Sample Writing Europe

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Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of
resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is an opinion saying that protecting wild animals is a waste of

time and efforts since they are not necessary anymore in the 21st
century. Personally, I disagree with this statement for reasons outlined

It is nonsense to say wild animals have no part in the 21st century since
they always play an important role in the environment. Whether in the
Stone Age, medieval age or modern age, animals, and plants have been
living together and forming a balance in life that no humans can make.
Plants give off oxygen and foods, while animals help plants grow and
multiply. If we don’t protect wild animals well, most of them will go
extinct due to overhunting, which will break the balance of nature and
lead to many adverse consequences of deforestation, hurricane, and
other terrible disasters.

It takes resources to protect wild animals, but their existence will bring
other benefits to the nations that preserve/conserve them. Wildlife,
zoos and preservation/conservation areas that allow tourists to visit
would generate a large amount of income each year to the countries
in charge while they can even take pride in themselves for having some
of the rarest wild animals in the world, not to mention the environment
protection along with it. In addition, most of the cost for protecting the
wild animals is covered by various international funds all over the world,
so having rare species is more of a blessing than a burden to a

In conclusion, wild animals deserve to live freely under protection of

humans due to the significance/importance of their existence and the
benefits they are bringing. We should do everything we can to protect
them for the sake of ourselves and our future generations
Many people go to university for academic study. More people should be encouraged to do
vocational training because there is a lack of qualified workers such as electricians and
plumbers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, a large number of people study academic subjects at

university instead of attending/taking part in/partaking in vocational
training courses. While I accept that a university degree is also essential
and beneficial, I totally agree that we should encourage people to
become qualified workers such as electricians or plumbers.

There are two important reasons why more vocationally-trained

workers are required. Firstly, when buildings are constructed or
repaired, a source of electricians, plumbers or other trades are vital. For
example, material facilities in some key fields such as hospitals,
schools, museums usually need to be expanded or maintained. Having
trained workers operate such/those kinds of work can not only ensure
the safety of the buildings but also lead to an improvement in the
quality of life of the whole community. Secondly, there are too many
academic graduates in the same major in some countries every year.
Consequently, the proportion of graduate unemployment is increasing
significantly each year as well. Therefore, the authorities in those
countries need to ensure that extra vocational training is provided.

More people should be encouraged to attend career-oriented

courses/on-the-job training to meet society’s needs. The schools
should not just focus on exam-driven curriculum which is found to be
quite impractical and disheartens/demotivates students when they
have low grades. Schools, therefore, must make changes in the
curriculum and provide workshops to teach practical skills. Parents
should also encourage their children to find out their gifts and explain
the good job prospects to inspire them to choose vocational carriers.

In conclusion, I agree that it is essential that we encourage more people

to attend vocational training due to the fact that the more qualified
workers meet the society’s needs, the more our society can function

Should government spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should
the government spend more money on improving public transportation?

There is an argument about whether the government should improve

transportation by spending more money constructing the road and highway
system or money should be used to enhance the quality of public
transportation. From my perspective, although both (of these) methods
have many positive impacts on traffic, the government should prioritize the
maintenance of road network.

On the one hand, it is undeniable that the investment in public

transportation has many economic, environmental and social advantages.
First of all, travelling by means of public transportation such as bus or
subway is a way to save money and energy because of the economical
ticket price and less fuel energy used. Moreover, the widespread use of
public transit service helps alleviate (the) traffic jam and air pollution due
to the decrease in private vehicles and gas emission. Finally, a high standard
of public transportation will encourage people to use such kind of transport
more often. This will lead to some social benefits such as the reduction of
traffic crashes or the connection of community.

On the other hand, it is perhaps more important to upgrade the existing road
conditions. One of the main reasons is that traffic congestion could be
solved if a nation possessed high-quality roads and highways because this
makes the movement of vehicles more fluently. Another reason is that
keeping road system to a good standard also means improving road safety
by bringing the number of traffic accidents down. Last but not least, a
developed transport infrastructure will facilitate the growth of other
economic sectors. To be specific, the transport of commodities between
rural and urban areas can become more efficient and optimal owing to the
improved road network.

