A Generalized Damage Model For Woven Ply Laminates Under Static and Fatigue Loading Conditions

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International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 158–165

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International Journal of Fatigue

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A generalized damage model for woven ply laminates under static and fatigue
loading conditions
Ch. Hochard *, Y. Thollon
Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique, 31 chemin J. Aiguier, 13402 Marseille cedex 20, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A generalized non-linear cumulative damage model for woven ply laminates subjected to static and fati-
Available online 20 February 2009 gue loading is developed in this paper. The damage, consisting of small cracks running parallel to the
fibers, leads to a loss of stiffness in the warp, weft and shear directions. The model presented here
Keywords: describes the evolution of the damage up to failure of the first ply. By replacing the woven ply by two
Textile composite stacked unidirectional plies corresponding to the warp and weft thicknesses, this general model is
Laminate extended to cover a broad range of plies, from quasi-unidirectional to balanced woven plies. A continuum
Static fatigue
damage approach (CDM) is then used to define the behaviour of the two virtual unidirectional plies under
Failure analysis
static and fatigue loading conditions. The model is applied here to an unbalanced woven ply with glass
reinforcement and the results of the simulations are compared with experimental data.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction damage and the inelastic strain occurring in the shear direction up
to failure of the first ply. By replacing the woven ply by two stacked
Woven ply materials are used to produce helicopter blades be- unidirectional plies corresponding to the warp and weft thick-
cause they are strong and easy to work. These structures are sub- nesses, this general model is extended to cover a broad range of
jected in the air to both static and fatigue loads. The rupture/ plies, from quasi-unidirectional to balanced woven plies. A contin-
failure of composite materials can be due to many processes acting uum damage approach (CDM) is then used to define the behaviour
on various scales [1,2]. Woven ply laminates show good resistance of the two virtual unidirectional plies under static and fatigue load-
to delamination and are not sensitive to transverse rupture be- ing conditions. The model is applied here to an unbalanced woven
cause of their woven structure [3]. Experimental tests have shown ply with glass reinforcement and the results of the simulations are
that the rupture of the first ply leads quickly to the rupture of the compared with experimental data.
whole laminate and the whole structure, In the case of structures
consisting of laminates with woven plies, first ply failure models 2. Damage behaviour of woven plies
therefore generally suffice for modelling the rupture processes in-
volved. A model based on a continuum damage approach (CDM) The model presented here is applied to an unbalanced woven
was developed to simulate balanced woven ply laminates [3] un- ply with glass reinforcement. The unbalanced woven ply shows
der static loading conditions. A preliminary non-linear cumulative different behaviour in the warp and weft directions. In addition,
damage model for unidirectional (UD) plies undergoing fatigue was the use of glass fibre reinforcement makes it possible to observe
presented by Payan and Hochard [4]. This cumulative damage the evolution of the damage by transparency. The reinforcement
model was then extended to include balanced woven plies [5]. In is a glass five-harness satin in which 83% of the fibres runs in the
this model, the development of the damage depends on the maxi- warp direction and 17% in the weft direction (Fig. 1). In order to
mum static load, the amplitude of the load during a cycle and the study the behaviour of this material, tensile tests with discharge
level of damage involved. were performed on eight-ply laminates (Fig. 2). Elastic damage
A generalized non-linear cumulative damage model for woven behaviour was observed in the warp direction, and elasto-plastic
ply laminates undergoing static and fatigue loads is developed in damage behaviour in the weft and shear directions. The inelastic
this paper. The damage, consisting of small cracks running parallel strains and the loading–unloading hysteresis observed (Fig. 2)
to the fibers, leads to a loss of stiffness in the warp, weft and shear may be due to the slipping/friction processes occurring between
directions. The model presented here describes the evolution of the the fibres and the matrix as the result of the damage. Damage
can be characterized by the loss of stiffness of the material. The
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +972 4 829 5855; fax: +972 829 5708. processes that cause this damage are many and complex [6,7].
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Hochard). However, the main processes involved are fibre-matrix debonding,

