
1. Covered Mall and Walkways. A covered or roofed interior area used as a pedestrian
public way and connecting buildings housing individual or multiple tenants. Use of the
term covered mall shall include covered walkways.
2. A covered mall and all buildings connected to it shall be treated as a single mercantile
building and shall be subject to the requirements for mercantile occupancies, except
as provided herein.
3. Exit Details
a. Every covered mall shall have no less than two (2) exits located remote from each
b. No less than one half (1/2) the required exit widths for each Class A or Class B store
connected to a covered mall shall lead directly outside without passing through the
c. Every mall shall be provided with unobstructed exit access, parallel to and adjacent
to the connected buildings. This exit access shall extend to each mall exit.
d. In no case shall an exit access through a covered mall be less than three thousand
millimeters (3,000 mm), and six hundred sixty millimeters (660 mm) in clear width.



A. Classification of Occupancy
Business Occupancies shall include all buildings and structures or parts thereof with
occupancy described in Division 3 of this Chapter.
B. Classification of Hazard of Contents
The contents of business occupancies shall be classified as ordinary hazard in
accordance with Division 4 of this Chapter. For purposes of the design of an automatic fire
suppression system, an office occupancy shall be classified as “light hazard occupancy”.
C. Occupant Load
1. For purposes of determining required exits, the occupant load of business purposes
shall be no less than one (1) person per nine and three tenths square meters (9.3 m2) of
gross floor area. The occupant load for concentrated use as in the case of Call Centers,
IT Centers, BPO’s, and other similar occupancies, shall not be less than one (1) person
per four and six tenths square meters (4.6 m2) of gross floor area devoted for that use,
provided that the means of egress and other fire safety requirements of RA 9514 and its
RIRR are followed or incorporated in the building.
2. In the case of mezzanine or balcony open to the floor below of other unprotected vertical
openings between floors, the occupant load of the mezzanine or other subsidiary floor
level shall be added to that of the street floor for the purpose of determining required


A. General
1. All exit facilities shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR and this Division.
However, only types of exits specified in para “B” of this Section (Types of Exits) may be
used as required exit facilities in any business occupancy with access thereto and ways
of travel therefrom in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. If, owing to differences in grade level, any street floor exits are at points above or below
the street or ground level, such exits shall comply with the provisions for exits from upper
floors or floors below the street floor.

3. Stairs and ramps serving two (2) or more floors below a street floor occupied for business
use shall be permitted in accordance with paras 4 and 5 below.
4. Where two (2) or more floors below the street floor are occupied for business use, the
same stairs or ramps shall be permitted to serve each.
5. An inside open stairway or inside open ramp shall be permitted to serve as a required
egress facility provided that only one (1) floor level below the street floor.
6. Floor levels below the street floor used only for storage, heating, and other service
equipment, and are not subject to business occupancy shall have a separate means of
egress in accordance with Division 18 of this Chapter.
B. Types of Exits
1. Exits shall be restricted to the following permissible types:
a. Doors
b. Stairs and smoke proof enclosures
c. Horizontal exits
d. Ramps
e. Exit Passageways
C. Capacity of Means of Egress
1. The capacity of means of egress shall be in accordance with Section of
this RIRR.
2. The clear width of any corridor or passageway serving an occupant load of fifty (50) or
more shall be not less than one and twelve hundredths meters (1.12 m). It is not the intent
that this provision applies to non-corridor or non-passageway areas of exit access, such
as the spaces between rows of desks created by office layout or low-height partitions.
3. Street floor exits shall be sufficient for the occupant load of the street floor plus the
required capacity of stairs and ramps discharging through the street floor.
D. Number of Exits
1. Exits shall comply with the following, except as otherwise permitted by para 2 through 6
a. The number of means of egress shall be in accordance with Section of
this RIRR.
b. Not less than two (2) separate exits shall be provided on every storey.
c. Not less than two (2) separate exits shall be accessible from every part of every storey.
2. Exit access, as required by para 1.a through 1.c above, shall be permitted to include a
single exit access path for the distances permitted as common paths of travel.
3. A single exit shall be permitted for a room or area with a total occupant load of fewer
than one hundred (100) persons, provided that the following criteria are met:
a. The exit shall discharge directly to the outside at the level of exit discharge for the
b. The total distance of travel from any point, including travel within the exit, shall not
exceed thirty meters (30 m).
c. The total distance of travel specified in para “b” above shall be on the same floor
level or, if traversing of stairs is necessary, such stairs shall not exceed four thousand
five hundred seventy millimeters (4,570 mm) in height and the stairs shall be provided
with complete enclosures to separate them from any other part of the building.
4. Any business occupancy not exceeding three (3) storeys, and not exceeding an
occupant load of thirty (30) people per floor, shall be permitted a single separate exit
to each floor, provided that either of the following criteria is met:
a. This arrangement shall be permitted only where the total travel distance to the
outside of the building does not exceed thirty meters (30 m) and where the exit is
enclosed in accordance with Section of this RIRR, serves no other levels, and
discharges directly to the outside.
b. A single outside stair in accordance with Section of this RIRR shall be permitted
to serve all floors.

5. A single means of egress shall be permitted from a mezzanine within a business
occupancy, provided that the common path of travel does not exceed twenty-three
meters (23 m), or thirty meters (30 m) if protected throughout by an approved, supervised
automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
6. A single exit shall be permitted for a maximum two-storey, single-tenant
space/building that is protected throughout by an approved, supervised sprinkler
system in accordance with Section of this RIRR and where the total travel to the
outside does not exceed thirty meters (30 m).
E. Arrangement of Means of Egress
1. Means of egress shall be arranged in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. Dead-end corridors shall be permitted in accordance with the following:
a. In buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler
system in accordance with Section of this RIRR, dead-end corridors shall not
exceed fifteen meters (15 m).
b. In buildings other than those complying with para “c” below, dead-end corridors
shall not exceed six meters (6 m).
c. It is recognized that dead ends exceeding the permitted limits exist and, in some
cases, are impractical to eliminate. The C/MFM having jurisdiction might permit such
dead ends to continue to exist, taking into consideration any or all of the following:
1) Tenant arrangement
2) Automatic sprinkler protection
3) Smoke detection
4) Exit remoteness
3. Limitations on common path of travel shall be in accordance with the following:
a. Common path of travel shall not exceed thirty meters (30 m) in a building protected
throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance
with Section of this RIRR.
b. Common path of travel shall not exceed thirty meters (30 m) within a single tenant
space having an occupant load not exceeding thirty (30) persons.
c. In buildings other than those complying with para “a” or “b” above, the common
path of travel shall not exceed twenty-three meters (23 m).
d. It is recognized that common paths of travel exceeding the permitted limits exist and,
in some cases, are impractical to eliminate. The C/MFM having jurisdiction might
permit such common paths of travel to continue to exist, taking into consideration
any or all of the following:
1) Tenant arrangement
2) Automatic sprinkler protection
3) Smoke detection
4) Exit remoteness
F. Travel Distance to Exits
1. In buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised sprinkler system in
accordance with Section of this RIRR, the travel distance shall not exceed
sixty-one meters (61 m).
2. In buildings other than those complying with para 1 above, the travel distance, measured
in accordance with Section of this RIRR, shall not exceed forty-six meters (46 m).
G. Discharge from Exits
All of the required exits shall terminate directly to the street or through a yard, court, or
passageway with protected openings and separated from all parts of the interior of the
The exits may also discharge on the areas of the floor exit discharge provided the
following are met:
1. Such exits discharge to a free and unobstructed way to the exterior of the building by
not more than six meters (6 m) distance, which way is readily visible and identifiable
from the point of discharge from the exit.
2. The floor of discharge into which the exit discharge is provided with automatic fire
suppression system and any other portion of the level of discharge with access to the
discharge area is provided with automatic fire suppression system or separated from
it in accordance with the requirements for the enclosure of exit in Section of
this RIRR.
3. The entire area on the floor of discharge is separated from areas below by construction
having a minimum fire-resistance rating of two (2) hours.
H. Exit Signs and Lighting
1. Exit illumination shall be provided in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. Emergency lighting shall be provided in accordance with Section of this RIRR in
any building where any one of the following conditions exists:
a. The building is two (2) or more storeys in height above the level of exit discharge.
b. The occupancy is subject to fifty (50) or more occupants above or below the level of
exit discharge.
3. Emergency lighting in accordance with Section of this RIRR shall be provided
for all underground and limited access structures.
4. Means of egress shall have signs in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
I. Emergency Evacuation Plan
Emergency Evacuation Plan shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR.


A. Protection of Vertical Openings
1. Vertical openings shall be enclosed or protected in accordance with Section of
this RIRR, unless otherwise permitted by the following:
a. Unenclosed vertical openings in accordance with Section of this RIRR shall
be permitted.
b. Exit stairs shall be permitted to be unenclosed in two-storey, single tenant spaces
that are provided with a single exit in accordance with para D.6 of Section
of this RIRR.
c. Unprotected vertical openings shall be permitted in existing buildings complying
with all of the following:
1) Where protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in
accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
2) Where no unprotected vertical opening serves as any part of any required means
of egress.
3) Where required exits consist of exit doors that discharge directly to grade
in accordance with Section, outside stairs in accordance with
Section, smoke-proof enclosures in accordance with Section, or
horizontal exits in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
d. Floors that are below the street floor and are used for storage or other than a business
B. Interior Finish
1. Interior finish shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. Interior wall and ceiling finish
a. Interior wall and ceiling finish material complying with Section of this RIRR
shall be Class A or Class B in exits and in exit access corridors.
b. Interior wall and ceiling finishes shall be Class A, Class B, or Class C in areas other than
those specified in para “a” above.
3. Interior floor finish
a. Interior floor finish shall comply with Section of this RIRR.
b. Interior floor finish in exit enclosures shall be Class I or Class II.

C. Extinguishing Equipment
All business occupancy buildings fifteen meters (15 m) or more in height shall be
provided throughout with approved, supervised sprinkler system, fully electrically supervised
designed in accordance with NFPA 13.
D. Detection, Alarm, and Communications Systems
1. A fire alarm system in accordance with Section of this RIRR shall be provided in
all business, where any one of the following conditions exists:
a. The building is two (2) or more storeys in height above the level of exit discharge;
b. The occupancy is subject to fifty (50) or more occupants above or below the level of
exit discharge. For existing building, the occupancy is subject to one hundred (100)
or more occupants above or below the level of exit discharge; or
c. The occupancy is subject to three hundred (300) or more total occupants. For existing
building, the occupancy is subject to one thousand (1,000) or more total occupants.
2. Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by one of the following means:
a. Manual means in accordance with Section of this RIRR;
b. Means of an approved automatic fire detection system that complies with Section of this RIRR, and provides protection throughout the building; or
c. Means of an approved automatic sprinkler system that complies with Section
of this RIRR, and provides protection throughout the building.
3. Occupant notification. During all times that the building is occupied, the required fire
alarm system, once initiated, shall perform one of the following functions:
a. For new and existing building, it shall activate a general alarm throughout the
building in accordance with Section of this RIRR. A positive alarm sequence
in accordance with Section of this RIRR shall be permitted.
b. For existing building, a pre-signal system in accordance with Section of this
RIRR shall be permitted.
c. For new and existing building, it shall activate an alarm signal in a continuously
attended location for the purpose of initiating emergency action by personnel
trained to respond to emergencies as follows:
1) Emergency action shall be initiated by means of live voice public address system
announcements originating from the attended location where the alarm signal is
received, unless otherwise permitted by para 3 below.
2) The live voice public address system shall be permitted to be used for other
announcements, provided that the emergency action use takes precedence
over any other use.
3) In lieu of live voice public address system announcements, any other occupant
notification means in accordance with Section of this RIRR shall be
4. Where business occupancies do not fall within the condition of para D.1 above, it shall
be provided with manual fire alarm system.
E. Protection from Hazard
1. Hazardous areas including, but not limited to, areas used for general storage, boiler or
furnace rooms, and maintenance shops that include woodworking and painting areas
shall be protected in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. It is not the intent of this provision that rooms inside individual tenant spaces that are
used to store routine office supplies for that tenant be required to be either separated
or sprinklered.
3. High hazard contents areas, as classified in Division 4 of this Chapter, shall meet the
following criteria:
a. The area shall be separated from other parts of the building by fire barriers having a
fire resistance rating of not less than one (1) hour, with all openings therein protected
by the three-quarters (3/4) of an hour, fire protection-rated, self-closing fire door
b. The area shall be protected by an automatic extinguishing system in accordance
with Section of this RIRR.

4. The requirement for separating high hazard contents areas from other parts of the
building shall comply with Section of this RIRR.


Utilities shall comply with the provisions of Division 7 of this Chapter.


In any building occupied for both business and mercantile purposes, the entire building
shall have exits in accordance with Division 16 of this Chapter.
Exception: If mercantile occupancy sections are effectively segregated from business section,
exit facilities may be treated separately.



A. Sub-classifications of Occupancy
1. General Industrial Occupancy
These are industrial occupancies that conduct ordinary and low hazard industrial
operations in buildings of conventional design suitable for various types of industrial
process. These include multi-storey buildings, where floors are occupied by different
tenants or buildings suitable for such occupancy and are therefore subject to possible
use for types of industrial process with high density of employee population.
2. Special Purpose Industrial Occupancy
These are industrial occupancies that conduct ordinary and low hazard industrial
operations in all buildings, except high hazard occupancy, designed and suitable only
for particular types of operations, characterized by a relatively low density of employee
population, with much of the area occupied by machinery or equipment.
3. High Hazard Industrial Occupancy
These are industrial occupancies that use high hazard materials or processes, or
that house high hazard contents.
4. Open Industrial Structures
These are industrial occupancies that include operations conducted in open-air
as distinguished from enclosure with buildings, such as those often found in oil refining
and chemical processing plants where equipment is in the open platforms used for
necessary access, sometimes with roofs or canopies to provide some shelter, but without
B Occupant Load
1. The occupant load of industrial occupancies for which exits are to be provided shall be
one (1) person per nine and three tenths square meters (9.3 m2) gross floor area; provided
that in Special Purpose Industrial Occupancy and for Open Industrial Structures, the
occupant load shall be the maximum number of persons to occupy the area under
any probable conditions; and further provided that in existing industrial occupancies,
the C/MFM having jurisdiction may waive requirements for additional exits if the existing
exits are adequate for the maximum number of persons actually employed.
2. Every auditorium, restaurant, office, garage and medical facility in connection with
industrial occupancies shall have exits in accordance with the applicable Sections of
this RIRR.
3. Exit requirements for specific occupancies shall comply with this Division.


A. General
Each required exit shall be in accordance with the applicable Sections of Division 4 of
this Chapter, with access thereto and ways of travel therefrom in accordance with Section of this RIRR.

