Higher Order Thinking Skills Assessment (Hots) I Wayan Widana
Higher Order Thinking Skills Assessment (Hots) I Wayan Widana
Higher Order Thinking Skills Assessment (Hots) I Wayan Widana
I Wayan Widana
IKIP PGRI Bali, Denpasar
Email: [email protected]
This study aims to: 1) provide knowledge and understanding to the teachers about the concept and
characteristics of the HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) assessment extensively and deep; and 2)
improve the skills of the teachers to develop HOTS assessment. To achieve Reviews These objectives,
the research literature sourced from journals, reference books, modules, Internet, and other sources
such as the print and electronic media that are relevant to the topic HOTS development assessment.
Data collected by documentation and observation techniques. The research of data were Analyzed
using descriptive exploratory methods. The results of the data analysis are as follows: 1) HOTS
assessments are questions or tasks that have Reviews These characteristics: to assess students abilities
to analyze, Evaluate, and create based on contextual issues, and are not routine (not familiar); 2) steps
compose HOTS items are: a) analyze the KD that can be created HOTS items, b) arrange the blueprint
of HOTS items, c) write down the items on the card matter, d) Determine the answer key (multiple
choice questions form) or arrange rubric / scoring guidelines (essay form), e) perform qualitative
analysis, and f) perform quantitative analysis; 3) the advantage of HOTS assessments are: a) Increase
the stundents motivation to learn and b) improve learning outcomes. and f) perform quantitative
analysis; 3) the advantage of HOTS assessments are: a) Increase the stundents motivation to learn and
b) improve learning outcomes. and f) perform quantitative analysis; 3) the advantage of HOTS
assessments are: a) Increase the stundents motivation to learn and b) improve learning outcomes.
Nizam (2016) stated that the assessment in Indonesia directed at the assessment
model of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The policy refers to the need for life skills
in the 21st century. Bernie Trilling (2005) formulated the life skills of the 21st century in
the form of The Seven C's 21st Century Lifelong Skills: (1) critical thinking, (2) creativity,
(3) communication, (4) collaboration, (5) career and learning self-reliance, (6) cross-
cultural understanding, and (7) computing / ICT literacy. Joke Voogt & Natalie Pareja
Roblin (2010) suggested that the assessment HOTS, can enhance critical thinking skills
(critical thinking), creativity (creativity) and confidence (learning self-reliance).
The implication of the above policy is the teachers are encouraged to develop
assessment instruments HOTS, both in daily tests, a final assessment of the semester, and
school examinations (US). Teachers can be creative forms of matter in accordance with the
Basic Competency (KD) in the respective subjects, and raised the contextual issues that
exist in the school environment as stimulus material HOTS assessment. It is intended to
show that the material taught in class was not impressed merely theoretical only, but can
also be used to solve problems in the contextual environment of the learners so as to
motivate the students to study harder.
The results of the qualitative analysis item Leads US in 614 SMA (superior school)
in Indonesia, which is conducted by the Directorate of School (2016) in Quality
Improvement activities Penyenggaraan US data showed US cognitive problems as follows.
32 JISAE. Volume 3 Number 1 February 2017. Copyright © Ikacana Publisher | ISSN: 2442-4919
Table 1. Cognitive realm About US
Cognitive realm many %
Knowing (C1) 2,917 19.55
Understanding (C2) 7064 47.35
Applying (C3) 3,807 25.52
Analyzing (C4) 1,015 6,80
Evaluating (C5) 99 0.66
Mengkreasi (C6) 17 0.11
amount 14 919 100
Only about 7.58% of US-made problem of high school teachers who belong to the
realm Reference C4, C5, and C6. Problems US compiled by teachers generally measures
the skills of remembering and understanding (knowing and understanding). When viewed
from the context of most use in the classroom context and highly theoretical, and rarely use
outside the classroom context (contextual). So it does not show the link between
knowledge acquired in learning with real situations in everyday life. This can give you an
idea that the understanding of the concept of HOTS assessment and the ability of teachers
to prepare about HOTS is still very low, it has implications for the learners are not
accustomed to working on the problems HOTS. One of the effects of the low ability of
teachers write the questions HOTS is the low achievement by learners in Indonesia in a
study conducted by the International Institute PISA (Program for International Students
Assessment). PISA measures three basic literacy, namely: scientific literacy, reading, and
mathematics. In 2015, for scientific literacy learners Indonesia only able to attain the rank
62nd out of 70 countries. As for the reading and mathematical literacy successive ranks
64th and 63rd out of 70 countries (PISA, 2016). This shows that the competitiveness of
Indonesia at the international level is very low. Therefore, teachers need to be motivated
and given extensive information about the assessment HOTS, so skilled and creative
composing about HOTS.
