Pol Sci Project

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(Associate Professor for Political Science)



Semester- 1st

Registration Number- 20BAL056

BATCH – (2020-2025)

Political Science Research Paper

Date of Submission – 16/01/2021


I, MOHAMMAD MOBEEN, hereby declare that this project submitted to GUJARAT

NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, GUJARAT, is a record of an original work done by me
under the guidance of Dr. William Nunes, Sir, Associate Professor of Political Science,
Gujarat National Law University, Gujarat and that no part of this work has been
plagiarised without proper citations.




BATCH- (2020-2025)


Presentation, Inspiration, and Motivation have always played a key role in the success of
my venture.

I, MOHAMMAD MOBEEN, pay my special thanks of gratitude to Dr. William Nunes

Sir, Associate Professor of Political Science, Gujarat National Law University, Gujarat to
encourage me and provide me the opportunity to prepare the project.

I feel acknowledging my indebtedness and a deep sense of gratitude to LIBRARY

STAFF to provide me remote access to the digital library during the Pandemic. The
materials available made a significant contribution to my project. I like to thank God for
keeping me in good health and senses to complete this project. Finally, I want to thank
my seniors,, and my friend whose valuable contribution in the form of suggestion
enriched the project's content





On September 27, 2020, the President of India, Mr. Ram Nath Kovind, gave his consent
to the three homestead change bills - The Farmers' Produce Trade And Commerce
(Promotion And Facilitation) Bill 2020, The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection)
Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill 2020, and The Essential
Commodities (Amendment) Bill 2020. The parliament has passed these bills in last
Monsoon season. Our Prime Minister, hailed by the entry of these bills by saying, "A
turning point throughout the entire existence of Indian agribusiness!"

However, the thing to stress over is the farmers for whose advancement these Acts have
been made are on roads fighting these Acts. Farmers associations like Bhartiya Kisan
Union (BKU) and the All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (AIKSCC)
have been fighting the bills from September 2020. They have raised the motto of 'KISAN
BACHAO MANDI BACHAO' here; we will talk about the changes brought by new Acts,
for what reason are farmers dissenting and path forward.


India is and has been an agricultural economy. After India acquired Independence in
1947, farmers used to sell their items direct to the customers. In any case, because of the
winning arrangement of Zamindars or cash loan specialists, farmers were caught in
ceaseless obligation. Farmers need to purchase seeds, composts and different things
needed for growing a harvest. For buying all these things, you require cash, so they took
advances from Zamidars or cash loan specialists who used to charge a high financing
cost on the chief sum. Farmers couldn't pay a particularly robust sum and in such cases
to get their cash back cash moneylenders or the Zamindars used to purchase the entire
produce of the farmers be that as it may, they paid less add up to farmers since farmers

didn't have the bartering influence. To plant their fields again, farmers required the cash
so this cycle proceeded, and farmers consistently owed debtors.

This cycle was shifty so to help the farmers and end this framework administration of
India presented APMC (Agriculture Produce Market Committee) Act. It was presented in
1960's at precisely the same time when green upset began in India, numerous specialists
accept that in the major of green upheaval APMC Act assumed a significant job. APMCs
set up Mandis or Markets across India where farmer's produce was sold. There are
around 7000 APMCs in India as of now. Presently, the way toward selling the produce is
that after reaping, crops are brought to the Mandis or Markets, where they sell the
produce through unloading or value disclosure. Whom are the farmers selling the yields?
Not to the public authority but rather the agents or Arhatiyas. Brokers are individuals
between the farmers and the retailer or enormous merchants. Numerous individuals
work in these APMCs, there is a capacity of grains, so it requires workers, bookkeepers
so generally speaking, it is a self-flourishing environment. One thing that ought to be
noted here is state governments control these APMC markets, and an assessment is
charged on every exchange so that government knows at value produce is being sold.