B. Types of Exits
Exits shall be restricted to the following permissible types: Doors; Stairs or smoke proof
enclosures; Horizontal exits; Ramps; Slide Escapes.
C. Minimum Corridor Width
The minimum width of any corridor or passageway serving as a required exit or means
of travel to or from required exit shall be one and twelve hundredths meters (1.12 m) in
the clear.
D. Capacity of Exits
Capacity of means of egress shall be determined in accordance with Section
of this RIRR.
E. Number of Exits
At least two (2) exits shall be provided for every floor or section, including floors below
the floor of exit discharge used for industrial purposes or uses incidental thereto. At least one
(1) of which shall be reached without traversing another storey.
Exception: For rooms or areas with a total capacity of less than twenty-five (25) persons
having direct exit to the street or to an open area outside the building at ground
level, with a total travel distance from any point of not over fifteen and a half
meters (15.5 m), a single exit may be permitted. Such travel shall be on the same
floor level. If the traversing of stairs is required, there shall not be a vertical travel
or more than four and six tenths meters (4.6 m) and such stairs shall be provided
with complete enclosures to separate them from any other part of the building
with no door openings therein.
F. Travel Distance to Exits
1. Exits shall be as remote from other as practicable, so arranged that it will not be
necessary to travel more than sixty-one meters (61 m) from any point to reach the nearest
exit for buildings not protected by a complete automatic fire suppression system, or
seventy-six meters (76 m) in a building protected by an approved supervised sprinkler
system in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. From every point, there shall be at least two (2) separate exits accessible, so arranged
as to be reached by different paths of travel in different directions.
Exception: A common path of travel may be permitted for the first thirty meters (30 m)
from any point, i.e. no dead-end may be more than fifteen meters (15 m)
G. Discharge from Exits
A maximum of fifty percent (50%) of the exits may discharge through areas on the floor
of exit discharge provided:
1. Such exits that discharges to a free and unobstructed way to the exterior of the building,
which way is readily visible and identifiable from the point of discharge from the exit.
2. The floor of discharge into which the exit discharges is provided with automatic fire
suppression system and any other portion of the level of discharge with access to
the discharge area is provided with automatic fire suppression system protection or
separated from it in accordance with the requirements for the enclosure of exits in
Section of this RIRR.
Exception: If the discharge area is a vestibule or foyer with no dimension exceeding three
meters (3 m) and separated from the remainder of the floor or discharge by
construction providing protection at least the equivalent of wired glass in
steel frames, and serving only for means of egress including exits directly to
the outside, the requirements of Section of this RIRR may be waived.
3. The entire area on the floor of discharge is separated from areas below by construction
having a minimum of two-hour (2-hr) fire-resistance rating.
H. Signs, Lighting, and Exit Signage
1. Signs designating exits or ways of travel there to shall be provided in accordance with
Section of this RIRR.
2. Exit lighting shall be provided in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
3. Emergency lighting shall be provided in accordance with Section of this RIRR.

A. Protection of Vertical Openings
Every stairway, elevator shaft, escalator opening and other vertical opening shall be
enclosed or protected in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
Exception No. 1: Unprotected vertical openings connecting not more than three
(3) storeys used for industrial occupancy only may be permitted in
accordance with the provisions of Section of this RIRR, with
approved, supervised sprinkler system.
Exception No. 2: In any existing building only, where provided with approved,
supervised sprinkler system in accordance with Section of this
RIRR, vertical openings not constituting as required means of egress
may be unprotected, provided that all required exits shall consist of
smoke-proof enclosure in accordance with Section, outside
stairway in accordance with Section or horizontal exits in
accordance with Section of this RIRR.
B. Interior Finish
Interior finish shall be Class A, Class B or Class C.
C. Detection, Alarm and Communications Systems
1. An approved automatic fire detection and alarm system shall be required in all industrial
occupancies, except for buildings with less than twenty-five (25) occupants where such
building shall be equipped with manual fire alarm system.
2. Not less than one (1) fire alarm box shall be installed for buildings equipped with
automatic fire detection and alarm system.
3. If buildings are equipped with approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system, the
flow of water shall initiate the fire alarm system.
D. Extinguishing Requirement
1. Every high-hazard occupancy shall be provided with automatic fire suppression system
appropriate to the particular hazard in accordance with NFPA or other internationally
accepted standards.
2. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with Section of
this RIRR.
3. Standpipe systems shall be installed in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
E. Explosion Prevention
Explosion prevention in industrial occupancies shall be in accordance with NFPA 654,
Standard for the Prevention of Fires for Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, processing,
and Handling of Combustible Particular Solids, and NFPA 69, Standard on Explosion
Prevention Systems.



A. Occupancy Load
The occupant load, in number of persons for whom means of egress and other provisions
are required, shall be determined on the basis of the maximum probable population of the
space under consideration.
B. Exit Details
1. Types of Exits
Means of egress for storage occupancies shall be restricted to the following types:
Doors; Stairs and Smoke-proof Enclosures; Horizontal Exits; Ramps; Slide Escapes.
2. Capacity of means of egress
The capacity of means of egress shall be determined in accordance with para “C”
of Section of this RIRR.

3. Number of Exits
a. Every building or structure used for storage and every section thereof considered
separately shall have at least two (2) separate means of egress, as remote from each
other as practicable.
Exception: In rooms or spaces of less than one thousand three hundred ninety-four
square meters (1,394 m2) gross area where less than ten (10) persons may
normally be present, at least one (1) means of egress shall be provided for
any person employed therein.
b. Every storage area shall have access to at least one (1) means of exit which can
be readily opened, not subject to locking at any time that any persons are therein,
and not dependent on any power-operated doors except where the design of the
power-operated doors may be opened manually in case of power failure to permit
exit travel.
4. Travel Distance to Exits
Every area used for the storage of high hazard commodities shall have an exit within
twenty-three meters (23 m) of any point in the area where persons may be present,
except where automatic fire suppression system protection is provided, distances may
be increased to thirty meters (30 m).
5. Signs, Lighting and Exit Signages
a. Means of egress shall be installed with signs that comply with Section of
this RIRR.
b. Means of egress shall be properly illuminated in accordance with Section of
this RIRR.
c. Emergency lighting shall be provided on normally occupied areas and on all
components of means of egress in accordance with Section of this RIRR.


A. Protection of Vertical Opening
1. Any vertical opening shall be protected in accordance with Section of this RIRR
except for existing open stairs and open ramps shall permitted where connecting only
two (2) floor levels.
2. Existing unprotected vertical opening in buildings protected throughout by approved
supervised sprinkler system in accordance with Section of this RIRR, vertical
openings not constituting as required means of egress may be unprotected provided
that all required exits shall consist of smoke-proof enclosure in accordance with Section, outside stairway in accordance with Section or horizontal exits in
accordance with Section of this RIRR.
B. Detection, Alarm and Communications Systems
1. An approved automatic fire detection and alarm system shall be required on all
storage occupancies except for buildings with ordinary or low hazard not exceeding
two thousand square meters (2,000 m2) where such building shall be equipped with
manual fire alarm system.
2. Not less than one (1) fire alarm box shall be installed for buildings equipped with
automatic fire detection and alarm system.
3. If buildings are equipped with approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system, the
flow of water shall initiate the fire alarm system.
C. Extinguishing Requirement
1. Every high hazard occupancy shall have automatic fire suppression system protection
such as Sprinkler Systems/Water Spray Fixed Systems/Water Mist Fire Protection
Systems, Hybrid (Water and Inert Gas) Fire Extinguishing Systems, Carbon Dioxide
Extinguishing Systems, Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray Systems, Dry
Chemical Extinguishing Systems, Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems, Clean Agent Fire
Extinguishing Systems, Fixed Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Systems and other equivalent
protection as may be appropriate to the particular hazard, including Explosion
Prevention Systems/Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting for any area subject to
an explosion hazard, designed to minimize danger to occupants in case of fire or other
emergency before they have time to utilize exits to escape.

2. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with Section of
this RIRR.
3. Standpipe systems shall be installed in accordance with Section of this RIRR.


A. General Requirements
The following provisions apply to parking structures of closed or open type, above or
below ground, but not to mechanical or exclusively attendant parking facilities, which are
not occupied by customers and thus require a minimum of exits. Where repair operations are
conducted, the exits shall comply with the provisions on Division 17 (Industrial Occupancies)
of this Chapter, except if the parking and repair sections are effectively separated by not
less than one (1) hour fire resistive construction, the parking and repair sections shall be
treated separately.
B. Exit Details
1. Number and Types of Exits
Every floor of every parking structure shall have access to at least two (2) separate
exits. Such exits shall be provided with doors, interior stairs of smoke proof towers, outside
stairs or a horizontal exit in accordance with this RIRR.
Exception No. 1: In an open-type parking structure with open ramps not subject to
closure, the ramp may serve in lieu of the second exit, provided the
ramp discharges directly outside at the street level.
Exception No. 2. For parking structure extending only (1) floor level below the floor of
exit discharge, a ramp leading directly to the outside may serve in lieu
of the second exit.
2. Arrangement of and Travel Distance to Exit
a. Exits in parking structures shall be so arranged that no point in the area will be more
than forty-five meters (45 m) from the nearest exit other than a ramp on the same
floor level.
Exception No. 1: Travel distance may be increased to ninety-one meters (91 m) for
open floors of open parking structures.
Exception No. 2: Travel distance may be increased to sixty meters (60 m) for
enclosed parking structures completely protected by an approved,
supervised sprinkler system in accordance with Section10.2.6.7 of
this RIRR.
b. Exits shall be so arranged that from any point in the parking structures, the paths of
travel to the two (2) exits will be in different directions, except that a common path
of travel may be permitted for the first fifteen meters (15 m) from any point.
c. If fuel pumps are located within any closed parking garage, exits shall be so located
that travel away from the fuel pump in any direction which leads to an exit, with
no dead end in which occupants might be trapped by fire or explosion at any fuel
pump. Such exit shall lead to the outside of the building on the same level or down
stairs: no upward travel permitted unless direct outside exits are available from that
Any storey below the storey at which is being dispensed shall have exits direct to
the outside via outside stairs or doors at ground level.
C. Illumination of Means of Egress
Every public space, hallway, stairway and other means of egress shall have illumination
and emergency lighting facilities in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
D. Exit Marking
Signs in accordance with Section of this RIRR shall be provided for all required
exits and exit access.
E. Detection, Alarm, and Communication Systems
1. Parking structures with the aggregate floor area of nine thousand three hundred square
meters (9,300 m2) shall be required to have a fire alarm system, where the parking
structure is combined with other occupancy, fire alarm and detection requirement for
the occupancy shall likewise be applied to parking structure.

2. Open parking structures not combined with other occupancy or not more than fifteen
meters (15 m) in height shall not be required with fire alarm system. Otherwise, it shall be
required with fire alarm system.
3. Parking structures protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system
shall not be required to have a fire alarm system.
F. Open Parking Structures
1. Open parking structures shall not be required to install automatic sprinkler systems or
automatic fire suppression system regardless of height except if it is combined with
structures that require sprinkler, however, its means of egress shall comply with Section of this RIRR which shall be fully enclosed and protected.
2. Parking structures shall be considered open if it complies with the following:
a. Each parking level shall have wall openings open to the atmosphere for an area
not less than four tenths square meter (0.4 m2) for each linear meter of its exterior
perimeter. The opening shall be distributed over forty percent (40%) of the building
perimeter or uniformly over two opposite sides.
b. Interior wall lines and column lines shall be at least twenty percent (20%) open, with
openings distributed to provide ventilation.


A. Design and Fire Protection
Design and fire protection of all aircraft hangars shall be in accordance with NFPA 409,
Standards for Aircraft Hangars.
B. Exit Details
1. Exits from aircraft storage of servicing areas shall be provided at intervals of not more
than forty meters (40 m) on all exterior walls or aircraft hangars. There will be a minimum
of two (2) exits serving each aircraft storage or servicing area. Horizontal exits through
interior fire walls shall be provided at intervals of not more than thirty meters (30 m).
Dwarf or “smash” doors accommodating aircraft may be used to comply with these
requirements. All doors designated as exits shall be kept unlocked in the direction of exit
travel while the area is occupied.
2. Exits from mezzanine floors in aircraft storage or servicing areas shall be so arranged
that the maximum travel to reach the nearest exit from any point on mezzanine shall not
exceed twenty-three meters (23 m). Such exits shall lead directly to a properly enclosed
stairwell discharging directly to the exterior or to a suitably cut-off area or to outside
C. Signs
Exits signs shall be provided above all doors and exit ways in accordance with Section of this RIRR.


A. There shall be not less than two (2) means of egress from all working levels of the head
B. One (1) of the two (2) means of egress shall be a stair to the level of exit discharge, and, if
this means of egress is interior to the structure, it shall be enclosed by a dust-resistant, one (1)
hour fire resistance-rated enclosure in accordance with Section of this RIRR. Exterior
stair means of egress shall be protected from the structure by a one (1) hour fire resistance-
rated wall that extends at least three and five hundredths meters (3.05 m) beyond the stair.
C. The second means of egress shall be one of the following:
1. Exterior stair or basket ladder – type fire escape that is accessible from all working levels
of the structure and provides a passage to the finished ground level; or
2. Exterior stair or basket ladder – type fire escape that is accessible from all working levels
of the structure, provides access to adjoining structures, and provides a continuous
path to the means of egress, described in para “E” hereof.
D. Stair enclosures in existing structures shall be permitted to have non-fire-rated dust-resistant

E. An exterior stair or basket ladder-type fire escape shall provide passage to the finished
ground level from the top of the end of an adjoining structure, such as a silo, conveyor,
gallery, or gantry.
F. Underground spaces shall have not less than two (2) means of egress, one of which shall be
permitted to be a means of escape, except as permitted in para “G” hereof.
G. Where the horizontal travel distance to the means of egress in underground spaces is less
than fifteen meters (15 m) in normally unoccupied spaces, a single means of egress shall be
H. The travel distance to exits in underground spaces shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
I. Exits shall be as remote as practicable, so arranged that it will not be necessary to travel not
more than sixty-one meters (61 m) from any point to reach the nearest exit for underground
spaces not protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system
or one hundred twenty-two meters (122 m) for underground spaces protected throughout
by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section
of this RIRR.


Any building or structure occupied for purposes not covered by Division 8 through 18 of this
RIRR shall have exits and related safeguards in accordance with the fundamental principles of
this Chapter, and shall comply with the following provisions where applicable.


A. General Fire Safety Requirements
1. The BFP shall conduct regular and periodic fire safety inspection on all aerodrome
2. For large airport terminal buildings, the occupant load factor per area are as follows:
a. Concourse - Nine and three tenths square meters (9.3 m2)
b. Waiting Areas - One and four tenths square meters (1.4 m2)
c. Baggage Claim - One and nine tenths square meters (1.9 m2)
d. Baggage Handling - twenty-seven and nine tenths square meters (27.9 m2)
3. No dispensing, transfer or storage of flammable or combustible liquids shall be permitted
within aerodrome facilities, except as provided in Section of this RIRR.
4. Flammable and combustible liquid and fuel shall not be dispensed into or removed from
the fuel system of an aircraft within any aircraft hangar, a container, tank, vehicle or
aircraft except in locations approved by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
5. The application of flammable and combustible liquid finishes shall be done only in
locations approved by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
6. No person shall clean any aircraft engines or its parts in an aircraft hangar nor within
fifteen meters (15 m) of another aircraft, building or hangar with any flammable liquid
having a flash point under thirty-seven and eight tenths degrees Celsius (37.8 °C).
7. In case of spills on Aerodrome Facilities, the following shall be observed:
a. All activities in the affected area not related to the mitigation of the spill shall cease
until the spilled material has been removed or the hazard has been mitigated.
b. No aircraft or other vehicles shall be moved through the spill area until the spilled
material has been removed or the hazard has been mitigated.
c. Spills shall be reported immediately to the C/MFM having jurisdiction, documented
and mitigated.
8. Every aircraft hangar shall be equipped and maintained with metal drip pans under the
engines of all aircraft stored or parked thereon.