One study on the development of HOTS questions on subjects Physics in high
school has been conducted by Edi Istiyono, et al (2014), entitled Development of Higher-
Order Thinking Ability Test Physics (PysTHOTS) High School Students. The instrument
consists of two sets of tests, each of which has 26 items including eight anchor items and
has been validated by measurement experts, expert physics education, physicists, and
practitioners. The instrument has been validated tested on 1,001 students from ten SMAN
in Yogyakarta. Politomus Data were analyzed using the Partial Credit Model (PCM). The
trial results showed that all the items were 44 and instrument PhysTHOTS proven fit with
PCM, instrument reliability of 0.95, the index of difficulty of items ranging -0.86 to 1.06,
which means all items in both categories.
Research conducted by Edi Istiyono, et al (2014), specifically made in physics in
high school. While in this study, emphasizes the study of the development about HOTS
expanded at all levels of education from elementary, junior high, high school / vocational
school for all subjects. The goal is to eliminate the idea that the problems HOTS connoted
as difficult problems in secondary education and above, and can only be developed on
specific subjects such as Mathematics and Science. All teachers of subjects at all levels of
education is expected to prepare HOTS assessment in accordance with the characteristics
of learners and the demands of the relevant KD. Therefore, teachers need to have a
reference that is adequate and sufficient to build knowledge and insight into the assessment
Based on the above, it can be served formulation of the problem as follows: (1) what
is a matter of HOTS ?; (2) how the characteristics of HOTS matter ?; (3) how to develop
measures and guidelines HOTS items penskorannya? (4) what is the benefit assessment
In accordance with the formulation of the above problems, the study aims to: 1)
provide knowledge and understanding to teachers about the concept and characteristics of
HOTS assessment is broad and deep; and 2) improve the skills of teachers to prepare the
assessment HOTS.
Through their understanding and knowledge of the issues HOTS good, the teachers
are expected to have adequate reference so that it can tell which assessment including
HOTS HOTS or not. Because in practice, teachers are often confused or undecided
whether the items are arranged already includes HOTS or not. In the end, knowledge and
understanding are expected to improve the skills of teachers prepare (create) problems
HOTS. Thus, gradually the quality of teacher assessment instruments used for daily tests,
semester and US assessment for all subjects can be improved.
