Complete Herbal Medicine

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Complete Herbal Medicine Guide

Complete Herbal Medicine


Complete Herbal Medicine Guide

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Complete Herbal Medicine Guide

Table of Contents

1. The History Of Herbs

2. Your Own Herb Garden
3. Harvesting And Storing Your Herbs
Drying Herbs
Freezing Herbs

4. Cooking With Herbs

5. Medicinal Properties of Herbs

Preparation Of Remedies
Remedial Properties Of Each Herb
Agnus Castus
Aloe Vera
Black Cohosh
Buchu Leaf
Celery Seed
Chamomile Flowers

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Cramp Bark
Devil's Claw
Echinacea Root
Gingko Leaf
Golden Seal
Hawthorn Berry
Lemon Balm
Lime Flower
Milk Thistle

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Raspberry Leaf
Red Clover
Slippery Elm
St John's Wort
Tea Tree
Willow Bark
Witch Hazel

6. In Conclusion

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1. The History Of Herbs

What is a herb? The dictionary says: “a plant whose stem is not woody, which dies down
to the ground after flowering; a plant whose leaves etc are used for food, medicine, scent
or flavor.”

Herbs have been used since the dawn of the human race. Even before people began to
cook on fires, herbs were probably being harvested and used raw for food or medicinal

Native Americans, Aboriginal Australians and many other peoples following an

undeveloped way of life all use herbs extensively. There was a herb for almost every
ailment or need. Sometimes they were used in witchcraft too, although the dividing line
between witchcraft and medicine was often blurred, as in the example of the ‘witch
doctor’. Originally, people had no understanding of the causes of disease such as bacteria,
viruses, etc. They believed sickness was caused by supernatural forces, either evil spirits
or spells placed by other people. Therefore, a person who knew how to cure sickness was
believed to be dealing with evil spirits and practicing magic. This association persisted
even after people began to understand the biological causes of disease.

In Europe many people who were branded as witches were probably simple herbal
medicine practitioners. Herbal medicine was outlawed in many of these countries by
governments influenced by the new ‘scientific’ and male-dominated form of medicine.

Herbs, along with spices, were valuable commodities in trade in former times. From
around 114 BC until 1400 AD, the ‘silk road’ was used to trade herbs and spices between
Europe and Asia. Europeans imported ginger, cinnamon and other spices, and exported
herbs like sage that were much in demand in Asia for their aromatic and medicinal

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properties. This kind of trading led to communication between civilizations that could be
said to form the basis of the ‘world culture’ of today.

Chinese traditional medicine is still today based mainly on the use of herbs, but in
Western culture they did not start to make a serious comeback for any purpose other than
cooking until the 1960s and 1970s, when cultural and ecological movements started to
consider adopting the best features of pre-industrial society in our postindustrial age.

Most of the well known herbs can easily be grown in a garden. Because they are mostly
small plants, even a very small garden such as a roof garden is sufficient. Herbs are
ancient, natural plants that grew wild, so they are hardy and resistant to disease when
grown in a soil and climate that is similar to their native region. Many of them can also
be grown indoors.

Of course they are also used to flavor dishes in cooking. Some dishes and sauces such as
pesto and mint sauce are based around one particular herb. Others, like pumpkin pie and
sausages, get most of their individual flavoring from the blend of herbs that is used.
Herbs have been in our lives, our homes, our gardens and especially in our kitchens,

2. Your Own Herb Garden

Many of us have childhood memories of playing in a garden on a sunny day with the
scent of lavender, rosemary and mint accompanying our every step. Just a whiff of these
scents will bring a wave of nostalgia for childhood summers, fairy tales and times gone

The good news is that we can create our own fairy tale setting right here and now by
planting a herb garden in even the smallest back yard.

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Herbs are natural ‘weeds’ or wild plants and unlike many flowering plants they have not
been bred or mutated into something more pleasing to the eye. They remain in their
original state and as such they are most often hardy and easy to grow with a natural
resistance to disease. You can avoid using chemical pesticides on them and if you can do
the same with the rest of your garden, you will have ‘organic’ herbs that you can safely
eat when any superficial dust and insect matter have been washed away.

