Personal Letter by Miss: Materi 3

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by miss
What’s on this chapter?

Structure of personal letters


 Grammar Focus Simple present vs. Simple Past

Compound sentence vs.

Complex Sentence

Cultural Awareness
Structure of personal letters

 Heading (the address, the date )

 Salutation / greeting (dear, the name of the
receiver, a comma)
 The body of the letter (the reason of writing the
 Closing/ subscription
 Signature (the name of the sender)

The date can be written in full using number

and words:
October 14, 2013

There are various examples of salutations:

Friends: Dear John, Dear Verra
Parents : Dear Daddy, Dear Mummy
Elderly relative: Dear Aunt Evelyn

Verbs are
doing words.

A verb can express a

physical action, a mental
action, or a state of
being are doing words.
Action Verbs

Lots of Verbs Express Physical Actions

Here are some sentences with the verbs written in
bold. (These verbs express physical actions.)

 She sells pegs and lucky heather.
(In this example, the word sells is a verb. It
expresses the physical activity to sell.)
 The doctor wrote the prescription.
(In this example, the word wrote is a verb. It
expresses the physical activity to write.)
 Alison bought a ticket.
(The word bought is a verb. It expresses the physical
activity to buy.)
Thinking Verbs

Verbs Express Mental Actions Too

As we covered at the start, verbs do not necessarily
express physical actions like the previous
examples. They can express mental actions too:


 She considers the job done.

(The word considers is a verb. It expresses the
mental activity to consider.)
 Peter guessed the right number.
(The word guessed is a verb. It expresses the mental
activity to guess.)
Verbs Express a State of Being
A small, but extremely important group of verbs do
not express any activity at all. The most important
verb in this group – arguably of all – is the verb to

Some real examples:

 Edwina is the largest elephant in this area.
(The word is is a verb from the verb to be.)

 It was a joke.
(The word was is a verb from the verb to be.)
Simple Present and Simple Past

Simple Present Simple Past

To present ideas or To tell about past
Function information in the present experience
Usually, commonly, always, Yesterday, A long time
Adverbs of generally, every week, ago, last week, in 1916,
time every day, once a week, last year, just now, etc.
Statement: Statement:
Subject + Verb 1 (Verb 1 s/es) Subject + Verb 2
Negative statement: Negative statement:
Subject + don’t/doesn’t + Verb Subject + did not+ Verb 1
1 Affirmative Statement
Patterns Affirmative Statement Did+ Subject + Verb 1
Do/Does + Subject + Verb 1 WH- Question:
WH- Question: WH-question + did +
WH-question + do/does + subject + Verb 1
subject + Verb 1
Compound sentences and Complex

Compound sentences Complex sentences

Two sentences are connected The complex sentences have

using connectors (and, but, two parts: independent and
or) and they result a dependent classes.
compound sentence Independent clause is a
complete thought while
dependent clause can come
before or after independent.
They are related using
because, so, although,
that, etc.
Compound Sentences and Complex

Compound Sentence:
 I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend tried to speak English.
 The choice is between I’ll choose the Economic majors or I’ll cancel the

Complex Sentence:
 When he handed in his homework, he forgot to give the teacher the last
 The teacher returned the homework after she noticed the error.
 The students are studying because they have a test tomorrow.
 After they finished studying, Juan and Maria went to the movies
 Juan and Maria went to the movies after they finished studying
Cultural Awareness

Update about school, hobbies, or your

News about friends, family, or your pet
What has been happening in your
street, town, or city
Holiday, school camps, or the other
exciting activity
Movie, joke, game, song, and the other
great things
Anything new
Remember to ask the person you are
writing to about what they have been
doing and what has been happening in
their life.
TASK 3 :

1. Baca dan pahami materi tentang personal

letter yang di power point.

2. Tulis kembali materi yang di power point itu

di buku catatan anda.

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