Shouldn't something be said about the produce not purchased by the mediators in these
business sectors? The public authority is purchasing this at MSP (Minimum Support
Price). MSP is steady all through the nation. MSP likewise guaranteed that produce
purchased by the brokers were not under a specific cost. When everything is so
acceptable, are farmers cheerful? As per the National Crime Bureau report 2018,
1,34,560 suicides were accounted for in India out of which 10,350 were farmers, recall
this was the complete number of announced cases. This framework was acceptable
seeing the 1960's, yet with time we need to develop likewise. Very little was done to
APMCs and a few issues sprung up. Mediators began abusing farmers. They shaped
cartels or a comprehension among themselves and began purchasing the produce at MSP
just and offered to dealers at a high rate. For instance, MSP for onion is Rs.8.5 per kg
(information as of February 06, 2019), yet we purchase onions at Rs 35 – 80 for every kg
relying upon the state. In a manner, we can say the Minimum Support Prize became
Maximum Selling Price. The voice emerged now and again to eliminate these

deformities, and accordingly, the government got the three Acts 2020. These three Farm
Acts look to supplant laws gave in June 2020.

These Acts tried to acquire essential changes to the rural advertising framework, such as
eliminating limitations of private stockholding of rural produce or exchanging territories
free of mediators and taking the market to the farmers.

Everything looks incredible on paper, so what is the problem here?? Well, there is a
contrast between great enactment and excellent execution of the Act. Numerous pundits
have raised their interests concerning this Act. The absolute first concern is that an Act
that will be actualized in the entire nation has not been discussed with states, which will
be generally influenced by the Act or with the specialists in this field blaming the public
authority for obliterating helpful federalism.

We are seeing a nationwide dissent, which is more exceptional in Punjab, Haryana and
Western Uttar Pradesh. The explanation is evident as this area has the most coordinated
type of APMCs. Although there is no arrangement of eliminating APMCs, why are
farmers dreading and raising MANDI BACHAO trademarks? APMCs are under state
government and are kept up by charges gathered in the APMC market's exchange. The
government says in private business sectors, which can be set up now, no duties will be
charged in the sales of the private market so this would save burdens, all organizations
and brokers will purchase farm produce from private business sectors which will
gradually bring about the finish of APMC because the state government will have no
assets to look after APMC. In the event that this happens states will have a ton of income
misfortune and association government has not referenced any approach to repay them,
particularly in Punjab and Haryana.

Mediators will get jobless and there is a worry that there is a chance of brokers in the
private area likewise because our farmers are not in a situation to deal with corporate
houses. In the private area, there will be no control and misuse by mediators may
increase. (86% of farmers of our nation are minimized farmers for example, they have

under 2 acres of land.) With the finish of APMCs, MSP will likewise essentially end this
is the primary concern.

We are discussing 'One country One market', 'opportunity of decision of market' any
farmer can sell his produce anyplace, looks great on seeing the ground the truth is this as
of now exists. The farmer can sell his produce anyplace he wishes in any nation. It
doesn't occur because our farmers don't have medium and cash to move products,
starting with one spot next. After all, the administration itself says 86% of farmers are

Contract farming is viewed as the privatization of agriculture. Two significant worries

here are that farmers won't ever have the option to haggle with the corporate area. Act
doesn't recommend or indicate that the harvest's agreement cost ought to be in any event
same or over the MSP. It implies the temporary worker/organizations can follow through
on whatever price they need to the farmer.

Being huge, privately owned businesses, exporters, wholesalers, and processors, they
will consistently have an edge in questions. A compost agreement isn't obligatory which
implies farmers won't ever have the option to demonstrate the agreement's infringement.
Farmers have an admirable statement since they have seen privatization in business
sectors of seeds and manures where government accepted costs will go down due to
rivalry yet results are opposite.

The accumulation restriction was lifted because the "extraordinarily high price" situation
was a way of getting a high price, which meant that large private actors could create
artificial price fluctuations at any time. This affects farmers and consumers because the
main objective or focus of private companies is to increase their profits.




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