Gynec 1

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1) A crimson spot the sizes of 1 cm, which does not stain with Lugol’s solution, at touch does

not bleed, was found on the cervix uterus in a 30 year old pregnant women. What additional
test is indicated?

A. Testing is possible only after delivery

B. Biopsy

C. Diagnostic excision of the cervix uterus

D. Testing is not indicated

E. Colposcopy

The correct answer is: Biopsy

2) The examination of the cervix uterus in mirrors of a 32 year old woman shows hyperemia of
the cervical canal and vaginal part of the uterus. With the help of what method is it possible
to determine the pathology of the cervix?

A. Colposcopy with a biopsy and subsequent histological analysis

B. Separate diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane

C. Culdoscopy

D. Сolpocytology

E. Ultrasound

The correct answer is: Colposcopy with a biopsy and subsequent histological analysis

3) A 19 year old woman addressed the female consultation for routine examination. She has
no complaints. She was at the gynecologist one year ago. The gynecologic anamnesis is not
complicated. Sex life in marriage since the age of 18. She was examined by a gynecologist.
Smears for flora were taken. Conclusion: practically healthy. Screening cytologic exam of the
cervix uterus is done:

A. In women with diseases of the cervix.

B. After the age of 40-50

C. After the age of 20

D. In all women with the beginning of sex life.

E. After the age of 40

The correct answer is: In all women with the beginning of sex life.
4) A 35 year old woman noticed that 6 months ago her menstrual cycle became disordered;
menses became profuse, with inter-menstrual smears of dark-bloody discharge. Two months
ago the doctor prescribed oral contraceptives. In the anamnesis - 5 pregnancies, of them 2
births, 3 medical abortions without complications. Choose the conducting tactics:

A. Fractional therapeutic-diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

B. Supravaginal uterectomy.

C. Prescribing estrogen.

D. Prescribing gestagen.

E. Change the oral contraceptive.

The correct answer is: Fractional therapeutic-diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous

5) A 24 year old patient, 13 months after her first birth, complains of amenorrhea. She
delivered by cesarian section because of premature detachment of a normally located
placenta and intrauterine asphyxia of the fetus; there was approximately 2000 ml of blood
lose due to abnormalities of blood coagulability. What test is indicated for the patient?

A. Determining the level of gonadotropin.

B. Determining the amount of testosterone in the blood serum.

C. Computer tomography of the head.

D. Ultrasound of the organs of the small pelvis.

E. Progesterone test.

The correct answer is: Determining the level of gonadotropin.

6) A 38 year old patient addressed the female consultation with complaints of moderate
bloody discharge from the genital tract, which appeared after a delay in menstruation for 1,5
months. Gynecological exam: the cervix is epithelized, the "pupil" symptom (++), the uterus is
not enlarged, dense, mobile, painless; the appendages on both sides are not enlarged,
painless, the fornix is deep. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A. Internal endometriosis.

B. Submucous myoma of the myoma.

C. Extrauterine pregnancy.

D. Cancer of the corpus uterus.

E. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

The correct answer is: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

7) A 24 year old women has not had menstruation for 4 months. She is not pregnant. Before
her menstrual cycle was regular. But since then, she has been playing sports intensively.
Specify the type of amenorrhea:

A. Amenorrhea, caused by hyerandrogenia.

Vagina underdeveloped and
B. Physiological amenorrhea.
absence of uterus = Eugo
C. Hypogonadotric amenorrhea

D. Eugonadotropic amenorrhea.

E. Hypergonadotropic amenorrhea.

The correct answer is: Hypogonadotric amenorrhea

8) A 23 year old patient complains of a delay in menstruation for 2-6 months, infertility. For
the past year, she has considerably gained weight. Examination shows hair growth on the
pubis to be man's type, superfluous hair growth on the hips; the uterus is of normal sizes, the
ovaries are enlarged, dense during bimanual examination, painless. The basal temperature is
monophase, pupil and fern symptoms are positive. What is the probable diagnosis?

A. Gonadal dysgenesis

B. Inflammation of the uterine appendages

C. Sclerocystic ovaries /Pco

D. Adrenogenital syndrome

E. Itsenko-Cushing syndrome

The correct answer is: Sclerocystic ovaries

Question 9

Colposcopy of a patient revealed endometriosis in the vaginal part of the cervix uterus. What,
in your opinion, are the most justified medical tactics?

A. Hysterectomy with the appendages

B. diathermocoagulation of the cervix uterus

C. Laser vaporization of the loci of endometriosis

D. Anti-inflammatory treatment

E. Supravaginal amputation of the uterus

The correct answer is: Laser vaporization of the loci of endometriosis

Question 10

A 42 year old women for the past 10 years has had menses like hyperpolymenorrhea and
progressing algodysmonorrhea. Vaginal examination: the cervix uterus is clear, discharge is
moderate, "chocolate" colour, the uterus is a little enlarged, tuberous, a little painful, the
appendages are not palpated, the fornix is deep, painless. What is the most probable

A. Endometriosis of the appendages

B. Submucous fibromyoma of the uterus

C. Endometritis

D. Endometriosis of the uterus

E. Uterine cancer

The correct answer is: Endometriosis of the uterus

Question 11

patient was hospitalized with complaints of periodic pain in the lower abdomen, increasing
during menses, weakness, nervousness, spotting dark blood discharge from the vagina the day
before and after menses. Bimanual exam: the corpus uterus is enlarged, the appendages are
not determined, a tuberous surface is in the posterior fornix. Laparoscopy: on the ovaries,
peritoneum, sacrouterine recess and pararectal tissue- «cyanotic eyes». What is the most
probable diagnosis?

A. Chronic salpingitis

B. Policytosis of the ovaries

C. Cystoma of the ovaries

D. Tuberculosis of the genitals

E. Widespread form of endometriosis

The correct answer is: Widespread form of endometriosis

Question 12

A 50 year old patient complains of leucorrhoea, which look like "meat slops". Discharge
increases after lifting something heavy. Gynecologic exam showed an ulcer on the cervix
uterus covered with a dirty - grayish film. Discharge from the vagina has an unpleasant smell.
What is the prospective diagnosis?

A. Hard [true] chancre.

B. Metaplasia of cylindrical epithelium.

C. Senile colpitis.

D. Erosion of the cervix.

E. Cervical cancer.

The correct answer is: Cervical cancer.

Question 13

A 46 year old patient is disturbed by frequent urination. Pathologies of the urinary system are
not revealed. Bimanual exam: the uterus is enlarged to a 14 week pregnancy, multiple
myomatous nodes are determined; on the anterior uterine wall - a node 8 cm in diameter is
determined. The appendages are not determined. Discharge is mucous, moderate. Data from
the histological test of the mucous of the cervical canal shows glandulo-fibrous polyp: the
corpus uterus - polyposis of the endometrium. Colposcopy revealed ectropion of the cervix.

A. Expanded extirpation of the uterus.

B. Supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages.

C. Extirpation of the uterus with appendages.

D. Extirpation of the uterus without appendages.

E. Supravaginal amputation of the uterus without the appendages.

The correct answer is: Extirpation of the uterus with appendages.

Question 14

A 47 year old woman has had a uterine myoma for 8 years; she has not been treated. For the
past year the tumor has grown to the size of a 15 week pregnancy. What are the tactics of the

A. Perform a diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane, operative treatment after
histological conclusion.

B. Emergency operative treatment.

C. Hormonal therapy.

D. Ultrasound, regular medical check-ups.

E. Perform diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane, prophylactic medical check-

The correct answer is: Perform a diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane,
operative treatment after histological conclusion.
Question 15

A 63 year old patient complains of bloody discharge from the genital tract for 2 weeks, dull
constant pain in the lower abdomen. Menopause for 8 years. The pain occurred about 4
months ago; she lost her appetite, became thin. For the last 8 months, she noticed a small
amount of rare watery leucorrhoea. The cervix uterus is formed, the epithelium is whole, and
the external orifice is closed. Bimanual exam: the uterus is a little enlarged, has a dense
consistency, limited mobility, painless during palpation. The appendages on both sides are
without features. What is the diagnosis?

A. Born fibriod

B. Chorioepithelioma

C. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

D. Endometritis

E. Cancer of the uterus

The correct answer is: Cancer of the uterus

Question 16

A pregnant woman at 12 weeks pregnancy was diagnosed and histological test confirmed I
stage cervical cancer. What are the further tactics for conducting the patient?

A. Prolong the pregnancy, after birth perform a biopsy of the cervix.

B. Discontinue the pregnancy and have a course of chemotherapy.

C. Hysterectomy with the appendages.

D. Electro-conization of the cervix.

E. Discontinue the pregnancy and perform an expanded hysterectomy.

The correct answer is: Discontinue the pregnancy and perform an expanded hysterectomy.

Question 17

A 43 year old patient complains of constant dull pain in the lower abdomen, more to the left,
increase in body temperature to 38°C. For the past 5 years she has been observed for
subserous fibromyoma of the uterus. Bimanual examination: the uterus is enlarged like a 10
week pregnancy, dense, tubercular. At the left of the uterus, a mass which comes out of the
uterus, with sizes 6 х 8 cm, elastic consistency, sharply painful is determined during
palpation. The appendages on both sides are without features. What is the possible diagnosis?

A. Uterine sarcoma

B. Pyosalpinx
C. Necrosis of a fibromatous node

D. Extra-uterine pregnancy

E. Suppurative cyst of the left ovary

The correct answer is: Necrosis of a fibromatous node

Question 18

A 70 year old patient for many years has been disturbed by an itch around the vulva; on the
labia majoris an ulcer with dense edges and necrotic bottom was found. Hrobak’s test is
positive. What disease is being characterized?

A. Skin tuberculosis

B. Syphilis

C. Cancer of the vulva

D. Vulvar kraurosis with secondary infection

E. Leukoplakia vulvae

The correct answer is: Cancer of the vulva

Question 19

A 54 year old patient had a biopsy of the cervix. Histological test of the biopsy material
revealed squamous cell non-keratinizing cancer. The depth of the invasion - 5 mm. Determine
the stage of the disease.

A. 1B.


C. ІІ.

D. 0.


The correct answer is: 1B.

Question 20

A 46 year old woman, with annual cytological tests of the vaginal smears, was established
years first degree dysplasia. Results from the colposcopy: definite transition from plane
epithelia to cylindrical. What should the doctor prescribe?

A. Electrocauterizing conization of cervix uteri.

B. Biopsy of the cervix uteri.

C. Fractional diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

D. Сryodestruction of the cervix uteri.

E. Anti-inflammatory therapy.

The correct answer is: Fractional diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

Question 21

A 33 year old woman had her first childbirth at the age of 15; she suffers from genital herpes.
What is she at risk for?