9. No open flame, flame-producing device, or other source of ignition shall be permitted in
any hangar, except in locations approved by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
10. “NO SMOKING” signs with white letters at least one hundred millimeters (100 mm), high
upon a red background shall be posted conspicuously throughout every aircraft hangar
and each fuel transfer point, except in approved designated and posted locations
where smoking is permitted.
11. Smoking equipment such as cigarette lighters and ash trays shall be prohibited in
aircraft-fueling vehicles.
12. No person shall run the engine of any aircraft in any aircraft hangar except in approved
engine test area.
13. All repairing of aircraft requiring the use of open flames, fire-producing devices or the
heating parts above two hundred and sixty degrees Celsius (260 °C) shall be done in
the open or in a room separated from any hangar or other building by a fire resistive
construction having fire resistance rating of not less than two (2) hours.
14. Storage of flammable and combustible or other hazardous materials in an aircraft hangar
shall be prohibited, except in locations and containers approved by the C/MFM having
15. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed as follows:
a. Every vehicle used for towing aircraft and every welding apparatus shall be equipped
with at least one (1) fire extinguisher having a minimum 4-B-C classification.
b. Every aircraft refueller shall be equipped with a minimum of two (2) B-C fire extinguishers.
The fire extinguisher shall be readily accessible from either side of the vehicle.
c. At every aircraft service station, including heliports, there shall be at least one (1)
fire extinguisher having a minimum 6-B-C classification, and shall be so located that
no pump or dispenser shall be more than twenty-three meters (23 m) from such
16. All pumps of a positive displacement type shall be provided with a by-pass relief valve set
at a pressure of not more than thirty-five percent (35%) in excess of the normal working
pressure of the unit. Such unit shall be equipped and maintained with a pressure gauge
on the discharged side of the pumps.
17. Dispensing Hose and Nozzle shall conform to the following:
a. Only hose designed for the transferring of hydrocarbon liquids shall be permitted.
b. The length of the hose shall be limited to the actual needs of the individual transfer
apparatus. Such hose shall be equipped with an approved shut-off nozzle. Fuel transfer
nozzles shall be of self-closing type, designed to be actuated by hand pressure only.
No notches or other devices shall be used for holding the nozzle valve handle in an
open position. Such nozzle shall be equipped with a grounding cable complete with
proper attachment for the aircraft to be serviced.
18. Electrical wiring, switches, lights and any other source of ignition, when located in
compartment housing piping, pumps, air eliminators, water separators, hose reels and
the like shall be enclosed in a vapor-tight housing. Any electric motor located in such a
compartment shall be of a type approved for use in hazardous locations as specified in
the latest edition of Philippine Electrical Code (PEC).
“As-built” Electrical System design in compliance with the latest edition of PEC, NFPA
70, National Electrical Code and NFPA 780, Standard for the Installation of Lightning
Protection Systems, signed and sealed by a Professional Electrical Engineer shall be
19. Compartments housing piping and the like, pumps, air eliminators, water separators,
hose reels, shall be adequately ventilated at floor level or within the floor itself.
“As-built” Detailed Mechanical Design in compliance with latest edition of
Mechanical Code of the Philippines/NFPA Standards, signed and sealed by a Professional
Mechanical Engineer shall be provided.

20. Accessory Equipment shall conform to the following:
a. Ladders constructed from non-combustible material may be used with, or attached
to any aircraft refueller unit; provided that the manner of attachment or use of such
ladder is approved and shall not in any occasion constitute any additional fire or
accident hazard in the operation of such refueller unit.
b. Hose reels used in connecting with any such refueller unit shall be constructed of
noncombustible materials and shall be provided with a pacing gland or other device
which will preclude fuel leakage between such reel and fuel manifold in connection
c. Similar accessory equipment shall be of approved type.
21. Bonding and Grounding shall be as follows:
a. Every transfer apparatus shall be metallically interconnected with the tank, chassis,
axles and springs of every aircraft refueller unit.
b. Every aircraft refueller unit shall be provided and maintained with a substantially
heavy ground cable of sufficient length to be bonded to the aircraft to be serviced.
Such cable shall be metallically connected to the transfer apparatus of chassis of the
aircraft refueller unit on one and shall be provided with a suitable metal clamp on the
other end, to be fixed to the aircraft.
c. The ground cable shall be bare or have a transparent protective sleeve and be
carried on a reel or in a compartment for no other purpose in such a manner that it will
not be subjected to sharp kinks or accidental breakage under conditions of general
d. Electrical System design in compliance with the latest edition of PEC, NFPA 70, National
Electrical Code and NFPA 780, Standard for Installation Lightning Protection Systems
signed and sealed by a Professional Electrical Engineer shall be provided.
B. Refueller Units
1. Design and Construction of Aircraft Refuellers shall conform to the following:
a. Tanks and vehicles shall be designed and constructed in accordance with NFPA
385, Tank Vehicles for Flammable Liquids, and NFPA 407, Aircraft Fuel Servicing Tank
b. Annual testing and certification of every system by a registered or licensed professional
or government accredited testing company shall be required.
1) If such transfer apparatus is operated by an individual unit of internal combustion
motor type, such power unit shall be located as remotely as practicable from
any pumps, piping, meters, air eliminators, water separators, hose reels, etc., and
shall be housed in separate compartment from any aforementioned items; the
fuel tank in connection therewith shall be suitably designed and installed and
the maximum capacity shall not exceed nineteen liters (19 L) when such tank is
installed on any such engine or in any compartment housing any such engine.
The exhaust pipe, muffler and tail pipes shall be shielded.
2) If operated with gears or chains, the gears, chains, shafts, bearings, housing
and all parts thereof shall be of an approved design and shall be installed in a
workman-like manner and so maintained.
3) Flexible connections for the purpose of eliminating vibration may be permitted if
the material used therein is designed, installed and maintained in an approved
manner and provided such connections do not exceed six hundred ten millimeters
(610 mm) in length.
2. Operations, Maintenance and Use of Aircraft Refueller Units shall conform to the following:
In addition to all other applicable provisions of RA 9514 and its RIRR, the following
regulations shall apply to the operations, maintenance, and use of aircraft refueller
a. Aircraft-fueling vehicles and all related equipment shall be properly maintained
and kept in good working condition. Accumulations of oil, grease, fuel and other

flammable or combustible materials are prohibited. Maintenance and servicing of
such equipment shall be accomplished in approved areas. Minor adjustment and
repairs may be made when necessary to move such units to the storage locations
when failure occurs elsewhere on the airport or heliport.
b. Tanks, pipes, hoses, valves and other fuel delivery equipment shall be maintained leak
free at all times.
c. Aircraft-fueling vehicles and related equipment which are in violation of this Rule shall
be immediately defueled and removed from service and shall not be returned to
service until proper repairs have been made.
d. Aircraft-fueling vehicles that are operated by a person, firm or corporation other than
the permitee’s authorized employee shall be provided with a legible sign visible from
outside the vehicle showing the name of a person, firm or corporation operating such
unit and signage conforming with.
3. Electrical System Design Plan in compliance with the PEC, NFPA 70, NEC on grounding
protection systems shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Electrical Engineer.
a. Aircraft refueller units shall not be located, parked, or permitted to stand under any
portions of an aircraft nor in any position where such unit could obstruct egress from
aircraft should fire occur during fuel transfer operations.
b. Every aircraft refueller unit shall be electrically bonded to the aircraft being fueled
or defueled and either the aircraft refueller unit or the aircraft shall be adequately
grounded in approved manner. A drag chain and flexible ground conductor shall not
be deemed to fulfill the requirements of this Section for grounding during fuel transfer.
c. Transfer nozzle shall be equipped with approved bonding conductors which shall be
clipped or otherwise positively engaged with the bonding attachment provided on
the aircraft adjacent to the fuel tank cap.
d. All bonding and ground connections required by this Section shall be made prior
to any fuel transfer and shall not be disconnected until fuel transfer operations are
e. During fuel transfer operations, qualified persons shall be in immediate control of each
transfer nozzle and fuel pumping equipment to shut off or otherwise control the flow
of fuel from the time fueling operations have begun until they are completed except
for under wing refueling
f. Fuel transfer nozzle shall not be held in the open position by any device other than by
direct hand pressure by the operator.
4. Aircraft refueller unit shall be attended and operated only by qualified personnel. Each
qualified operator shall be required to carry his/her identification card and to submit
documents issued by the employer certifying his/her qualifications to the BFP.
5. The fuel transfer hoses shall be properly placed on the approved reels, or in the
compartment provided, or may be stored on top decking of refuellers; provided that rails
of proper height are installed for security and protection of such equipment before any
aircraft refueller unit is moved. Such transfer hose shall not be looped or dropped over
any part of the refueller unit nor shall fuel transfer hose be dragged when such refueller
unit is moved from fueling unit to another.
6. System Design Plan in compliance in latest edition of Philippine Mechanical Engineering
Code (PMEC) shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Mechanical Engineer.
a. Every aircraft refueller unit and all equipment shall be maintained in a safe operating
condition and in good repair at all times.
b. On finding any aircraft servicing equipment which is in use for fuelling operations to
be defective or in a state of disrepair, and by reason of such defect or disrepair,
the use of such aircraft servicing equipment constitutes an undue fire hazard, the
C/MFM having jurisdiction shall order the use of such equipment discontinued until
such repairs, replacements or such changes are made as necessary to render the
same safe for continued use. No person shall use any such defective equipment until
the same is rendered safe by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.

c. Each system shall be periodically inspected, checked and certified at least twice a
year by a registered or licensed professional or an accredited testing company.
7. Loading and Unloading shall conform to the following:
a. Aircraft refueller units shall be loaded only at an approved loading rack, except that
when refueling aircraft, such unit may be loaded from the fuel tanks or the aircraft.
b. The fuel cargo of any such unit shall be unloaded only by approved transfer apparatus
into the fuel tanks of aircrafts, underground storage tanks or approved gravity storage
8. Standard Operating Procedures in accordance with NFPA Standards shall be provided.
a. No person shall smoke or produce any open flame in the cabin of the aircraft or in the
outside thereof within fifteen meters (15 m).
b. A qualified employee of the air vehicle owner shall be responsible for ensuring that
the passengers are not allowed to smoke when aboard the aircraft, nor while going
across the ramp from the gate to such aircraft or vice-versa.
c. Passengers shall not be permitted to linger about the plane but shall proceed directly
from the loading gate and the aircraft, and vice-versa.
d. Passenger loading stands shall be left in loading position until all fuel transfer operations
are completed.
e. Fuel transfer operations shall not be performed on the main exit side of any aircraft
containing passengers.
9. No smoking or open flames shall be allowed within fifteen meters (15 m) from the point
where fuel is being transferred nor shall any electrical or motor driven devices be
connected from any aircraft at any time while refueling operations are in progress on
such aircraft.
C. Helistops
1. Approval must first be obtained from the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP)
and C/MFM having jurisdiction before any helistops can be operated.
2. The touchdown area shall be surrounded on all sides by a clear area having a minimum
average width of the roof level of four and six tenths meters (4.6 m) with no width less
than one and a half meters (1.5 m).
3. Landing areas on the structures shall be so maintained as to confine any flammable
liquid spillage to the landing area itself and shall be made to drain such spillage away
from any exit or stairway.
4. Exit and stairways from helistops shall be maintained in accordance with Section
of this RIRR, except that all landing areas located on building or structures shall have
two (2) or more exits. For landing platforms or roof areas less than eighteen and three
tenths meters (18.3 m) in length, or less than one hundred eighty-six square meters
(186 m2) in area, the second exit may be a fire escape stair in accordance to Section of this RIRR.


A. General
1. Life safety from fire and fire protection requirements for fixed guideway transit and
passenger rail systems, including, but not limited to, stations, trainways, emergency
ventilation systems, vehicles, emergency procedures, communications, and control
systems shall be in accordance with NFPA 130, Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and
Passenger Rail Systems.
2. The provisions under this Section shall not be applied to existing fixed guideway transit
and passenger rail system, provided that no modification or renovation shall be
undertaken that will increase hazardous condition where it is evident that a reasonable
degree of safety is provided on existing structures in accordance with NFPA and other
internationally accepted standards.

B. Means of Egress
1. General
The provisions for means of egress for a station shall comply with Division 5 of this
Chapter and the paragraphs below.
2. Occupant Load
a. The occupant load for a station shall be based on the train load of trains simultaneously
entering the station on all tracks in normal traffic direction plus the simultaneous
entraining load awaiting trains.
1) The train load shall consider only one (1) train at any one track.
2) The basis for calculating train and entraining loads shall be the peak period
ridership figures as projected for design of a new system or as updated for an
operating system.
b. At multilevel, multiline, or multiplatform stations, occupant loads shall be determined
as follows:
1) The maximum occupant load for each platform shall be considered separately
for the purpose of sizing the means of egress from that platform.
2) Simultaneous loads shall be considered for all egress routes passing through each
level of that station.
c. An area within a station intended for use by other than passengers or employees,
shall apply the following parameters:
1) The occupant load for that area shall be determined in accordance with the
occupancy as appropriate for the use.
2) The additional occupant load shall be included in determining the required
egress from that area.
3) The additional occupant load shall be permitted to be omitted from the station
occupant load where the area has independent means of egress of sufficient
number and capacity.
3. Calculation of Platform Occupant Load
The platform occupant load for each platform in a station shall be the maximum
peak period occupant load calculated according to the following:
a. The peak period occupant load for each platform shall be based on the simultaneous
evacuation of the entraining load and the train load for that platform in the peak
b. The entraining load for each platform shall be the sum of the entraining loads for
each track serving that platform.
c. The entraining load for each track shall be based on the entraining load per train
headway factored to account for service disruptions and system reaction time.
d. Where a platform serves more than one (1) line on one track, the calculation of
entraining load shall consider the combined effect of accumulation for each of the
lines served.
e. The train load for each platform shall be the sum of the train loads for each track
serving that platform.
f. The train load for each track shall be based on the train load per train headway
factored to account for service disruptions and system reaction time.
g. The maximum train load at each track shall be the maximum passenger capacity for
the largest capacity train operating on that track during the peak period.
C. Capacity and Location of Means of Egress
1. Platform Evacuation Time.
There shall be sufficient egress capacity to evacuate the platform occupant load
from the station platform in four minutes (4 min) or less.
2. Evacuation Time to a Point of Safety.
The station shall be designed to permit evacuation from the most remote point on
the platform to a point of safety in six minutes (6 min) or less. A point of safety is one of
the following:
a. an enclosed exit that leads to a public way or safe location outside the station,
trainway, or vehicle;
b. an at grade point beyond the vehicle, enclosing station, or trainway; or
c. any other approved location.
3. Point of Safety
a. For open stations where the concourse is below or protected from the platform by
distance or materials as determined by an appropriate engineering analysis, that
concourse shall be permitted to be defined as a point of safety.
b. For enclosed stations equipped with an emergency ventilation system and where the
emergency ventilation system provides protection for the concourse from exposure
to the effects of a train fire at the platform as confirmed by engineering analysis, that
concourse is permitted to be defined as a point of safety.
4. Travel Distance
The maximum travel distance on the platform to a point at which a means of egress
route leaves the platform shall not exceed one hundred meters (100 m).
5. Common Path of Travel
A common path of travel from the ends of the platform shall not exceed twenty-five
meters (25 m) or one (1) car length, whichever is greater.
6. Alternate Egress
At least two (2) means of egress remote from each other shall be provided from
each station platform as follows:
a. A means of egress used as a public circulation route shall be permitted to provide
more than fifty percent (50%) of the required egress capacity from a station platform
or other location.
b. Means of egress from separate platforms shall be permitted to converge.
c. Where means of egress routes from separate platforms converge, the subsequent
capacity of the egress route shall be sufficient to maintain the required evacuation
time from the incident platform.
D. Platforms, Corridors, and Ramps
1. A minimum clear width of one and twelve hundredths meters (1.12 m) shall be provided
along all platforms, corridors, and ramps serving as means of egress.
2. In computing the means of egress capacity available on platforms, corridors, and
ramps, three hundred millimeters (300 mm) shall be deducted at each sidewall, and
four hundred fifty millimeters (450 mm) shall be deducted at platform edges that are
open to the trainway.
3. The maximum means of egress capacity of platforms, corridors, and ramps shall be
computed at eight hundred nineteen ten-thousandths (0.0819) person/mm-min.
4. The maximum means of egress travel speed along platforms, corridors, and ramps shall
be computed at thirty-seven and seven tenths meters per minute (37.7 m/min).
5. The means of egress travel speed for concourses and other areas where a lesser
pedestrian density is anticipated shall be computed at sixty-one meters per minute
(61.0 m/min).
6. Stairs and escalators shall be permitted to be counted as contributing to the means of
egress capacity in stations.
7. Stairs in the means of egress shall be a minimum of one and twelve hundredths meters
(1.12 m) wide.
8. Capacity and travel speed for stairs and escalators shall be computed as follows:
a. Capacity – 0.0555 p/mm-min
b. Travel speed – 14.6 m/min (indicates vertical component of travel speed)
9. Escalators shall not account for more than a half (1/2) of the means of egress capacity
at any one level except where the following criteria are met:
a. The escalators are capable of being remotely brought to a stop.
b. A portion of the means of egress capacity from each station level is stairs.

