CHAPTER 2: Atoms, Molecules and Stoichiometry

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CHAPTER 2: Atoms, Molecules and

2.1 Mass of Atoms and Molecules
2.2 Mass Spectrometer
2.3 Amount of Substance
2.4 Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula
2.5 Stoichiometry and Equations

Learning outcomes:

(a) define and use the terms relative atomic, isotopic, molecular and formula masses, based on the
C-12 scale.
(b) define and use the term mole in terms of the Avogadro constant.
(c) analyse mass spectra in terms of isotopic abundances [knowledge of the working of the mass
spectrometer is not required].
(d) calculate the relative atomic mass of an element given the relative abundances of its isotopes,
or its mass spectrum.
(e) define and use the terms empirical and molecular formulae.
(f) calculate empirical and molecular formulae, using combustion data or composition by mass.
(g) write and/or construct balanced equations.
(h) perform calculations, including use of the mole concept, involving:
(i) reacting masses (from formulae and equations).
(ii) volumes of gases (e.g. in the burning of hydrocarbons).
(iii) volumes and concentrations of solutions.
When performing calculations, candidates’ answers should reflect the number of significant
figures given or asked for in the question. When rounding up or down, candidates should ensure
that significant figures are neither lost unnecessarily nor used beyond what is justified.
(i) deduce stoichiometric relationships from calculations such as those in (h).
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2.1 Mass of Atoms and Molecules

Concept of relative mass

1) Relative mass is an indication of how heavy is an atom compared to another

atom which is used as a standard model.

2) Relative mass is expressed in atomic mass unit(a.m.u).

3) C-12 was chosen to be the standard model because:

i. it is the most abundant isotope of carbon
ii. it is a solid, easy to handle and easily available

4) C-12 was assigned a mass of exactly 12 a.m.u.. This is known as C-12 scale.

5) For example, an atom which is 3.5 times heavier than a C-12 atom would have
a relative mass of (3.5 x 12) = 42 a.m.u.. That means, this atom is 42 times
heavier than the mass of (1/12 x the mass of C-12 atom).

Relative isotopic mass

1) Relative isotopic mass is the mass of an isotope measured on a scale in which a

carbon-12 atom has a mass of exactly 12 units.

Relative atomic mass, Ar

1) Relative atomic mass, Ar is the weighted average relative masses of all its isotopes
measured on a scale in which a carbon-12 atom has a mass of exactly 12 units.

Average mass of one

atom of the element
Relative atomic mass, Ar = X 12
Mass of one atom of
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Ratio of Cl-35 to Cl-37 is 3:1. If you have 4 typical atoms of chlorine, total mass
is (35 x 3) + (37 x 1) = 142. So, the average mass of the isotopes is 142/4 = 35.5.

This implies that 35.5 is the relative atomic mass of chlorine while 35 is the
relative mass of Cl-35 and 37 is the relative mass of Cl-37.

Relative molecular mass, Mr

1) Relative molecular mass, Mr is the weighted average of the masses of the molecules
measured on a scale in which a carbon-12 atom has a mass of exactly 12 units.

2) It should only be applied to substances which exist as molecules.

3) It is found by adding up all the relative atomic masses of all the atoms present in
the molecule.

4) Examples:
i. Mr (H2O) = 2(1) + 16 = 18
ii. Mr (CHCl3) = 12 + 1 + 3(35.5) = 119.5

Relative formula mass, Mr

1) Relative formula mass, Mr is the weighted average of the masses of the formula
units measured on a scale in which a carbon-12 atom has a mass of exactly 12

2) It works for both ionic and covalent compounds.

3) Examples:
i. Mr (NaCl) = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5
ii. Mr (CuSO4 • H2O) = 64 + 32+ 4(16) +5[2(1) + 16] = 249.5
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2.2 Mass Spectrometer

What is mass spectrometer?

1) A mass spectrometer is used to determine:

a. relative isotopic mass
b. relative abundance of isotopes
c. relative atomic mass
d. relative molecular mass
e. structural formula of compounds

Determination of relative atomic mass using mass spectrometer

1) Five steps:
i. Vaporisation
- atoms are vaporised to form gaseous atom.

ii. Ionisation
- gaseous atoms are bombarded with high energy electrons to form positive

iii. Acceleration
- the ions are accelerated so that they have the same kinetic energy.

iv. Deflection
- ions are deflected by a magnetic field. The amount of deflection depends on:
1) the mass of the ion
2) the amount of positive charge on it
- the larger the mass, the smaller the deflection.
- the higher the charge, the larger the deflection.
- the two factors combine into mass/charge ratio (m/e or m/z).
- the smaller the value of m/e, the larger the deflection

v. Detection
- the beam of ions are detected electrically.
- the data are fed into the computer and the mass spectrum is produced.
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Side note

1) Ionisation chamber is vacuum

so that the ions produced can
run freely without knocking
air molecules.

Mass spectrum (How to calculate relative atomic mass, Ar from it?)