A. Cancer of the endometrium

B. Cancer of the ovaries

C. Chorioepithelioma

D. Vulva cancer

E. Cancer of the cervix uterus

The correct answer is: Cancer of the cervix uterus

Question 22

A 52 year old woman, suffering from obesity, complains of bloody discharge from the genital
tract for the last 4 days. The last normal menstruation was 2 years ago. The result of biopsy
revealed adenomatoid hyperplasia of endometrium. What is reason of development of the

A. Secretion of estrogen by the organism’s cells.

B. Excess amount of secretion of androgens by the cortex of the adrenal glands.

C. Increased amount of follicle-stimulating hormone.

D. Not enough aromatization of pre-androgens due to hypothyroidism.

E. Excessive transformation of pre-androgen from fat tissue.

The correct answer is: Excessive transformation of pre-androgen from fat tissue.

Question 23

cytological test of vaginal smear of a 45 year old woman revealed dysplasia of the light
degree, colposcopy showed - transformation zone, clinic of colpitis is not present. Appoint

A. Cryodestruction of the cervix uterus.

B. Chemical coagulation of the cervix uterus.

C. Conization of the cervix uterus.

D. Radical hysterectomy.___Amputation of the cervix uterus.

The correct answer is: Cryodestruction of the cervix uterus.

Question 24

A 28 year old patient was delivered to the gynecological ward with complaints of a sharp pain
in the right iliac area, which occurred after lifting something heavy. Last menstruation was 10
days ago, on time. During examination in the mirrors: the vagina and cervix uterus are
without characteristics. During vaginal examination the uterus body and appendages are not
accessible for palpation because of acute pain and tension in the muscles of the anterior
abdominal wall. The posterior fornix hangs and is painful. What is necessary to specify the

A. Сuldoscopy.

B. Hysteroscopy.

C. Determine chorionic gonadotropin.

D. Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix

E. Colposcopy.

The correct answer is: Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix

Question 25

A 26 year old woman was delivered to the hospital with complaints of a sudden pain in the
lower part of the abdomen, weakness, loss of consciousness at the house. Last menses was 2
months ago. Hb 106 gr/l, pulse 120 b.p.m., BP 80/50 mm hg. Morbidity and symptoms of
irritation of the peritoneum are positive in the lower right area. What diagnosis is most

A. Torsion of the leg of a cyst of an ovary.

B. Ruptured tubal pregnancy.

C. Acute appendicitis.

D. Acute adnexitis.

E. Apoplexy of an ovary.

The correct answer is: Ruptured tubal pregnancy.

Question 26

A 20 year old patient complains of delay in menses for 10 days. Menstrual dysfunction is
marked for the first time. Sex life is regular, and no pregnancy has occurred. During
examination: condition is satisfactory, stomach is soft, painless, BP is 120/80 mm hg, pulse is
72 bpm, of satisfactory properties. During transvaginal echography a progressing tubal
pregnancy was suspected. What are the most optimal tactics of the doctor in the conditions
of a hospital?

A. Emergency appendectomy.

B. Planned appendectomy.

C. Hysteroscopy with subsequent testing of a smear from the endometrium.

D. Medical-diagnostic laparoscopy.

E. Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix under the control of
an ultrasound.

The correct answer is: Medical-diagnostic laparoscopy.

Question 27

A woman arrived at the gynecological hospital with complaints of acute pain in the lower
abdomen. One year ago during a routine check-up, a tumor of the right ovary was diagnosed.
She refused an operation. During examination, positive symptoms of irritation of the
peritoneum. Bimanual exam - the uterus is usual in size, painless, to the right a formation 8
cm in size is determined, sharply painful, dense, with accurate contours. What is the possible

A. Extra-uterine pregnancy

B. Acute right sided adnexitis

C. Ruptured ovarian cyst

D. Pelviperitonitis

E. Torsion of the leg of a cyst of an ovary

The correct answer is: Torsion of the leg of a cyst of an ovary

Question 28

A 25 year old patient was hospitalized in the gynecology department with complaints of pain
in the lower abdomen, increase in body temperature to 39,7°С. Objectively: BP -120/80 mm
hg, Pulse - 108 b.p.m. of satisfactory properties. The stomach is bloated moderately, sharply
painful in the lower area. Blumberg's sign is positive in the hypogastric area. Vaginal
examination: the uterus and appendages are not palpated due to the tense anterior
abdominal wall. The posterior vaginal fornix hangs, sharply painful. Specify the most probable

A. Acute adnexitis

B. Acute endometritis
C. Extra-uterine pregnancy.

D. Pelviperitonitis

E. Apoplexy of an ovary

The correct answer is: Pelviperitonitis

Question 29

A 35 year old woman complains of intensive pain in the lower abdomen, fever. The pain exists
for 3 days, recently it strengthened, the body temperature is 38,8°C. A medical abortion at 10
weeks pregnancy was performed 6 days ago. Objectively: the skin is clean, the tongue is dry,
tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, acute morbidity in the lower areas of
the abdomen, Shetkin - Blumberg symptom is positive, peristalsis of the intestines is weak.
What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Salmonellosis.

B. Hepatitis.

C. Pelviperitonitis.

D. Gastritis.

E. Cholecystitis.

The correct answer is: Pelviperitonitis.

Question 30

A 20 year old patient complains of delay in menses for 10 days. Menstrual dysfunction is
marked for the first time. Sex life is regular, and no pregnancy has occurred. During
examination: condition is satisfactory, stomach is soft, painless, BP is 120/80 mm hg, pulse is
72 bpm, of satisfactory properties. During transvaginal echography a progressing tubal
pregnancy was suspected. What is the correct tactics of the doctor at the female

A. Urgent hospitalization of the patient for specification of the diagnosis and deciding
treatment tactics.

B. Give a medical certificate and direct the patient to determine the titer of CG in the blood
or urine. Recommend another visit to the female consultation after receiving results from the

C. Conduct tests of functional diagnostics.

D. Recommend another visit in a week for a control ultrasound.

E. Perform a puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix.
The correct answer is: Urgent hospitalization of the patient for specification of the diagnosis
and deciding treatment tactics.

31) A 27 year old patient for 5 years has been treated for chronic adnexitis; she arrived at the
gynecological ward with signs of pelviperitonitis. The husband has chronic urethritis. What
tests should be prescribed for diagnostics of the causative agent of the disease?

A. Clinical blood analysis, bacterial inoculation of the blood

B. Bacteriological test of the vaginal contents

C. Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the back vaginal fornix, bacterial inoculation of
the puncture sample for gonococcus.

D. Bacteriological test after provocation

E. Bacterioscopic test of the vaginal contents

The correct answer is: Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the back vaginal fornix,
bacterial inoculation of the puncture sample for gonococcus.

Question 32

A 29 year old woman arrived at the hospital with complaints of progressing strong pains in the
lower abdomen and vomiting for the past 2 days. She marks a delay in menses for 6 days.
Active sex life and does not use contraceptives. Temperature is 38,3°C. During examination,
tension of the anterior abdominal wall in inferior area is marked. During vaginal exam
leukoria from the cervical canal and a tight uterus is marked during bimanual exam. The area
around the appendages is slightly tense, but no hardenings were palpated. What test is most
needed for determining the diagnosis?

A. Inoculation from the cervical canal

B. Puncture of the posterior fornix

C. Laparoscopy

D. Ultrasound of the organs of the small pelvis

E. Determining the level of chorionic gonadotropin

The correct answer is: Inoculation from the cervical canal

Question 33

A 20 year old woman with primary infertility was recommended to check the basal
temperature for 2-3 months. How should this test be done?

A. After a rest period every day at the same time for 10 min. in the inguinal fold.

B. At any time of the day for 10 minutes

C. Only in the morning in the oral cavity for 10 minutes

D. After a rest time (minimum of 6 hours) in the rectum or vagina daily at the same time for
10 minutes.

E. At 18.00 for 5 minutes in the inguinal fold.

The correct answer is: After a rest time (minimum of 6 hours) in the rectum or vagina daily at
the same time for 10 minutes.

Question 34

A 29 year old patient is in gynecological ward because of acute inflammation of the uterine
appendages. Which of the listed methods will show the most accurate representation of the
consistency, character, surface and prevalence of the inflammatory process?

A. Bimanual examination.

B. Colposcopy.

C. Ultrasound.

D. Culdoscopy.

E. X-ray of the organs of the small pelvis.

The correct answer is: Bimanual examination.

Question 35

A 14 year old girl was delivered to gynecologic department with complaints of profuse bloody
discharge for 3 days. From the anamnesis: menstruation since the age of 12, irregular, with
periodic delays up to 10-15 days. She is not sexually active. No extragenital pathologies were
revealed. The ultrasound showed that the uterus is of normal size, the ovaries are normal.
What is the diagnosis?

A. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding of the juvenile period.

B. Internal endometriosis.

C. Fibromyoma of the uterus.

D. Polycystic ovary.

E. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding of the reproductive period.

The correct answer is: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding of the juvenile period.

Question 36

A 30 year old patient complains of the absence of menses for 2 years after birth. Childbirth
was complicated by massive bleeding. After birth the patient noted hair losses, weight loss.
Bimanual examination shows that the corpus uterus is small, the pudendal lips are
hypoplastic. Specify the etiology factor of the complication:

A. Hereditary factor.

B. Necrotic changes in the adenohypophysis due to hemorrhagic shock during birth.

C. Age involution of the hypothalamic structures

D. Single dysfunction of the ovaries.

E. Prolonged stimulation of ovulation.

The correct answer is: Necrotic changes in the adenohypophysis due to hemorrhagic shock
during birth.

Question 37

A 27 year old patient complains of irregular menstruation, infertility for 4 years. Obesity,
hypertrichosis. During bimanual examination: the uterus is small, the ovaries on both sides
are enlarged, firm. Discharge - leucorrhoea. Examination showed that the basal temperature
is monophase. What is the diagnosis?

A. Polycystic ovarian syndrome

B. Simmonds syndrome

C. Shiana syndrome

D. Genital tuberculosis

E. Shiana syndrome

The correct answer is: Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Question 38

A 30 year old patient complains of the absence of menstruation for 5 months. She marks the
discharge of colostrum from the mammary glands. Bimanual examination: the uterus is small,
mobile, painless. The uterine appendages are without features. On the x-ray of the skull, no
pathology was revealed. An increase in prolactin in blood serum was revealed. What is the

A. Hyperprolactinemia

B. Hypophysis adenoma

C. Polycystic ovarian syndrome

D. Genital tuberculosis

E. Hypothyroidism
The correct answer is: Hyperprolactinemia

Question 39

A 28 year old patient complains of pain in the lower abdomen, increasing the day before and
during menses, infertility for 5 years. In the anamnesis: resection of the right ovary
concerning a ruptured cyst. The uterus is in anteflexio, limited in mobility, normal size,
painless; to the right and behind the uterus a tumorous formation is palpated 8 х 8 cm in size,
elastic consistency, inactive, connected with posterior-lateral surface of the uterus,
moderately painful; the left appendages are not enlarged. What are the optimum medical

A. Use of agonists of gonadotropin-relizing-hormone for 6 months, if not effective -

laparoscopy, resection of the right ovary.

B. Mini- laparotomy, conservative myomectomy.

C. Antibacterial therapy for 7 days, if not effective - laparotomy, removal of the right uterine
appendage and left uterine tube.