c. For enclosed stations, at least one (1) enclosed exit stair or exit passageway provides
continuous access from the platforms to the public way.
10. In calculating the egress capacity of escalators, the following criteria shall be met:
a. One escalator at each level shall be considered as being out of service.
b. The escalator chosen shall be the one having the most adverse effect upon egress
11. Elevators meeting the requirements of NFPA 130 shall be permitted to account for part of
the means of egress capacity in stations. Where elevators are counted as contributing
to the means of egress capacity, the following shall apply:
a. They shall account for no more than fifty percent (50%) of the required egress
b. At least one elevator shall be considered out of service, and one elevator shall be
reserved for Fire Service.
c. The capacity of each elevator shall be the carrying capacity of the elevator within
thirty minutes (30 min).
E. Doors, Gates, and Exit Hatches, Fare Barriers, Turnstile-type Fire Barriers shall be permitted
as means of egress and computed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 130.
F. Means of Egress Lighting
Illumination of the means of egress in stations, including escalators that are considered
a means of egress, shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
G. Fire Protection
1. Enclosed stations shall be provided with a fire command center in accordance with
Section of this RIRR.
2. Stations equipped with fire alarm devices shall be protected by a proprietary supervising
station alarm system as defined in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
3. Each station having fire alarm initiating devices shall be provided with a fire alarm
annunciator panel at a location that is accessible to emergency response personnel in
accordance with Section of this RIRR.
4. Automatic fire detection shall be provided in all ancillary spaces by the installation
of combination fixed temperature and rate-of-rise heat detectors or smoke detectors
except where protected by automatic sprinklers.
5. A public address system and emergency voice alarm reporting devices, such as
emergency telephone boxes or manual fire alarm boxes conforming to Section
of this RIRR, shall be required in stations.
6. Emergency alarm reporting devices shall be located on passenger platforms and
throughout the stations such that the travel distance from any point in the public area
shall not exceed one hundred meters (100 m) unless otherwise approved.
7. An automatic sprinkler protection system shall be provided in areas of stations used for
concessions, in high hazard storage areas, in trash rooms, and other similar areas with
combustible loadings, except trainways.
8. Other fire suppression systems may be permitted upon approval of the C/MFM having
9. Standpipe and Hose Systems. Class I standpipes shall be installed in enclosed stations in
accordance with Section of this RIRR, except as modified by NFPA 130.
10. Portable fire extinguishers shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
H. Emergency ventilation shall be provided in enclosed stations in accordance with
NFPA 130. A mechanical emergency ventilation system shall be provided in an enclosed
system station or in a system underground or enclosed trainway that is greater in length
than three hundred five meters (305 m).
I. Emergency power shall be provided in accordance with latest edition of PEC, NFPA 70 and
NFPA 110, for enclosed stations. Systems connected to the emergency power system shall
include the following:
1. Emergency lighting
2. Protective signaling systems

3. Emergency communication system
4. Fire command center
5. Elevators providing required egress capacity
J. Trainways’ Emergency Egress
1. The system shall incorporate a walk surface or other approved means for passengers
to evacuate a train at any point along the trainway so that they can proceed to the
nearest station or other point of safety.
2. The maximum distance between exits shall not exceed seven hundred sixty-two meters
(762 m) within enclosed trainways.
3. Cross-passageways shall be permitted to be used in lieu of emergency exit stairways
to the surface where trainways in tunnels are divided by a minimum of two-hour (2-hr)
rated fire separations or where trainways are in twin bores. Where cross-passageways
are utilized in lieu of emergency exit stairways, the following requirements shall apply:
a. Cross-passageways shall not be farther than two hundred forty-four meters (244 m)
b. Cross-passageways shall not be farther than two hundred forty-four meters (244 m)
from the station or portal of the enclosed trainway.
c. Cross-passageways shall be separated from the trainway with self-closing fire door
assemblies having a fire protection rating of one and a half (1.5) hours.
d. A tenable environment shall be maintained in the portion of the trainway that is not
involved in an emergency and that is being used for evacuation.
e. A ventilation system for the incident trainway shall be designed to control smoke in
the vicinity of the passengers.
f. Provisions shall be made for evacuating passengers via the non-incident trainway to
a nearby station or other emergency exit.
g. The provisions shall include measures to protect passengers from oncoming traffic
and from other hazards.
4. The means of egress within the trainway shall be provided with an unobstructed clear
width graduating from six hundred ten millimeters (610 mm) at the walking surface to
seven hundred sixty millimeters (760 mm) at one thousand five hundred seventy-five
millimeters (1,575 mm) above the walking surface to four hundred thirty millimeters
(430 mm) at two thousand twenty-five millimeters (2,025 mm) above the walking surface.
5. Cross-passageways shall be a minimum of one thousand one hundred twenty
millimeters (1,120 mm) in clear width and two thousand one hundred millimeters
(2,100 mm) in height.
6. The width of exit stairs shall not be required to exceed one thousand one hundred
twenty millimeters (1,120 mm) for enclosed trainways.
7. Doors in egress routes serving trainways shall have a minimum clear width of eight
hundred ten millimeters (810 mm).
8. Walkways that are more than seven hundred sixty millimeters (760 mm) above the floor
or grade below shall be provided with a continuous guard to prevent falls over the open
side and continuous handrail along the side opposite the trainway.
9. Raised walkways that are greater than one thousand one hundred twenty millimeters
(1,120 mm) wide and located between two (2) trainways shall not be required to have
a handrail.
K. Signage, Illumination, and Emergency Lighting in trainway shall be in accordance with
Division 5 of this Chapter.
L. Emergency Access shall be in accordance with NFPA 70.
M. A non-mechanical emergency ventilation system shall be permitted to be provided in lieu
of a mechanical emergency ventilation system in the following locations:
1. The length of the underground or enclosed trainway is less than or equal to three
hundred five meters (305 m) and greater than sixty-one meters (61 m).
2. In an enclosed station where engineering analysis indicates that a non-mechanical
emergency ventilation system supports the tenability criteria of the project.

N. Emergency Ventilation Fans. The ventilation system fans that are designated for use in
fire and similar emergencies shall be capable of satisfying the emergency ventilation
requirements to move trainway air in either direction as required to provide the needed
ventilation response in accordance with NFPA 130.


A. Conservation and maintenance of historical buildings and structures, and historic centers/
heritage zones shall be made in accordance with existing regulations and shall be afforded
with applicable fire safety protection system in accordance with this Division.
B. No person, firm or entity, including any agency or instrumentality of government shall erect,
construct, alter, repair, move, convert, or demolish any building or structure or cause the
same to be done without first obtaining a clearance from the Local Government Unit (LGU),
FSEC from BFP and Building Permit from the Local Building Official.
C. Alteration and Restoration
1. All buildings/structures classified under this category shall conform with the fire safety
requirements applicable to its incumbent occupancy.
2. Should the conservation to be made will result to change of occupancy, the fire safety
requirements to be applied shall be in accordance with its new occupancy type.
D. Applicability of Fire Safety Measures
1. Design and installation of fire protection system for historical buildings, structures and
historic sites/heritage zones under conservation shall be in accordance with NFPA 914,
Code for Fire Protection of Historic Structures, subject to its applicability to the approved
conservation plan of the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP).
2. Buildings/structural components and finishings to be installed, restored, or replaced
shall be so designed and/or treated with fire resistive materials.


A. General
1. The design, installation and maintenance of wind turbine energy generating facilities
shall be in accordance with this Section, NFPA 850, Recommended Practice for Fire
Protection for Electric Generating Plants and High Voltage Direct Current Converter
Stations and internationally accepted standards
2. The recommendations of Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 15 and 16 of NFPA 850, shall apply to wind
generating facilities.
3. The Fire Protection Design for wind turbine generating facilities shall be based on the
specific hazards that exist in the facility and the level of acceptable risks for the facility.
B. General Design and Equipment Arrangement
1. Separation shall be provided between the following:
a. Adjacent wind turbine units consistent with land and wind topography constraints
b. Adjacent structures or exposures, including transformers
c. Adjacent properties (e.g., aboveground pipelines, tank farms, or natural gas facilities
that could present a severe exposure)
2. Consideration shall be given to equipment layout that is adjacent to wind turbines
and in line with the planes of the rotating blades and hub in typical wind conditions
that have a higher potential for damage from flying debris (such as blade sections on
C. Unattended Facilities
1. Wind farms, located in remote areas that are unattended in a long period of time and
timely access to towers and nacelles are not usually acceptable, shall be provided with
special fire protection.
3. To address delayed response, lack of communication and access, additional fire
protection measures shall be provided.
3. Remote annunciation of fire-signaling systems shall be provided to one (1) or more
constantly attended locations for emergency response use.

D. Wind Generating Facilities
1. General
a. The installation and operation of wind turbine generating facilities shall be in
accordance with standard practices of the industry, except as modified by hereunder
b. Site-specific considerations or a manufacturer’s typical layout shall govern wind
turbine generating facility design, including wind turbine design, tower design and
heights, tower foundations, power output, and load control circuitry.
c. In the event of a problem with a wind turbine generator, automatic shutdowns
shall be provided. Different methods of equipment shutdown and isolation that are
operating independently shall be provided.
2. Prevention of Fires in Wind Turbine Generating Facilities
a. Gearboxes and lubricating oil sumps, pumps, coolers, filters, and associated piping
shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR and NFPA 30, Flammable and
Combustible Liquids Code. Piping systems supplying flammable and combustible
liquids shall be designed to minimize hydraulic and lubricating oil piping failures as
1) If rigid metal piping is used, it shall be designed with freedom to deflect with
the gearbox, in any direction, at the interface with the gearbox. This provision
shall also apply to hydraulic lines that are connected to accessory gearboxes
or actuators mounted directly in the nacelle. In high vibration areas, properly
designed metallic hose for hydraulic and lube oil lines shall be used.
2) Rigid piping connected directly to the gearbox shall be supported such that
failures will not occur due to the natural frequency of the piping coinciding with
the rotational speed of the gearbox, drive shaft and hub, and generator. Pipe
supports shall be designed to avoid vibrations induced by other equipment that
can excite its natural frequency.
3) Pipe joints shall be welded. Threaded couplings and flange bolts in oil piping
shall be assembled using a torque wrench and torqued to the manufacturer’s
requirements. Threaded fittings shall have a positive locking device to prevent
4) Instrumentation tubing, piping, and gauges shall be protected from accidental
mechanical damage. Sight glasses shall be listed.
5) Lubricating oil lines shall use guarded pipe construction with the pressure feed
line located inside the return line. Where guarded pipe construction is not
used, piping sleeves shall be used to reduce the possibility of oil atomization. All
mechanical connections shall be guarded.
6) Containment and drainage shall be provided to minimize the spread of oil within
the nacelle or externally, which poses a risk to equipment or personnel below.
7) Fluid piping shall be routed below all electrical equipment to preclude leaked
fluid dripping on the equipment.
b. For wind turbine generators, the following monitors and/or trip functions shall be
provided to safely monitor the operation of wind turbine generators and initiate a
safe shutdown of abnormal operating conditions or parameters:
1) Grid disturbance
2) Yaw errors or limits
3) Braking issues
4) Abnormal vibration
5) Overspeed (including wind conditions)
6) Temperature faults
7) Oil condition (gearbox/lubrication and hydraulic)
8) Motor protection
9) Loss of communication between modules or with control center
10) Blade angles and battery status

c. For gearbox lubrication, a listed fire-resistant fluid shall be used. System designs shall
reflect a design objective to minimize the amount of oil needed and the amount of
piping and associated components outside of the gearbox.
d. Hydraulic control systems shall use a listed fire-resistive hydraulic fluid. System designs
shall reflect a design objective to minimize the amount of hydraulic fluid needed and
the amount of piping and associated components required.
e. Electrical power delivery and control systems, as well as communications systems,
including cabling, wiring, insulation, fans/motors, and cabinetry, shall meet the
applicable industry design standards for the use intended and duty cycle specified.
Such standards shall be applied to systems within the nacelle and tower as well as
those associated with moving power from the wind turbine units to the grid. Electrical
equipment shall consist of listed arc resistant switchgear.
f. The plant design shall include features that address the exposures posed by dry type
transformers or transformers filled with a listed less-flammable fluid insulating oil. If
the transformers are not dry type, the design shall consider the transformer location,
containment of oil, spacing from other objects, including the tower, and the use of
barriers and fixed protection. Step-up transformer installations shall reflect a proper
evaluation of the exposure created with respect to other transformers as well as
wind farm support structures. Barrier walls shall be constructed, to control exposures
created with respect to other transformers and wind farm support structures. Batteries,
as a back-up power in the nacelle and hub of a wind turbine proper, and other
support structures (e.g., control rooms), shall be provided with adequate ventilation
and shall be kept clean.
g. Lightning protection for blades, nacelles, towers, power lines, transformers, and
support structures shall be provided in accordance with International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) TR 61400-24, Wind Turbine Generator Systems—Part 24, Lightning
h. Materials of construction shall be noncombustible or less-flammable materials.
Nacelles, towers, operations and maintenance/control buildings, and other support
structures such as relay houses, switch yard control buildings, and power conditioning
buildings, shall be constructed with noncombustible or less-flammable materials.
i. Shield(s) shall be provided to isolate large quantity of sparks from high speed brakes
from combustible equipment components and locations where leaked combustible
fluids can accumulate.
3. Fire Protection for Wind Generating Facilities
a. General
1) Fire detection and alarm systems shall be provided in the wind turbine and tower,
power delivery and control circuits, nacelles, electrical equipment enclosures,
and buildings. The systems shall be arranged to activate alarms at a constantly
attended location or via the provision of remote operator circuits.
2) Automatic Fire Suppression Systems (AFSS) shall be provided in the wind turbine
and tower, power delivery and control circuits, nacelles, electrical equipment
enclosures, and buildings.
3) Wind turbine safe shutdown sequence/procedures for wind generating facilities
shall be submitted to the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
4) If the design of a particular facility use water-based fire protection systems,
these systems shall be in accordance with Chapter 7 of NFPA 850 and other
internationally accepted standards.
b. Total Flooding Gaseous Systems
1) Where total flooding gaseous systems are used, electrical enclosures, cabinets,
or buildings shall be arranged for minimum leakage by automatic closing of
ventilation dampers and doors, as applicable, and automatic shutdown of fans.
2) Records of maintenance and inspection of total flooding gaseous agent systems
and interlocked equipment shall be reflected in the FSMR.
3) For electrical enclosures or cabinetry located in buildings or other such structures,
provisions shall be addressed for safely removing the gas and potential toxic
combustion by-products from these structures following system actuation.

c. Total Flooding Water Mist Systems
1) Where total flooding water mist systems are used, the system shall be installed in
accordance with NFPA 750, Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems, and
shall be listed for the application. The system shall be installed in accordance
with the manufacturer’s installation procedures.
2) Electrical enclosures, cabinets, and buildings shall be arranged for reduced
leakage by automatic closing of doors, ventilation dampers, and automatic
shutdown of fans.
3) The water (and agent) supply shall be sized to be capable of providing protection
for as long as the hazards above the auto-ignition temperature exist. The system
shall be listed and sized for the application.
d. Compressed Air Foam Systems
1) Where compressed air foam systems are used, the system shall be installed in
accordance with NFPA 11, Standard for Low-, Medium-, and High-Expansion
Foam, and shall be listed for the application. The system shall be installed in
accordance with the manufacturer’s installation procedures.
2) The water (and agent) supply shall be sized to be capable of providing protection
for as long as the hazards above the auto-ignition temperature exist. The system
shall be listed and sized for the application.
e. Nacelle Fire Protection
1) Automatic fixed fire protection shall be provided within the nacelle of a wind
turbine generator.
2) For sealed electrical enclosures and cabinets, discharge rates and duration
shall be such that cooling and shutdown occur to prevent re-ignition of the fire.
System operation shall be arranged to coincide with automatic shutdown of
the wind turbine and the positioning of local application nozzles shall be such
that maintenance access to the wind turbine components within the nacelle is
3) For unsealed electrical enclosures and cabinets within the nacelle and tower, a
local application system shall be installed. Likewise, for the gearbox lubrication
system or hydraulic control system, a local application extinguishing system shall
be installed. Fire extinguishing systems for hydraulic control equipment shall
include protection of reservoirs, pumps, accumulators, piping, and actuating
systems. Listed systems shall be used.
E. Electrical Equipment Enclosures and Buildings
1. Control enclosures, which contain control panels, switchgear, batteries, relays,
rectifiers, and electronic switching circuits, shall be provided depending on the size
and complexity of the wind generating facility site.
2. Auxiliary electrical equipment enclosures, which may contain excitation equipment,
switchgear, current transformers, potential transformers, grounding transformers, and
other electrical equipment, shall be provided.
3. A smoke detection system shall be installed to provide early warning and alarm functions
in the event of an electrical fire within the enclosure.
4. An automatic suppression system shall provided for the enclosures.


