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Submitted to the Department of Bachelor Elementary Education East West College

In fulfillment of the requirements for a thesis.

Ma.Lalyn D. Arzaga
Year 2022-2023




Study Habits are systematic and intentional method of study, which has achieved some consistency
regarding a component of students intellectual understanding completing coursework and passing exams
(Pauk, 1962;Deese 1952; Oyedejicites Akinboye (1974) hence, research can be seen as a planned subject
program. Master of matter Crow & Crow claim that (2007), learning and knowledge acquisition are the
main goals of study. And routines that will help you deal with new situations, analyzing concepts,
rendering decisions, and developing new concepts and to hone abilities.
The acquisition and application of knowledge is a part of collective societal endeavor (UNISCO, 2015).
The need to produce competent graduates in their specific discipline who possessed the skills and
attitudes to deal with the ever changing work environment in the 21'st century is a Herculean task
assigned to HEIs in the Philippines ( Magulod, 2017a, 2017b). One of the important steps to undertake to
ensure quality and optimal learning experience among university students is to consider their different
learning styles and performance. Learning style refers to how students learn and process information in
their own ways.
The subject during the Covid-19 pandemic, when this health crisis is already regarded as an
international and national issue. According to Harris (in Peker Unal, 2021), students under internet-based
learning environments are become more pervasive in distance education. Therefore, it is counterintuitive
to think of students study habits as retentless, similarly, being alone every student might need to establish
new study habits in a distance learning, setting, while adjusting to the change so as to continue
performing well in academic ( Gonzalo etc, Al, 2021,p.17). Online learning is one of the of the many
methods used to deliver remote learning. Has been become a necessary part of all educational
institutions, not only those in the not just in the Philippines ( Radha ,etc, Al, 2020) claim that online
distance learning become the means via which the majority of students can continue their education
despite the pandemic, given that many people choose to learn at home and appreciate the ease, to it.
Unfortunately, this could not apply to or be similar to all pupils in a developing country. A nation with
unreliable internet connectivity , like the Philippines, where technology resources to name a few of the
key conclusions, it was Blumner and Richards study ( in Amuda and Ali ,2018) found that female. Students
perform better than their counter parts in terms of their study habits and practices. Numan and Hasan
(2017) also agree with this, but the majority of their respondents are female, and they recorded mean
scores that were greater than those of the male. Procedures and routines the findings of Salcedo-Relucio
(2019) , who focused on the variables impacting the study, include of discussion of this cause - and -
effects situation.

1.What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondent in terms of;

1:1 Age;
1:2 Gender ; and
1:3 Socio- Economic status
2. What is the effect of modular approach among the pupils in terms of;
2:1 Parents motivation
2:2 Time management
3. What is the impact of the Study Habits of Grade VI pupils.
3:1 Good Classroom
3:2 Skills Improvement
4. Is there a significant relationship between factors affective Study Habits and Academic Modular
approach it the pupils.

The study talks aboutattitudes

-students the Study Habits and Academic Modular specially to the Grade VI pupils.
- English
- study habits - Filipino
-parents motivation - Science
- time management - Math
-skills improvement


