Metacognitive and Conceptual Understanding of Pteridophytes: Development and Validity Testing of An Integrated Assessment Tool
Metacognitive and Conceptual Understanding of Pteridophytes: Development and Validity Testing of An Integrated Assessment Tool
Metacognitive and Conceptual Understanding of Pteridophytes: Development and Validity Testing of An Integrated Assessment Tool
future learning strategy planning, observing the train the construct thinking pattern based on the
ongoing learning activity, as well as evaluating learning objective that has been learned (Rahayu et
cognitive activities or identifying weaknesses, al., 2008; Vandergrift et al., 2006).
mistakes, or advantages after learning the subject, so One of the question instruments that can
that it will empower thinking skill (Basith, 2012; develop students’ thinking ability is the essay. The
Pratama, 2018; Djamahar et al., 2018). advantage of essay is it gives freedom to the
Metacognitive skills and conceptual students to use their thinking abilities. Thus, their
understanding will influence active control of answers vary depending on their own thinking
cognitive processes in learning and everyday life ability and creativity (Cooper et al., 2009).
(Mariati, 2012; Sarah et al., 2016) including However, it has a weak point, especially for the
activities for understanding, communication, and teacher, since it takes much time to review and
controlling the learning environment (Howard, analyze their answers (Zubaidah et al, 2015). Thus,
2004; Schrow et al., 2006) which directs higher it may not cover some indicators of assessment
orther thinking skills in accordance with Biological (Susangko, 2010). One applicable strategy is to
characteristics that have the potential to empower integrate several variables to be assessed, such as
thinking skills (Basith, 2012). In Pteridophytes, the the conceptual understanding variable with
problem of conceptual understanding that often metacognitive skill (Prayitno, 2015). Instrument
occurs is among others the lack of understanding of integration process has advantages, including it
foreign terms (Suraida, 2012), abstract concepts on simplifies the questions to be used so that it may
the subject of classification and taxonomy (Hanif, reduce the number of questions, yet it will be more
2012). On metacognitive skills such as the effective and critical by combining several
unsystematic answers in prioritizing answers that indicators inter-variables.
are answered first, and not evaluating the accuracy According to the explanation above, an
and correctness of answers that have been answered integrated question assessment is needed. The one
and the demands of the subject matter very much that can include some variable aspects with special
(Rohman, 2016; Palennari, 2016). subject, such as the conceptual understanding of
Formally, the achievement of student’s study Pteridophytes and students’ metacognitive skill,
goal can be seen through various aspects. One of aiming at familiarizing the students to analyze and
them is the cognitive score. The use of question synthesize prior to answering questions based on
instrument in determining the achievement of constructive activities in accordance to the learning
student’s study goal can be seen from the score objectives to be achieved.
gained by the students in accomplishing contextual
questions with solution or solving strategy in high 2. RESEARCH METHODS
level of thinking (Rahayu et al., 2008; Wati et al., The research was categorized into a Research
2016). However, most of the questions are delivered and Development, using a method adapted from
in form of multiple choices, fill-in, or essay that tend Thiagarajan et al., (1974) called the 4D (Define,
to require remembering and memorizing instead of Design, Develop, and Disseminate). However, the
understanding or developing the basic concept that research was conducted up to the develop phase
has been learned better (Susangko, 2010; Marwiyah only. Research population was 33 students who had
et al., 2015). On the other side, learning objective taken the Botany of Cryptogamae course in Biology
requirements have led to activities of analyzing, Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and
evaluating, and discovering or inventing, which are Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta in
expressed in critical thinking (Villafane, et al., 2018/2019 academic year. Validity analysis of
2011). As for achieving that aspect, an question for empirical validation used SPSS 16.
understanding on basic concept is needed, as well as a. Define: the define phase consisted of front end,
students’ initiative in finding literatures or managing student’s analysis, assignment analysis, as well
their study, so that they are skillful in constructing as content concept analysis. The front-end
knowledge and their understanding on subject being analysis was conducted by interviewing the
studied or discussed (Mariati, 2012; Ristanto et al., lecturer. The student analysis was conducted by
2018). giving questions in form of matching and essay.
