NCM 56 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice Activity 4: University Town, Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon

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College of Nursing
University Town, Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon

NCM 56
Activity 4

Submitted by: BS Nursing 1 Section C

Submitted to:
Hannah Angelie M. Rey, RN

MARCH 2020
1. Identify culture, values and practices regarding health specific to Filipino
and relate how can it affect nursing care.

It is the thoughts, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial,
ethnic, religious, or social groups. It has been described as the learned and
shared patterns of information that a group uses to generate meaning among its
members. These patterns include nonverbal language and material goods.
There is macro-cultures and micro cultures which is combined to shape the
individual’s worlds view and influence interaction with others. Under the macro-
cultures are the national, ethnic or racial groups and in the micro-cultures are the
gender, age or the religious beliefs.

It is the enduring beliefs or attitudes about the worth of a person, object,
idea, or action. It is important because they influence decisions ans actions,
including the nurses’ ethical decision making. Not all values are moral values,
because some values are often taken for granted. Values are needed to be
understood and reflected by the nurses and the nursing students, because they
holds about life, death, health, and illness. They hold both personal and
professional values.

It is the things that we are doing related to health, that can affect the nursing
care. We commonly practice this, because it is being thought by our ancestors
without knowing that it has a side effects in the field of medical.

Nursing Implication
A. Culture (List at least 2)

1.Believing personalistic  Personalistic etiologies includes the sumpa, gaba,

etiologies namaligno and kaloob ng Dios, this is important to
health care providers because these are the usual
reasons why the Filipino patients seek the help of a
traditional folk healer. It is common practice of the
Filipino’s in the rural areas which result to influence the
concept of disease causation and the decision making
of the patient and it may lead to a situation in which a
patient’s condition may worsen due to the delay of
clinical diagnosis and pursuance of the recommended
clinical management.
As a nurse, it is important to be culturally sensitive but
also it is important to educate the patient or the patient’s
family about the importance of having an immediate health
care assessment or a clinical diagnosis for the patient not to
suffer more.

 This usually happens when the patient or the family of

the patient seeks for healing but they feel like it is
impossible to happen anymore.

As a nurse, giving them courage and spreading

positiveness is the best thing that we can do to the patient
and to the family.

2. Saying bahala na, when

everything seems to be
impossible to happen or
lacking of courage.
B. Values (List at least 5)

1. Being hardworking

Being hardworking is not For a nurse this is hard for them since nurse is well
bad for a person but known to care for people even if they are not related to
sometimes, it really affects them. Since the nurse can’t stop the client to work hard, the
the health especially when best thing a nurse can do is to give an advice to the client to
he/she does not have time have rest and give time on checking the health status.
anymore to check on his/her
health status. And due to the
over work that a person did it
can cause a disease to them.

2. Being Hospitable

Being hospitable is one of

the values that Filipinos are
known with. We tend to give
It would be hard for the nurse to have the intervention
something even if sometimes
especially when the room is full and the space is small. And
we doesn’t have enough
one thing is, there’s this instances that the nurse would be
source of it and we tend to
embarrassed in giving the intervention for the reason that
welcome visitors. For
there’s a lot of people around watching her.
example, in a hospital room
there is a limit of people who
can visit but, it is nice to have
many for the patient.
3. Being Family Centered

We Filipinos, we really
value our family. We care for
them, we tend to give the
best for them and did
everything for our family.
Sometimes, we take risk all In a hospital room, sometimes the family of the patient
that we had for them to had over reacts especially when something happens or they
the clinical diagnosis and feel that the nurse is not doing the right procedure, which
interventions they need. really affects the nurse who gives the intervention. It could
trigger both the nurse and the family, but as a nurse the
right thing to do is to have patient and understand the side
4. Being Religious of the patient’s family especially when they having a hard
Some religious beliefs
cause patients to forego
needed medical care, refuse
life-saving procedures, and
stop necessary medication,
choosing faith instead of
This is one of the values that really affects not only the
medicine. Some various
nursing care but especially to the health care providers who
religions is really a hindrance
are giving interventions, thou the patient has the right refuse
in giving the right
the intervention that contradicts to there beliefs and health
interventions to the patient.
practitioners need to learn to respect the decisions that
patients make based on their religious beliefs and not
become offended or feel rejected and find another way of
5. Being Grateful the interventions that would not contradict there beliefs.
It is not new to us
Filipinos to be grateful in
something that made us
happy or someone that
helped us, in good times and
even in bad times, we tend to
give back to that person. But
it is not acceptable in nursing In hospitals, it is very overwhelming when your patient
profession. is grateful of having you as her/his nurse. This does not
affect the nursing care but, receiving gifts from your patients
is prohibited thou some will feel rejected, nurses should
explain the reason why. And also it is the nurses job to give
care to the patients without expecting any exchange.

C. Practices (List at least 5)

1. Not allowing a person In some instances the physicians would not allow the
not to eat something patient to have a food intake especially when an operation
will be done hours after. This affects the nursing care when
the patient would really not follow the physician’s order, the
operation may be moved to another time which causes the
pain of the patient will be prolonged.

Here in the Philippines we practiced the “lamay” when

someone is dead. We would stay up all night to see the
dead body of a person for his/her remaining days. But,
sometimes when a person’s death is caused by a infectious
2. Funeral disease that could really infect others, it would be advised
to have a cremation. This affects the nursing care, since
nurses are the one who really interacts the family.

This is a very common practice that until now we

continue to practice which we learned from our ancestors. If
the patient is suffering from any stomach ache, it could be
the fish bone which is in the stomach. This will affect the
nursing care because the nurse will be having a hard time
to give the intervention.

3. A fish bone gets stuck in

your throat, instead of
telling your company, spin It is a concept used to explain why some children are
your plate three times to noted to have a certain specific characteristic. It is usually
make it disappear or eat called maternal cravings in other literature which is linked to
more rice. foods, that a pregnant woman might so much like the food
or avoid it. This affects the nursing care because nurses
need to provide healthy foods to a pregnant woman.


This is one of the practice that really exist until now,

people with mental disorders are likely to be avoided in the
community instead of helping them in recovering there
illness. This affects the nursing care because the nurse
would be having a hard time giving the intervention if the
patient himself is not willing to accept his/her illness.

5. Unwillingness to accept
having mental illness,
which leads to avoidance
of needed mental health

2. Amidst the COVID-19 crisis the world is facing today, how can a Filipino
nurse (you) exemplify love for country? Elaborate.
In times like this, having a Filipino attitude is what we really need
especially in being a nurse, because Filipino nurses are known to be hard
workers, compassionate and faithful with their jobs.
Amidst the COVID-19 crisis that we are facing today, as a Filipino nurse I
can exemplify love for my country Philippines by helping those who are in
need, staying in the hospital to continue giving care even it is a risk of my life
and especially being positive and staying strong. Because staying strong and
being positive is the best thing that we could do, for us to be able to continue
to serve amidst of the threat that we could also have the virus.
I can also show love for my country as a nurse by making sure in myself
that I am COVID free especially that I worked at the hospital for me not to
infect other people, and also to be a model how to prevent this infectious virus
and to help in spreading awareness also. I should work not only because I
can earn money but I work because it is my will to give care and give service
to my fellow Filipinos.

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