- Age
- Gender
- Socio- Economic


This study is based on social cognitive theory propounded by Albert Bandura as early as in the 1960's.
Social cognitive theory strongly lays emphasis on one's cognitive. It suggests that the mind is an active
force that constructs one's really selectively , encodes information, performs behavior on the basis of
values and expectations and impose structure on its own actions.
It is through an understanding of the processes involved in one's construction of reality that enables
human behavior to be understood, predicted and changed. In iew of the theory, the students academic
modular is a product of interaction of his personality and consequently, study behavior he develops basing
on his expectations of the outcome of his actions.
Although the connection between habits and learning is well known there has been far less research
on how learning habits develop in varied situations with different types of learners. This investigated
methods for establishing new behaviors and promoting the growth of automatically. This merely indicates
that we frequently act in the same way when confronted with similar circumstances. In his 2012 book ,
Durhigg , he added the word "reward" and suggested that a habit be divided into three components a cue,
a routine,and a reward. We developed a habit formation framework to help with the design of a cogent
learning process that includes a number of James and later Durhigg's frameworks.
Learning exercises there are three parts to this habit loop; cuing environment routine, organization of (
location, time, individuals or happenings) (repetitive pattern of activities), and balance ( a result of
triggering the habit), creating the habit cycle ( Figure #1). We shall describe the habit loop and talk about
how to integrate one of these " habit loops".
According to psychologists, context serves as a cue for habits ( Wood and Neal 2007). Additionall,
there are two types of contextual cuer; motivated cuing and direct cuing. First, recurrent associations
between routine and environment are refferred to as direct cuing. Such constancy might make it easier for
students to store learning patterns in their procedural memory. Because of this, habits can be formed by
creating a consistent environment, such reading in the same place at the same time. Another, illustration
is keeping a journal , the writing that students produce in the same notebook on the same table at a
particular moment. Second, motivated cuing describes the enjoyable occasions in the earlier. In the other
words, prior successes could serve as a cached motivator. For instance, growing a reading habit also
increases interest in books. Once kids are interested, they will pay attention and put in sincere effort. The
idea of interest encompasses a large portion of what we refer to as motivation and violation ( Keller 2008).
In order to develop an interest- driven creation, (b) identify learner's existing and desired habits and (c)
identify which learners need further help and development to develop their learning habits. Learning that
is motivated by interest and mimics the creative process won't have a lasting impact on students.
Individual interest is the persistent propensity to re-engage. A specific activity that is continued over time
with the hope of feelings good experience. Individual interest, then is the internal motivation to look for
chances. Academic delight to transform situational interest into personal interest and establish a habit
through scheduled routines in schools has come to play.

This study mainly fucos in the Study Habits and Academic Modular. This is specifically state that this
research is to conduct inside the premises in the school only with around limited and selected respondent
mentioned role they play in the academic modular of students, and taking into account the study habit
vary from person to person and from place to place, and also as the results or related studies are different
from each other, the present study was designed and implemented. The main purpose of this study was to
examine the relationship between Study Habits and Academic Modular of students in grade VI pupils in
Elementary School. Specially, the study sought to;

1. Examine the relationship between notes taking and students academic modular in Grade VI pupils.
2. Examine the relationship between use of library and students academic modular Grade VI pupils.
3. Examine the relationship between time allocation to study and students academic modular in Grade VI


The result of the finding would enable students to develop good habits which could lead to good
academic modular. And the study would expose student to different ways of taking no5in the class and
this would enable than to develop good strategies which could lead to good academic modular such as
techniques; include the use of abbreviation playing in the class and many others. However, the
performance of students who have been enrolled in open and distance learning are affected with a
number of factors which have not well researched and presented though it still effect students

Students - through this study, a student will gain insights about the effects of a good study habit to the
academic modular. They will gain knowledge that good habits have a good effects on the academic
Teachers - would see the result of the finding useful especially in discharging their duties in the school.
This would be achieve through the accurate information that would be provided in the study.
Parents - who are highly involved have a positive impact on their children test scores in all of the subjects.
Socio- Economic - plays ain important role in the academic modular and social behavior of the students.

The researcher uses the following terms that operationally defined in this study.

Students Attitudes - is their tendency to respond a certain way towards something.

Study Habits- refers an action such as reading , taking notes, holding study groups which the students
perform regularly and habitually in order to accomplish the task of learning.

Parents Motivation - is given by the parents towards their students to make them work harder or being
determine their studies that leads them to have better achievements in school.

Time Management - the ability to use one's time effectively or productively, especially at work.

Skills Improvement- is an ongoing process throughout your working period.

English- designed to modern or represent a concept or THEORICAL definition ,also known as a construct.

Filipino-students are visual and kinesthetic learners.

Science-the systematic study of the structure and behavior of physical and natural world through
observation and experimentation.

Math-offers fundamental skills such us thinking life, establishing relationships between events, reasoning,
estimating, problem solving apart from gaining calculation skills and teaching numbers and mathematical

Age-studies have suggested that older students attain higher academic performance than younger

Gender- the study reveals that gender has a significant relationship of study habits.

Socio- Economic States- encompasses not just incomebt also educational attainment , financial security,
and subjective perceptions of social status and social class.


