Household Services: Perform Mensuration and Calculation (MC)

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Module 3
Perform Mensuration and
Calculation (MC)

This instructional material is collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public secondary schools. We encourage teachers and
other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and
recommendations to the Department of Education – Region 10 at
[email protected].

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Technology and Livelihood Education – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Module 2: Perform Mensuration and Calculation (MC)
First Edition, 2020
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Published by the Department of Education

Regional Director: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Assistant Regional Director: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V
Development Team of the Module
Authors: Anito T. Esoy Jr.
Esther V. Raagas
Reviewers: Benjie L. Mananzan
Zharell Hope P. Sustento
KeziaKeren L. Cagalawan
Harigene G. Beloy
Illustrator and Layout Artist: Glenda B. Adecir, HT3
Management Team
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director
Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr. CESO V
Asst. Regional Director
Edwin R. Maribojoc, EdD, CESO VI
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Introductory Message
For the learner:
Welcome to the Technology and Livelihood Education 7 Alternative Delivery
Mode (ADM) on Household Services -Module 2: Perform Mensuration and Calculation

The hand is one of the most symbolized parts of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and accomplish.
Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner is capable and
empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and skills at your own pace
and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process
the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to check

what you already know about the lesson to take.
If you get all the answers correct (100%), you
may decide to skip this module.

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link the

current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced

to you in various ways such as a story, a song, a
poem, a problem opener, an activity or a

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of the

lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent practice

to solidify your understanding and skills of the
topic. You may check the answers to the
exercises using the Answer Key at the end of the

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will help
you transfer your new knowledge or skill into real
life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your level of

mastery in achieving the learning competency.

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given to

you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing this


The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module.
Use the TLE Notebook in answering the exercises.
2. Don‟t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities included
in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Table of Contents

What I Need to Know ----------------------------------------

1What I Know -------------------------------------
--- 2
Lesson 1: Carry Out Measurements and Calculations of Required Tasks
What‟s In ----------------------------------------
5What‟s New ---------------------------------------- 6
What is It ----------------------------------------
6What‟s More -------------------------------------
- - - 13
What‟s More - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16
What‟s More - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22
What‟s More - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26

What I Have Learned ----------------------------------------

26What I Can Do - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27
Assessment ----------------------------------------
27Additional Activities -------------------------------------
- - - 30 Answer Key -------------------------------------
- - - 31References -------------------------------------
- - - 32

What I Need to Know

This module of performing mensuration and calculation specifies the outcome

required to carry out measurements and perform simple calculations to determine
task and material requirements for a job. It supports achievements of skills to take
measurements and use these to calculate material qualities and calculation for
related tasks commonly used and applied.

This module consists of only one lesson:

Lesson 1: Carry out measurements and calculations of required tasks

 Conversion of weight, time, temperature, and space measurements.
 Ratio and proportion.
 Substitution of ingredients.
 Computation of work schedules or housekeeping bill.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

a. convert systems of measurement according to task requirement;

b. perform ratio and proportion based on the required task;
c. substitute ingredients or chemical solutions according to recipe/task
requirement; and
d. compute work schedule or housekeeping bill based on policy.

What I Know

Directions: Before you start the lesson, please answer the following questions.
Write the chosen letter on your TLE Notebook.

1. Which of this unit of temperature used to record surface temperature

measurements by meteorologists in the United States?
a. celsius
b. temperature
c. kelvin
d. fahrenheit
2. The measure of the force of gravity on a certain object is called __________.
a. time
b. space measurement
c. weight
d. temperature
3. Any particular time interval, used as a standard way of measuring or expressing
duration is called?
a. distance
b. eight
c. ratio
d. time
4. What do you call to the unit of temperature that is very handy for many scientific
calculations since it begins at absolute zero?
a. ratio and proportion
b. celsius
c. kelvin
d. fahrenheit
5. It refers to the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the numbers of
times one value contains or is contained within the other.
a. ratio
b. proportion
c. conversion
d. ratio and proportion

6. What is the answer if you convert 412 ounces (oz) of detergent powder to pounds
a. 20. 10 lbs
b. 25. 75 lbs
c. 18.22 lbs
d. 25.12 lbs
7. A certain recipe calls for 3kgs of sugar for every 6 kgs of flour. If 60kgs of this
sweet has to be prepared, how much sugar is required?
a. 10 kgs
b. 20 kgs
c. 15 kgs
d. 5 kgs
8. Itmeans replacing hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives. It is at the
top of the hierarchy of control measures applied to substance.
a. resolution
b. substitution
c. chemical reaction
d. alteration
9. This is also known as “swing shift”.
a. first shift
b. second shift
c. third shift
d. shifting shift
10. Which of the following type of work shift in which nearly in line with traditional
business hours which is 8:00 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. until around 5:00 p.m.?
a. first shift
b. second shift
c. third shift
d. shifting shift

