Basic Intel Reviewer

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Expertise in taking of admissible statement

Week 7 4. Preparation of investigative plan
UNDERCOVER OPERATION AND COUNTER INTELLIGENCE 5. Knowledge of investigative report writing
UNDERCOVER – An investigative in which the agent’s/investigator’s official BASIC INVESTIGATIVE TECHNIQUE
identity is concealed to accomplish an investigative mission, an operative 1. Knowledge in records examination
who assume fictitious identity or personality to secure evidence. 2. Proficiency in interview and interrogation
NATURAL COVER – Using the individual true identity, occupation or 3. Mastery in elicitation and provocation
profession. 4. Apply surveillance technique
ARTIFICIAL COVER – The manufacturing of documents, false documents, 5. Capable of conducting raids and searches
passport, forged document. 6. Skill in collection and handling evidence
EMPLOYMENT OF UNDERCOVER 7. Ability to testify in court
1. Often used simultaneously with other aspect of investigations. 8. Use of technical investigative and device
2. When it is desirable to conceal interest of investigative agency in 9. Knowledge in investigative photography
a case undercover is employed in lieu of overt investigation. Security in the intelligence point of view is the protection of classified
3. When the desired information or evidence is not readily information, material and equipment for disclosure to unauthorized person
accessible to an overt agent/investigator. against sabotage, espionage and subversion
4. When used to hide the fact that an investigation is taking place. Axiom 1 – Intelligence is crucial to internal security.
TYPES OF EMPLOYMENT Axiom 2 – Intelligence is essential to all types of operations.
1. Direct Axiom 3 – Intelligence is the responsibility of all intelligence agencies.
When an agent, organic to the investigative agency personally Axiom 4 –Intelligence of the government must be superior to that of the
penetrates the target enemy.
2. Indirect Week8
When an agent employs other personnel not organic to the PRINCIPLE OF SECURITY
investigative agency to penetrate the target and he directs their activities. 1. Security guidelines are normally disseminated by regulations of
-Time a. Uniformity of purpose in implementation and
-Security execution
-Expenses b. Logical and similar methods of responsibility
-Level Of penetration c. Appropriate and continuous placement of
-Authority responsibility
FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED IN SELECTING THE COVER STORY 2. Personnel form the weakest link in the security chain. This weakness can
1. Mutual point of interest be minimized or eliminated by increasing awareness of Unit security
2. Justification for presence conscious through effective training program.
3. Continuous contact a. Access to restricted areas can be partially controlled
4. Previous and permanent address by fences, gates and other physical means but an
5. Deficiency individual working in the area is the key to the
POLICE COUNTER INTELLIGENCE extraction of classified matter to authorized
- Focused towards defending the police organizations against sabotage, personnel.
penetration and activities inimical to best interest and general harmony of b. It is individual responsibility the practice of security
the agency and country. procedure and it is commanders responsibility
MILITARY CONCEPT OF COUNTER INTELLIGENCE regarding the compliance thereof.
- Counter intelligence is that phase of intelligence covering all activity c. No person is entitled to knowledge or possession of
devoted to destroying the effectiveness of hostile foreign intelligence classified information solely by his rank, office or
activities and to the protection of information against espionage. position.
-Active measures which are offensive; Counter reconnaissance, counter CATEGORIES OF SECURITY
espionage, counter sabotage, counter subversion, deception programs, 1. PHYSICAL SECURITY- system or barrier placed between the
camouflage and use of smoke to deny enemy observation. installation and documents and would be intruders.
