The Effect of Dimethyl Ether (D.M.E.) As LPG Substitution On Household Stove: Mixture Stability, Stove Efficiency, Fuel Consumption, and Materials Testing

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M.I.P.I. Vol.

15, No 2, August 2021 - (77-86)


Galuh Wirama Murti1, Unggul Priyanto1, Imron Masfuri1, Nesha Adelia1
Center of Technology for Energy Resources and Chemical Industry
Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology
e-mail:[email protected]


DME has characteristics similar to L.P.G. so that the storage and handling are not
different from L.P.G. D.M.E. could be used as a solvent that can extract typical
types of rubber/polymer material. The aims and objectives of this study are to
determine the effect of blending DME/LPG ratios (100/0, 80/20, 50/50, 30/70,
20/80) on the stability of the DME/LPG mixture, the efficiency of the stove, and
the fuel consumption. The highest efficiency of the stove with blending DME/LPG
was 71.29% and was achieved by the LPG-DME stove with 50/50 DME/LPG. This
result shows the stove design has an enormous effect on efficiency. The
increasing D.M.E. ratio in the blending fuel can raise fuel consumption. The study
also observes the effect of the blending on several stove accessories rubber
materials. The study reveals that the usage of a DME/LPG with blend ratios
between 20/80 - 30/70 does not require a replacement of any substitute materials
but only requires minor modifications to the stove. However, at a higher D.M.E.
composition, the use of the fuel needs to replace the seal that is resistant to D.M.E.

Keywords: dimethyl ether; LPG; stability; stove; the rubber material

Received: 2021-05-03; Revised: 2021-07-19; Accepted: 2021-07-19

INTRODUCTION and their synthesis process routes. Coal and

biomass wastes are processed through
Currently, the demand for L.P.G. for the gasification into syngas [3]. Natural gas is
household and the transportation sector in converted into syngas through the reforming
Indonesia reaches 7.5 million tons, while process, steam reforming, partial oxidation, and
domestic production is 2 million tons (26%) and auto-thermal reforming [4], [5]. The partial
imports of 5.5 million tons (74%) in 2018 [1]. The oxidation reaction is more efficient than the steam
demand for L.P.G. will continue to increase in the reforming process due to the energy surplus. The
future, along with the success of the natural gas has the H/C ratio of 4, whereas the
government's program to replace kerosene with H2/CO ratio of D.M.E. production is two so that
L.P.G. started in 2007. Nevertheless, this there is 1 mole H2 excess when using steam
demand for L.P.G. is projected to continue reforming, with the following reaction equation:
increasing by 17.4 tons in 2050.
The use of D.M.E. to substitute L.P.G. is still Steam-methane reforming
being reviewed by the government. This policy is CH4 + H2O (+ heat) → CO + 3H2 (1)
expected to be implemented in 2022 by
considering the price and calorific value of D.M.E. Partial oxidation of methane reaction
lower than L.P.G. [2]. Table 1 shows the CH4 + ½O2 → CO + 2H2 (+ heat) (2)
comparison of the properties of L.P.G., propane,
and butane. It indicates that steam reforming is an
D.M.E. raw feedstock can be synthesized endothermic reaction (requires heat), whereas
from various sources such as natural gas, coal, partial oxidation is exothermic so that it can be
biomass waste, methanol, carbon dioxide, etc. more economical even though there is no
Figure 1 shows several sources of raw materials hydrogen surplus. Then, syngas with the H/C

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M.I.P.I. Vol.15, No 2, August 2021 - (77-86)

ratio of 2:1 become the raw material and are carbon dioxide can be synthesized into methanol
further synthesized into D.M.E. Meanwhile, through a hydrogenation reaction [6], [7], [8].

Figure 1. Several feedstock sources and synthesis process routes for D.M.E. production

Generally, D.M.E. can be produced in 2 However, the single-stage D.M.E. synthesis

methods, namely the direct process (one-step process developed by companies such as
process) and the indirect process (two-step Haldor-Topsoe, J.F.E., and Air Products has not
process). Both processes can be seen in Figure been commercially viable [9]. This process is
1. The indirect process begins with the production simple and uses only one reactor. However, the
process of methanol from syngas, followed by a separation process is much more complex and
dehydration reaction. In the one-stage process, expensive than the two-step process because
syngas is directly synthesized into D.M.E. with a this one-step process separates the gases [10].
bi-functional catalyst [3], [9].