The location of your herbs is important. They need to be close to the house where you
will constantly see them. Under the kitchen window is great. This way, you will
remember to water them and you will not have far to go when you need a little flavoring
in the middle of cooking dinner. Even if it is raining, just a step outside and you will have
your herbs. If they are at the far end of the garden, on the other hand, they are more likely
to be neglected and unused.

Many herbs are small plants that do not require much space, but beware of them
spreading uncontrollably. Lavender can become huge hedges, mint can pop up all over
your lawn, and many others will simply grow and grow if they are happy in your garden.
Give them plenty of space and be prepared to control them firmly when necessary.

Your first decision will be whether to grow your herbs all together or mix them around
the garden with other plants. There is a lot to be said for having all your herbs within easy
reach in one bed, and if you do this be sure not to make the bed narrow enough that you
can harvest the leaves you need without damaging other plants.

On the other hand, plants in the wild tend to grow with certain other ‘companion’ plants
and if you mimic this by considering compatibility in planting your herbs, all of your
garden may benefit. Here are some examples:

- Parsley, tomatoes and asparagus is a good combination. Parsley also grows well with

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- Sage and tarragon are said to grow so well together that you will have a more intense
flavor from both herbs if you mix them rather than keeping each separate.

- Dill does well with cucumbers. However, do not try to grow dill with potatoes or
cabbage, as they are incompatible.

Many herbs have other helpful properties. Nasturtiums are good next to fruit trees to keep
aphids away. Lavender does the same for roses. Thyme along the edge of a bed will help
to deter snails. Marigold and borage provide saponins, important nutrients for the soil.

Herbs are not all leaf. Sage, lavender, borage, feverfew, chamomile and marigold are all
examples of herbs which will flower beautifully in your garden. If you have plenty of
space, you may want to plant more of these than you need, because they are so attractive.

Of course, you will want to plant smaller growing herbs at the front of any bed with
larger plants behind, both for ease of reach and for a better display.

Most herbs enjoy a sunny spot although there are exceptions. However, it is better not to
have them in full sun all day, or they will mature and turn to seed very quickly. Once they
are forming seeds, all of their goodness and energy goes into the seed so unless your aim
is to produce seeds (e.g. with coriander or pepper) you should take your main harvest
before that happens, while the flavor and nutrients are still in the leaf (or flowers, with

Of course you can also grow herbs in containers. Many will thrive in a small container.
Some, like mint, can be grown in pots buried into the soil to prevent them spreading
uncontrollably. Others grow so well in pots that containers have been designed
specifically for them – you can grow parsley in a special clay ‘parsley pot’, if you wish.

If you use wooden containers, be sure they have not been treated with any damaging
chemicals. Anything used in the treatment will enter the soil, be taken into the plant and

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eventually end up in your stomach, so it is worth taking some care with this. If you want
to grow your herbs organically you may prefer to use clay pots.

Be sure that the containers are well drained, because most herbs like a fairly dry
environment. This means having drainage holes on the underside of the pot, and also
placing a layer of large gravel or similar before you add any soil, to help with drainage.
However, containers do need frequent watering because the soil will not hold water as
well as in a garden bed. Let them get a little dry right before harvest to keep the nutrients
strong in the leaves.

The next question is which herbs to choose. If you are starting from zero, do not be
tempted to plant too many different herbs. In the first year it is better just to choose four
or five plants that you know you will use and enjoy. Later, you can add more with the
benefit of experience.

If you are starting your plants from seed, most of them will be best in seed trays indoors
at first. Use at least 2 inches depth of potting soil. Don’t forget to label them! The trays
need to be well watered and until the seeds have sprouted you can leave them covered to
hold in the moisture. Once shoots appear, they will need light. However you can replace
the lid at night at first, to keep them warm.

You will probably have a lot of tiny seedlings but do not start to thin them out until the
first real leaves are fully formed. At that point you can see which are the weaker plants
and remove these, to leave just the strongest ones, preferably about 2 inches apart. As
they grow bigger you can transfer them into individual small containers.