In conclusion, I can understand why people encourage their government to

invest heavily in public transit system, but it seems to me that building
national road network to a high standard should be invested heavily because
this is a key infrastructure influencing the sustainable development of a

As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities.

Do you agree or disagree?

In the age of industrialization, making the greatest possible profit is

supposed to be the main purpose of any business. While this may be true
to some extent, I believe the responsibilities of businesses should include
making money and making contributions to the community. This can help
not only the businesses to grow but also the whole country to develop.

It goes without saying that earning profits is the ultimate aim of every
company. The first reason to be mentioned is businesses pay taxes for the
government. With that money, the government can build infrastructures
such as hospitals, schools, and parks to take care of citizen’s mental and
physical wellbeing, which can increase the standard of living of a certain
country. Moreover, alongside the development of businesses, more jobs are
created. A profitable company will consider expanding their business by
building up other branches or investing overseas. The necessity for larger
numbers of employees is prominent, which can solve the unemployment

On the other hand, social responsibilities should also be seen as a long run
strategy of businesses. Firstly, businesses cannot earn profits without
consideration about the impacts of their operations on the people and the
natural surroundings. Companies have responsibilities to protect mother
nature who provides them with various materials as well as the users who
consume almost all of their products. Strengthening the mutual beliefs is a
wise strategy. In addition, big successful corporations can contribute to the
quality of life of the society through charity and financial scholarships. This is
an investment for the future of those companies. For example, Unilever often
organizes contests with a big award to support promising young generations.
By doing so, it gains a lot of attention from the society, especially the
unveiled talented actors who can become their efficient employees one
In conclusion, development of industry nowadays gives businesses various
opportunities to earn high profit. These businesses, however, need to take
these advantages not only to bolster the operations but also to improve the
quality of life of the community.
Some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of
sports facilities. Others, however, say that this would be little effects on public health and
that other measures are required. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

While some people believe that building more sports facilities is the most
effective approach to improve residents’ health, others argue that this has
not many positive effects on public health and they require other measures.
Personally, it seems to me that citizens could gain undeniable advantages
from exercising at public sports places but other measures also play an
integral role in public health improvement.

On the one hand, because prevention is better than cure, constructing

sports facilities at public places is a useful way to prevent citizens from
diseases. This makes not only physical but also mental health better since
those places attract many people come and train together. Sports facilities,
especially located in public spaces will inspire residents, even children and
the elderly to exercise. Besides exercising physically together, citizens may
share common things in their life such as mutual interests which bring them
closer and recover their spirit after long working days. For example, after
witnessing an upward trend in the number of people participating sports
games at public spaces, Thailand recorded a significant reduction in the
number of patients in hospitals to be treated by psychological therapy.

On the other hand, healthcare system and educational methods are making
outstanding contributions to protecting public health. Firstly, modern
hospital facilities which government is taking into account ensure patients’
peace of mind to be cured in case of suffering diseases. In addition, periodic
health checks organized by public hospitals help people diagnose potential
risks of diseases and find helpful treatments in an early manner. Lastly,
educational methods raise resident’s awareness in process of disease
prevention and health promotion which enable people to increase control
over their health. Therefore, public health is protected actively by residents’
medical knowledge.

In conclusion, while sports facilities certainly improve public health, I do

believe that other measures need to be invested in order to bring more
medically mental and physical benefits to residents.

Many people claiming that hopping from one workplace to another is more
beneficial than staying in one job for a very long time. Do you agree or disagree?

