Value Chain Study On Dairy Industry in Ethiopia

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The study was financed with a budget obtained from Royal Danish Embassy to Strengthening the Private
Sector in Ethiopia. Many people contributed technically throughout the study period. TaP Consultancy
Services would like to acknowledge many individuals for their professional contributions. We extend our
thanks and appreciation to the management bodies and experts of AACCSA for their support and
guidance during the study period. We are highly thankful to officials and experts of the Ministry of
Livestock and Fishery and its respective offices at different levels, Ministry of Crop and Natural Resource
and its respective directorates, different public and private institutions, sectoral associations, woreda
level key informants and study participants due to their valuable and constructive ideas obtained in
different meetings and group discussions. The team acknowledges individuals who have contributed
with valuable comments and feedbacks during the different stage of the study.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgment ........................................................................................................................................... i
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... ii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................ iv
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................ v
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................................ vi
Executive summary .................................................................................................................................... viii
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Background to the study ....................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Essence of value chain approach .......................................................................................... 1
1.3. Organization of the report .................................................................................................... 3
2. Methodology................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1. Data collection and analysis frame ....................................................................................... 4
2.2. Main Data Sources and Collection Method .......................................................................... 4
Primary sources: .................................................................................................................................... 4
Secondary sources: ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.3. Sample Size Determination and Geographical Focus ........................................................... 4
2.4. Data collection tools and analysis ......................................................................................... 6
3. Dairy Value Chain .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.1. Market (Supply and Demand) ............................................................................................... 7
3.1.1. Main Market Segments Trends and Driving Factors ................................................................ 7
3.1.2. Production and supply.............................................................................................................. 9
3.2. Functions and actors in the value chain ............................................................................. 10
3.2.1. Input supply and services ....................................................................................................... 11
3.2.2. Production .............................................................................................................................. 13
3.2.3. Collection, bulking and transporting of milk: ......................................................................... 16
3.2.4. Dairy processing: .................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.5. Wholesaling and retailing ....................................................................................................... 19
3.2.6. Supporters and enablers ........................................................................................................ 20
3.3. Analysis of policy environment, Institutes and Initiatives .................................................. 20
3.3.1. Policies Review ....................................................................................................................... 20
3.3.2. Institutes:................................................................................................................................ 21
3.3.3. Existing Initiatives and projects .............................................................................................. 22
3.4. Economic analysis and relationships mapping ................................................................... 22

3.4.1. Actors number and transactions volume ............................................................................... 22
3.4.2. Costs and profitability analysis ............................................................................................... 23
3.5. Gender, environment and governance situation................................................................ 24
3.6. SWOT analysis ..................................................................................................................... 25
4. Review of other countries experiences ...................................................................................... 26
5. Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................................................................... 31
5.1. Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 31
5.2. Constraints .......................................................................................................................... 31
5.3. Proposed Recommendations and Policy Implications ........................................................ 32
References .................................................................................................................................................. 34
Annexes .................................................................................................................................................... 35

List of Tables

Table 1: Sample Size and Distribution…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Table 2: Feed purchasing distance (Km)……………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Table 3: Buying price of dairy cow (Birr) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Table 4: Dairy Producers Distance from Market, Development Centre and Road ……………………………….. 13
Table 5: Dairy Herd Size ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 13
Table 6: Daily Production (per cow per day) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Table 7: Butter productivity and production ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Table 8: Selling Price of Milk and Butter at different seasons ………………………………………………………………. 17
Table 9: Dairy Farm Scale and Cost Structure ………………………………………………………………………………………. 23
Table 10: Daily Sales and Cost (Profitability) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Table 11: Selected benchmark factors .................................................................................................... 26
Table 12: Summary of Constraints ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 31

List of Figures

Fig.1: Value Chain and other systems links ………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Fig. 2: Different stages of value chain ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
Fig. 3: Value Chain Frame …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
Fig. 4: Study Area Map ........................................................................................................................... 5
Fig. 5: Consumption Projection (2015-2019/20) ……………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Fig. 6: Import CIF Value (USD) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Fig. 7: Main Milk Shed ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Fig. 8: Milk and Milk Products Value Chain Map in Addis and Surrounding Milk Sheds ……………………… 10
Fig. 9: Milk per day per cow (ltr) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Fig. 10: Daily Milk Production per day per HH ……………………………………………………………………………………. 15
Fig. 11: Morning and evening milk collection share (%) ………………………………………………………………………17
Fig.12: Average capacity used for different milk products ……………………………………………………..19
Fig. 13: Dairy Farms Average Cost Structure ………………………………………………………………………… 23
Fig. 14: Daily gross margin of dairy farmers - Birr/day ………………………………………………………… 24

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

AACCSA - Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce & Sectoral Associations

AGP-LMD - Agricultural Growth Program-Livestock Marketing Development
AI - Artificial Insemination
ALPPIS - Addis Livestock Production and Productivity Improvement Service
ARARI - Amhara Region Agricultural Research Institute
ATA - Agricultural Transformation Agency
B2B - Business to Business
CPA - Cooperative Promotion Agency
CSA - Central Statistical Authority
EDGET - Enhancing Dairy Sector Growth in Ethiopia
EIAR - Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
EMDIDI - Ethiopian Meat and Dairy Industry Development Institute
ERCA - Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority
ETB - Ethiopian Birr
EU - European Union
FEED - Feed enhancement for Ethiopian development
FMHACA - Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Authority of Ethiopia
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GTP - Growth & Transformation Plan
HHs - Households
ILRI - International Livestock Research Institute
IMF - International Monetary Fund
KM - Kilo Meter
LEO - Leveraging Economic Opportunities
LIVES - Livestock and Irrigation Value Chains for Ethiopian Smallholders
LMP - Livestock Master Plan
ltr - Litre
MoI - Ministry of Industry
MoLF - Ministry of Livestock and Fishery
NAIC - National Artificial Insemination Centre
NGOs - Non-Governmental Organizations
NZDB - New Zealand Dairy Board
OARI - Oromia Agricultural Research Institute

PC - Private Companies
PVCA+G - Participatory Value Chain Analysis with Gender, Green and Governance Lens
qty - Quantity
RARI - Regional Agricultural Research Institutes
SARI - Southern Agricultural Research Institute
SMP - Schemed Milk Powder
SNV - Netherlands Development Organization
TARI - Tigray Agricultural Research Institute
UAE - United Arab Emirates
USD - United States Dollar
VC - Value Chain
VCA - Value Chain Analysis
WB - World Bank
WMP - Whole Milk Powder

Executive summary

Background: AACCSA has been implementing a three years’ project entitled “Strengthening the Private
Sector in Ethiopia” with a budget obtained from Royal Danish Embassy. The overall objective is to
undertake an in depth value chain analysis to generate sufficient information on the main opportunities
and bottlenecks in the export and local market value chains of Dairy industry.

Methodology: To conduct the study Participatory Value Chain Analysis with Gender, Green and
Governance Lens (PVCA+G3) was used as a frame throughout the process. Review of secondary
information made to assess existing value chain situation, national level trends and other country
experiences, global benchmarks. The primary data collection was done in main segment of the value
chain. Representative samples were taken with multistage purposive sampling technique. During the
study both quantitative and qualitative data collection tools was employed. Interview and key informant
discussion were made with primary value chain actors, existing different private and public service
providers using semi-structured questionnaire.

Main findings
Market demand: At global level demand for milk and milk products in developing countries is growing
with rising incomes, population growth, urbanization and changes in diets. In addition to the increase in
the local production, imports of dairy products had an increasing trend in the past. Over the last five
years the country is spending more than 15 million USD on average for imported dairy products the
main share of the spending is for milk powder. As per LMP projection milk consumption of the country
will reach 5,466 million litres in 2019/20. Ethiopia exported an amount less than 300,000 USD per
annum during the last five years. Majority of the export destined to Somalia and traditional spiced
butter export for Ethiopian community and other consumers to USA and other countries. With the
expansion of the sector the volume exported to Somalia can be increased and other destinations like
Sudan, South Sudan and Djibouti can be expanded.

Production/supply: The total volume of milk produced in Ethiopia increased over the last 15 years from
less than 1 billion litres to 3.06 billion litres in 2015/16. The overall country milk production expected to
surpass existing milk demand as per GTP II period (2015–2020) projection with about 2501 million litres
that is 47% above (LMP, 2015). In milk shades like Addis and its surrounding there are small scale dairy
semi-commercial farms that supply significant volume of milk to Addis Ababa and other nearby towns.

Input and service supply: At national level most of the feed is coming from green fodder (grazing) while
in the study area 52% of the respondents’ practices stall feeding. Feed availability and price is the most
critical issue raised by almost all the dairy farmers. Veterinary services are primarily delivered by the
government with emerging private service provision in some locations. Getting good quality cross
breeds or local dairy cow from the market is also an issue. Government and NGOs are engaged in direct
provision and facilitating the training and advice service development but about 51.6% of the
respondents are not received training related to dairy production, marketing and dairy products
processing. The formal financial service provision to dairy production is limited and only 8.7% of the
respondents’ accessed loans from different sources that includes Addis Credit and Saving Share
Company, Cooperative Union, NGOs revolving fund scheme and private companies. Insurance for dairy
cows and other agricultural practice are still more at pilot in some areas not reported use of the service
by the respondents. Packaging and good quality container is an important issue for the industry and
assurance of the product quality.

Production practice: most of the respondents (75%) practice traditional hand milking by washing teats
before milking, in 19% of the cases hand washing of teats before milking not practiced. The interviewed
households produce on average 31 litre per day, most of the households produce small quantity of milk
about 15 litre (median). There is variation of scale and production volume among the interviewed dairy
farmers. Butter production is not a common practice for most of the respondents, on average producing
1-2 Kg butter per week with a maximum production of 3-4Kg per week. Most dairy farmers (93%) supply
their milk to the market. From the milk they produce less than 10% consumed at household level (0.5-2
litre own consumption).

Collection and market supply: Most of the dairy farmers (69%) sell their milk at home or within 1 Km
distance, 16% within 1-5Km distance and 5% will go above 5Km distance to sell milk. The main buyers of
their milk are local collectors/traders, milk processing, cooperative unions, cafes and individual
consumers in their importance order taking the number of cases. Most of the milk produced supplied to
the market as fresh milk including the evening milk. Most of the respondents (about 77%) feel they are
not getting fair price with high feed and others cost of production. Dairy cooperatives play a major role
in milk collection. On average 5,241 litres milk collected by the current dairy processing companies
ranging from 150ltr to 40,000 ltr per day. Milk price ranges from area to area from buyer types on
average 1 litre of raw milk are sold at Birr 13 on average from minimum price of 9 to maximum price of
20 with some price reduction during fasting season (1-2 Birr/ltr) reduction on average.

Processing: There are at about 35 active dairy processors in the country. The processors collect raw milk
from dairy farms, private milk collectors, cooperatives and unions. Except one company extended shelf
life milk and UHT milk are not supplied to the market currently by existing processing companies. There
is no Ethiopian company processing milk powder, although some processors are planning to invest in
such facilities. Recently Anchor, New Zealand’s leading milk brand has begun producing fortified milk
drink in Ethiopia with quick gain of market share. Most of the companies work under capacity for most
of the product types. On average the companies are working 18-43% on average for the different
products as indicated in the following graph

Wholesaling and retailing: The processed dairy products are distributed to retail shops, supermarkets,
schools, hospitals, restaurants, cafes and hotels located in major urban centres. The main market
destination is Addis Ababa market for most of the processed products with share of 50-65%. Raw milk is
sold through retailers or door to door distributors in Addis mainly in areas where there are crowded
houses and common living apartments (e.g. condominium houses). Raw milk shops are also opened by
individual traders, dairy farms and cooperatives in different village corners in Addis and other towns.
Most traditional cooking butter and cheese are supplied through the informal market channel, the main
one in Addis Ababa is Markato butter market (Kibe Berenda).

Gender, Environment and governance: Dairy business engages both men and women in the different
segment of the value chain. Improving the dairy business will benefit the whole family in terms of
nutrition and additional income. Dairy value chain is the focus point in the carbon emission, at national
level the strategy is to decrease the head count and increase the productivity per cow. The other
strategy needed is to look the manure management aspect which reduces the carbon emission and
contributes in the energy supply. The dairy farmers saying can be improved by increasing their
collaboration and by engaging them in wider value chain platforms.