11. Which of the following type of shift which typically takes place between the hours
of 12:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. and also known as the “night shift” or “graveyard
a. first shift
b. second shift
c. third shift
d. shifting shift
12. What do you call to a work schedule that is performed in rotations?
a. shift
b. work shift
c. work schedule
d. work schedule
13. Who are allowed to substitute chemical solutions?
a.companies that manufacture articles, materials or chemicals in theirproducts
b. business that handle articles, materials and chemicals
c. retailers requiring suppliers to substitute hazardous substances with safer
d. all of the above
14. All are steps in substituting chemical solutions except .
a. gather information on chemicals used
b.identify unwanted substances
c.develop new alternative chemicals or technical solutions
d. avoid the use of the process
15. Which of the following should a housekeeper do during third/end shift?
a. return unused supplies
b. sign in lost and found items
c. check the schedule before leaving for changes and assignments
d. all of the above


Welcome to Lesson 2 of our module in Household Services! In this lesson,

we are going tolearn on how to perform mensuration and calculation applied to

What’s In

On the previous lesson, you learned the basic concepts of housekeeping,how

to use appropriate cleaning tools, equipment, supplies, and materials as well as on
how to maintain cleaning equipment. By getting that far, I would like to say

Now, you are on the next journey on continuing this module. This lesson will
teach youon how to perform mensuration and calculation. The contents of the topic
includesthe conversion of weight, time, temperature, and space measurements, ratio
and proportion, substitution of ingredients or chemicals solutions and computation of
work schedules or housekeeping bill.
But before you proceed, answer first the following shortquiz to test how far
you have learned on the previous lesson. Write your answers on your TLE
1. Give at least five (5) types of cleaning tools, equipment, supplies, and materials
found in your home.
2. Give at least two (2) ways in maintaining and storing those cleaning tools,
equipment, supplies and materials that you listed above.

What’s New

Activity 1- Fix Me

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to identify the word each sentence
defines/describes. Write your answer on your TLE Notebook.

MENTIONSURA 1. It deals with the measurement of length, area,or volume.

TIONLACALCU 2.The act of calculating.
HTWEIG 3.The measure of the force of gravity on the object.
TIONSUBSTITU 4. It means replacing hazardous chemicals with safer
TSHIF ORKW 5. It refers to a work schedule that is performed in rotations.

What is It

Mensuration.It is defined as the branch of geometry that deals with the

measurement of length, area, or volume. It is also the act or process of measuring.

Calculation.It is a deliberate process that transforms one or more inputs into one or
more results. The term is used in a variety of senses, from the very
definite arithmetical calculation of using an algorithm, to the vague heuristics of
calculating a strategy in a competition, or calculating the chance of a successful
relationship between two people.

Conversion of Weight, Time, Temperature, and Space
A. Conversion Of Weight

Weightis the measure of the force of gravity on that object. It is a body's relative
mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving rise to a downward force; the
heaviness of a person or thing.
Below are the unit conversions of weight (mass):


Metric Conversions Standard Conversions
1 gram (g) = 1000 milligrams (mg) 1 ounce (oz) = 16 drams (dr)
1 kilogram (kg) = 1000 grams (g) 1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces (oz)
Metric to Standard Conversions Standard to Metric Conversions
1 gram (g) = 0.035274 ounces (oz) 1 ounce (oz) = 28.34952 grams (g)
1 kilogram (kg) = 2.20462 pounds (lbs) 1 pound (lb) = 453.59237 grams (g)
1 kilogram (kg) = 35.27396 ounces (oz) 1 pound (lb) = 0.45359 grams (g)
Exercise 1:A group of guests in a hotel has a total luggage that weighs 176 pounds
(lbs). Convert the weight of the total weight of the luggage into kilograms.
Solution A: Multiply 176 lbs by using the given conversion factor:

Conversion:1 kilogram (kg) = 2.2 pounds (lbs)

1 kg 176 kg
× 176 pounds = = 80 kg
2.2 pounds 2.2
Therefore, the group of guest‟s luggage has a total of80 (kg).

Exercise 2:Zoeyis an employee in the linen and laundry department in a

prestigious hotel. She then get a 530 grams of detergent powderto be use in
washing hotel linens. The measurement used in procedure in their laundry task
sheets is in pounds (lbs). Help her convert from grams to pounds.
This problem has two ways in getting the measurement needed:
Solution A:Multiply 530 g by using two given conversion factors:
1 kilogram (kg) = 1000 grams (g)
First Conversion:
1 kg 530 kg
× 530 grams = = 0.53 kg
1000 grams 1000

Second Conversion: 2.2 pounds (lbs) = 1 kilogram (kg)

2.2 lbs 1.166 lbs 1.166 lbs
× 0.53 kg = = Round-off to
1 kg 11 the nearest


Solution B:Multiply 530 g by using shorter given conversion factor:

Conversion: 1 pound (lb) = 453.59237 grams (g)
1 lb 530 lbs
× 530 g = = 1.168 lbs Round-off to
453.59237 g 453 59237 the nearest

Therefore, Zoey‟s detergent powder in pounds is 1.17 pounds (lbs)