0142-1123/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Hochard, Y. Thollon / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 158–165 159

matrix microcracking on the scale of the fibres and small trans-

verse cracks occurring on the scale of the yarns. In order to observe
the damage processes occurring in our material, mechanical tests
were carried out on one-ply specimens. The glass fibres and the re-
sin forming a ply are sufficiently transparent for the cracks to be
visible when photographed after placing a strong source of light
behind the material. Examples of typical images of this kind are
presented in Figs. 3 and 4.
It can be seen from these images that the cracks are oriented in
the direction of the fibres. These small cracks develop uniformly
through the ply and are stopped by the woven texture. They do
not evolve during the unloading, and during the loading, they con-
tinue to develop until saturation point is reached in the ply. The
damage was measured on the tensile diagrams after unloading
and expressed in terms of the loss of stiffness of the material result-
ing from the damage (Fig. 2). The damage can be described by three
variables d1, d2 and d12 corresponding to the loss of stiffness in the
Fig. 1. Unbalanced (83/17) glass/epoxy woven ply. warp and weft directions and in the shear direction, respectively

Fig. 2. Evolution of the stress depending on the strain in [0°], [90°] and [±45°] laminates.

Fig. 3. Photographs of damage in a [90°] unbalanced glass/epoxy woven ply laminate.

160 C. Hochard, Y. Thollon / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 158–165

8  0
> ð1dÞd90 E2
> d1 ¼ 2
> E01
dd0 E0 ð3Þ
> d2 ¼ 2E0 2
> 2
: 0 90
d12 ¼ dd12 þ ð1  dÞd12
0 0 90 90
where d2 ; d12 ; d2 ; d12 are the transverse damage and the shear
damage in the unidirectional virtual plies oriented at angles of 0°
and 90°, respectively, and E02 is the initial transverse stiffness of
the two UD* plies.
Assuming the existence of plane stresses and small perturba-
tions, the strain energy of each UD* ply is written classically [8]
in terms of the stresses as follows:
" #
1 r21 hr2 i2þ hr2 i2 m012 r212
Fig. 4. Photograph of damage in a [60°] laminate. Eps
D ¼ þ þ 0  2 0 r1 r2 þ 0
2 E01 ð1  d1 Þ E02 ð1  d2 Þ E2 E1 E12 ð1  d12 Þ
E1 ¼ E01 ð1  d1 Þ
E2 ¼ E02 ð1  d2 Þ ð1Þ where <>+ is the positive part and <> is the negative part. The ten-
sion energy and compression energy are split in order to describe
E12 ¼ E012 ð1  d12 Þ
the unilateral feature due to the opening and closing of the mi-
where E01 ; E02
and E012 are the initial stiffnesses of the material.Pre- cro-defects in the transverse direction of the UD* plies. From this
vious models describing the mechanical behaviour of laminated potential, thermodynamic forces associated with the tension and
composites up to first failure have proved to be valid in the case shear internal variables d (i=1, 2 and 12) are defined in each UD*
of various types of materials such as unidirectional plies [8] and bal- ply:
anced woven plies [4]. These models on the ply scale (the meso-
scale) are based on thermodynamic expressions, where the internal UD @Eps
D hr1 i2þ
Yd1 ¼ ¼ 0 ;
variables, d1, d2 and d12 defined above are associated with the de- @d1 2E1 ð1  d1 Þ2
crease in the stiffness. The plies are taken to be homogeneous and UD @Eps hr1 i2þ UD @Eps r212
orthotropic and the damage to be constant throughout the thick- Yd2 ¼ ¼ 0 ; Yd12 ¼ ¼ 0 ð5Þ
@d2 2E2 ð1  d2 Þ2 @d12 2E12 ð1  d12 Þ2
ness of the ply.
In order to account for the coupling between the transverse
3. Generalization of the model traction and the shear during the development of the damage,
we define an equivalent thermodynamic force and the maximum
In order to obtain a more general model which is applicable to a value of this force during the history of the loading in each
large class of plies ranging from quasi-unidirectional to balanced UD* ply:
woven plies, we adopt the following assumptions: an unbalanced  
woven ply behaves like a [0d/901d] laminate consisting of two vir- Y eq ðtÞ ¼ max as ðYd2 Þl þ bs ðYd12 Þm ð6Þ
tual unidirectional plies (Fig. 5), where the ratio between the warp
and weft thicknesses is d. The two virtual unidirectional plies con-
where as and bs are the tension/shear coupling coefficients. Gener-
stituting the [0d/901d] laminate are defined as virtual (and they ally [8,3], the power coefficients l and m are taken to be equal to 1/2,
are denoted by UD*) because they do not really exist although they
which gives an equivalent force which is proportional to the elastic
are similar. The classical laminate theory leads to: strain. This value fits the experimental data satisfactorily (see next
e¼ e virtual laminate section).
S ¼ Svirtual laminate ¼ dQ UD

