Repaso Alvaro Lesson6

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Present Simple and Present 

1. Choose the correct answer. 

1. I’m angry with William. I am not talking / 
don’t talk to him. 
2. Listen! My sister is singing / sings in the shower. 
3. This cheese tastes / is tasting strange. 
4. Are you thinking / Do you think Ann is pretty? 
5. Laura is walking / walks to school every day. 

2. Complete the sentences with the correct 

form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present 
Simple or Present Continuous. 

1. The sun ________(set) in the west. 
2. Please don’t disturb me. I_________________ 
3. I still ______________(not know) the answer. 
4. you always___________ 
(go) to the cinema on Friday nights? 
5. We______________ (have) a picnic next 
6. How much this parcel________________ 

3. Complete the school newsletter page with 
the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use 
the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 

Don’t forget! Our school 1._______ 

(participate) in the annual Community Action Day 
on 23rd September. Sign up now to volunteer! 
Mark your calendar: The Film Club 
2. ______(meet) every Monday at 

8 pm. Next week, they 3.______ 
(show) Up in the Air. It 4._______ 
(star) George Clooney. 
5._______ you (want) to 
learn how to cook? Next Friday afternoon, the chef 
from Angie’s Restaurant 6._______ 
(offer) a free basic cookery lesson to all 
interested students. Contact Mona in the 
office for details. 

Past Simple and Past Continuous 

4. Write sentences using the words below. Use 
the Past Simple or Past Continuous. 

1. your brother / watch TV / when / you / get home / ? 
2. you / finish / the / English homework / yesterday / ? 
3. I / not eat sushi / when / I / in Japan / last year / . 
4. last year / Susie / work / in a shop / while / study / . 

5. Complete the e-mail with the correct form of 
the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or 
Past Continuous. 

Grammar Review 
[email protected] 
Coming Soon … 
Don’t forget! Our school 1.____________ 
(participate) in the annual Community Action Day 
on 23rd September. Sign up now to volunteer! 
Mark your calendar: The Film Club 
2. ______________(meet) every Monday at 
8 pm. Next week, they 3.___________ 
(show) Up in the Air. It 4.____________ 
(star) George Clooney. 
5. ____________you (want) to 

learn how to cook? Next Friday afternoon, the chef 
from Angie’s Restaurant 6.__________________ 
(offer) a free basic cookery lesson to all 
interested students. Contact Mona in the 
office for details. 
Dear Rob, 
You’re lucky that you missed the 80s tribute bands  
concert last night. It 1. ____________(begin)  
badly. The organisers 2. __________(refuse)  
to open the doors to the arena early, even though it  
3._______________ (snow) heavily. Then, when  
they finally 4._________ (let) people in,  
nearly everyone 5._____________ (go) to the  
coffee kiosks to buy a hot drink, but guess what?  
The espresso machines 6.____________ 
(not work). Things 7.____________ (not get)  
better during the concert. All of the bands  
8. _____________(sound) terrible because there  
was something wrong with the sound system. And  
while the last band 9.___________________ (play), the  
lights suddenly 10. _____________(go out). 
Too bad I spent so much money on a ticket! 
See you on Friday, 

Present Perfect Simple and  

Past Perfect Simple 
6. Rewrite the sentences using the words in 
brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or 
Past Perfect Simple. Do not change the original 
meaning of the sentences. 

1. Sherry doesn’t know how to ride a bicycle. (never) 

2. I didn’t know Dan until three years ago. (for) 

3. Jane finished her work. Then she went to the 
cinema. (after) 

4. I met Rob’s new girlfriend for the first time last 
night. (before) 

5. I didn’t see Anne at the school picnic. She left 
before I arrived. (by the time) 

7. Complete the passage with the correct form of 
the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect 
Simple, Past Perfect Simple or Past Simple. 

