NEH654 CH14 Gabion Wall Stability Vs031606
NEH654 CH14 Gabion Wall Stability Vs031606
NEH654 CH14 Gabion Wall Stability Vs031606
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Wall/Slope Dimensions
Note: fill in values that are underlined, calculated results are in bold red
Angle of
Soil Type
Clean Sand 35
Silty Sand 30
Sandy Silt 25
Silt 20
Wall Properties
Description Gabion Rock
gi 70 pcf Note: Varies between Limestone (100 pcf) and Granite (130 pcf)
fi 20 degrees 0.35 radians
m 0.36
Retained Soil Properties Height of water above base of wall
Description Drainfill and Crushed Coral Hw 0 feet
gr 128 pcf
fr 20 degrees 0.35 radians
d 13.33 degrees 0.23 radians
Foundation Soil Properties
Description Drainfill
gf 130 pcf
ff 34 degrees 0.59 radians
cf 0 psf
Earth Pressure Coefficient
Ka 0.292154
Earth Forces Water Forces
1 feet
degrees fill slope
degrees Width v
depth to
Front wall surface
slope behind
h wall
v Back
v wall
Height slope
Height of
water above
base of wall
Bottom Width