UD The development of the internal variables depends on these
0 þ ð1  dÞQ 90 ð2Þ
equivalent thermodynamic forces. When traction is applied, the
Assuming that no progressive damage occurs in the fibres direc- d1 develops sharply because of the brittle behaviour of the fibres
tion in the UD* plies (brittle behaviour) and taking mUD in the UD* plies. The evolutionary laws governing the internal vari-

12 m21  1,
the equivalence between the unbalanced woven ply and UD* plies ables d and d in each UD* ply, which depend on the associated
2 12
can be written as follows: equivalent forces (6), still remain to be defined.

Fig. 5. Model generalization.

C. Hochard, Y. Thollon / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 158–165 161

Fig. 6. Evolution of the damage depending on the elastic strain.

4. Behaviour under static loads of the transverse and shear damage are compared with the results
of the identifications in Fig. 6. Details of the identification procedure
4.1. Damage evolution are given in the next section.

The following classical law based on statistical considerations 4.2. Inelastic strain
[9] describes the evolution of the damage (Fig. 6):
( ud   Because of the fibres running in the warp and weft directions,
d2 ¼ 1  eðY eq Y 0 Þ þ only the inelastic strain observed in the shear direction is signifi-
d12 ¼ cd2
ud cant. The inelastic strains occurring under shear loading conditions
are described by a kinematic linear hardening law (Fig. 7). The cou-
where c and Y0 are UD* ply coefficients and Y0 corresponds to the pling between the damage and the plasticity is accounted for using
threshold load. The shear damage is taken to be proportional to the effective stress and the effective strain [8], which are defined
the transverse damage and c is generally equal to 1. The evolution as:
r~ 12 ~e_ p12 ¼ r12 e_ p12 where r~ 12 ¼ and ~e_ p12 ¼ e_ p12 ð1  d12 Þ
ð1  d12 Þ
It is assumed that the stresses r1 and r2 do not influence the elastic
field defined by:
~ 12  C 0 ~ep12 j  R0
f ¼ jr ð9Þ
where R0 denotes the initial threshold inelastic strain and C0 de-
notes the linear law coefficient.

4.3. Types of rupture

During the tests, three types of rupture occur:

(i) Brittle rupture defined by a maximum thermodynamic force

UD max
Fig. 7. Identification of the kinematic hardening model under shear loading criterion: Yd1  Yd1 . This brittle rupture criterion resem-
conditions. bles a maximum fibre strain criterion.

Fig. 8. Identification of the coefficients in the case of unbalanced woven ply and static loading (stress/straincurves) stress/strain.
162 C. Hochard, Y. Thollon / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 158–165

(ii) Rupture caused by instability due to the localisation of the Experimental data obtained on out off-axis tests were com-
damage. This instability corresponds to the maximum load pared with the results obtained with the model (Figs. 9 and 10).
observed on the curve describing the load with respect to The out off-axis tests gave rise to combined traction and shear
the displacement. loads. A good correlation was found to exist between the experi-
(iii) Rupture associated with a maximum level of damage, mental data and the results of the simulations with various types
depending on the material (damage equal to 1 in the UD*, of laminate, which confirmed the validity of the model. A good
in the case of the unbalanced glass/epoxy woven ply studied description of the non-linear behaviour is necessary to be able to
here). perform the finite element structure computations [5,10].