This research includes literature research is research to various literature obtained
from journals, reference books, modules, Internet, and other sources such as print and
electronic media that are relevant to the topic HOTS assessment. The study was conducted
from August 22 till 30 November 2016. The study begins by collecting a variety of print
and electronic literature relating to the assessment HOTS. Data collected by documentation
and observation techniques. The research data were analyzed using descriptive exploratory
Cognitive Taxonomy
A discussion of the cognitive taxonomy is a bridge that can deliver a way of
thinking to understand the concept and the characteristics of the assessment of Higher
Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). There are several cognitive taxonomy. Taxonomy is the
most popular cognitive Bloom's taxonomy. The main difference between the original and
Taxonomy Bloom's Taxonomy Bloom's revised by Anderson & Krathwohl (2001) is the
revised Bloom's Taxonomy by Anderson & Krathwohl (2001) consists of two dimensions
of the dimension of knowledge and cognitive processes. The Knowledge Dimension
classify types of knowledge acquired learners into four kinds, namely: (a) the factual
knowledge includes knowledge of symbols, symbols, notation, character names, historical
events; (B) including the understanding of conceptual knowledge, definitions, theories,
models, formulas; (C) the procedural knowledge relating to how, techniques, procedures,
algorithms, steps to do something; and (d) metacognitive knowledge is a person's ability to
understand and skillfully use the three-dimensional prior knowledge. While the dimensions
of the cognitive process consists of six levels: (1) recall (remembering-C1) includes the
ability to remember factual and conceptual knowledge; (2) understand (understanding-C2)
34 JISAE. Volume 3 Number 1 February 2017. Copyright © Ikacana Publisher | ISSN: 2442-4919
a basic understanding capabilities, build their own meaning; (3) apply (aplying-C3) means
the ability to execute or implement procedures to solve the problem, it is generally an
application that has the best answer; (4) analysis (analyzing-C4) means the ability to break
down information into parts that are more specific, to find a link parts information with
one another, and overall information, and includes the ability to distinguish, organizing,
and connecting; (5) evaluate (Evaluating-C5) include the ability to judge something
(justification) criteria, involves the ability to examine and scrutinize; (6) mengkreasi
(creating-C6) means putting different elements together to form a new unity or
reorganization of existing elements to form a new structure, including the process of
generating, planning, and producing.
Assessment standards for the Dimensions of Learning models(Marzano, Pickering,
& McTighe, 1993) distinguishes dimensions of knowledge into declarative knowledge,
procedural, complex thinking, processing information, effective communication,
cooperation, and habits of thought. Included in the assessment domain HOTS is a
dimension of complex thinking, processing information, effective communication,
cooperation, and habits of thought. Marzano and Kendall (2007) identified three
dimensions of knowledge, namely: information, mental procedures, and psychomotor
procedures. While the dimensions of the thought process comprising: (1) retrieval, (2)
comprehension, (3) analysis, (4) knowledge utilization, (5) metacognition, and (6) self-
system thinking. Furthermore, Webb (2002) classifies four levels of thinking required to
perform various cognitive activities, namely: (1) recall and reproduction, (2) the skill and
concept, (3) strategic thinking, and (4) extended thinking. Biggs and Collis (1982)
suggested taxonomy SOLO (Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes), a hierarchical
taxonomy of thinking skills that consists of five levels: (1) prestructural, (2) unistructural,
(3) multistructural, (4) relational, and (5) extended abstract.
From the above, it appears that each of the cognitive taxonomy there are similarities
in formulating high-level thinking skills (HOTS). Learners are required to have the ability
to think more complex, the ability to connect the fragments of information into a single
entity, the ability to transfer more complex concept in a new situation.
Higher Order Thinking Skills Assessment (HOTS)
King, FJ, Ludwika Goodson., & Faranak R. (2012) defines a high-level thinking skills
(HOTS) as a critical thinking skills, logical, reflective, metacognitive, and creative. These
capabilities will develop when people have problems that are not familiar, uncertainties, or
a new phenomenon that requires solutions that have never been done before. Assessment is
an assessment that measures HOTS third highest level in Bloom's Taxonomy to analyze,
evaluate and create (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001; Robert H. Ennis, 2014; Swartz and
McGuinness, 2014). While Arter, Judith A, Salmon, & Jennifer R (1987) states that some
capabilities that are included in the assessment HOTS are: (1) problem solving (problem
solving ability), (2) decision making (decision-making),
Susan M. Brookhart (2010) defines three categories of assessment capabilities HOTS
as follows: (1) the ability to transfer the concept to another concept, a high-level thinking
skills as a form of knowledge possessed the ability to connect with others who are not
familiar situations; (2) critical thinking skills (critical thinking skills), is the ability to
understand the problems of logic, reflective thinking skills, the ability to argue that can be
focused to take a decision or do something; and (3) the ability of problem solving (problem
solving), namely the ability to find a new way, a solution that is not common, defining the
problem creatively.