Start your seeds in the late winter or early spring, and start putting them outside for a few
hours every day before you transplant them into the garden. They need some warmth in
the soil before they are planted, and they also need to acclimatize to the outside air and

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Alternatively, if you do not want the trouble of starting your own seedlings, you can buy
small plants that are ready to be planted outdoors. If they were kept indoors at the store,
you will still need to leave them in their pots for a few days while you acclimatize them
to your garden by putting them out during the day and bringing them in at night.

Fennel and cilantro are examples of plants that do not like to be transplanted, so with
these it is best to plant the seeds directly outside.

Once outdoors, herbs will benefit from rich, fertile soil. This means adding fertilizer or
compost at least once a year. Choose an organic fertilizer if you aim for organically-
grown herbs. You can also collect fallen leaves and spread them over the earth as mulch
during the winter, or dig them into the soil. Dead leaves make wonderful compost.

3. Harvesting And Storing Your Herbs

It is a marvelous experience to see your herbs growing in your own garden or even at the
window of your apartment, and then pick them to use in food or teas. In the early
summer, you can take a few leaves as you need them, but when the time comes for
harvesting larger quantities of leaves you will want to consider how to keep them to use
through the winter until next year’s plants begin to grow.

Generally, the part of the plant that is most commonly used as a herb is the leaf. Most
plants will stop producing new leaves when they begin to flower, so to get the biggest
crop you should pick plenty of leaves often, ‘pruning’ the plant to stop it from flowering
early. However, if you do not need much from the plant and enjoy seeing its flowers, you
may want to take a main harvest later, when it begins to flower.

Plants are either annual (they die each year, and you must start over from new seeds the
next spring) or perennial (they live from year to year). Most perennials are herbaceous,
which means that they die back in the winter and then have new growth in the spring.

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With annuals, you can harvest the whole plant as early as you like, unless you want to
collect your own seeds. With perennials it is better to let some leaves remain on the plant
so that it has the power to photosynthesize (benefit from the sunlight) until it is ready to
die back for winter.

Herbs are easy enough to collect, but when it comes to storing them, a little more thought
is required. Of course you will use some fresh and they will keep in the refrigerator for
around a week, but to store for the winter you have two main options: drying or freezing.

Drying Herbs

If you plan to dry your herbs, don’t take small cuttings because it is easier to deal with
long stems or even whole plants. Cut stems that are up to 10 inches long, shake off any
insects and remove any diseased leaves.

Most people dry herbs by hanging them upside down in a warm, dry, well-ventilated area
so that as much of the nutrients as possible go to the leaves. It is best to hang them
indoors so that you know they will stay clean, and do not hang them at a window where
they will be in full sunlight.

To hang them, first remove any leaves that are attached to the bottom 2 inches of the
stem, then tie your stems together with string or cotton sewing thread. Put each bundle
into a brown paper bag that you have cut ventilation holes into. Tie the top of the bag
around the stems, so that the ends of the stems stick out of the bag, and use the end of the
string to hang them upside down in your chosen spot.

They can take up to 2 weeks to dry completely. It is essential to wait until they are
completely dry, because if you store them while any moisture remains in the leaves they
will go moldy.

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When they are dry, you can strip the leaves off the stems for easier storage and keep them
in glass jars or whatever airtight container is convenient for you. If you are using glass
jars, choose dark glass that will not allow the light to affect the herbs.

The second way to dry herbs is to spread them out on screens. For most people this is less
convenient. You need to be sure the air is getting all around the leaves, and the best way
to do this is to strip the leaves off before drying, and spread them individually. So unless
you only have a tiny herb garden, you need a lot of space for this method.

Although the plants are very distinctive while they are growing, once they are dry it is
much harder to tell one leaf from another. Be sure to keep the plants separate so that you
do not risk mixing them up later.

While they do need to be dried in a warm environment, do not artificially heat them to try
to dry them faster (e.g. by putting them in the oven). Even on the lowest heat setting, this
will destroy some of the essential oils.

Dried herbs will have a stronger flavor than fresh because with the removal of water from
the leaves, the essential oil becomes more concentrated.

Freezing Herbs

Freezing is generally believed to be a better way to preserve the essential oil in herbs, so
that you have more of their wonderful flavor and aroma.