Other countries’ experiences: Taking their dairy industry level, three countries are picked (Kenya from
Africa, Indai from Asia and New Zealand from developed economy) and their experinces in the sector
are reviwed.

Main constraints: Feed (price and availability), absence of green forage and frequent hay consumption
that leads the animals to disease, lack of space (for expansion and waste disposal), Working capital
shortage, absence of good productive breeds in the market, low quality AI service and heating hormone
shortage, inefficient quality veterinary service (e.g. delivery) and chronic veterinary medicine critical
shortage (particularly for calcium) with high ineffective rate are the main constraints in dairy sector.

Recommendation: AACCSSA would promote for local product and fresh milk consumption for the sector
development, facilitate getting better breeds with joint venture activities with foreigners, provide
training for the actors, create linkage with feed providers, support in availing loan (access to credit
facilities), arrange experience sharing discussion for the sector actors and consult other countries
experience so as to minimize the challenges in the production system. In addition to this a joint venture
activities and technology transfer process vitalized through AACCSA for members and AACCSSA should
negotiate with government on the levied VAT would be avoided from feeds sells. The last but not least
recommendation is that market regulation policy and adulteration control system should be in place.

1. Introduction
1.1. Background to the study
AACCSA has been implementing a three years’ project entitled “Strengthening the Private Sector in
Ethiopia” with a budget obtained from Royal Danish Embassy. One of the key interventions planned
under this project includes conducting value chain analysis (VCA) with a view to outline the
manufacturing sector in Ethiopia. The study output will be used (i) as a need assessment for the
provision of support services which are planned to enhance overall capacity of the target groups,
including members of the chamber, for greater contribution in the development process of the country
(ii) to design the entire monitoring and evaluation process of the action, (iii) to gauge AACCSA advocacy
efforts on the particular challenges and bottlenecks that shall be identified.

The overall objective of the assignment was to undertake an in depth value chain analysis to generate
sufficient information on the main opportunities and bottlenecks in the export and local market value
chains of Dairy industry. Moreover, the value chain study aimed to assess whether or not an
intervention by AACCSA is likely to contribute significantly to increase production, profit and export for
manufacturers in Ethiopia with the following specific objectives:
(i) To collect information regarding Dairy production value chain in general
(ii) To undertake an analysis of the major problems and constraints that the Dairy industry and
business operators are facing in Ethiopia with particular focus on those who are based in Addis
(iii) Collect and compile views of the respondents as recommendations in addressing the identified
needs for AACCSA and other actors to act upon

1.2. Essence of value chain approach

Value chain concept is framing most industries competiveness assessment and intervention formulation.
The value chain concept reshaped in the
business world in 1985 when Harvard
Business School Professor M.E. Porter
introduced the concept of value chains in his
book, “Competitive Advantage: Creating and
Sustaining Superior Performance.” With
time, the concept was also applied to
analyses of the chain of activities that occur
beyond a single firm, as commodities move
from the production line and are marketed
to consumers. Value chain analysis has been
used to study entire business supply chains
and distribution networks to understand the
complex web of stakeholders involved in
poverty reduction and inclusive economic
Fig.1: Value Chain and other systems links (Source: USAID 2015)
As indicated in Fig 1, even though there is some adaption to different organizations focus and style of
presentations, in general the value chain approach now framed to systemic approach than a linear
relationship. In a book written from Ethiopia value chain development experience book ‘’Pro-Poor Value
Chain Development’’ (Visser et. al, 2012), to foster pro-poor development the critical principle
characters indicated are (i) A holistic approach that stresses systemic constraints and opportunities

derived from the configuration of market and Fig 2: Different stages of value chain
extra-market relations (networks); (ii) The notion
that economic development is achieved through mature
joint action by all relevant actors; (iii) Recognition
of the private sector as a key engine of growth and

Level of change /growth

a willingness to strengthen the action of lead
firms, particularly with regard to their linkages
with more vulnerable agents in the value chain;
(iv) A shift in the ‘centre of gravity’ from the infant
creation of supply capacity to the creation of
market linkages and the establishment of business
relationships. embryo

A value chain may be at embryonic, or infant or

moving to maturity level in which it has different Source: Pro-POOR VALUE CHAIN BOOK
characters and requires different level of
intervention to move to the next level.

As documented in recent agricultural value chains practitioners and academia, systemic changes
demand both private and public engagements. USAID, through its Leveraging Economic Opportunities
(LEO) project, defines a market system as a “dynamic space, in which public and private actors
collaborate, coordinate and compete
for the production, distribution and
consumption of goods and services”
(Campbell, 2014). The behaviour and
performance of these market actors
are influenced by other market
actors, informal and formal rules,
financial and non-financial incentives,
and the physical environment.

As indicated in Fig. 3 the support

function has two big elements the
infrastructure part and service
component. At global level more role
of government expected the
infrastructure part while the private
Fig. 3: Value Chain Frame (Source: Springfield)
sector in the service aspects.

In practice, in Ethiopia and other countries both public and private sectors has a role in both type of
services. These entities sometimes they are competing and other time in more complementing
modality. The core value chain actors are also engaged in embedded service for their
suppliers/customers and provide service for others in fee bases. Value chains can only develop and
survive if there are supporting functions: services, resources and infrastructure. The value chain might
rely on factors, such as access to transport, irrigation services, agricultural inputs and credit and a wider
network of related services and infrastructure – such as transport services, materials supply-chains,
electricity, banking services. The existence and quality of these supporting functions have a major
impact on the benefits of poor people that derive their living from core value chain exchanges. Members

based organizations like AACCSA will set membership rules in their respective organization, negotiate
and influence the enabling environment as a whole and provide different services for better functioning
of the value chain. In dairy value chain there were government and non-governmental actors’
interventions in the different aspects. For better and sustainable industry development the main actors
and their representative organizations like AACCSA should have clear understanding of the value chain
to formulate better intervention and support services for their members.

1.3. Organization of the report

The report has four chapters. Chapter one presents the introduction session that includes background
information, conceptual and methodological aspects. Chapter two briefly explains the methodology
used. In chapter three the main value chain findings explained and in the final chapter the proposed
upgrading and facilitation required presented.

2. Methodology

2.1. Data collection and analysis frame

Participatory Value Chain Analysis with Gender, Green and Governance Lens (PVCA+G3) was used as a
frame in the literature/secondary information review, data collection, data collection instrument/tools
preparation and throughout the process. PVCA is a process conducting a VCA through the
participation/consideration of different actors in the value chain. There are different activities and
actors with different levels of understanding of the market and points of view. This makes it necessary
to involve all stakeholders to have a clearer picture of the market. PVCA involves: Mapping, Quantitative
and qualitative research.

2.2. Main Data Sources and Collection Method

Primary sources:
Interview and key informant discussion were made with primary value chain actors, existing different
private and public service providers using semi-structured questionnaire. Representative respondents
selected during the secondary data review stage, members list received from AACCSA and other
 Small and commercial level dairy farms
 Input and service providers
 Cooperative and unions
 Processing companies
 Other value chain actors: collectors, traders, supermarkets, exporters and importers
 Service providers (certification, transport), other secondary actors and enablers
 Financial service providers
 ACCSSA with active members, partner project staffs and other relevant partners discussion
– experience and challenges
 Public offices and other supporters

Secondary sources:
Review of secondary information made to assess existing value chain situation, country specifics and
trends, global benchmarks. The review includes:
 Livestock Master Plan and Road MaP,
 Survey reports (e.g. CSA production and consumption survey of different years, CSA survey,
 FAOSTAT data base
 WB competitiveness study report
 Agriculture sector and dairy value chain studies by government and international organizations
 Studies conducted by projects and NGOs (e.g. SNV, Land O’ Lakes, AGP-LMD)
 Studies by sector associations and their supporters

2.3. Sample Size Determination and Geographical Focus

The data collection was done in main segment of the value chain. Representative samples were taken
with multistage purposive sampling technique. The steps followed are highlighted below:

1. Small dairy producers: the main focus area for the primary household respondents will be the
main dairy production areas in Addis Ababa and its surrounding vicinity milk shade where
AACCSA members are based and sourcing. Following the routes of the milk shades the study
area categorized into
six clusters: (i)
Fig. 4: Study Area Map
producers in Addis
Ababa, (ii) producers
in Sebeta route/town
surrounding (iii)
producers in Dukum-
Bishoftu route/town
surrounding (iv)
producers in Sululta
surrounding (v)
producers in Holeta-
Ambo route/town
surrounding, (iv) Sendafa-Sheno route/town. In each cluster 2-3 Kebeles/towns selected
purposefully in consultation with the local organizations. In selected Kebeles/towns 5-10 dairy
producers randomly selected and a total of 123HHs interviewed in the six clusters.
2. Medium and large producers: commercial farms that are engaged in dairy production
interviewed. Two-three commercial farms interviewed in each cluster.
3. Brokers, collectors, traders, transporters and storage service providers: in the main route of the
dairy trade interviewed.
4. Dairy product processing factories: majority of existing active member and other non-member
companies interviewed and their situation assessed.

The data collected triangulated and complemented from the different sources and secondary
information. Findings of the study will be validated during the joint workshop.

Table1: Sample Size and Distribution

Small producers
Cluster Cluster level (# Kebele/town level (#
producers) producers)
Addis Ababa 21 5-10 2
Sululta route/town 20 5-10 2
Holeta-Ambo route/town 21 5-10 2
Dukum-Bishoftu route/town 20 5-10 2
Sendafa-Sheno route/town 21 5-10 2
Sebeta route/town surrounding 20 5-10 2
Total 123 5-10 10-12

2.4. Data collection tools and analysis
During the study both quantitative and qualitative data collection tools was employed. For data
collection at producer and local actors semi-structured questionnaire was developed and used for
quantitative and qualitative data collection. Checklist developed used for support actors interview and
focus group discussion.

For producers level production system data analysis SPSS software employed for analysis. For other
actors data aggregation and estimation excel sheet employed. Analysed data put in the value chain map
in the different quantitative data analysis and confirmation discussion (number of actors, volume/qty,
price, cost, value addition, gross margin). Actor dynamics and relationship issue analysed using graphs.
Qualitative data and information generated during the different discussion synthesized and
complemented with the quantitative data for the intervention identification and conclusion of the

3. Dairy Value Chain

3.1. Market (Supply and Demand)

3.1.1. Main Market Segments Trends and Driving Factors

The future of the dairy sector in Ethiopia is more positive with different driving factors, which includes
positive economic outlook and life style changes. Ethiopia has an estimated population of approximately
99.4 million in 2016, up from 2015's estimate of 98.9 million, the second-most populous country of
Africa after Nigeria (CSA, 2013). National real GDP growth averaged 10.1% per annum during the period
of GTP I and real GDP growth during the last 12 years averaged 10.8 percent per annum. The economy
expected to remain robust from 2016 to 2019 at 7.6% as per IMF projection and above 11% as per GTP
II. In line with the economic growth, the emerging middle class consumer segments are willing to
embrace new products and services that include agricultural products. According to the 2014 GDP per
capita statistics, 0.4% of the population has consumption of 10-20 USD/day, 4.3% of the population 4-10
USD/day and 24.6% of the population 2-4 USD/day per capita. With the increase in income, it is
expected that consumption pattern shifts to high value food items that demands encouraging supply of
livestock products.

In addition to the purchasing power increase, urbanization, population growth and consumer awareness
will increase the demand for quality, volume, graded and standardized products and traceability of
sources. Life style changes call for more of fresh and finished ready to eat products with appropriate
packaging and labelling. As per research findings of Land O’ Lakes in 2010 showed that the top 10%
earners in Addis Ababa consumed about 38% of milk, while the lowest income group, approximately
61% of the population consumed only 23%. The high milk price for pasteurized milk in supermarkets,
considered high to afford for middle and low-income consumers. Survey results conducted by LMD
project show the average per capita consumption for four towns (Addis, Bahir Dar, Hawassa and Dire
Dawa) to be 28.86 litres per annum. The consumption in Addis Ababa is very high (51.85 litres) as
compared to the national and other towns’ figure1.