D. Laparotomy, removal of the right uterine appendage, resection of the left ovary with
subsequent polychemotherapy.

E. Laparotomy, resection of the right ovary with subsequent hormonal therapy for 6-12

The correct answer is: Laparotomy, resection of the right ovary with subsequent hormonal
therapy for 6-12 months

Question 40

A patient complains of pain in the lower abdomen which increases during menses, coіtus and
irradiates to the vagina. From the anamnesis: 2 years ago the doctor of female consultation
suspected endometriosis. Bimanual examination - behind the uterus a dense, nodulose,
painful formation is determined. What is preliminary diagnosis?

A. Adenomyosis

B. Chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages

C. Retrocervical endometriosis

D. Endometriosis of the cervix uterus

E. Parametritis

The correct answer is: Retrocervical endometriosis

Question 41

A 38 year old patient for 3 years complains of painful menses, spotting of bloody discharge
with a brown colour before and after menses. In the anamnesis: 5 artificial abortions. During
examination, the uterus has a soft consistency, painful, a little enlarged, limited in mobility.
Ultrasound showed that the myometrium is granular, cystic. What is the diagnosis?

A. adenomyosis.

B. Hysteromyoma.

C. Endometritis.

D. Poliposis of the endometrium.

E. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

The correct answer is: adenomyosis.

Question 42

A patient has invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, which extends to the lower
third of the vagina; during examination right-sided hydronephrosis was revealed. Determine
the stage of cancer:

A. 2A

B. 4A

C. 1A.

D. 3

E. 2

The correct answer is: 4A

Question 43

A 30 year old patient, suffering from infertility for 10 years, complains of profuse, long
menstruations, accompanied by cramping pains. Bimanual examination: the uterus is enlarged
according to a 8 week pregnancy, the appendages are not determined. Hysterometry showed
a deformation of the uterus. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A. Algodismenorrhea

B. Chronic endometritis

C. Metrorrhagia

D. Uterine pregnancy

E. Submucous myoma of the uterus

The correct answer is: Submucous myoma of the uterus

Question 44
Histological data from separate diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane,
performed in connection with bleeding in postmenopause in a 51 year old women: in the
scrape from the cervical canal no pathology was revealed, from the uterine cavity - high-
grade differentiated adenocarcinoma was found. Further examination did not reveal
metastasises. Specify the treatment method:

A. Surgical treatment + radiation therapy.

B. Surgical treatment + chemotherapy.

C. Surgical treatment.

D. Radiation therapy.

E. Surgical treatment + hormone therapy.

The correct answer is: Surgical treatment + hormone therapy.

Question 45

A 59 year old woman complains of aching, gnawing pain in left iliac area, leg, particularly at
night. Blood is present in the urine and stool. Internal obstetrical examination: the vagina is
shortened, at the cervix uterus a crater with necrotic masses is determined. Discharge is the
colour of meat slops. In the pelvis, a conglomerate of tumor with a dense consistency, which
reaches the pelvic bones, immobile, painful is determined. What is the most probable

A. II stage cervical cancer

B. III stage cervical cancer

C. Cancer of the rectum

D. Bladder cancer

E. IV stage cervical cancer

The correct answer is: IV stage cervical cancer

Question 46

A 51 year old woman had a diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane because of
bleeding in the postmenopause period. Upon examination: length of the uterine cavity - 7 cm.
Pathohystological test of the scrape revealed high-grade differentiated adenocarcinoma.
Metastasises are not present. Appoint treatment:

A. Hysterectomy with the appendages.

B. Exenterative surgery.

C. Chemotherapy.
D. Radiation therapy.

E. Hysteroscopy.

The correct answer is: Hysterectomy with the appendages.

Question 47

A 70 year old patient for many years has been disturbed by an itch around the vulva; on the
labia majoris an ulcer with dense edges and necrotic bottom was found. Hrobak’s test is
positive. What disease is being characterized?

A. Vulvar kraurosis with secondary infection

B. Skin tuberculosis

C. Leukoplakia vulvae

D. Cancer of the vulva

E. Syphilis

The correct answer is: Cancer of the vulva

Question 48

A 38 year old woman came to the female consultation with complaints of long and profuse
menstruations for half a year, nagging pains in the lower abdomen, weakness. Gynecological
examination showed that the corpus uterus is increased to 11-12 week pregnancy, dense,
mobile, painless. In the blood analysis: anemia Hb = 90 g/l. What pathology can be suspected?

A. Pregnancy.

B. Myoma of the uterus.

C. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

D. Cancer of the corpus uterus.

E. Ovarian cystoma.

The correct answer is: Myoma of the uterus.

Question 49 (same as question 15)

A 46 year old patient is disturbed by frequent urination. Pathologies of the urinary system are
not revealed. Bimanual exam: the uterus is enlarged to a 14 week pregnancy, multiple
myomatous nodes are determined; on the anterior uterine wall - a node 8 cm in diameter is
determined. The appendages are not determined. Discharge is mucous, moderate. Data from
the histological test of the mucous of the cervical canal shows glandulo-fibrous polyp: the
corpus uterus - polyposis of the endometrium. Colposcopy revealed ectropion of the cervix.
A. Extirpation of the uterus without appendages.

B. Extirpation of the uterus with appendages.

C. Supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages.

D. Supravaginal amputation of the uterus without the appendages.

E. Expanded extirpation of the uterus.

The correct answer is: Extirpation of the uterus with appendages.

Question 50

A 32 year old woman addressed the gynecologist with complaints of profuse, long
menstruations for last 3 months. Bimanual examination: the corpus uterus is enlarged like a
12 week pregnancy, deformed, tuberculous, dense consistency. The appendages are not
palpated. Results of a biopsy: glandular - cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium. What are
the optimum medical tactics:

A. Radiation therapy.

B. Phytotherapy.

C. Surgical treatment.

D. Hormone therapy.

E. Cyclic vitamin therapy.

The correct answer is: Surgical treatment.

Question 51

The cytological test of vaginal smear of a 38 year old woman did not revealed any atypism.
Smears from the cervical canal revealed atypical cells. What are the doctor’s tactics?

A. Repeat the colposcopy in 3 months.

B. Vaginal hysterectomy.

C. Further supervision is not obligatory.

D. Repeat the smear for atypical cells 3 months.

E. Conization of the cervix.

The correct answer is: Conization of the cervix.

Question 52
A 46 year old woman was delivered to the gynecological department with dysfunctional
uterine bleed after a delay in menstruation for 2 weeks. What is the necessary treatment to
begin with?

A. Non-hormonal hemostasis.

B. Fractional medical-diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

C. Hormonal hemostasis.

D. Cyclic hormonal therapy.

E. Amputation of the uterus.

The correct answer is: Fractional medical-diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous

Question 53

The cytological test of vaginal smear of a 34 year old woman along with colpitis revealed
atypical cells. Determine the conducting tactics:

A. Biopsy of the cervix uterus.

B. Colposcopy.

C. Fractional curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

D. Electrocauterizing conization.

E. Repeated cytological test after finishing treatment for copitis.

The correct answer is: Repeated cytological test after finishing treatment for copitis.

Question 54

A 20 year old patient arrived at the gynecological department with complaints of sharp pain
in the lower abdomen after physical activity. Last menses was 2 weeks ago. Vaginal exam: the
uterus is not enlarged, painless, the left appendage is sharply painful during palpation, which
complicates the exam. Promtov symptom is positive. The posterior fornix hangs, painful.
Pulse is 96 b.p.m., BP is 100/60 mm hg. What pathology is being described?

A. Ruptured left-sided tubal pregnancy.

B. Acute left sided salpingo-oophoritis.

C. Apoplexy of the left ovary. Blumberg or promtovs positive and

fornix painful = pelviperitonitis
D. Pyosalpingx to the left.

E. Tumor of the left ovary.

The correct answer is: Apoplexy of the left ovary.

Question 55

А 32 year old woman complains of a sudden pain in right iliac areas, irradiating to the rectum
and right leg. The patient is pale, BP - 95/50 mm hg on both hands, pulse - 105 b.p.m. 16th
day of the menstrual cycle. Blumberg's sign is positive. Bimanual examination: the uterus has
a normal size, morbidity is determined in the area of the right appendages, the left
appendages are without features. Movement of the cervix uterus is painful, the posterior
vaginal fornix is painful, tense. Discharge is bloody, moderate. What is the preliminary

A. Appendicitis

B. Acute right sided adnexitis

C. Apoplexy of an ovary

D. Pelviperitonitis

E. Extra-uterine pregnancy

The correct answer is: Apoplexy of an ovary

Question 56

A 24 year old patient, not married, has a chaotic sex life. She arrived at the gynecological
department concerning pelviperitonitis. A lightly positive symptoms of irritation of the
peritoneum in the lower abdomen are marked. The external orifice of the urethra are
hyperemic. Smears from the urethra and cervical canal discharge show gonococcus. What
treatment is necessary?

A. Vaginal sprays with hydrogen peroxide.

B. Urgent laparotomy, drain the abdominal cavity.

C. Urgent laparotomy, supravaginal amputation of the uterus.

D. Cold on the lower abdomen, supervision.

E. Intensive antibiotic therapy.

The correct answer is: Intensive antibiotic therapy.

Question 57

A 28 year old patient complains of intensive pain in the lower area of the abdomen, increase
in body temperature to 39?С, nausea. She became ill after menses. Sexual activity outside of
marriage. The palpation of the abdomen is painful in the lower area. Blumberg's sign is
positive. Examination: contours of the uterus and appendages are not precisely determined
because of the tense anterior abdominal wall. The posterior fornix is sharply painful.
Discharge is purulent. What diagnosis is most probable?

A. Torsion of the leg of a cyst of an ovary

B. Рelviperitonitis

C. Рarametritis

D. Appendicitis

E. Аdenomyosis

The correct answer is: Рelviperitonitis

Question 58

A 46 year old patient complains of pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, body
temperature of 39,5°С. For the past 12 years she has an intrauterine spiral. Her condition is
moderate severity, pulse is 120 bpm, BP is 120/80 mm hg. The tongue is dry, has a white film
on it. The stomach is bloated, sharply painful in all areas, dullness of percussion sound,
Shetkin - Blumberg symptom is positive. During bimanual exam, a painful, motionless
conglomerate, 12x14x18 is determined. Discharge from the sex path is purulent. What is the
volume of operative intervention?

A. Draining the pathological formation under the control of a transvaginal echography with
subsequent antibacterial and infusion therapy.

B. Removing the intrauterine spiral with subsequent combined antibacterial and infusion-
transfusion therapy for 7 days. If there is no effect - laparotomy by Pfannenshtil, bilateral

C. Emergency laparotomy; inferomedian laparotomy; panhysterectomy; draining the

abdominal cavity.

D. Explorative laparoscopy; cleaning and draining the abdominal cavity.

E. Emergency laparotomy; laparotomy by Joel - Cohen; supravaginal amputation of the uterus

with the tubes; omentectomy.

The correct answer is: Emergency laparotomy; inferomedian laparotomy; panhysterectomy;

draining the abdominal cavity.