Freezing fresh herbs is simple but unless you have a very large freezer it needs to be done
in small batches. One method to strip the leaves off the stems and spread them out
individually on a cookie sheet or on paper, as for the screen drying method above. This
will not take long and as soon as they are frozen you can bag them and spread out the
next batch to freeze.

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When you thaw the herbs, they will not look like they did when fresh. This is because of
the action of the water content inside the leaves as it freezes and then thaws. But don’t
worry, they are still fine to use as if they were fresh.

You can also freeze them into ‘herb ice cubes’. This involves chopping them and placing
them in an ice cube tray to which you then add water. Save the cubes and use them one
by one in cooking.
It is also possible to freeze herbs that have already been dried. This could be good if you
want to keep them for a long time, if you are having trouble getting them completely dry,
or if you do not have any dry place to store them. However, it makes the work of drying
them a little pointless, so this is probably best used if you have bought or been given a
large quantity of dried herbs.

4. Cooking With Herbs

If you cook at all, you know that most types of food taste better with seasoning of some
kind. This may be simple salt and pepper or a complicated blend of herbs or spices. In
fact, there is often not much difference between a herb and a spice. The herb cilantro is
the leaves of the coriander plant whose seeds are considered a spice, used in curries.
Pepper, which we think of as a spice, also comes from a herbal plant called Piper
Nigrum, native to India. Black, white and green pepper are all made from its berries at
different stages of ripeness.

Other herbs used frequently in cooking include oregano, sage, rosemary, basil and
parsley. Some of these are used particularly in dishes from a certain country or region
where the plant grows wild, and these culinary uses of herbs are probably many centuries

Herbs, like leafy vegetables, contain virtually no calories. Although essential oils can and
are extracted from them, their fat content when eaten in leaf or dried form is virtually nil.

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They give their flavor to dishes and their medicinal properties to us in the form of
extracts and oils, and nothing else.

Many people do not know that there is even a herb that can be used to sweeten dishes
instead of sugar. It is called Stevia or Sweetleaf and it is native to South and Central
America. You can buy this as a food supplement in many countries although the FDA has
not yet accepted it as a food. Although it tastes sweet it has virtually no calories and does
not affect blood glucose levels, making it very attractive for many diabetics as well as
dieters and anyone who prefers to avoid consuming refined sugar.

Many of the popular commercial sauces and meat marinades take their flavor from
natural herbs. Even many food additives are in fact herbal extracts. Often these are so
highly processed that any nutritional or health properties are completely gone, but the
taste is there.

Expert cooks have two rules for the use of herbs in the kitchen:

1. A little goes a long way

2. Experiment!

Using either too many different herbs in a dish, or putting in too much of one herb, can
ruin the dish completely, resulting in either an unpalatable mixture of tastes or an
overwhelming flavor that leaves us unable to taste the natural flavor of the food. A herb
should complete and complement the main ingredients in your cooking, not dominate

Experimenting with herbs in cooking can open the door to a new world of culinary
delights. Many people, when they see herbs mentioned in a recipe, add a pinch of the
dried herb from a glass jar long past its ‘consume before’ date. Next time, why not try
using the fresh herb? It may taste like a completely different recipe!

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Of course herbs can also be used to make herbal teas. The leaves you use can be fresh,
frozen or dried. Frozen leaves keep their flavor better than dried, so when you are
harvesting a whole plant, freeze it for best preservation. Remember to divide the leaves
into small quantities so that you can easily defrost a small amount each time.

When making herbal tea, use water that is not quite boiling. Either boil the water and
leave it to stand a few minutes before pouring onto your leaves, or mix the boiling water
with a little cold water before adding your leaves. This way the enzymes and other
sources of goodness in the herbs are more likely to survive.

5. Medicinal Properties Of Herbs

As we have already seen, herbs have been used for medicinal purposes for as long as we
can imagine. In 1991, two mountain walkers in the Alps in Europe discovered the well-
preserved body of a man who turned out to be around 5,300 years old. Along with his
weapons and tools, this neolithic man (nicknamed Őtzi) was carrying a plant that is
known to have medicinal properties.