As per LMP projection milk consumption of the country will reach 5,466 million litres in 2019/20.

Fig. 5: Consumption Projection (2015-2019/20)

Cow milk consumption (million lts)

Cow milk consumption Linear (Cow milk consumption)
Linear (Cow milk consumption)
5173 5466
4627 4894
4132 4373

2014/15 2015/16 2016/2017 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

Source: Livestock Master Plan


Imports: Imports of dairy products have an increasing trend except for 2013 that may be related to hard
currency access. Over the last five years the country is spending more than 15 million USD on average
for imported dairy products with the main share of the spending for milk powder. Presently the value of
exported dairy products is very low.

Fig. 6: Import CIF Value (USD)

15,871,778.95 16,711,776.45

13,301,057.00 CIF Value (USD)


Linear (CIF Value


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: ERCA Import and Export Data

Foreign market and Ethiopian Export: at global level demand for milk and milk products in developing
countries is growing with rising incomes, population growth, urbanization and changes in diets. This
trend is pronounced in East and Southeast Asia, particularly in highly populated countries such as China,
Indonesia and Vietnam. The growing demand for milk and milk products offers a good opportunity for
producers (and other actors in the dairy chain) in high-potential, peri-urban areas to enhance their
livelihoods through increased production. Global milk production is estimated at approximately 735
billion litres annually. The largest producers are Europe (EU) countries at ~156 billion litres annually,
India at ~131 billion litres and the United States (US) at ~91 billion litres. New Zealand is the 8th largest
producer at 21 billion litres annually. These top eight represent ~407 billion litres or ~55 per cent of
global production.

Fonterra2 estimates that annual global trade in dairy ingredients is approximately 9 per cent of total milk
production and was ~65 billion litres on a milk equivalent basis in 2014. Of the major dairy producing
countries, a number of these countries including New Zealand, Europe, United States, Belarus,
Argentina, Australia and Uruguay export ~55 million tonnes¹ annually, or around 84% per cent of global
dairy exports. The main exporting countries with product types are:
 New Zealand - Powder (SMP and WMP) and milk fat (Butter/AMF)
 Europe – Powder (SMP and WMP) and cheese
 United States – SMP, cheese and whey powder
 Belarus – SMP, cheese and fluid and fresh dairy
 Argentina – WMP and cheese
 Australia – Powder (SMP and WMP) and cheese
 Uruguay - WMP and cheese

Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd is a leading dairy company in New Zealand and one of the top ten dairy companies in the world

Global dairy demand is estimated at ~15 million tonnes of product annually. The top 5 are China, Russia
Mexico, Japan and the USA. The US is the only major importer that is also a major net exporter. China
imports ~2 million tonnes of dairy products annually, Russia ~1.4 million tonnes, Mexico and Japan over
500 thousand tonnes each. In addition, the US, Indonesia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia and Algeria import
over 400 thousand tonnes with Singapore, Iraq, Malaysia, Venezuela and UAE importing over 300
thousand tonnes annually. These 14 countries account for over eight million tonnes or 55 per cent of
global dairy imports.

Ethiopia exported an amount less than 300,000 USD per annum during the last five years. Majority of
the export destined to Somalia and traditional spiced butter export for Ethiopian community and other
consumers to USA and other countries. With the expansion of the sector the volume exported to
Somalia can be increased and to other destinations like Sudan, South Sudan and Djibouti can be

3.1.2. Production and supply

From the 2015/16 CSA survey estimate of 57.83 million total cattle, the female cattle constitute about
55.38 percent (CSA, 2016). When classified with purpose it is estimated that there are 6.74 million dairy
cows and 11.34 million milking cows3. The total volume of milk produced in Ethiopia increased over the
last 15 years from less than 1 billion litres to 3.06 billion litres in 2015/16. The dairy sector contribution
to the national Gross Domestic is expected to increase in the years to come too. The overall country milk
production expected to surpass existing milk demand as per GTP II period (2015–2020) projection with
about 2501 million litres that is 47% above (LMP, 2015). As per the plan the surplus of milk could then
be substituted for imported milk products
and used domestically for new or
additional industrial uses (e.g. in the
baking industry), or exported as milk
powder or UHT to raise foreign exchange

The milk is produced by 11.34 million

milking cows are kept within five different
dairy farming systems: (i) Urban and peri-
urban systems that is the emerging
smallholder dairy farming; (ii) Specialized
commercial intensive dairy farming; (iii)
Mixed crop livestock system, the
traditional highland mixed farming; (iv) Fig. 7: Main Milk Shed (Source: DairyBizz Rapport
Pastoral livestock Farming, (v) Agro-pastoral system, that is the lowland mixed livestock farming. The
rural dairy system, which includes the last three groups, contributes 98% of total production, while the
first two groups contribute only 2% of the total national milk production but main sources for big cities
milk consumption.

From the nine milk sheds (Fig 7), (i) Addis and its Surrounding, (ii) Adama-Asella and (iii) Ambo-Woliso
milk sheds are the main sourcing areas for most dairy processing companies and commercial dairy farms
that are members of AACCSA. Addis Ababa and its surrounding milk shed is the most developed milk
shed. Most of the dairy processing industries that include members of AACCSA are located within this

Milking cows – that are currently providing milk while dairy cows kept for dairy that are providing or expected to provide milk

milk shed. The milk shed big target is Addis market and the area has good potential for semi-commercial
producers with high percentage of crossbreds. Even though now struggling with the commercial farms
expansion and urbanization the area has good conditions for fodder production and use of by-products.

The Adama-Asella milk shed is the largest in the country in terms of the potential volume of raw milk
production as well as the number of milking cows. This milk shed is 200 km long and is located east of
Addis, connecting Dukem-Debre Zeit-Adama-Assela with very good road connection to Addis. The area
also has high potential for roughage production, access to feed from nearby feed factories (Alema
Feeds, Ethio Feed and others) and factory by-products are also widely available. The number of
crossbreds and exotic cows are relatively high and artificial insemination (AI) services are functioning
well (DairyBizz, 2015).

In the Ambo-Woliso milk shed, which consists of West and South-West Shoa in the Oromia region,
market potential is high because of access to nearby places like Addis. Fodder production conditions are
good, by-products are available and AI and veterinary services are of moderate quality compared to the
other two milk sheds. Milk production is low compared to the number of milking cows, since most of
them are local breeds with low average daily production.

3.2. Functions and actors in the value chain

As indicated in the value chain map (Fig 5), most of the milk and milk products supplied from small scale
dairy farmers. In milk shades like Addis and its surrounding there are small scale dairy semi-commercial
farms that supply significant volume of milk to Addis Ababa and other nearby towns. The main function
and actors’ role are described in next sections.

Fig. 8: Milk and Milk Products Value Chain Map in Addis and Surrounding Milk Sheds
Addis Surrounding
Consumers/ Village Markets towns (Adama, Addis Abeba consumers
Buyers Bishoftu, Holeta, 59ltr*4 million =0.2
Sebta…) billion ltr

Retail Milk Café/tea

Superma License &
retailers/ shops and certificati
shops Hotels on
Export services

Processing 20%
Companies Transport
Collection Coops/Union
Agr and
Production Rural and Peri-urban dairy Commercial Dairy services

farmers Farmers Vet/AI

Input Supply Vet Government Volume –milk-ltr
Small shops Feed suppliers
pharmacies Vets

3.2.1. Input supply and services
The main inputs and service required for the dairy sector are feed, water, breed stock, AI and health
service, training/ advice and finance.

At national level most of the feed is coming from green fodder (grazing) while in the study area 52% of
the respondents’ practices stall feeding. Others use a combination of open grazing, cut-and-carry system
and stall feeding. From the respondents 45.2% of them depend mainly on improved forage and
supplementary feed while others using by complementing with natural pasture. The main
supplementary feeds are crop residue that includes failed maize or sorghum and industrial by-product.
Most dairy farmers buy feed from nearby town feed suppliers within 1-3Km distance. The average
distance the farms travel for feed is 8-9Km because some of the commercial farms are traveling from
60-80Km distance to get big volume with reasonable price.

Table 2: Feed purchasing distance (Km)

Max distance (Km) Min distance (Km)
Average 9 8
Minimum 0 0
Maximum 80 60
Mode 3 1
Median 3 4
Source: Survey results

Using and planting of forage plants is not a common practice for the dairy farmers interviewed. There
are few farmers that grow Alfalfa, Elephant grass and Sesbania. From the dairy farmers interviewed 61%
practice feed conservation for dry season feeding using simple shade and their own house. They are
storing products like dry hay and industrial by-products. Others are not doing conservation for dry time
with the limited exposure they have, limited working capital and space.

Feed availability and price is the most critical issue raised by almost all the dairy farmers. The main
reasons for the feed shortage as per the respondents are expansion of crop land, urbanization,
commercial farms expansion, livestock number increase, lack of forage seed, poor feed conservation
practices and lack of space for feed storage..

AI and veterinary services

Veterinary services are primarily delivered by the government with emerging private service provision in
some locations. From the respondents 96% of them confirmed presence of veterinary service in nearby
areas. Above 50% of the respondents take their cow 2-3 times per year to get health service, 5% of them
only once in a year and 41% more than 4 times a year (17.4% 4to5 times; 4% 6to7-6; 17.5% 7 times and
more). They get the service from private or public vet service centres. They pay 100 to 300 Birr on
average per cow per treatment. There is also a big concern on the quality the service provided by private
AI service providers and on time availability of government assigned veterinarians.

For supply of AI, the National Artificial Insemination Centre (NAIC) is producing and distributing semen
from genetically improved bulls. The semen produced is distributed to AI technicians. A group of private
livestock professionals owned service provider called ALPPIS (Addis Livestock Production and
Productivity Improvement Service), is the leading private AI service-provider in Ethiopia. The company

imports and distributes semen from the US exporter World Wide Sires. The present quality of veterinary
services is considered to be poor by many independent experts. There is also a drug supply problem for
veterinary service-providers both in terms of quality and availability as confirmed during the survey.

Improved breeds
Getting good quality cross breeds or local dairy cow from the market is also an issue. The average
improved and local cows buying price varies depending on the status/productivity of cow and location.
The average price in Addis and surrounding milk shed for indigenous dairy cow costs on average Birr
9,000 and for cross breed about Birr 36,000 as indicated in Table 3.

Table 3: Buying price of dairy cow (Birr)

Buying Price Indigenous breed (Birr) Cross breed (Birr)
Average 8,902 35,715
Minimum 4,500 8,500
Maximum 26,000 55,000
Mode 9,000 37,500
Median 7,500 36,500
Source: Survey results

Training and advice (extension service)

Training and advice is a critical part of the service, Government and NGOs are engaged in direct
provision and facilitating the service development. From the respondents only 45.2% confirmed
receiving of training and advice from their respective cooperative union, government extension workers
and NGOs (e.g. SNV, Land O Lake and others). The other 51.6% not received training related to dairy
production, marketing and dairy products processing. The quality of training and advice provided is not
continuous, not quickly responsive for their problem and not tailor-made as commented by experts and

At national level, development agents that are based at farmer training centres are the main providers
of extension services. Development agents can receive support from subject-matter specialists who
function at woreda (district) level and partner organizations. NGOs that are working in the sector
provide complementing service by their own technical staff and/or outsourced experts for specific
subjects. The private service providers are few and their service charge is not affordable for small dairy
farmers. Specialized services and tailored support to commercial farmers is an area which needs to be
encouraged. For most dairy farmers skills on farm management, feeding, housing, health, hygiene,
postharvest handling, marketing and business management need to be enhanced with acceptable
service business model.

Financial service
The formal financial service provision to dairy production limited only 8.7% of the respondents’ accessed
loans from different sources that includes Addis Credit and Saving Share Company, Cooperative Union,
NGOs revolving fund scheme and private companies. More than 86% of the respondents didn’t access
loan service. The reason mentioned for the low access are financial institutes collateral requirement,
loan processing time and steps, farmers awareness level, risk averting behaviour and interest fearing
culture. Insurance for dairy cows and other agricultural practice are still more at pilot in some areas and
not reported use of the service by the respondents. Financial services for other dairy industry actors
mentioned as a critical issue to expand their business and to run day to day operation with enough
working capital.

