Design of Concrete Structures

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Design of Concrete Structures

Design of Concrete Structures

Design of concrete structures book, 14th edition written by Arthur Nilson, David Darwin, and
Charles Dolan is considered as recommended civil engineering reference, including for structural
engineers and practitioners to learn detailed aspects of reinforced and pre-stressed concrete
structures design and behavior analysis based on international standards and design ACI Codes.

In fact, there are various principles and practical issues you should understanding in design of
concrete structures applications, particularly for understanding material behavior so you can
implement the right techniques and methods in order to ensure to get best safe building, efficient
design, economical cost analysis in order to produce ability to withstand for possible types of
loadings, including for tension and homogenous beams.

This design of concrete structures book, 14th edition includes helpful material to cover all new
and existing material aspects so you know how to get proportional and controllable mixing
concretes as well as to measure the material properties and characteristics for resulting great
strength under combined stress and strain based on certain environmental effects, including
temperature and air pressure.

For application of short and slender columns as well as strut and tie models, the design
methodology is completely provided including step by step explanation for analysis of
indeterminate beams and frames by using computer aid design, CAD software. This design of
concrete structures book provides all developing methods in current practical design.

The design process

This guide is intended to assist the designer determine all the design information required prior
to embarking on detailed element design. It covers design life, actions on structures, load
arrangements, combinations of actions, method of analysis, material properties, stability and
imperfections, minimum concrete cover and maximum crack widths. Where NDPs occur in the
text in this publication, recommended values in EN 1992 are used and highlighted in yellow. The
UK values have been used for NDPs embedded in figures and charts and the relevant NDPs are
scheduled separately to assist other users in adapting the figures and charts.


Design of Concrete Structures

The process of designing elements will not be revolutionised as a result of using Eurocode 21,
although much of the detail may change – as described in subsequent guides in this series.
Detailing is not covered in these guides, but the process will not vary significantly from current
practice. With regard to specification, advice can be found in the guide Introduction to
Eurocodes2. In the long-term it is anticipated that Eurocode 2 will lead to more economic

Design life
The design life for a structure is given in Eurocode: Basis of structural design3. These are noted
in Table 1 (overleaf). These should be used to determine the durability requirements for the
design of reinforced concrete structures. Actions on structuresEurocode 1: Actions on
structures4 consists of 10 parts giving details of a wide variety of actions. Further information on
the individual codes can be found in the first guide in this series, How to design concrete
structures using Eurocode 2: Introduction to Eurocodes. Eurocode 1, Part 1–1: General actions –
Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings5 gives the densities and self-weights of
building materials (see Table 2 overleaf). It should be noted that there is no advice given for
loading in plant rooms. At the time of writing not all the parts of Eurocode 1 and their National
Annexes are available. Advice on the use of current national standards in conjunction with EC2
should be determined by the relevant authorities in a country.

Load arrangements
The term load arrangements refers to the arranging of variable actions(e.g. imposed and wind
loads) to give the most onerous forces in a member or structure and are given in Eurocode 2 and
National Annexes are allowed to provide simplifications. For building structures Eurocode 2 Part
1–1 recommends the following load arrangements for both the ultimate limit state and
serviceability limit state:

Alternate or adjacent spans loaded

The design values should be obtained from the more critical of:
■ Alternate spans carrying the design variable and permanent loads with other spans loaded with
only the design permanent load (seeFigure 1). The value of γG should be the same throughout.


Design of Concrete Structures

■ Any two adjacent spans carrying the design variable and permanent loads with other spans
loaded with only the design permanent load (see Figure 2). The value of γG should be the same


Design of Concrete Structures

Combination of actions
The term combination of actions refers to the value of actions to be used when a limit state is
under the influence of different actions. The numerical values of the partial factors for the ULS
combination canbe obtained by referring to Eurocode: Basis of structural design or the guide
Introduction to Eurocodes2. There are three SLS combinations of actions – characteristic,
frequent and quasi-permanent. The numerical values are given in Eurocode: Basis of structural

Material properties
In Eurocode 2 the design of reinforced concrete is based on thecharacteristic cylinder strength
rather than cube strength and should be specified according to EN 206–17(e.g. for class C28/35
concrete the cylinderstrength is 28 MPa, whereas the cube strength is 35 MPa).Typical concrete
properties are given in Table 4. Concrete up to class C90/105 can be designed using Eurocode 2.
For classes above C50/60, however, there are additional rules and variations. For this reason, the
design of these higher classes is not considered in this series of guides.

Reinforcing steel
Eurocode 2 can be used with reinforcement of characteristic strengths ranging from 400 to 600
MPa. The properties of steel reinforcement are summarized in Table 5 (on page 4). There are
three classes of reinforcement, A, B and C, which provide increasing ductility. Class A is not
suitable where redistribution of 20% and above has been assumed in the design.There is no
provision for the use of plain bar or mild steel reinforcement. moments over the whole or part of
a structure and to identify the critical design conditions at all sections. The geometry is
commonly idealised by considering the structure to be made up of linear elements and plane two-
dimensional elements.