The question that springs to mind when we hear of stories like this, is how did these
people know that a certain plant would cure a certain disease? They had no way of
analyzing their scientific properties. Trial and error is often assumed to be the answer, but
although it is easy to see how a tribe might discover poisonous plants by trial and error,
finding cures is much more difficult. With all the plants that there are, and all the plants
that would normally have been consumed in their diets, it seems much more likely that
they had some instinctive knowledge of these matters which we, with all our technology,
have lost. Animals seem to have an instinctive craving for certain plants when they are
sick – perhaps people were once the same.

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These days, more and more people are turning to natural forms of medicine as an
alternative to commercially-produced drugs. Often they experience effective treatment
with fewer allergic reactions and side effects than with conventional drugs.

Other times, drug manufacturers are turning to herbs to isolate the ‘active ingredients’
that will help to treat a particular disease or condition. However, holistic herbal
practitioners maintain that it is better to use the whole essential oil than to mess with
nature’s balance by isolating ingredients and putting them into a factory- produced tablet.

We must include a second warning here. The information in this book is produced for
your general interest and entertainment. It is not medical advice. Medical advice can only
be given by a qualified practitioner who can assess you personally. The statements in this
book are a matter of opinion rather than fact. Many of the described remedies are
unproven and some could be dangerous for some people. No person should use any of the
herbal remedies outlined in this book without first consulting a doctor or qualified herbal
medicine practitioner. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and small children should not
take any remedy unless it is expressly prescribed by their doctor.

At their simplest level, herbal remedies have been used by most every person on this
earth. Who has not used plant leaves to help relieve poison ivy or nettle rashes, taken
chamomile tea to aid sleep, or something similar? Even a morning cup of tea to help us
wake up could be described as a herbal remedy.

The effectiveness of any herbal remedy varies from person to person depending on many
individual factors including their age, fitness, diet and general levels of health. Herbal
medicine is not ‘one size fits all’.

Plants have effects, and if they are taken in certain forms they have stronger effects.
However, there is always the possibility of an allergic reaction. This can happen with
natural herbs just as it can with foods or with certain drugstore medications. This is

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another reason why it is important to see a qualified practitioner before trying any self
medication using herbs.

Having said that, herbal medicines are now immensely popular and there are many
qualified herbalists that you can consult if you are interested in this form of treatment.
Most herbal medicines are available to buy as capsules, oils, or creams depending on
their application.

Preparation Of Remedies

It is also possible to create remedies at home from herbs that are grown in the yard. Be
aware that in this case, as there is no way to analyze the finished preparation, you cannot
know how strong it is. Unless something is safe for virtually unlimited use, this is risky.
However, where this is done, there are four main ways:

Infusion – this basically means creating a tea from your herb, where you use the flowers
or leaves. Take 1 oz of dried herbs or 2.5 oz fresh for each pint of water. Use water that is
recently boiled but not actually boiling. Cover it so that the essential oils do not
evaporate. Leave it to stand for 10-20 minutes, then strain. Drink warm.

Decoction – this is a way to extract herbal remedies from seeds, roots, barks and berries.
Take 1 oz of dried herb or 2 oz of fresh for each 1.5 pints of water. Put the herb directly
in cold water in a saucepan. Bring to boiling, cover and leave simmering for one hour.
Strain and drink warm or cold.

In most cases the dose of either an infusion or a decoction would be one cup, three times
a day. Sweeten with honey if desired. The liquids will keep in a cool place for up to 12
hours, and can be gently reheated to be drunk warm.

Poultice - the poultice is a traditional way of applying herbal remedies that allows the
ingredients to be absorbed through the skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of the herb in powdered

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form with a little hot water (or a little infusion of the same or a compatible herb) to make
a paste. Put the paste between two pieces of sterile lint or bandage and apply to the
affected area, as hot as possible without burning.

Compress – here the lint or bandage is soaked in a lotion or tincture containing the herb
or a mixture of herbs, before being applied to the affected area. It is difficult to regulate
the dosage and this form of application is mainly used by qualified practitioners.

Remedial Properties Of Each Herb

Now let us look at the best known medical properties of individual herbs.

