Kunci Ganjil Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Overall Audit Plan and Audit Program

No 1
The five types of tests auditors use to determine whether financial statements are fairly stated
include the following:
 Risk assessment procedures
 Tests of controls
 Substantive tests of transactions
 Analytical procedures
 Tests of details of balances
While risk assessment procedures (procedures to gain an understanding of the entity and its
environment, including internal control) help the financial statement auditor obtain information to
make an initial assessment of control risk, tests of controls must be performed as support of an
assessment of control risk that is below maximum. The purpose of tests of controls is to obtain
evidence regarding the effectiveness of controls, which may allow the auditor to assess control risk
below maximum. If controls are found to be effective and functioning, the substantive evidence may
be reduced. Substantive evidence is obtained to reduce detection risk. Substantive evidence includes
evidence from substantive tests of transactions, analytical procedures, and tests of details of
For audits of internal control over financial reporting, the auditor only performs the first two types of
audit tests: procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control and tests of controls. Because
a public company auditor must issue a report on internal control over financial reporting, the extent
of the auditor’s tests of controls must be sufficient to issue an opinion about the operating
effectiveness of those controls. That generally requires a significant amount of testing of controls
over financial reporting.
No 3
Tests of controls are audit procedures to test the operating effectiveness of control policies and
procedures in support of a reduced assessed control risk. Tests of controls provide the primary basis
for a public company auditor’s report on internal controls over financial reporting. Specific accounts
affected by performing tests of controls for the acquisition and payment cycle include the following:
cash, accounts payable, purchases, purchase returns and allowances, purchase discounts,
manufacturing expenses, selling expenses, prepaid insurance, leasehold improvements, and various
administrative expenses.
No 5
A test of control audit procedure to test that approved wage rates are used to calculate employees'
earnings would be to examine rate authorization forms to determine the existence of authorized
A substantive test of transactions audit procedure would be to compare a sample of rates actually
paid, as indicated in the earnings record, to authorized pay rates on rate authorization forms.
No 7
The primary purpose of testing sales and cash receipts transactions is to evaluate the internal
controls so that the scope of the substantive tests of the account balances may be set. If the auditor
performs the tests of details of balances prior to testing internal controls, no benefit will be derived
from the tests of controls. The auditor should attempt to understand the entity and its environment,
including internal controls, as early as practical through the analysis of the accounting system, tests
of controls, and substantive tests of transactions.

No 9
Substantive tests of transactions are performed to verify the accuracy of a client's accounting
system. This is accomplished by determining whether individual transactions are correctly recorded
and summarized in the journals, master files, and general ledger. Substantive tests of transactions
are also concerned with classes of transactions, such as payroll, acquisitions, or cash receipts.
Tracing amounts from a file of vouchers to the acquisitions journal is an example of a substantive
test of transactions for the acquisition and payment cycle. Tests of details of balances verify the
ending balance in an individual account (such as inventory, accounts receivable, or depreciation
expense) on the financial statements. An example of a test of details of balances for the acquisition
and payment cycle is to physically examine a sample of the client's fixed assets.

No 11
The audit of fixed asset additions normally involves the examination of invoices in support of the
additions and possibly the physical examination of the additions. These procedures are normally
performed on a test basis with a concentration on the more significant additions. If the individual
responsible for recording new acquisitions is known to have inadequate training and limited
experience in accounting, the sample size for the audit procedures should be expanded to include a
larger sample of the additions for the year. In addition, inquiry as to what additions were made
during the year may be made by the auditor of plant managers, the controller, or other operating
personnel. The auditor should then search the financial records to determine that these additions
were recorded as fixed assets.
Care should also be taken when the repairs and maintenance expense account is analyzed
since lack of training may cause some depreciable assets to be expensed at the time of acquisition.

No 13
Going from most to least costly, the types of tests are:
 Tests of details of balances
 Substantive tests of transactions
 Tests of controls
 Risk assessment procedures
 Analytical procedures

