Trane Engineers Newsletter - Mar2021

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providing insights for today’s hvac system designer


March 2021

Pressure-Independent Control Valves

and their Role in Comfortable, Efficient Chilled-Water Systems

With ASHRAE® now providing consensus Both centralized (air-handler) and

Somehow we abbreviated the guidance for lower and variable hydronic decentralized (terminal) coil valves are
affinity laws to say that load flow rates, different types of coil selections interacting with all other system
equals flow, or that load is are required and the subject of a past interconnected valves and pumps. When
proportional to flow. Neither is newsletter. Valve upgrades are also key for the pump speed increases, valves
inherently true—we find they are delivering the intended and expected serving an unchanged load close in
neither equal nor proportional system performance and cost benefits. response—otherwise an increased inlet
when looking at data from pressure would drive a higher flow
operating systems. When through the system. How much they
pressed about why we don't see a must close depends upon the additional
linear relationship in the real A Valve’s Purpose flow the other terminals require.
world, we shrug and point to
system pumping, coil and airside When a load presents a higher call for The ability of the valves to deliver the
dynamics and something about cooling, a fan-coil terminal valve opens, precise amount of air or water
the so-called low-delta-T responding to the temperature sensor in conditioning is usually a function of the
syndrome. And this should be the room or a discharge air temperature omniscience of the designer, or the
cause to investigate! sensor. If a variable speed fan is present, technology. It’s a fairly impossible ask:
perhaps the fan speed ramps up before the system designer must account for
Upgrading to pressure the valve opens. Perhaps it is a system interactions, estimate the loads
independence for cooling and combination of the two – for example within reason, select equipment
heating control valves is the when using single-zone VAV algorithms or judiciously, and successfully hand off to
system upgrade that simplifies sensible-only coils. Regardless, the valve a team of installers, controls contractors,
and restores the flow-load is supposed to open for more cooling and system balancers, and commissioning
relationship and the focus of this close for less cooling. In heating the agents.
newsletter. inverse is true.
One thing the designer can do is specify
In a centralized system, the air-handler’s and insist on better control valves, often
cooling valve likely responds to a with low or no additional first costs.
discharge air temperature control loop, Unfortunately, for many systems, the
while the fan speed responds to a duct responsibility falls on the controls
pressure setpoint or a critical air valve contractor to make the valve selecting
feedback loop. The discharge air setpoint decisions. In the effort to save cost, the
can reset itself in response to either selected valves are generally cheap and
outdoor air temperature or air valve the application of the valve is unknown.
positions. The hydronic system for chilled This is how bad central plants happen.
and hot water consists of interrelated
parts that all must work together.