Study Habits and Academic Modular is the one of crucial components of the education sector is
developing study skills. This is true, most especially for the kids , regardless of their location or what
courses they are enrolling in, it they are students at the nations premier engineering school. Is a technical
communication school in the Philippines any location in Manila, even the most remote advanced
architecture schools accomplishments will be based only on effort ( Mapua 2016). The effect of students
diligent study practices in completing their homework, participating actively in taking notes , organizing
their time, concentrating and working hand has produced substantial benefits. The researcher hopes to by
means of this investigation supporting psychology and education identifying and evaluating the impact of
studies views about elementary school and study practices academic modular of students.
Consequently, success in any kind of achievement academic work build on investigation,
interpretation, and application. Everybody has a different way studying. Most frequently, students struggle
academically just because they lack effective study method. Most of the time, students don't be able to
start. Those high school kids who typically do particularly well in school and adhere to have developed a
study technique, and it includes desirable practices. Excellent health adequate slumber, suitable exercise,
and a wholesome diet are necessary to getting good study results. Study unfavorable circumstances
includes insufficient illumination, temperature extremes, humidity, and inadequate posture, abnormalities
of the body , and emotional disturbance. Although everyone has different tendencies, some. Good study
habits depend on how you feel about your work and responsibility sense. Child ( 1981,p95) states;
research on both human and animal subjects has shown that the capacity to pick up new skills to handle
particular issues with sufficient practice on challenges of this nature. Each student has a different style
studying , some patterns are thought to be more appealing than others from the viewpoint of a academic
success, Bird and according to Crow's Education Psychology (2007, p261). Having a goal when studying and
what you learn form it of study greatly depends on how serious one is accomplishes that goal or purpose.
Child (1981, Psychology and the teacher ,p95) recommends that we communicate about developing
negative or positive habits in various daily activities in social and Academic settings.
Generally operate in recognizable ways because we experience led me to learn that certain some
responses work better than others. (Sawar et. Al. 2009) , is examination of the study "High and Low
Academic Achiever Orientation at Pakistan Secondary School Level) showed that the high performers
demonstrated improved study habits and attitudes, than the underperformers.
Some kids read aloud for everyone to hear, while others red quietly. It might be note-taking ,
expanding one's vocabulary, coining new terms and teaching amination. The learning style inventory was
utilized. David Kolb's inventory was created, and the study Peter Edwards Habit Inventory. In their research
For, Gomez ,Lizard the year 2016, Academic studying patterns the Technological Institute of the
performers Philippines, " the scientists located academic study habits of performers in Technological
Manila's Institute of the Philippines only 76 respondents out of the 105 participants overall. Students from
the second excellence roll semester of the academic year 2015-2016 studied; put under scrutiny. The
research also revealed that the academic performers took into account elements like such as time
management, educational strategies and as a component of their study routines. Those students who
excelled in school made a " to- do list" sorted by priority and given a time limit for enjoyment and pleasure
while still working. The poll recalled that the majority of respondents requested other sources of
information besides the required readings and made notes regarding acquiring skills. In terms of preparing
only a few individuals claimed they had tkes the tests. Review for the test at least a week beforehand.
Another thing to consider is the learning and intellectual setting for studying performers were in groups or
with classmates at home , where there is peace and noise.