1. Passive Operation • There is no impenetrable barrier
Denial from espionage and sabotage, more on secrecy discipline, • Enemy agents will always seek access
security of classified information, movement control and camouflage. • Each installation is different
- Operational security for personnel: “need to know” “what to • Surreptitious entry is always hazard to security
know” “time on target” “compartmentalization” “code names” LEVEL OF PHYSICAL SECURITY
- Physical security: perimeter fence, access control, ID system 1. Simple Barrier (low level)
- Document security: Classified records, Top secret. Secret, • Windows/doors-barrier
Confidential. Restricted • Lock-indicates security
2. Active Operation • Fences-slow intrusion
Protection and detection against enemy/criminal elements deep • Lighting-prevent and assessment
penetration agents, neutralization and security operation against sabotage, • Alarms-assessment and notification
investigative activities to prevent personnel subversion. 2. Medium Level
1. Denial Measures are applied to prevent the enemy from obtaining • Open space-protection in depth
classified information about the government. It includes but not • Walls-privacy and intrusion
limited to: 3. High Level
a. Secrecy Discipline – “what you see what you hear leave it here” • Armed/unarmed guards-reaction
b. Document Security – maps, photograph, classified documents • Force-elimination
c. Camouflage or Concealment – decoy • Electronic security aids-assessment
d. Communication Security – measures taken to prevent • Strict access control-identification
disclosure of information without “need to know basis” 4. Maximum Level
e. Censorship  Deadly force-neutralization
f. Counter Reconnaissance Effort – includes warning system to  Sophisticated alarm system-detection
warn infiltrators.  Highly trained response force-protection from all levels of attacks
2. Detection Measures designed to employ or expose and neutralize enemy such as aerial, airborne, mobile, land, air and sea
intelligence effort. It includes the following: TYPES OF BARRIER
a. Arial and Ground Reconnaissance – prophylactic patrol  Structural- man made structures ex. Fences
b. Investigation of personnel  Natural- mountain, river, sea, cliff
c. Decals and Pass System – identifying civilian authorized in the  Energy- tv, camera, lighting, sensor, metal detector
area  Human- guards, sentinel
d. Password and Challenge System  Animal- dogs, tiger, lion
3. Deception Measures designed to deceive the enemy as to our true plans ENTRY/EXITS SEARCH
and intention. • Entry Search
a. Ruse – simulated activity instigated to let the enemy into • To detect and deter the entry of contrabands and
believing an action is going to tae place when there is no actual intention of prohibited article
action taking place in the area. • Exit Search
b. Dummy Position – utilized to deceive the enemy into believing • To detect and deter illegal removal classified matters
forces are located in position where they are actually not. and company property
c. Fabricated Information – is a pre-plan to advance information Search equipment in entry/exit search
and must be disseminated in logical and timely basis to be effective. • Metal detector
1. Knowledge of investigative legal principle • Explosive detection
a. Constitutional provision • Manual inspection
b. Basic Criminal Law • Search dogs
c. Rules on Evidence
d. Basic Criminal Procedure
2. Proficiency in the technique obtaining evidence PERSONNEL SECURITY
In the intelligence point of view is the prevention of unsuitable individuals or Specific categories
person with doubtful loyalty to the Philippine government from gaining • Physical security
access to classified matters or being appointed, employed in an organization • Personnel security
involving security of the state. PNP SECURITY RULES AND PROCEDURE • Document/information security
1. To provide the standard and procedures necessary to insure the AGENT ACQUISITION – The entire process by which potential agents are
appointment, employment or retention of suitable and loyal identified, their suitability determined and their recruitment accomplished.
individuals in government service.


Is an inquiry into the character, reputation, morality, integrity, discretion and
loyalty of individual to determine the suitability of the person in the police
service. Issuance of clearance is a security measures to prevent unsuitable
individual with doubtful loyalty to the Philippine government.
1. Revenge- hatred wraps the moral values until hater will go to
higher insensitivity, even betrayal of his organization or his
country to avenge himself
2. Material gain- avid material gain that they will not stop at nothing
to achieve this end
3. Personal prestige- whose main desire for power, power over
others prove the world what leaders they are. The desire for
power makes them vulnerable to subversion
4. Friendship- through close attachment to another person, many
people high on integrity will do thing inimical to the organization Agent Categories
or their county’s interest 1. Collection Agent- one that produce intelligence provide to the
5. Ideological belief- if a person hold beliefs inimical to his case officer for he has access to the information.
organization or his country, he is vulnerable to approach by 2. Support Agent- these are not produce information
subversive groups or agents. 3. Access Agent- provides you operational information perhaps of
other people he may have access to people you do not have.