Infrastructure and other service
Most of Addis surrounding dairy farmers are not far from road and market centre, based on the study
findings the dairy producers on average 4 and 1 KM far from market and all weather roads respectively.

Table 4: Dairy Producers Distance from Market, Development Centre and Road
Market Distance (KM) Development Centre Road Distance (KM) –
Distance (KM) all weather road
Average 4 3 1
Minimum 0 0 0
Maximum 40 12 15
Source: Survey results

Packaging and good quality container is an important issue for the industry and assurance of the product
quality. Milk collected using mainly plastic containers and aluminium cans. At retail level using good
packaging could offer longer shelf life, less spoilage on the shelf or after purchase, and greater possibility
of catering to consumers’ usage patterns and price awareness. With the current products in the market
milk is usually sold in ½ litre plastic bags. Cheese is usually sold by the slice, not in packages. Yogurt is
sold in plastic containers. Almost all packaging materials are imported; largely from UAE, Kenya and
Israel. Based on the discussion made with processing companies and some studies, packaging costs
alone may add from 25% to 35% of the cost of processed milk depending on the type of packaging
used.4 Because of using the same mould the labelling qualification for each company and accountability
for things described in the label is very weak.

3.2.2. Production
As indicated above in section 3.1.2., the production of milk and milk products at national level is coming
from smallholder farmers using the local milking cows. In Addis and its surrounding milk shed semi-
commercial and small peri-urban producers also make significant contribution for the overall
production. As per the study findings the current main suppliers are mixed farmers, few others that are
engaged in civil service, trade and skilled labour. Dairy business serves as complementing business
source for their family living. The business seems a business of more adult people than the young
generation with average age of 45 with age range of 19-84. The average herd size is 4 local breed and 6
cross breeds for the interviewed dairy farms that is skewed as compared to all farms average in the area
and at national level. At Woreda level in the milk shed with a range of 5-41% of improved breeds with
big variation like the case of Ad’aa and Bereh Woreda5.

Table 5: Dairy Herd Size

Total Livestock No Indigenous Cow Improved cow
Average 14 4 6
Minimum 1 0 0
Maximum 82 34 40
Source: Survey results

SNV, Study on Dairy Investment Opportunities in Ethiopia, 2008


Cases of Ada’a Woreda and Bereh WoredaIndigenous6500 and Improved4,600, Cows; Indigenous 29,747 and
Improved - 1,717 respectively

Feeding, cleaning and milking practiced by family members or hired labour based on the scale of the
dairy farm and with some variation in management practice.

Most of the respondents (75%) practice traditional hand milking by washing teats before milking, in 19%
of the cases hand washing of teats before milking not practiced. In 5.6% of the cases calves are allowed
to suckle their dams before (to initiate milk let-down) and after milking (to drain whatever is left in the
udder). Milking is done by men (43.7% cases), women (25.4%) or combination of the family (30.4%). No
one is using modern technology for milking from interviewed dairy farmers. Milking is done almost in all
the cases (97.6%) twice a day, morning and evening time. Day time milking is not common (not used to),
marketing is not practiced and feel that is not that much productive. If the farmers feel the cow or calve
are sick they reduce milking frequency.

The most common lactation period for the local breed with their current management is 5-7 months in
few cases extended to 10 month and more. For the cross breeds 46.8% of the cases provide milk for 5-7
months, 21.4% of the cases for 7 to 9 months, 10.3% for 9 to 10 months and 8.7% of the cases they
provide milk for more than 10 months. The productivity level also varies in the different periods. As
indicated in Fig 9, the local cow gives on average 4, 3, and 2 litre per day in the 0-3 month, 3-6 month
and 7-9 month lactation period respectively while improved ones gives 15, 10 and 7 litre per day in the
same lactation periods. The productivity level gap is quite big in all the periods which narrow at the end
of the lactation period.

Fig. 9: Milk per day per cow (ltr)

15 Local
Milk per day per cow


4 4
2 2

0-3 month 3-6 month 6-9 month
Lacation period
Source: Survey results

Milk production
The interviewed households produce on average 31 litre per day, most of the households produce small
quantity of milk about 15 litre (median) as indicated in Fig 9. There is variation of scale and production
volume among the interviewed dairy farmers.

Table 6: Daily Production (per HH per day)
Cow milk per day per HH
Average 31
Minimum 0
Maximum 330
Mode 1
Median 15
Source: Survey results

Fig. 10: Daily Milk Production per day per HH




Source: Survey results

Butter and other milk products

Butter production is not a common practice for most of the respondents, on average producing 1-2 Kg
butter per week with a maximum production of 3-4Kg per week. They are getting about 1Kg butter from
9-10ltr of local cow milk and to get 1Kg butter they need more than 30ltr milk on average in the case of
cross breed. Producing other milk products from the cross breed is far less profitable for the dairy
producers. They use local cheese (Ayib) and other by-products for own consumption or supply to the

Table 7: Butter productivity and production

Productivity (butter gm/ltr) Production per week per household (Kg)
Local breed Cross breed Wet season Dry season
Average 110 29 1 2
Minimum 25 15 1 1
Maximum 200 50 3 4
Mode 50 #N/A 2 1
Median 103 27 1.25 1
Source: Survey results

Market supply and marketing

Most dairy farmers (93%) supply their milk to the market. From the milk they produce, less than 10%
consumed at household level (0.5-2 litre own consumption). Most of the produced milk supplied to the
market, on average the one who supplied to the market supply 30-36 litre on average depending on the

season, most with 8-10 litre supply per day with a range of 1 litre to 250 litres per day supply variation
among the suppliers. Above 53% of the respondents believe the supply is increasing with feed while
about 30.2% of the respondents believe it is decreasing with market and space problem. Most dairy
farmers (67%) confirmed the possibility of supplying more milk if issues like price of milk, market
fluctuation, space (for expansion and waste disposal), feed (price and availability), working capital, good
breeds availability and AI service constraints are addressed.

Other constraints: raised from the producer as union collection capacity (Quota), product spoilage,
market information, water, electricity, labour, heating hormone, delivery service, medicine (e.g.

AACCSA member dairy commercial farms main challenges: AACCSA member commercial farms are also
face the same challenges and business practice mentioned above. Some of them left the industry and
others shrink their production capacity with constraints mentioned above. They are operating at
different scale, from less than 100ltr to more than 600 litre milk supply on daily basis according to the
interview respondents. The main constraints they raised are: absence of good productive breeds in the
market, feed cost becomes very expensive, fresh milk is costly and which leads to low demand from
consumers’ side and low milk demand in fasting seasons, chronic veterinary medicine shortage with high
ineffective rate, critical particularly for calcium, quality veterinary service availability, land to expand the
business, feed cost becomes unaffordable, there is no credit access for producers, scale of production is
low in turn leads to high market cost then to low market demand, labour cost is very expensive, in
absence of green forage frequent hay consumption leading the animals to disease (‘’Samba Beshita”),
less demand for locally produced cheese than imported one, See annex for detail for selected cases.

3.2.3. Collection, bulking and transporting of milk:

Market distance: Most of the dairy farmers (69%) sell their milk at home or within 1 Km distance, 16%
1-5Km distance and 5% above 5Km distance. Seventy three percent of the farmers walk on foot to the
collection point or deliver to collectors at home, 12% use cart and 4% use motorbike and 2.4% use
donkey, mule or horse.

Buyer types: The main buyers of their milk are local collectors/traders, milk processing companies (e.g.
Genesis, Holland Dairy, Mama, Loni, Shola, Biftu Berga and others), cooperative unions, cafes and
individual consumers in their importance order taking the number of cases. Most of the milk produced
supplied to the market as fresh milk including the evening milk. Above 59% of the households supply
their evening milk automatically and 24.6 of them keep in cold material and supply to the market in the
next morning, only 6.4% not market the evening milk due to lack of market for evening milk and lack of
proper utensils. Seventy percent of the producers sell as fresh milk only, 14.4% as fresh milk and other
dairy products and only 4% sell as other dairy products (butter, fermented milk and cheese). In most of
the year sold as fresh whole milk and butter and cheese supplied in fasting season and culturally
fermented milk happening only in rare cases at producer level. Regular butter consumption is also small
in quantity less than 0.5Kg per week and farmers who produce butter from fasting season milk supply to
the market but the volume supplied from the study areas is quite limited. The butter usually sold to
individual trader or individual customer in nearby market. More than 51% of the respondents are not
happy with the current milk and milk products marketing with market fluctuation and limited shelf life
of the products. Seventy seven percent of the respondents feel they are not getting fair price taking the
feed cost and other cost of production.

Cooperatives: Dairy cooperatives play a major role in milk collection. After collection, the milk is sold to
commercial dairy processors or as raw milk to customers, or processed by the cooperatives themselves.
SNV data reports that milk transporters operate under very strong margins of 51% generated from
buying from farmers and selling into the formal and informal markets. Cooperatives have been
important in helping dairy smallholders to market their milk and lower their operating costs, providing
scale economies. Some cooperatives performing well and others challenged with their technical,
managerial and financial capacity.

Processing companies: the collection made mainly by most processors in the morning, from the total
milk they collect about 90% is coming from the
morning collection. Half of the processing companies’
collect evening milk but the amount is small. On
average 5,241 litres milk collected by the current
dairy processing companies ranging from 150ltr to
40,000 ltr per day. From the case assessed it is found
the processing companies collecting milk from tens of
dairy farmers (20) and thousands of small holder
dairy farmers (1,800) from less than 10ltr per day and
above on average from 54.76Km distance some
travelling up to 185Km. Parts of them are collecting
through cooperatives and unions, others from their
own and other private dairy commercial farms. The
processing companies have collection points at
Fig.11: Morning and evening milk collection share (%)
factory gate and selected areas ranging from 1 – 32
collection points, on average about 6 collection points that is owned by mainly by themselves,
sometimes rented, owned by famers cooperatives. Part of them housed and most open air. The
processing companies’ assessed own part of the basic facilities that are required at collection points,
Lactometer (all), Lacto scan (40%), Alcholgun (almost all), chillier (35%), Hydro Power and water (50%),
using solar power not common. The average distance of collection point is about 12.91Km from main
road. Having formal written contract is not that much common but few did with cooperatives and part
of their suppliers.

Producers selling price: Milk price varies from area to area and from buyer types. One litre of raw milk is
sold at Birr 13 on average that ranges from minimum price of 9 to maximum price of 20 with some price
reduction during fasting season (1-2 Birr/ltr reduction on average). Butter sold at Birr 150 to 160 prices
on average ranging from 95 to 240 Birr per Kg depending on the season and location.

Table 8: Selling Price of Milk and Butter at different seasons

Milk (Birr/ltr) Butter (Birr/Kg)
Dry season Wet season Fasting season Dry season Wet season Fasting season
Average 13 13 12 163 149 132
Minimum 9 9 7 95 108 95
Maximum 20 20 20 240 195 150
Mode 12 12 10 190 N/A 145
Median 12 12.5 11 165 150 145
Source: Survey results

Container: plastic bucket is the most common container used for milking, keeping in the house and for
transporting to the collection centre or market. Few individuals use Aluminium can or stainless steel
utensil. Evening milk which is not supplied to the market automatically will be kept with a plastic
container in water or refrigerator until it supplied to the market.

Milk collected from the collection centre contained mainly using aluminium cans (82%), in some cases
plastic container, fibre glass or bulk milk tank. 53% transporting milk using own truck from which 22%
(12% of total) with refrigerated truck. Others using their suppliers (cooperatives) truck, rented service,
motorbike or Bajaj.

Quality and safety issues during collection: In some of the cases adulteration (addition of salt to
increase PH, addition of non-food and non-healthy additions) are reported by processing companies
based on their lab tests. These processing companies may also reject the collected milk from suppliers
due to other factors like hygiene level of container and late or early day milk delivery. Most of the
processing companies keep their suppliers contact and basic information.

Payment mode and relationship: Processors made payments mainly on every two week basis (71%),
few do on monthly basis (24%), rarely on daily basis. Twenty four percent (24%) of the processing
companies provide embedded services for their suppliers. The most common one is selling of feed and
milk containers and provision of training. Companies like Life-Agro Industry PLC also provide AI and
other animal health services on payment basis. While famers sell dairy products (especially milk), they
do on cash basis for day to day customers and on monthly payment basis for frequent customers.

