Unit 11 Practice Test 2

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. limb B. comb C. symbol D. plumber
Question 2: A. picked B. clicked C. promised D. delivered
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 4: A. average B. gigantic C. aquatic D. resourceful
Question 3: A. peninsula B. perfectionist C. millennium D. introspective
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 5: The smell of old paper always __________ memories of my school days.
A. rises B. evokes C. inspire D. resolve
Question 6: He was reunited ____________ his parent after 20 years since the war.
A. to B. of C. with D. for
Question 7: The boys managed to slip away ______________ while the teacher was talking on his
A. noticing B. unnoticed C. unnoticing D. noticed
Question 8: What he said to me yesterday shall never _______________.
A. was forgot B. forgot C. be forget D. be forgotten
Question 9: My right leg hurts so bad. I think I have ______________ my knee after the fall.
A. racked B. poached C. sprained D. inflamed
Question 10: The windows on this floor _____________. They are all shiny and clean.
A. must have been cleaned B. should have been cleaned
C. might have been cleaned D. could have been cleaned
Question 11: The charity used photos of starving children in an attempt to jolt the public _________.
A. inspiration B. character C. evocation D. conscience
Question 12: I regret watching that new horror film. It was, in a _________, extremely dull.
A. word B. term C. speech D. talk
Question 13: You’d better save some money for a rainy day. You ____________ by your parents
every time you have difficulty.
A. should supported B. may not be supported
C. might be supported D. cannot support

Question 14: Unfortunately, we are no longer in the competitively ____________ position we were
in five years ago.
A. advantage B. disadvantage C. advantageous D. disadvantageous
Question 15: She's got a very powerful and _____________ style that no singers can imitate on
A. distinctive B. excessive C. digestive D. comprehensible
Question 16: James was just messing around, and he didn’t mean to insult you, Lana. You
shouldn’t ____________ by his words.
A. being bothered B. have been bother C. be bothered D. have bothered
Question 17: Now that Thomas, the new group member, has taken over as the leader, the presence
of Emily has been ________________.
A. characterized B. marginalized C. fictionalized D. simplified
Question 18: Hoa _________________ my invitation. I haven’t sent them to anyone yet.
A. can’t have received B. may not have received
C. couldn’t have been received D. may not have been received
Question 19: The books in this library are ______________ according to subject, so you can find
what you want very easily.
A. crafted B. discriminated C. classified D. authorized
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 20: Although the book mainly talks about astronomy, it uses simple words and pictures
to make the content more digestible to children.
A. evocative B. comprehensible C. literate D. suitable
Question 21: Nam is a conscientious student who always spends a lot of time checking his essays
before submitting them.
A. undemanding B. reckless C. excessive D. painstaking
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 22: His tasteless jokes almost resulted in a fight in the room, but luckily he apologized
the audiences and left the stage to prevent further violence.
A. polite B. vulgar C. foolish D. savory
Question 23: The old man started his performance with a fictional story about his journey to the
sky, where he met the gods and finished their challenges.

A. surreal B. realistic C. fascinating D. descriptive
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentences that best completes
each of the following exchanges.
Question 24: "Well, what should we read to the children today? Any ideas?"
A. I don’t know. It depends on their moods.
B. Is there anything more exciting?
C. That sounds great. Let’s do it
D. We went to the library.
Question 25: "I don’t think I can do this."
A. Yeah, it’s not easy.
B. No, I hope not.
C. Oh, come on. Give it a try.
D. Sure, no way!
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
word(s) that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

Monique Roffey has won the £30,000 Costa book of the year award for her sixth novel,
The Mermaid of Black Conch, which (26)___________ as a fisherman on a Caribbean island
sees a “barnacled, seaweed-clotted” mermaid raise her head from the sea.

