Chapter 8 - Chemical Equilibria

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CHAPTER 8: Chemical Equilibria

8.1 Dynamic Equilibria
8.2 Factors Affecting Chemical Equilibria
8.3 Equilibrium Constant
8.4 Theory of Acids and Bases

Learning outcomes:

(a) explain, in terms of rates of the forward and reverse reactions, what is meant by a reversible
reaction and dynamic equilibrium.
(b) state Le Chatelier’s Principle and apply it to deduce qualitatively (from appropriate
information) the effects of changes in temperature, concentration or pressure, on a system at
(c) state whether changes in concentration, pressure or temperature or the presence of a catalyst
affect the value of the equilibrium constant for a reaction.
(d) deduce expressions for equilibrium constants in terms of concentrations, Kc, and partial
pressures, Kp. [treatment of the relationship between Kp and Kc is not required]
(e) calculate the values of equilibrium constants in terms of concentrations or partial pressures
from appropriate data.
(f) calculate the quantities present at equilibrium, given appropriate data (such calculations will
not require the solving of quadratic equations).
(g) describe and explain the conditions used in the Haber process and the Contact process, as
examples of the importance of an understanding of chemical equilibrium in the chemical
(h) show understanding of, and use, the Brønsted-Lowry theory of acids and bases, including the
use of the acid-I, base-II concept.
(i) explain qualitatively the differences in behaviour between strong and weak acids and bases and
the pH values of their aqueous solutions in terms of the extent of dissociation.
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8.1 Dynamic Equilibria

Reversible reactions

1) A reversible reaction is one which can proceed in both directions, as indicated

by the "⇌" sign. For example:
H2 + I2 ⇌ 2HI 2SO2 + O2 ⇌ 2SO3
2) In a reversible reaction, the reactants react to form the products. The products
in turn also react to re-form the reactants. A mixture of reactants and products
is present, an equilibrium is established between them.

3) Whether a reaction is reversible or not depends on

its activation energy. If the activation energy of the
backward reaction is very high, the reaction is not

Characteristics of equilibrium

1) An equilibrium have four particular features under constant conditions:

i. It is dynamic
- Dynamic equilibrium is a situation where the rate of forward reaction
becomes equal to the rate of reverse reaction and the amount of
substance present to do not vary with time as long as the conditions remain
the same.
- In the microscopic scale, the reactants and products are continuously
reacting but in the macroscopic scale, there seem to be no change at all.

ii. The concentrations of the reactants and products remain constant

- This is because at equilibrium, the rate of forward reaction equals to the rate
of backward reaction.
- For example, H2 + I2 ⇌ 2HI
At equilibrium, for every one mole of the reactants get
converted to two moles of products, two moles of the
products are re-forming the reactants.
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iii. It requires a closed system

- A closed system is one which none of the substances can be added or
removed, but energy can move in and out freely.
- In an open system, the products formed will escape, this will not allow
them to react and re-form the reactants, an equilibrium will never be

8.2 Factors Affecting Chemical Equilibria

Position of equilirbium

1) The position of equilibrium refers to the relative amount of products and

reactants present in an equilibrium mixture.

Le Chatelier's principle

1) Le Chatelier's principle states that if a change is made to a system in equilibrium,

the system reacts in such a way so as to oppose the change and a new
equilibrium is established.

2) In other words, "whatever done to the system, the system does the opposite".

Effect of change in concentration

A+ B⇌ C + D
1) When something is added or removed, the system will does the opposite so as to
remove or replace it.

2) When the concentration of A or B increases, by Le Chatelier's principle, the

position of equilibrium shifts to the right to decrease the concentration
back. More C and D are being formed.

3) When the concentration of A or B decreases, by Le Chatelier's principle, the

position of equilibrium shifts to the left to increase the concentration back.
More A and B are being formed.
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Effect of change in pressure

2A(g) + B(g) ⇌ C(g) + D(g)

1) Changes in pressure will only affect reactions between gases.

2) When the pressure of a system is altered, the system will respond to

neutralise the change.

3) When the pressure is increased, by Le Chatelier's principle, the position of

equilibrium shifts to the right to reduce the total number of molecules
and to decrease the pressure.

4) When the pressure is decreased, by Le Chatelier's principle, the position of

equilibrium shifts to the left to increase the total number of molecules
and to increase the pressure.

5) i. Increased pressure favours the reaction which produces fewer molecules.

ii. Decreased pressure favours the reaction which produces more molecules.

6) If there are equal number of molecules on each side of the equation, changes
in pressure will not affect the position of equilibrium. However, it will still
affect the rate of reaction.

Effect of change in temperature

A+ B⇌ C + D ΔH° = enthalpy change of forward reaction

1) If heat is introduced to the system, the system will respond to neutralise the
change, either by absorbing or releasing heat.

2) If ΔH° > 0 (endothermic reaction):

i. When temperature is increased, by Le Chatelier's principle, the position of
equilibrium shifts to the right to remove the extra heat (the endothermic
reaction is favoured).
ii. When temperature is reduced, by Le Chatelier's principle, the position of
equilibrium shifts to left to release heat (the forward reaction, an
exothermic reaction is favoured).

3) i. Increased temperature favours endothermic reaction.

ii. Decreased temperature favours exothermic reaction.
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Effect of catalyst

1) Catalysts will not affect the position of equilibrium. This is because a catalyst
increases both the rate of forward and reverse reaction.

2) However, catalysts can speed up the time taken to reach equilibrium.

8.3 Equilibrium Constants

Equilibrium constants, Kc and Kp

1) Equilibrium constant is the value of the reaction quotient when the reaction
has reached equilibrium. Alternatively, it can also be defined as the measure of
the extent in which reactants are converted into products.