3.2.4. Dairy processing:

There are about 35 active dairy processors in the country. The processors collect raw milk from dairy
farms, private milk collectors, cooperatives and unions. As described above, the raw milk is collected at
the collection centre and transported to the processing plant. It is processed into pasteurized milk,
cheese, butter and yogurt. The companies are supplying different combination of dairy products that
includes, Pasteurized milk (full cream), Pasteurized milk (skim), Raw milk (full cream), Cream, Table
butter, Cooking butter, Cosmetic butter, Ayib (local cheese), Traditional yogurt, Mozzarella cheese,
Provolone cheese, Gouda cheese, Feta cheese, Ricotta cheese, Smoked cheese, Cream cheese,
(Fermented ), and Flavoured yoghurt. Except one company extended shelf life milk and UHT milk are not
supplied to the market currently by existing processing companies. There is no Ethiopian company
processing milk powder, although some processors are planning to invest in such facilities. Recently
Anchor, New Zealand’s leading milk brand has begun producing fortified milk drink in Ethiopia with quick
gain of market share.

Most of the companies work under capacity for most of the product types. The daily processing capacity
of the largest processor, Lame Dairy, is 60,000 litres per day, now it operates at a maximum of 40,000
litres. Eight companies have a processing capacity of over 10,000 litres per day. With the capacity
assessment done for 17 companies that operate at different scale, even though few are operating with
their full capacity most are functioning under capacity, on average the companies are working 18-43%
on average for the different products as indicated in the following graph.

Fig.12: Average capacity used for different milk products
Processing capacity Exisiting output


4,679.69 3,772.73
1,760.77 720.2
101.92 43.81 686.33 319.6 76.27

Pasteurized Cheese (kg) Cream (kg) Yogurt (lt) Butter (kg)

milk (lt)

Data Source: Companies profile collected

The main factors mentioned for the under capacity operation are lack of collection facilities (chillier,
vehicles, refrigerator), machinery spare part access, capital, power, low demand in fasting months,
productivity versus profitability from producers and processors side, lack of experience in the market as
new entrants and lack of quality raw milk. Some companies claim there is more demand than the
current supply. On the other side some farmers perceive that there is a lack of demand which prevents
them from expanding production and their production cost is higher than the market price.

3.2.5. Wholesaling and retailing

The processed dairy products are distributed to retail shops, supermarkets, schools, hospitals,
restaurants, cafes and hotels located in major urban centres. The main market destination is Addis
Ababa market for most of their processed products with share of 50-65%. Adama/Nazret,
Bishoftu/Debre Zeit, and Ziway are the other main destinations for processing companies in Addis Ababa
and its surrounding. In other big towns like Hawassa and Bahir Dar there are processing companies
supplying to their towns.

Pasteurized milk and other milk products pass mainly through supermarkets and retail shops channel.
Restaurants and distributors are the next important outlets for the processed products. For Ayib (local
Cheese) and butter customers that come to the processing companies, factory gate or others own shops
are the important outlets. The bigger supermarkets like Showa, Safeway, AllMart, and Bambis have
dedicated refrigerated shelves/corners for different type of dairy products for locally produced and
imported ones.

Raw milk is sold through retailers or door to door distributors in Addis mainly in areas where there are
crowded houses and common living apartments (e.g. condominium houses). Raw milk shops are also
opened by individual traders, dairy farms and cooperatives in different village corners in Addis and other
towns. Most traditional cooking butter and cheese are supplied through the informal market channel,
the main one in Addis Ababa is Markato butter market (Kibe Berenda).

3.2.6. Supporters and enablers
To support the dairy industry there are public and non-governmental organizations who are supporting
the different actors.

Regional and Woreda agriculture/livestock offices: organizations like Woreda livestock and fishery
offices, Addis Ababa city agriculture sector provide veterinary and other extension services. The service
includes, (i) treatment, vaccination and laboratory services; (ii) AI services; (iii) Competency certification
for AI services and Veterinary service providers; (iv) facilitate forage seed and feed market linkage,
equipment supply for producers; (v) provide training services for producers; (vi) provide advice and
support for producers in their dealing with other sector offices like environmental protection agency,
Health bureau, trade and industry bureau, land management office etc.; (vii) Provision of Support to
producers in feed composition, Animal handling and management (ex. Health, hygiene, housekeeping,
waste management).

National Artificial Insemination Centre: the centre established to collect and distribute improved
breeds and to provide training for AI service providers. Currently it has 60 bulls and collects 1,000,000
Siemens per year. It supply Siemens for AI service providers either private or government. Private AI
service providers should be registered with regional agriculture bureau to get the Siemens. Training
service provided free for government employees and private service providers should pay 10,000 ETB.

Research Institutes: organizations like Holeta Research Centre and regional research institutes that are
mandated to coordinate the dairy research in the country and in their respective regions are working to
improve the local breed, forage packages, development of alternative technologies and testing (e.g. how
to provide Calcium supplement foods, milk processing). In line with the research the institutes are also
engaged in provision of training in cattle management, feed and forage production, animal health and
milk processing, AI services.

3.3. Analysis of policy environment, Institutes and Initiatives

3.3.1. Policies Review

Policies and strategies that focused on agricultural and livestock development include the Growth and
Transformation Plan (GTP), the Agriculture Growth Program (AGP), the Policy and Investment
Framework (PIF), the Food Security Program (FSP). Ethiopia also participates in the Comprehensive
Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) which strives to increase economic development
through agriculture-led growth.

As indicated in the CADDP, PIF and other documents to achieve sustainable increase in agricultural
productivity and production priority investment areas are, Irrigation development, Skill development
(including DAs & farmers), Seed and fertilizer supply, Soil fertility management, Livestock development
and Research. To accelerate agricultural commercialization and agro-industrial development, the focus
investment areas are, Market system and infrastructure, Cooperative development, Agricultural credit,
Private sector support.

Specific to livestock development, the goventment of Ethiopia released a five-year Livestock Master Plan
(LMP) in July 2015. In the master plan different investment and policy interventions are proposed. The
ones related to dairy, briefly highlighted here:

 To improve dairy cattle development, invest in breeding and artificial insemination programs.
 For local breed animals' productivity enhancement, genetic selection (recording schemes, etc.),
vaccinations, and parasite control programs.
 For improvement of feed and animal management, range and pasture lands rehabilitation
 In provision of veterinary service, streamline public-private roles in veterinary service rendering and
expand public oversight and quality regulations.
 To promote private sector establishment of flour and oil mills to produce feeds using agroindustry
by-products and introducing protective policies against importation of flour and cooking oil.
 Promote land lease and offer tax incentives for animal production by providing land at subsidized
rates and tax benefits to incentivize private entrepreneurs.
 To promote feed production efficiency by eliminating double taxation and excessive customs duties
on feed mill ingredients and introducing quality control measures.
 Promote increased private sector investment in livestock sector by supporting value added
processing by creating enabling environment for agribusiness investment and streamlining
regulations and procedures.

In the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) by promoting crossbred dairy cow development aimed to
increase in national total cow milk production from 3.072 million liters to 5.929 million liters in the
second GTP period (2015-2020).

3.3.2. Institutes:

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR): EIAR is a national research institute coordinating all
activities of 15 federal and 7 regional institutes and advising the government on agricultural research
policy formulation. The Research Centre of Holetta deals with dairy research. Within the dairy sector the
institute is involved in the mass synchronization and insemination program and in crossbreeding
indigenous breeds with bulls from the Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and Simmental breeds. Research is also
carried out on feeding, health, milk processing and development of value chains for the dairy sector.

Regional Agricultural Research Institutes (RARI): Each Region has its own agricultural research institute
with its own facilities: OARI for Oromia, ARARI for Amhara, SARI for SNNPR, TARI for Tigray, etc. These
regional institutes cooperate with EIAR, but do their own programming.

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI): ILRI works to improve food security and reduce
poverty in developing countries through research for better and more sustainable use of livestock.
Current ILRI projects with a dairy component are:
 LIVES: Livestock and irrigation value chains for Ethiopian smallholders, concerns technologies
and innovations to develop high-value livestock and irrigated crops
 FEED II: Feed enhancement for Ethiopian development, is about improving access to and use of
animal feed to support livestock productivity.
 Livestock Master Plan (LMP): developing value-chain action plans to contribute to LMP.

Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA): ATA is a government agency that aims to promote
agricultural sector transformation by supporting government and the private sector in addressing
systemic bottlenecks to achieve growth and food security. Livestock is one of the prioritized value

chains. One of the studies ATA carried out for the livestock sector was the aforementioned in-depth
study of the impact of import taxes on feed ingredients on the development of the livestock sector.

Ethiopian Meat and Dairy Industry Development Institute (EMDIDI): EMDIDI aims to strengthen the
emerging food-processing industry in Ethiopia through training, research and support to innovations.
This institute, under the Ministry of Industry, is tasked with facilitating private-sector investments in the
livestock sector. EMDIDI runs the training facilities in Debre Zeit handed over by ILRI.

Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Authority of Ethiopia (FMHACA): This
authority has a mandate to regulate the 4Ps: (i) Practice: healthcare practices; (ii) Premises: healthcare
facilities, food establishments, medicine facilities, port inspection sites and health related facilities; (iii)
Professionals: all health professionals; (iv) Product: production up to consumption of medicines, medical
equipment and trade devices, food and food supplements, herbal products, cosmetics, complimentary
and traditional medicines.

3.3.3. Existing Initiatives and projects

EDGET-program by SNV (2012–2017): EDGET, which stands for Enhancing Dairy Sector Growth in
Ethiopia, is aiming at doubling household incomes from dairy activities and improving the nutritional
status of children through increased consumption of dairy products. The project, which is funded by the
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, is focussed on smallholder dairy farmers with crossbred
dairy calves, and gives special priority to women who do most of the calf-rearing and caring for cows.
The project seeks to increase milk production through improved calf-rearing and animal feeding, and
promote increased consumption of dairy products through the development of new dairy-based
nutritional products, innovative milk-processing methodologies and marketing strategies.

DairyBIZZ (2015–2018): It is a three-year project that aims to establish a dairy business platform to
initiates and monitors activities in business development, capacity building, and business information
development. Proofs of concept will be introduced for technical and organizational innovations such as
private farm advice, innovative housing systems, and forage production. Results will improve both
business practice and long-term sustainability of the sector. DairyBIZZ is implemented by Wageningen
University and is funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Livestock genetics improvement program by Land O’Lakes (starting 2015): Land O‘Lakes will start a
new livestock genetics improvement program funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation aiming
at public-private partnership for AI in Ethiopia and Tanzania. The program’s goal is to increase private-
sector investment in artificial insemination goods and services.

3.4. Economic analysis and relationships mapping

3.4.1. Actors number and transactions volume

There are thousands of farmers that are engaged in dairy business. Most of them are agreed on that
feed and mineral cost is the major cost of the business. Veterinary service, labour and utility costs also
have a significant share on the dairy business cost structure.

Table 9: Dairy Farm Scale and Cost Structure
No. of Average Other (labour,
No. of Feed and
milking daily milk Vet service water, power and
cows mineral cost
cows production others)
Average 7 5 33 108619 5932 7979
Minimum 1 1 1 20 0 0
Maximum 43 40 330 1700000 96000 125000
Mode 4 2 10 12000 2000 0
Median 4 3 16 36000 2000 0
Source: Survey results

3.4.2. Costs and profitability analysis

Cost elements: The graph below shows about 60% of the cost is related to feed and mineral. In the gross
margin, if the replacement cost of the milking cows included, the profit will shrink further.

Fig. 13: Dairy Farms Average Cost Structure

80% 141 45.19
3 Total Gross margin per day
60% 12 0
Other costs
40% Vet and medical cost
30% 252 65.75 Feed and mineral
Average Median
Source: Survey results

Dairy farm profitability: Average daily gross margin of existing dairy farmers is Birr 141 per day with 20
Birr gross margin per cow per day. Dairy farms at higher scale incur higher costs to run the business
more professionally with higher scale they have better selling price that leads to better gross margin as
indicated in Table 10.