A. Any house trailer or similar vehicle, railroad car, street car, truck or bus from which the
wheels have been removed, provided with a permanent-type foundation, or otherwise
fixed so that it is not mobile shall be considered as a building and shall be subject to the
requirements of this Rule which are applicable to buildings of similar occupancy.
B. Any ship, barge, or other vessel, which is permanently moored or aground and is occupied
for purposes other than navigation, shall be subject to the requirements of this Rule
applicable to buildings or similar occupancy.

A. General
1. Applicability
a. This Section address fire protection, property protection, and life safety in motion
picture and television industry soundstages, approved production facilities, and
production locations.
b. Practices, processes, materials, and facilities that are addressed by other Section of
RA 9514 and its RIRR shall be governed by those standards unless modified herein.
c. This Section shall apply to the following:
1) New buildings, or portions thereof, used as soundstages or approved production
facilities in motion picture and television industry productions.
2) Existing buildings, or portions thereof, used as soundstages or approved
production facilities in motion picture and television industry productions to the
extent specifically required by other portions of this document
3) Additions to buildings used as soundstages or approved production facilities in
motion picture and television industry productions
4) Alterations, modernizations, or renovations of existing buildings used as
soundstages or approved production facilities in motion picture and television
industry productions
5) Existing buildings, or portions thereof, upon change of occupancy for use as
soundstages or approved production facilities in motion picture and television
industry productions
6) Production locations used in motion picture and television industry productions.
d. Existing soundstages, approved production facilities, and production locations that
are in accordance with requirements of the previous IRR at the time of the adoption
of this Section shall be permitted to remain in use under the following conditions:
1) The occupancy classification and use remain the same.
2) No serious hazards to life safety exist that would constitute an imminent threat.
2. An FSC shall be secured from C/MFM having jurisdiction.
3. Standby BFP personnel shall be provided for soundstages, approved production
facilities and production locations where pyrotechnic special effects are used and for
hazardous operations, other than pyrotechnic special effects. In any case, members of
the production company fire brigade shall also be deployed on standby.
4. Fire department access shall be maintained as required by the C/MFM having
5. Smoking shall be prohibited on soundstages, approved production facilities and
production locations. However, smoking shall be allowed when it is a necessary part of
a performance, and only when the smoker is a member of the cast.
6. Housekeeping shall be maintained in soundstages, approved production facilities and
production locations, in accordance with Chapter 10, General Safety Requirements
and Chapter 19, Combustible Waste and Refuse of NFPA 1, Fire Code, where applicable.
7. Pyrotechnic Special Effects and Open Flames
a. The use of pyrotechnic special effects and open flames shall be subject to the
approval of the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
b. Where audience is present on set, the use of pyrotechnic special effects and open
flames shall be regulated in accordance with NFPA 1126, Standard for the Use of
Pyrotechnics Before a Proximate Audience and NFPA 160, Standard for the Use of
Flame Effects Before an Audience.
B. Soundstages and Approved Production Facilities
1. An FSC shall be obtained for any of these activities:
a. Use of pyrotechnic special effects;
b. Use of open flames;
c. Welding;
d. Use of flammable or combustible liquids or gases;
e. Use of aircrafts;
f. Presence of motor vehicles within a building;
2. Decorative Materials
a. Foamed plastic materials used for decorative purposes, scenery, sets, or props shall
have a heat release rate not exceeding one hundred kilowatts (100 kW) where
tested in accordance with UL 1975, Standard for Fire Tests for Foamed Plastics Used
for Decorative Purposes, or where tested in accordance with NFPA 289, Standard
Method of Fire Test for Individual Fuel Packages using the twenty kilowatts (20 kW)
ignition source.
b. Combustible drapes, drops, and any other similar combustible hangings or vertically
placed materials shall comply with one of the following options:
1) The materials meet the requirements of NFPA 701, Standard Methods of Fire Tests
for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films.
2) The materials exhibit a heat release rate not exceeding one hundred kilowatts
(100 kW) when tested in accordance with NFPA 289 using the twenty kilowatts
(20 kW) ignition source.
3) The materials are present in such limited quantity that a hazard of fire development
or spread is minimal.
4) The materials are approved by the C/MFM having jurisdiction to exhibit
acceptable fire performance.
5) Approved interim measures are provided for the period during which the
combustible materials are present.
c. Cut greens shall be treated with an approved fire retardant, and the process shall be
repeated as often as necessary to maintain its effectiveness.
3. Electrical Requirements
a. Electrical equipment, wiring method to electrical distribution equipment shall be in
accordance with the latest edition of PEC.
b. Soundstages and approved production facilities shall be provided with a minimum
of three hundred seventy-seven watts per square meter (377 W/m2) dedicated for
production lighting and power.
c. The electrical distribution equipment used shall comply with UL 1640, Standard for
Portable Power-Distribution Equipment and with the latest edition of PEC.
d. The location of portable, mobile, or stationary power-generating equipment shall be
subject to the approval of the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
e. Exterior penetrations shall be located near the pre-designated location for portable
and mobile power-generating equipment.
f. Auxiliary power cables supplied from mobile generators or adjacent buildings shall
not be routed through fire-rated windows and doors.
g. Portable feeder cables shall be allowed to temporarily penetrate fire-rated walls,
floors, or ceilings, provided that all of the following apply:
1) The opening is of noncombustible material.
2) When in use, the penetration is sealed with a temporary seal of an approved
firestop material.
3) When not in use, the opening shall be capped with a material of equivalent fire
h. Where the penetration utilizes a conduit, metal-threaded caps shall be attached to
the pipe by means of chain or cable and shall effectively cap the conduit when not
in use.
i. The lighting equipment used shall comply with UL 1573, Standard for Stage and Studio
Luminaires and Connector Strips and the provisions of the latest edition of PEC.
4. Means of Egress
a. Means of egress and exit detail capacities shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR.

b. The maximum travel distance to an exit within the soundstage shall be forty-five
meters (45 m).
c. Soundstage and approved production facilities shall have an aisle along the
perimeter of the soundstage or facilities and shall maintain an unobstructed height
of two and one tenth meters (2.1 m).
d. A soundstage or approved production facility with a gross area not exceeding one
hundred thirty-nine square meters (139 m2) shall be exempt from the perimeter aisle
requirement provided that there is a minimum of two (2) exits.
e. Emergency lighting shall be provided for the means of egress in accordance with
Section of this RIRR
f. Any door in a required means of egress from an area having an occupant load of
one hundred (100) persons or more shall be allowed to be provided with a latch or
lock only if it is panic hardware or fire exit hardware.
g. Means of egress shall be kept clear of obstructions and tripping hazards.
h. When an audience is present, an announcement shall be made notifying the
audience of the following:
1) The location of exits to be used in case of fire or other emergency
2) The means that will be used to notify the audience of fire or other emergency.
5. Fire Protection
a. Extinguishment Requirements
1) Existing soundstages and existing approved production facilities equipped with
automatic sprinkler systems shall be in accordance with Section and
Section of this RIRR and NFPA 13,
2) A new soundstage or new approved production facility shall be equipped with
an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section and Section of this RIRR and NFPA 13.
a) The requirements of NFPA 13, prohibiting obstructions to sprinkler discharge
shall not be applicable if approved mitigation is employed.
b) The requirements of NFPA 13, prohibiting obstructions to sprinkler discharge
shall not be applicable if the building sprinkler system meets the design
criteria for Extra Hazard, Group 2 Occupancies of NFPA 13.
3) Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed and maintained in accordance with
Section of this RIRR.
b. Fire alarm system notification appliances within soundstages and approved
production facilities shall be allowed to be deactivated with the approval of the
C/MFM having jurisdiction during videotaping, filming, or broadcasting of programs
provided the following conditions exist:
1) In the event of alarm system activation, notification appliances shall activate
at a location that is constantly attended during the videotaping, filming, or
broadcasting of programs.
2) The attendants of the location shall be provided with a means of communicating
with the fire command center for the building, where one is provided, and with
the occupants of the soundstage to initiate emergency action.
3) Deactivation of notification appliances shall cause activation of a visual signal
at an approved location, which shall remain illuminated while notification
appliances on the soundstage are deactivated.
4) The visual signal shall be identified by a sign that shall read, “WHEN ILLUMINATED,
c. Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning ductwork and related equipment shall be
in good working order and shall be in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
C. Production Locations
1. An FSC shall be obtained from the C/MFM having jurisdiction, for any of the following
a. Use of the site as a production location;
b. Use of pyrotechnic special effects;
c. Use of open flames;
d. Welding;
e. Use of flammable or combustible liquids or gases;
f. Use of aircraft; or
g. Presence of motor vehicles within a building.
2. Foamed plastic materials used for decorative purposes, scenery, sets, or props shall
have a heat release rate not exceeding one hundred kilowatts (100 kW) when tested
in accordance with UL 1975, or where tested in accordance with NFPA 289, using the
twenty kilowatts (20 kW) ignition source.
3. Electrical Requirements
a. Electrical power connections made on the site shall be installed by an electrical
b. Portable cables shall be positioned to allow for emergency egress as approved by
the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
c. Auxiliary power cables supplied from mobile generators or adjacent buildings shall
be allowed to be routed through fire-rated windows and doors with the approval of
the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
d. Where power from both mobile generators and site electrical services are used to
energize equipment in the same proximate location at production locations, grounds
for the two systems shall be bonded in accordance with the latest edition of PEC.
4. The production location shall be provided with means of egress appropriate for the
intended use.
5. Fire Protection
a. Building areas used as production locations shall be designed, constructed, and
maintained to protect the occupants not intimate with the initial fire development
for the time needed to evacuate, relocate, or defend in place.
b. Any production location building protected by an existing automatic sprinkler system,
where solid or hard-ceiling sets or platforms are introduced to create an obstruction
to sprinkler discharge, shall be in accordance Section of this RIRR.
c. Prohibiting obstructions to sprinkler discharge shall not be applicable if approved
mitigation is employed in accordance Section of this RIRR.
d. Prohibiting obstructions to sprinkler discharge shall not be applicable if the building
sprinkler system meets the design criteria for Extra Hazard, Group 2, as defined in
NFPA 13.
e. Automatic sprinkler systems, where provided, shall be maintained in accordance
with Section of this RIRR.
f. Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided as required in accordance with Section
g. Hydrants, standpipes, and fire department connections shall not be obstructed,
blocked, or rendered inoperable.


A. Specific Facility Protection
All off-shore energy facilities shall be provided with appropriate fire safety measures
under this Section or equivalent protection in accordance with internationally accepted
standards and good design and engineering practices.
1. Wellhead Areas
a. The wellhead area, including wellheads, flow-lines, manifolds (when located on the
wellhead side of the blast division), etc., shall be regarded as a single fire area to be
covered by a deluge system, unless physical separation is provided to sub-divide it
into separate areas.
b. Dedicated Equipment Protection shall be required for wellheads that are likely to
convey hydrocarbons.
c. The deluge system shall cover all wellheads.

d. The deluge valve and water supply shall be sized for the maximum number of
wellheads anticipated to convey hydrocarbons.
e. The system nozzle connections shall initially be plugged for new projects where the
number and location of hydrocarbon wellheads are not known.
f. As wellheads are identified to likely convey hydrocarbons, the plugs shall be replaced
with nozzles intended for use as identified in the design.
g. The types and location of nozzles shall be selected to avoid any interference with the
drilling sequence, work-overs, maintenance, etc.
h. A minimum of two (2) nozzles per wellhead shall be installed and positioned to spray
upwards from low level to protect the lower region of the wellhead, thereby increasing
protection to the upper portions of the wellhead and surrounding equipment.
i. Flow-lines and manifolds not protected shall be provided with area protection.
j. Fixed and/or fixed automatic oscillating monitors may be used to apply water to
specific targets, protect firefighters and escape routes, and cool areas at the
boundary of the fire affected area. Monitors may be used simultaneously with any
deluge system to prevent escalation by means of discretionary boundary cooling or
to protect personnel.
2. Flare Knockout Drum.
Passive Fire Protection shall be the primary protection technique.
3. Riser Isolation Valving and Pipe Work
a. Protection of risers, riser isolation valving and cross-platform interconnecting pipe
work shall be defined during the Fire Hazard Assessment.
b. Passive Fire Protection shall be selected for riser elements essential to the integrity
of the riser outboard of the Emergency Shutdown (ESD) valve (including the ESD
valve itself.)
c. Deluge or automatic monitor protection of cross-over piping inboard of the riser ESD
valve shall be provided on all manned facilities, except those where a temporary
refuge is located on an adjacent bridge-linked facility.
d. Deluge or automatic fixed firewater protection of cross-over pipeline
inter-connections on multi-platform facilities shall be installed where fire or explosion
will not threaten the main areas used to muster personnel and where manual systems
can be applied to contain an incident.
4. Process Areas
a. A process area shall, wherever practicable, be regarded as a single fire area unless
physical separation is provided to sub-divide it into different deluge zones.
b. For modules/areas (e.g., integrated naturally ventilated decks) where a fire is likely to
trigger deluge in the adjacent fire areas, and hence place additional demand on
the firewater system, consideration shall be given to sub-dividing the system on each
level to allow partial isolation, thus permitting efficient deployment of firewater.
c. Equipment Protection shall be provided to low-pressure vessels if there is the likelihood
of a Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion (BLEVE) type failure of the vessel.
d. Vessels containing a small quantity of flammable liquid or gas may not require
Equipment Protection deluge, provided there is Area Protection and it is demonstrated
that ignited releases of hydrocarbon from the vessel do not jeopardize the integrity
of critical safety equipment.
e. For vessels containing a small quantity of flammable liquid or gas, monitors shall be
provided to supplement the area deluge system.
f. If pipe work or vessels containing hydrocarbons are located in, or pass through, the
beam space, then additional spray heads shall be located above such pipes or
g. Deluge systems shall not be specified to prevent escalation of jet fires.
5. Drilling Module and Substructure
a. The fire protection design philosophy for drilling module and substructure shall
consider the requirements for personnel, structural and equipment protection.

b. A deluge system and/or fixed monitors shall be provided in the drill floor area to
protect personnel from radiated heat; equipment that may be used to control the
well (e.g., blowout preventer control panel, choke/kill manifold, doghouse); and the
“Poor Boy” degasser.
c. Automatic deluge systems protecting the drilling module and drilling substructure
may be taken out of automatic mode to allow manual operation at the drilling
supervisor’s discretion, either at the local deluge valve or by the actuation of a
suitably located electrical or pneumatic shielded push-button.
6. Structural Protection
a. All the primary load-bearing structural steelwork (with the exception of that essential
to the support of a Temporary Refuge) in process and wellhead areas, or in any area
that contains a significant fire hazard, may be protected either by deluge or Passive
Fire Protection (PFP). If deluge is used, it shall be installed to avoid local damage.
b. Structures essential to the integrity of the Temporary Refuge (TR) and Evacuation
Escape and Rescue (EER) facilities (e.g., lifeboat launching, helideck and muster
platform) shall be protected by PFP.
c. For structural protection, deluge systems shall use either medium/high-velocity
sprayers or specialized nozzles (e.g., incorporating a narrow spray pattern to reduce
d. The water application rate for plant and primary load-bearing structural steelwork
shall be at least ten and two tenths liters per minute per square meter (10.2 L/min/m2)
over the surface area of the structural member.
e. Spray heads shall be located on the side of the steelwork facing the area protected
by the deluge system supplying the spray heads.
f. In the case of a structural member located entirely within the protected area, spray
heads shall alternate on either side of the member to achieve the discharge density
over the wetted area.
7. Helideck
a. Fire protection system
1) If the Fire Explosion Strategy identifies that a fire protection system is required for
a helideck, then the fire protection and firefighting system shall be designed as
per the requirement of Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) or other
Internationally Accepted Standards.
2) Positions shall be allocated on or near the helideck to be called the “HELICOPTER
a) HLO positions shall be the focal point for firefighting and control actions during
an emergency;
b) HLO positions shall be identified on the Installation Safety Plan;
c) There shall be two (2) HLO positions, each located adjacent to foam monitor
and may form part of a helideck access platform;
d) HLO position is not required to be adjacent to each monitor if three (3) or
more monitors are installed;
e) A firewater pump start switch shall be located at each HLO position; and
f) A control valve shall also be located at each HLO position to allow the HLO to
start and stop all helideck firefighting monitors from this location.
b. Foam system
1) Foam system for fire protection and firefighting at the helideck may be the Fixed
Monitor System (FMS) or Deck Integrated Foam Firefighting System (DIFFS).
2) Compressed Air Foam (CAF) System shall be the preferred means of protecting
the helideck of Normally Unmanned Installation (NUI).
3) The foam system shall be able to be initiated from nominated HLO positions.
4) The firewater pump shall be able to be started from at least two (2) separate
positions, including any nominated HLO positions.
5) Each helideck foam monitor shall be supplied with firewater/foam solution via a
dedicated foam storage tank.