Table 1. Physical properties of DME, propane, dan n-butane [3], [9], [10], [11]
Parameter D.M.E. Propane n-Butane
Chemical formula CH3OCH3 C3H8 C4H10
Boiling point (°C) -25.1 -42 -0.5
Freezing point (°C) -141.67 -187.61 -138.33
Liquid density (g/cm3, 20°C) 0.67 0.49 0.57
Specific gravity (vs. udara) 1.59 1.52 2.00
The heat of evaporation (kcal/kg) 111.7 101.8 92.1
Saturated vapor pressure (atm, 25°C) 6.1 9.3 2.4
Critical temperature (°C) 126.83 96.72 152
Critical pressure (bar) 53.7 42.47 37.96
Burning velocity (cm/s) 50 43 41
Ignition energy (M.J.) 45 30 76
Ignition temperature (°C) 350 504 430
Flammability limit (%) 3.4 – 17 2.1 – 9.4 1.9 – 8.4
Cetane Number 55 – 60 5 10
Net calorific value (kcal/Nm3) 14.200 21.800 28.300
Net calorific value (kcal/kg) 6.900 11.100 10.930

Based on Table 1, several parameters that 3. The saturated vapor pressure of D.M.E. is
make D.M.E. can be mixable with L.P.G., such between propane and n-butane.
as: 4. D.M.E. has a very high critical temperature
1. The D.M.E. boiling point is between propane (400 K) that can be liquefied at room
and n-butane so that it is easy to liquefy like temperature.
L.P.G. Besides the physical properties above, D.M.E.
2. The density in the liquid phase of D.M.E. does also has the following properties [12]:
not differ much from propane and n-butane.

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1. Safe for users (non-carcinogenic, non- Figure 2. Laboratory scale DME/LPG mixing
teratogenic, non-mutagenic, and non-toxic). system flow diagram
2. Friendly to the environment. D.M.E. does not
cause pollution in the form of soot, SOx, and
NOx. Also, D.M.E. does not cause ozone
damage that has a low potential to result in
global warming.
3. Not corrosive to metal.
To support the government policy of the use
of D.M.E. as a substitute for L.P.G. in the use of
household stoves, this study aims to determine
the effect of 100% D.M.E. and DME/LPG
mixtures (50/50, 80/20) on the stability of the
DME/LPG mixture. Besides, comparing the use
of DME/LPG on various types of stoves and
calculating their efficiency.
Nevertheless, D.M.E. can degrade and
dissolve rubber/polymers that cause gas fuel
Figure 3. DME/LPG mixing system equipment
leakage and become unsafe. Therefore, the
impact of using D.M.E. on rubber/polymer
The DME/LPG mix is based on percent by
materials was also identified for safety reasons
weight. First, an empty-3-kg-LPG cylinder was
when using it as fuel in the stove. The materials
weighed as the initial mass. Then, L.P.G. was fed
tested are rubber on the regulator, tube valve,
into a 3-kg cylinder, followed by D.M.E. according
and hose. The purpose of testing rubber/polymer
to the desired variable weight, namely DME/LPG
on household stove accessories is to determine
0/100, 20/80, 50/50, 80/20, and 100/0 (see Table
the extracted material in DME/LPG and the
2). The variables for heating load are 1 kg of
amount of DME/LPG absorbed by the polymer
water, 2 kg of water, and 3 kg of water with three
repetitions. Heat loading on the water is carried
out using several types of stoves with different
stove designs, namely the Quantum for L.P.G.
stove, the Denpoo for L.P.G. stove, the Quantum
Heat Loading Testing on Several Types of
for LPG-DME stove, and the Quantum for D.M.E.
stove (shown in Figure 4), hereafter referred to
Testing for the DME/LPG mixture was carried
as the A, B, C stove, and D.
out on a laboratory scale with a manual
DME/LPG mixing system in a 3-kg cylinder
shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.