It is true that people who find a job early in their working age and keep
doing it consistently are more likely to have/acquire/live in a successful
working life. While I accept that this may suit many people, I believe that
switching jobs from one to another eventually will lead to a fulfilling life.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why job seekers should make
their choice of profession early in their lives. Firstly, by doing so, they will
not waste their time on confusing what job should they take or start all over
again in a new working environment. As a result, they will likely enhance
employment prospects to be promoted higher positions in their career
ladder with higher salary packages, compared with their colleagues who are
at the same age but lack consistency in their choice. Secondly, if you luckily
secure a job that gives you the sense of satisfaction right at the first try,
then it is reasonable to spend the rest of your life to pursue that career. For
example, many doctors who undertook years of training and gaining many
related qualifications when they studied at university often get a very high
salary with generous perks and feel so rewarded that they don’t want to
lose their jobs.

On the other hand, it is acceptable for some people to change their decision
of profession over time. To be more specific, newly graduated students
who often face psychosocial crisis based on their personal identity and role
confusion have to try many jobs before finally have a defined career path.
That is because as you experience a range of jobs, you will gradually realize
your advantages as well as your passion on which basis you will have a wise
choice for your career. Furthermore, there are various factors that can
change people’s decision about a job, such as working conditions, the
atmosphere in a workplace or employment prospects.

In conclusion, it is certainly true that having a defined career path early in

your life will lead to success, but this is by no means that people should not
change their job if they are not satisfied with the company or their role of

The consumption of the world's resources (oil, and water etc.) is increasing
at a dangerous rate. What are causes and solutions?

Over the past decades, the world has seen an alarming increase in terms
of consumption of natural resources such as coal, oil, and water. There
are a variety of forces that drive this trend and several solutions should
be adopted to solve the thorny issues which have arisen.

Excessive consumption of natural resources may be caused by various

reasons. Firstly, there is a clear connection between a number of global
resources consumed and the great boom of industry all around the
world. In fact, in order to ensure the operation of millions of machine
playing a vital role in most of the industrial sections, industrial sites, and
huge resources such as water, electricity, and oil are required which leads
to overexploitation in these sources. Secondly, since we have been living
in the age of technology, we tend to be reliant on many technology
gadgets related to energy in almost every aspect of life, including working,
learning and entertaining. Besides, human beings have been wasting
natural resources when we use them over our demands or for
inadequate ones which lead to out of the resource in the future.

To tackle this taxing issue, there are various effective solutions that
should be taken into account. First, by carrying out selective industrial
development plants, the governments can limit the number of factories
and industrial sites at a reasonable level. This means that we can save not
only energy but also money and human resources to research and use
other resources such as electricity from the wind, solar power and
renewable energy more widely. Second, in order to raise the public
awareness on using these resources, the authorities should conduct a
variety of massive campaigns to offer valuable information about this
issue. For example, using the bicycle as a means of transportation allows
citizens not only to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels but also to
strengthen their physical health and mental state.

In conclusion, it is clear that there are various reasons for this trend,
however, steps need to be taken to tackle this issue.

Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is it

a positive or negative development?

In light of fierce competitions between a rising number of firms,

consumers are now being bombarded with tons of advertisements. In this
essay, I will demonstrate that advertisements may trigger impulse buying
before suggesting some viable solutions that governments can adopt to
alleviate the adverse impacts.

The foremost way companies choose to promote their products is

attracting people's attention by visual arts. The exaggeration of a
product's features using eye-catching graphics in commercials may
sway people to purchase items when they have no real need for it. This is
reinforced by the appearance of celebrity endorsements, which may
greatly influence their fans who tend to imitate their idols. OPPO, a mobile
company, perfectly exemplifies this situation. Many youngsters in Japan
buy OPPO phones because their promotion campaign features a
prominent pop singer. Afterward, they often have to replace their phones
upon discovering that the products do not meet their needs.

In order to help consumers make more informed purchasing decisions,

states could take the following measures. First and foremost, they must
regulate the content of advertisements. Prior to the publishing of an
advertisement, a rigorous check must be conducted to ensure it reflects
the actual quality of the product. This measure ought to be implemented
in tandem with educating consumers on how to filter the information
they watch on media mass. They have to consider whether the
commercial is accurate or not, then make more sensible/reasonable
decisions. The combination of these two methods may safeguard
consumers against the aforementioned detrimental effects.