Furthermore Widana, I Wayan (2016) states that the assessment HOTS is a
measurement instrument used to measure the ability to think critically, the ability to think
that not only recall (recall), restate (restate), or refer without processing (Recite) ,
Assessment HOTS measure the ability to: 1) transfer the concept to another concept, 2)
process and apply information, 3) looking for connection of a variety of information that is
different, 4) use information to solve problems, and 5) examines the ideas and information
critical , Judging from the dimensions of knowledge, generally assess HOTS measure
metacognitive dimensions, not merely measure the dimensions of the factual, conceptual or
procedural. Metacognitive dimension describes the ability to connect several different
concepts, interpret,
The Australian Council for Educational Research(ACER, 2015) states that creativity
to solve the problems in HOTS, consisting of: a) the ability to resolve problems that are not
familiar; b) the ability to evaluate the strategies used to solve the problem from different
angles; and c) finding new models of settlement of different ways before.
The difficulty level is not the same item with a high level thinking skills. For example,
to determine the meaning of a word that is not common (uncommon word) may have a
very high degree of difficulty, but the ability to answer these problems do not include
higher-order thinking skills. Thus, the assessment HOTS is not always the questions that
have a high level of difficulty.
High-level thinking skills can be trained in the learning process in the classroom.
Therefore, to make the students have the ability to think critically, then the learning
process also provides a space for learners to find the concept of knowledge-based
activities. Activities in learning to encourage students to develop creativity and critical
Characteristics Assessment HOTS
Based on the above notions can be formulated characteristics HOTS assessment is as
1) Measuring the ability of a high level. High-level thinking skills, including the ability
to solve problems (problem solving), critical thinking skills (critical thinking),
creative thinking (creative thinking), argued ability (reasoning), and the ability to
make decisions (decision making). In Bloom's Taxonomy requires the ability to
analyze (C4), evaluating (C5), and create (C6).
2) Based on contextual issues. Assessment HOTS typically loads stimulus in the form
of case (based on case). Stimulus could lead learners to connect knowledge in
different situations (the ability to transfer concepts). Case can be removed from the
real situation in everyday life (contextual), such as global issues such as the issue of
information technology, science, economics, health, education, character, and
Here is outlined five characteristics contextual assessment, which is abbreviated
REACT: a) Relating, the assessment is directly related to the context of real-life
experience; b) Experiencing, assessment emphasized the excavation (exploration),
discovery (discovery), and creation (creation); c) Applying, assessment demands the
ability of learners to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to solve real
problems; d) Communicating, assessment demands the ability of learners to be able
to communicate conclusions models at the conclusion context of the problem; and e)
36 JISAE. Volume 3 Number 1 February 2017. Copyright © Ikacana Publisher | ISSN: 2442-4919
Transferring, assessment of learners who require the ability to transform the
concepts of knowledge in the classroom into a new situation or context.
3) Not routine (not familiar). Assessment HOTS not regular assessments given in class.
HOTS assessment used many times on the same test participant an assessment of
memory (recall), because it has never been done before. HOTS unfamiliar
assessment requires learners really think creatively, because of the problems
encountered have never encountered or done before.
The ability to analyze
To assess the ability of learners to analyze a particular problem, question or a given
task should measure the ability to locate specific parts or describe the parts are related to
each other. Level analyze questions demonstrate the ability of learners to present concepts
or issues that demonstrate the ability to compare parts with one another using logical
arguments. Explaining the arguments used to connect the parts with one another. The types
of questions that can be given is to analyze: 1) focus on the question or the main idea,
generally finding the main idea of a paragraph that does not express explicitly or infer the
main idea in the text as a whole; 2) analyze the arguments or conclusions, questions that
could be asked, for example: what evidence is given to support the argument ?, author of
what is given evidence that contrary to the argument writers ?, what assumptions required
for the argument to be valid ?, is there a part of the statement not relevant to the argument
?, how the logical structure of the given argument ?; and 3) compare and contrast, (Susan