During the past decade, the increasing presence of 
mobile phones 1.______ (lead) to a rise 
in public discussion related to their use. In recent years, 
researchers 2. ______(do) studies on 
their possible health effects. And lately, many places 
3. ______(make) it illegal to hold a phone 
while driving. But for many people, the biggest problem 
of mobiles is rude behaviour – including loud, personal 
conversations, and the use of phones in cinemas and 
restaurants. Some people are starting to fight this. 
During a play in New York in September 2009, the 
play’s two stars, Daniel Craig and Hugh Jackman, 
4. _______(shout) at a man in the audience 
when his mobile phone not only 5.______ 
(ring) several times, but he 6._______ 
(not silence) it. And Amy Alkon, an American writer, 
once 7. ______(call) a man to complain 
that he 8______. “ ” (forced) her to listen 
to his loud conversation earlier that day in a café. How 
9_____he (get) his 
phone number? He said it loudly during his phone call, 
and Ms Alkon simply 10.______ (write) it 

Present Perfect Simple and  
Past Simple 
8. Complete the sentences with a time expression 

in 2004 • already • yesterday • just 
never • then • yet  

1. A: London’s one of my favourite cities. What do 
you think of it? 
B: I don’t know. I’ve been there. 
2. A: Do you want to borrow this book? 
B: No, thanks. I’ve read it twice. 
3. A: Are you having a driving lesson later today? 
B: No, I had one . 
4. A: Have you already been to the library? 
B: No. I met Jane for breakfast, and 
we went to the shopping centre. 
5. A: How long have you had your dog? 
B: We got him , when he was a 
6. A: Is Lisa coming to visit this weekend? 
B: I’m not sure. She hasn’t decided . 
7. A: Someone delivered this parcel for you a few 
minutes ago. Hurry up – open it! 
B: Wait a minute. I’ve walked 
through the door. I want a cup of coffee first! 

9. Complete the passage with the correct form of 
the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect 
Simple or Past Simple. 

1._____ you (hear) of the Klingon 
language? It is a language featured in many of the Star  
Trek films. Marc Okrand, an American linguist, 
2. ______(invent) Klingon in the early 
1980s. The complex language was an immediate hit with 
Star Trek fans. Since then, they 3.______ 
(buy) over a quarter of a million copies of the Klingon 
dictionary that Okrand 4. _______(write). 
In addition, they 5. _______(establish) 
Klingon study groups, websites and fan clubs. They also 
6. ______(publish) books and released CDs 
on the language. People who are fluent in Klingon canfinally read a Klingon 
translation of the Shakespeare play 
Hamlet, a project that 7.______ (begin) 
several years ago. They probably 8.________ 
(greet) that news by saying, buy' ngop. That’s Klingon 
for “That’s great  

Future Simple, be going to and  

Present Continuous with Future  
0. Complete the dialogues with the correct form 
of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Simple, 
Present Continuous or be going to. There may 
be more than one possible answer. 

A: 1. you_____ 
(see) Bill tonight? 
B: No. I 2. ______(study) for my history 
A: Do you know what Bill 3.______ (do)? 
B: I’m not sure, but he 4.________ 
probably (play) computer 

games with his brother. 
A: Who 5._______ (bring) food to the 
picnic on Saturday? 
B: David 6______. (make) 
enough sandwiches for everyone. And he 
7. _______also 
(stop) on the way to buy large bags of crisps. 
A: OK. So I 8________. (bring) fizzy drinks. 
B: Good. Do you think we 9.___________ 
(need) anything else? 
A: I don’t think so. 