Agnus Castus
Helps regulate progesterone levels in women, easing menopausal symptoms plus some
menstrual problems such as breast tenderness and menstrual-related migraines and acne.
Do not use if taking HRT. Can be combined with Black Cohosh, Sage and Feverfew as

Aloe Vera
Aloe gel is a wonderful skin treatment. Can be used on burns, scars, wounds, acne,
sunburn, varicose veins and ulcerated skin. Internally, can ease gastritis, peptic ulcers and
irritable bowel syndrome.

Arnica cream helps with bruising. Can also restore hair loss. Do not use the cream on
broken skin, do not take arnica internally (except in tiny homeopathic doses), and never
use undiluted arnica as it can be toxic.

Decoction of seeds with honey to relieve a cough.

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Infusion to drink for migraines. Douche with it for yeast infection. Pregnant women
should not have any basil.

Black Cohosh
Regulates oestrogen production in women, helping with menstrual problems such as
cramps, and useful during the menopause for reducing hot flashes and menopausal
depression. Also helps with rheumatoid arthritis, some types of headache, osteoporosis,
high blood pressure and tinnitus.

Stimulates the adrenal glands, useful in dangerous or stressful situations and for anxiety,
depression and grief, giving us the courage to go on. Also helps with rheumatoid arthritis
and acts as a diuretic and cleanser of the kidneys.

Buchu Leaf
Works as an antiseptic in the urinary system, relieving cystitis, thrush, prostate problems
and all urinary tract diseases. Also reduces catarrh and intestinal wind and bloating.

Regulates menstruation and helps with cramps.

Relieves arthritis pain. Helps regulate blood sugar.

Sedative. Relieves hypertension. Helps the kidneys to detoxify the body.

Celery Seed

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Eases arthritis pain, including osteoarthritis, and relieves gout with regular use. Helps
with urinary tract infections such as cystitis. Can also ease chest problems such as asthma
and bronchitis.

Chamomile Flowers
Mildly sedative, helping with sleep problems. It also has anti inflammatory properties and
is very useful for digestive problems including gastro-intestinal irritation, ulcers, colitis
and irritable bowel. It can relieve cramps either related to indigestion or menstrual
cramps. It also makes the body more receptive to other remedies, working well in

It may come as a surprise to many gardeners to hear that this well known and rampant
weed has some good qualities! Chickweed cream can be very effective for eczema and
other dry, irritated skin, as well as minor burns, stings and scars. It also helps relieve

Dissolves gallstones. Cleans the liver.

Antibacterial. Relieves stomach upsets of bacterial origin. Helps to preserve meat.

Helpful for bronchitis. For persistent coughs, use 4 drops of the essential oil in a bowl of
boiling water and inhale the steam.

Clove oil is a wonderful remedy for toothache. Cloves also help against alcoholism.


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This herb contains allantoin, which aids growth and healing in cartilage, bone and
muscle. It has been used to help heal fractures and sprains for centuries. Reduces
swelling. For external use only -apply as a poultice. Comfrey can also help with acne and
scars – mix a teaspoonful of powdered comfrey root with water to make a paste and apply
it as a face pack, leaving on for as long as possible.

Cramp Bark
Useful for any kind of cramps. In the case of menstrual cramps, start taking it a few days
before menstruation is due. Also helps with menopausal aches and pains. Can also be
used to help control the bladder in cases of incontinence or bedwetting, and for irritable
bowel syndrome.

This Mexican herb was prized as an aphrodisiac and traditionally is mainly used for male
sexual problems including impotence and premature ejaculation. It can also be helpful in
stimulating the reproductive organs in women and relieving menstrual pains. Also used
for depression linked to nervous exhaustion, and urinary infections.

Dandelion leaves are used in salad in many countries. It is a great detoxifier, helping the
liver, kidneys and gallbladder to eliminate waste. For warts, rub the wart with the white
juice from a dandelion leaf or stem twice a day for a few weeks.

Devil’s Claw
Eases the pain of arthritis and rheumatism, and persistent back pain. Works as an anti-
inflammatory, also useful for fevers. Stimulates the digestion.


Echinacea Root

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Boosts the immune system, with anti-viral and anti-bacterial effects. Good for flu, colds,
throat infections, tonsillitis, and even ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis). Also for boils,
tooth abscess and acne where body toxicity is the cause.