WEAKNESSES THAT MAKES PEOPLE SUSCEPTIBLE TO PRESSURE -He has the access to information not reportable.
1. Close relative to foreign land- threat of mistreatment of loved 4. Principal Agent- this could be one of your agent who has natural
ones under the control of the threating power had been used ability to run his own sources to collect operational information.
since time immemorial in recent times, terrorist have used this 5. Double Agent- one who is working for the oppositions and to the
technique extensively in attempts to secure cooperation or organization.
support. 6. Legal Travellers- Somebody who has access to the area.
2. Heavy investment in foreign land- people when threatened with -Business people for one purpose or another.
loss of their investment in foreign land can be persuaded to 7. Media Placement Asset- a legitimate journalist sometimes contributed
betray their country. articles in newspaper and magazines, propaganda that can influence people
3. Jealousy- can be used by alert agent to defects other loyal people opinion.
into leading themselves to schemes inimical to their country * 3 Types of Recruitment:
4. Gullibility- people who accept every story at face value and can 1. Developmental Approach
see no wrong in anyone, fall into this category; such people 2. Cold Approach
usually idealist and can sometimes be utilized by unscrupulous 3. False Flag Approach- use a third person who have a diplomatic
agents. ties with the target person.
5. Weakness of character- a weak character who can easily be
dominated is fair prey for subversive agents looking for a TARGET ANALYSIS – The collection and evaluation of all the information
“stooges” to aid them. already available on a target
6. Serious indebtedness- person who are heavily indebted is always 2 TYPES
looking for a fast and easy way to recoup his losses and get out of a. Specific target
debt. Such a person approached with lure of a large sum of money b. General search
is very vulnerable and definite security risk. SPOTTING - Identification of specific individual as potential agents.
7. Serious guilt episode in the past- being human many of us have INVESTIGATION – Collection of background information of potential agent
episodes in the past which we are ashamed. Agents looking for candidates.
recruits may not hesitate to exploit such incidents to force 1. Primary source
cooperation in their subversive schemes. Threats to expose have 2. Overt source
always been powerful level for blackmailing illegal acts. 3. Other non-covert source
8. Drug addiction- it is widely known that drug addicts will commit a Conduct of: Casing/ Surveillance/ Stake-out/ Photo coverage/ BI- SEC/
crime to obtain dope. Nationality of employee/ Linkages
FOUR TYPES OF PERSONNEL SECURITY INVESTIGATION *ASSESSMENT - Collection of information on the needs motivation beliefs,
1. Local Agency Check (LAC) character and personality of the agent candidates.
a. Local Police Clearance 1. Professional qualification
b. Barangay Clearance 2. Personal qualification
c. Municipal Trial Court Clearance 3. Susceptibility to direction
d. Court of First Instance 4. Security
e. Counter Intelligence Clearance 5. Aptitude for clandestine activity
2. National Agency Check (NAC) consist of LAC plus: 6. Possible problems
a. CIDGMaterial Needs 7. Susceptibility to recruitment
b. ISAFP 8. Motivators
c. NICA 9. Recruitment risk factors
d. NBI
e. DOJ List of Possible Motivators
f. PDEA 1 Family wefare
g. DI 2 Education of children
h. Intel files of Four Major Services (AFP) 3 Security
3. Partial Background Investigation (PBI) it is an inquiry of life history of 4 Material Needs
subject person. It includes: 5 Career Enhancement
a. NAC RECRUITMENT - The process of persuading an agent candidate
b. Contact or reference and former employer of individual 1. To accept a clandestine relationship
4. Complete Background Investigation (CBI) it is a complete inquiry of all 2. Submit to some degree of control and direction
important aspects of an individual life history. It includes: 3. Produce information or provide a service for you.
a. Combination of LAC and NAC AGENT HANDLING - Casing, dead drop , report
b. DOP/DOB Sources of Information
c. Citizenship and status A.SOURCE, is defined as a
d. Education person, thing, or activity from which information
e. Employment is originally obtained. Sources may or may
• Verify the inclusive date of employment not be under friendly control. The sources of information to be
• Employer selected to fulfill a given intelligence is
• Name of office an important consideration. For this reason, knowledge of what sources of
• Highest monthly salary information are available is essential to planning the collection
• Reason of termination effort.