M. Brookhart, 2010).
ability to Evaluate
To assess the ability of the evaluation, the necessary questions or tasks that represent
the ability of justifications or take keptusan. Learners judge something based on a given
criteria or criteria formulated by the learners themselves (based on the creativity of
There are several types of questions that could be asked to measure the ability to
evaluate are: 1) to evaluate the credibility of a source of information, 2) identify the
assumptions implicit in the information, and 3) identify methods of rhetoric and
persuasive. One example of questions that require evaluation capability is a question of
literary criticism. Literary criticism to answer questions like these: how the effectiveness of
imagery used by the author? How to create a situation of appeal so as to encourage readers
to respond? Similarly, most of the criticism of art or music reviews, restaurant reviews,
reviews of the book is the question of evaluation. Similarly, in the natural sciences and
social sciences, how strong is the evidence to support the theory (eg,
The ability to be creative
Questions about mengkreasi demands the ability to solve problems by finding
solutions, planning, create a procedure to achieve a particular purpose, or produce
something new. Mengkreasi here can be matched to synthesize the original Bloom's
Taxonomy, or have a similar meaning with creativity.
Norris and Ennis (1989) states that the critical and creative thinking is an important
part of a good idea. They distinguish understanding of critical and creative thinking.
Creative thinking is logical, productive, and non-evaluative. Critical thinking is logical,
reflective and evaluative. But in school assignments in creative and critical thinking are
often paired.
Problem Solving Ability
To solve a problem (problem solving) is generally first performed to identify what
the problem is, what might be an obstacle to solving it, and what possible solutions to
solve those problems. Bransford and Stein (1984) argued that the measures to solve the
problem (problem solving) into five steps are summarized in the acronym IDEAL namely:
Identify the problem (identification of problems), define and represent the problem
(defining and representing matter), Explore possible strategies (explore strategies that
might be), Act on the strategies (solving problems using strategies that may be used), and
Look back and evaluate the effects of your activities (an evaluation of the effect as a result
of activities undertaken).
Indicators complete success in solving problems can be contained in the section.
Miscellaneous rubric can be used in the assessment of problem solving ability. The
advantage of using the general rubric of problem solving, the students can see the ability to
think what is judged according to the learning objectives. With these sections, students are
expected to develop the concept of a better problem solving. This means that teachers
should be careful to develop rubrics, in order to define the problem solving of teaching
lessons. In the form of multiple choice questions, the answer choices represent the ability
of learners in solving problems. While the matter of narrative form that requires the ability
to construct a response,
Susan M. Brookhart (2010) states that there are various types of problems that can
be presented to assess problem solving ability, among others: a) the problem of structured
and unstructured, meaning that more and more open decision-making means that more and
more unstructured problems; b) open-ended problem, a problem that leads to the open
answers (many solutions).
Reasoning ability
Reasoning ability (argued) learners can be honed and developed at school and even at
an early age children though. Questions that test the ability to argue generally begins with
the question "why".
Argued ability can be built on two basic principles of deductive reasoning that the
arguments and inductive. (Brookhart, 2010). Deductive argument is the ability to build an
argument that starts from the principle to the example of principles (general to specific).
For example, the principle of the mathematical sum a + b = b + a, then it must be true for
the 6 + 2 = 2 + 6. In deductive arguments, questions starting from one or several premises
(the basis for making the argument), then use the argument to draw conclusions. If the
premise is wrong, then the conclusion is also invalid. High-level thinking skills require
deductive argument that aims to decide whether an element is a member of a category or
Inductive argument is the opposite of deductive argument: the ability to argue that
begins from a data, a specific instance or multiple instances leading to the principle
(specifically to the public). For example, in the measurement of classical analysis, identify
the theme of literary works and support the theme by evidence is an example of an
inductive argument. Another type of inductive argument is to use the analogy of a pattern.
