LearningHerbs Herbal Preparation Cards
LearningHerbs Herbal Preparation Cards
LearningHerbs Herbal Preparation Cards
1. Place the herbs in a large tea 2. Fill the cup with 1 1/2 cups of
strainer inside a teacup. just-boiled water.
1. Optional step: Let the herbs sit 2. Place the herbs in a medium
in lukewarm water for 30 minutes saucepan. Add 2 1/2 cups of water.
to 2 hours prior to simmering. Use
this same water when you simmer
the herbs.
3. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and 4. Strain. Add milk and honey as
simmer for 20 minutes, covered. desired. Drink within 36 hours.
1. Place the herbs in a slow cooker 2. Set it to low heat and let it
with 2 1/2 cups of water. cook overnight, covered. Inspect
the amount; if it looks low, add
more water.
Yield: 1 serving
1. Place the herbs and 3 cups of 2. Turn the heat to high to bring
water in a medium saucepan. the mixture to a boil, then reduce
the heat and simmer for 20
minutes, covered.
3. Turn off the heat and allow to 4. Strain the herbs through
cool until you can comfortably cheesecloth, squeezing it well to
process it further. get the most elderberry juice from
the mixture.
5. Measure the resulting liquid. 6. Pour the syrup into clean jars or
If you add an amount of honey bottles. Store in the refrigerator.
equal to the amount of juice, the
syrup will probably last for a year
in the refrigerator. You can add less
honey (to taste) but the syrup will
not keep as well and will need to
be used more quickly.
3. Cover the jar and shake well. 4. You’ll notice that the Echinacea
Continue to shake the jar every root will expand as it soaks up
day for 1 week, and then every the alcohol. If the roots expand so
few days while it is macerating, or much that the alcohol no longer
extracting, over the next 6 weeks. covers them, add a bit more vodka.
However, you want to add as little
as possible to avoid diluting the
mixture too much.
5. After 6 weeks, give the jar one 6. Using a small funnel, pour the
last really good shake. Then strain tincture into clean dropper bottles.
the roots through cheesecloth, Store in a cool, dark place.
squeezing it well. (Alternatively,
use a potato ricer to strain and
squeeze the roots.)
1. Place the comfrey leaf, plantain 2. Add the oil to a double boiler.
leaf, and calendula flowers in a Stir in the powdered herbs.
blender. Blend on high for 3 to 5
minutes or until the plant material
is broken down into powder.
3. Increase the heat until the oil 4. A couple hours later, once the
is just hot to the touch. Pay close oil has cooled, repeat this process.
attention to this so you don’t fry Continue doing this regularly for
the herbs. Once the oil is hot, turn 48 hours.
off the heat. Let it sit.
5. Strain the herbs through 2 layers 6. Prepare your salve tins or jars.
of cheesecloth, squeezing it well.
7. Measure out 1 cup of the infused 8. Turn off the heat. Add 40 to 80
oil. Add the oil to a double boiler drops of lavender essential oil.
over low to medium heat. Add the Stir well.
beeswax. Heat on low to medium
until the beeswax has entirely melted.