PNP SECURITY RULES AND PROCEDURE B. AGENCIES An agency is any individual or organization which exploits a
Security measures to protect the office or Unit against: source to collect and/
• Espionage or process information. The distinction is made between those agencies
• Sabotage which collect information and those which process intelligence.
• Subversion
After the determination of the specific information required (SIR), available
agencies are selected to obtain the information. In making
this selection, the factors of capability, suitability, multiplicity, and balance
are considered.
1. Capability. An agency must be physically capable of providing the
desired information in
a timely manner.
2. Suitability. The collection tasked assigned to a unit must be compatible
with its primary mission. Only the agencies best suited to furnish the
desired information are used.
3. Multiplicity. Evaluation of information requires that it is compared
with information received from other sources and agencies. Subject
to consideration of capability and suitability, more than one agency is used
to obtain each item of required information.
4. Balance. Within the limits imposed by other consideration the
collection workload is balanced among agencies. Balance is a minor
consideration when compared with the importance of other factors.
Organizations are great information processors. They gather, analyze,
synthesize and interpret information from their environment for their own
uses and for return to the Environment. They use this information to make
choices or decision about what the organization will and will not do, and
how it will do it. In short, information and the knowledge it represents are
the lifeblood of the organization.
1) Enemy Activities
2) Prisoners of War
3) Local Residents
a. Refugees
b. Evacuees
c. Displaced persons
d. Civilian agencies
e. Captured enemy documents
4) AGENCY – Any individual or organization which exploits a source
to collect and/or process intelligence.
• Troops/Beat Policeman
• Military/Base Police Units
• Civil Affairs Units
• Psychological Operating Units
• Military/Police Intelligence Personnel
• Technical Intelligence Units
• Engineer Topographic Units
• Special and Other Staff Officers
WEEK 10 The Intelligence Officer
• THE INTELLIGENCE OFFICER, The basic function of intelligence
officer is the same at any level of command. The term
intelligence officer includes all the different levels of
classification when PS I&I and I, PPO S2 or PRO RID and DI and
emphasizes techniques and considerations which are primarily
applicable to the I & I officer.
• Strategic Intelligence, Deals with political, economic and military
capabilities of all nations
• Tactical Intelligence, Concerned with the effects of the enemy.
• Relationship between Strategic and Tactical Intelligence, Both
are concerned with significant information pertaining to actual
or potential enemy operations/activities.
• Distinction is in scope, perspective and level of use
• Counter Intelligence, intelligence which comprises civil and
military measures to counter the enemy or to prevent sabotage
or subversive activities.
Basic Principle of Intelligence Operations
1. Intelligence is continuous
2. Intelligence operations and tactical operations are inter-
3. Intelligence must be useful
4. Intelligence must be timely
5. Intelligence operations must be flexible
6. Intelligence operations require imagination and foresight
7. Intelligence requires constant security measures
Role of Intelligence in Command and Staff Planning and Tactical
aspects. Responsibilities in Tactical Intelligence Planning:
1. Maintaining a current intelligence estimate
2. Provide the commander and staff with information and
3. Submitting conclusions and recommendations
4. Preparing intelligence reports and intelligence portions of
operation plans and reports, intelligence planning is directed
towards production of intelligence.
Staff Responsibilities of the Intelligence Officer
1. Production of Intelligence
2. Counter Intelligence
3. Intelligence Training
Organization – a special intelligence section has three (3) branches,
the Operations Branch, CI Branch and Admin Branch. 

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