B. Conversion Of Time Measurement

A unit of time or midst unit is any particular time interval, used as a standard way
of measuring or expressing duration. The base unit of time in the International
System of Units (SI) and by extension most of the Western world, is the second,
defined as about 9 billion oscillations of the caesium atom.
Below are the unit conversions of time measurement:
Time Measure
1 minute = 60 seconds

1 hour = 60 minutes
1 day = 24 hours
1 week = 7 days
1 year = 12 months

Exercise 1:Julie works in a hotel for so long. She works in at least 6.5 hours every
shift. She wants to know how many minutes she works in every shift.
Solution A:Multiply 6.5 hours by using the given conversion factor:
Conversion: 1 hour = 60 minutes
60 minutes 390 minutes
× 6.5hours = = 390 minutes
1 hour 1

Exercise 2:Andre cleans the deluxe rooms for about 3,345 minutes in his entire
shifts. In how many days does he clean the deluxe rooms of his entire shifts?
A. Multiply 3,345 minutes by using two given conversion factors:
First Conversion: 60 minutes = 1 hour
1 hour 3,345 hours
× 3,345 minutes = = 55.75 hours
60 minutes 60
Second Conversion: 24 hours = 1 day
1 day 55.75 days
× 55.75 hours = = 2.322 days Round-off
24 hours 24 24 to the
2.3 days

Therefore, Andre‟s entire shift in cleaning deluxe rooms is 2.3 days.

C. Conversion Of Temperature
Degrees Fahrenheit, (developed in the early 1700's by G. Daniel Fahrenheit),
are used to record surface temperature measurements by meteorologists in the
United States. However, since most of the rest of the world uses degrees.

Celsius (developed in the 18th Century), it is important to be able to convert from

units of degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius.

Kelvin is another unit of temperature that is very handy for many scientific
calculations, since it begins at absolute zero, meaning it has no negative numbers.
(Note: The word "degrees" is NOT used with Kelvin.)

Below are the unit conversions of temperature.
From Celsius To Celsius
Fahrenheit [°F] = [°C] × 9⁄5 + 32 [°C] = ([°F] − 32) × 5⁄9
Kelvin [K] = [°C] + 273.15 [°C] = [K] − 273.15
From Fahrenheit To Fahrenheit
Celsius [°C] = ([°F] − 32) × 5⁄9 [°F] = [°C] × 9⁄5 + 32
Kelvin [K] = ([°F] + 459.67) × 5⁄9 [°F] = [K] × 9⁄5 − 459.67

Exercise 1: The room temperature of some family rooms of XYZ Hotel is 12 °C.
Give the Fahrenheit temperature of these rooms.
Solution A: Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit by using the formula given:

Conversion: [°F] = [°C] × 9⁄5 + 32

[°F] = [°C] × ⁄5 + 32
°F = { [12 °C] x 9⁄5} + 32 (multiply 12 and 9, answer is 108)
°F = {108 / 5} + 32 (divide 108 by 5, answer is 21.6)
°F = {21.6 + 32} (add 21.6 and 32, answer is 53.6)
°F = 53.6
Therefore, 53.6 °F is the temperature of the family rooms of XYZ
Exercise 2:Give the Kelvin of 90 °F.
Solution A: Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin by using the formula given:
[K] = ([°F] + 459.67) × 5⁄9

[K] = ([°F] + 459.67) × 5⁄9

K = ([90 °F] + 459.67) × 5⁄9 (add 90 and 459.67, answer is 549)
K = (549) x 5/9 (multiply 549 and 5, answer is 2,745)
K = (2,745 / 9) (divide 2,745 by 9, answer is 305)
K = 305

Therefore, 305 K is the answer.

D. Conversion Of Space Measurements

In astronomy, the most commonly used measures of distance are the light
year, parsec and astronomical unit.

Astronomical Unit (A.U.)

An astronomical unit (A.U.) is the average distance between the Earth and
the Sun, which is about 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers. Astronomical units
are usually used to measure distances within our solar system. For example, the
planet Mercury is about 1/3 of an A.U. from the Sun, while the farthest planet, Pluto,
is about 40 A.U. from the Sun (that‟s 40 times as far away from the Sun as the Earth

Light-Year (ly)

Most objects in space are so far away, that using a relatively small unit of
distance, such as an astronomical unit, is not practical. Instead, astronomers
measure distances to objects which are outside our solar system in light-years.

A light-year (ly) is the distance that light can travel in one year in a vacuum
(empty space). The speed of light is about 186,000 miles or 300,000 kilometers per
second. So, in one year light travels a distance of about 5,880,000,000,000 miles or
9,460,000,000,000 kilometers or 63,240 A.U. This distance is 1 light-year. For
example, the nearest star to us is about 4.3 light-years away. Our galaxy, the Milky
Way, is about 150,000 light-years across, and the nearest large galaxy, Andromeda,
is 2.3 million light-years away.

Parsec (pc)
Astronomers use another unit of distance called a parsec (pc), which is equal
to 3.26 light-years. The definition of the parsec is based on a triangle. A parsec is the
length of the long leg of a right triangle, whose short leg is one astronomical unit
when the angle between the Sun and the Earth, as seen from an object in space (a
star for example), is one arc second The word parsec stands for "parallax of one arc
second" One kilo parsec (kpc), is one thousand parsecs. One mega parsec (Mpc) is
one million parsecs.

