First Quarter Exam in Elective Math 8 Sy20212022

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII – Central Visayas
Schools Division of Toledo City
Brgy. Don Juan Climaco Sr., Toledo City, 6038 Cebu


Grade 8 – CECIL : Special Science Class: Elective Subject : 2021-2022


1. _____ 11. _____ 21. _____ 31. _____ 41. _____

2. _____ 12. _____ 22. _____ 32. _____ 42. _____
3. _____ 13. _____ 23. _____ 33. _____ 43. _____
4. _____ 14. _____ 24. _____ 34. _____ 44. _____
5. _____ 15. _____ 25. _____ 35. _____ 45. _____
6. _____ 16. _____ 26. _____ 36. _____ 46. _____
7. _____ 17. _____ 27. _____ 37. _____ 47. _____
8. _____ 18. _____ 28. _____ 38. _____ 48. _____
9. _____ 19. _____ 29. _____ 39. _____
10._____ 20. _____ 30. _____ 40. _____ Thank you!!

• Directions: READ each of the following items below carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer in mind. Next, you DRAW a star, if your answer is A, a heart if B, a circle if C, and a square
if you chose D. Then, draw your answer in the space provided after each of the corresponding
numbers inside the box above. Fail to follow the given instructions and answer differently is
considered a WRONG.
• Please provide a SEPARATE SHEET/s for your SOLUTIONS with your COMPLETE NAME in it
remember to ATTACH or STAPLE it to the test questionnaire and submit BOTH.

1. On solving 2p - 3q - 4r + 6r - 2q + p, the answer will be

A. 8q -5r B. 10p + 3q - 5r C. 3p - 5q + 2r D. 7p + 5r

2. If -5 > a and a > b then -5 is

A. less than a B. greater than b C. greater than a D. less than b

3. Mary scored 200 marks in three tests. If average score of 60 is required then the lowest marks she
must score for fourth test are