©2021 Trane. All Rights Reserved. 1

Balancing valve is a type of valve used
Definitions Common to to minimize the impact of excessive Modulating Valves
Modulating Control Valves differential pressure in the system. Counteract the Flow
“Circuit setter” is a trade name for a
valve introduced by Bell and Gossett for
Characteristics of a Cooling
Before we go any further, let’s define
some basic terminology. automatic balancing. Differential Coil
pressure control valves are a type of
Equal-percentage flow characteristic balancing valve. Now let’s discuss the interaction
valves are typically used for hydronic between the valve and the cooling coil.
system control. Other valve Pressure-dependent (PD) control A sequence of figures from the Valves
characteristics (and applications) are valves are often selected by choosing chapter from the 2020 version of the
quick opening (two-position valves) a specified or arbitrary pressure drop ASHRAE® Handbook of Fundamentals
and linear (steam coils and bypasses). and calculating the proper flow illustrates that coil flow has an
coefficient (Cv). The location-specific exponential relationship with heat
Authority is the ratio between the pressure drop across the valve is often output (see Figure 1). As flow
valve pressure drop at minimum flow to unknown or assumed to be constant increases, the rate of change of the
the pressure drop at maximum flow. Its for large portions of a hydronic system. heat output decreases. To counteract
range is from 0 to 1. High authority this, the valve actuator performs the
leads to excessive valve pressure Note: Valve authority is rarely noted in a opposite exponential relationship
project specification or manufacturer’s (image B). The result is a linearization
losses. Authority too low leads to
valve selection table.
instability—the valve opens too quickly. of the valve position-heat output
For cooling coils, a typical authority Pressure-independent control valves relationship (image C). This assumes
would be from 0.25 to 0.5. Within this (PICVs) eliminate variability from that there is a constant pressure drop
range, authority distortion (in theory) pressure fluctuations within the across the valve—a bad assumption
linearizes the valve stroke of an equal- system. This can be done mechanically that we’ll circle back to later.
percentage valve when the system is with a dynamic pressure regulator or
not presenting the valve’s design Valves are often oversized. The effect
electronically with integrated software
pressure drop. of oversizing means that the coil
and measurements. Mechanical
output is not as desired (Figure 2).
PICVs consist of a pressure-regulating
Flow coefficient (Cv) is the flow
section and a flow-control section.
capacity of the valve at the fully open
Electronic PICVs consist of a flow-
position. It is derived from the fluid
measurement section and a flow-
type and temperature (specific gravity),
control section. These valves serve as
flow rate, and pressure drop. It is used
both the control valve and the
to select pressure-dependent valves
balancing valve.
and varies with the location of the valve
within the system. Calculating Cv
correctly means the designer must
know the flow rate and pressure drop
at the location where the valve will be
installed in the system.

Figure 1. Heat output, flow, and stem travel characteristics of equal-percentage valve

100 100 100

90 90 90

80 80 80

70 70 70
Heat output %
Heat output %

60 60 60
Flow %

50 50 50

40 40 40

30 30 30

20 20 20

10 10 10

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Flow % Stem travel % Stem travel %
(A) (B) (C)
Image source: 2020 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals

2 Trane Engineers Newsletter providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer
Figure 2. Effect of oversized valve on coil output
Hydronic Modeling
If assuming a constant pressure drop heat output

across the valve is bad, how can it be

determined? Steady-state hydronic
calculation tools such as Trane® Pipe

Heat emission
Designer determine flows and

pressures at the design point. Comfort oversized
applications in buildings are unlikely to
have all terminals at design load at the
same time, so there is some diversity
embedded in these calculations. While
we size pipes for full load, the pressure desired equal
percentage flow
at any point in the system will vary characteristic

throughout operation. Dynamic

0% 100%
hydronic modeling tools simulate how
Degree opening
the system might operate at other
conditions. If this sounds complicated,
Image source: Belimo Aircontrols (USA),
that’s because it is. To avoid these
complexities, many designers default
to rules of thumb, such as 4 to 5 psid Figure 3. Pressure-dependent control valve gain
across all control valves in the system,
regardless of location or valve type.
These shortcuts often lead to poor
valve gain + Δ gpm/ Δ stem position Δ 10 gpm
system performance, such as valve
Δ 1% stroke
hunting, actuator and valve failures,
limited system capacity, starved coils, Δ 6.5 gpm
hot and cold spots, low delta-T Δ 1% stroke
Δ 100 gpm

syndrome, and energy waste.

Δ 65 gpm

Δ 10% stroke


Control Valve Response to

Δ 10%
Changing Loads Δ 40 gpm Δ 4 gpm stroke
Δ 1% stroke

When loads change, control valve stem Δ 1 gpm

positions also change based upon a Δ 10 gpm
Δ 1% stroke

measured variable. The degree of

change to control that variable
20% 30% 70% 80% 70% 80%
depends on the type of valve and its set
up. The frequency of these adjustments % valve stem open
is dependent on multiple factors, such Process gain of pressure-dependent control valves changes by an order of magnitude with stem position
and with pressure differential
as the type of control loop, and could
be the subject of a future newsletter. Figure 4. Pressure-independent control valve gain vs. stem position