Figure 4. Several stoves were used in testing

the DME/LPG mixture

Before testing, the initial mass of fuel (in a 3-

kg cylinder) and water were recorded. The water
was boiled with the specified variable fuel to
100oC, and the heating time was recorded
simultaneously. After reaching the boiling
temperature, the final mass of fuel (in a 3-kg
Scale cylinder) and water were recorded to determine

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the mass reduction of fuel and water. Then, the a length of 1 m using N2 as the carrier gas. The
heating value is calculated in equations 1) - 3). column, injector, and detector temperatures were
set at 1400C with a heating rate of 50C / min.
m Cp
Qb = R ∫ dT (1)
Rubber/Polymer Materials Testing of
Qu = m(Hv − Hl ) (2)
Household Stoves Accessories in DME/LPG
Qair = Q b + Qu (3)
Testing rubber/polymer samples from several
Qb = Sensible heat of water
parts of the stove and their accessories is by
Qu = Latent heat of water
immersing the sample in the DME / LPG mixture
Qwater = Required heat to boil water
Cp according to the S.N.I. standard shown in Table
= 8.712 + 1.25.10-3 T – 0.18.10-6T2 3.
R water
Hv = 2676 kJ/kg
Hl = 419 kJ/kg Table 3. Standards used for rubber/polymer
Meanwhile, the calorific values of fuel combustion testing [13]
are calculated based on the mass fraction of the Part of the Stove S.N.I. Standard
two mixtures with equation 4), and the efficiencies Tube valve S.N.I. 06-7213-2006
of the stove are calculated with equation 5). S.N.I. 7369:2008
Hose S.N.I. 06-7213-2006
Q.D.M.E./LPG = x1 NCV1 × x2 NCV2 (4) Regulator S.N.I. 7369:2008
Qtotal water
ηstove = . (5)
Some parts of the tube valve, such as plastic
Where, guide, control cap rubber, seal rubber, and rubber
x1, x2 = mole fraction of each compound (D.M.E., pad shown in Figure 5, were rubber/polymer
L.P.G.) samples tested.
NCV1, NCV2 = Net calorific value for each
compound (D.M.E., L.P.G.)
QDME/LPG = Energy of fuel combustion to boil the

Table 2. Stove types and fuel blend ratios

for the experiment
Type of Stove Fuel
Stove A LPG 100%,
D.M.E. 20%
Stove B LPG 100%, Figure 5. Tube valve part
D.M.E. 20%
Stove C D.M.E. 50% Meanwhile, the tested gas cylinder regulator
Stove D D.M.E. consists of several parts such as the membrane
80%, DME rubber, valve bearings, and the seal ring shown
100%, LPG in Figure 6.

Stability of DME/LPG Mixture Testing

Each 3-kg-LPG cylinder was filled with a

mixture of DME / LPG 0/100, 20/80, 50/50, 80/20,
and 100/0 with the equipment in Figure 3. Then
sampling is carried out for both the gas and liquid
phases. The first sample was taken after mixing
(0), then the next samples were taken after 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, and 11 hours.
The gas and liquid samples were analyzed
using Yanaco Gas Chromatography (G.C.) Figure 6. Gas cylinder regulator part
Flame Ionization Detector (FID) type G2800. The
column used was Porapak-Q stainless steel with

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Several mixtures of DME/LPG such as 100, 20/80 10,615