A. x gt; 40 B. x gt; 50 C. x gt; 60 D. x gt; 70

4. If -4x + 5y is subtracted from 3x + 2y then the answer will be sheets

A. 3x + 6y B. 2x + 5y C. x - 3y D. x + 3y

5. If x > y and y > z then

A. x > z B. x<z C. x = 0 D. y = 0

6. If a < b and b < 0 then

A. a is less than equal to 0 C. a = b

B. a is greater than equal to 0 D. both a and b
7. If Ana is x years old then 5 times Ana's age three years ago is

A. 3(x - 5) B. 5(x - 3) C. 3(x + 5) D. 5(x an + 3)

8. The product of 4 and -3b is

A. 12b B. −12b C. 3b D. −3b

9. If x is greater than y then sign written between 10x and 10y is of

A. less than B. greater than C. equal to D. greater than and equal to

10. If a - 5 = b then

A. a is equal to zero B. a is equal to b C. a is greater than b D. a is less than b

11. If p = 2, q = 1 and r = 3 then (2pq + 3p)⁄2[(5pqr + 2p) -3pr] is

A. 5⁄16 B. 5⁄6 C. 3⁄7 D. 2⁄3

12. If a = 20, b = 35 and c = 5 then (4a + b)⁄c is

A. 23 B. 115 C. 53 D. 43

13. If an article costs $350 with 6% GST then the price customer has to pay is

A. $362 B. $351 C. $371 D. $341

14. The algebraic form of product of 7y and 4z is

A. 11yz B. 3yz C. 11y + z D. 28yz

15. If x = 0 then | x | is equal to

A. X B. 0 C. 1 D. −x

16. By solving the algebraic expression 8x⁄8 - (2x - 2)⁄4, the answer will be

A. (4x - 4)⁄8 B. (2x + 3)⁄5 C. (2x - 3)⁄8 D. (4x + 4)⁄8

17. | 5 | should be equal to

A. 5 B. −5 C. 0 D. 1 ⁄ 5;

18. If a = 2, b = 4 and c =3 then 2ac[(2b + 3c)-c] is

A. 11 B. 51 C. 132 D. 12

19. In the value 200x, the variable is

A. 10 B. 200 C. x D. 10(20)

20. If x > 0 then | x | is equal to

A. X B. 0 C. 1 D. −x

21. If the algebraic expression is [4(a + 2b - 3c) - 3(2b - 3c)] + 2a then the answer will be

A. 7a - 3b +4c B. 6a + 2b - 3c C. 8a + 3b - 4c D. 9a + 2b + 5c

22. By solving the algebraic expression 2(3m -4n +5) -3(2m -3n +4), the answer should be

A. m + 2 B. n – 2 C. 3m + n – 3 D. n + 2
23. On evaluating the expression 10(x - 20y) + 100x, the answer will be

A. 100x + 240y B. 110x + 200y C. 200x - 110y D. 110x - 200y

24. | x + 3 | = 4 should be equal to

A. 1 and 7 B. 2 and 5 C. 1 and −7 D. 0 and −5

25. If x = 5, y = 3 and z = 2 then xz (4y - 2z) is

A. 10 B. 80 C. 8 D. 116

26. When the variable in an equation occurs under a radical, the equation is said to be

A. quadratic equation B. radical equation C. linear equation D. fraction

27. On evaluating 2⁄6 (3a + 2b) - 1⁄2 (2a + 4b) -2(12a - 6b), the answer will be

A. −2a + 4b B. 5a + 6b C. 7a - 8b D. −6a - 7b

28. The algebraic form of the statement "sum of the product of 2a and 2b and product of 12x and
2y" is

A. 4ab + 24xy B. 24ab + 4xy C. 4ab + 12x + 2y D. 2a + 2b +24xy

29. The algebraic expression of sum of 10a and 15c can be written as

A. 10a + 15c B. 25ac C. 15a + 10c D. 150ac

30. On simplifying the expression 10x + 8x, the answer will be

A. 8x B. 10x C. 18x D. 180x

31. If t = 50, u = 25 and v = 16 then (2t + 3u)(2u - v) + 2(t -u) is

A. 7000 B. 8000 C. 5950 D. 6000

32. The algebraic expression of word expression "subtract eight times of the number b from ten
times of the number c" is

A. 2bc B. 8b - 10c C. 8c - 10b D. 10c -8b

33. Two linear equations are said to be equivalent if they have exactly the same

A. inequality signs B. coefficient C. solution D. none of above

34. 3x + 2y -3 is an algebraic

A. expression B. equation C. sentence D. fraction

35. The sum of 2a + 4b, 5a + 2c + 2d, -5a - 9b + 4c - d and 11b - 8c - 4d is

A. 2a - 6b - 2c - 3d B. 2a + 6b - 2c - 3d C. 2a + 6b + 2c + 3d D. 2a - 6b + 2c - 3d

36. In 15y and 160ab, the coefficients are

A. Ab B. ab, y C. 15y and ab D. 160, 15

37. The statement 7a divided by 8b can be expressed algebraically as

A. 56a/b B. 56ab C. 7a⁄8b D. 8b⁄7a

38. If x = +7 and y = -8 then x + 3y is

A. -1 B. 17 C. -17 D. -15
39. Any new equation obtained by raising both member of an equation to the same power may have
solutions is called

A. extraneous solutions C. radical signs

B. absolute value D. simultaneous equation

40. The sum of 2s + 4t -3u + 5v, -s + 2t + 9u - 11v and 3s - 4t + 2u - 3v is

A. 4s - 2t - 8u - 9v B. 4s - 2t + 8u - 9v C. 4s + 2t - 8u - 9v D. 4s + 2t + 8u - 9v

41. By simplifying the expression 8(5x + 2y), the answer is

A. 30x +20y B. 25x - 16y C. 50x + 20y D. 40x + 16y

42. On solving the expression 6a + 8b - 11a, the answer will be

A. −5a +8b B. 66a + 8b C. 80ab D. −3b

43. The algebraic expression of difference of 13x and 7y can be written as

A. 6xy B. 13x - 7y C. 6x – y D. 91xy

44. If a = -5, b = 2 and c = 3 then 2a - 4ab + 3bc is

A. -48 B. 58 C. 38 D. 48

45. The algebraic expression of the word expression "2 times the number a increased by 3" is

A. 6a B. 2a + 3 C. 3a + 2 D. 5a

46. If (94 )2 = 3x then the value of 'x' is

A. 14 B. 16 C. 15 D. 17

47. The product of y7 and y³ is equal to

A. y10 B. y21 C. y4 D. y²

48. By solving the following (5a²b³)², the answer will be

A. 25a b6 B. 25a b6
5 4
C. 25a b5 D. 25a³b
7 4

"Mathematics is the music of reason"

James Joseph Sylvester "12 for 23… It doesn’t take a genius
to see that’s under 50 percent"
"But in the new math approach, Dick Vitale
the important thing is to understand what
you're doing, rather than to get the right answer" "That awkward moment when you
Tom Lehrer finish a math problem and your answer
isn’t even one of the many choices”
“Sometimes it happens Ritu Ghatour
that a man's circle of horizon becomes
smaller and smaller, and as the radius “The different branches of Arithmetic are
approaches zero it concentrates on one point. Ambition, Distraction, Uglification,”
And then that becomes his point of view” And Deration”
David Hilbert Lewis Caroll

"Mathematics is the supreme judge; Prepared by:

from its decisions there is no appeal" JOSHUA B. BARONTOY
Tobias Dantzig

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