Tendency to solve low-level thinking The assignment analysis was conducted by
problems can reduce the level of students’ way of analyzing the result of front end and student’s
thinking. The question given should be able to direct analysis. The content concept analysis was
thinking activities, where they are obliged to think conducted by analyzing taught materials from
more instead of just remembering the standard various sources concerning conceptual
procedures in solving particular problems (Cooper understanding and metacognitive skill. Material
et al., 2009; Amir et al., 2018). Hence, students are concept analysis is conducted by analyzing
required to not directly answer the question. Instead, material that will be used to develop integrated
there is a thinking activity that directs them to question assessment of conceptual understanding
construct subject they have learned, so that they are and metacognitive skill.
able to plan before obtained the answer, as well as
b. Design: it included phases of: creating outline, Table 1. Results of interview with the lecturer of
determining indicators to be used, as well as Botany.
developing integrated instrument of conceptual Interview
No Result
understanding of Botany of Cryptogamae and Component
students’ metacognitive skill based on HOTs The implementation of
(Higher Order Thinking skill) that would be learning focuses on
adjusted in accordance with Semester Learning 1. Learning Model lectures, tasks, discussions,
Plan (Rancangan Pembelajaran Semester, RPS) presentation, questioning
as well as determination of scoring criteria. and answering.
c. Develop: it included experts scoring and Students were having
empirical validation. The sequences of difficulties to basic
development are as follows. conceptual understanding of
1) Expert scoring; referred to education experts learning so it was difficult
with the qualification of Doctor in Biology to direct them to a
Education, especially in botany field, as well as Students’
constructive learning. In
having conceptual understanding and 2. difficulties/
addition, they tended to
metacognitive skill. The validation basis was the wait the lecturer’s order,
subject on Botany of Cryptogamae, especially making them becoming less
Pteridophytes, RPS, outline of conceptual initiative to find literature
understanding and metacognitive skill (Prototype sources related to the course
I). materials.
2) Empirical Validation: referred to validation Tended towards the HOTs
result of expert scoring, both the expert of (Higher Order Thinking
subject and the expert of conceptual Test questions
3. skills), students were not
understanding and metacognitive skill. The standard
familiar to answer questions
scoring of conceptual understanding and in description format.
metacognitive skill integrated question used
person product moment (PPM) using SPSS 16 b. Student Analysis
for analysis. Based on the result of the interview with the
lecturer, it could be concluded that conceptual
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION understanding and metacognitive skill related to the
Results from each phase of conceptual learning independence was still low, this is seen
understanding of Pteridophytes and students’ from student responses, learning processes and
metacognitive skill of integrated assessment tool learning outcomes obtained. Thus, a direct survey to
development will be explained as follows. the students was then conducted by giving several
1. Define question components on conceptual understanding
The stages to determine the development of and metacognitive skill. The questions were in form
conceptual understanding of Pteridophytes and of matching and essay assessment on the sub-subject
students’ metacognitive skill integrated assessment of Eudicot from the Botany course. It consisted of
tool will be explained as follows. 20 questions with 23 answers, and one essay with
a. Front-end analysis two descriptions. The questions were pre-validated
Student analysis was conducted through by the expert lecturers and adjusted in accordance
survey with respondents from lecturer and students with indicators of both aspects. The results
taking the Botany class. Survey was conducted in presented in Table 2.
July 2018. Question component for lecturer According to the result of total average for
interview were specialized on the ongoing learning each indicator, conceptual understanding obtained
activity that covered learning model that is 63.07, as for metacognitive skill was 50.15, and
frequently used, difficulties faced by the students 56.61 for both aspects combined. If converted to the
during the learning activities, as well as the standard academic score in Universitas Negeri Jakarta, those
of exam question commonly used. Interview results average was at the range of C- (Table 2). On
are presented in Table 1. conceptual understanding assessment, questions
which were the representation of each indicators,
presented in matching format, and only few of them
were in essay format. On metacognitive skill
assessment, all questions were presented in essay
Table 2. Average of Students’ Answer According To the Indicators of Botany Conceptual Understanding
and Metacognitive Skill
Total Percentage*
Variable Indicator Average Notes P NP
Re-state the learned concept 13.3
Classify objects according to
particular characteristics
Provide examples and non-
Conceptual examples of the concept
understanding Present the concept in various 63.07 NP
of Pteridophytes forms of representation
41% 59%
Develop a ‘need’ or ‘adequate’
requirement of a concept
Apply the concept in encountered
Planning 26.6
Monitoring 13.3 50.15 NP
Evaluation 10.0
Total Average 56.61
Note: P (passed); NP (not passed); Scoring criteria of UNJ: not passed (< 61); C+ between 61; minimum
passing criteria for undergraduate students is B- ; *All students.