Table 10: Daily Sales and Cost (Profitability)
Total Feed Vet and Other Total Total Gross Gross Daily
Sales and medical costs direct Gross margin margin Cost
Value mineral cost costs margin per per per
per day milking total cow
cow cow
Average 408 252 12 3 266 141 25 20 37
Minimum 0 0 0 0 0 -2375 -237 -121 0
Maximum 6600 4658 263 90 4658 6600 194 165 184
Median 168.5 65.75 2.65 0 82.74 45.19 15.40 13.69 25.23
Source: Survey result

As indicated in graph below there are farms that are running the business with loss, that may be related
to scale of operation, technical and business management skill coupled with the weak service and
limited profit margin.

Fig. 14: Daily gross margin of dairy farmers - Birr/day





2 37 6 2 1 7 1 2 1 3 5 5 6 1 5 3 10 13 4 8 2 1 3 34 3 2 2 2 3

Source: Survey result

3.5. Gender, environment and governance situation

Gender: dairy business engages both men and women in the different segment of the value chain.
Improving the dairy business will benefit the whole family in terms of nutrition and additional income.

Environment: dairy value chain is the focus point in the carbon emission, at national level the strategy is
to decrease the head count and increase the productivity per cow. The other strategy needed is to look
the manure management aspect which reduces the carbon emission and contributes in the energy

Governance: the dairy farmers saying can be improved by increasing their collaboration and by engaging
them in wider value chain platforms.

3.6. SWOT analysis
Strength Weakness
 Big cattle population (57.83 million total  The production is not commercial based
cattle, 55.38% female)  Most producers are not well connected
 Ambitious master plan, institutes supporting  Consumers still use the informal market
the sector, projects and partners supporting chain
dairy sector  Adulteration
 Processing companies and new actors joining  Water and power supply
the sector  Limited financial services
 Weak AI and veterinary service
Opportunities Threat
 Positive economic outlook,  Safety and quality trust loose
 Population of approximately 99.4 million and  High feed price
increase for additional consumption  Lack of clear policy support on land
 Emerging middle class consumer segments allocation for producers in Addis Ababa
that are willing to embrace new products
and services
 Urbanization, that is expected to increase
processed dairy products consumption
 Export and foreign market possibility
(Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan & Djibouti are
potential foreign markets)

4. Review of other countries experiences
The dairy industry needs to learn how other countries improved the sector and how they addressed the
challenges they faced. To become competitive at domestic and international markets, the industry
needs to address factors like productivity, scale of operation, cost of production, product and brand
development and other issues.

Table 11: Selected benchmark factors6

Indicators Level of practice

productivity is far 10,000
below the global 8,000
practice. Existing 7,000
productivity Ethiopia is 5,000
below 390Kg and 4,000
3,000 Kg/Year Local
3,600Kg per year from 2,000
local and improved 1,000 Kg/Year Hybrid
breeds while other 0



New Zealand

United States

European Union

countries produce
more than 24 times of
the local breeds and
2.6 times of the
improved breeds.

Cost of production:
with the productivity 40.0
and other factors, the 35.0
cost of production of 30.0
milk is quite high in 25.0
case of Ethiopia.
10.0 US Cents/Kg

Data Reference from GDS Dairy VC Report, 2012

Indicators Level of practice

Consumption: the
level of consumption 350
is low in Ethiopia as 300
compared to many
other countries that
may be related to lack 200
of awareness on the 150
nutirional aspect, high 100 Kg/Capita/Year
price and extended
fasting seasons. 50



Latin America

Source: GDS Dairy VC Report

Taking their dairy industry level, three countries are picked (Kenya from Africa, Indai from Asia and New
Zealand from developed economy) and their experinces in the sector are reviwed. The points that found
as relvant are summarized below.

1. Kenya

Kenya has one of the most developed dairy sub-sector in Sub-Saharan Africa and it is the single largest
contributor to agricultural GDP of Kenya. The contribution of dairy sub-sector is higher than Tea and
Horticulture7. About 80% of Kenya’s total milk production is produced on small scale farms. Dairying is a
life line for the majority smallholder family farmers and entire pastoral communities of Kenya as sources
of food, employment, cash income, manure to support crop production, and financing cash needs for
social status. Commercial dairying was introduced into Kenya in the early twentieth century, but
indigenous Kenyans were not involved in it until the mid-1950s. After independence, most dairy cattle
were transferred to the indigenous people, marking the beginning of smallholder domination of the
dairy industry. Currently at the farm level, dairy activities are estimated to generate about 23 full-time
jobs for the self-employed, 50 permanent full-time jobs for employees, and three full-time casual labour
jobs, making a total of 77 direct farm jobs per 1 000 litres of daily production. The sector is dynamic with
high growth figures of marketed milk and investments by dairy societies and processors mainly in the
cold chain, production of long life milk and milk powder.

The overall strength of the sector comes from8: Private sector-driven processing industry built in only 20
years, Nation-wide availability and increasing variety of dairy products for all consumer groups, On-going
investments in value added products including long-life milk and milk powder, An emerging dairy export
sector, High demand for processed milk and milk products due to a growing urban (lower-) middle class.

FAO. 2011. Dairy development in Kenya, by H.G. Muriuki. Rome
Dairy Development in Kenya, By Frans Ettema, SNV-Kenya

The processing industry is a pull factor for higher milk production, Year round milk collection by traders,
dairy societies and processors in all main dairy production areas from 100-thousands of small scale
farms, Emerging segment of commercial dairy farmers with ability to invest and being innovative, A wide
distribution network and good access to commercial input suppliers/service providers, Conducive
government policies (zero rating, import duties on dairy products), Basic dairy genetics are available
which can be improved through proper breeding policies.

In neighbouring Kenya, with an advanced dairy sector, poor management of the supply chain has
resulted in surplus milk production in early 2010 without the demand to absorb it. Nearly a million litres
of milk and ten metric tons of milk powders were wasted. The net result has been a drop in the price of
raw milk. The lesson for Ethiopia is that development of the dairy sector cannot be one-sided and supply
heavy. A multi-pronged approach is needed to increase consumer awareness of the nutritional benefits
of milk, thus creating demand for milk and dairy products.

2. New Zealand

New Zealand (NZ) dairy products account for around one third of the international dairy trade. With its
5.8 million dairy cows has annual volume export earning of NZD$11 billion. NZ exports six categories of
dairy products: Milk and cream (not concentrated); Milk and cream (concentrated); Buttermilk and
related products; Whey and related products; Butter and related products; and Cheese and curd.
Concentrated milk (particularly whole milk powder and skim milk powder) is the largest product
category. New Zealand is one of the lowest cost producers of milk in the world due to a suitable
environment for dairy farming and having technological and business savvy farmers. The evolution and
performance of the NZ dairy industry is strongly shaped by a number of key factors including favourable
endowment of natural resources for grass production and farmers’ strong ideology towards control and
ownership of downstream manufacturing and marketing activities, which led to vertical integration and
continuous organisational changes.

The key strengths of New Zealand’s dairy industry include its all‐grass farming system, large‐scale
processing and high levels of investment in research and development, which have increased the
efficiency while maintaining the quality of dairy production. The industry become more successful with
the industry actors and support organizations committed engagement. As per research findings of
AERU9 the eight critical success factors identified by the industry stakeholders for NZ dairy success are:
 Successful development of international markets: The successful sale of NZ dairy products around
the globe has been critical to industry success. The development of brands and relationships has
been especially important.
 Political support in international markets: The dairy industry has had to cope with subsidized
competitors. The NZ government has had an important role in trade negotiations with the EU, the
WTO and other governments and agencies.
 Political support within NZ: The NZ dairy industry has relied on political support to ensure legislative
support for the industry as associated with allocation of research funds and the establishment of
 The evolution of industry structure to facilitate growth: The dairy industry has evolved to establish
family corporates, a dominant large integrated cooperative, and specialised and sophisticated
support industry.

Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit (AERU) operates from Lincoln University

 Farmer engagement in the development of industry policy, strategy, structure and operations:
Farmer participation has been critical in the testing of industry proposals, building industry loyalty
 Continuing technological advance: Technological progress has enabled the industry to grow through
increased productivity. This has been on the farm, in processing and along the supply chain.
 Major disease-free status of national herd: Disease free status has reduced barriers for
international trade and reduced compliance costs.
 Development of economies of scale: Economies of scale has resulted in improved management and
progress in cost reduction.

A push towards adding value: One major challenge faced by the NZDB during the late 1980’s and early
1990’s was how to motivate manufacturing co-operative to engage in new product development and be
more market oriented without the Board losing its grip on co-ordination. First, there was recognition
that the world's consumers were moving towards buying branded products. The domestic milk market
in NZ was only deregulated in the '80s and with that consumers went from buying milk in plain glass
bottles to branded cartons and plastic bottles. The rise of supermarkets and pre-packaged, branded
products changed traditional shopping habits. Second, owning the FMCG brands and processing facilities
were perceived as providing more market security for selling NZ's dairy products than having to sell
commodities to global players or in open markets. The pressure to move away from commodities and
towards increasing value added products started when the UK announced it would join the EC. The
move to fast moving consumer goods in South East Asia resulted in brand developments such as

Fonterra leading company: The New Zealand dairy industry is dominated by the Fonterra Co-operative
Group Ltd, complemented by Westland and Tatua Co-operative dairy companies. Fonterra was
established as a co-operative of more than 12,000 dairy farmers. One of the top ten dairy companies in
the world, Fonterra is the leading NZ exporter of dairy products and is responsible for a third of
international dairy trade, supplying 140 countries around the world. There are also many smaller
businesses competing in the domestic and international markets. Fonterra exports around 95 per cent
of the dairy products it manufactures and is the world’s largest exporter of dairy products. It is
responsible for over 30 per cent of international dairy trade across open borders. It is a major world
player in dairy ingredient exports such as milk powder and casein and in consumer products, including
through brands such as Fernleaf and Anchor. Speciality products such as ANLENE and ANMUM are
leaders in their markets. Fonterra has a wide range of international marketing subsidiaries, joint
ventures and other arrangements, including in the US (with Dairy Farmers of America), North and Latin
Americas (with Nestle), in the UK and Europe (with Arla Foods) and in India (with Britannia Industries).
Fonterra’s global supply chain encompasses shareholder farms in New Zealand through to customers
and consumers in 140 countries. It collects more than 13 billion litres of milk a year and manufactures
and markets over 1.8 million tonnes of product annually, making it a world leader in large scale milk
procurement, processing and management. It has around 20,000 staff in 40 countries, with over half of
its staff being outside New Zealand. Fonterra is New Zealand’s biggest private sector investor in R&D. Its
shareholders are world leaders in on-farm efficiency and productivity, and its processing efficiency is
also world class. Its new product development capability is significant, with considerable potential for
future growth and performance delivery.

3. India

India ranks number one in the world in terms of milk production and milk consumption. The programme
“Operation Flood” adopted by Indian government from the year 1970 made India the largest milk

producing nation of the World. India also has the distinction to be the lowest cost milk producer in the
world. The country has been able to provide on an average 302 gm per person per day milk which is
more than the minimum quantity recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The majority
of the milk production is by farmers through the cooperative societies further propelled by many private
players and multinational companies to tap the dairy potential of the country. Dairy business provides
livelihood to 600 million people in India. The activity of the private companies is the process of
converting the unorganised dairy sector into organised industry10. Only 10% of all the milk is delivered to
some 400 dairy plants. A specific Indian phenomenon is the unorganised sector of milkmen, vendors
who collect the milk from local producers and sell the milk in both, urban and rural areas, which handles
around 65-70% of the national milk production. In the organised dairy industry, the cooperative milk
processors have a 60% market share. The cooperative dairies process 90% of the collected milk as liquid
milk whereas the private dairies process and sell only 20% of the milk collected as liquid milk and 80%
for other dairy products with a focus on value-added products11.

India reveals an exceptional success story as the milk production increased remarkably from 17 million
tons in 1950-51 to an estimated 140 million tons in 2013-14 and emerged at the largest milk producer in
the World far ahead of the second largest producer after the US. Moreover, India’s milk production is
expected to grow to 176 million tons by 2022 and far exceed the total milk production of the entire
European Union. This has been achieved through ingenious organisations of a large number of small
milk producers spread across the rural areas of the country. The Operation Flood, one of the world’s
largest dairy development programmes, played a crucial role in achieving transformation of dairy
industry in India. In addition to being the largest milk producer, India also has the distinction to be the
lowest cost milk producer. This phenomenal growth in milk production has been due to demand side
development on one hand and supply side promotions on the other. The per capita availability has also
increased from 112 gram/day in 1970-71 to 297 gm/day in 2012-1312.

