Saint Louis University School of Nursing

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Saint Louis University

School of Nursing
1 Semester 2020-2021

Name: Joan Kyle P. Felix Section and Group: F2

Pharmacology Laboratory
Module 3 SAQ: Pre-Test

Instructions: Connect the dots to match Column A with Column B. Remember, THIS IS A
PRETEST, IT WILL NOT BE GRADED. Answer based only on what you currently know. As you
move along the module, you will be able to find the correct answers.

COLUMN A: Description COLUMN B: Route

drug is swallowed ● ▪ buccal route
▪ dermatologic route
drug is placed under the tongue ●
▪ inhalation
drug is held in the mouth against the
▪ intraarterial route
mucous membrane of the cheek ●
▪ intradermal route
drug is administered below the dermis
▪ intramuscular route

▪ intraosseous route
drug is administered into a bundle of
▪ intraperitoneal route
fascicles ●
▪ intrapleural route
drug is administered into blood vessels
▪ intravenous route
that bring blood back to the heart ●
▪ nasal route
drug is administered into a bone ●
▪ ophthalmic route
drug is administered in between the 2 ▪ oral route
membranes covering the lungs ●
▪ otic route
drug is applied on the skin ● ▪ subcutaneous route
▪ sublingual route
drug is applied on the eye ●
▪ transdermal route
drug is administered into the respiratory
tract using air, oxygen or vapor ●

drug is absorbed across the skin into

the bloodstream ●

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