Space Measurements
1 Astronomical Unit (A.U.) = 93,000,000 / 9.3 x 107 miles
93,000,000 / 9.3 x 107 miles = 150,000,000 / 1.5 x 108 kilometers
1 light year (ly) = 5,880,000,000,000 / 5.88 x 1012miles
5,880,000,000,000 / 5.88 x 1012miles = 9,460,000,000,000 / 9.46 x 1012
1 parsec (pc) = 3.26 light years

Exercise 1: Convert 2 Astronomical Unit (A.U.) to miles.

Solution A: Multiply 2 A.U. by using the given conversion factor:

Conversion: 1 A.U. = 93,000,000 / / 9.3 x 107 miles

93,000,000 miles × 2 A.U.

186, 000,000 miles 186, 000,000 or
= = 1.86 x 108 miles
1 A.U. 1

Therefore, the answer is 186, 000,000 or 1.86 x 108 miles.

Exercise 2: From the answer of Exercise 2, convert it to kilometers.

Solution A:Multiply 186, 000,000 or 1.86 x 108milesby using the given conversion

93,000,000 / 9.3 x 107 miles = 150,000,000 / 1.5 x 108 kilometers

1.5 x 108 km 2.79 x 108 km 8 3 x 101

× 1.86 x 10 miles = =
9.3 x 107 miles 9.3 x 107 or 3 km

Therefore, the answer is 3 km.

What’s More

Activity 1- Solve and Convert

Directions: Answer the following equations. Write your answer on your TLE
Notebook. Show your solutions. (5 points each)

1. Convert 412 ounces (oz) of hotel guest baggage to pounds.

2. Convert 23°𝐶𝐶 of hotel room temperature to Fahrenheit
3. Convert 3,412 hours of work time of the housekeeper employee to days.

Ratio and Proportion

Ratio.It is the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of
times one value contains or is contained within the other. In housekeeping, it would vary
based on the type of hotel, and the size of the rooms.
Notation: Ratio of two values a and b is written as:a:b or a/b or a to b
For instance, the ratio of number of boys in a class to the number of girls is
2:3. Here, 2 and 3 are not taken as the exact count of the students but a multiple of
them, which means the number of boys can be 2 or 4 or 6…etc and the number of
girls is 3 or 6 or 9… etc. It also means that in every five students, there are two boys
and three girls.
Question 1: In a certain hotel, there are 28 guest women and 21 guest men. What
is the ratio of guest men to guest women? What is the ratio of guest
women to the total number of guests in the hotel?
Solution:Guest Men: GuestWomen = 21:28 (divisible by 7)
= 3:4

Women: total number of guests = 28:49 (divisible by 7)

= 4:7

Question2: In a group, the ratio of doctors to lawyers is 5:4. If the total number of
people in the group is 72, what is the number of lawyers in the group?
Solution: Let the number of doctors be 5x and the number of lawyers be 4x.
Then 5x+4x = 72 → x=8.
So, the number of lawyers in the group is 4*8 = 32.

Question 3: If the ratio of chocolates to ice-cream cones in a box is 5:8 and the
number of chocolates is 30, find the number of ice-cream cones.
Solution: Let the number of chocolates be 5x and the number of ice-cream cones
be 8x.
5x = 30 → x = 6
5(6) = 30
Therefore, number of ice-cream cones in the box
8x = 8(6) = 48.

Proportion.It is defined as the comparison of two ratios.
If a: b = c: d, then a, b, c, d are said to be in proportion and written as
a: b :: c:d or a/b=c/d.
a, d are called the extremesand b, c are called the means.
For a proportion a: b = c: d, product of means = product of extremes → b*c = a*d.
Let us take a look at some examples:

Question 1:In a mixture of 45 litres, the ratio of sugar solution to salt solution is 1:2.
What is the amount of sugar solution to be added if the ratio has to be
Answer:Number of litres of sugar solution in the mixture =[1/(1+2) ] *45 = 15 litres.
So, 45-15 = 30 litres of salt solution is present in it.
Let the quantity of sugar solution to be added be x litres.
Setting up the proportion,sugar solution/saltsolution=(15+x)/30=2/1→x= 45.

Therefore, 45 litres of sugar solution has to be added to bring it to the ratio 2:1.

Question 2:A certain recipe calls for 3kgs of sugar for every 6 kgs of flour. If 60kgs
of this sweet has to be prepared, how much sugar is required?
Solution: Let the quantity of sugar required be x kgs.
3 kgs of sugar added to 6 kgs of flour constitutes a total of 9 kgs of
3 kgs of sugar is present in 9 kgs of sweet. We need to find the
quantity of sugar required for 60 kgs of sweet. So the proportion looks
like this.
3/9 = x/60 → x=20.

Therefore, 20 kgs of sugar is required for 60 kgs of sweet.

