Practical Research Group 9 HUMSS

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A Research proposal presented to the faculty of High school Department

Western Leyte College, Ormoc City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the course Practical Research II


May C. Diamos
Nicole D. Negre
Klyde C. Villamor

October 2019


A. Nature and Importance of the study

Attitude is the personality of a person’s behavior that he or she have influence on

how to act or behave. The relationship between education to students’ is the positive
or negative attitude that they may influence in their academic performances.
Student’s attitudes have great impact to their performances in school. Many of the
students are most likely to fall on their core subjects because of not paying close
attention to the teachers, not attending classes and the lack of interest in going to

Students who try to make progress in their studies with positive attitude are most
likely successful, because they always seek for the betterment of their grades in order
to repay the hard work that their parents have given to them.

The importance of this study is to determine the various attitudes of students in

relationship to their academic performance. This research can not only help the
researchers and educators identify the reason behind how (good and bad) attitudes
affects students’ performance and also suggest ways on strengthening the
comprehension and active listening in class discussion. Moreover, this research will
be a guideline for both students and educators.

According to (Eagly & Chaiken, 1998). An attitude can be a positive or negative

evaluation of people, objects, events, activities, and ideas. It could be concrete,
abstract or just about anything in your environment, but there is a debate about
precise definitions. Eagly and Chaiken, for example, define and attitude as “a
psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some
degree of favor or disfavor. Though it is sometimes common to define an attitude as
affect toward an object, affect discrete emotion. It is generally understood as an
evaluative structure used to form attitude object. Attitude may influence the attention
to attitude objects, the use of categories for encoding information and the
interpretation, judgement and recall of attitude-relevant information.
B. Objectives of the study

The aim of this study is to

i. To find out the relationship between attitude in the academic achievement of


ii. To know how attitude can be an influence in getting high/low remarks.

iii. To identify the possible outcomes in academic excellence having different and
various attitude.

C. Time and place of the study

The study focuses only on the relationship between various attitudes in the
academic performance of grade 10 students. The data collection will be
conducted to the grade 10 of Western Leyte College High School Department,
school year 2019-2020. The methods used to gather data is in the form of survey,
tallies, to statistically treat data using fixed questionnaire.
According to (Cherry, 2019). An attitude refers to a set of emotions, beliefs, and
behaviors toward a particular object, person, thing, or event. Attitudes are often to
result of experience or upbringing, and they can have a powerful influence over
behavior. While attitudes are enduring, they can also change. Attitude as a learned
tendency to evaluate things in a certain way. This can include evaluations of people,
issues, objects, or events. Such evaluations are often positive or negative, but the can
also be uncertain at times. For example, you might have a mixed feelings about a
particular person or issue.
According to (Dhaveel, 2018). Attitude can be define as our response to people,
places, things, or events in life. It can be referred to as a persons viewpoint, mindset,
beliefs, etc. Our attitude towards people, places, things, or situations determines the
choices that we make. Attitude is composed of three components, which include
cognitive component, affective/emotional component, and behavioral component.
Basically, the cognitive component is based on the information or knowledge,
whereas affective component is based on the feelings. The behavioral component
reflects how the attitude affects the way we act or behave. It is refers to the
individuals mental state, which is based on his/her beliefs or value system, emotions,
and the tendency to act in a way. Ones attitude reflects how one things, feels, and
behaves in a given situation.
According to (Lamont, 2009). In some ways studying peer evaluation and review
is a point of entry into a much broader issue, which is the issue of meritocracy in
American Higher Education. To search the book, Lamont interviewed panelists from
research councils and societies of fellow who were evaluating proposals for research
funding in the social sciences and the humanities. Lamont explains that academics
must constantly make evaluations, whether of scientific findings or of graduate
students. Expertise, personal taste, and the perspective of the evaluator play into the
decision-making process, she writes. “ A lot of what the book does is to look at what
criteria people use to judge and what meaning they give to these criteria”, says
Lamont. “So for instance, what do they mean by ‘significance’ and what do they
mean by originality?. How does the definition of ‘originality’ and ‘significance’ vary
between philosophy and economics? How strong is the consensus between fields?”
Within the peer review system, Lamont explains, there are many spoken and
unspoken rules. An expert must place integrity and objectivity above any personal
interests, she says. Achievement is based on expertise, excellence, and originality,
and not other more ephemeral characteristics, such as professional connections. Yet,
while a proposal would never receive funding based solely on connections,
academics do inhabit strong social networks. Scholars are constantly evaluating one
another, and being judged in turn.


This chapter presents a description of the research design selection and

description of respondents, research instruments, data collection procedure and
statistical treatments used.

A. Research Design and Sampling Technique

In order to see the general picture of the relationship between various attitudes to
academic excellence of students the researchers, as perceived by the Grade 10
students of Western Leyte College, of Ormoc City, the correlational method was
As a correlational study, it simply defined as a relationship between two
variables. The whole purpose of using correlations in research is to figure out which
variables are connected. And also it demanded degree to which variables were related
to each other using various statistical instruments.
In This study used simple random sampling in determining the samples of the
study. All the Grade 10 students from Western Leyte College of Ormoc City, were
the respondents of this study conducted.

B. Research Instrument

The following instruments will be used in the conduct of the research;

1. A fixed questionnaire will be used to assess the students’ perception of

the relationship of attitude to their academic excellence.

2. Teacher- made tests will evaluate and determine the excellent

performance of the students to his or her studies.

C. Research Respondents

The researchers considered the Grade 10 comprising 40 students, male and

female. They were the chosen respondents because they have vast knowledge and
information regarding to their behavior in class.

D. Research Locale
The study was conducted at the respected classrooms of the Grade 10 students at
Western Leyte College of Ormoc City.

E. Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers provided research instruments to the respondents. They

discussed the significance of the study and accomplished the distribution of the
instruments properly.

The respondents were given 20 minutes to accomplish the forms to prevent them
from giving hasty responses. The researches went from one section on collecting the
accomplished questionnaires.

After the questionnaires have been accomplished, the results were tallied and
tabulated. This data became the basis of analysis and interpretation.

Requirements Costs

A-4 Sized bondpaper Php50

Printing Php30

Time of Computer Shop Php75


Date Due Date Completed Description

Proposal Defense to
October 15, 2019 October 15, 2019 determine or identify
whether or not the
research is beneficial.
Data collection and
November 2019 January 2020 interpretation of data

 Cherry, Kendra (2019, August 01). Attitude. Retrieved from URL.

Dhavale, Geeta (2018, March 12). Attitude. Retrieved from URL.

Lamont, Michele (2009). Academic Excellence. Retrieved from URL.

Eagly & Chaiken (1998). Attitude. Retrieved from URL.

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