6) Each dedicated foam tank shall be:
a) capable of supplying at least ten minutes (10 min) foam concentrate to the
associated helideck monitor;
b) sized to provide foam solution quantity to extinguish or control all likely
helideck incident scenarios;
c) located adjacent to the monitors;
d) provided with a manually operated control valve located immediately
upstream of the foam tank at the HLO’s position;
e) suitably sized to permit the operation of all the helideck monitors at the same
7) Control valves shall be clearly marked and accessible.
8) If the foam tanks are remote from the monitors, the control valve shall be a
manually remote-operated pneumatic control valve.
9) Pneumatic control valves shall be located within a cabinet, manufactured from
materials that take into account the operating environment
10) Each cabinet shall incorporate a non-lockable front access door and shall be
clearly marked, “FOAM MONITOR CONTROL CABINET”. The duty firewater pump
start switch may also be located within the cabinet.
11) Back air supply for the pneumatic control valve shall be provided via a stainless
steel air reservoir in the event of loss of offshore facility’s air pressure.
12) The air reservoir shall be sized to open and close the valve three (3) times and
have a minimum volume of ten liters (10 L).
13) The air reservoir shall be connected to the offshore facility’s instrument air supply
14) On offshore facilities without an instrument air supply or on unmanned offshore
facilities, the helideck foam monitors (if installed) shall be locally controlled by
the manual operation of a valve located upstream of the foam tank.
15) Water for the foam system and monitors shall be supplied via a firewater sub-main
located under the helideck, incorporating isolation valves to ensure firewater
supply from two (2) directions.
16) Block valves that isolate the helideck firewater sub-main from the helideck foam
storage facilities shall be fire-safe.
c. Monitors
1) Monitors for foam systems shall be water-powered, automatically oscillating, and
have a low-profile design.
2) Monitors shall be spaced around the perimeter of the helideck taking into
account the orientation of the offshore facility and worst-case wind conditions.
If three (3) monitors are installed, each shall be capable of projecting a minimum
of fifty percent (50%) of the total foam solution demand, with the discharged
foam reaching to the far side of the helicopter landing area under the worst
anticipated wind conditions.
3) Monitors shall be positioned so that when in operation, the water jets do not
impede the escape of passengers from the helicopter.
4) Monitors shall use a constant-flow nozzle to prevent the foam concentrate pick-
up rate varying with firewater flow rate. The nozzle “K” factor shall match the
Pelton Wheel characteristics.
8. Pipe work and fittings
a. The inlet and discharge flanges of the foam system shall terminate at a common skid
edge, suitable for connection to horizontal pipe work.
b. The discharge flange shall be positioned such that the drainage of the tank through
the pump and check valve is prevented.
c. The Pelton Wheel driven pump discharge line shall incorporate a relief valve
arrangement that is sized to discharge foam concentrate back to the bottom of the
tank when pumping against a closed valve.
d. The pump discharge pipe work shall incorporate a pressure gauge and check valve.

e. The firewater inlet line to the Pelton Wheel shall incorporate a pressure gauge, filter
and isolation valve.
f. All pressure gauges shall be liquid filled, have a one hundred millimeters (100 mm)
face with Monel trim, incorporate an isolation valve and be mounted so that the
effects of vibration are eliminated.
g. The pipe work between the tank and the pump shall incorporate an isolation valve
and a flushing connection.
h. The Manufacturer/Supplier shall incorporate a throttling valve on the pump line to
permit minor adjustments. The throttling valve shall have a removable handle and
shall be capable of being locked into position.
9. Pump and gearbox
a. The pump shall be of the gear-type positive displacement design.
b. The pump shall be of proprietary design and manufacture and shall be suitable for use
in an exposed marine environment when permanently filled with AFFF concentrate.
c. The pump shall be designed to run with the foam tank empty and the Manufacturer/
Supplier shall state the operating life of the pump when running under this condition.
d. The foam concentrate pump shall meet the requirement of NFPA 20, Standard for the
Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection.
10. Foam storage tanks
a. Foam storage tanks shall be constructed of Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP), e.g.,
isophthalic polyester fiberglass.
b. Orthophthalic polyester fiberglass composites and/or room-temperature-cured
epoxy systems shall not be used.
c. Foam tanks shall have the following fittings:
1) inspection opening [min. clear inside diameter is one hundred fifty millimeters
(150 mm), incorporating lockable hinged cover and vent arrangement. Material
of cover to be stainless steel 316 or same as tank body;
2) clear isophthalic polyester strip moulded into tank to act as level gauge;
3) one hundred millimeters (100 mm) diameter filling connection with anti-froth
tube and quick-release cap in stainless steel;
4) drain connection;
5) relief valve return line (anti-froth).
11. Skid
a. Complete foam tank assemblies shall be mounted on a skid of compact design to
suit the footprint space available.
b. Overall skid height shall not exceed one meter (1 m) to allow installation on the
access platform adjacent to the helideck.
c. The Manufacturer/Supplier shall ensure that skids and all ancillary equipment are
designed in accordance with the specified lifting and transportation requirements.
d. Lifting and fixing eyes shall also be provided.
e. A nameplate/instruction plate of corrosion-resistant material (e.g., austenitic stainless
steel or cast bronze) shall be provided and secured in a prominent position on
each skid.
f. The following information shall be displayed on the nameplate:
1) manufacturer’s name and/or identification mark;
2) tank capacity;
3) type of concentrate; and
4) any start-up instructions.
12. Accommodation Areas
a. The Fire and Explosion Strategy shall identify the Active Fire Protection requirement
for accommodation areas.

b. The following shall be the typical methodology for protection of accommodation
1) Corridors and stairwells shall be provided with automatic sprinklers, water hose
reels and water extinguishers.
2) Fire doors in corridors shall have magnetic latches released upon a change in
platform status;
3) Cabins - automatic sprinklers;
4) Offices/Public Rooms/Sick Bay - automatic sprinklers;
5) Public rooms are provided with water extinguishers;
6) Galley - automatic sprinklers and CO2 extinguishers are provided. The deep fat
fryer is provided with a drop-down lid held open by a fusible link;
7) Galley hood/extract duct - Local carbon dioxide extinguishing system; and
8) Radio/Switchgear/Telecom Equipment/HVAC Plant Rooms – CO2 extinguisher.
B. Firefighting Equipment
1. Hydrants
a. The following points shall be considered when locating hydrants:
1) the provision of safe access to and deployment of equipment from hydrants
under all fire conditions;
2) hydrants shall be located so that not more than two hose lengths need to be
deployed from any hydrant in order to allow ease of hose handling and speed of
3) hydrants shall be located outside, or on the periphery of, areas in which the
discharge equipment they serve needs to be used;
b. If hydrants and ancillary equipment are designed to back up fixed systems, they
shall not be supplied from the same section of the fire main as the fixed system
(e.g., deluge/sprinklers).
c. Each hydrant risers shall be provided with an isolation valve to allow maintenance of
an individual hydrant valve.
d. The discharge flow/pressure shall not exceed approximately seven (7) barg with one
thousand (1,000) L/min flow.
e. Proprietary items developed to limit discharge pressures shall be used and the speed
of response of the device shall be fast enough to cope with the surges caused when
a main firewater pump starts up.
f. The pressure regulating devices shall be cased elastomeric ring type with no moving
g. If equipment with different operating pressures is used at a hydrant outlet, pressure
regulation shall be provided by removable rather than in-line units.
h. Normally ancillary equipment (e.g., hoses, nozzles, valve keys.) shall be located in a
cabinet immediately adjacent to a hydrant outlet.
2. Hose reels, hose lines
a. Typical flow rates achievable are:
1) Hose reels with twenty-five millimeters (25 mm) diameter hose = one fifty
(150) L/min
2) Hose line nozzles on forty-five millimeters (45 mm) diameter hose = four fifty
(450) L/min
3) Hose line nozzles on sixty-five millimeters (65 mm) diameter hose = one thousand
(1,000) L/min
b. Foam solution can be discharged through hose lines. If aspirated foam is required,
special foam nozzles are necessary. For unaspirated foam, normal water application
equipment can be used provided a film-forming foam concentrate is used.
c. Typical application rates for hand-held equipment applying foam solution to
spill fires are in the range of four (4) L/min m2 to eight (8) L/min m2 as required by
NFPA 11. The concentrate-proportioning devices suitable for hand-held equipment
are usually line proportioners and pressure drops shall be allowed.
d. Self-inducing nozzles are not normally appropriate because they require a source of
foam concentrate at the nozzle itself and consequently reduce maneuverability.
e. Consideration shall be taken of hose weight and maneuverability:
1) reeled hose lengths shall be limited to thirty meters (30 m);
2) individual hose lengths used from hydrants shall be limited to twenty (20 m);
3) if the specified application rates and pressures are achievable using hoses,
forty-five millimeters (45 mm) hose shall be used in preference to sixty-five
millimeters (65 mm) hose for ease of handling.
3. Monitors
a. Monitors shall be either fixed in position and served directly from the firewater main
or portable and served via hose lines from hydrants.
b. Deployment and adjustment of portable monitors is labor-intensive and time
consuming and they shall not be considered as a means of primary active fire
protection but may be deployed to supplement fixed systems/equipment.
c. Monitors can be used to provide protection in open deck areas where deluge
systems are impractical or are not considered an appropriate protection method.
d. The use of fixed and/or fixed automatic oscillating monitors shall be considered for
applying water to specific targets, protecting firefighters and escape routes and
cooling areas at the boundary of the fire-affected area.
e. Monitors shall have a dedicated supply from the firewater main with a manual
isolation valve external to the area.
f. Monitors shall be accessible in the event of a fire and protected from blast and/or
damage from falling objects.
4. Sprinkler Systems
a. Selection of the sprinkler system type shall take into account environmental conditions
and the water damage that it may cause. The selected sprinkler system type shall be
designed in accordance with a recognized standard, such as NFPA 13.
b. Sprinkler systems used on offshore facilities shall be one of the following types:
1) wet-pipe;
2) dry-pipe; and
3) pre-action.
c. Sprinkler heads with a nominal orifice of less than ten millimeters (10 mm) and a
metric ‘K’ function of less than forty-seven (47) shall not be used.
d. In areas with high ventilation air currents, additional sprinkler locations may be
required to cover the heat plume/heat travel from the design fire scenarios.
e. Sprinklers in cooking areas shall not impinge directly onto the equipment used for
heating cooking oil or fat.
f. Frangible-bulb-actuated automatic spray sprinkler heads shall be used in sprinkler
systems on offshore facilities.
g. Fusible-link or fusible-strut type sprinkler heads shall not be used
h. Sprinkler heads shall be upright and located above the branch pipes except in areas
having suspended ceilings, where decorative type pendant heads may be used
with connections being taken from the top of the branch pipe and the heads being
located in the center of ceiling tiles where practicable.
i. In areas having suspended ceilings where decorative type pendant heads may be
used then the sprinkler head shall be sited below the tiles with ceiling rosettes around
the base of each sprinkler head.
j. All sprinkler heads shall be suitable for use with raw sea water, even though systems
may be charged with fresh water.
k. Actuation of one (1) or more sprinkler heads shall be detected by either a flow switch
in the pipe work or a differential pressure flow transmitter connected to the firewater
shutdown system.
l. A manual isolation valve shall be provided immediately upstream of the sprinkler
control valve.
1) The manual isolation valve shall have an indicator to show open and closed
2) The manual isolation shall be locked with leather straps or nylon chains and
padlocks under normal operating conditions.
3) A key for the padlocks shall be provided in a break-glass type container adjacent
to the valve
5. Deluge Systems
a. The deluge system for water spray system shall be designed as per the requirement
of NFPA 15, Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection.
b. The foam-water spray system using deluge shall be designed as per NFPA 16, Standard
for the Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray Systems. Deluge
systems shall provide a uniform application of water to equipment and pipe work
within a designated fire risk area in order to cool the area, prevent failure of the
equipment and pipe work therein and prevent escalation of the incident to other
areas. For extinguishing the hydrocarbon pool fires, foam-water spray using Deluge
system shall be considered.
c. A feature shall be provided to enable the deluge valves to be tested without
discharging firewater through the pipe work or nozzles.
d. The deluge system shall have a deluge valve that is separated from the area that the
system is protecting by locating it at a distance, by means of a rated fire wall or by
locating it within an enclosure.
e. In order to maintain a firewater supply to a deluge system, a secondary supply that
is connected to the system shall be considered.
f. The deluge system shall have manually operated isolating valves that are of fire safe
g. If the water quality can cause blockage of the pipe work or spray nozzles, a strainer
shall be located immediately upstream of the deluge valve.
1) The strainer shall be sized for the full design flow and pressure conditions of the
deluge system.
2) A manual bypass around the strainer shall be fitted to allow maintenance of the
h. All piping downstream of deluge valve shall be self-draining.
i. The deluge system shall be designed to protect personnel by means of radiation
water screens and/or a water spray system.
1) Water screens/drenchers shall be located near natural fire-breaks, e.g., main
walkways and/or escape and evacuation routes to create a water curtain as an
exposure/radiated heat protection barrier for personnel.
2) The use of monitors may also be considered although their effectiveness is likely
to be limited, unless they are used to back up other fixed systems.
j. General area protection shall be provided by means of open sprinklers positioned to
achieve a typical minimum discharge density of ten and two tenths liters per minute
per square meter (10.2 L/min/m2) of floor area for uncongested areas.
k. For congested areas and in the vicinity of hydrocarbon pumps and compressors
the discharge density may have to be increased up to twenty and four tenths
(20.4) L/min per m2 based on test data or knowledge based on similar condition to
those that will apply on the offshore facility in question.
l. Water application rate, for water curtains providing personal protection on escape
and evacuation routes for personal protection against pool fires, shall be between
fifteen to forty-five (15-45) L/min per m.
m. High-pressure jet fires are very intense, transfer heat at high rates to any object in the
high-momentum region of the flame and are difficult to extinguish using water spray
or foam deluge systems.
n. The primary extinguishment technique for high pressure jet fires shall be to remove
the pressure and isolate the fuel source.
o. Specific equipment protection shall be provided where there is a threat of escalation
that cannot be controlled by blowdown or contained by Area Protection using
open sprinklers. Specific equipment protection shall be provided for equipment in
shadowed areas where area protection is deemed ineffective.
p. Deluge systems shall have dedicated nozzles for protection of primary load-bearing
structural steelwork to avoid local damage from credible fire risks.
q. Structural protection may be considered for all primary load-bearing structural
steelwork not essential to the support of the Temporary Refuge (TR) and Evacuation
Escape and Rescue (EER) facilities in areas where there is a significant fire risk.
r. Structures essential to the support of the TR and EER facilities shall be protected by
Passive Fire Protection to ensure that they survive long enough under all foreseeable
fire conditions to allow evacuation of the offshore facility.
s. Spray heads for structural protection shall be located on the side of the steelwork
facing the area protected by the deluge system. If a structural member is located
entirely within the protected area, spray heads shall alternate on either side of the
t. The deluge valve shall automatically open if the air pressure falls below that required
to keep the valve closed. The air shall be supplied to the deluge valve assembly from
the air supply through a pressure regulator.
u. Pneumatic systems shall be capable of preventing spurious deluge release for two
(2) hours after loss of instrument air supply.
v. An air reservoir [typically five liters (5 L) capacity] may be provided to maintain the
deluge valve in a closed position. The size of the air reservoir shall consider maximum
leakage rate per joint (excluding threaded connections) of less than two thousand
eight hundred thirty-two liters (2,832 L) per year.
w. A correctly sized restriction orifice [typically one millimeter (1 mm) diameter hole size)]
shall be installed in the pneumatic supply immediately downstream of the regulator
and air reservoir where fitted.
6. Foam Systems
a. The foam system shall be selected and designed in accordance with the requirements
of NFPA 11, Standard for Low, Medium, and High -Expansion Foam Systems or NFPA 16,
Standard for the Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray Systems.
b. Design quantity of the foam concentrate shall be capable to meet the minimum
system running times with one hundred percent (100%) backup.
c. Central foam systems shall not be utilized as a primary source of foam solution to
hand held equipment. This is to avoid compromising the quantity of foam available
to protect the equipment for which the foam system is primarily designed.
d. Foam “low-level” indication shall be provided for foam concentrate storage tanks
where automatic foam discharge shut-down is required. Foam concentrate flow
indication shall be provided for all systems.
7. Gaseous Extinguishing System
a. The Fire Hazard Assessment shall determine the type of extinguishing agent, the
spaces that needs to be protected by each system, and the method of activating
the system.
b. Only extinguishing agents that do not have a negative impact on the environment
and are not electrically conductive shall be applied in gaseous extinguishing systems.
c. The use of carbon dioxide shall not be used unless approved by the Principal due to
the asphyxiation risk.
d. Extinguishing agents e.g., water mist system, as per NFPA 750, Standard on Water Mist
Fire Protection Systems or other clean agents as per NFPA 2001, Standard on Clean
Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems, shall be used.