In conclusion, advertisements may lure consumers into purchasing

unnecessary items and therefore governments should take immediate
steps to weaken/minimise their impacts.

Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language. Do
you think this is a positive or negative social development?

Some researchers assume that humans will jointly communicate by solely

one language around the world in the future. While I acknowledge that
this positively affects on our society, I would argue that this also brings us

On the one hand, regarding benefits, it is dominant for humans to speak

official terminology in several disciplines such as technology or
businesses. For example, English is a prevalent language which is
considered to be the second global language. The co-operation among
humans as well as international meetings are held in English. Therefore,
people can understand what the others are talking about and quickly gain
access to information. Furthermore, using alike motherland language
empowers us to widen our perspective of life. For instance, in recent
years, there are a handful of books and magazines written in English. If we
know English, we can obtain broader knowledge about not only other
countries’ education but also their traditions.

On the other hand, I still believe that it also has negative impacts on our
society. It is undeniable that speaking the same language can defend our
countries from outside intruders. However, almost all countries virtually
possess our own customs as well as distinctive languages because
languages are related to historical events. If people use the same mother
tongue, this could lead to elimination in different cultures among nations
all over the world. For example, if Chinese people use English as an official
language, a majority of historical monuments are associated with the
Chinese language will gradually disappear from our minds and the young
generations cannot have thorough insights into not only traditional values
and identity of China but also Chinese language.

In conclusion, while I agree that communicating the same language will

help humans enhance knowledge, but this is by no means that we can
conserve our precious history
In the future, it seems it will be more difficult to live on the earth. Some people
think more money should be spent on researching other planets to live, such as
Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Alongside the development of industries, climate change makes the earth

become less ideal to live on. Some people, therefore, suggest investing
more in the field of astronomy to find alternative planets. This may be
true, but I believe this is not the only way to save our future.

On the one hand, finding other planets to live is a good idea. Firstly, there
are many limited natural resources that are over-exploited nowadays.
Once these resources are no longer available, we will have been lacking in
fossil fuel, such as charcoal or petroleum. Industrial and daily activities are
considerably dependent on them, so it is necessary to start to find new
planets that have these resources to exploit or even live in. Secondly,
setting a goal of settling down on a new planet can force the astronomy
to grow faster. Becoming learned in the field, the scientists will figure out
new places to live and other innovations, exploit the energy of the stars
and communicate with the aliens to exchange the universal knowledge,
for example.

On the other hand, the discovery of new planets should not be the only
solution for our future. The first reason is that although we are facing the
environmental problems, degradation is a long-term process. Therefore,
we still have enough time if we take actions now to reduce the pollution
on the earth. Moreover, the cost for researching new planets is much
higher than protecting and regenerating the old one. Space shifts,
researching projects, astronauts training fee will consume a great deal of
revenue from the government.

In conclusion, it is necessary to research for new planets. However, the

regeneration of the earth environment is also a promising answer to the
future living places question.
More and more young people from wealthy countries are spending a short time doing unpaid
work such as teaching or building houses for communities in poorer countries. Why young
people choose to do so? Who will benefit more: young people or the communities?

Volunteering at third-world communities has been a trend among the

youth from the developing countries. There are some underlying reasons
for this and I believe that the local communities gain more benefits than
the volunteers themselves.

Perhaps experience is the main contribution to this phenomenon. People

who volunteer tend to seek for the valuable skills and knowledge. In
addition, they can get the opportunities to form some interpersonal
relationships, which might be a huge advantage for their future career.
Furthermore, as a volunteer leader, a young person would gain the
adequacy to express one’s idea and connect with people who have the
same perspectives to bring it into reality. Finally, young volunteering can
be attributable to fulfillment. Volunteers seem to enjoy the feeling that
they are to some extent making the contribution to help poor people.
Besides, the bonding activities bring a lot of fun and create a cozy
atmosphere between the wellintended participations and local people.