This argument builds upon resemblance or similarity of two phenomena or more so that it
can serve as the basis for drawing conclusions (conclusion).
Based on the above, it can be concluded that in general the ability of argument can be
constructed from deductive and inductive arguments. Deductive argument is built on the
premises, while the inductive argument is built based on data or specific examples. Both
arguments are mutually supportive and very important to test the consistency of an idea
38 JISAE. Volume 3 Number 1 February 2017. Copyright © Ikacana Publisher | ISSN: 2442-4919
that was put together. The accuracy of these arguments election largely depends on the
context or the problems presented.
Steps compile assessments HOTS
In the context of the preparation of the assessment HOTS for daily tests, mid-term
assessments, a final assessment exam semester or school-based assessment in general do
Competency (KD). Therefore, the steps of the preparation of the assessment are as follows
HOTS (Widana, I Wayan, 2016).
1. Analyzing KD which can be made HOTS questions. Not all KD can be made about
HOTS, some KD only requires the ability to remember, understand or implement it.
Choose KD which requires the ability to analyze, evaluate or creating.
2. Develop grille matter. Grating about the signs were used as a benchmark to write
about. In general, grating matter illustrates the KD to be measured, the subject
matter that will be tested, the indicators about, and the cognitive level to be
measured (eg grating about HOTS can be seen in Table 2).
3. Write down the items on the card problem. Questions written must be in accordance
with the criteria established in the lattice matter. Problems HOTS typically in the
form of cases, so it must first be considered appropriate stimulus and contextual.
The selection of a matter should consider the dimensions of the thought process that
will be measured (to analyze, evaluate or create). Sample question cards are shown
in Table 3. Writing items should be guided by the rules of writing items.
4. Determining the answer key (the form of multiple choice questions) or arrange
rubric / scoring guidelines (shape about the description). Key answer is the correct
answer choice or the most correct. While the choice of wrong answers are called
detractors. On the matter of narrative form, scoring guidelines should contain key
measures (objective description). Each key steps were answered correctly were
given a score of 1 or 0 if answered wrong / no answer. On the matter of non-
objective description generally contains certain criteria that must be met are called
sections. Differences accuracy of the answers in the rubric expressed in the form of a
certain gradation, for example, a score of 3 states highly accurate, 2 accurately, one
less accurate or inaccurate 0.
5. Perform qualitative analysis. Qualitative analysis aims to look at the suitability of
items with item writing conventions. The results of the analysis there are three types
accepted, accepted with a repair, or rejected. Those items are accepted when all
components of the analysis in accordance with the rules of writing items. Those
items are accepted with repairs if a mismatch lies only in the aspect of construction
or language. While the items declared rejected or discarded if a mismatch items
contained in the material aspect. Only items received and accepted by the
improvements that can be tested (quantitative analysis). Format qualitative analysis
can be seen in Table 4 and 5.
6. Quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis aims to determine the characteristic
includes distinguishing item, item difficulty level, function or absence of humbug,
and guesses (special form of multiple choice questions). Quantitative analysis can be
done using software. Only items that meet the requirements can be tested or put into
question bank.
Benefit Assessment HOTS
Susan M. Brookhart (2010) suggests that the benefits of HOTS assessment are as
1. Increase motivation to learn. Often teachers failed to raise the motivation of learners as
learning material in class is abstract and theoretical. Therefore, teachers should be able
to connect the subject matter in the classroom with real-world context. Assessment
HOTS typically in the form of cases, natural phenomena, or contextual issues in daily
life that showed linkage of learning materials in the classroom to real-world context.
Thus learners can feel that learning in the classroom is very useful to solve problems in
everyday life. This is expected to increase the motivation of learners.
2. Improving achievement of learning outcomes. The achievement of learning outcomes is
strongly influenced by the motivation of learners. Marhaeni (2005) in his research
found that students who have learning motivation tend to have higher academic
achievement as well. Therefore, the study suggested teachers able to raise the
motivation of learners that learning outcomes can be improved.