According to Aquino's (2018) research " Examine your Habits First- year students attitudes, implications
for programs for academic intervation", the essential goal was to took at the first - year students attitudes
towards good and bad study habits to design academic intervation strategies. The study's findings suggest
the teachers typically are not well-liked by students ineffective techniques , classroom management and
approaches managing your time. The positive and negative students study behaviors and attitudes were
revealed. The results of the study's implications were explored ,as well as the creation among HEI's ,
academic intervation programs confluent education theory was considered consideration. A report titled "
Relationship between time administration", study practices, and academic success of students majoring in
mathematics "( Marpa, 2014)" assessed the primary math students academic time management, study
habits, and math proticiency when categorized based depending a number of factors, including age, sex,
both the number and type of siblings, schools obtained a high school diploma. The first the study goal is to
as certain the correlations between the force mentioned variables others. The scientists have included
three different tools for measuring time administration, study practices, and academic the pupils
accomplishments, which include "How well do you manage your time?" Is what follows. A 24- item study
habit inventory ( Mackenzie GPA and questionnaire). These had 52 significant mathematics were
given the test. The above - mentioned researched has demonstrated how the attitudes and study practices
are related with academic performance of the kids. However, some variables were made available. This
was listed under the study practices. It maintest the changes in the students behavior since the studies
have various theories the differentiate it from one compiled and presented in this the different gaps
between the chapters in this variables, one of which is study habits attitudes, as well as academic modular.
According to Angelache's (2012) research, the connection between academic modular and students
attitudes toward school work achievement Premilinary Analysis, the problem in relation to mentality is
examined in relation a disposition. The study seeks to examine the problem if Romanian pupils with
academic assignment. Several students of 200 subjects were taken from them Romania; Dunaveade Jos
University is in Galati. Results indicated that there are variations in students looking back at school work.
Some people experience stress from have effective academic results while other think there are other
approaches to acheiving. Another investigation with the title students their academic modular and
attitudes in education for Nationhood ("2013; Awang et. al"), to foster a sense of commitment and rel
among nation. Several advanced academic subjects such as ethnic studies and Malaysian, studies
relationships ,as well as Nation language, adopted to accomplish the objective. Malaysian states are one of
the required classes in this context. Any private university in offers courses in Malaysia with the goal of
instructing students with national values, patriotism, and belonging to the nation, but the past research
has demonstrated that students lacked the desire to study such topics. Consequently, the research looked
on how contributing factors that influence students academic success and examines their perspectives on
that subject. The using a quantitative method, researchers four major elements were categorized ;
suitability and engaging in class , interested in the curriculum, and punctual preparation and revision are
two fun things to do. Activities, a desire for teaching tools , and n excellent class attendance. The research
found that students the way their lectures are perceived is important in assessing their success in learning
studies in Malaysia. Additionally , the lectures believe that learning is a significant factor contributes to the
achievement of the learner in this subject, Eble's research project (" Attitudes toward school").
Similar to this, Boiling (2000) argues that developing effective study habits through planning aids
students in getting their academic objectives accomplished. Therefore, poor study habits clearly put
students at a disadvantage and are a major factor in why so many students need remedial education, fall
behind in their studies, and eventually drop out if school. Good study habits significantly reduce a students
likelihood of experiencing academic difficulty and dropping out of schools. According, Boiling (2000)
contends that students who constently achieve high marks in the majority of their subjects have strong
study habits because they actively engage in their own learning, plan continuously and pay close attention
to the educational tasks that they are excepted to do. However, given that the majority of secondary
school students rarely know how to study habits. (Mark and Howard 2009) , who believe that lack of
efficient of constructive study habits is the most common obstacle to students success in all applications,
further emphasize this position. A study plan is typically not used by students to organize their studies.
Others hardly ever show up to class , do their assignment, or get ready for examinations, etc. The recent
dismal performance of pupils in both internal and external exams may not be enrelated to this.
According to Marc 2011, who was cited earlier, having good study habits leads to a more productive
learning environment. Time can be saved by creating a study program in advance and sticking to it.
Students who practice effective study habits are typically less anxious. On exam who plan their life and
adhere to their predetermined study regimens are at ease and confident when it comes time to take
exams. According to Ashish 2013, good study habits must be established if pupils are to maintain academic
modular throughout the full year. No matter your age or academic level, he claims that using good study
techniquea might men the difference between passing and falling a class. The chapters material provides a
succinct summary of several hypothesis that underpin this investigation. The study examines notices about
the researcher determines that this study covered the primary area of pupils at SMP Progressive Burni
Sholawat Sidoarjo in the eighth grade. Prior to delving deeper into study practices for learning English for
kids at SMP Progressive Burni Sholawat Sidoarjo's eight level it is preferable for us to be aware of high
class male and female students in particular. Definition of an effecient study habit and a list of study habit
components explanation. These elements were selected because they feature a direct relationship to
pupils for structuring their study routines well. Effective study techniques are those that caused by several
elements that affected international students study habits. Students academic modular can be affected.
Parental participation , the home environment, the classroom environment, and the teacher's some
elements of students study habits and teacher share achievement of students when learning in unusual
According to Kaur and Pathania's research 2017, the elements influencing students education, which
had a strong relationship. The research's findings indicated strong relationships between academic success
and study techniques. Age, household income, and educational attainment all demonstrate are
components of a students study development process. Habit and it's connected to his academic modular
achievement. However, mental aspects include intellectual academic success is thought to be predicted by
aptitude success. Numerous studies have explored the significance of non-cognitive variables like research
knowledge, drive, study techniques and perspectives on academic success. The research found that
positive study attitudes and effective study habits right enhance the kids academic modular achievement (
Sikhawari ,2016). This study showed the gender is not a factor in the relation of study habits with the
students academic modular, but it all takes place on what kind of study habits the students have
developed. Some study habits constructs , such as homework , time allocation, reading and note- taking,
and teacher consultation , influence physics students academic modular ( Atsuwe and Moses ,2017). Their
study was designed to investigate the influence of study habits on Physics students academic modular in
Federal University o Agriculture Makurdi, Nigeria. The analysis of the data obtained revealed that the
study habits mentioned greatly influence the respondents academic modular. It implies that students who
have good study habits can influence follow pupils. Furthermore, Oladeni and Bimbo 2017 investigated the
relationship between the variables of the study of general school students in Mathematics. The findings
showed that note-taking students use of the library,and time allocation has a significant relationship with
the students academic modular in all subjects.
Azzopardi and Camilleri 2018 state that research habits and the perceived difficulty of a particular for
the lecturer to provide support, topics are essential. Which will result in improved academic modular the
outcome revealed no discernable variation in study habits of students and the average grde, the grde
received at the conclusion of the secondary course. Masoule , Chehrzad, Looyeh Fazelpour and Leili 2017 ,
demonstrated a sustaintial connection between the Academic Modular of students Study Habits
performance. Chossing the students studies habits and the connection between their study and them
academic achievement can be enhanced by habits and their academic modular raise.