According to Table 3, it can be concluded question item exceeded the minimum threshold of
that conceptual understanding of Pteridophytes and 0.396 and considered as valid. The reliability
metacognitive skill integrated instrument was on assessment had the lowest range of minimum
‘Appropriate’ category. Thus it can be subject to threshold 0.6, and in overall, the assessment of
validation assessment to empirical study. conceptual understanding and metacognitive skill
integrated question was 0.737. Thus, it can be
b. Result of empirical and reliability validation concluded that the questions were having strong or
Summary result of the proper assessment of high score stability.
conceptual understanding of Pteridophytes and
metacognitive skill integrated instrument in the
empirical validation assessment will be summarized 4. CONCLUSIONS AND
in Table 4. The assessment tools conducted to 33 RECOMMENDATIONS
respondents of Biology Education Department, Based on the research result, the design of
Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Respondens were active conceptual understanding of Pteridophytes and
students who had taken Botany of Cryptogamae students’ metacognitive skill integrated question
course in the 3rd semester (109). instrument was considered as appropriate to be
Empirical validation is done to find out the applied in the course of Botany of Cryptogamae
instrument is valid or not (Sugiyono, 2013), and sub-subject Pteridophytes. This integrated
reliability is done to find out the sharpness or instrument design is expected to be able to assist the
accuracy of the items used, so that if the calculated lecturer or facilitate them in designing questions
value is greater than the table value, then the more creatively and interesting, so that students’
instrument can be said to be valid or can be used understanding on integrated questions is led to
(Arikunto, 2010). higher level of thinking and not burden them with a
large number of essay questions.
Table 4. Result of Conceptual Understanding of
Pteridophytes and Metacognitive Skill Integrated REFERENCES
Instrument Empirical Validation Afrilianto, M. (2012). Peningkatan pemahaman
No.Item rcount rtable Remarks konsep dan kompetensi strategis matematis
1 0.398 0.396 Valid siswa SMP dengan pendekatan metaphorical
2 0.462 0.396 Valid thingking. Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi
3 0.613 0.396 Valid Matematika STKIP Siliawi Bandung, 1(2),
4 0.476 0.396 Valid 192-202. Retrieved from: http://e-
5 0.396 0.396 Valid
6 0.427 0.396 Valid article/view/19.
7 0.573 0.396 Valid Amir, M.F., & Kusuma, M.D. (2018).
8 0.704 0.396 Valid Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran
9 0.577 0.396 Valid berbasis masalah kontekstual pembelajaran
10 0.567 0.396 Valid berbasis masalah kontekstual untuk
11 0.527 0.396 Valid meningkatkan kemampuan metakognitisi
12 0.502 0.396 Valid siswa sekolah dasar. Jurnal of Medives, 2(1),
Note: Assessment using Pearson product moment 117-128. Retrieved from: http://e-journal.ikip-
with criteria: Valid, if rcount>rtable; Not Valid, if
rcount<rtable w/538.
According to Table 4, the criteria of rtable was Arikunto, S. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu
0.396 (lowest margin of question item validation), Pendekatan Praktik: Menentukan dan
and the result of person product moment correlation Menyusun Instrumen. Jakata: PT Rineka
analysis, it reveals that every conceptual Cipta.
understanding and metacognitive skill integrated
Each class of Pteridophytes has its own distinct Giving examples and Evaluating
characteristics. One of them is the difference in non-examples of - Observing the
leaf morphology. Explain the differences in leaf concept appropriateness of
3 morphology between Psilophytinae and applied strategies
Filicenae, associate it with the reason why does
Psilophytinae is called an ancient phylum in the
old classification if viewed from the differences
in leaf morphology between the two classes?
The more advanced civilization made the people Presenting concept in Planning
think to go ‘back to nature’, which emphasizing various form of - Arrangement of subject
on the concept of sustainable development in representation learning objective
empowering the environment. As a Biology
teacher candidate, explain what steps will you
take in applying the concept to the students.
Includes some roles of Pteridophytes in
supporting that concept.
Prepare an analysis concerning the differences Developing necessary Observing
of the appropriateness of ancient phylum from and adequate - Scoring and the
Psilophytiane in the old classification requirements of a appropriateness of
(Tjitrosoepomo, 1994) and Lycophyte in new concept application determination
classification (Smith et al., 2006). for strategies that will be
Applying the concept Evaluating
on encountered - Analysis of
problems chosen/applied strategies