Bad breath.

Soothing for the digestive system, relieving problems such as colitis, ulcers, irritable
bowel, gastro-enteritis and diarrhea. Fenugreek also has a reputation as an aphrodisiac
and the seeds are used for male impotence in China.

Anti-inflammatory. Take small doses as a preventive treatment for migraine, especially
menstruation-related migraines. Also effective for minor headaches, hangovers, and
arthritic and rheumatic pain.

Antibiotic, especially effective for bronchitis and other chest infections. Reduces blood
cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart attacks. Thins the blood, helping to prevent
strokes. Antiseptic and antifungal, helpful for athlete’s foot, infectious rashes and warts.

Contraindications: may irritate the digestive tract in some people; not to be taken by
nursing mothers as it can cause colic in the baby.

Calms the gastro-intestinal tract, preventing travel sickness and nausea. May be useful for
morning sickness in pregnancy (check with your doctor). Eases symptoms of colds, flu,
bronchitis and whooping cough. Also thins the blood to reduce stroke risk.

Gingko Leaf

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Aids memory and concentration by helping circulation in the brain, particularly for
seniors. Is used to treat dementia. Antidepressant, helps to prevent strokes and thrombus,
and relieves tinnitus. Taken by many multiple sclerosis sufferers.

Ginseng (Korean)
Relieves stress. Although generally a stimulant (including reputed aphrodisiac qualities
for men) it will not prevent sleep if the body needs it. Improves health and spirits
generally, especially in old age. Do not take with caffeine or alcohol, and do not use if
you have hypertension. Siberian Ginseng is a milder form, but still should not be taken in
these circumstances.

Golden Seal
Helpful for any problems with mucous membranes including respiratory ailments. Eases
thrush in women, and athlete’s foot. Helps with peptic ulcers, liver problems and urinary
infections, and stimulates the appetite.

Hawthorn Berry
Used under medical supervision for coronary heart disease and angina. Regulates blood
pressure and helps stabilize irregular heartbeat. Not to be taken without medical advice.

Eases chest congestion. Relieves muscular aches.

Anti-inflammatory, widely used by asthma sufferers. Also helpful for hay fever and for
colds (at the early stages). Relieves the nerves, preventing nervous diarrhea, and helps
with nervous exhaustion, anxiety, depression, grief and guilt.

Lavender oil can help relieve chilblains. Add a pinch of lavender flower to other mild
herbal teas as a tonic, and to lime flower tea for migraine.

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Lemon Balm (Melissa)

Calming and cheering, lemon balm can relieve mild depression, irritability, anxiety and
panic. Can calm palpitations. Good for digestive problems caused by stress or anxiety.
Externally, helps with herpes sores including cold sores.

Balances the nervous system. Not to be used long term as it can damage the liver.

Lime Flower
For restlessness and nausea. Also helps with insomnia and migraine.

Marigold (Calendula)
Relieves skin problems including acne, rashes, cuts and sunburn. Essential oil can help
relieve cold sores. Also helps with fungal infections including athlete’s foot, thrush and
ringworm. Can be used for liver problems, including hepatitis.

Milk Thistle
For liver disorders, including all types of hepatitis, problems resulting from alcohol
abuse, or to assist and protect the liver during chemotherapy (as always, discuss with
your doctor). Also useful against melancholic depression which is associated with the

There are many different species of mint. Garden mint tends to be milder than
peppermint in its effects. Relieves heartburn and flatulence, helps stomach aches, nausea
and travel sickness. Useful for head colds and flu, sore throats, headaches and eye
infections. Antibacterial. Can help to lower a high temperature by provoking sweating.

Relieves some types of heartburn. Helps with muscle sprains.

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Helps with indigestion.

Reduces fever. Relieves indigestion, flatulence and bloating. Helps to regulate

High in vitamin C, but only if eaten raw. Also aids digestion, acts as a decongestant and
diuretic, helps with bad breath, and cleans the blood.

A natural, non-addictive tranquilizer for anxiety, irritability, insomnia, excitability and
panic. Antispasmodic, sometimes prescribed for convulsions, useful for hypertension,
menstrual cramps and asthma.