According to Arieta , Gementiza and Saco 2017, study habits play a huge role in being a students. The
success of failure of each student depends upon what kind of study habits they have. Some students
done's study a lot but achieve higher, and some students study a lot but cannot achieve high performance.
They implied that each students success doesn't just rely on study habits alone but also upon the ability
and intelligence of the students. In general, all of the variables mentioned tend to affect the Academic
Modular of the student significantly. (Banares et, al 2016), mentioned that many studies have already
been conducted regarding the variables as per this study. The study revealed no significant difference
between male and female students Study Habits at the Technological Institute of the Philippines-Manila as
to time management, Learning Techniques,and study environment. This shows that the gender of the
students is not a factor in the students study habits, especially in managing the time, learning
techniques,and the study environment. In " Metacognition , study habits and attitudes," the study
revealed no significant relationship between metacognition and study habits and attitudes for low and
medium achievers. Still, a significant relationship was found in students who have high achievement.
Furthermore, ( J.P. Fouche 2017) mentioned that good study habits, like doing assignment, participation in
class, managing time, always being used, and working hard, showed a positive correlation with academic
modular. Generally, it shows the appropriate Study Habits and attitudes may help students improve their
academic modular in school to be more efficient. It also shows that bad study habits have a significant
negative relationship with the students academic using modular, the opposite of the factors mentioned
above of good study habits ( J.P. Fouche, 2017).
Case study Teaching Method is becoming a common teaching strategy in education ( Bonnet,2015). In
his study entitled " Case Study Teaching Method Improves Student Modular and Perceptions of Learning
Gains," results showed that case studies are significantly more effective than other methods of teaching
styles at increasing more effective than other methods of teaching styles at increasing student
performance. The study showed that case studies should not be forgotten and should be considered the
best reaching method. The study of Khanam , Sahu , Rao, Kar, Quazi 2017, time management is one of the
skills that impact the students academic modular. The researcher's have conducted a study about time
management and the respondents academic achievement, which are the medical students in Odisha. The
study revealed that the respondents who obtained a high percentage also had a high mean score on
students population was not that huge; the study participants were the 130 Elementary School students.
Mendezabal 2013, in her study , " Study Habits and Attitudes. The road to academic success," students
who have good study habits will likely pass. Also, study habits are acknowledged as one of the main
factors in the students academic modular. Her study showed a significant relationship between Study
habits, attitudes and academic modular in the licensure examination. Furthermore, study habits like time
management and work methods are factors of the students success, and study attitudes were not related.
in the study of Alimohamadi et, al,2018 , entitled" Relation Study between Study habits and academic
modular of students in Hamadan," they attempted to examine the relationship of the study habits of the
students and it's relationship with the Academic Modular in a smoke of 220 students of Hamadan
University of Medical Sciences.
Academic Modular of students is one of the main indicators used to evaluate the quality of education
in universities. Academic Modular is a complex process that is influenced by several factors, such as study
habits. Study Habits is different individual behavior in relation to studying and is a combination of study
method and skill. In other words, study habits include behaviors and skill that can increase motivation and
convert the study into an effective process with high returns , which ultimately increases the learning. This
skill is also defined as any activity that facilities the process of learning about topic, solving the problems
or memorizing part or all of the presented materials. Study habits are in fact the gateway to success and
differ from person to person.
According to precious studies, good study habits include studying in a quite place , studying daily,
turning off devices that interfere with study ( such as Tv and mobile phones ) taking notes of impatient
context , having regular tests and breaks , listening to soft music, studying based on own learning style, nd
prioritizing the difficult contents. Some if the worst study habits include procrastination , encoding the
study, studying in inappropriate conditions, and loud sound of music and television during studying. Study
Habits as the most important predictor of academic modular and global research has revealed that study
habits affect academic performance. In this regard, medical students are faced with a large amount of
information that is difficult to organize and learn, and requires knowledge and application of study skills.
Evedince suggests that learners who do not have enough information about study strategies do not attain