Dr. C. M. JAIKANTH, 2016, Global Marketing Strategy and Constraints of Indian Dairy Industry

Ashraf Imam, M N Zadeh, and Laxmi Rani Dubey, Dairy Marketing Strategies in the Context of Globalization: Issues and Challenges, International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance,
Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2011

Rakesh Mohan Joshi, India’s Dairy Exports: Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies, Research and International Collaborations, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade

5. Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1. Conclusions
The future of the dairy sector in Ethiopia is more positive especially taking the domestic market growth,
potential and production enhancement initiative in the country. The total volume of milk produced in
Ethiopia increased over the last 15 years. The overall country milk production expected to surpass
existing milk demand in the near future if the production target set for GTP II is achieved. If that is the
case, expanding milk products usage will be needed. The existing export in the sector is only about 2% as
compared to the import. Increasing the export to Somalia and other destinations like Sudan, South
Sudan and Djibouti are the possible options.

The productivity and quality of dairy product supplied are below the expected benchmark. The
productivity level gap between the local and improved cow is quite big. Most of the milk produced is
supplied to the market as raw milk. There is quality problem and adulteration practice that need to be
addressed. The main contributing factors for the less performance of the sector are shortage of feed
availability and its price increase, the low quality of veterinary services, drug supply problem, problem of
getting good quality cross breeds or local dairy cow, limited financial services, market fluctuation, lack of
working space, the poor quality of training/advice and its non-continuity with less responsiveness and
not tailor-made for the existing problems. Specialized services and tailored support to commercial
farmers is an area which needs encouragement. Skills on farm management, feeding, housing, health,
hygiene, postharvest handling, marketing and business management need to be enhanced with
acceptable service business model. Since feed is a significant cost of milk production, working on it will
improve profitability of dairy business.

Processing companies are collecting milk from tens up to thousands of small holder dairy farmers
starting from less than 10 ltr per day. Dairy cooperatives and collection points play a great role that need
to be enhanced. Most of the processing companies work under capacity for most of the product types
and competing with imported products. Promotion of processed products and supply of long shelf life
products is needed to handle the market fluctuation.

5.2. Constraints

Table 12: Summary of Constraints

Input supply  Feed (High cost, Poor quality, availability), absence of green forage and
frequent hay consumption leading the animals to disease
 Space (for better management, expansion and waste disposal)
 Working capital shortage
 Absence of good productive and improved breeds in the market
 Quality AI service
 Heating hormone
 Efficient quality veterinary service (e.g. delivery) and chronic veterinary
medicine shortage with high ineffective rate, critical particularly for calcium
 Financial service for dairy farmers and others
 Labour cost for small dairy farms

Production  Scale of production is low in turn leads to high market cost then to low
market demand,
 Product spoilage,
 Market information,
 Water and electricity,
 Productivity versus profitability from producers and processors side
Collection  Cooperatives collection capacity (Quota based)
 Lack of collection facilities (chillier, vehicles, refrigerator),
 Capital for investment
 Power
 Lack of enforcement of quality control regulations and standards
Marketing  Low consumption, market fluctuation and low milk demand in fasting
 High price of milk for low income groups
 Less demand for locally produced cheese than imported one
 Limited experience in the market for new entrants
 Lack of quality raw milk
 High taxes on imported packaging and difficulty in obtaining foreign

5.3. Proposed Recommendations and Policy Implications

Feed supply development: To increase private feed suppliers and existing companies’ efficiency, lobby
for better incentives from government in the feed industry and promote the business venture to
potential investors. Eliminate double taxation, VAT payment and excessive customs duties on feed mill
ingredients. Provide land at subsidized rates and tax benefits to incentivize private entrepreneurs in feed
supply. Enhance production efficiency of feed mills by improving technical and business management,
increasing scale of feed production through increased bulk contracting, increasing bulk purchasing by
cooperatives and farmers organizations and by increasing purchases of by products by feed
manufacturers. Improve the utilization of crop by-products with different nutrient and digestibility
improvement treatments. Foster high yielding forage crops technology, increase forage crop production,
including enclosed areas in mountainous areas and river basins. Train and demonstrate optimum use of
feed and improved management systems.

Improved AI and Health services: Working with organizations in the sector and lobby to improve the
business incentive, increase availability of quality semen and providers of crossbred cows, encourage
private AI service providers, encourage private cross breed heifer production with joint venture and
other business arrangements, encourage and support cooperatives capacity in demand aggregation and
supply arrangement. Improve public sector AI and animal health service provision and increase private
provision of veterinary services.

Milk consumption and product development: promote consumption of milk and milk products with
mass-media campaign, encourage different more affordable, better, more diverse packaging and
product size. Facilitate joint effort of processing companies for better logistics to reduce costs through

increased volume and greater supply chain efficiencies. Reduce the fluctuation in demand (seasonality,
fasting periods) for milk products, by producing and packing products for longer shelf life.

Production and productivity practice at producer and other actors level: promote better use of
improved breeds, AI, health service and management skill at producers level. Improve feed and dairy
different level management practices. Improve processors under capacity operation by improving their
business and technical management. Improve management practices at different level to reduce
spoilage and waste. Develop cooperatives and new private dairy farms and processors business
management exposure and experience.

Collection and distribution mechanism: Improve technical and management skills of cooperatives.
Improve collection centers and buying arrangements to enable more milk to reach formal market.
Encourage better business linkages between producers and processing companies with additional
services like provision of feed and other services. Increase numbers of cooling centers and use of
refrigerated transport.

Quality and product spoilage: create more awareness on milk quality issues and improve milk handling
practice by coordinating processing companies implement quality-based pricing arrangements. Produce
long shelf life milk products. Improve quality testing and control kits and capacity at collection centers.
Promote consumer awareness on milk quality issues. Lobby for better enforcement and development of
mandatory quality standards and control adulteration practices. Encourage local production of

Financial services: work with financial service providers to refine products for dairy sector and
implement value chain financing for better financial access to different actors for investment and
working capital. Reduce lending risk by developing better and replicable business models with support
organizations and improving companies’ business management.

Sector coordination and enabling environment: to improve the business enabling environment in
continuous manner, work with sector actors to have effective platforms for public-private dialogue for
identified critical issues. Promote shared public-private vision among the dairy industry actors. Provide
training for the actors. Facilitate coordination and collaboration between the various value chain actors
in dairy value chain.

 Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit (AERU) Publication
 Andualem Tonamo 2016, A review on cattle husbandry practices in Ethiopia, International
Journal of Livestock Production Vol. 7(2), pp. 5-11, February 2016 DOI: 10.5897/IJLP2015.0276
Article Number: A20CF1858015 ISSN 2141-2448
 Ashraf Imam, M N Zadeh, and Laxmi Rani Dubey, Dairy Marketing Strategies in the Context of
Globalization: Issues and Challenges, International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol.
2, No. 2, April 2011
 ATA and USAID, Opportunity to invest in a UHT milk processing plant in Ethiopia
 Benyam Tadesse 2016, Review of Dairy Value Chain in Ethiopia, Industrial Engineering Letters ISSN 2224-6096 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0581 (online) Vol.6, No.3, 2016
 (Campbell, 2014). Barry I Shapiro et al, 2015, Ethiopia livestock master plan Roadmaps for
growth and transformation a contribution to the Growth and Transformation Plan II (2015-
2020), MoA Agriculture, Livestock Resources Development Sector
 CSA 2015, Agricultural Sample Survey Livestock and Livestock Characteristics, Private Peasant
Holdings, Statistical Bulletin Agricultural Sample Survey 2014/15 - Livestock
 CSA 2013, Population Projection of Ethiopia for All Regions and Woreda Level from 2014-2017
 CSA 2016, Agricultural Sample Survey Livestock and Livestock Characteristics, Private Peasant
Holdings, Statistical Bulletin Agricultural Sample Survey 2014/15 - Livestock
 Dairy Development in Kenya, By Frans Ettema, SNV-Kenya
 Dr. C. M. JAIKANTH, 2016, Global Marketing Strategy and Constraints of Indian Dairy Industry
 FAO, 2011. Dairy development in Kenya, by H.G. Muriuki, Rome
 GDS Dairy VC Report, 2012
 MoA and ILRI, 2015, Livestock Master Plan
 Nigusu Fekade, Yoseph Mekasha, 2016, Evaluation of Production Performances Versus Feeding
Practices In Urban And Secondary Town Dairy Production Systems In Adama Milk Shed, Oromia
National Regional State, Ethiopia, Academy Of Agricultural Journal
 Piet Visser, et al (Eds.) (2012), Pro-Poor Value Chain Development: Private Sector-Led Innovative
Practices in Ethiopia, SNV Netherlands Development Organization, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
 Rakesh Mohan Joshi, India’s Dairy Exports: Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies, Research
and International Collaborations, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
 SNV, Study on Dairy Investment Opportunities in Ethiopia, 2008
 USAID 2013, Agricultural Growth Program - Livestock Market Development, End Market Analysis
for Meat/Live Animals, Leather and Leather Products, Dairy Products Value Chains
 USAID-AGP, 2013, Value Chain Analysis for Ethiopia: Meat and Live Animals Hides, Skins and
Leather Dairy, USAID-AGP-Livestock Market Development Project
 Zijlstra, J. et al., 2015, Business Opportunities Report aDairy #2 in the series written for the
"Ethiopian Netherlands business event 5–6 November 2015, Rijswijk, The Netherlands


Annex 1: Validation of Issues and Recommendations

A. Issues confirmation
Severity and Impact
(High, Medium, Low)
1 Feed supply development High
2 Improved AI and Health services High
3 Milk consumption and product development Medium
4 Production and productivity practice at producer and other actors level High
5 Collection and distribution mechanism High
6 Product spoilage and quality control High
7 Financial services High
8 Sector coordination and enabling environment High
9 Land access and incentive for dairy investment High
10 Milk Utensils, equipment and technology High
11 Utility service (power and water) High

B. Interventions confirmation

Interventions lead
(H, M, L)
1. Feed supply development
 Increase private feed suppliers and existing companies’ MoLF &
efficiency AACCSA
 Lobby for better incentives High AACCSA & PC
 Eliminate double taxation, VAT payment and excessive AACCSA &
customs duties on feed mill ingredients. ERCA
MoLF &
 Provide land at subsidized rates and tax benefits High
 Enhance production efficiency of feed mills by improving MoLF &
technical and business management, AACCSA
 Increasing scale of feed production High AACCSA & PC
 Improve the utilization of crop by-products Medium AACCSA & PC
 Foster high yielding forage crops technology High MoLF
 Increase forage crop production, High MoLF
 Train and demonstrate optimum use of feed and improved
High MoLF
management systems
2. Improved AI and Health services
MoLF &
 Lobby to improve the business incentive High AACCSA

 Increase availability of quality semen and providers of
High MoLF
crossbred cows,
 Encourage private service Provicers (AI service, veterinary MoLF &
services,cross breed heifer production
 Encourage and support cooperatives capacity High CPA
 Improve public sector AI and animal health service
Low MoLF
3. Production and productivity practice at producer
and other actors level
 Promote better use of improved breeds, AI, health service
High MoLF
and management skill at producers level.
 Improve feed and dairy management practices High MoLF
MoI &
 Improve processors under capacity operation High
 Improve management practices to reduce spoilage and MoLF &
 Develop cooperatives and new private dairy farms and MoI &
processors business management exposure and experience AACCSA
 Promote better use of improved breeds, AI, health service MoLF &
and management skill at producers level.
4. Milk consumption and product development
 Promote consumption of milk and milk products with mass-
media campaign,
 Encourage different more affordable, better, more diverse AACCSA, MoI
packaging and product size. & PC
 Facilitate joint effort of processing companies High AACCSA & PC
 Reduce the fluctuation in demand High & PC
5. Collection and distribution mechanism
 Improve technical and management skills of cooperatives. High CPA
 Improve collection centers and buying arrangements High & PC
 Encourage better business linkages between producers and AACCSA, MoI
High & PC
processing companies
 Increase numbers of cooling centers and use of refrigerated AACCSA, MoI
High & PC
6. Quality and product spoilage
 Create more awareness on milk quality issues and improve MoI & PC
milk handling practice
MoI & PC
 Produce long shelf life milk products Medium AACCSA
 Improve quality testing and control kits and capacity at MoI & PC
collection centers.
 Lobby for better enforcement and development of
mandatory quality standards and control adulteration

MoI & PC
 Encourage local production of packaging High AACCSA
7. Financial services
 Work with financial service providers Medium AACCSA & PC
 Reduce lending risk by developing better and replicable
business models with support organizations and improving High AACCSA & PC
companies’ business management
8. Sector coordination and enabling environment
 Work with sector actors to have effective platforms for AACCSA, MoI,
public-private dialogue for identified critical issues. MoLF &PC
 Promote shared public-private vision among the dairy AACCSA, MoI,
industry actors. MoLF &PC
 Provide training for the actors Low MoI & MoLF
 Facilitate coordination and collaboration between the AACCSA, MoI,
various value chain actors in dairy value chain MoLF & PC

Annex 2: Dairy Producers Questionnaire

Note for Enumerator:

Introduce yourself and start by recognizing their willingness and time to respond for the interview.
Explain objective of the study, how they are selected and use of data:
 Chamber of Commerce conducting the study to know required interventions to
improve the dairy sector and the benefit for all actors.
 You are selected randomly from dairy producers
 The information collected from you will be used as a summary to inform the study
 You are free to ask clarification questions or not to respond questions which you are
not comfortable.