What’s More

Activity 2 - Ratio and Proportion

Directions: Answer the following equations. Write your answer on your TLE
Notebook. Show your solutions. (5 points each)
1. Andrew is a room boy attendant received 1 box of gloves from Deluxe Hotel that
contains 100 gloves, then 4 ½ boxes will contain how many gloves?
2. Find the third proportional of 16 guest room attendants and 20 linen room
3. Sheena is the receptionist of XYZ Hotel. She handles the reservations of the
guests. The hotel has only 16 deluxe rooms (2 person rooms to accommodate the
guests for the conference). How many rooms do they need to accommodate 64

Substitution of Chemical Solutions

What is Substitution?
Substitution means replacing hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives. It
is at the top of the hierarchy of control measures applied to substance. Several
factors must be assessed to determine if a chemical is a suitable substitute including
potential hazards, exposure, technical feasibility and economic considerations.
After substitutes are proposed, the risks of each substitute are compared to
one another and tested until a suitable substitution is found. Thus, the potential
hazards of a chemical or a substitute candidate must be assessed by noting the
toxicity of the chemical to both humans and environment. Likewise, the cost and
practicality of the substitute are also considered because successful substitution may
require technical and organizational changes. The result of a substitution may not
completely harmless, but should reduce hazards. Thus, substituting hazardous
chemicals follows the principles of green chemistry and results in clean technology.

Why Substitute?

The aim of substitution is to phase out hazardous substances or replace them

with less hazardous alternatives for safe handling during manufacture, use and
waste management or recycling.

Who can substitute?

Companies that manufacture articles, materials or chemicals are responsible

for substituting any hazardous substances in their products.

Business that handle articles, materials and chemicals also have the same

Retailers can also go further than the law requires and strive to eliminate
more hazardous substances from their articles or products. This can be achieved by
requiring suppliers to substitute hazardous substances with safer alternatives.

What needs to be substituted?

Substitute all hazardous substances as a preventive measure in order to

reduce the risk of adverse effects on human health and the environment.

How to substitute?

There are two (2) ways on substituting chemical solutions.

1. Substitution can be illustrated as a Staircase Consisting of Five Steps, where

each step builds on the previous one. See Figure 1.

Figure 1. Substitution as a Staircase Consisting of Five Steps

Develop new

Evaluate and
select alternatives

Find available

Identify unwanted

Gather information
on chemical content

The 5 steps in substitution process:

1. Gather information on chemicals used.

2. Identify unwanted substances.

3. Find available alternative substances or new technical solutions.

4. Evaluate and select alternative substances or technical solutions.

5. Develop new alternative chemicals or technical solutions.

2. The following steps are General and Indicative, and can be adjusted, if
appropriate, to bring about the desired result:

1. Organizing a working group

Ensure appropriate representation of workers and employers, and integrate all
required expertise. Include those directly involved in using/producing the
substance (technicians, workers). Make a work plan with well-defined roles for all
stages. Take measures to ensure an efficient information flow between the group,
the rest of the company and its stakeholders. Maintain a collaborative, open–
minded atmosphere.

2. Defining the problem

List the substances to be substituted. Be clear on why you make these

choices. Prioritize substitution according to legal provisions, company policy and
stakeholder perspective. Define the function that a substance has and how it is
integrated in the rest of the process/product. List the required conditions for this
function to perform adequately (temperature, acidity, pressure, chemical
compatibility, etc). An alternative should fit these conditions, or the system/product
will need to be changed, to a greater or lesser degree. Define what quality the
substance gives to the process or to the final product. If that quality is not actually
necessary needed (example: some commercial attributes) the substance may be
eliminated. Otherwise, an alternative is needed.

3. Setting substitution criteria

Set criteria for selecting possible alternatives. Initially, fewer (pre)screening

criteria may be used. This would eliminate at an early stage those alternatives that
are not safe enough CMRs and substances of equivalent concern, such as
endocrine disruptors, also sensitizers or neurotoxicants should not be chosen as
alternatives. Other criteria may be added to differentiate between alternatives that
have passed the screening criteria. Cost, availability on the local market, and
other advantages may be considered.

4. Searching for alternatives

Solutions may be found inside the company. Searching other sources is also
important. Alternatives already developed and implemented may lower innovation
costs and risks. Internet sources, official reports, supplier chain, professional or
sectorial associations or authority representatives may provide useful information.
Another approach is to ask the supplier to formulate a safer alternative. Some

companies offer support in selecting the right product, or may even be willing to
reformulate the initial one (especially for important clients).

5. Assessing and comparing alternatives

Assess all alternatives using the same method or tool to allow for comparison.
Select those alternatives that best fit the nature and dimension of the problem and
that provide indeed an overall risk reduction.

6. Experimenting on pilot scale

Try substitution on a smaller scale to see if it lives up to expectations in terms

of safety, technical and environmental performance. Compare costs against those
initially forecast, and estimate if feasible when transposed at full scale.