Suzannah Lipscomb, the historian and broadcaster who (27)___________ the judges, said
the novel was “utterly original – unlike anything we’ve ever read – and feels like a classic in
the making from a writer at the height of her powers”. (28)___________ on a legend from the
Taino, an indigenous people of the Caribbean, the novel is a dark love story about fisherman
David and Aycayia, a beautiful woman cursed (29)___________ jealous wives to live as a
mermaid, who has swum the Caribbean for centuries.
“It’s a book that will take you to the furthest reaches of your imagination – we
(30)_____________ it completely compelling,” said Lipscomb. “The Mermaid of Black Conch
is an extraordinary, beautifully written book – full of mythic energy and unforgettable
characters, including some tremendously transgressive women.”
Question 26: A. writes B. opens C. reads D. implies
Question 27: A. desked B. lights C. doored D. chaired
Question 28: A. Basing B. Based C. Base D. Bases

Question 29: A. by B. from C. with D. of
Question 30: A. revealed B. read C. saw D. found
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.
In these isolated times, many people are inside reading, but the book business, like others, is
bracing for catastrophe. Major literary festivals and fairs around the world have been canceled.
Public libraries have closed. Author tours, signings and bookstore appearances have been
As the severity of the coronavirus outbreak continues to intensify, authors, publishers and
booksellers are struggling to confront and limit the financial fallout. Many fear the worst is yet to
come, including more store closures and potential disruptions to warehouse and distribution
centers, as well as possible paper shortages and a decline in printing capacity.
“There’s no question we’re going to see a drop in sales,” said Dennis Johnson, co-publisher
of the Brooklyn-based independent press Melville House, who has directed staff to work from
home. “It’s unprecedented. Nobody knows what to do except hoard Purell.”
The Sydney Writers’ Festival, which typically draws an audience of 80,000 and was
scheduled to begin on April 27, was called off this week, following cancellations of major book fairs
in England, France, Germany and Italy. In the United States, The Los Angeles Times Festival of
Books, Tucson Festival of Books, the Virginia Festival of the Book and The Believer Festival in Las
Vegas were among the many shuttered events, which draw tens of thousands of readers and can be
a critical sales venue for authors and publishers.
Question 31: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The recovery of the book business during the coronavirus outbreak
B. Solutions to the fallout of the book business during the coronavirus outbreak
C. The severe impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the book business
D. The increase in the reading habit of people during the coronavirus outbreak
Question 32: Many people in the book business are afraid that __________________
A. people will stop reading books during isolation, which stops their sales.
B. the difficulties they are facing at the moment are just the beginning.
C. they will not have enough books to sell in the future.
D. they cannot find a suitable position to setup book warehouse.
Question 33: According to Dennis Johnson, a drop in sales ________________
A. is something they do not want to question.

B. is something they cannot explain.
C. will be too much for them to handle.
D. is not a surprise to them.
Question 34: The word “unprecedented” in the 3rd paragraph means ________________
A. never happened or existed in the past.
B. completely unexpected.
C. having occurred for several times.
D. to difficult to deal with.
Question 35: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the last paragraph?
A. Most of book events in the United States were lucky enough to not cancelled.
B. Many cancelled book events around the world were vital to the survival of book publishers.
C. Despite the cancellations of book events, many audiences insisted on gathering to read.
D. Because of the large number of readers, publishers decided not to cancel some events.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Before the introduction of books, writing on bone, shells, wood and silk was prevalent in
China long before the 2nd century BC, until paper was invented in China around the 1st century AD.
China's first recognizable books, called jiance or jiandu, were made of rolls of thin split and dried
bamboo bound together with hemp, silk, or leather. The discovery of the process using the bark of
the mulberry to create paper is attributed to Ts'ai Lun (the cousin of Kar-Shun), but it may be older.
Texts were reproduced by woodblock printing; the diffusion of Buddhist texts was a main impetus
to large-scale production. The format of the book evolved with intermediate stages of scrolls folded
concertina-style, scrolls bound at one edge ("butterfly books") and so on.
Although there is no exact date known, between 618 and 907 AD – the period of the Tang
Dynasty – the first printing of books started in China. The oldest extant printed book is a work of
the Diamond Sutra and dates back to 868 AD, during the Tang Dynasty. The Diamond Sutra was
printed by method of woodblock printing, a strenuous method in which the text to be printed
would be carved into a woodblock's surface, essentially to be used to stamp the words onto the
writing surface medium. Woodblock printing was a common process for the reproduction of
already handwritten texts during the earliest stages of book printing. This process was incredibly
Because of the meticulous and time-consuming process that woodblock printing was, Bi
Sheng, a key contributor to the history of printing, invented the process of movable type printing