80/20, 50/50, 30/70, 20/80, 100 were prepared in 50/50 9,135
each 3-kg-cylinder shown in Figure 2. Then, the 80/20 7,762
cylinder containing the mixture DME/LPG is fed 100/0 6,900
into an autoclave to immerse rubber/polymer
materials. Figure 7 shows a flow diagram of the Table 5 shows the efficiency values of stoves
rubber/polymer material testing system. with various DME/LPG mix compositions. Stove
First of all, sample cutting and drying were C has the best performance efficiency for the fuel
performed. The dried sample was to determine composition of 50/50 because of the stove
the initial mass. Then, the rubber/polymer sample design. A good stove performance is not only
was placed into an autoclave. A specific affected by a larger burner cap opening but also
composition of DME/LPG mixture was flowed into a nozzle size [14]. One parameter on the stove
the autoclave up to 1 kg. After 72 hours, the design is the flammability limit for each fuel. The
sample was taken out and weighed. Then, the flammability limit of D.M.E. is greater than that of
sample was aging for 24 hours in the open air and propane and butane. It means that D.M.E. needs
then weighed. a higher concentration in the air to lead the flame.
Air weighing was carried out to determine
mass differences due to absorption and Table 5. The efficiency value of various types of
desorption of the sample. Then, the volume stoves fueled by DME/LPG mixed fuel
change was determined by immersing the sample
into the water. The same method was applied for DME/LPG
Stove type efficiency
n-heptane as solvent according to the S.N.I. composition
Stove A
(L.P.G. 56.13
Stove D
(D.M.E. 51.51
Stove B
20/80 (L.P.G. 55.80
Stove C
50/50 (LPG-DME 71.27
Figure 7. Flow diagram of rubber/polymer
Stove D
testing in the DME/LPG mixture
80/20 (D.M.E. 51.92
Stove D
100/0 (D.M.E. 62.88
Research Results
Heat Loading Testing on Several Types of
Stoves The color of the flame on various types of
Table 4 shows the calorific value of each stoves fueled by L.P.G. is shown in Figure 8. The
DME/LPG fuel composition. The calorific value of red color of the flame on stove D indicates that
DME/LPG mix fuel decreases because of the stove is not suitable for L.P.G. fuel. This is
increasing D.M.E. in the mixture. The low calorific closely related to the chemical formula of fuel; in
value of D.M.E. (6,900 kcal/kg) causes a problem the L.P.G. molecular structure, there is no oxygen
such as frequent fuel changes. bond, while there is an oxygen compound bond
in D.M.E. So, it is necessary to modify the design
Table 4. Calorific Value of DME/LPG mixtures on the stove that uses D.M.E. fuel. If this DME-
fueled stove is used for L.P.G., the flame will be
Calorific Value red, indicating incomplete combustion causes the
(kcal/kg) formation of soot.
0/100 11,667

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Stove A Stove B Stove C Stove D

Figure 8. The color of the flame on various
types of stoves fueled by L.P.G.

The consumptions of DME/LPG fuel (gr

fuel/kcal load) using various types of stoves were
also observed in this research shown in Figure 9.
The increase in fuel consumption is proportional Figure 10. The composition of the gas phase
to the D.M.E. concentration. The higher and the liquid phase in the DME/LPG mixture
concentration of D.M.E. is in the mixture, and
more fuel will be consumed [15]. If the DME / LPG mixture inside the cylinder is
released throughout the time, the composition of
the mixture will be changed every time. Figure 11
shows 100% L.P.G. (containing ethane, propane,
and butane) released at certain time intervals.
The gas and liquid phases L.P.G. composition in
the cylinder is averaged 40% propane, 60%
butane, and 0.04% ethane. The concentration of
butane in both gas and liquid phases increases
with time, while the propane concentration in both
phases becomes smaller. Ethane has the same
trend as propane. The ethane concentration
decreases from 0.4 to 0.03% in the gas phase
Figure 9. Fuel consumption on various D.M.E. and 0.11 to 0% in the liquid phase.

Stability of DME/LPG Mixture Testing

The different chemical properties of L.P.G.

and D.M.E. will affect the stability of the mixture.
L.P.G. is non-polar while D.M.E. is slightly polar
that the homogeneity of DME/LPG mixing will be
immiscible because the polar and the non-polar
compounds cannot dissolve each other.
The composition of the DME/LPG mixture in
the gas phase is slightly different from that of the
liquid phase shown in Figure 10. The
concentrations of D.M.E. and propane in the
DME/LPG mixture in the gas phase tend to be
more than the liquid phase, while the butane
concentration is higher in the liquid phase. This Figure 11. L.P.G. composition over time
happens because the vapor pressure of D.M.E. intervals
(6.1 atm) and propane (9.3 atm) is greater than
the vapor pressure of butane (2.4 atm).

