Technical Data Sheet Jaz-Stone Clear JA-17005: Description: Recommended Use: Characteristics

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Technical Data Sheet


A clear semi gloss emulsion final paint based on acrylic emulsion. It provides fully transparent appearance.

Recommended Use:
Recommended to be used as a final clear coat over “Jaz-Stone” on concrete, cement and brick surfaces.

• Excellent resistance to scratch.
• Excellent adhesion and durability.
• Excellent resistance water and alkali.
• Excellent resistance to UV and weather conditions.

Physical Constants:
• Color: Clear.
• Specific Gravity: 1.01±0.02 @ 25°C. ASTM D1475.
• Viscosity: 51±2 KU @ 25°C. ASTM D562.
• Volume Solid: 5% ASTM D2697.
• DFT : 15 µ.
• Theoretical Spreading Rate: 3.3 m²/ltr per coat at DFT 15 µ.
• Water Resistance: Pass, 7 days, ASTM D870.
• Alkali Resistance: Pass,7days(1% solution), ASTM D1308.
• Salt Resistance: Pass,7days(1.5% solution), ASTM D1308.
• Adhesion: Pass, ASTM D3359.
• Flexibility: Pass, 3 mm. Diameter, ASTM D522.
• Freeze-Thaw Stability: Pass, 3 cycles ASTM D2243.
• Heater Stability: Pass 49 days at 50°C.

Surface Preparation:
• All new surfaces shall be cured at least 28 days prior to application of the primer.
• Remove old paints completely from previously painted surfaces .
• The substrate should have sufficient strength and free from unsounded areas, pug holes, protrusions and pops.
• Make sure that the surface is clean, dry, free from dust, oil, grease, salt and mold .
• Fill the holes and cracks with suitable fillers such as "Jazeera Ultimate", ”Jazeera Unique Filler” or “Jaz Epoxy Crack Filler ESP” prior to
application of the primer (Refer to TSD).

Application Guide:
• The required temperature during application, must not be less than 5°C; the surface moisture should not exceed 8% and the relative
humidity at work place should not exceed 70%.
• pH of surface should not exceed 9.
• Paint should be stirred carefully before use.
• A suitable quantity of “Tap water” can be added to get reasonable viscosity for application.
• Do not apply on wet and moistened surfaces until completely dry.
• Do not apply the next coat unless the previous one is fully dry. Minimum recoating interval time should be followed.
• Adequate ventilation should be provided during application and drying time.
Application Tools :
• Spray gun: Recommended nozzle size: (1.5 – 1.8) mm.
• Roller: Recommended type: soft and smooth woolen roller.

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Technical Data Sheet

• Not recommended.

Thinner Ratio:
• Ready to use.

Painting System:
• Apply two coats of "Jaz-Stone"(Refer to TDS)
• Apply one coat of “Jaz-Stone Clear" and leave for full dry.

Drying Time:
• Surface dry 1 hour.
• Full dry 4 hrs.
All above results according to ASTM D5895 @25°C.

Cleaning Tools:
• Tap water.

• US Gallon
• 18 Lt. Drums.

Shelf Life & Storage:

Shelf life : 24 months @ 25 °C.
Storage: The container should be kept in sealed, dry, cool, well -ventilated place and stored in accordance with national regulations.

Safety Precautions:
• Please read and follow the precautionary notices displayed on the container, and all caution statements on the MSDS of this product.
• Handle with care before and during use.
• During application of paint, contact of liquid paint with eyes, skin, inhalation of paint mist and paint vapour, should be strongly avoided.
• Recommended to use the product in well-ventilated area when applying the paint in insufficient ventilated areas, forced ventilation should
be provided.
• Keep away from the reach of children.

For environmental safety: please donate the leftover paint and packaging to your local authorized institution for usage or recycling purpose.
Note: Wastes and empty containers should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations made under the Control of Pollution Act and
the Environmental Protection Act.

To the best of our knowledge the technical data listed herein is true and accurate up to publication date and is subject to change
without prior notice. User must contact Jazeera Paints Company to verify of any modifications before specifying or ordering the
product. Thus, information given in this sheet is not intended to be exhaustive and any person using the product other than the
recommendations in this sheet or without reverting to our Jazeera TSD, he should take his accountability in this connection.
As we are not capable to control the quality and the substrate's conditions as well as the factors that affect on using, or applying the
product, so we never give any written or implied guarantee in these documents, but we guarantee our products to conform to Jazeera
quality while we assume no responsibility for coverage, performance or injuries resulting from application. Liability "if any" is limited
to replace the products mentioned above.

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