Question 59

A 17-year-old woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen for 12 hours, gradually
increasing, weakness, dizziness. Мenses since the age of 14, 3-4/26-28. A delay in
menstruation for 2 weeks. Sexual activity for a year. She has not been using contraceptives.
The abdomen is tense. Bimanual examination: the uterus is slightly enlarged, movement is
painful. The appendages are not precisely contoured, the posterior fornix is protruding.
Discharge from the genital tract is dark-bloody, poor. What is the preliminary diagnosis?

A. Appendicitis.

B. Apoplexy of an ovary.
C. Torsion of the leg of a tumor of an ovary.

D. Ruptured extra-uterine pregnancy.

E. Miscarriage at an early term.

The correct answer is: Ruptured extra-uterine pregnancy.

Question 60

A woman complains of sharp pain in the abdomen, increase in body temperature to 38,0°С.
She knows about the presence of a hysteromyoma for 3 years. Symptoms of irritation of the
peritoneum are positive in the lower parts of the abdomen. Leukocytes 10,2 Т/l, ESR 28 mm/
hour. Bimanual examination: the corpus uterus is enlarge to the size of 8 - 9 week pregnancy,
on the anterior surface - sharply painful myomatous node 4 х 4 cm in size, the uterine
appendages are not changed. Ultrasound confirms the presence of subserous myomatous
node. What diagnosis is most probable?

A. Internal endometriosis.

B. Tuboovarian tumor.

C. Acute adnexitis.

D. Perimetritis.

E. Necrosis of the myomatous node.

The correct answer is: Necrosis of the myomatous node.

Question 61

A 28 year old woman arrived at the gynecological ward with complaints of pain in the lower
abdomen to the left and a small amount of bloody discharge for the last 2 days. In the
anamnesis - ІІ births. Last menstruation - 6 weeks ago. Dysfunctions of the menstrual cycle
before this time were not noticed. She protected from pregnancy with the help of
intrauterine contraceptive. BP upon arrival was 110/70 mm hg, hemoglobin 124 gr/l. What
test method is most informative?

A. Functional diagnostic test.

B. X-ray of the ephippium.

C. Determining the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine.

D. Diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

E. Transvaginal echography.

The correct answer is: Transvaginal echography.

Question 62
A 24 year old woman, who has not been pregnant before, stopped taking oral contraceptives.
After the last one, she had one menstruation and then for 6 months she had amenorrhea.
Specify the necessary tests:

A. Determining the amount of testosterone in the blood serum.

B. Computer tomography of the head.

C. Determining the level of gonadotropin.

D. Progesterone test.

E. Ultrasound of the organs of the small pelvis.

The correct answer is: Ultrasound of the organs of the small pelvis.

Question 63

A woman complains of a small amount of dark-bloody discharge from the genital tract and
weak pain in the lower abdomen for several days. Last menstruation - 7 weeks ago. Pregnancy
test is positive. Bimanual examination: the uterus body is enlarged to 5-6 week pregnancy,
soft consistency, painless. To the left in the area of the uterine appendages a retor-shaped
formation is found with a size of 7х5 cm, mobile, painless. What is necessary to determine
the location of the definition fetal egg?

A. Hysteroscopy.

B. Cystoscopy.

C. Colposcopy.

D. Chromohydrotubation.

E. Ultrasound of the organs of the small pelvis.

The correct answer is: Ultrasound of the organs of the small pelvis.

Question 64

A 34 year old woman, who had 4 pregnancies, without any gynecological diseases in the
anamnesis, on the 17th day of the menstrual cycle, had uterine bleeding. Which of the exams
is most important in this case?

A. Hysterosalpingography

B. Diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity

C. Colposcopy

D. Determining the thyroid profile

E. Colpocytology
The correct answer is: Diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity

Question 65

47 year old woman complains of long menstruations /10-13 days / with increased blood loss,
decrease in the level of Hb to 10-15 gr/l throughout the past 1,5 years. Objectively: I degree
obesity. BP is 140/95 mm hg, haemoglobin 90 gr/l, I degree diabetes. Bimanual exam: the size
of the uterus, consistency and its form and the uterine appendages are normal. Determine
the medical tactics:

A. Appoint combined oral contraceptives.

B. Appoint estrogen.

C. Appoint non-steroid anti-inflammatory therapy.

D. Appoint progestin прогестинов.

E. Fractional diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane

The correct answer is: Fractional diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane

Question 66

A 30 year old woman addressed the doctor with complaints of the absence of menstruation for
2 years after her second childbirth. Childbirth was complicated with massive bleeding. After
birth, the patient had hair loss, loss of body weight. Objectively: the patient is adynamic, the
external genitals are hypoplasic, the cervix has a cylindrical form, the corpus uterus is small,
painless. The uterine appendages are not determined. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A. Shtein - Leventhal’s syndrome.

B. Primary amenorrhea.

C. Tumour of the hypophysis (Itsenko - Cushing disease).

D. Hypophysial [pituitary] amenorrhea (Shihan’s syndrome).

E. Uterine pregnancy.

The correct answer is: Hypophysial [pituitary] amenorrhea (Shihan’s syndrome).

Question 67

A 15 year old girl complains of bloody discharge from the vagina for 2 weeks, which began
after a 3 month delay of menstruation. Menarche at 13 years. Irregular menstrual cycle. Blood
analysis: Нb - 90 gr/l, erythrocytes - 2,0х1012/l, leukocytes - 5,6х109/l. Rectal exam: the
uterus has a normal size, the appendages are not palpated. What diagnosis is most probable?

A. Juvenile bleeding

B. Cancer of the endometrium

C. Blood clotting disorder

D. Incomplete abortion

E. Polyp of the endometrium

The correct answer is: Juvenile bleeding

Question 68

A 24 year old woman with regular menstrual cycle in the past, addressed the doctor with
complaints of irregular menstrual cycle. The level of prolactin in the blood is increased. What
is the most informative method of testing?

A. Determine the level of gonadotropin.

B. Progesterone test.

C. Determine the level of thyrotrophic hormone.

D. Determine the level of prolactin in the blood.

E. Determine of level of testosterone in the blood.

The correct answer is: Determine the level of thyrotrophic hormone.

Question 69

A 45 year old patient complains of abundant, painful menses, smearing bloody discharge from
the genital tract before and after menses. The uterus is in retroinflection, enlarged to the
size of 8-9 week pregnancy, dense, limited in mobility; the appendages on both sides are not
determined, parametrium is free, discharges mucous, light. On what day of the menstrual
cycle is it necessary to perform hysterosalpingography?

A. During ovulation (14th day of the menstrual cycle).

B. It does not mater.

C. During menses (3rd day of the menstrual cycle).

D. During the follicular phase of the cycle (on the 7th day of the menstrual cycle).

E. During the luteine phase of the menstrual cycle (on the 25th day).

The correct answer is: During the follicular phase of the cycle (on the 7th day of the
menstrual cycle).

Question 70

А 34 year old woman complains of bloody spotting discharge from the genital tract for a
couple of days prior to menses. In the anamnesis - diathermocoagulation 2 years ago.
Examination of the cervix uterus in the mirrors revealed cyanotic cysts in the form of "eyes".
What should be appointed for confirmation of the diagnosis?

A. Biopsy of the cervix uterus.

B. Laparoscopy.

C. Ultrasound of the organs of the pelvis.

D. Smear for cytological testing.

E. Colposcopy.

The correct answer is: Biopsy of the cervix uterus.

Question 71

А 25 year old patient addressed the doctor with complaints of long painful menses, with long
premenstrual discharge, infertility for 5 years. Examination of the cervix uterus in the mirrors
- inclusions like "eyes". What is the preliminary diagnosis?

A. Cancer of the cervix uterus

B. Menstrual dysfunction

C. Polyp of the cervical canal

D. Endometriosis

E. Erosion of the cervix uterus

The correct answer is: Endometriosis

Question 72

A 32 year old patient with parametral variation of infiltrated cervical cancer had a massive
intraabdominal bleed caused by the rupture of a cyst of the yellow body. What should be the
volume of help?

A. Infusion and conservative haemostatic therapy

B. Hormonal hemostasis

C. Laparotomy, ovarian resection

D. Laparotomy, adnexectomy

E. Laparotomy expanded hysterectomy with the appendages

The correct answer is: Laparotomy, adnexectomy

Question 73
A 31 year old patient complains of constant spotting bloody discharge from the genital tract
for the past 3 months, contact bleedings. Bimanual exam: the cervix uterus is enlongated,
limited in mobility, dense upon palpation. Examination in the mirrors showed a crater-like
ulcer in the centre. Hrobak’s test is positive. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A. Erosion of the cervix

B. Cervical leukoplakia

C. Cervical polyp

D. Cervical pregnancy

E. Cervical cancer

The correct answer is: Cervical cancer

Question 74

A 59 year old woman complains of aching, gnawing pain in left iliac area, leg, particularly at
night. Blood is present in the urine and stool. Internal obstetrical examination: the vagina is
shortened, at the cervix uterus a crater with necrotic masses is determined. Discharge is the
colour of meat slops. In the pelvis, a conglomerate of tumor with a dense consistency, which
reaches the pelvic bones, immobile, painful is determined. What is the most probable

A. III stage cervical cancer

B. Cancer of the rectum

C. IV stage cervical cancer

D. II stage cervical cancer

E. Bladder cancer

The correct answer is: IV stage cervical cancer

Question 75

A 45 year old patient arrived with complaints of spotting after sexual intercourse. For the last
2 years, she marks watery discharge from the vagina. During examination in the mirrors, the
cervix is hypertrophied, growths which bleed upon touch are noticed. Bimanual examination
showed that the corpus uterus is a little enlarged, mobile, painless. The appendages are not
determined. The vaginal fornix and parametrium are free. Discharge after examination is
dark, bloody. What is the most informative test?

A. Schiller's test

B. Colposcopy

C. Cytological test of the smears

D. Histological test of the biopsy material from the cervix

E. Limpho- and vasography of the pelvis

The correct answer is: Histological test of the biopsy material from the cervix

Question 76

A 40 year old patient for a year has marked profuse menstruations, accompanied by cramping
pains in the lower abdomen. During the next menstruation, vaginal exam was performed: a
mass with a diameter of 5 cm, dense consistency was found in the cervix canal. The uterus is
enlarged like a 5-6 week pregnancy, usual consistency, mobile, painful. The appendages are
not determined. Discharge is bloody, profuse. What diagnosis can be assumed?

A. Born submucous fibromatous node

B. Cancer of the cervix uterus

C. Algodismenorrhea

D. Abort in course F
E. Cervical myoma

The correct answer is: Born submucous fibromatous node

Question 77

A 40 year old patient complains of cramping pains in the lower abdomen and profuse bloody
discharge from the genital tract. For the past 2 years, menstruation has been 16 days,
profuse, with clots, painful. Bimanual examination showed a fibromatous node in the cervical
canal with a diameter of 3 cm, on a thin leg, retrieving into the uterine cavity. The uterus is
little bit larger than normal, dense, painless. The uterine appendages on both sides are not
changed. Discharge is bloody, moderate. Choose the correct tactics:

A. Twisting the born node.

B. Cyclic vitamin therapy

C. Supravaginal amputation of the uterus without the appendages.

D. Extirpation of the uterus without the appendages.

E. Hormonal hemostasis.

The correct answer is: Twisting the born node.