Raspberry Leaf
High in calcium, useful for preventing osteoporosis. Heals wounds, relieves sore throats,
canker sores and gingivitis (gum disease). For women, can control heavy menstrual
bleeding and traditionally used in pregnancy to prevent nausea and miscarriage and relax
the cervix in preparation for childbirth (as always, discuss with your doctor). Also good
for post-natal depression.

Red Clover
Relieves eczema and psoriasis. Used in treatment of some cancers.

Stimulant for the heart and nervous system. Improves blood circulation to the brain and
scalp, helping with migraines, hair loss, and to improve memory, especially for
examinations. Helps with convalescence after a serious illness and increases optimism.

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For all throat and gum infections. Also for menopausal hot flashes. Helps with irritable
bowel and diarrhea. Relieves insect bites and stings. Is said to help with failing memory
in old age. A versatile herb!

Slippery Elm
Good for digestive problems and disorders of the colon including constipation, colitis and
hemorrhoids. Also for chest infections – colds, flu, bronchitis, pleurisy and even
tuberculosis. Not to be taken in pregnancy.

St John’s Wort
Well known as an antidepressant. Also antiviral, used to treat flu, hepatitis and HIV. Can
have side effects – only to be taken under medical supervision.

Helps with insomnia and depression.

Tea Tree
Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of a plant native to Australia. It has wonderful
antiseptic powers and is also antifungal and rejuvenating. Helps with all surface problems
of the body whether internal or external – problems of the skin including acne, mouth,
sinus, bronchial passages, plus ear infections and dandruff.

Antibiotic. Helps with asthma and respiratory tract infections.



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Tranquilizer and sleep remedy. Helpful in panic attacks. However, can have the side
effect of causing headaches in some people.

Relieves depression, especially after a viral illness like flu.

Willow Bark
The active ingredient in willow bark was extracted in the 19th century and found to be a
very effective pain reliever. It is now produced synthetically as aspirin. Willow bark has
the pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties of aspirin, but does not thin the blood.
Good for relieving arthritic pain.

Witch Hazel
Astringent, for external use on skin wounds, bruises and sprains.
Helps rejuvenate sagging skin.

Aids blood clotting, helpful for wounds and nose bleeds. Used for some cardio-vascular
conditions under medical supervision. Relieves catarrh and other symptoms of colds and

6. In Conclusion
Herbs grow all over the world. They are simply a category of wild plants: the most
natural form of food and medicine that we have. They may be valued for their beauty,
flavor or health-giving properties, or they may be reviled as weeds, but we can always
appreciate their presence and their role in our natural world.

Understanding herbs can allow us to appreciate the value of having things naturally
growing all around us all of the time. We do not think about it much, but even if we
cannot eat or use it, every little plant growing from a crack in a wall is providing us with

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a tiny portion of oxygen. If we learn to be grateful for this, we can put aside the stress of
our modern world for a moment and enter another dimension.

In the same way, having our own herb garden, or even a few plants growing in a window,
can be enlightening and calming. When you are taking care of your plants, watering
them, pruning them and harvesting them with love and appreciation, all anxiety and stress
can melt away. The sight and scent of the natural herbs seems to flick a relaxation switch
in our mind.

Starting with a small number of herbs and gradually increasing the size and variety of the
herb garden, we can build up a beautiful, healthy and heart-warming aspect to our homes.
Mixed in with flower beds and vegetables they bring blossom and scent to the whole
garden. As you get to know the herbs that thrive in your own soil, and which ones you
can use most of in the kitchen or for teas, your garden will evolve and grow to give you
more of the best. It is a wonderful feeling to know that you can make fresh pesto any time
you want from basil leaves that you have grown yourself.

Once you have a stock of dried herbs, you will find yourself using them more and more.
Be inventive: while certain herbs are well known for certain dishes, that does not stop
you trying others or experimenting by adding a small quantity of another complementary
herb or spice. You can also look out for new recipes that include the herbs that you grow,
and extend your tastes and culinary abilities that way.

If you find yourself with a bumper crop, you can also use both fresh and dried herbs as
inexpensive gifts. Put some thought into the selection and add pretty packaging and you
will have a gift that anyone who cooks will adore.

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