The type of analysis should be appropriate to the problem being considered. The following may
be used: linear elastic analysis, linear elastic analysis with limited redistribution, and plastic
analysis. Linear elastic analysis may be carried out assuming cross sections are uncracked (i.e.
concrete section properties); using linear stress-strain relationships, and assuming mean values of


Design of Concrete Structures

elastic modulus. For the ultimate limit state only, the moments derived from elastic analysis may
be redistributed (up to a maximum of 30%) provided that the resulting distribution of moments
remains in equilibrium with the applied loads and subject to certain limits and design criteria
(e.g. limitations of depth to neutral axis). Regardless of the method of analysis used, the
following principles apply:

■ Where a beam or slab is monolithic with its supports, the critical design hogging moment may
be taken as that at the face of the support, but should not be taken as less than 0.65 times the full
fixed end moment.

■ Where a beam or slab is continuous over a support that may be considered not to provide
rotational restraint, the moment calculated at the centre line of the support may be reduced by
(FEd,sup t/8),where FEd,sup is the support reaction and t is the breadth of the support.

■ For the design of columns the elastic moments from the frame action should be used without
any redistribution. Bending moment and shear force co-efficients for beams are given in Table 6;
these are suitable where spans are of similar length and the other notes to the table are observed.

Minimum concrete cover

The nominal cover can be assessed as follows:
cnom = cmin + Δcdev Exp. (4.1)
Where cmin should be set to satisfy the requirements
■ safe transmission of bond forces
■ durability
■ fire resistance
and Δcdev is an allowance which should be made in the design for deviations from the minimum
cover. It should be taken as 10 mm, unless fabrication (i.e. construction) is subjected to a quality
assurance system, in which case it is permitted to reduce Δcdev to between 10 mm and 5 mm.


Design of Concrete Structures

Minimum cover for bond

The minimum cover to ensure adequate bond should not be less than the bar diameter, or
equivalent bar diameter for bundled bars, unless the aggregate size is over 32 mm.

Minimum cover for durability

The recommendations for durability in Eurocode 2 are based on BS EN 206–112. In the UK the
requirements of BS EN 206 –1 are applied through the complementary standard BS 8500.

Design for fire resistance

Eurocode 2 Part 1–2: Structural fire design8, gives several methods for determining the fire
resistance of concrete elements; further guidance can be obtained from specialist literature.
Design for fire resistance may still be carried out by referring to tables to determine the
minimum cover and dimensions for various elements, as set out below.

Rather than giving the minimum cover, the tabular method is based on nominal axis distance, a
(see Figure 4). This is the distance from the centre of the main reinforcing bar to the surface of
the member. It is a nominal (not minimum) dimension. The designer should ensure that a ≥ cnom
+ φlink + φbar /2. There are three standard fire exposure conditions that may be satisfied:
R Mechanical resistance for load bearing
E Integrity of separation
I Insulation
Tables 9 and 10 give the minimum dimensions for columns and slabs to meet the above
conditions. Further information is given in Eurocode 2 and subsequent guides in this series,
including design limitations and data for walls and beams

Stability and imperfections

The effects of geometric imperfections should be considered in combination with the effects of
wind loads (i.e. not as an alternative load combination). For global analysis, the imperfections
may be represented by an inclination θ i.
= (1/200) x ah x am


Design of Concrete Structures

ah = (2/√l), to be taken as not less than 2/3 nor
greater than 1.0
am = [0.5 (1 + 1/m)]0.5
l is the height of the building in metres m is the number of vertical members contributing to the
horizontal force in the bracing system. The effect of the inclination may be represented by
transverse forces at each level and included in the analysis with other actions (see Figure 5):
Effect on bracing system: Hi = θ
i (Nb – Na)
Effect on floor diaphragm: Hi = θ
i (Nb + Na)/2
Effect on roof diaphragm: Hi = θ
i Na
where Na and Nb are longitudinal forces contributing to Hi. In most cases, an allowance for
imperfections is made in the partial factors used in the design of elements. However for columns,
the effect of imperfections, which is similar in principle to the above, must be considered (see

How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2: Columns9).


Design of Concrete Structures

Floating Concrete Structures

Floating concrete structures are used to construct a large array of structures, such as highways
and streets, bridges, large buildings, airport runways, irrigation structures, breakwaters, piers and
pavements, silos and farm buildings and homes.

Floating concrete structures are constructed using high strength; quality controlled reinforced
concrete which includes pre-stressing or post-tensioning. The designs also take advantage of
positive Styrofoam floatation enclosed in concrete.

The design of the floating concrete structure must meet the operating conditions, strength and
serviceability requirements, safety requirements, durability and cost-effectiveness. An
appropriate design service life is prescribed depending up on the importance of the structure and
the return period of natural loads. Its service life is generally expected to be as long as 50 to 100
years with preferably a low maintenance cost.

As floating structures are inherently base isolated from earthquakes, they are ideal for
applications as floating emergency release bases in earthquake level countries. Very large
floating structures have been used for storing fuel. Constructed like flat tankers parked side by


Design of Concrete Structures

side, they form an ideal oil storage facility, keeping the explosive, inflammable fluid from
populated areas on land.

The materials used for the floating body may be steel, or concrete or steel-concrete composite
and the relevant specifications should be followed. Since water tightness of concrete is important
to avoid or limit corrosion of the reinforcement, either watertight concrete or offshore concrete
should be used.

Advantages of Floating concrete structures:

o Cost effective
o Environmental friendly as they do not damage the marine eco-system
o Easy and fast to construct
o Can be easily removed
o Do not suffer from differential settlement due to reclaimed soil consolidation
o Their positions with respect to the water surface are constant

The tensile strength of concrete is much lower, but by using properly designed steel reinforcing
structural members can be made that is as strong in tension as they are in compression.


Design of Concrete Structures


Design of Concrete Structures


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