2) At any given temperature, every reaction has a specific value of equilibrium

constant which is independent of changes in concentration, pressure, use of
catalyst or the amount of reactants you start with.

3) Equilibrium constant expressed in concentration is called Kc while expressed in

partial pressure is called Kp.

4) For any reaction: aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD

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5) For reaction involving gases, equilibrium constant can be expressed in terms of

partial pressures.
aA(g) + bB(g) ⇌ cC(g) + dD(g) ..............(1)

Mole fraction and partial pressures

1) From equation (1), the mole fraction of A is given by:

2) The partial pressure of a gas A in a mixture of gases is the pressure that gas
A will exert, if gas A alone was to occupy the same volume at the same
temperature. It is given by:

More about Kc and Kp

1) Note:
i. Concentration of liquids and solids are omitted in the expression of Kp and Kc.
ii. State symbols are not essential in writing the expressions.

2) The magnitude of Kp and Kc gives the measure of the extent of equilibrium, it

does not give any information about the rate of reaction.
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3) Examples on writing an expression for Kp and Kc.

Factors affecting the value of Kp and Kc

1) In short, the equilibrium constants are constants at constant temperature. Only

temperature can affect the value of Kc and Kp.

2) i. For endothermic reaction, the value of Kc or Kp increases with increasing

ii. For exothermic reaction, the value of Kc or Kp decreases with increasing

[ Note: Statement (g) is omitted in this section and is discussed in Chapter 13 ]

8.4 Theory of Acids and Bases

The Arrhenius theory

1) According to Arrhenius theory:

i. An acid is a substance which ionises in water to give hydrogen ions, H⁺.
ii. A base is a substance which ionises in water to give hydroxide ions, OH⁻.

2) Limitations of this theory:

i. When ammonia gas reacts with hydrogen chloride gas, ammonium chloride is
produced. Although this really is an acid-base reaction but it contradicts with
the Arrhenius theory because no H⁺ or OH⁻ is produced.
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The Brønsted-Lowry theory

1) According to the Brønsted-Lowry theory:

i. An acid is a proton donor.
ii. A base is a proton acceptor.

2) A proton is a hydrogen ion, H⁺.

3) For example, when hydrogen chloride dissolves in water to form hydrochloric

acid, the following reaction occurs:
HCl(g) + H2O(l) → H3O⁺(aq) + Cl⁻(aq)............(2)
HCl is acting as an acid because it has donated a proton. H2O is acting as a
base because it has accepted a proton.

4) When the acidic solution reacts with a base, what is actually functioning as an
acid is the hydroxonium ion, H3O⁺.
H3O⁺ + OH⁻ → 2H2O

H3O⁺ is acting as an acid because it has donated a proton. OH⁻ Is acting as a

base because it has accepted a proton.

5) Brønsted-Lowry acids and bases do not nave to involve aqueous solutions.

Conjugate pairs

1) When ammonia gas dissolves in water, the reaction that occurs is reversible:
NH3(aq) + H2O(l) ⇌ NH4⁺(aq) + OH⁻(aq)..............(3)
In the forward reaction, H2O is acting as an acid because it has donated a
proton and NH3 is acting as a base because it has accepted a proton.
In the backward reaction, OH⁻ is acting as a base because it has accepted a
proton and NH4⁺ is acting as an acid because it has donated a proton.

2) Therefore OH⁻ is the conjugate base of the acid H2O while NH4⁺ is the
conjugate acid of the base NH3.
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3) In general:
i. Every acid has a conjugate base, this is the particle left when the acid has
given away its proton.
ii. Every base has a conjugate acid, this is the particle left when the base has
accepted a proton.

4) Alternatively, the acid-I, base-II terminology can also be used:

i. HA is acid-I and A⁻ is base-I, they are one conjugate pair.
ii. H2O is base-II and H3O⁺ is acid-II, they are another conjugate pair.

5) Substances which can behave as an acid as well as base are described as

amphoteric. One example is water:
i. In reaction (2), water is behaving as a base.
ii. In reaction (3), water is behaving as an acid.

Strength of acids and bases

1) i. A strong acid is one which dissociates completely in a solution.

HCl(g) + H2O(l) → H3O⁺(aq) + Cl⁻(aq)
ii. This produces high concentration of hydroxonium ions. Therefore the pH of
the solution is very low, pH ≈ 1.
iii. Examples of strong acids are HCl, H2SO4 and HNO3.

2) i. A strong base is one which dissociates completely in a solution.

NaOH(s) + aq → NaOH(aq)
ii. This produces high concentration of hydroxide ions. Therefore the pH of the
solution is very high, pH ≈ 14.
iii. Examples are Group I metal hydroxides.

3) i. A weak acid is one which dissociates partially in a solution.

CH3COOH(l) + H2O(l) ⇌ CH3COO⁻(aq) + H3O⁺(aq)
ii. This produces very low concentration of hydroxonium ions, the position of
equilibrium is far over the left. Therefore the pH of the solution is higher,
pH ≈ 3.
iii. Examples are organic acids.
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4) i. A weak base is one which dissociates partially in a solution.

NH3(aq) + H2O(l) ⇌ NH4⁺(aq) + OH⁻(aq)
ii. This produces very low concentration of hydroxide ions, the position of
equilibrium is far over the left. Therefore the pH of the solution is lower,
pH ≈ 12.
iii. Examples are ammonia, amines and some hydroxides of transition metals.

5) Note:
i. Strength of acids and bases is defined in terms of degree of dissociation
while concentration is defined as the number of moles per unit volume.
ii. Therefore a weak acid in high concentration is still classified as a weak acid.
iii. Also, a strong acid in low concentration is still classified as a strong acid.

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