Turning to the positive effects on the host communities. Firstly, the

developing countries receive the intense amount of human resource to
support the local projects. For example, they can be deployed to
constructing house and schools for the poor people or in rural areas.
Furthermore, volunteering plays a pivotal role in the recovery effort in the
response to natural disasters such as tsunamis, floods, and droughts. For
instance, the 2004 Indian tsunami and earthquake attract a large number
of volunteers to support the host organizations and government. Finally,
voluntary activities can reduce stereotypes, increase appreciation of the
local culture and on the worldwide level, the education activities
accelerate the globalization process.

In conclusion, although the growing number of young volunteers is

attributable to the great advantages they would gain for their life, I firmly
believe that the host communities benefit more from this phenomenon
Some people think that schools should reward students who show the best academic
results, while others believe that it is more important to reward students who show
improvements. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is a widespread practice that prestigious awards should be given to

brilliant pupils. While some individuals say that students with the best
score should receive awards, I would argue that it would be better to
encourage pupils who are better day by day.

On the one hand, rewarding outstanding students would benefit not only
in the present but also in the future. Firstly, in the present, this action
would foster the competitive spirit of all students in school to win the
award. After this cutthroat competition, excellent pupils could make the
most of the awards they received to pursue tertiary education.
Moreover, with the tiny number of the best students, each school could
allocate their resources to expenditure on priority things such as
infrastructure or improve the quality of teachers. Secondly, in the future,
these excellent students could achieve a huge success in their careers
and become the stars in the world of work. Then perhaps they would
return to support their old schools through philanthropic actions as
scholarships for next generations.

On the other hand, I believe that it is more beneficial to spur students to

be better by awards. Firstly, in short-term, all students would endeavor to
be rewarded and never sit on their laurels, even with students who are
having the best score in school. It would make a dramatic change in
education in which instead of “the best” students, there are only “better”
pupils. Secondly, in long-term, this action would enhance the general
quality of the whole workforce, which leads to nation’s sustainable
economic development. This is not necessarily wrong but it would sound
more natural to me if your main argument were longer than the other one.

In conclusion, it seems to me that rewarding students who reveal their

progressive/ceaseless advancement would be better than solely give
awards to outstanding student.
Some people think that schools should reward students who show the best academic
results, while others believe that it is more important to reward students who show
improvements. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is a widespread practice that prestigious awards should be given to

brilliant pupils. While some individuals say that students with the best
score should receive awards, I would argue that it would be better to
encourage pupils who are better day by day.

On the one hand, rewarding outstanding students would benefit not only
in the present but also in the future. Firstly, in the present, this action
would foster the competitive spirit of all students in school to win the
award. After this cutthroat competition, excellent pupils could make the
most of the awards they received to pursue tertiary education.
Moreover, with the tiny number of the best students, each school could
allocate their resources to expenditure on priority things such as
infrastructure or improve the quality of teachers. Secondly, in the future,
these excellent students could achieve a huge success in their careers
and become the stars in the world of work. Then perhaps they would
return to support their old schools through philanthropic actions as
scholarships for next generations.

On the other hand, I believe that it is more beneficial to spur students to

be better by awards. Firstly, in short-term, all students would endeavor to
be rewarded and never sit on their laurels, even with students who are
having the best score in school. It would make a dramatic change in
education in which instead of “the best” students, there are only “better”
pupils. Secondly, in long-term, this action would enhance the general
quality of the whole workforce, which leads to nation’s sustainable
economic development. This is not necessarily wrong but it would sound
more natural to me if your main argument were longer than the other one.

In conclusion, it seems to me that rewarding students who reveal their

progressive/ceaseless advancement would be better than solely give
awards to outstanding student.
Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing
companies. To what extent do you think are consumers influenced by advertisements. What
measures can be taken to protect them?

Nowadays, while the commercial advertising has proliferated in a variety

of methods, as a result of fierce competition in the market. I would
content that people are inundated with a massive amount of information
from different competitors. To prevent this from happening, I believe that
the authorities must take some definite activities.