Furthermore Widana, I Wayan (2016) suggested that one of the benefits HOTS
assessment is to improve the competitiveness of students both nationally and
internationally. Critical and creative thinking skills gained through work experience HOTS
assessment, will have an impact on the creation of habits (habit) positive on problem
solving abilities. Troubleshooting can be done according to procedure, using logics, based
on the argument (reason) that is logical and reasonable, and accompanied with proof
(evidence) to strengthen the findings in problem solving (problem solving).
The following are examples of the format of the lattice, about cards and qualitative
analysis about HOTS format adapted from the Directorate of High School (2016).
Item Problem:
40 JISAE. Volume 3 Number 1 February 2017. Copyright © Ikacana Publisher | ISSN: 2442-4919
Key to Answer / Manual scoring:
Table 4. Assessing instruments Problems HOTS (Multiple Choice)
No. Aspects examined Problem
1 2 ...
21. Do not use the language of the applicable local / taboo. □ □
22. Problem using a communicative sentence. □ □
23. Answer choices does not repeat the word / group said the same, except □ □
one unified understanding.
Table 5. Assessing instruments Problems HOTS (Description)
No. Aspects examined Problem
1 2 ...
A. Matter
1. Problem accordance with the indicator (requires a written test □ □
description form).
2. Problem does not contain elements SARAP3K (Tribe, Religion, □ □
Race, Anatargolongan, pornography, Politics, Propopaganda, and
3. Problem using an interesting stimulus (new, encouraging learners to □ □
4. Problem using contextual stimuli (pictures / graphics, text, □ □
visualization, etc., in accordance with the real world)
5. Problem measure the level of cognitive reasoning (to analyze, □ □
evaluate, create).
6. The answer is implied in the stimulus. □ □
7. Problem is not routine. □ □
B. Construction
8. The formulation of the sentence problems or questions using words or □ □
commands that question demands an answer to unravel.
9. Contains clear instructions on how to do the problem. □ □
10. There are guidelines for scoring / sections in accordance with the □ □
criteria / sentences containing the keywords.
11. Pictures, graphs, tables, diagrams, or the like is clear and □ □
12. Those items do not depend another item. □ □
C. Language
13. Using appropriate language to Indonesian rule, for regional □ □
languages and foreign languages according the rule.
14. Do not use the language of the applicable local / taboo. □ □
15. Problem using a communicative sentence. □ □
42 JISAE. Volume 3 Number 1 February 2017. Copyright © Ikacana Publisher | ISSN: 2442-4919
1) Fill a check mark () in the column or kompunen appropriate aspect.
2) Fill a cross (X) in the column or kompunen aspects that do not fit.
HOTS assessment is an assessment that has the following characteristics: measuring
the high-level thinking skills (analyzing, evaluating and creating), based on contextual
issues (typically in the form of cases), and are not routine (not familiar).
Steps compose about HOTS namely: a) analyze the KD that can be created problems
HOTS, b) arrange gratings matter, c) write down the items on the card matter, d)
determining the answer key (the form of multiple choice questions) or compose rubric /
scoring guidelines (shape about the description), e) conduct a qualitative analysis, and f)
perform quantitative analysis.
HOTS assessment benefits are: 1) increase the motivation of learners for the
assessment HOTS can connect the subject matter in the classroom with real-world contexts
so that learning is felt more meaningful; 2) improve learning outcomes for the assessment
HOTS can train the way learners think creatively and critically, not just being able to
memorize or understand any factual knowledge and concepts; and 3) improving the
competitiveness of learners both at national and international level, because through work
experience HOTS assessment of learners will have the ability to think critically and
creatively better.
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Brookhart, Susan M. (2010). How to Assess Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Your
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Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Fisika (PysTHOTS) Peserta Didik SMA”. Jurnal Penelitian
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44 JISAE. Volume 3 Number 1 February 2017. Copyright © Ikacana Publisher | ISSN: 2442-4919