5. Identification and validation of the model under static Damage function of the number of cycles
loading conditions
The model presented here was implemented by MatLab in order
to simulate the behaviour of the laminate. Various tests were car-

ried out to assess and check the validity of the model. The coeffi- 0.4
cients used in the model were determined by performing
standard industrial laboratory tests. Three tensile tests with dis- 0.3
charge sufficed to identify these coefficients. The laminates used 0.2 60 % of max stress
for this purpose were: [0], [90] and [60], which were all composed
0.1 50 % of max stress
of eight glass/epoxy unbalanced woven plies. These three tests
40 % of max stress
were used to measure the elastic properties of the woven ply 0
and Eq. (2) was used to calculate the elastic properties of the vir- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
tual UD ply. The coefficients of the damage evolution law (6) and N / Nr
(7) governing the UD* plies were identified using the damage evo-
lution measured in the [90°] and [60°] laminates and Eq. (3). The Fig. 11. Damage depending on the number of cycles in [45°] unbalanced glass/
coefficients of the inelastic strain law (9) were determined using epoxy woven ply laminates.

the [60°] laminate test.

The results of the identification tests are presented in Fig. 6,
which gives the evolution of the damage, Fig. 7, which gives the
evolution of the inelastic strain under shear loading conditions
and Fig. 8, which gives the stress/strain curves obtained in the
three tests.

Fig. 12. Decrease in stiffness occurring just before rupture in [90°] laminates under
Fig. 9. Validation of the model under combined static loads (out off-axis tests). static and fatigue loading conditions.

Fig. 10. Validation of the model under combined static warp or weft traction/shear loads.
C. Hochard, Y. Thollon / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 158–165 163

6. Behaviour under fatigue loads tion of the damage [5]. As in the static case, the validity of this
model depends on the ‘diffuse damage’ phase (which is associated
The model for unidirectionnal plies previously presented in [4] with small cracks), but only up to the first intra-laminar macro-
is a non-linear cumulative damage model, which can be used to de- crack (first ply failure model).
scribe the development of damage under both static and fatigue In the generalized damage model proposed here, as under static
loading conditions. With this law, the evolution of the damage de- loads, the unbalanced woven ply is replaced by two stacked unidi-
pends only on the maximum load occurring during the cycle. This rectional plies corresponding to the warp and weft thicknesses.
model was extended to balanced woven plies by taking into ac- The behavior of the material subjected to fatigue loads is then de-
count the effects of the amplitude of the cyclic load on the evolu- fined, taking each of the UD virtual plies separately.

Fig. 13. Normalized SN curves obtained on [0°] unbalanced glass/epoxy woven ply laminates.

Fig. 14. Normalized SN curve obtained on [90°]unbalanced glass/epoxy woven ply laminates.
164 C. Hochard, Y. Thollon / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 158–165

6.1. Damage evolution The shear damage is again assumed to be equal to the transverse
damage (Eq. (7)).
The material is assumed to be brittle and non-sensitive to the In this initial law, it is assumed that in the case of combined
cyclic loading in the direction of the fibres in the UD* plies. The traction/shear loads, the contributions of each of the loads are
in-plane transverse and shear moduli are modified under the added together (Eq. (11)). We are currently testing tubes in order
assumption that a gradual damage process is involved. The devel- to elucidate the influence of combined traction/shear loads on
opment of the damage in the UD* plies depends on the maximum the evolution of damage under fatigue conditions.
static and cyclic loads and their amplitude as well as on the level of
damage involved. Furthermore, we define the cumulative damage 6.2. Inelastic strain
as follows, where the damage variables (under shear and trans-
verse tension loading) are obtained by adding two terms: the one During the fatigue loading process, residual strains can be ob-
part is due to the static loading and the other one is governed by served, especially with shear loads. The inelastic evolution law de-
fatigue loading: fined previously for static loads (Eqs. (8) and (9)) depends on the
effective stresses. Since the fatigue damage increases during the
d2 ¼ ds þ df ð10Þ cycles, the total damage increases, and so do the effective stresses.
Using the same law (8) and (9) under fatigue loading conditions,
The static damage ds evolution defined previously (Eq. (7)) de-
the simulated inelastic strain evolution was in good agreement
pends on the maximum value of the equivalent force (6) reached
with the experiment evolution in the case of balanced carbon/
during the history of the loading. Experiments have shown that
epoxy woven plies (see [6]).
the fatigue damage df evolution depends on both the maximum
load Ydi and the amplitude of the load DYdi during a cycle.
6.3. Types of rupture
Accordingly, the following law was drawn up:

@df D E The evolution of the damage occurring in [45°] laminates under

¼ af :ðYd2 Þo :ðDYd2 Þp þ bf :ðYd12 Þq :ðDd12 Þr  Y f0 various fatigue loads is shown in Fig. 11. The first cycle of fatigue
@N þ
 2 loading corresponds to static loading, and the damage evolution
max ðrUD Þ  min ðrUD Þ law (7) is used at this stage. The damage then increases slowly at
UD s2cycleðtÞ i s2cycleðtÞ i each cycle until rupture occurs (Fig. 11). As in the case of static
where DYdi ¼ ud ud 2
2Ei ð1  di Þ loading, three types of rupture occur:
for i ¼ 2 and 12 ð11Þ
(i) Brittle rupture defined by a maximum thermodynamic force
UD max
where the parameter Y fo corresponds to the endurance threshold, criterion: Yd1  Yd1 .
i.e., the loading level below which no fatigue damage develops. (ii) Rupture by instability due to the localisation of the damage.
An initial identification of the coefficients involved in the law is (iii) Rupture associated with a maximum level of damage,
shown in the next section using [0°], [90°] and [45°] laminates. depending on the material.

Fig. 15. Normalized SN curve obtained on [45°] in the case of two R ratios.
C. Hochard, Y. Thollon / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 158–165 165

The third type of rupture was confirmed by the experimental Rupture was defined here in terms of either the maximum force
tests on [90°] laminates under various stress ratio fatigue loads associated with damage (which is similar to a maximum strain cri-
(Fig. 12). The level of damage was the same as before rupture, terion), the instability of the laminate response (especially in the
and corresponded to a very high level (amounting to almost 1) in case of shear loading) or the maximum level of damage (which
the UD*. was equal to 1 in the virtual UD plies in the case of the unbalanced
glass/epoxy woven ply studied here). This model takes into ac-
7. First identification of the model for fatigue loading count the contribution of the coupling between traction and shear
stresses to the evolution of the damage.
The experimental fatigue loading tests on [0°] and [90°] lami- The cumulated damage evolution laws developed here make it
nates yielded similar results to those presented above (Figs. 13 possible to describe the evolution of the damage under static load-
and 14). The S–N curves were similar and the influence of the ing conditions (during the first cycle of the fatigue loading for
amplitude of the load and the R ratio (R ¼ rmin =rmax ) was small. example) as well as under fatigue loading conditions. In the latter
The endurance limit was found to be approximately 30% of the sta- case, the evolution depends on the maximum load exerted during
tic load. The experimental and simulated results were compared the fatigue cycle and the amplitude of the fatigue load, especially
after identifying the coefficients of the law (11) in the case of the in the case of shear stresses.
[0°] and [90°] laminates. These results showed satisfactory agree- This approach, which lends itself to structural computations [5]
ment in view of the current state of development of the identifica- and involves characteristic rupture volumes [10], has been imple-
tion procedure (the p coefficient (Eq. (11)) is taken to be equal to 0, mented in the Abaqus FEM code. Other extensions it is proposed to
which leads to cancelling the influence of the load amplitude in the develop will involve the behaviour of these materials under com-
transverse direction of the UD* plies). pression loads and the influence of the temperature on the evolu-
The results of the experimental fatigue load tests on [45°] are tion of the damage [11].
shown in Fig. 15. For this laminate the level of shear stress is high
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