Relative abundance


m₁ m₂ m₃

(m₁ x a) + (m₂ x b) + (m₃ x c)

Ar =
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The mass spectrum of boron, B is as shown, given the relative abundances:

B-10 : 23
B-11 : 100

(23 x 10) + (100 x11)

Ar =
23 + 100

= 10.8

2.3 Amount of Substance

The mole and the Avogadro's constant

1) A mole of a substance is the amount of substance that contains the same

amount of stated elementary units as there are atoms in 12 g of C-12.

2) The number of atoms is 12 g of C-12 is 6.02 x 10²³ . This number is also

known as the Avogadro's constant, L.

3) Examples:
i. 1 mol of He contains 6.02 x 10²³ He atoms.
ii. 1 mol of CO2 contains 6.02 x 10²³ CO2 molecules but 3 x (6.02 x10²³)
iii. 1 mol of NaCl contains 6.02 x 10²³ NaCl units, Na⁺ and Cl⁻ ions.
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Moles and mass

Mass / g
No. of mole / mol = -1
Molar mass / g mol

Moles and volumes

1) Volume occupied by a gas depends on the amount of gas, temperature and

pressure. In other words the volume of a gas is not fixed.

2) Avogadro's law states that for equal volumes of all gases, under the same
conditions, contain the same number of moles.

3) Hence, equal number of moles of any gas, under the same conditions, would
occupy the same volume. It does not depend on the nature of gas.

4) At room temperature of 20 ℃ and a pressure of 1 atm, one mole of any gas

occupies 24 dm³.

5) At standard temperature and pressure (s.t.p), which is 0 ℃ and 1 atm, one mole
of any gas occupies 22.4 dm³.

Volume of a gas / dm³

No.of mole / mol =
Molar volume / dm³ mol -1

6) i. Complete combustion of hydrocarbon produces water and carbon dioxide.

The general equation is as follow:

ii. In incomplete combustion, the possible products are carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, carbon soot and water.
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Moles and concentration of solutions

1) A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substance.

2) The substance presents in small quantity is called the solute while the substance
present is larger quantity is called the solvent.

3) Concentration is the amount of solute present in a fixed quantity of solution.

4) Concentration is expressed in terms of g dm⁻³. Concentration in mol dm⁻³ is

called molar concentration or molarity.

Mass of solute / g
Concentration / g dm⁻³
Volume of solution / dm³

Concentration / g dm⁻³
Molarity / mol dm⁻³
Concentration / g dm⁻³
Molar mass of solute / g mol -1
Molarity / mol dm⁻³
Molar mass of solute / g mol -1

Volume / cm³ X Molarity / mol dm⁻³

No. of moles / mol =
Volume / cm³ X Molarity / mol dm⁻³
No. of moles / mol =

2.4 Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula

Percentage composition by mass

Percentage composition Ar x No.of mole of that element

by mass / % = X 100%
Molar mass of compound
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Empirical formula

1) Empirical formula is a chemical formula that shows the simplest ratio of the atoms
that combine to form a molecule.

2) Steps to find empirical formula:

i. Find the mass of each element.
ii. Find the number of mole of each element (divide by its Ar).
iii. Find the simplest ratio (divide by the smallest number).
iv. Construct the empirical formula using the simplest ratio.

[ If a decimal or fraction exists, round up or eliminate the fraction ]

[ Never assume a formula ]

3) Some facts:
i. The formula for an ionic compound is always its empirical formula.
ii. The empirical formula and molecular formula for simple inorganic molecules
are often the same.
iii. Organic molecules have different empirical and molecular formula.

Molecular formula

1) Molecular formula is a chemical formula that shows the actual number of atoms
that combine to form the compound.

2) In order to deduce the molecular formula of a compound, we need to know:

i. the relative formula mass of the compound.
ii. the empirical formula of the compound.

Principle of conservation of mass

1) Mass is neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction. Therefore the
total mass of the reactants is equal to the total of the products in a closed

2) For example, the total mass of iodine in the reactants is equal to the total mass
of iodine in the products.
3) This can be used to solve problems in calculating the empirical formula.
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2.5 Stoichiometry and Equations


1) Stoichiometry is the proportion of things either reacting or combining.

2) In compounds, it refers to the ratio in which the atoms are combined together.
For example, water, H2O has a stoichiometry of 2 hydrogen to 1 oxygen.

3) It also refers to the reacting proportions in a chemical equation. For example:

2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
The stoichiometry shows that 2 moles of hydrogen react with 1 mole of oxygen
to form 2 moles of water.

Ionic equations

1) Steps to construct net ionic equations:

i. Write the balanced molecular equation.
ii. Write the complete ionic equation by splitting it into ions(if possible).
iii. Cancel out the spectator ions. (Spectator ions are ions that present in the
mixture but do not participate in the reaction.)
iv. Write down the 'leftovers', that is the net ionic equation.
Chemical equation:

Complete ionic equation:

Net ionic equation:

FAQ 1: When to split compounds into FAQ 2: How to identify spectator ions?
1) The ions present on both sides of
1) Only split aqueous ionic compounds. For the equation are spectator ions.
example, NaCl(aq) and HCl(aq)
2) Do not split solid ionic compounds and
covalent compounds, as well as metals.
For example, NaCl(s), H2O(l), Mg(s)
and HCl(g)

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