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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 08 Issue: 01 | Jan 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Thermal Analysis of FSAE Brake Disc

Kaustubh Pandit1, Akshay Shelar2, Siddheshwar Malaye3, Pranay Dhumawat4, Prof. Chetan
5Prof. Chetan Thakur, Kaustubh Pandit, Akshay Shelar
BE, Saraswati College of Engineering, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Abstract - Since Brake is a mechanical device which is used braking systems. The elements/parts disc brake system are a
for slowing or stopping of motion. This paper presents the caliper, two pads, two guide pins, a disc, a piston, a carrier
method to design disc brakes for car and thermal analysis of bracket. The major requirements of the caliper are to press
rotor. The objective is to find out dimensions of rotor for given Pads against the disc and it should achieve an interface
requirement and analyzing the results on ANSYS workbench. pressure as possible. It is known that gradually wearing of
In this temperature distribution on rotor during working pads, brake temperature, and friction coefficient could play
condition is observed. Each single system has been studied and vital role in braking action. In addition to this, it also reduces
developed in order to meet safety requirement. Instead of the life of the braking pads.
having air bag, good suspension systems, good handling and
safe cornering, there is one most critical system in the vehicle This will cause the customers dissatisfaction and they often
which is brake systems. Without brake system in the vehicle required to go to the garage more frequently to replace these
will put a passenger in unsafe position. Therefore, it is must for brake pads. As the brake disc, usually made up of cast iron or
all vehicles to have proper brake system. In this paper carbon ceramic composites is connected to the wheel or the axle. To
ceramic matrix disc brake material use for calculating normal stop the rotation of wheel, friction material in the form of
force, shear force and piston force. And also calculating the brake pads is forced hydrolytically, mechanically,
brake distance of disc brake. The standard disc brake two pneumatically or electromagnetically against both sides of
wheelers model using in ANSYS. Thermal analysis and the disc. The friction causes the disc and attached wheel to
Model analysis also calculate the deflection and Heat flux, slow or stop. As soon as the brake applied friction which
Temperature of disc brake model. This is important to leads to convert into frictional heat. When large amount of
understand action force and friction on the disc brake new heat is generated brakes can’t perform adequate work.
material, how disc brake works more efficiently, which can
help to reduce the accident that may happen in each day. 1.1 Material Used

Key Words: ANSYS, Thermal analysis, Model analysis 1. ROTOR

1. INTRODUCTION Gray Cast Iron is a type of cast iron that has a graphitic
microstructure. It is named after the gray color of the
The disc brake is a wheel brake which slows rotation of the fracture it forms, which is due to the presence of graphite. It
wheel by the friction caused by pushing brake pads against a is the most common cast iron and the most widely used cast
brake disc with a set of calipers. The brake disc is usually material based on weight. A typical chemical composition to
made of cast iron, but in some cases be made of composites obtain a graphitic microstructure is 2.5 to 4.0% carbon and 1
such as reinforced carbon, Grey cast iron carbon ceramic to 3% silicon. The main advantages of Gray are that Grey cast
matrix composites. Friction causes the disc and attached iron are easy to mold and acquire any desired shape. It has
wheel to slow or stop. Brakes convert motion to heat, and if High compressive strength and damping capacity, resists
the brakes get too heated, they become less effective, a corrosion after application of protective coating, it acts as a
phenomenon known as brake fade. Disc-style brakes tool lubricant due to the presence of graphite, and it has
development and use began in England in the 1890s. relatively low prices compared to all other materials.

In this paper Grey cast iron disc brake material is used for Gray cast iron Single specimen
calculating normal force, shear force and piston force. (Grade) tensile strength
Thermal analysis and Modal analysis are done to calculate σb≥/Mpa
the deflection and Heat flux, Temperature of disc brake HT 350 350

If we see, there are 3 main functions of a brake system, i.e., to Material K E µ Specific ρ Ultimate
control a vehicle’s speed when driving downhill, to minimize W/mK Gpa heat J/ Kg/ Strength
a vehicle’s speed when necessary and to keep a vehicle kgK m3 Mpa
stationary when in parking. If we consider at present Gray 54 125 0.25 586 7100 2400
scenario, most passenger vehicles are fitted with disc cast iron

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 276
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 01 | Jan 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Semi – sintered brake pads are chosen and material will be

asbestos. Semi-sintered brake pads are a nice alternative to
traditional sintered brake pads, because they have organic
linings for enhanced durability with the excellent features of
sintered linings. Semi-sintered brake pads are a nice hybrid
that provides low rotor wear and tear and the high-tech
organic feel.

Asbestos was once considered the best material to build all

sorts of brake pads and shoes. Cars, trucks, and buses
weren't the only vehicles with asbestos brake pads. Every
sort of motion device required braking power. Asbestos
seemed to make good sense for friction control and
withstanding high heats associated with stopping moving
parts. Asbestos had excellent wear properties, was widely
2. DESIGN: Ventilated disc (Drilled +slotted)
available and proved economical.
Ventilated disc brake is a very stable and efficient
1.2 Software’s mechanism. For better cooling, the front discs are usually
ventilated. Ventilated disc brakes are easy to apply,
guarantee a safe reduction of speed and can thus avoid
Thermal Analysis– ANSYS S20 STUDENT VERSION accidents or reduce the consequences of accidents. Even
after many braking cycles, effectiveness is ensured by the
Modelling - SolidWorks is a solid modeler, and utilizes a internal ventilation. Compared to a standard disc, from the
parametric feature-based approach which was initially initial braking phase, drilled discs ensure greater grip and
developed by PTC (Creo/Pro-Engineer) to create models and more responsive and efficient performance of the braking
assemblies. system. Because of the holes, the friction coefficient between
disc and pad is greater. Slotted rotors do improve heat
transfer by air cooling. The slots can improve brake output
by removing gas and dust that is trapped between the pad
and rotor. Given the choice between drill holes and slots, the
drill holes will give you better braking power over slots for
normal city/highway driving.


With this project we achieved a safe, durable and viable

design for a rotor component in a disc brake system taking in
consideration the forces exerted for all the components in
the brake system.

Thermal Analysis - Thermal analysis is used to With this we demonstrate that disc brakes do not fracture.
determine the temperature distribution, thermal gradient, That is because the force exerted in the disc is a compressive
heat flow, and other such other properties of the material on force.
That's why the materials used for the manufacturing of
brake disc are brittle. Thus we conclude that the material
selected will be GREY CAST IRON, and the final layout of the
brake rotor will be ventilated along with slotted and drilled


[1] Adam Adamowicz, 2011. “Analysis of disc brake

temperature distribution during single braking under
non-axis-symmetric load”, Applied thermal engineering
31(2011) 1003-1012.

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 277
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 01 | Jan 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

[2] Avinash Singh Thakur, Thermal Analysis of Disc brake

Using ANSYS, International Journal of Technical
Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science (IJTIMES),
Impact Factor: 5.22 (SJIF-2017), e-ISSN: 2455-2585
Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2018

[3] Mr. Sumeet Satope, Thermal Analysis of Disc Brake,

IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in
Science & Technology| Volume 3 | Issue 12 | May 2017
ISSN (online): 2349-6010


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology (IJMET) Volume 7, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2016, pp.
67-77, Article ID: IJMET_07_01_008

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 278

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