Question 78

A 54 year old patient had a biopsy of the cervix. Histological test of the biopsy material
revealed squamous cell non-keratinizing cancer. The depth of the invasion - 5 mm. Determine
the stage of the disease.

B. 0.

C. 1B.


E. ІІ.

The correct answer is: 1B.

Question 79

Histological data from separate diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane,
performed in connection with bleeding in postmenopause in a 51 year old women: in the
scrape from the cervical canal no pathology was revealed, from the uterine cavity - high-
grade differentiated adenocarcinoma was found. Further examination did not reveal
metastasises. Specify the treatment method:

A. Radiation therapy.

B. Surgical treatment + chemotherapy.

C. Surgical treatment.

D. Surgical treatment + hormone therapy.

E. Surgical treatment + radiation therapy.

The correct answer is: Surgical treatment + hormone therapy.

Question 80

Examination of the cervix of a 32 year old woman in the mirrors revealed hyperemia of the
cervical canal and vaginal part of the cervix uterus. Which method is possible to establish the
pathology of the cervix uterus?

A. Separate diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane

B. Ultrasound

C. Colpycytology

D. Culdoscopy

E. Colposcopy with biopsy and subsequent histological testing

The correct answer is: Colposcopy with biopsy and subsequent histological testing

Question 81
A 25 year old patient complains of an increase in leucorrhea discharge from the genital tract
for the last 2 months. From anamnesis, 2 years ago she had a baby; childbirth was
complicated by a rupture of cervix uterus. Examination in the mirrors: the cervix uterus has a
cylindrical form. On the anterior lip, there is an area of bright erosive surface. Upon touch, it
does not bleed. Bimanual examination - movement of the cervix uterus is not painful. The
external os passes a finger tip. The uterus has a normal size, mobile, painless. What is the
possible diagnosis?

A. Polyp of the cervix uterus

B. Leukoplakia

C. Erosion of the cervix uterus

D. Decubital ulcer

E. Cancer of the cervix uterus

The correct answer is: Erosion of the cervix uterus

Question 82

A 40 year old patient complains of yellowish color vaginal discharge; from the anamnesis - 1
childbirth and 2 artificial abortions. Examination in the mirrors: the mucous is hyperemic, on
the posterior lip of cervix uterus - whitish areas with definite contours. Bimanual
examination: the corpus uterus and appendages are without pathological changes. The white
color discharge is foamy, in the smear - trichomonas and mixed flora. Colposcopy: two whitish
areas on the anterior lip, iodine-negative. What are your tactics?

A. Cryodestruction of the cervix uterus.

B. Target biopsy after treatment of trichomonad colpitis

C. Amputation of the cervix uterus

D. Diathermo-coagulation of the cervix uterus.

E. Treating the trichomonad colpitis.

The correct answer is: Target biopsy after treatment of trichomonad colpitis

Question 83

A 22 year old patient addressed the female consultation with complaints of contact bloody
discharge from the genital tract, which she noticed after sexual intercourse during the last
two weeks. Examination of the cervix and vagina in the mirrors: the cervix uterus has a conic
form, the external os is a spot, discharge is mucous - bloody. On the anterior lip of the cervix
was founded erosive surface with sizes 0,5 х 1 cm; when touched it bleeds. Cytology - type ІІ.
ІІ degree vaginal cleanliness. What are the treatment methods?
A. Extirpation of the uterus with appendages

B. cryodestruction

C. Chemotherapy

D. Diathermo-coagulation

E. Laser therapy

The correct answer is: cryodestruction

Question 84

A 28 year old patient was delivered to the gynecological ward with complaints of a sharp pain
in the right iliac area, which occurred after lifting something heavy. Last menstruation was 10
days ago, on time. During examination in the mirrors: the vagina and cervix uterus are
without characteristics. During vaginal examination the uterus body and appendages are not
accessible for palpation because of acute pain and tension in the muscles of the anterior
abdominal wall. The posterior fornix hangs and is painful. What is necessary to specify the

A. Colposcopy.

B. Сuldoscopy.

C. Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix

D. Hysteroscopy.

E. Determine chorionic gonadotropin.

The correct answer is: Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix

Question 85

A 20 year old patient complains of delay in menses for 10 days. Menstrual dysfunction is
marked for the first time. Sex life is regular, and no pregnancy has occurred. During
examination: condition is satisfactory, stomach is soft, painless, BP is 120/80 mm hg, pulse is
72 bpm, of satisfactory properties. During transvaginal echography a progressing tubal
pregnancy was suspected. What are the most optimal tactics of the doctor in the conditions
of a hospital?

Select one:

A. Hysteroscopy with subsequent testing of a smear from the endometrium.

B. Medical-diagnostic laparoscopy.

C. Planned appendectomy.

D. Emergency appendectomy.
E. Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix under the control of
an ultrasound.

The correct answer is: Medical-diagnostic laparoscopy.

Question 86

A 28 year old patient complains of intensive pain in the lower area of the abdomen, increase
in body temperature to 39?С, nausea. She became ill after menses. Sexual activity outside of
marriage. The palpation of the abdomen is painful in the lower area. Blumberg's sign is
positive. Examination: contours of the uterus and appendages are not precisely determined
because of the tense anterior abdominal wall. The posterior fornix is sharply painful.
Discharge is purulent. What diagnosis is most probable?

A. Torsion of the leg of a cyst of an ovary

B. Аdenomyosis

C. Рarametritis

D. Рelviperitonitis

E. Appendicitis

The correct answer is: Рelviperitonitis

Question 87

A 20 year old patient arrived at the gynecological department with complaints of sharp pain
in the lower abdomen after physical activity. Last menses was 2 weeks ago. Vaginal exam: the
uterus is not enlarged, painless, the left appendage is sharply painful during palpation, which
complicates the exam. Promtov symptom is positive. The posterior fornix hangs, painful.
Pulse is 96 b.p.m., BP is 100/60 mm hg. What pathology is being described?

A. Tumor of the left ovary.

B. Ruptured left-sided tubal pregnancy.

C. Pyosalpingx to the left.

D. Apoplexy of the left ovary.

E. Acute left sided salpingo-oophoritis.

The correct answer is: Apoplexy of the left ovary.

Question 88

A woman arrived at the gynecological hospital with complaints of acute pain in the lower
abdomen. One year ago during a routine check-up, a tumor of the right ovary was diagnosed.
She refused an operation. During examination, positive symptoms of irritation of the
peritoneum. Bimanual exam - the uterus is usual in size, painless, to the right a formation 8
cm in size is determined, sharply painful, dense, with accurate contours. What is the possible

A. Ruptured ovarian cyst

B. Torsion of the leg of a cyst of an ovary

C. Extra-uterine pregnancy

D. Acute right sided adnexitis

E. Pelviperitonitis

The correct answer is: Torsion of the leg of a cyst of an ovary

Question 89

A woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen, irradiating to the anus, dizziness, which
occurs after coitus. In the anamnesis: inflammation of the uterine appendages for 7 years.
15th day of the menstrual cycle. Skin is pale; stomach is soft, painful during palpation,
positive symptoms of irritation of the peritoneum. Pulse is 110 b.p.m. Bimanual examination
shows an enlarged spherical, painful right ovary, painful posterior and right lateral vaginal
fornix. Bloody discharge is not present. What is the probable cause of acute abdomen?

A. Interrupted extra-uterine pregnancy by tubal rupture.

B. Ovarian tumor with infringement of nutrition.

C. Acute attack of chronic adnexitis.

D. Extra-uterine pregnancy which was interrupted by tubal abortion.

E. apoplexy of an ovary.

The correct answer is: apoplexy of an ovary.

Question 90

A 20 year old patient complains of delay in menses for 10 days. Menstrual dysfunction is
marked for the first time. Sex life is regular, and no pregnancy has occurred. During
examination: condition is satisfactory, stomach is soft, painless, BP is 120/80 mm hg, pulse is
72 bpm, of satisfactory properties. During transvaginal echography a progressing tubal
pregnancy was suspected. What is the correct tactics of the doctor at the female

A. Give a medical certificate and direct the patient to determine the titer of CG in the blood
or urine. Recommend another visit to the female consultation after receiving results from the

B. Recommend another visit in a week for a control ultrasound.

C. Conduct tests of functional diagnostics.

D. Urgent hospitalization of the patient for specification of the diagnosis and deciding
treatment tactics.

E. Perform a puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix.

The correct answer is: Urgent hospitalization of the patient for specification of the diagnosis
and deciding treatment tactics.

Question 91

A 19 year old woman addressed the female consultation for routine examination. She has no
complaints. She was at the gynecologist one year ago. The gynecologic anamnesis is not
complicated. Sex life in marriage since the age of 18. She was examined by a gynecologist.
Smears for flora were taken. Conclusion: practically healthy. Screening cytologic exam of the
cervix uterus is done:

A. After the age of 20

B. In all women with the beginning of sex life.

C. After the age of 40

D. In women with diseases of the cervix.

E. After the age of 40-50

The correct answer is: In all women with the beginning of sex life.

Question 92

A 28 year old woman arrived at the gynecological ward with complaints of pain in the lower
abdomen to the left and a small amount of bloody discharge for the last 2 days. In the
anamnesis - ІІ births. Last menstruation - 6 weeks ago. Dysfunctions of the menstrual cycle
before this time were not noticed. She protected from pregnancy with the help of
intrauterine contraceptive. BP upon arrival was 110/70 mm hg, hemoglobin 124 gr/l. What
test method is most informative?

A. Diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

B. Functional diagnostic test.

C. X-ray of the ephippium.

D. Transvaginal echography.

E. Determining the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine.

The correct answer is: Transvaginal echography.

Question 93
A crimson spot the sizes of 1 cm, which does not stain with Lugol’s solution, at touch does not
bleed, was found on the cervix uterus in a 30 year old pregnant women. What additional test
is indicated?

A. Biopsy

B. Colposcopy

C. Testing is not indicated

D. Testing is possible only after delivery

E. Diagnostic excision of the cervix uterus

The correct answer is: Biopsy

Question 94

A woman complains of a small amount of dark-bloody discharge from the genital tract and
weak pain in the lower abdomen for several days. Last menstruation - 7 weeks ago. Pregnancy
test is positive. Bimanual examination: the uterus body is enlarged to 5-6 week pregnancy,
soft consistency, painless. To the left in the area of the uterine appendages a retor-shaped
formation is found with a size of 7х5 cm, mobile, painless. What is necessary to determine
the location of the definition fetal egg?

A. Chromohydrotubation.

B. Cystoscopy.

C. Hysteroscopy.

D. Ultrasound of the organs of the small pelvis.

E. Colposcopy.

The correct answer is: Ultrasound of the organs of the small pelvis.