A pressure-dependent valve has a non- 100

linear valve-stem-position to flow
relationship. If the pressure drop 90
valve gain + Δ gpm/ Δ stem position
across the valve is relatively small, the 80
valve will have to move more than for a
larger pressure drop, in order to obtain
% flow (100 gpm)

the same impact on flow. For this 60

Δ 1 gpm
reason, pressure-dependent valves are Δ 1% stroke
= constant
selected for a specific pressure drop Δ 10 gpm
(Figure 3). 40

5 PSID - 70 PSID
30 repeatable
A pressure-independent valve has a nonlinear
Δ 10
10 PSID - 90 PSID
linear valve-stem-position to flow 20 repeatable
relationship across 85 percent or more range
of its throttling range. For every
percent change in valve stem position, 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
the same amount of change in flow
rate is created (Figure 4). % valve stem open
Process gain of pressure-independent control valves is constant over >85 percent of stem travel and
pressure differential (5 to 70 PSID or 10 to 90 PSID)
providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer Trane Engineers Newsletter 3
Pandemic responsive designs
Energy and Cost Energy
In response to renewed concerns Implications of More
about pathogen transmission through To quantify the potential energy benefit
HVAC systems, designers are
Precise Control of precise flow control, consider an
developing air-conditioning systems example coil designed to produce a
Operational differences exist between
with a much broader range of airflow 55°F dry-bulb leaving air temperature.
and loads. A mode of operation could pressure-dependent and pressure-
With pressure-dependent valves, flow is
deliver 100 percent outdoor air for the independent valves. We can quantify
often erratic. Reasons for erratic control
dilution and relocation of airborne the impact in terms of energy and first
include over-sized valves, poorly tuned
pathogens, while normal modes would costs.
gains, dirty coils, and higher-than-
bring in less outdoor air and recirculate
the rest. Air-handlers designed for this With a pressure-dependent valve, as design inlet pressures. As a result,
mode will have a dramatic difference in the pressure in the system changes, discharge air temperature deviates from
air- and water-flow rates in this mode the flow through the valve changes. By setpoint. Figure 6 shows a simplified
versus a normal mode of operation. incorporating an integral automatic view of discharge air temperature over
This is an excellent application for balancing component, pressure- time. If this cycle held through for an
industrial-quality, pressure-
independent valves compensate for entire day, the average discharge air
independent control valves that offer temperature would be 55°F.
pressure changes and maintain a
100:1 turndown while maintaining +/-
0.1°F off the coil. constant flow over a wide range of
Initially, this average discharge air
pressures. Pressure-independent
temperature looks good, however, more
Not only the flow, but also the pressure valves essentially create perfect valve
flow is used during the periods below
in the system is going to change authority and have valve action that is
setpoint than is saved when making
dramatically in these different proportional to flow (see Figure 5). This
warmer temperature air. This is due to
operating modes. The old standby means that control corrections for
design for this sort of challenge (1/3 – the non-linear relationship between coil
under and overflowing the load
2/3rd valves) won’t work very well. flow and heat output (Figure 1). To fully
(hunting) are unlikely. Instability from
compensate for the coil non-linear
hunting alters coil performance, as the
And, it’s not just the coil in the dual- relationship, as well as the pressure
coil moves away from steady-state,
mode air-handling unit that’s affected. drop, the control gains need to be
There is a case to be made that ALL tested conditions. It undoubtedly leads
programmed specifically to
control valves in such a chilled water to less comfort, as the loads are
system need to be PICVs—the valves subsequently over- and under-served.
on the normal AHUs would benefit
even more than those associated with
the ventilation system. Figure 5. Pressure-independent versus conventional valve

When in the high ventilation mode, the

AHUs will want substantially more flow, conventional,
which means they will need pressure-dependent valve
significantly more pressure to produce
that flow. With proper pump control,
70 PSID (4.83 BAR)

the “dual mode” AHUs will only see

5 PSID (0.34 BAR)

increased pressure when they need it.

