Dog Whistle Training
Dog Whistle Training
Dog Whistle Training
All Breeds will react differently to different pitch sound. It is very important you find the 1) Have your dog sit or lay down.
right pitch sound to use in your training. 2) Take a single step back from the dog and then blast a new sequence for ‘Stay’.
1) Twist the top of the whistle and blow until your dog responds to the desired sound 3) Silently, count to three.
2) The pitch can go from low sound to very high (barely audible) 4) Step back to the dog, give the treat and praise.
3) You’ve found the right pitch sound based on your dogs reaction 5) If he gets up, have him sit and repeat this procedure.
6) Once he’s already obeying this short ‘stay’ command correctly, slowly increase
Train ‘Sit’ command the distance between yourself and the dog and the time you need him to stay before
you can give the reward. If he gets up before he’s supposed to, decrease the distance or
time, and then gradually increase again till he’s got it right each time.
How to Use the Dog Training Whistle 1) Have the dog standing in front of you
2) Let him see that you have a food treat in hand.
IMPORTANT: Please don’t expect your dog to understand or obey commands without properly 3) Slowly move your hand and the treat above over his head and towards his tail, as you Train to walk on a lead without pulling
training your dog first. Most people assume the dog whistle does NOT work the first day they start blow one quick blast on your whistle.
using it (Due to lack of training your dog) 4) The dog’s head should go up as he tries to reach the treat, and his bottom should go 1) Choose an area where there are less distractions (such as your home or garden) to
down into the ‘sit’ position. practice this, before going to the streets.
This brief instructional guide provides hands on practical steps on how to train your dog using the
5) Give the treat and praise the dog. 2) Select the side you’d like your dog to walk on and stick to it.
Ortz Dog Whistle. Training can start at any age, and often the sooner the better. Younger dogs seem
6) Do not push your dog’s bottom to make him sit. This could hurt his back. Just simply 3) Make sure the lead is loose and hold it in the opposite hand. If you make it too
to be quicker learners compared to their older compatriots.
blow one blast as you offer a treat, and reward correct response. tight, the dog will pull into it.
Done well, training your dog should be fun. It also helps exercise the dog’s brain as well as cultivates
4) Have a treat in the hand closest to the dog.
a good relationship between you. For the best results, all training using this whistle should be based
on positive rewards.
Train ‘Down’ command 5) Let the dog see the treat then walk forward.
1) With the treat in your hand, have the dog sit. 6) As the dog follows your hand, blow a specific sequence on the whistle for this
Here’s is why this works 2) Slowly move your hand down towards the ground and in front of the dog’s feet as you new command, then give some treat without stopping the walk.
blow a sequence (maybe one long blast, or two short ones based on your preference). 7) If the dog isn’t keeping up with you, or is pulling in a different direction, suddenly
If you reward the dog with something good as soon as he does what you ask, he’s much more likely change the direction and encourage him or her to come with you. Always praise
3) The dog should follow your hand with his nose and lay down.
to do it again. Rewards could be anything, from food to toys, games and even getting a pat. Tasty him and give some treat when he catches up with you. Soon, he’ll get the idea.
4) Give the treat and offer praise.
treats such as hotdog sausages, dried liver, etc are particularly very effective. You can decrease the 8) Naturally, dogs are wired to want to find out what’s happening in the area by
5) Whatever sequence you choose, make sure you’re able to blast it the next time
frequency of rewards gradually over time, as your dog gets the hang of it with new commands. This sniffing. Allow the dog to do this on walks. You can use an entirely new command
you train the same command. So if you select two short blasts on the whistle, you need
will make him try even harder for the reward. so he learns that he’s allowed to go and sniff lamp posts, the grounds, and scents
to make it two short blasts each time you need to train the dog to the ‘down’ position.
Punishment doesn’t work. If you punish your dog, he’ll only become scared of you and might even left by other dogs. You could give this ‘freedom’ after the dog performs correctly
Anything different and you’ll just confuse him or her.
turn out to be aggressive. on the lead.