The first point to make is that customers are falling victim to companies'
advertising campaigns. They often spend much money on purchases
which they have no real needs for them. This is primarily because a
number of companies tend to exaggerate the usefulness of a few
features of their products. The case of Apple’s iPhone 7 Plus smartphone,
which attracted the people all over the world’s attention many days ago is
nearly identical to its predecessor, except for the new dual-camera
system and a slightly faster processor. However, to gain the competitive
advantage over their rival Samsung’s Galaxy S7, Apple’s attempted to
advertise that the new features of their smartphones are necessary. Many
customers, as a result, were persuaded to make the purchase decision
regardless of their true needs.

In order to help consumers make more informed purchasing decisions,-

the governments should adopt some following solutions. The described
problem can be solved by establishing an authority having responsibility
for censorship all new advertisements. The bowdlerization process must
be stringent enough so that all the extracts that contain any form of
exaggeration must be taken out before these are published. This
exclusion would effectively safeguard consumers against the
manipulation of the companies and help them avoid making wasteful

In brief, many businesses use advertising to gain the edge over their
competitive factors rather than to fulfill their customers' needs, which
lued-lures consumers to buy unnecessary things. In my mind, exercising
censorship before airing them should be carried out to mitigate this
influence of advertising.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g. films stars, pop musicians or sports stars)
are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, entertainment is more significant for life, and it is argued

that entertainers such as film stars, pop musicians or sports stars are paid
too much money. In my opinion, I agree and also disagree with/partly
agree with this viewpoint.

I do not concur with this angle because of- some reasons below. First of
all, film stars, pop musicians and sports stars are occupations,
entertainers genuine spend their time, money and health to practice and
raise their ability to make many goods and services for public or
audiences. Therefore, it is suitable for them to receive a lot of money.
Secondly, artistic talent is really rare and there is a small number of
people who can create special art goods or art services for audiences. If
you have a special good, you absolutely can sell it with a high price.

These arguments given above can be seen as opposite perspective in

equal measure. To begin with, some entertainers whose goods or services
are not really good, but their salaries which they receive from their
audiences are very high. For instance, there are some singers whose
voices are bad in Vietnam recently, but they have had some scandals and
public are interested in them, so they have paid a large amount of money
to see and hear these singers singing. On the other hand, some jobs such
as - engineers, researchers- need abundant time, knowledge and various
work experiences to do these jobs, but they have been paid much far less
money than entertainers.

In conclusion, I do concur and also do disagree with the perspective that

entertainers are paid too much money.
Success in formal “pen and paper” examinations is often seen to be a sign
intelligent. To what extent do you agree with the view that formal examinations
measure intelligence?

There is no doubt that formal examination is a common measurement to

evaluate the capacity of students. In my perspective, I strongly believe
that not only formal examination can measure intelligence, but also
learning process is able to assess accurately the ability of pupil.

At the outset, I concur with this belief that “pen and paper” testing will
figure out competency. During the whole academic year, students will
prove their intelligence by flying colors in the exam. To reach good results,
they have to learn industriously from researching documents to doing
small tests with the aim of reviewing every corner of knowledge. Thanks to
hard work, their potentiality can be taken account perfectly.

To look at it from a different side, formal examinations is insufficient to

measure the cleverness. It depends on all studying process that they
demonstrate in the entire year. I expect to give a salient instance; a
student always makes efforts to do every test in this time before
examination happens. Almost teachers assume that he is perfect and
perhaps the last testing is not a huge wall for him. However, because of
health or family problems, he cannot overcome this exam in the best way.
At this time, these teachers may not criticize that he is a bad student.
Therefore, personally, to evaluate the potentiality, let us consider all
aspects of students.

To put it in a nutshell, the competency of students is not simply based on

the outside of “pen and paper” testing, the inherent capacity also plays
an indispensable role in the evaluation process.
More houses are needed in many countries to cope with increasing populations.
Would it be better to build houses in existing towns and cities, or to develop new
towns in rural areas?