A. This Section applies to water-surrounded structures or piers occupied as a place of
amusement, passenger terminal or used for any purpose other than for the mooring of
vessels and handling of cargo. Such piers shall be provided with means of exit from any
structures thereon and to the shore appropriate to the character or occupancy of the pier
in accordance with the applicable Sections of Division 8 through 20 of this RIRR.

B. Any pier so occupied, extending more than forty-six meters (46 m) from the shore, shall be
so arranged as to minimize the possibility that fire in or under the pier, may block escape of
occupants to shore by one (1) or more of the following measures:
1. It must be provided with two (2) separate ways of travel to shore, by two (2)
well-separated walkways or independent structures.
2. The pier deck must be open, fire-resistant, and supported with non-combustible
3. The pier deck must be provided with automatic fire suppression system protection for
combustible structure and for superstructure, if any.
4. It should be completely open and unobstructed, and is fifteen meters (15 m) in width
if less than one hundred fifty-two meters (152 m) long; or its width is not less than ten
percent (10%) of its length if over one hundred fifty-two meters (152 m) long.
C. Any building or structure surrounded by water such as a lighthouse shall have sufficient
outside area of ground as on an island, or fire-resistant platform, to provide an adequate
area of refuge from any fire in the structure. Means shall be available for transportation of
occupants away from such structures to the shore or other places of safety such as by boat
or helicopter, in case of fire or other emergency, within a reasonable period of time.


A. General
1. All Solar PV electrical energy systems, including the array circuit(s), inverter(s), and
controller(s) for such systems shall comply with the installation requirements of the latest
edition of PEC and NFPA 70. All materials used (panels, inverters, battery, and the like)
must be compliant with UL fire safety standards or equivalent international standards
like International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
2. All Electrical Energy Storage for Solar PV Systems such as batteries must be installed in
accordance with the latest edition of PEC and NFPA 70. The interconnected battery
cells shall be considered grounded where the PV power source is installed. Battery
room must be adequately ventilated, with not less than two-hour (2-hr) fire rating, and
with system protection.
3. All Solar PV must have adequate system protection like Direct Current (DC) and
Alternating Current (AC) breakers or fuse, surge protection and safety disconnect or
isolation in case of fire and system maintenance.
4. The plans, design, and specification of the Solar PV System shall be signed and sealed
by a Professional Electrical Engineer (PEE) for the issuance of Electrical Installation
5. Installation of equipment and all associated wiring and interconnections shall
be performed only by qualified Electrical Practitioners or Registered Electrical
Engineer (REE).
B. Solar PV systems with a maximum system voltage over one thousand volts (1,000 V) DC shall
comply with NFPA 70 and other requirements applicable to installations rated over one
thousand volts (1,000 V).
C. Solar PV systems used directly to charge electric vehicles shall comply with latest edition of
PEC and NFPA 70.
D. All Solar PV roof insulation shall comply with the latest civil and structural requirements of
the latest edition of the National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) to ensure structural
integrity and consumer safety. All host Structures of Solar PV systems shall comply with the
installation requirements of the latest edition of PEC and NFPA 70.
E. All Solar PV system shall be inspected and properly maintained in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instruction or with the latest edition of PEC. Reports shall be attached to
FSMR and be submitted to the C/MFM having jurisdiction.


A. Any tower utilized for such purposes as observation, signaling, either as an independent
structure or on top of a building, shall be permitted to have a single stairway or ramp exit if
all of the following conditions are met:
1. The tower is of such size as not to be subject to occupancy by more than twenty-five (25)
persons at any floor level.
2. The tower shall not be used for living or sleeping purposes.
3. The construction shall be fire-resistant, noncombustible or constructed of heavy timber.
The interior finish, if any, is Class A or Class B, and there shall be no combustible materials
in, under, or in the immediate vicinity of the tower except necessary furniture such as
bare wooden or metal chairs or benches.
B. In each tower where there is no occupancy below the top floor level and the conditions
required by para “A” above are met, stairs may be open with no enclosure required or,
where the structure is entirely open, fire-escape type stairs may be used.
C. Stairs shall be Class B for new construction. For existing towers, outside stairs or fire-escape
type stairs may be allowed
D. A tower such as a forest observation tower and a railroad signal tower, designed
for occupancy only of not more than three (3) persons therein, may be of any type of
construction, and may be served by ladders instead of stairs. However, if used for living
or sleeping purposes, it shall at least comply with exit requirements in accordance with
Section of this RIRR for family dwellings.
E. Utility/transmitter building shall be provided with appropriate type of automatic fire
extinguishing system and, if subject to occupancy by technician/authorized personnel,
automatic fire alarm system and portable fire extinguishers shall also be provided.
F. Advertisement structures shall be made of fire-resistant materials including its signage


A. General
1. Any area subject to occupancy by fifty (50) or more persons, from which there is no
direct access to outdoors or to another area and no outside light or ventilation through
windows, shall be equipped with approved, supervised automatic fire suppression
system protection in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
2. Any underground structure, building, or floor area lacking direct outside access or
windows and having combustible contents, interior finish, or construction, if subject
to occupancy by more than one hundred (100) persons shall have automatic smoke
venting facilities in accordance with Section of this RIRR and in addition to
automatic fire suppression system protection in accordance with Section of this
3. Any underground structure or windowless building, for which no natural lighting is
provided, shall be provided with emergency lighting in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
B. Underground Structures
Where required from underground structure involving upward travel such as ascending
stairs or ramps, such upward exits shall be cut off from main floor areas and shall be provided
with outside smoke venting facilities or other means to prevent the exits serving as flues for
smoke from any fire in the area served by the exits, thereby making the exits impassable.
C. Windowless Buildings
Every windowless building shall be provided with outside access panels on each floor
level. Such panels shall be designed for use of firefighters in accordance with all of the
following requirements:
1. The opening shall have dimensions of not less than five hundred sixty millimeters
(560 mm) in width and eight hundred millimeters (800 mm) in height and shall be
unobstructed to allow for ventilation and rescue operations from the exterior;
2. The bottom of the opening shall be not more than eight hundred millimeters (800 mm)
above the floor;
3. The opening shall be readily identifiable from both the exterior and interior; and
4. The opening shall be readily openable from both the exterior and interior.
D. Road Tunnel
Fire protection and fire life safety requirements for road tunnels shall be provided in
accordance with NFPA 502, Standard for Road Tunnels, Bridges, and Other Limited Access
Highways or other internationally accepted standards. The provisions cited below shall not

apply to a roadway or portion of a roadway not fully enclosed on both sides, or not fully
enclosed on top, or any combination thereof.
1. Road tunnel shall be categorized as follows:
a. Category X – Where tunnel length is less than ninety meters (90 m).
b. Category A – Where tunnel length is ninety meters (90 m) but not greater than two
hundred thirty-nine meters (239 m) .
c. Category B – Where tunnel length is two hundred forty meters (240 m) but not greater
than two hundred ninety-nine meters (299 m), and where the maximum distance
from any point within the tunnel to a point of safety exceeds one hundred twenty
meters (120 m).
d. Category C – Where the tunnel length is three hundred meters (300 m) but not greater
than nine hundred ninety-nine meters (999 m).
e. Category D – Where the tunnel length equals or exceeds one thousand meters
(1,000 m).
2. Tunnels described in categories B, C, and D shall have at least one (1) manual fire alarm
and detection means of identifying and locating a fire.
3. Tunnels described in categories B, C, and D without twenty-four hour (24-hr) supervision
shall have an automatic fire detection system in accordance with para 9 below.
4. Closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems with traffic flow indication devices or surveillance
cameras shall be permitted for use to identify and locate fires in tunnels with twenty-four
hour (24-hr) supervision.
5. When water-based firefighting systems are installed in road tunnels, an automatic fire
detection system shall be provided.
6. Ancillary spaces within tunnels defined in categories B, C, and D (such as pump stations
and utility rooms) and other areas shall be supervised by automatic fire alarm systems.
7. Manual fire alarm boxes mounted in National Electrical Manufacturers Association
(NEMA) Enclosure Type 4 (IP 65) or equivalent boxes shall be installed at intervals of not
more than ninety meters (90 m) and at all cross passages and means of egress from the
tunnel. The system shall be installed, inspected, and maintained in accordance with
Section of this RIRR.
8. The manual fire alarm boxes shall be accessible to the public and the tunnel personnel.
The alarm shall indicate the location of the manual fire alarm boxes at the monitoring
9. Automatic fire detection systems shall be installed in accordance with Section
of this RIRR and approved by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
10. Portable fire extinguishers, with a rating of 2-A:20-B:C, shall be located along the
roadway in approved wall cabinets at intervals of not more than ninety meters (90 m).
To facilitate safe use by motorists, the maximum weight of each extinguisher shall be
nine kilograms (9 kg).
11. The means of egress requirements for all road tunnels shall be in accordance with
Division 5 of this Chapter, except as modified herein. Reflective or lighted directional
signs indicating the distance to the two (2) nearest emergency exits shall be provided
on the side walls at distances of no more than twenty-five meters (25 m).
12. The walking surfaces of the emergency exits, cross passageways, and walkways shall
be slip resistant.
13. Emergency exit doors shall provide protection against fire and ensure pressurization of
escape routes. Doors to the emergency exits shall open in the direction of exit travel.
Horizontal sliding doors shall have a sign identifying them as horizontal sliding doors and
indicating the direction to open.
14. Emergency exit doors shall be one and a half-hour (1.5-hr) rated doors and shall be
installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and
Fire Windows. Emergency exit doors shall be self-closing door systems.
15. Emergency exits shall be provided throughout the tunnel. Spacing between exits for
protection of tunnel occupants shall not exceed three hundred meters (300 m).
16. The tunnel roadway surface, when supported by a traffic management system, shall be
considered as a part of the egress pathway. Where walkways are provided for egress

purposes, the walkway egress path shall have a minimum clear width of one and twelve
hundredths meters (1.12 m), lead directly to an emergency exit, and be protected from
17. The emergency exits shall be separated from the tunnel by a minimum of a two-hour
(2-hr) fire-rated construction.
18. Emergency exits shall be pressurized in accordance with NFPA 80.
19. Where portals of the tunnel are below surface grade, surface grade shall be made
accessible by a stair, vehicle ramp, or pedestrian ramp. Where cross-passageways are
used as an emergency exit, provisions shall be included that stop all traffic operation in
the adjacent tunnel.
20. Wet standpipe systems (automatic or semi-automatic) shall be connected to an
approved water supply that is capable of supplying the system demand for a minimum
of one (1) hour. Dry standpipe systems shall have an approved water supply that is
capable of supplying the system demand for a minimum of one (1) hour. Acceptable
water supplies shall include the following:
a. Public or Privately owned waterworks systems that have adequate pressure and flow
rate and a level of integrity acceptable to the C/MFM having jurisdiction;
b. Automatic or manually controlled fire pumps that are connected to an approved
water source;
c. Pressure-type or gravity-type storage tanks that are installed, inspected, and
maintained in accordance with NFPA 22, Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire
21. Fire department connections shall be of the threaded two-way or three-way type
or shall consist with a minimum of one hundred millimeters (100 mm) quick-connect
coupling that is accessible. Each independent standpipe system shall have a minimum
of two (2) fire department connections that are remotely located from each other.
22. Hose connections shall be spaced so that no location on the protected roadway is
more than forty-five meters (45 m) from the hose connection. Hose connection spacing
shall not exceed eighty-five meters (85 m). Hose connections shall have sixty-five
millimeters (65 mm) external treads in accordance with NFPA 1963, Standard for Fire
Hose Connections.
23. Emergency ventilation systems and tunnel operating procedures shall be developed to
maximize the use of the road tunnel ventilation system for the removal and control of
smoke and heated gases that result from fire emergencies within the tunnel. Emergency
ventilation shall be required in tunnels exceeding one thousand meters (1,000 m).



This Section deals with life safety from fires and similar emergencies in high rise buildings.
It covers fire safety features in construction and protection of exits and passageways, and
provisions for fire protection.