7. Implementing, re-evaluating

Plan carefully for full-scale implementation. Evaluate and take appropriate

measures. Review as necessary the supply chain, training needs, and other

Ways on Substituting

1. Using different and safer substance(s) instead of the initial one (substitution by
substance/s or material).
Example: glycerol acetate as an alternative to phthalate plasticizers in coatings.
2. Using a technological alternative instead of the initial substance (substitution by
Example: deep freezing instead of formaldehyde for preserving biological samples.
3. Using an organizational measure as replacement for a hazardous substance
(substitution by procedure).
Example: replacing mercury switches in some X Ray machines with manual
adjustment by the operator.

4. Changing the product so that the substance is no longer needed (substitution by

re-design). A known example is eliminating adhesives by redesigning product
shapes so they can be assembled manually (by click).

5. As well as being a legal requirement, substitution can also be done voluntarily.
Many companies have lists of substances that are banned or restricted in their
products or activities („grey or black lists‟). Some of these substances are not (yet)
restricted by law.

Regardless of its type, substitution should really make a positive difference for
health and safety. Shifting hazards (example: from chemical to physical), or using
inappropriate control measures for the alternative, may lead to situations in which the
overall risk is higher than before substitution. Confusing the lack of data on certain
hazards with the absence of those hazards could also make substitution ineffective.
While substitution examples may be transferrable, there would be a need to assess
them on a case to case basis, taking the specific conditions of the workplace,
company and work procedures into account, as well as the conditions arising during
maintenance and in the case of foreseeable accidents. There cannot be a “generic”
approach to substitution.

Examples of Substitution:
Substitution can be on different levels such as using:
1. Less hazardous chemicals in the same process
Example: For construction paints: from organic solvents to water-based paints
2. New design of the process
a.In metal degreasing: from vapor degreasing with trichloroethylene to high
pressure hosing with hot alkaline solution in a closed system.
b. In brazing: from fluxes containing boron and fluor compounds to use of a
furnace with reducing atmosphere.

3. A new process
a.Removal of old paint: from a mixture of dichloromethane and
methanolto blasting with steel sand in a closed system.

b.From bonding with adhesives to a new design of items locking them

mechanically together, mutually

4. Avoiding the use of the process
a. Avoiding electroplating with nickel only applied for cosmetic reasons.
b. Furniture of wood: from lacquer with organic solvents to no surface treatment
especially used for furniture of quality.
5. Avoid producing products involving hazardous processes

What’s More

Activity 1- Essay Me
Directions: Answer the following questions briefly. Write your answers
on your TLE Notebook. (2 points each)
1. What does substitution means?
2. Why is substitution of chemical solutions important?
3. How is substitution of chemicalsolutionsbe done? Give at least two (2) different
4. As a student, are you allowed to substitute chemical solutions? Explain your

Computation of Work Schedules

Employee scheduling will depend greatly on the occupancy of the hotel. The
number of occupants varies depending on the season. The executive housekeeper
is the one who decides on this matter. The stranded practice in assigning rooms to
housekeepers is 16 rooms per room attendant. The productivity standard in cleaning
an occupied room takes about 30 minutes, then 6 minutes in cleaning the bath room,
and 4 minutes in loading carts and tea breaks. A hotel room with 100 rooms and all
are occupied needs 8 room attendants per shift. There is also a software that can be
used to aid the complexities of the task such as Visual Rota.
Assignment or distribution of tasks should be fair and equal. No employee
must be overburdened with tasks. Rotation of tasks is also considered to avoid
monotony. Common task for all employees is to provide service for the guest. The
executive housekeeper should make sure that rotation of employees on different
floor is observed and each floor should have equal employee to work on the entire
Table 1: Sample Room Attendant Work Schedule

1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st
Room Off
Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor
1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st
Room Off
Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor
2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd
Room Off 2ndFloor
Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor
2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd
Room Off 2nd Floor
Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor
3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd
Room Off
Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor
3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd
Room Off
Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor
Room Off Reliever Reliever Reliever Reliever Reliever Reliever
Work Shift

It refers to a work schedule that is performed in rotations. This is a type of
work schedule in which groups of workers rotate through set periods throughout the
day. It can involve evening or night shifts, early morning shifts, and rotating shifts.
Many industries rely heavily on shift work, and millions of people work in jobs that
require shift schedules.

Why it is important?
 Time decreases loss of keys/key cards
 Increases productivity
 Encourages consistency and organization

Types of Work Shifts

1. First shift (1st shift) - usually takes place between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5:00
p.m. and nearly always in line with traditional business hours which is 8:00 a.m. or
9:00 a.m. until around 5:00 p.m.
Working first shift means you get a reasonably standard workday, complete with
the morning and evening commute, and evenings off so you can have dinner with
your family or friends.
2.Second shift (2nd shift) - is worked between 5:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. and also
known as the “swing shift”. It usually extends from 4:00 p.m.
3.Third shift (3rd shift) - typically takes place between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and
8:00 a.m. and also known as the “night shift” or “graveyard shift”. This is the
work schedule that takes place from around midnight to the early hours of the
morning. Though the exact third shift job hours may change from one workplace
to another, this shift almost always happens at night.