Question 95

A 24 year old women has not had menstruation for 4 months. She is not pregnant. Before her
menstrual cycle was regular. But since then, she has been playing sports intensively. Specify
the type of amenorrhea:

A. Physiological amenorrhea.

B. Eugonadotropic amenorrhea.

C. Amenorrhea, caused by hyerandrogenia.

D. Hypergonadotropic amenorrhea.

E. Hypogonadotric amenorrhea
The correct answer is: Hypogonadotric amenorrhea

Question 96

47 year old woman complains of long menstruations /10-13 days / with increased blood loss,
decrease in the level of Hb to 10-15 gr/l throughout the past 1,5 years. Objectively: I degree
obesity. BP is 140/95 mm hg, haemoglobin 90 gr/l, I degree diabetes. Bimanual exam: the size
of the uterus, consistency and its form and the uterine appendages are normal. Determine
the medical tactics:

A. Appoint progestin прогестинов.

B. Fractional diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane

C. Appoint combined oral contraceptives.

D. Appoint non-steroid anti-inflammatory therapy.

E. Appoint estrogen.

The correct answer is: Fractional diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane

Question 97

A 35-year-old woman was addressed to the doctor 3 months ago with complaints of irregular
profuse menstrual bleeding. The doctor administered oral contraceptives for 2 months.
Despite of using oral contraceptives, bleeding continued. What is the conducting tactics?

A. Progestin.

B. Curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

C. Nonspecific anti-inflammatory treatment.

D. Estrogen.

E. Oral contraceptives.

The correct answer is: Curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

Question 98

A 24 year old patient, 13 months after her first birth, complains of amenorrhea. She delivered
by cesarian section because of premature detachment of a normally located placenta and
intrauterine asphyxia of the fetus; there was approximately 2000 ml of blood lose due to
abnormalities of blood coagulability. What test is indicated for the patient?

A. Determining the level of gonadotropin.

B. Ultrasound of the organs of the small pelvis.

C. Determining the amount of testosterone in the blood serum.

D. Computer tomography of the head.

E. Progesterone test.

The correct answer is: Determining the level of gonadotropin.

Question 99

А 25 year old patient addressed the doctor with complaints of long painful menses, with long
premenstrual discharge, infertility for 5 years. Examination of the cervix uterus in the mirrors
- inclusions like "eyes". What is the preliminary diagnosis?

A. Erosion of the cervix uterus

B. Polyp of the cervical canal

C. Cancer of the cervix uterus

D. Endometriosis

E. Menstrual dysfunction

The correct answer is: Endometriosis

Question 100

A patient was hospitalized with complaints of periodic pain in the lower abdomen, increasing
during menses, weakness, nervousness, spotting dark blood discharge from the vagina the day
before and after menses. Bimanual exam: the corpus uterus is enlarged, the appendages are
not determined, a tuberous surface is in the posterior fornix. Laparoscopy: on the ovaries,
peritoneum, sacrouterine recess and pararectal tissue- «cyanotic eyes». What is the most
probable diagnosis?

A. Cystoma of the ovaries

B. Widespread form of endometriosis

C. Tuberculosis of the genitals

D. Policytosis of the ovaries

E. Chronic salpingitis

The correct answer is: Widespread form of endometriosis

Question 101

A patient complains of pain in the lower abdomen which increases during menses, coіtus and
irradiates to the vagina. From the anamnesis: 2 years ago the doctor of female consultation
suspected endometriosis. Bimanual examination - behind the uterus a dense, nodulose,
painful formation is determined. What is preliminary diagnosis?
A. Chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages

B. Endometriosis of the cervix uterus

C. Adenomyosis

D. Parametritis

E. Retrocervical endometriosis

The correct answer is: Retrocervical endometriosis

Question 102

A 30 year old patient, suffering from infertility for 10 years, complains of profuse, long
menstruations, accompanied by cramping pains. Bimanual examination: the uterus is enlarged
according to a 8 week pregnancy, the appendages are not determined. Hysterometry showed
a deformation of the uterus. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A. Submucous myoma of the uterus

B. Chronic endometritis

C. Algodismenorrhea

D. Metrorrhagia

E. Uterine pregnancy

The correct answer is: Submucous myoma of the uterus

Question 103

A pregnant woman during primary examination at 28 weeks term was diagnosed with II stage
cervical cancer. What are the tactics of the doctor?

A. Prolong the pregnancy till birth

B. Emergency delivery through natural birth canal

C. Surgical treatment - expanded panhysterectomy after a C-section

D. Chemotherapy

E. Combined radiation therapy

The correct answer is: Surgical treatment - expanded panhysterectomy after a C-section

Question 104

A 63 year old patient complains of bloody discharge from the genital tract for 2 weeks, dull
constant pain in the lower abdomen. Menopause for 8 years. The pain occurred about 4
months ago; she lost her appetite, became thin. For the last 8 months, she noticed a small
amount of rare watery leucorrhoea. The cervix uterus is formed, the epithelium is whole, and
the external orifice is closed. Bimanual exam: the uterus is a little enlarged, has a dense
consistency, limited mobility, painless during palpation. The appendages on both sides are
without features. What is the diagnosis?

A. Born fibriod

B. Chorioepithelioma

C. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

D. Cancer of the uterus

E. Endometritis

The correct answer is: Cancer of the uterus

Question 105

A 47 year old woman has had a uterine myoma for 8 years; she has not been treated. For the
past year the tumor has grown to the size of a 15 week pregnancy. What are the tactics of the

A. Ultrasound, regular medical check-ups.

B. Perform diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane, prophylactic medical check-

C. Emergency operative treatment.

D. Hormonal therapy.

E. Perform a diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane, operative treatment after
histological conclusion.

The correct answer is: Perform a diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane,
operative treatment after histological conclusion.

Question 106

A 46 year old woman addressed the doctor with the diagnosis myoma of the uterus. Menstrual
cycle has duration of 30-50 days, 7 days of profuse bleeding, border menstrual blood
discharge. What method of examination is not informative for determining the doctor’s

A. Intravenous pyelography

B. General blood analysis

C. Hysterosalpinogography

D. Ultrasound of the pelvis

E. Biopsy of the endometrium

The correct answer is: Intravenous pyelography

Question 107

A patient with cervical cancer, the process was distributed to the vagina. Biopsy of this site
revealed invasive squamous cell carcinoma. The vaginal exam revealed a firmness of the
parametral area, which does not reach the pelvic walls. Name the stage of cancer:

A. Іа.

B. ІVа.

C. Іb.

D. ІIb

E. ІIa.

The correct answer is: ІIb

Question 108

A 23 year old woman who has one spontaneous abortion in her anamnesis was diagnosed with
microinvasive cervical cancer (depth of defect - 2 mm). Appoint treatment:

A. Radical hysterectomy.

B. Anti-inflammatory therapy.

C. Amputation of the cervix.

D. Electrocauterizing conization of cervix uterus.

E. Fractional curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

The correct answer is: Electrocauterizing conization of cervix uterus.

Question 109

A 62 year old patient complains of spotting bloody discharge from the genital tract for a
week. Menopause for 14 years. During bimanual examination, the bloody discharge from the
genital tract increased, the uterus is a little larger than normal, painless, appendages on both
sides are not enlarged, painless. Examination in the mirrors, the cervix uterus is epithelized.
What is the preliminary diagnosis?

A. Poliposis of the endometrium.

B. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding .

C. Adenomyosis of the uterus.

D. Myoma of the uterus.

E. Cancer of the corpus uterus.

The correct answer is: Cancer of the corpus uterus.

Question 110

Annual cytological test of vaginal smear of a 46 year old women revealed dysplasia of the
light degree. Colposcopy diagnosis: distinct transition from flat epithelium to cylindrical.
What should the doctor appoint?

A. Cryodestruction of the cervix.

B. Fractional diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

C. Electrocauterizing conization of cervix uterus.

D. Anti-inflammatory therapy.

E. Biopsy of the cervix.

The correct answer is: Fractional diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

Question 111

A 40 year old patient complains of contact bloody discharge from the sexual tract; during
gynecological examination, the cervix uterus is erosive, hypertrophied, deformed due to
postnatal ruptures, the external os is not completely closed. The uterus and appendages are
without pathological changes, the parametrium is free. Expanded colposcopy revealed an
extensive zone of transformation with a considerable amount of open and closed glands, a
site of ectopia on the anterior lip, leukoplakia at 12 o'clock. What treatment should be
recommended to the patient?

A. Electro-surgical or cryogenic influence.

B. Supervision.

C. Processing the cervix uterus with a beam of helium - neon laser.

D. Surgical treatment.

E. Local application of tampons with ointments, containing antibiotics and preparations

increasing the regenerative ability of epithelium.

The correct answer is: Surgical treatment.

Question 112

The cytological test of vaginal smears of a 45 year old woman revealed squamous cell
metaplasia. Determine the conducting tactics:
A. Annual cytological test of vaginal smears.

B. Electrocauterizing conization.

C. Fractional curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

D. Colposcopy.

E. Colposcopy with aim biopsy.

The correct answer is: Colposcopy with aim biopsy.

Question 113

A 46 year old woman was delivered to the gynecological department with dysfunctional
uterine bleed after a delay in menstruation for 2 weeks. What is the necessary treatment to
begin with?

A. Cyclic hormonal therapy.

B. Fractional medical-diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

C. Amputation of the uterus.

D. Non-hormonal hemostasis.

E. Hormonal hemostasis.

The correct answer is: Fractional medical-diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous

Question 114

A 25 year old patient was hospitalized in the gynecology department with complaints of pain
in the lower abdomen, increase in body temperature to 39,7°С. Objectively: BP -120/80 mm
hg, Pulse - 108 b.p.m. of satisfactory properties. The stomach is bloated moderately, sharply
painful in the lower area. Blumberg's sign is positive in the hypogastric area. Vaginal
examination: the uterus and appendages are not palpated due to the tense anterior
abdominal wall. The posterior vaginal fornix hangs, sharply painful. Specify the most probable

A. Acute endometritis

B. Acute adnexitis

C. Pelviperitonitis

D. Extra-uterine pregnancy. Blumberg positive no pain

E. Apoplexy of an ovary =apoplexyof overy
The correct answer is: Pelviperitonitis
Question 115

А 32 year old woman complains of a sudden pain in right iliac areas, irradiating to the rectum
and right leg. The patient is pale, BP - 95/50 mm hg on both hands, pulse - 105 b.p.m. 16th
day of the menstrual cycle. Blumberg's sign is positive. Bimanual examination: the uterus has
a normal size, morbidity is determined in the area of the right appendages, the left
appendages are without features. Movement of the cervix uterus is painful, the posterior
vaginal fornix is painful, tense. Discharge is bloody, moderate. What is the preliminary

A. Extra-uterine pregnancy

B. Appendicitis

C. Acute right sided adnexitis

D. Pelviperitonitis

E. Apoplexy of an ovary

The correct answer is: Apoplexy of an ovary

Question 116

A 26 year old woman was delivered to the hospital with complaints of a sudden pain in the
lower part of the abdomen, weakness, loss of consciousness at the house. Last menses was 2
months ago. Hb 106 gr/l, pulse 120 b.p.m., BP 80/50 mm hg. Morbidity and symptoms of
irritation of the peritoneum are positive in the lower right area. What diagnosis is most

A. Acute adnexitis.

B. Apoplexy of an ovary.

C. Torsion of the leg of a cyst of an ovary.

D. Ruptured tubal pregnancy.

E. Acute appendicitis.

The correct answer is: Ruptured tubal pregnancy.