effective and stable learning, and therefore will not have an appropriate level of academic achievement. In
other words, students with better academic achievement use these skills more than those with lows
academic achievement. How ever ,mental aspects include intellectual academic success is thought to be
predicted the significance of non-cognitive variables like research knowledge, drive , study techniques, nd
perspectives on academic success. The research found that positive study attitudes and effective study
habits might enhance the kids academic modular achievement ( Sikhawari ,2016). (Sikhawari,2016)
according to the research papers " "relationship between study habits and elementary school students
academic modular in Eti-Osa local government area of Lagos State", the study showed no significant
difference in the study habit score of male and female students. Furthermore, the study shows a
significant relationship between the study habit of students and academic modular ( Onabaniro and
Odunlami ,2017). This study showed that gender is not a factor in the relation of study habits with the
students academic.
Upon achieving the vital results of this study in examining the influence of study attitudes and study
habits on the academic modular of secondary high school students, the following steps were observed in
conducting this research: the researcher secured permission by sending a transmittal letter to the Office of
the Principal to achieve the study and obtain the general average of the learner's progress and
achievement. To get adesirable and reliable result, rapport was set up primarily for the respondents before
the assessment to establish respondents interest in the activity. These means computations are indications
that respondents have a satisfactory level of study attitude to most of the descriptors, particularly
involving their perception towards their teacher. However,, it should be noted that they sometimes
perceive the negative in their teachers expectations and personal characteristic. In our study, the status of
study habits of most students were at the desirable level. Mendezabal 2013 , in a study that investigated
the study habits of 239 Filipino. Students, reported their study habits to be at moderate level , which
indicated insufficient and unaffective study skills. On the other hand, the results of a study conducted on
librarian students in Iran indicated the general level students study habits to be 60.5 out of 100. Although
the level of study habits in this study was moderate, this level was higher in our study , which way be due
to the differences in the nature of medical sciences and librarian academic programs. In another study
that Gamer's study classified study habits into two good and poor level and climinated the intermidiates
level, which might have reduced the accuracy of state and comparative capability of the study. According
to the authors of the present article, very student of medical sciences, regardless of what degree level
he/she is studying at, should be aware of study skills and habits and how to apply them. In this regard,
(Khan 2016) described poor study habits as the most important reason for students academic failure. In
our view , students with poor academic modular, by utilizing the proper skills and study habits, an improve
their academic performance at there may present the mergence of Educational problems, such as
dropping academic unit/ credits and probablity of probation. The status of study habits in male and female
students did not differ not from each of the significantly, in other words, in terms of skills and study habits,
male and female students were at same level. ( Oli 2018, Hashemian 2014, Torabi 2014) also did not find
any significant difference between the students gender and study habits, which can be due to the same
educational environment to male and female students. In overview, every student, wether male and
female should to aware of study skills and habits and use them.



The researcher adopted the descriptive survey design. This research design permits the researcher to
describe the relationship between Study Habits and Academic Modular of students Grade VI pupils.
Descriptive survey design enables the researcher to investigate the events or things that existed at the
time the research is conducted Cobodoeze 2009. The sample of this study consisted of 40 students were
selected to take a part as respondents.


The respondent of the study said to conduct at Kauran Elementary School, analyze yield some
significant findings partaining to the relationship between Study Habits and Academic Modular of the
Grade VI pupils. The respondent of this study will only 49 students.

In our locale of the study, the status of study habits in male and female students did not differ from
each other significantly, in other words, in terms of skills and study habits , male and female students
attend the same schools. We believe that every student, regardless of gender , should be aware and
practice study habits and skills.
In our survey the average study habits of students in the faculties of education, social works,
criminology and dentistry were greatest and lowest respectively. This distinction lacked statistical
significance. This finding illustrates the relatively similar degree of study habits across students of diverse
medical sciences academic programs even though this variable hasn't been included in most studies.

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