For building ten (10) or more floors, a Fire Command Center shall be provided in a location
approved by the C/MFM having jurisdiction. The Fire Command Center shall be accessible
directly from the exterior of the building at the floor of exit discharge with a sign on the door
stating “Fire Command Center”.
A. The Fire Command Center shall be separated by not less than two (2) hours fire resistive
B. The Fire Command Center shall be not less than ten square meters (10 m2) with no dimensions
less than one and a half meters (1.5 m) with minimum ceiling height of not less than two and
four tenths meters (2.4 m).
C. The Fire Command Center shall contain the following:
1. Emergency voice/alarm communication system unit which shall provide a
predetermined message (applicable information and directions to occupants) to the
fire area where the alarm originated, actuated by a smoke detector, sprinkler head,

water flow device, or manual fire alarm; and operate between the fire command center
and every elevator, elevator lobby, exit stairway, and exit access corridor.
2. Fire department communication unit.
3. Fire detection and alarm system annunciator unit
4. Elevator floor location and operation annunciator.
5. Sprinkler valve and water flow display panels.
6. Controls for unlocking stairway doors simultaneously.
7. Telephone for fire department use with controlled access to the public telephone
system. A telephone station or jack shall also be provided in each fire pump room.
8. Fire pump status indicators.
9. Status indicators and controls for air handling systems.
10. The firefighters control panel for smoke control systems.
11. Emergency power and standby power status indicators.
12. Schematic building plans indicating the typical floor plan and detailing the building
core, means of egress, fire protection systems, firefighting equipment and fire department
13. Public address system, where specifically required by other rules of RA 9514 and its RIRR.
D. Shut off valves and water flow devices at the riser connection must be provided on each
floor. Combined sprinkler/standpipe systems must have an individual control valve and
check valve at each sprinkler connection.


High rise buildings shall be designed in such a manner that the levels of smoke concentration
in protected spaces can be maintained within values tolerable by occupants. The protected
spaces shall include stairwells, at least one (1) elevator shaft, and floor spaces readily
accessible to all occupants and large enough to accommodate them. Smoke control systems
in accordance with Section of this RIRR shall be provided in the cited protected spaces
for safe evacuation of all occupants and safety of the responding fire fighters and rescuers
during the conduct of their operations.


High rise buildings shall be protected with approved, supervised sprinkler systems designed
and installed in accordance with NFPA 13. The approved, supervised sprinkler systems must
protect all floor spaces including every closet and concealed spaces/plenums of certain
configuration and construction – particularly where combustible materials are located such as
exposed electrical wiring, combustible duct work, and combustible sound/thermal insulation.
The system shall be interconnected to the Fire Command Center of the building.


A. All stairwells shall be enclosed and protected in accordance with Division 5 of this Chapter.
All doors on stairwells shall be kept closed. Electronically locked fire exit doors shall be
integrated in the Fire Detection Alarm System to automatically unlock during an emergency.
B. All interior stairwells used as a means of egress shall be pressurized. In no case shall stairwells
in high rise buildings be allowed to be unprotected.


A. In addition to the other requirements of this RIRR, each floor shall be provided with a
thirty-eight millimeter (38-mm) lightweight flexible hose equipped with a spray nozzle and
connected to the wet standpipe system capable of providing water supply for at least a
period of thirty (30) minutes.
B. Portable fire extinguisher shall be provided in accordance with Section of this RIRR.


This Section shall supplement all other applicable provisions of RA 9514 and its RIRR.



A. Fire Exit Drills
1. Fire exit drills shall be conducted in coordination with the Office of the C/MFM having
2. Fire exit drills conforming to the provisions of this Division shall be regularly conducted
in schools and in other occupancies where specified by the provisions of Divisions 8
through 20 of this Chapter, or by appropriate action of the C/MFM having jurisdiction
over the area. The C/MFM having jurisdiction shall exercise discretion for the necessary
modifications in detail of procedures to make the drills more effective for their intended
3. Fire exit drills, where required, shall be held with sufficient frequency to familiarize all
occupants with the drill procedure and to have the conduct of the drill a matter of
established routine.
4. Drills shall be held at unexpected times and under varying conditions to simulate the
unusual conditions obtaining in case of fire.
5. Planning and conduct of drills shall be the responsibility of the management and/or
owners of business establishments. Such planning and drill shall be made in consultation
and coordination with the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
6. In the conduct of drills, emphasis shall be placed upon orderly evacuation under proper
discipline rather than upon speed.
7. Drills shall include suitable procedures to make sure that all persons in the building, or all
persons subject to the drill, actually participate.
8. Fire alarm facilities, where available, shall be used in the conduct of fire exit drills.
9. The management of every establishment shall submit to the C/MFM having jurisdiction
an after activity report of all drills conducted during the prescribed period throughout
the year.
B. Furnishing and Decorations
1. No furnishing, decorations, or other objects shall be so placed as to obstruct exits,
access thereto, egress therefrom, or visibility thereof.
2. Furnishing or decorations shall be treated with flame retardant where required by the
applicable provisions of RA 9514 and its RIRR.
3. No furnishing or decorations of an explosive or highly flammable character shall be
used in any place of assembly or other occupancy.
C. Automatic Fire Suppression System
All automatic fire suppression systems required by this Chapter shall be continuously
maintained in reliable operational condition at all times and such periodic inspections and
tests shall be made to assure proper maintenance.
D. Alarm and Fire Detection Systems
1. Systems shall be under the supervision of qualified and competent persons, who shall
cause proper tests to be made at specified intervals and have general charge of all
alternations and additions.
2. Systems shall be tested at intervals as recommended by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
3. Fire alarm signaling equipment shall be restored to service as promptly as possible
after each test or alarm and shall be kept in normal conditions ready for operation.
Equipment requiring rewinding or replenishing shall be rewound or replenished as
promptly as possible after test or alarm.
E. Fire Retardant Paints
Fire retardant paints or solutions shall be reapplied at such intervals as necessary to
maintain the necessary flame retardant properties.
F. Recognition of Means of Egress
Hangings or draperies shall not be placed over exit doors or otherwise located as to
conceal or obscure any exit. Mirrors shall not be placed on exit doors nor in or adjacent to
any exit in such a manner as to confuse the direction of exit.
G. Preventive Maintenance Record
Preventive maintenance records shall be prepared by the Fire Safety Practitioner in
charge and submitted to the C/MFM having jurisdiction every after inspection and test.


A. Drills
The employees or attendants of places or public assembly shall be trained and drilled
in the duties they are to perform in case of fire, panic, or other related emergencies in order
to be of greatest service in effecting the orderly exit of occupants.
B. Opens Flame Devices
No open flame lighting devices shall be used in any place of assembly.
Exception No. 1: Where necessary for ceremonial or religious purposes, the C/MFM having
jurisdiction may permit open flame lighting under such restrictions as are
necessary to avoid danger of ignition of combustible materials or injury to
Exception No. 2: Open flame devices may be used on stages where a necessary part
of theatrical performances, provided that adequate precautions,
satisfactory to the C/MFM having jurisdiction are taken to prevent ignition
of any combustible materials.
Exception No. 3: Gas lights may be permitted, provided that adequate precautions
satisfactory to the C/MFM having jurisdiction are taken to prevent ignition
or any combustible materials.
C. Special Food Service Devices
Portable cooking equipment shall be permitted only as follows:
1. Equipment fueled by small heat sources which can be readily extinguished by water,
such as candles or alcohol-burning equipment (including “solid alcohol”) may be used,
provided adequate precautions satisfactory to the C/MFM having jurisdiction are taken
to prevent ignition of any combustible materials.
2. Candles may be used on tables for food service if securely supported on substantial
non-combustible bases, so located as to avoid danger of ignition of combustible
materials and only if approved by the C/MFM having jurisdiction. Candle flames shall
be protected.
3. “Flaming Sword” or other equipment involving open flames and flamed dishes such
as cherries jubilee, crepes suzette, etc., may be permitted, provided that necessary
precautions are taken subject to the approval of the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
D. Smoking
1. Smoking in places of assembly shall be regulated by the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
2. In rooms or areas where smoking is prohibited, plainly visible “NO SMOKING” signs shall
be posted.
3. No person shall smoke in prohibited areas.
4. Where smoking is permitted, suitable ash trays or receptacles should be provided in
convenient locations.
E. Decorations and Stage Scenery
1. Combustible materials shall be treated with an effective flame retardant material. Stage
settings made of combustible materials shall likewise be treated with flame retardant
2. Only noncombustible materials or fire retardant pressure treated wood may be used for
stage scenery or props, on the audience side of the proscenium arch.
3. The C/MFM having jurisdiction shall impose controls on the volume and arrangement
of combustible contents (including decorations) in places of assembly to provide
adequate level of safety to life from fire.
F. Seating
1. Seats in assembly occupancies accommodating more than two hundred (200) persons
shall be securely fastened to the floor except together in groups of not less than three (3)

or more than seven (7) and as permitted by the next paragraph. All seats in balconies
and galleries shall be securely fastened to the floor, except in places of worship.
2. Seats not secured to the floor may be permitted in restaurants, night clubs, and other
occupancies where the fastening of seats to the floor may be impractical; Provided,
that in the area used for seating (excluding dance floors, stage, etc.), there shall be not
more than one seat for each one and four tenths square meters (1.4 m2) of net floor area
and adequate aisles to reach exits shall be maintained at all times.


A. Drills
1. Fire exit drills shall be conducted regularly in accordance with the applicable provisions
of the following paragraphs.
2. There shall be at least four (4) exit drills a year in consultation and coordination with the
C/MFM having jurisdiction.
3. Drills shall be conducted during class hours; during the changing of classes; when the
school is at assembly; during recess or gymnastic periods; etc., so as to avoid distinction
between drills and actual fires. If a drill is called, the pupils shall be instructed to form in
line and immediately proceed to the nearest available exit in an orderly manner.
4. Every fire exit drill shall be an exercise by the school management. Teachers shall have
a complete control of the class. Great stress shall be laid upon the execution of each
drill in a brisk, quiet, and orderly manner. Running shall be prohibited. In case there
are pupils incapable of holding their places in a line moving at a reasonable speed,
provisions shall be made to have them taken care of by the more sturdy pupils, moving
independently of the regular line of march.
5. BFP personnel shall be appointed to assist in the proper execution of all drills. The
searching of toilets and other rooms shall be the duty of the teachers or other members
of the staff.
6. As drills simulate an actual fire condition, pupils shall not be allowed to obtain anything
after the alarm is sounded, even when in classrooms, which would contribute to the
7. Each class or group shall proceed to a primary assembly point outside the building and
remain there until all are accounted for, leaving only when a recall signal is given to
return to their classrooms, or when dismissed. Such points shall be sufficiently far away
from the building and from each other as to avoid danger from any fire in the building,
interference with fire department operations, or confusion between different classes or
groups. An alternate assembly point shall be planned for and used during other drills to
ensure safety of the children if and when the primary assembly point cannot be used.
8. Where necessary for drill lines to cross roadways, signs reading “STOP! SCHOOL FIRE
DRILL GOING ON” or equivalent shall be carried by assigned personnel to the traffic
intersecting points in order to stop the traffic flow during the drill.
B. Signals
1. All fire exit drill alarms shall be sounded on the fire alarm system and not on the signal
system used to dismiss classes.
2. Whenever any of the school authorities determine an actual fire exists, they shall
immediately call the nearest fire station. At the same time, they shall try to extinguish
the fire as circumstances permit.
3. In order to ensure that pupils will not return to a burning building, the recall signal shall
be one that is separate and distinct from and cannot be mistaken for any other signals.


A. Emergency Egress and Relocation Drills
1. Emergency egress and relocation drill shall be conducted at least once every quarter.
2. All occupants of the building shall participate in the drill.
B. Inspection
Fire prevention inspection shall be conducted monthly by a trained senior member of
the staff, after which a copy of the latest inspection report shall be posted in a conspicuous
place in the day care facility.
C. Furnishings and Decorations
1. Clothing and personal effects shall not be stored in corridors, unless the building is
protected by an automatic sprinkler system.
2. Artwork and teaching materials shall be permitted to be attached directly to the walls,
provided it shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the wall area in a building that
is not protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system
and shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the wall area in a building that is protected
throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system.
D. Day Care Staff
Adequate adult staff shall be on duty in the facility and alert at all times where clients
are present.


Evacuation Plan and Fire Exit Drills
A. The administration of every hospital and nursing home shall have an approved evacuation
plan for the guidance of all persons in the event of fire. Copies of such plans shall be
made available to all supervisors and personnel. All employees shall be instructed and
kept informed of their detailed duties under the plan. A copy of the plan shall be readily
available at all times, in the telephone operator’s position, or at the security center.
B. Every bed intended for use by institutional occupants shall be easily movable under
conditions of evacuation and shall be equipped with the type and size of casters to allow
easy mobility, especially over elements of the structure such as expansion plates and
elevator thresholds. The C/MFM having jurisdiction may make exceptions in equipping beds
intended for use in areas limited to patients such as convalescent, self-care or psychiatric
C. Fire exit drills in hospitals shall include the transmission of a fire alarm signal and simulation
of emergency fire conditions, except the movement of infirm or bed-ridden patients to safe
areas or to the exterior of the building. Drills shall be conducted quarterly on each shift to
familiarize hospital personnel (nurses, interns, maintenance personnel and administrative
staff) with signals and emergency action required under varied conditions.


A. Emergency Egress and Relocation Drills
1. Emergency egress and relocation drills shall be conducted on a quarterly basis, with
not less than two (2) drills conducted during the night when residents are sleeping.
2. The emergency drills shall be permitted to be announced to the residents in advance.
The drills shall involve the actual evacuation of all residents to an assembly point, and
shall provide residents with experience in egressing through all exits and means of
escape of the building.
3. An assembly point can be located outside the building, in a separate building, or in an
adjacent smoke compartment in the same building.
4. Exits and means of escape not used in any drill shall not be credited in meeting the
requirements of RA 9514 and its RIRR for board and care facilities.
5. Residents who cannot meaningfully assist in their own evacuation or who have special
health problems shall not be required to actively participate in the drill.
B. Smoking
Smoking shall be prohibited in any room, compartment, or area where flammable
or combustible liquids, combustible gases, or oxygen is used or stored and in any other
hazardous location, and the following also shall apply:
1. “NO SMOKING” (or the international symbol for no smoking) signs shall be posted in such
2. Where smoking is totally prohibited, signs so indicating shall be placed at all major
3. Areas where smoking is permitted shall be clearly identified.
4. Ashtrays of noncombustible material and safe design shall be provided and required to
be used in all areas where smoking is permitted.

5. Self-closing cover devices into which ashtrays can be emptied shall be made available
to all areas where smoking is permitted and shall be used.
6. Where smoking is permitted, noncombustible safety-type ashtrays or receptacles shall
be provided in convenient locations.
C. Staff
Staff shall be on duty and in the facility at all times when residents requiring evacuation
assistance are present.
D. Inspection of Door Openings
Door assemblies for which the door leaf is required to swing in the direction of egress
travel shall be inspected and tested.


A. Hotel Emergency Organization
All employees of hotels shall be instructed and drilled in the duties they are to perform
in case of fire, panic, or other related emergencies.
Drills of the hotel emergency organization shall be held twice a year covering such
points as the operation and maintenance of the available first aid fire appliances, the
testing of guest alerting devices, and a study of instruction for emergency duties.
B. Dormitories, Lodging and Rooming Houses
Fire exit drills shall be regularly conducted at least twice a year.


In every mercantile, business or industrial occupancy subject to occupancy by fifty (50) or
more persons, fire exit drills shall be held at least twice a year.


A. Waste or refuse shall not be allowed to accumulate in any area or in any manner that
creates a fire hazard.
B. Flammable or Combustible Liquids
1. The use, mixing, dispensing, and storage of flammable or combustible liquids shall be in
accordance with Chapters 3 and 4 of this Rule and the following Codes:
a. NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
b. NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code
2. Approved flammable or combustible liquids and liquefied petroleum gases used for
special effects shall be allowed.
C. Welding shall be in accordance with NFPA 51, Standard for the Design and Installation
of Oxygen-Fuel Gas Systems for Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, and NFPA 51B,
Standard for Fire Prevention during Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work.
D. Audience Life Safety. When an audience is present during productions, provisions for life
safety and means of egress shall be subject to the approval of the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
E. Emergency Services Notification. The production company shall provide a procedure
acceptable to the C/MFM having jurisdiction for notifying the public emergency services of
emergency incidents




This Chapter shall apply to materials and chemicals, which are:
A. Highly flammable that may react to cause fires or explosions;
B. By their presence may create a fire or explosion hazard;
C. By their toxicity, flammability, or reactivity render firefighting dangerous;


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