Question 117

A 46 year old patient complains of pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, body
temperature of 39,5°С. For the past 12 years she has an intrauterine spiral. Her condition is
moderate severity, pulse is 120 bpm, BP is 120/80 mm hg. The tongue is dry, has a white film
on it. The stomach is bloated, sharply painful in all areas, dullness of percussion sound,
Shetkin - Blumberg symptom is positive. During bimanual exam, a painful, motionless
conglomerate, 12x14x18 is determined. Discharge from the sex path is purulent. What is the
volume of operative intervention?
A. Removing the intrauterine spiral with subsequent combined antibacterial and infusion-
transfusion therapy for 7 days. If there is no effect - laparotomy by Pfannenshtil, bilateral

B. Explorative laparoscopy; cleaning and draining the abdominal cavity.

C. Emergency laparotomy; inferomedian laparotomy; panhysterectomy; draining the

abdominal cavity.

D. Emergency laparotomy; laparotomy by Joel - Cohen; supravaginal amputation of the uterus

with the tubes; omentectomy.

E. Draining the pathological formation under the control of a transvaginal echography with
subsequent antibacterial and infusion therapy.

The correct answer is: Emergency laparotomy; inferomedian laparotomy; panhysterectomy;

draining the abdominal cavity.

Question 118

A 24 year old patient, not married, has a chaotic sex life. She arrived at the gynecological
department concerning pelviperitonitis. A lightly positive symptoms of irritation of the
peritoneum in the lower abdomen are marked. The external orifice of the urethra are
hyperemic. Smears from the urethra and cervical canal discharge show gonococcus. What
treatment is necessary?

A. Urgent laparotomy, drain the abdominal cavity.

B. Intensive antibiotic therapy.

C. Vaginal sprays with hydrogen peroxide.

D. Urgent laparotomy, supravaginal amputation of the uterus.

E. Cold on the lower abdomen, supervision.

The correct answer is: Intensive antibiotic therapy.

Question 119

A 35 year old woman complains of intensive pain in the lower abdomen, fever. The pain exists
for 3 days, recently it strengthened, the body temperature is 38,8°C. A medical abortion at 10
weeks pregnancy was performed 6 days ago. Objectively: the skin is clean, the tongue is dry,
tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, acute morbidity in the lower areas of
the abdomen, Shetkin - Blumberg symptom is positive, peristalsis of the intestines is weak.
What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Cholecystitis.

B. Hepatitis.

C. Pelviperitonitis.
D. Salmonellosis.

E. Gastritis.

The correct answer is: Pelviperitonitis.

Question 120

A 20 year old patient complains of delay in menses for 10 days. Menstrual dysfunction is
marked for the first time. Sex life is regular, and no pregnancy has occurred. During
examination: condition is satisfactory, stomach is soft, painless, BP is 120/80 mm hg, pulse is
72 bpm, of satisfactory properties. During transvaginal echography a progressing tubal
pregnancy was suspected. What are the most optimal tactics of the doctor in the conditions
of a hospital?

A. Planned appendectomy.

B. Emergency appendectomy.

C. Hysteroscopy with subsequent testing of a smear from the endometrium.

D. Medical-diagnostic laparoscopy.

E. Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix under the control of
an ultrasound.

The correct answer is: Medical-diagnostic laparoscopy.

Question 121

A 35 year old woman noticed that 6 months ago her menstrual cycle became disordered;
menses became profuse, with inter-menstrual smears of dark-bloody discharge. Two months
ago the doctor prescribed oral contraceptives. In the anamnesis - 5 pregnancies, of them 2
births, 3 medical abortions without complications. Choose the conducting tactics:

A. Supravaginal uterectomy.

B. Prescribing estrogen.

C. Change the oral contraceptive.

D. Prescribing gestagen.

E. Fractional therapeutic-diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

The correct answer is: Fractional therapeutic-diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous

Question 122

A 20 year old woman with primary infertility was recommended to check the basal
temperature for 2-3 months. How should this test be done?
A. After a rest time (minimum of 6 hours) in the rectum or vagina daily at the same time for
10 minutes.

B. After a rest period every day at the same time for 10 min. in the inguinal fold.

C. At any time of the day for 10 minutes

D. At 18.00 for 5 minutes in the inguinal fold.

E. Only in the morning in the oral cavity for 10 minutes

The correct answer is: After a rest time (minimum of 6 hours) in the rectum or vagina daily at
the same time for 10 minutes.

Question 123

A 34 year old woman, who had 4 pregnancies, without any gynecological diseases in the
anamnesis, on the 17th day of the menstrual cycle, had uterine bleeding. Which of the exams
is most important in this case?

A. Hysterosalpingography

B. Colpocytology

C. Determining the thyroid profile

D. Colposcopy

E. Diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity.

The correct answer is: Diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity

Question 124

The examination of the cervix uterus in mirrors of a 32 year old woman shows hyperemia of
the cervical canal and vaginal part of the uterus. With the help of what method is it possible
to determine the pathology of the cervix?

A. Culdoscopy

B. Сolpocytology

C. Ultrasound

D. Separate diagnostic curettage of the uterus mucous membrane

E. Colposcopy with a biopsy and subsequent histological analysis.

The correct answer is: Colposcopy with a biopsy and subsequent histological analysis

Question 125
A 28 year old patient complains of the absence of menstruation, hair growth on the face and
extremities. Married. Menses since the age of 14, poor; two years ago it stopped. Objectively:
height - 160 cm, weight - 65 kg. Constitution - female type. The skin has a usual color and
moisture. Hair growth is man's type: on the face in the area of sideburns, on the upper lip,
chin, forearms, hips, shins, between the navel and pubis. The external genitals have a normal
structure. The uterus has usual sizes, the ovaries during palpation are a little enlarged. What
is the diagnosis?

Select one:

A. Adreno-genital syndrome.

B. Androsteroma.

C. Cortico-androsteroma.

D. Itsenko-Cushing disease.

E. Stein-Leventhal syndrome.

The correct answer is: Stein-Leventhal syndrome.

Question 126

A 27 year old patient complains of the absence of menstruation after birth, which took place
one year ago. After stopping breast feeding the child for 5 months, the milk is still being
produced. Bimanual examination shows dryness of the vaginal mucous, the uterus is
hypoplastic, the appendages are not palpated. The basal temperature is monophase
(36,4-36,2°C). The results from the tests of functional diagnostics: "pupil", "fern" symptoms
are negative; the length of tension of the cervical mucous is 2 cm. CPI - 20%. What is the
pathogenesis of the disease?

A. Abundant production of androgen.

B. Abundant production of progesterone.

C. Abundant production of prolactin.

D. Genital infantilism.

E. Abundant production of estrogen.

The correct answer is: Abundant production of prolactin.

Question 127

A 30 year old patient complains of the absence of menstruation for 5 months. She marks the
discharge of colostrum from the mammary glands. Bimanual examination: the uterus is small,
mobile, painless. The uterine appendages are without features. On the x-ray of the skull, no
pathology was revealed. An increase in prolactin in blood serum was revealed. What is the
A. Hypothyroidism

B. Genital tuberculosis

C. Polycystic ovarian syndrome

D. Hyperprolactinemia

E. Hypophysis adenoma

The correct answer is: Hyperprolactinemia

Question 128

A 18-year-old girl with normal development of secondary sexual signs complains of primary
amenorrhea. Examination revealed that the vagina is underdeveloped, the uterus is absent.
Specify the type of amenorrhea:

A. Amenorrhea, caused by hyerandrogenia.

B. Eugonadotropic amenorrhea.

C. Physiological amenorrhea. Sports activity = hypogonadotropic

D. Hypogonadotric amenorrhea Absence of uterus=
E. Hypergonadotropic amenorrhea.
The correct answer is: Eugonadotropic amenorrhea.

Question 129

A 38 year old patient for 3 years complains of painful menses, spotting of bloody discharge
with a brown colour before and after menses. In the anamnesis: 5 artificial abortions. During
examination, the uterus has a soft consistency, painful, a little enlarged, limited in mobility.
Ultrasound showed that the myometrium is granular, cystic. What is the diagnosis?

A. Hysteromyoma.

B. Endometritis.

C. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

D. adenomyosis.

E. Poliposis of the endometrium.

The correct answer is: adenomyosis.

Question 130

A 28 year old patient complains of pain in the lower abdomen, increasing the day before and
during menses, infertility for 5 years. In the anamnesis: resection of the right ovary
concerning a ruptured cyst. The uterus is in anteflexio, limited in mobility, normal size,
painless; to the right and behind the uterus a tumorous formation is palpated 8 х 8 cm in size,
elastic consistency, inactive, connected with posterior-lateral surface of the uterus,
moderately painful; the left appendages are not enlarged. What are the optimum medical

A. Laparotomy, removal of the right uterine appendage, resection of the left ovary with
subsequent polychemotherapy.

B. Use of agonists of gonadotropin-relizing-hormone for 6 months, if not effective -

laparoscopy, resection of the right ovary.

C. Antibacterial therapy for 7 days, if not effective - laparotomy, removal of the right uterine
appendage and left uterine tube.

D. Laparotomy, resection of the right ovary with subsequent hormonal therapy for 6-12

E. Mini- laparotomy, conservative myomectomy.

The correct answer is: Laparotomy, resection of the right ovary with subsequent hormonal
therapy for 6-12 months

Question 131

А 34 year old woman complains of bloody spotting discharge from the genital tract for a
couple of days prior to menses. In the anamnesis - diathermocoagulation 2 years ago.
Examination of the cervix uterus in the mirrors revealed cyanotic cysts in the form of "eyes".
What should be appointed for confirmation of the diagnosis?

A. Ultrasound of the organs of the pelvis.

B. Laparoscopy.

C. Smear for cytological testing.

D. Biopsy of the cervix uterus.

E. Colposcopy.

The correct answer is: Biopsy of the cervix uterus.

Question 132

A 54 year old patient had a biopsy of the cervix. Histological test of the biopsy material
revealed squamous cell non-keratinizing cancer. The depth of the invasion - 5 mm. Specify the
first stage of lymphatic metastasis?

A. External and internal iliac and obturator lymph nodes.

B. Paraarotic lymph nodes.

C. Common iliac lymph nodes.

D. Lumbar lymph nodes.

E. Superior and inferior gluteal and lateral sacral lymph nodes.

The correct answer is: External and internal iliac and obturator lymph nodes.

Question 133

A 43 year old patient complains of constant dull pain in the lower abdomen, more to the left,
increase in body temperature to 38°C. For the past 5 years she has been observed for
subserous fibromyoma of the uterus. Bimanual examination: the uterus is enlarged like a 10
week pregnancy, dense, tubercular. At the left of the uterus, a mass which comes out of the
uterus, with sizes 6 х 8 cm, elastic consistency, sharply painful is determined during
palpation. The appendages on both sides are without features. What is the possible diagnosis?