(1041-1048 AD). Bi Sheng developed a printing process in which written text could be copied with
the use of formed character types, the earliest types being made of ceramic or clay material. The
method of movable type printing would later be independently invented and improved by
Johannes Gutenberg.
Question 36: What is TRUE about the advent of paper in China?
A. The introduction of books in China actually came before the existence of paper.
B. People tried to create paper because other materials like bone or silk were ineffective.
C. The Chinese hadn’t had any tools to record their information before paper was invented.
D. Before paper was invented, the Chinese have several methods to record their words.
Question 37: The word "impetus" is closest in meaning to _____________.
A. achievement B. cause C. motivation D. demand
Question 38: The word “it” in the 1st paragraph refers to _____________.
A. The discovery of the paper making process
B. The process of gathering the bark of mulberry
C. The attribution of Ts'ai Lun
D. The first recognizable books in China
Question 39: It was between 618 and 907 AD that ____________________.
A. the king demanded his people to print books
B. the process of making paper was introduced
C. the Chinese first started to print books
D. the printing of books became widespread
Question 40: How did woodblock printing work?
A. People wrote the texts on a surface placed above a wooden block that absorbed the ink.
B. People carved the texts on a block of wood and stamp them on another surface.
C. People placed two pieces of paper on each other and pressed them with wood.
D. People carved the texts onto a woodblock and used it as a model to write similar texts.
Question 41: The word "meticulous" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A. stressful B. thorough C. imprecise D. challenging
Question 42: What can be inferred from the last paragraph about Bi Sheng’s movable type
A. Its creator later taught a foreigner how to use the method to print documents.
B. It served as an additional feature of the existing woodblock printing.
C. It was a reaction to ovecome the disadvantage of woodblock printing.

D. Its printing technique was mostly similar to that of woodblock printing.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 43: To determine an object’s force, the mass and speed of the object must be measure.
A. To determine B. mass and C. the D. measure
Question 44: Tungsten has the highest melting point of all metals, and for this reason it is often use
in equipment that must withstand high temperatures.
A. the highest B. use C. equipment D. withstand
Question 45: Recent evidence makes it possible for the investigation to conclude that the murderer
must have been escaped.
A. Recent B. possible for C. conclude D. been escaped
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 46: People ought to tell us how much they expect from us.
A. People ought to be expected how much is told from us.
B. We ought to be told how much is people expected from us.
C. We ought to be told how much is expected from us.
D. We ought to tell how much people expect from us.
Question 47: Your money could be put to good use instead of being left idle in the bank.
A. You could put your money to good use instead of leaving it idle in the bank.
B. You could put your money to good use instead of being left idle in the bank.
C. You could be put your money to good use instead of leave it in the bank.
D. You could put good use to your money instead of being left it in the bank.
Question 48: By tradition, British ships must offer any sturgeon caught by them to the Queen.
A. By tradition, the Queen must be offered to any sturgeon caught by British ships.
B. By tradition, any sturgeon caught by British ships must offer to the Queen.
C. By tradition, British ships must be offered to the Queen by any sturgeon they caught.
D. By tradition, any sturgeon caught by British ships must be offered to the Queen.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences of the following questions.
Question 49: Someone broke into Jim’s house. He must be so shocked by this.
A. That someone broke into Jim’s house must be so shocked him.
B. Jim must be so shocked by someone who broke into his house.

C. Jim must be so shocked by the fact that someone broke into his house.
D. Jim must be so shocked by his house breaking into by someone.
Question 50: No one could reach any agreement. The manager might have expected this.
A. The manager might have expected that no agreement could be reached.
B. The manager could have been expected to reach an agreement.
C. No agreement could be reached by the manager, which no one might have expected.
D. The manager might have been expected by no one to reach an agreement.
----------THE END---------
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