What should you remember on beginning or first shift and on the end or third
 sign in by using the punch clock or filling in the time sheet or by using the
 sign out the required keys/key cards

 pick up the room assignment sheet and check for special assignments and
 pick up necessary supplies to clean rooms

At the THIRD/END OF THE SHIFT, you should:

 return the assignment sheets after having logged any maintenance that has
not been attended to and any discrepancies
 return unused supplies
 restock cart for next shift
 sign in the keys/key cards
 sign in lost and found items
 sign out by using the punch clock or filling in the time sheet
 check the schedule before leaving for changes and assignments

All employees in the organization play an integral role in housekeeping that is

why it is very important to establish a housekeeping work shift or schedule. At a
minimum, housekeeping is required to be done at the end of each shift. At this time,
employees are expected to inspect, clean and remove unused or discarded
Table 2 shows an example of employee‟s work shift.

Table 2: Sample Employees Work Shift

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Andrew 1stShift LEAVE 1st Shift Week Off 2nd Shift Week Off 2nd Shift

Robert Week Off Week Off LEAVE OT 1st Shift 1st Shift 2nd Shift

John 2nd Shift 2nd Shift 2nd Shift 3rd Shift Week Off OT 3rd Shift

Michael 3rd Shift OT 3rd Shift Week Off 1st Shift Week Off 1stShift

Mildred 1st Shift 1st Shift Week Off LEAVE 2nd Shift Week Off 2nd Shift

Elise 3rd Shift Week Off 3rd Shift OT Week Off 3rd Shift 1stShift

What’s More
Activity 1- Essay
Directions: Read and answer the following questions. Write your answer on your
TLE notebook.
1. In your opinion, what are the advantages of beginning and ending your shift
2. Name the first three things you should do when starting your shift.
3. Name the last five things you should do when ending your shift.
Standard Student’s
Criteria for Essay
Score Score

Content The content was well-thought, 4 points

guide questions were thoroughly

Organization The paper was well-written with 3 points

ideas easily conveyed to readers.

Development Points are thoroughly developed. 3 points

TOTAL 10 points

Activity 2 - Identification

Directions: Indicate whether the following should be done at the beginning or at the
end of your shift. Copy and put a check (/) mark on the space provided. Write your
answers on your TLE Notebook.


1. Sign in

2. Sign in keys/key cards

3. Returned unused supplies

4. Restock cart for next shift

5. Pick up room assignment sheets

6. Return room assignment sheets

7. Sign out

8. Pick up supplies

9. Check schedule before living

10. Sign in lost and found items

What I Have Learned

Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct answer. Write it on your TLE Notebook.
1. It refers to the measure of the force of gravity on the object. It is called
2. A is any particular time interval, used as a standard way of
measuring or expressing duration.
3. The quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times
one value contains or is contained within the other is called .
4. Developed in the early 1700's by G. Daniel Fahrenheit and are used to record
surface temperature measurements by meteorologists in the United States is
called .
5. Replacing hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives is called .
6. Substitute all as a preventive measure in order to reduce the
risk of adverse effects on human health and the environment.
7. This is a type of work schedule in which groups of workers rotate through set
periods throughout the day is called .
8-10. The three types of work shifts are , , and.

What I Can Do

Activity 1 - Housekeeping Challenge
Directions: Ask and inform your mother that you will make a schedule of the daily
household chores done at home. Assign each to all family members. Show it to her
for approval and ask her permission to post it and be implemented the following
week. Be ready to write the task schedule and an essay regarding your learning
experience from making a “Daily Household Task Schedule”. Write it on your TLE


Daily Household Tasks Assigned Family Member

Standard Student’s
Criteria for the Essay
Score Score

Content The content was well-thought and 4 points

grammatically correct.

Organization The paper was well-written with 3 points

ideas easily conveyed to readers.

Development Points are thoroughly developed. 3 points

TOTAL 10 points


Post Test

Directions: Read and answer each question carefully. Write the letter of your
answer on your TLE Notebook.
1. What term refers to the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the
numbers of times one value contains or is contained within the other?
a. ratio
b. proportion
c. conversion
d. ratio and proportion
2. Any particular time interval used as a standard way of measuring or expressing
duration is called _____________.
a. distance
b. eight
c. ratio
d. time
3. The measure of force of gravity on a certain object is called _____________.
a. time
b. space measurement
c. weight
d. temperature
4. It refers to the unit of temperature used to record surface temperature
measurements by meteorologists in the United States.
a. celsius
b. temperature
c. kelvin
d. fahrenheit

5. What do you call to a unit of temperature that is very handy for many scientific
calculations since it begins at absolute zero?
a. ratio and proportion
b. celsius
c. kelvin

d. Fahrenheit
6. Which of the following housekeeper should do during third/end shift?
a. return unused supplies
b. sign in lost and found items
c. check the schedule before leaving for changes and assignments
d. all of the above
7. What do you call the type of work shift in which nearly in line with traditional
business hours which is 8:00 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. until around 5:00 p.m.?
a. first shift
b. second shift
c. third shift
d, shifting shift
8. Itmeans replacing hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives. It is at the
top of the hierarchy of control measures applied to substance.
a. resolution
b. substitution
c. chemical reaction
d. alteration
9. What is the answer if you convert 412 ounces (oz) of detergent powder to pounds (lb)?
a. 20. 10 lbs
b. 25. 75 lbs
c. 18.22 lbs
d. 25.12 lbs
10. This is also known as “swing shift”.
a. first shift
b. second shift
c. third shift
d. shifting shift