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Figure 12. The composition of 20/80 DME/LPG Figure 14. The composition of 80/20 DME/LPG
over time intervals over time intervals
The same results were obtained by the 50/50 If the gas in the cylinder is released for a long
and 80/20 mixtures of DME/LPG shown in time, in the end, there will be only D.M.E. and
Figures 13 and 14, respectively. At the 11th hour butane remaining. This condition is closely
of sampling time, the ethane composition related to safety factors that users need more
becomes zero in all DME/LPG mixtures. The attention to by replacing the rubber/polymer seals
composition of the D.M.E. decreased slightly on on the stove and its accessories regularly.
both the 50/50 and 80/20 DME/LPG blends. The
propane concentration decreases significantly Rubber/Polymer Materials Testing of
around 28.5% in the gas phase and 42.1% in the Household Stoves Accessories in DME/LPG
liquid phase. In contrast to the butane, the Mixture
concentration increased by an average of 78.6%
in the gas phase and 38.4% in the liquid phase. The immersion test for the stove material
and its accessories is in accordance with the
requirements for rubber/polymer-based on S.N.I.
[13], which are as follows:
a. Materials on the "Regulator"
▫ The volume shrinks <1% and expands
▫ Loss of weight <10% after 24 hours of air
b. Material on "Tube Valves"
▫ Change in weight and volume <20%
▫ Change in weight and volume <10% after
24 hours of standing in the air
c. Materials on the "Hose"
▫ Absorbed liquid <15%
▫ Extracted <15% after 24 hours in the air

Immersion tests for membrane rubber and

hoses (a domestic membrane rubber
Figure 13. The composition of 50/50 DME/LPG (Quantum/U), a membrane (V), and several
over time intervals hoses from China (W, X, Y, Z)) carried out in n-
Heptane (as a substitute for n-hexane) are shown
in Table 6. The immersion test for U membrane
rubber in n-Heptane showed satisfactory results

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based on S.N.I. requirements with a percentage be seen in Table 7. Based on these data, all hose
change in volume of 5.40% and a weight loss of materials were damaged after immersion. Based
2.6%. Meanwhile, other materials such as V on the test indicates that the material is made of
membrane rubbers and hoses (W, X, Y, Z) do not P.V.C. [16], [17], [18], [19]. The greater the
meet the requirements. The failure distribution of D.M.E. composition in the mixture, the greater the
regulators, valve tubes, and hoses samples from failure rate of the material is.
domestic in the various DME/LPG mixtures can

Table 6. Material test results on rubber/polymer in n-heptane

% Weight % Volume
% Weight % Volume
Sample Sample Part Changes Changes
Changes Changes
(24 hours) (24 hours)
Regulator (U) Membrane
-0.1951 -10.9417 2.8181 -10.5792
Regulator (V) Membrane
-0.5437 -2.6019 5.3951 -1.8891
Hose % absorbed % extracted
W 6.8244 27.0101 -10.8213 -30.6012
X 7.9408 28.0641 -7.3219 -30.3626
Y 7.3052 25.5952 -1.7827 -29.4071
Z 2.07 25.9467 -18.5906 -32.4045

Table 7. Failure distribution of domestic samples for regulators, cylinder valves,

and hoses in various DME/LPG mixtures
DME/LPG Mixtures
0/100 20/80 30/70 50/50 80/20 100/0
Membrane Rubber (2) 2 2 2 1 1
Valve bearings (2) 1 na 1 1 na
Seal ring (2) 2 na na 2 2
Cylinder valve
Plastic guides (2) 1 1
Rubber control valve (2) 1 1 1
Rubber Seals (2) 1 1 1 1 1
Rubber Pads (2) 1 1 1
Inner lining (2) 1
Total 3 4 4 6 7 7
% FAILURE 18.75 28.57 28.57 42.85 43.75 50
- Each material was tested under two conditions (variables): the changes after 72 hours of immersion
and after being left for 24 hours in the open air.
- na= not available

Testing on the Quantum membrane rubber stove accessories in the domestic market are
regulator in n-Heptane showed that the sample safe to use for the DME / LPG mixtures up to
part was not damaged. The testing of regulator 30/70.
material with L.P.G. and D.M.E. mixture as a
solvent directly turned out to be more severe than CONCLUSION
testing with S.N.I. standard solvents. Tests show
The most efficient and economical production
that the domestic regulator material and hoses
process of D.M.E. is fed from natural gas
are better than (V, W, X, Y, Z) products on the
because the H/C ratio of D.M.E. is 3, and the H/C
use of 30% D.M.E. mixture. Thus, it can be
ratio of natural gas is 4. The highest efficiency of
concluded that the existing products of L.P.G.
the stove with blending DME/LPG was obtained

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E-ISSN 2541-1233 86

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