1. Write a logical continuation with the words in 
brackets. Use the Future Simple or be going to. 

1. Those are beautiful earrings. 
(Mum / love / them) 

2. I can’t wait to move to New York! 
(I / move / there / in a few months) 

3. We have got plenty of time. 
(we / not be / late) 

4. Relax. 
(you / pass / the / driving test / tomorrow) 

5. Be careful! 
(you / spill / the coffee) 

Future Perfect Simple and  

Future Continuous 
2. Complete the sentences with the correct form 
of the verbs below. Use the Future Continuous 
or Future Perfect. 

buy • not practise • play • score • go 
not see • move • not run 

1. By this time tomorrow night, John 
____________________in his 100th game 
for our team, but he hopes that at this time 
next year, he________________ goals for 
Manchester City. 
2. I really miss Sue. I know I____________ 
to visit her in three months’ time, but by then, 
we _____________________each other for six 
3. I _________________in the race on Sunday 
because I______________ enough by 
4. By the end of the week, he____________________ 
furniture, and on Saturday, he__________________ into his 
new flat. 

3. Complete the dialogues with the correct form 
of the verbs in brackets. Use a future tense. 
There may be more than one possible answer. 

1. A: Why does Emma want to learn French? 
B: She__________ (visit) her 
boyfriend’s family in France in the summer. 
2. A: I’m sorry, but there’s no more milk. 
B: In that case, I _____________(have) 
tea instead of coffee. 
3. A: What time do you want to meet tomorrow 

B: After ten. I__________ (have) 
breakfast by then. 
4. A: Do you have plans for tonight? 
B: Yes. I____________ (go) to a 
basketball game with my dad. 
5. A: Is that the Golden Gate Bridge? 
B: Yes, and in a moment, we___________ 
(drive) over it. 
6. A: I’m looking forward to seeing Laura tonight. 
B: Oh, I forgot to tell you. She_______________ 
(not come). 
Review of Tenses 

4. Complete the sentences with a suitable word 
or time expression below. 

how long • by then • while • never 
in the future • always • when 
at three in the morning 

1. We’re bringing Sam at ten o’clock tonight. 
________________, all the guests will have 
arrived for his surprise party. 
2. Why was your dog barking 
3. She ___________goes to the yoga class 
on Tuesdays because she likes the teacher. 
4. She’s an excellent windsurfer. I think she’ll win 
a lot of championships____________ . 
5. _______________ have you known Rita? 
6. Did you cry _______,the film ended? 
7. Janis was talking on the phone 
_____________she was cutting vegetables. 
8. I’ve ________let anyone read my 
journal. It’s private. 

5. Rewrite the sentences using the words in 
brackets. Do not change the original meaning 
of the sentences. Make any necessary changes. 

1. Is this your first time in San Francisco? (before) 
2. When did you move into this flat? (how long) 
3. I watched a film during the flight. (while) 
4. Those are my sunglasses. (belong) 
5. What is that delicious smell? (smells) 
6. He finished the report on Thursday night and 
handed it in on Friday. (the night before) 

6. Complete the passage with the correct form 
of the verbs in brackets. 


When Jamie Oliver 1.________ 
(catch) the public’s attention in 1999 with his first 
television series The Naked Chef, he was only 23 
years old. By that time, despite his young age, 
he 2. ______(already / have) 
ten years of cooking experience. Since the series 
3.______ (end) in 2001, Oliver 
4. ______(build) an impressive​↵
business empire that 5.______ 
(employ) over 2,000 people and includes a cookware 
brand and several restaurants. And, of course, Oliver 
6. ______(already / write) ten cookery 
books, and 7.______ (probably / 
write) more in the coming years. But more importantly, 
Oliver 8.________ (use) his fame and 
fortune to help others and to encourage healthy eating. 
In 2002, he 9.______ (establish) the 
Fifteen Foundation, which trains and employs young 
people in restaurant work. Among the foundation’s 
“graduates” are former drug addicts and youth who 

10.______ (be) once in trouble with 
the law. Oliver’s 2005 television series about the poor 
quality of Britain’s school lunch programme eventually 
11. _______(lead) to the government 
providing millions of pounds to improve it, and his 2008 
series Jamie’s Ministry of Food used a reality-show format 
to show how to prepare healthy meals easily and cheaply. 
Millions of fans 12._______ (wait) to see 
what he’ll do next – but with his history, there’s little doubt 
that it will be both entertaining and educational. 


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