11. What do you call to a work schedule that is performed in rotations?

a. shift
b. work shift
c. work schedule
d. schedule

12. A certain recipe calls for 3kgs of sugar for every 6 kgs of flour. If 60kgs of this
sweet has to be prepared, how much sugar is required?
a. 10 kgs
b. 20 kgs
c. 15 kgs
d. 5 kgs
13 Which of the following work shift typically takes place between the hours of 12:00
a.m. and 8:00 a.m. and also known as the “night shift” or “graveyard shift”?
a. first shift
b. second shift
c. third shift
d. shifting shift
14. Who are allowed to substitute chemical solutions?
a. companies that manufacture articles, materials or chemicals in their products
b. business that handle articles, materials and chemicals
c. retailers requiring suppliers to substitute hazardous substances with safer
d. all of the above
15. The following are steps in substituting chemical solutions EXCEPT:
a.gather information on chemicals used.
b.identify unwanted substances.
c.develop new alternative chemicals or technical solutions.
d. avoid the use of the process

Additional Activities

Directions: Read each sentence carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true, write

FALSEif the statement is false. Write your answer on your TLE


1. The potential hazards of a chemical or a substitute candidate must

be assessed by noting the toxicity of the chemical to both
humans and environment.

2.Regardless of its type, substitution should really make a positive

difference for health and safety.
3. Substitution can be on different levels such as using the most
hazardous chemicals in the same process.
4.Substituting hazardous chemicals follows the principles
of green chemistry and results in clean technology.
5. Setting substitution criteria is NOT one of the steps on substituting
chemical solutions.
6.Mensuration is the branch of geometry that deals with the
measurement of length, area, or volume.
7. Mass is the measure of the force of gravity on the object.
8. Astronomers use unit of distance called a parsec (pc), which is
equal to 3.26 light-years.
9. Degrees Fahrenheit isdeveloped by G. Danielo Fahrenheit.
10.The act or process of or result of calculating is called calculation.

Answer Key

What I What’s New What’s More

Know 1. MENSURATION Activity1: Solve and Convert
1. d 2. CALCULATION 1. 25.75 lbs
3. WEIGHT 2. 142.2 days
2. c
3. 73.4 °F
3. d
5. WORK SHIFT Activity 2: Ration and Proportion
4. c
1. 450 gloves
5. a 2. 25 third proportional
6. b 3. 2 rooms
7. b
Activity 2: Identification
8. b
9. b
2. END
10. a 3. END
4. END
11. c
5. END
12. b 6. END
13. d 7. END
14. d 9. END
15. d 10. END

What I Have Learned Assessment Additional

1.weight 1. a 11. b Activities
2.unit of time 2. d 12. b 1. TRUE
3.ratio 3. c 13. c 2. TRUE
4. degree Fahrenheit 4. d 14. d 3. FALSE
5. substitution 5. c 15. D 4. TRUE
6.hazardous substance 6.d 5. FALSE
7. work shift 7. a 6.TRUE
8. first shift 8. b 7. FALSE
9. second shift 9. b 8. TRUE
10. third shift 10. b 9. FALSE
10. TRUE


Urbiztondo, Laarni A. Housekeeping. Manila, Philippines: Rex Publishing, 2016

Summarized Conversion Table “Conversion Table” NWCG
table. (AccessedJune 24, 2020.)

Measurement Conversions Word Problem. “Conversion Word Problem”
ns_word_problems.pdf(Accessed June 24, 2020)

Home “Math Problems, Tests, Forums”
speed-energy-power-force.html(Assessed June 24, 2020)

Wikipedia“Conversion of units of temperature”June 10, 2020
(Accessed June 24, 2020)

tance.html(Accessed June 24, 2020)

MBA Crystal Ball“Ratio and Proportion Questions & Word Problems | GMAT GRE
Maths” May 06, 2018
proportion-problems/(Accessed June 24, 2020)

MBA Crystal Ball

problems/(Accessed June 24, 2020)

Wikipedia.“Substitution of Dangerous Chemicals”
PA0qUl7A6FACJGVIVxRYoHMC5ya6Q4I0v4V2EPkBRwhwA3CijZvik8Y. (Accessed
June 1,2020)

CCOSH (Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety). “Chemical

PpJSvHTdXhHldPc8SxFDoHalELgo. (Accessed June 1, 2020)

Wikipedia.“Substitution of Hazardous Chemicals”.
E0tSPt2gQdh2F0Rj7vAf1WLlyUSE-kPccRbgZfA1FvK0ELQ4. (AccessedJune 1,

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