If a standard pressure-dependent valve

had sufficient turndown capability, it

could have a chance to work. The
problem lies in the remainder of the
system. For those times when high
pressure-independent valve
pressure is created for high ventilation
mode units, all valves in the system will
be subjected to this increase in
pressure—even though they don’t need
or want it. The increased differential
pressure will destroy their flow
control—they need pressure
ΔP across valve
Image source: Flow Control Industries, Inc.,

4 Trane Engineers Newsletter providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer
the pressure differentials. What Figure 6. Effect of erratic valve control on deficit/surplus flow
typically happens is the coil over and 176%
undershoots the desired capacity and
the valve “hunts” around the controlled
variable— whether that’s discharge air 110%
temperature in VAV, or room
temperature in constant volume or on-
59°F 58%
off control air systems.

discharge air temperature

Because of the exponential effect that 24%
higher flow has on coil output, it is
important to remember that at higher 56°F
flow rate
flow rates there will be more 55°F
overcooling accomplished than will be 19% flow rate
saved by undercooling at lower flow 33%
rates. Said another way, additional 53°F 45%
latent energy will be removed from the 52°F
space, even though the average
discharge air dry-bulb temperature is
at setpoint.

Reducing latent overcooling does

more than just reduce required flow
power consumption. We often use Figure 7. Percent over design flow
and pump energy. It also reduces the
system delta-T as an indication of 60%
total cooling consumption and peak
system “health”, as it is directly related
cooling load. Having a low average
to the coil flow rates throughout the
delta-T is an indicator of overcooling,
distribution system.
and loads throughout the entire 32%
cooling profile are often inflated. This hp = gpm x 8.33 lb/gal x pd / (33,000
can have an impact much larger than ft lb/hp min x pump eff.)
the pump energy reduction alone. After
removing the over-cooling, the chiller 12%
kW = 746 x hp / motor eff.
loads are lower, and less energy is 3%
consumed. We’ll come back to this Having good delta-T at all load
later. conditions adds up, especially when
+/- +/- +/- +/-
looking at overall system performance. 1°F 2°F 3°F 4°F
The higher the deviation, the more For an 800-ton chilled-water system
excess flow and the more wasted with a 10°F delta-T, the flow rate would
energy. In addition, there will likely be be 1920 gpm. For an assumed pump
flow-starved coils in hydraulically head of 110 feet, pump power would
remote locations. The problem is made be 52 kW, or 0.06 kW per ton. Contrast Overall System Power
worse if higher deviations from that with a system operating with a
temperature setpoint are allowed. 16°F delta-T. The revised system is now Besides minimizing the required pump
only pumping 1200 gpm of water and energy for a given load, achieving
the pump head of the same system higher coil delta-T through stable flow
(pipes unchanged) would drop to 49 and temperature control can actually
Pumping Power feet. By reselecting the pump and reduce the total system load. The same
motor to retain the same efficiencies, 800-ton chilled water system may only
We can quantify the effect of precise 80 and 95 percent, the resulting pump peak at 720-tons when achieving a
flow control in terms of pumping power is now 16 kW, or 0.02 kW per 16°F system delta-T, due to the
power, though it also affects the ton. reduction in latent overcooling. The
amount of load and run time total flow reduction also allows better
experienced by the chillers. The How much is 0.04 kW per ton worth? chiller utilization. Additional latent
relationship between the waterside Pump energy occurs for the whole energy removal by not overshooting
flow rate and power can be calculated cooling season. But, from a first cost the desired flow and improving
at each terminal. However, the effect of perspective, in an 800-ton chiller operational delta-T allows better chiller
all the terminals together is what selection, that 0.04 kW/ton efficiency utilization. In a primary-secondary
ultimately determines the pump’s difference is equivalent to eight to system, chillers are staged based on
seventeen percent of the purchase flow, not based on capacity. When
price of the chiller.

providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer Trane Engineers Newsletter 5
delta-T falls below design, more or exceed the required delta-T. As coils
chillers than necessary will operate for Installation Cost are designed with increased delta-T,
portions of the cooling season. And in Differences they are more sensitive to changes in
the case of a water-cooled system, flow, thus increasing the importance of
adding a chiller also typically means an One of the perceived drawbacks of providing stable flow to each device.
additional condenser water pump and pressure-independent control valves is
cooling tower. the upfront cost difference compared Costs for characterized ball valves
to traditional pressure-dependent • valve
valves. The valve alone will likely be • balancing valve
more expensive than a traditional
• balancing contractor
Stability Essential for High control valve; however, pressure-
independent valves eliminate most • strainer
Delta-T Systems • commissioning
balancing valves and the need for
As systems push for higher delta-T system balancing. Some Costs for pressure-independent valves
designs, the coils become more manufacturers of pressure-
independent valves do not require • valve
sensitive to changes in flow. A 16°F
delta-T coil uses 25 percent less flow strainers upstream of the valve, though • limited commissioning
than a 12°F delta-T coil to move the strainers somewhere in the system are
same amount of heat. That means needed to protect the coils and other
every gallon becomes more important, components.
and stability becomes more critical. Electronic versus
Also consider the ability to design for
Mechanical Pressure-
and deliver systems with higher delta-
T. As the system design delta-T Independent Control Valves
increases, equipment to accommodate
the distribution flow can be downsized, Table 1 summarizes some of the
including the control valves, piping, differences between the leading
insulation, structural steel (pipe electronic and mechanical valves.
hangars, etc.), pumps, VFDs and
electrical service. This opportunity is
directly related to the ability to achieve

Table 1. Electronic versus mechanical pressure-independent control (PIC) valves

mechanical PIC valves electronic PIC valves

benefits considerations benefits considerations

easier selection optional support for BACnet BACnet communication software and programming for setup
communications typically standard
near perfect authority variability in robustness of design load measurement straight pipe upstream of flow
between manufacturers meter—can split flow meter section
from valve if there are installation
no additional control power, load measurement with optional flow limiting and delta-T potential comfort issues when
programming or software temperature sensors limiting operating modes operating in a flow-limiting or delta-T
limiting modes
no balancing devices or system some field setup required supply temperature and control portion reacts after a flow
balancing, limited commissioning depending on manufacturer pressure setpoints can be change is measured, leading to a
required independently reset slower response

6 Trane Engineers Newsletter providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer
Summary Resources
Hydronic systems perform better with [1] ASHRAE. ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC
pressure-independent control valves Systems and Equipment, Chapter 46 (Valves).
Atlanta. 2020.
and unlock opportunities to reduce
first costs through comprehensive [2] ANSI/ASHRAE/IES, Standard 90.1-2016,
system design. Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-rise
Residential Buildings. Atlanta: ASHRAE. 2016.
Designing for (and achieving) high
[3] Peterson, K. “Considerations for Selecting
delta-T systems with pressure-
Modulating Control Valves”, ASHRAE Journal.
independent control is what should be ASHRAE. February 2017.
expected from chilled-water systems.
The lower flow rates mean much of the [4] Taylor, S. “Practical Applications for Pressure
equipment can be downsized, with Independent Control Valves”, ASHRAE
Transactions. ASHRAE. 2018.
better system energy performance.
Systems that operate well need fewer [5] Trane. Comprehensive Chilled-Water System
or smaller chillers and lower flows Design product catalog. APP-PRC006*-EN.
mean smaller control valves, pipe 2021.
sizes, insulation, structural steel
[6] Murphy, J. “Selecting Chilled-Water Coils for
(hangars, supports, etc.), pump sizes, ASHRAE 90.1’s New 15°F Delta T
VFDs and electrical service. Requirement”. Engineers Newsletter. ADM-
APN070-EN. Trane. 2019.
Designing this way requires a system
approach, but it extends far beyond the [7] Taylor, S. (2017) “Fundamentals of Design and
Control of Central Chilled-Water Plants”,
basic “valve to valve” comparison. ASHRAE.
When designers can take advantage of
the available technology, it allows for a [8] ASHRAE/IESNA/AIA/USGBC/USDOE,50%
much larger savings opportunity. Advanced Energy Design Guide for Large
Hospitals. Atlanta. ASHRAE. 2012.
Careful consideration of the costs of
the entire system installation should [9] ASHRAE/IESNA/AIA/USGBC/USDOE. 50%
make their inclusion in hydronic Advanced Energy Design Guide for K-12
systems first cost neutral. If there is any School Buildings. Atlanta. ASHRAE. 2014.
additional cost, the benefits to system
[10]ASHRAE. ASHRAE GreenGuide: Design,
performance are significant enough to Construction, and Operation of Sustainable
make the case for using pressure Buildings. Atlanta. ASHRAE. 2012.
independence. It’s difficult to overstate
the value of having a properly
operating system at all load conditions,
and pressure-independent control
valves are key for successful system
By Susanna Hanson, Trane. To subscribe or view
previous issues of the Engineers Newsletter visit Send comments to [email protected].

providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer Trane Engineers Newsletter 7
Introducing myPLV® Design Tool
Wellsphere™ Because every situation is unique, the myPLV chiller performance evaluation tool
offers a quick and simple option for chiller economic comparisons.
Wellsphere™ from Trane® is a holistic
approach to building wellness. It’s a For more information, visit
multi-disciplinary collective of experts
using world class technologies and
services to improve the viability of your

For more information, visit 2021 Engineers Newsletter Live! program schedule
State-of-the-Art Chilled-Water Systems. When designed using today’s industry
guidance, chilled water systems provide building owners and operators with
flexibility to meet first cost and efficiency objectives, simplify maintenance and
operation, and exceed energy code minimum requirements. Design principles
Just released!
that right-size equipment and minimize system power draw are inherently simpler
updates to the June 2020
to control, and lead to high efficiency and reduced utility costs.
Engineers Newsletter on COVID-19!


Recommendations for COVID-19 ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2019. The 2019 version of ASHRAE Standard 62.1,
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, was published in late 2019. This ENL
This Engineers Newsletter, originally will overview the standard, discuss several key changes implemented in the 2019
published in June 2020, has been version, explain the three allowed procedures for determining ventilation airflows
updated to provide an overview of the (Ventilation Rate Procedure, IAQ Procedure, and Natural Ventilation Procedure),
latest guidance from ASHRAE for and walk through calculation steps using an example office building.
operating non-healthcare building
HVAC systems during the COVID-19 SEPTEMBER
Air Cleaning Devices for IEQ. A building’s indoor environmental quality is key to
the safety, health, and comfort of its occupants as we move forward in a post-
pandemic future. This ENL will cover what Indoor Environmental Quality is, how to
create resilient systems, and discuss air cleaning device testing in order to
construct healthy and efficient spaces.

ASHRAE Standard 15. ASHRAE Standard 15, Safety Standard for Refrigeration
Systems, focuses on the safe design, construction, installation, and operating of
refrigerating systems. This ENL will overview the 2019 version of this standard
and explain how its requirements apply to various types of refrigerating systems,
including new requirements for systems with Class A2L (lower flammability)

Contact your local Trane office for more information or visit

Trane – by Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), a global climate innovator – creates comfortable, energy efficient
indoor environments through a broad portfolio of heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems and controls,
services, parts and supply. For more information, please visit or

Trane believes the facts and suggestions presented here to be accurate. However, final design and application decisions are
your responsibility. Trane disclaims any responsibility for actions taken on the material presented.

All trademarks referenced in this document are the trademarks of their respective owners.

© 2021 Trane. All Rights Reserved.

ADM-APN077-EN (March 2021)

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