Interviewer Reference
Assistant researcher name: ------------------------------------------------------------------
Cluster: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lead Consultant ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: ----------------------------------- Time ---------------------------
Questionnaire no/Code --------------------------

Respondent General Information

Name of Respondent: ______________________________________________
Sex of the respondent/head of HH:
Age of the respondent: __________ years
Name of region ________________ Zone __________________
Name of woreda _____________Name of kebele________________
Distance of your residence from the nearest market center: ____ KM _____ hrs walk
Distance of your residence to the nearest development center: ______KM________ hrs walk.
Distance to all weather road: ________km or _________ hours walk
Current occupation of the respondent ____________________
Telephone -------------------------------------------------------

A. Livestock holding and composition
1. What is the total livestock holding of respondent household? --------------------------------------------

2. Type and number of dairy animals that the respondent owned?

No. Dairy animal holding Number owned per household
1 Cow
Improved breed
2 Heifer
Improved breed

B. Animal Feeding management

1. What are animal feeding systems are practiced by the respondent to fed its animals?
a, Grazing and browsing on communal or private natural grazing land
b. Cut-and-carry system
c. stall feeding
d. All of the above

2. Which of the following types of feed used by the respondent to fed its animals? (can select more than
Feed on natural pasture or pasture on non-arable land maintained under rain-fed conditions.
The primary feed sources are the open rangelands composed of indigenous species of grasses,
shrubs and fodder trees.
Using improved forage and supplementary feed

3. If the respondent use additional /supplementary feed resources, which of the following types are
Crop residue (Kera)
Mineral soil (haya)
Grain (sorghum)
Industrial by-product
Failed maize or sorghum
Other conserved feed e.g., hay

4. If the respondent use improved forage, what types of forages are used? And from where the seed of
forage obtained? What is unit price of seed by type?
5. Does the respondent also practice feed conservation for dry season feeding?
5.1 if yes what method is used to conserve feed for dry season ?-----------------------------------------------
5.2 If no why?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. .At what price you can get if you want to buy dairy animals now?
Indigenous cow: from --------------- to ------------------------birr
cross breed cow: from --------------- to ------------------------birr
Indigenous heifer: from --------------- to ------------------------birr
cross breed heifer: from --------------- to ------------------------birr

C. Milking management
1.What type of milking practice is practiced by the respondent?
Traditional hand milking by washing of teats before milking is practiced
Traditional hand milking but hand Washing of teats before milking is not practiced
Traditionally calves are allowed to suckle their dams before (to initiate milk letdown) and after
milking (to drain whatever is left in the udder)
Uses modern technology
Other (specify)--------------------------------------------------------

2. What is the division of labor for milking?

Milking of cows is done mainly by women
Milking of cows is done only by men
No division of labour any one including children can do

3. Milking frequency of cow per day

1. During wet season
A. Once B. Twice C. Thrice
2. During dry season
A. Once B. Twice C. Thrice

4. What are possible determining factors for milking frequency in the area?
If a calf seems weak or becomes ill, its dam will be milked less frequently
Milking frequency in the area also depends on feed availability.
Milking frequency increase if market for milk is high .
5. Do you supply milk to market?

6. At what time you market the evening milk?

Automatically supplied to market in the evening time
Milk produced kept in cold material is marketed in the next morning
Milk produced in the evening always used for home consumption due to lack of proper utensils
and no market in the evening

D. Productive and reproductive performance

1. What is the lactation period of the milk cow in months per year?
1.1. Lactation length of local cow 1.2. Lactation length of improved cow
3to 5 months 3to 5 months
5to 7 months 5to 7 months
7 to 9 months 7 to 9 months

9 to 10 months 9 to 10 months
more than 10 months more than 10 months

2. Milk yield performance of local cows in different stages of lactation (Daily milk yield per
head (litres)
a) First stage of lactation (0-3 month): a) Local ---------ltr/day b) Improved ---------ltr/day
b) Second stage of lactation (3-6 month): a) Local ---------ltr/day b) Improved ---------ltr/day
c) Third stage of lactation (7-9 month): a) Local ---------ltr/day b) Improved ---------ltr/day

3. Quantity of cow milk produced by a household at present?

3.1 Cow milk---------------- litres per day per household

4. Quantity of butter produced from one liter of:

Local cow milk? ----------------------------------
Improved cow milk -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Quantity of butter produced per household per week
5.1 During wet season _________________ kg per week
5.2. During dry season _________________ kg per week

E. Milk consumption and marketing

1. What are the most common products produced and consumed?

Fresh milk,
fermented milk,
cheese (ayib)
2. What type of milk and milk products being sold for the market by the household?
culturally fermented milk
cow fresh whole milk,
3. The proportion of milk and milk product consumed per household
3.1 The proportion of cow milk consumed per day per household during wet season
1/2 of the amount of milk produced per day
1/3 of the amount of milk produced per day
1/4 of the amount of milk produced per day
3/4 of the amount of milk produced per day
3.2 The proportion of cow milk consumed per day per household during dry season
1/2 of the amount of milk produced per day
1/3 of the amount of milk produced per day
1/4 of the amount of milk produced per day
3/4 of the amount of milk produced per day
the household does not participate in milk marketing
4. Proportion of butter consumed out of weekly butter produced per household
4.1 During wet season---------------------------kg per week
1/2 of the amount of butter produced per week

1/3 of the amount of butter produced per week
1/4 of the amount of butter produced per week
3/4 of the amount of butter produced per week
The household does not consume the butter produced but sale all
4.2. During dry season---------------------------kg per week
1/2 of the amount of butter produced per week
1/3 of the amount of butter produced per week
1/4 of the amount of butter produced per week
3/4 of the amount of butter produced per week
The household does not consume the butter produced but sale all

F. Milk and milk product marketing system

1. Do you supply milk to the market? -----------------------------
1.1. If yes, what is the volume of the supply
Rainy season……….
Dry season ……….

2. What is the trend in the supply of milk compared to the last 5 years?

3. Is it possible for the household to supply more than what currently supply to market?
3.1. If there is possibility why only supplying the above quantity?-----------------------------------------------
3.2. If no possibility why? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Is the household happy with its milk and milk products current marketing?
Yes No
4.1. If no what are the major problems encountered by the respondent and mention possible
solutions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. For whom you sale your cow milk at present?
Selling to local individual milk collectors
Nearby milk collection center
Dairy milk marketing cooperative
Individual customers in the nearby local market
Individual customers in woreda capital city
Individual customer found in Zonal market
Hotel/ cafeteria/ hospital found in woreda main city or zone main city or other city near to zonal
Other specify -----------------------------------------------------------
6. Who is direct buyer of the butter produced by the household at present?
Selling to individual traders in the village

Whole sellers in woreda main town
Whole sellers in near market place
Marketing cooperative
Individual customers in the nearby local market
Individual customers in woreda main town
Individual customer found in Zonal market
wholesalers in zonal main town and or other town next to zonal town
Hotel/ cafeteria/ hospital found in woreda main town or zone main city or other city near to
zonal town
Other specify --------------------------------------

7. Distance travelled per day (km) to sell milk and milk products
less than one km
1 to 3 km
3 to 5 km
5 to 7 km
7 to 9 km
10 to 12 km

8. What kind of transportation system producer uses to transport milk and milk products?
Mule or horse transport
walk on foot
other specify
9. What is the container you use:
While milking ------------------------------------------------------
Keeping in the house --------------------------------------------
To transport to the market ----------------------------
10. Constraints in cow milk and butter marketing faced by producers
Small milk quantity
Distance to market ,
cultural restriction ,
high transport cost
No market
No attractive price for the products
lack of access to market information
there is no any constraint
other specify ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11. How much you are selling your milk and milk product (milk/butter) during dry and wet season?
11.1 In dry season
Cow Milk: From Birr---------------------to -------------- birr per liter

Butter: From Birr---------------------- to ------------- birr per kg
11.2 In wet season
Cow Milk: From Birr---------------------to -------------- birr per liter
Butter: From Birr---------------------- to ------------- birr per kg
11.3 Fasting season
Cow Milk: From Birr---------------------to -------------- birr per liter
Butter: From Birr---------------------- to ------------- birr per kg
11.4 Non fasting season
Cow Milk: From Birr---------------------to -------------- birr per liter
Butter: From Birr---------------------- to ------------- birr per kg

12. Do you think you are getting fair price for your products? Yes No
why? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13. Where do think the potential market (more demand) for the cow milk?
a. local market nearby to production site
b. woreda main city
c. Zonal capital city
d. Addis Ababa
d. Other town bigger than zonal town
e. All of the above
f. Other (specify) ---------------------------------------

G. Related Services

1. Do you get veterinary health service in nearby locality?

a. Yes ; If yes How much cost you incur for one round treatment to get this service?
From: Birr ------------------------- to Birr ------------ per cow.
b. No If no why? -----------------------------------------------
2. How many rounds in one year in average you take the cow to get veterinary health service per year?
Only 1 round per year
2 to 3times
4 to 5 times
6 to 7 times
More than 7 times
3. Have you obtained training and technical advice regarding dairy production, marketing, dairy product
a. Yes If yes, who gave you-------------------------------------------------------------------
b. No If no, if the answer is no why?-----------------------------------------------------

4. Ranking of problems associated with dairy animal production according to level of importance
(increasing order)
Forage and pasture shortage ---------------
Water shortage ----------------
Security problem ----------------
Poor access to vet. Service ----------------
Lack of transport ----------------
Lack of improved dairy breeds ----------------

Absence of credit service ----------------
Poor extension service ----------------
Lack of buyer/market -----------------------
Price fluctuation ---------------------------
Other ---------------------------------------
5. Reasons for feed shortage in kebele of by the respondent
Poor feed conservation practices
Lack of forage seed
Expansion of cropland
Lack of rain
other specify
6. Distance travelled by the respondent in search of animal feed or grazing area?
Maximum about -------------------------------km
Minimum about --------------------------------km
7. Did you get financial service for your dairy business?
7.1. If yes for what (multiple choices)
Loan to buy dairy cow/heifer
Loan for feed, medication or other input
Insurance for dairy cow
7.2. If yes from whom --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.3. If no, why ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H. General recommendation

1. What you recommend to improve dairy business for you and other actors?
2. Any other comment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thank you for your time and very valuable input!

Annex 3: List of Contacted Organizations & Persons


H/MARIAM 911645237
16 WOKET ASEFA WOLLO 911963343
YIRDAW 911129798
11 6554860








28 GOSHU WAQTOLA 912075846
LEMMA WORKU 913330932








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