A. Necrosis of a fibromatous node

B. Suppurative cyst of the left ovary

C. Extra-uterine pregnancy

D. Pyosalpinx

E. Uterine sarcoma

The correct answer is: Necrosis of a fibromatous node

Question 134

A 47 year old woman who suffers from moderate severity diabetes was diagnosed with
microinvasive cervical cancer (depth of defect - 3 mm). Appoint treatment:

A. Anti-inflammatory therapy.

B. Electrocauterizing conization of cervix uterus.

C. Mayo’s operation.

D. Electrocoagulation of the cervix uterus.

E. Radiation therapy.

The correct answer is: Electrocauterizing conization of cervix uterus.

Question 135

A 38 year old woman arrived at the hospital with uterine bleed, intensive pain in the lower
abdomen. Examination showed: a myomatous node, with a leg that leaves the uterus cavity, is
located in the cervical canal; the uterus is spherical, the size of a 5 week pregnancy; the
appendages are not palpated. What is the plan of treatment?
A. Amputation of cervix uterus together with the node

B. Biopsy of the node

C. Removal of node with histological testing

D. Extirpation of the uterus

E. Supravaginal amputation of the uterus

The correct answer is: Removal of node with histological testing

Question 136

A patient has invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, which extends to the lower
third of the vagina; during examination right-sided hydronephrosis was revealed. Determine
the stage of cancer:

Select one:

A. 4A

B. 2

C. 2A

D. 3

E. 1A

The correct answer is: 4A

Question 137

A 50 year old patient complains of leucorrhoea, which look like "meat slops". Discharge
increases after lifting something heavy. Gynecologic exam showed an ulcer on the cervix
uterus covered with a dirty - grayish film. Discharge from the vagina has an unpleasant smell.
What is the prospective diagnosis?

A. Senile colpitis.

B. Hard [true] chancre.

C. Metaplasia of cylindrical epithelium.

D. Erosion of the cervix.

E. Cervical cancer.

The correct answer is: Cervical cancer.

Question 138
A 54 year old patient had a biopsy of the cervix. Histological test of the biopsy material
revealed squamous cell non-keratinizing cancer. The depth of the invasion - 5 mm. Determine
the volume and tactics of treatment.

A. Vertgaim’s operation with subsequent radiation therapy.

B. Vertgaim’s operation with subsequent hormonal therapy.

C. Symptomatic treatment.

D. Electroconization of the cervix uterus with subsequent distant radiation therapy.

E. Hysterectomy without the appendages and subsequent polychemotherapy.

The correct answer is: Vertgaim’s operation with subsequent radiation therapy.

Question 139

A pregnant woman at 12 weeks pregnancy was diagnosed and histological test confirmed I
stage cervical cancer. What are the further tactics for conducting the patient?

A. Discontinue the pregnancy and perform an expanded hysterectomy.

B. Electro-conization of the cervix.

C. Hysterectomy with the appendages.

D. Prolong the pregnancy, after birth perform a biopsy of the cervix.

E. Discontinue the pregnancy and have a course of chemotherapy.

The correct answer is: Discontinue the pregnancy and perform an expanded hysterectomy.

Question 149

A 40 year old patient complains of contact bloody discharge from the sexual tract; during
gynecological examination, the cervix uterus is erosive, hypertrophied, deformed due to
postnatal ruptures, the external os is not completely closed. The uterus and appendages are
without pathological changes, the parametrium is free. Expanded colposcopy revealed an
extensive zone of transformation with a considerable amount of open and closed glands, a
site of ectopia on the anterior lip, leukoplakia at 12 o'clock. What treatment should be
recommended to the patient?

A. Local application of tampons with ointments, containing antibiotics and preparations

increasing the regenerative ability of epithelium.

B. Processing the cervix uterus with a beam of helium - neon laser.

C. Surgical treatment.

D. Electro-surgical or cryogenic influence.

E. Supervision.

The correct answer is: Surgical treatment.

Question 141

A 25 year old patient complains of an increase in leucorrhea discharge from the genital tract
for the last 2 months. From anamnesis, 2 years ago she had a baby; childbirth was
complicated by a rupture of cervix uterus. Examination in the mirrors: the cervix uterus has a
cylindrical form. On the anterior lip, there is an area of bright erosive surface. Upon touch, it
does not bleed. Bimanual examination - movement of the cervix uterus is not painful. The
external os passes a finger tip. The uterus has a normal size, mobile, painless. What is the
possible diagnosis?

A. Decubital ulcer

B. Leukoplakia

C. Polyp of the cervix uterus

D. Erosion of the cervix uterus

E. Cancer of the cervix uterus

The correct answer is: Erosion of the cervix uterus

Question 142

The cytological test of vaginal smears of a 45 year old woman revealed squamous cell
metaplasia. Determine the conducting tactics?

A. Annual cytological test of vaginal smears.

B. Colposcopy.

C. Fractional curettage of the uterus mucous membrane.

D. Colposcopy with aim biopsy.

E. Electrocauterizing conization.

The correct answer is: Colposcopy with aim biopsy.

Question 143

A 22 year old patient addressed the female consultation with complaints of contact bloody
discharge from the genital tract, which she noticed after sexual intercourse during the last
two weeks. Examination of the cervix and vagina in the mirrors: the cervix uterus has a conic
form, the external os is a spot, discharge is mucous - bloody. On the anterior lip of the cervix
was founded erosive surface with sizes 0,5 х 1 cm; when touched it bleeds. Cytology - type ІІ.
ІІ degree vaginal cleanliness. What are the treatment methods?
A. Extirpation of the uterus with appendages

B. Diathermo-coagulation

C. Laser therapy

D. cryodestruction

E. Chemotherapy

The correct answer is: cryodestruction

Question 144

A 17-year-old woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen for 12 hours, gradually
increasing, weakness, dizziness. Мenses since the age of 14, 3-4/26-28. A delay in
menstruation for 2 weeks. Sexual activity for a year. She has not been using contraceptives.
The abdomen is tense. Bimanual examination: the uterus is slightly enlarged, movement is
painful. The appendages are not precisely contoured, the posterior fornix is protruding.
Discharge from the genital tract is dark-bloody, poor. What is the preliminary diagnosis?

Select one:

A. Torsion of the leg of a tumor of an ovary. Torison = she refused

B. Miscarriage at an early term.

C. Ruptured extra-uterine pregnancy. Apoplexy = Blumberg sign

D. Apoplexy of an ovary. positive
E. Appendicitis.

The correct answer is: Ruptured extra-uterine pregnancy.

Question 145

A 26 year old woman was delivered to the hospital with complaints of a sudden pain in the
lower part of the abdomen, weakness, loss of consciousness at the house. Last menses was 2
months ago. Hb 106 gr/l, pulse 120 b.p.m., BP 80/50 mm hg. Morbidity and symptoms of
irritation of the peritoneum are positive in the lower right area. What diagnosis is most

A. Acute appendicitis.

B. Acute adnexitis.

C. Apoplexy of an ovary.

D. Ruptured tubal pregnancy.

E. Torsion of the leg of a cyst of an ovary.

The correct answer is: Ruptured tubal pregnancy.

Question 146

A woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen, irradiating to the anus, dizziness, which
occurs after coitus. In the anamnesis: inflammation of the uterine appendages for 7 years.
15th day of the menstrual cycle. Skin is pale; stomach is soft, painful during palpation,
positive symptoms of irritation of the peritoneum. Pulse is 110 b.p.m. Bimanual examination
shows an enlarged spherical, painful right ovary, painful posterior and right lateral vaginal
fornix. Bloody discharge is not present. What is the probable cause of acute abdomen?

Select one:

A. apoplexy of an ovary.
Painful fornix without
B. Interrupted extra-uterine pregnancy by tubal rupture. Blumberg sign =
C. Acute attack of chronic adnexitis. apoplexy of an overy
D. Ovarian tumor with infringement of nutrition.

E. Extra-uterine pregnancy which was interrupted by tubal abortion.

The correct answer is: apoplexy of an ovary.

Question 147

A 46 year old patient complains of pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, body
temperature of 39,5°С. For the past 12 years she has an intrauterine spiral. Her condition is
moderate severity, pulse is 120 bpm, BP is 120/80 mm hg. The tongue is dry, has a white film
on it. The stomach is bloated, sharply painful in all areas, dullness of percussion sound,
Shetkin - Blumberg symptom is positive. During bimanual exam, a painful, motionless
conglomerate, 12x14x18 is determined. Discharge from the sex path is purulent. What is the
volume of operative intervention?

A. Draining the pathological formation under the control of a transvaginal echography with
subsequent antibacterial and infusion therapy.

B. Emergency laparotomy; laparotomy by Joel - Cohen; supravaginal amputation of the uterus

with the tubes; omentectomy.

C. Emergency laparotomy; inferomedian laparotomy; panhysterectomy; draining the

abdominal cavity.

D. Removing the intrauterine spiral with subsequent combined antibacterial and infusion-
transfusion therapy for 7 days. If there is no effect - laparotomy by Pfannenshtil, bilateral

E. Explorative laparoscopy; cleaning and draining the abdominal cavity.

The correct answer is: Emergency laparotomy; inferomedian laparotomy; panhysterectomy;
draining the abdominal cavity.

Question 148

A 24 year old patient, not married, has a chaotic sex life. She arrived at the gynecological
department concerning pelviperitonitis. A lightly positive symptoms of irritation of the
peritoneum in the lower abdomen are marked. The external orifice of the urethra are
hyperemic. Smears from the urethra and cervical canal discharge show gonococcus. What
treatment is necessary?

A. Urgent laparotomy, supravaginal amputation of the uterus.

B. Intensive antibiotic therapy.

C. Urgent laparotomy, drain the abdominal cavity.

D. Cold on the lower abdomen, supervision.

E. Vaginal sprays with hydrogen peroxide.

The correct answer is: Intensive antibiotic therapy.

Question 149

A 25 year old patient was hospitalized in the gynecology department with complaints of pain
in the lower abdomen, increase in body temperature to 39,7°С. Objectively: BP -120/80 mm
hg, Pulse - 108 b.p.m. of satisfactory properties. The stomach is bloated moderately, sharply
painful in the lower area. Blumberg's sign is positive in the hypogastric area. Vaginal
examination: the uterus and appendages are not palpated due to the tense anterior
abdominal wall. The posterior vaginal fornix hangs, sharply painful. Specify the most probable

A. Extra-uterine pregnancy.

B. Acute adnexitis

C. Pelviperitonitis

D. Acute endometritis

E. Apoplexy of an ovary

The correct answer is: Pelviperitonitis

Question 150

A 28 year old patient was delivered to the gynecological ward with complaints of a sharp pain
in the right iliac area, which occurred after lifting something heavy. Last menstruation was 10
days ago, on time. During examination in the mirrors: the vagina and cervix uterus are
without characteristics. During vaginal examination the uterus body and appendages are not
accessible for palpation because of acute pain and tension in the muscles of the anterior
abdominal wall. The posterior fornix hangs and is painful. What is necessary to specify the

A. Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix

B. Colposcopy.

C. Determine chorionic gonadotropin.

D. Hysteroscopy.

E. Сuldoscopy.

The correct answer is: Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix

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