Practice: B B B B AD, What Is The Size

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! Practice

1. If the height of a triangle is half its base, b, what ! of square ABCD is x units,
5. If the length of AB
is the area of the triangle? ! is !2! of AD,
and the length of EF ! what is the size
a. !4!b of the shaded area?
b. !4!b2 A B
c. !!b
1 E
d. !!b2

e. b

2. An isosceles right triangle has a hypotenuse of D F C

x!6" units. What is the area of the triangle? 1
a. x2 – !2!x square units
a. x!3" square units
b. !2!x2 square units b. x2 – !3!x square units
c. 3x square units c. !3!x2 square units
d. 3x2 square units 2
d. x2 – !3!x square units
e. 9x square units
e. !3!x2 square units
3. Triangle DEC is inscribed in rectangle ABCD.
If side AB = 30 units, side EC = 17 units, and 6. The area of a rectangle is x2 + 7x + 10 square
side AE = side EB, what is the area of triangle DEC? units. If the length of the rectangle is x + 2 units,
what is the width of the rectangle?
A E B a. x + 2 units
b. x + 4 units
c. x + 5 units
d. 2x + 4 units
D C e. x2 + 6x + 8 units
a. 60 square units
b. 120 square units 7. If the lengths of the sides of a square are halved,
c. 136 square units the area of the new square is
d. 240 square units a. one-fourth the area of the old square.
e. 255 square units b. one-half the area of the old square.
c. equal to the area of the old square.
4. What is the area of an equilateral triangle that d. twice the area of the old square.
has a perimeter of 36 units? e. four times the area of the old square.
a. 36!3" square units
b. 72 square units
c. 72!3" square units
d. 108 square units
e. 144 square units


8. The perimeter of a square is 3x – 4 units. If the 12. Terri fills with water !3! of a glass that is 15 cm tall.
area of the square is 25 square units, what is If the radius of the glass is 2 cm, what volume of
the value of x? water is in Terri’s glass?
a. 5 a. 10π cm3
b. 6 b. 20π cm3
c. 7 c. 30π cm3
d. 8 d. 40π cm3
e. 20 e. 60π cm3

9. The length of a rectangle is two less than three 13. The height of cylinder B is three times the height
times its width. If the area of the rectangle is of cylinder A, and the radius of cylinder B is !3! the
96 cm2, what is the length of the rectangle? radius of cylinder A. Which of the following
a. 6 cm statements is true?
b. 8 cm a. The volume of cylinder B is !9! the volume of
c. 16 cm cylinder A.
d. 18 cm b. The volume of cylinder B is !3! the volume of
e. 20 cm cylinder A.
c. The volume of cylinder B is the same as the
10. !
AC is a diagonal of rectangle ABCD below. If volume of cylinder A.
angle ACD is 30° and ! AC = 20 units, what is d. The volume of cylinder B is 3 times the volume
the area of rectangle ABCD? of cylinder A.
e. The volume of cylinder B is 9 times the volume
A B of cylinder A.

14. The radius of a cylinder is 2x and the height of

the cylinder is 8x + 2. What is the volume of the
cylinder in terms of x?
a. 50 square units a. (16x2 + 4x)π
b. 50!3" square units b. (16x3 + 4x2)π
c. 100 square units c. (32x2 + 8x)π
d. 100!3" square units d. (32x3 + 8x2)π
e. 200 square units e. (128x3 + 64x2 + 8x)π

11. A cylinder has a volume of 45π in.3. Which of 15. The height of a cylinder is four times the radius
the following could be the radius and height of the cylinder. If the volume of the cylinder is
of the cylinder? 256π cm3, what is the radius of the cylinder?
a. radius = 3 in., height = 5 in. a. 4 cm
b. radius = 3 in., height = 15 in. b. 8 cm
c. radius = 5 in., height = 3 in. c. 16 cm
d. radius = 9 in., height = 5 in. d. 24 cm
e. radius = 9 in., height = 10 in. e. 32 cm


16. The length of a rectangular solid is twice the sum 20. The length of a rectangular solid is 6 units, and
of the width and height of the rectangular solid. If the height of the solid is 12 units. If the volume
the width is equal to the height and the volume of of the solid is 36 cubic units, what is the width of
the solid is 108 in.3, what is the length of the solid? the solid?
a. 3 in. a. !2! units
b. 6 in. b. 2 units
c. 8 in. c. 3 units
d. 9 in. d. 6 units
e. 12 in. e. 12 units

17. The area of one face of a cube is 9x square units. 21. A rectangular solid measures 4 units by 5 units
What is the volume of the cube? by 6 units. What is the surface area of the solid?
a. 27!x" cubic units a. 60 square units
b. 27x cubic units b. 74 square units
c. 27x!x" cubic units c. 110 square units
d. 27x2 cubic units d. 120 square units
e. 27x3 cubic units e. 148 square units

18. The volume of rectangular solid A is equal to 22. Danielle’s cube has a volume of 512 in.3. What is
the volume of rectangular solid B. If the length the surface area of her cube?
of solid A is three times the length of solid B, a. 64 in.2
and the height of solid A is twice the height of b. 132 in.2
solid B, then c. 384 in.2
a. the width of solid B is !3!6 the width of solid A. d. 512 in.2
1 e. 3,072 in.2
b. the width of solid B is !6! the width of solid A.
c. the width of solid B is !5! the width of solid A.
23. The surface area of a rectangular solid is 192 cm2.
d. the width of solid B is five times the width of If the height of the solid is 4 units and the length
solid A. of the solid is 12 units, what is the width of the
e. the width of solid B is six times the width of solid?
a. 2 units
solid A.
b. 3 units
c. 4 units
19. The volume of Stephanie’s cube is equal to 64x6.
d. 6 units
What is the area of one face of her cube?
e. 12 units
a. 4x2
b. 8x2
c. 8x3
d. 16x4
e. 32x3


24. The volume of a cube is x3 cubic units, and the 25. The width of a rectangular solid is twice the
surface area of the cube is x3 square units. What height of the solid, and the height of the solid is
is the value of x? twice the length of the solid. If x is the length of
a. 1 unit the solid, what is the surface area of the solid in
b. 3 units terms of x?
c. 4 units a. 8x2
d. 5 units b. 11x2
e. 6 units c. 14x2
d. 22x2
e. 28x2


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