There is a debate whether we should build houses in existing urban areas

or create new towns in rural regions. While some people may think more
places of residence in cities have a few advantages, I believe new towns in
rural areas benefit a nation as a whole.

On the one hand, more buildings have some negative consequences on

cities. More apartment units would reduce the price per unit and the
renting cost, which will certainly encourage greater numbers of people to
migrate to cities. In this way, urban areas have to cope with the greater
level of overcrowding, both contributing to increasingly serious traffic
congestion and overburdened public services such as healthcare,
education. In addition, constructing new buildings requires space which is
likely cleared by cutting down trees. This will lessen numbers of trees,
which are vital in absorbing rainwater that falls on the grown, leading to

On the other hand, the new progress in rural areas is positive. As new
towns develop, more companies are opened and the infrastructures are
constructed in rural areas. This creates greater employment
opportunities, which reduces numbers of people migrate to cities for
economic purpose, and eventually lessens the migration burden on urban
areas. A proper investment, which focuses on new areas such as niche
manufacturer, tourism rather than traditional agriculture or resource-
based businesses, could improve the socio-economy in rural regions.
This benefits rural citizens and as well as the national economy.

For the reasons mentioned above, it seems to me that new towns

constructed in rural areas bring greater positive effects than creating
houses in urban areas
Some people think that it is good for a country's culture to import foreign movies
and TV programs. Others think that it is better to produce these locally. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.

There have been different arguments whether international or domestic

films and telecasts are better for a culture. From my perspective, both of
these categories are equally crucial.

On the one hand, I believe that foreign movies and TV programs

considerably contribute to the cultural diversity of their host nation.
Firstly, they enable native residents to understand various cultural
customs from other parts of the world. In fact, people are likely to gain
knowledge about other cultures merely by watching imported films and
programs. Secondly, foreign movies and telecasts could be able to raise
public awareness of a particular community about global trends which are
not popular in its own country. For example, thanks to the Hollywood
blockbuster "The day after tomorrow," Vietnamese people now realize of
the significance of the climate change and how to develop a sustainable
economy in today's world.

On the other hand, I would argue that in an era of globalization, domestic

movies and television channels are vital for maintaining unique cultural
features of each country. To be more specific, national films and
telecasts could provide viewers with insightful information about local
traditions, which cannot be found in any other imported movies or TV
programs. Even a short cartoon like "The story about God Giong" could be
able to teach children Vietnamese's patriotism and courage. Additionally,
traditional customs could be passed on younger generations through
local films and telecasts. Such values could help people to know more
about the social and cultural patterns of their countries.

In conclusion, it appears to me that the governments should keep a

balance between local and foreign films and telecasts to maintain their
original traditions as well as to absorb good cultural practices of other

Some people think that if a police force carries guns, it would cause a high level of
violence in that society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, there have been a lot of controversial arguments about

the question of whether police force should bring guns or not. From my
perspective, I wholeheartedly agree that they are bound to carry weapons
like guns during the time of fulfilling their missions.

There are a variety of reasons for the aforementioned point of view. To

begin with, carrying guns would merely constitute more powerful and
professional military force who can compel criminals to be frightened.
In some occasions, they use weapons just for warning, not to make others
get injured. As a result, it can make valuable contribution to reduce the
crime rates and keep the society eventful. Moreover, it is inconsequential
to accomplish their missions when they are facing with fiendish offenders
without weapons, let alone they effortlessly perish.

On the other hand, one of the most undeniable driving forces is that the
police are also carefully trained the way to use guns and in what
emergency situations weapons should be used. In addition, it is
undoubted that if military forces use their guns for falling out of the laws
or even personal purposes, they will be punished like a wrong-doer. It is
certainly true that non-weapon police force can alleviate the level of
violence in the society, however, the gravity of violence will get worse if
they are not powerful enough to overpower criminals.

In conclusion, it seems to me that guns used by police force plays a

crucial role in dealing with crimes and its merits outweigh drawbacks,
therefore, it is infeasible to ban police force from carrying weapons.

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