No 15
By identifying the best mix of tests the auditor can accumulate sufficient appropriate evidence at
minimum cost. The auditor can thereby meet the standards of the profession and still be cost
effective and competitive.
No 17
The approach to designing tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions (Figure 13-4)
emphasizes satisfying the transaction-related audit objectives developed in Chapters 6 and 10. Recall
that these objectives focus on the proper functioning of the accounting system.
The methodology of designing tests of details of balances (Figure 13-6) emphasizes satisfying the
balance-related audit objectives developed in Chapter 6. The primary focus of these objectives is on
the fair presentation of account balances in the financial statements.
No 19
If tolerable misstatement is low, and inherent risk and control risk are high, planned tests of details
of balances which the auditor must perform will be high. An increase in tolerable misstatement or a
reduction of either inherent risk or control risk will lead to a reduction in the planned tests of details
of balances
No 21
Auditors frequently consider it desirable to perform audit tests throughout the year rather than
waiting until year-end because of the CPA firm's difficulty of scheduling personnel. Due to the
uneven distribution of the year-end dates of their clients, there is a shortage of personnel during
certain periods of the year and excess available time at other periods. The procedures that are
performed at a date prior to year-end are often dependent upon adequate internal controls and
when the client will have the information available. Additionally, public company auditors must
begin their testing of controls earlier in the year to ensure they are able to test a sufficient sample of
controls for operating effectiveness. Some controls may only be performed monthly or quarterly.
Thus, the public company auditor must begin testing early in the year so that there is a sufficient
number of months or quarters to test.
Procedures that may be performed prior to the end of the year are:
1) Update fixed asset schedules.
2) Examine new loan agreements and other legal records.
3) Vouch certain transactions.
4) Analyze changes in the client's accounting systems.
5) Review minutes of board of directors' meetings.
6) If the client has strong internal control, the following procedures may be performed with
minor review and updating at year-end:
 Observation of physical inventories;
 Confirmation of accounts receivable balances;
 Confirmation and reconciliation of accounts payable balances
13-1 (Objective 13-1) What are the five types of tests auditors use to determine whether financial
statements are fairly stated? Identify which tests are performed to reduce control risk and which tests are
performed to reduce planned detection risk. Also, identify which tests will be used when auditing internal
control over financial reporting.

13-3 (Objective 13-1) What is the purpose of tests of controls? Identify specific accounts on the financial
statements that are affected by performing tests of controls for the acquisition and payment cycle.

13-5 (Objectives 13-1, 13-4) State a test of control audit procedure to test the effectiveness of the
following control: Approved wage rates are used in calculating employees’ earnings. State a substantive
test of transactions audit procedure to determine whether approved wage rates are actually used in
calculating employees’ earnings.

13-7 (Objectives 13-2, 13-4) Evaluate the following statement: “Tests of sales and cash receipts
transactions are such an essential part of every audit that I like to perform them as near the end of the audit
as possible. By that time I have a fairly good understanding of the client’s business and its internal controls
because confirmations, cutoff tests, and other procedures have already been completed.”

13-9 (Objective 13-1) Distinguish between substantive tests of transactions and tests of details of balances.
Give one example of each for the acquisition and payment cycle.

13-11 (Objective 13-4) Assume that the client’s internal controls over the recording and classifying of
fixed asset additions are considered deficient because the individual responsible for recording new
acquisitions has inadequate technical training and limited experience in accounting. How will this situation
affect the evidence you should accumulate in auditing fixed assets as compared with another audit in which
the controls are excellent? Be as specific as possible.

13-13 (Objective 13-2) Rank the following types of tests from most costly to least costly: analytical
procedures, tests of details of balances, risk assessment procedures, tests of controls, and substantive tests
of transactions.

13-15 (Objective 13-4) Table 13-3 (p. 413) illustrates variations in the emphasis on different types of audit
tests. What are the benefits to the auditor of identifying the best mix of tests?

13-17 (Objective 13-5) Explain the relationship between the methodology for designing tests of controls
and substantive tests of transactions in Figure 13-4 (p. 415) and the method ology for designing tests of
details of balances in Figure 13-6 (p. 417).

13-19 (Objective 13-5) Explain the relationship of tolerable misstatement, inherent risk, and control risk to
planned tests of details of balances.

13-21 (Objective 13-7) Why do auditors often consider it desirable to perform audit tests throughout the
year rather than wait until year-end? List several examples of evidence that can be accumulated before

Tidak 1
Lima jenis pengujian yang digunakan auditor untuk menentukan apakah laporan keuangan dinyatakan
secara wajar meliputi:
• Prosedur penilaian risiko
• Tes kontrol
• Tes transaksi yang substansial
• Prosedur analitis
• Tes rincian saldo
Sementara prosedur penilaian risiko (prosedur untuk memperoleh pemahaman tentang entitas dan
lingkungannya, termasuk pengendalian internal) membantu auditor laporan keuangan memperoleh
informasi untuk membuat penilaian awal atas risiko pengendalian, pengujian pengendalian harus dilakukan
sebagai pendukung penilaian pengendalian. risiko yang di bawah maksimum. Tujuan pengujian
pengendalian adalah untuk memperoleh bukti mengenai efektivitas pengendalian, yang memungkinkan
auditor untuk menilai risiko pengendalian di bawah batas maksimum. Jika pengendalian terbukti efektif
dan berfungsi, bukti substantif dapat dikurangi. Bukti substansial diperoleh untuk mengurangi risiko
deteksi. Bukti substantif meliputi bukti dari pengujian substantif atas transaksi, prosedur analitis, dan
pengujian rincian saldo.
Untuk audit pengendalian internal atas pelaporan keuangan, auditor hanya melakukan dua jenis pengujian
audit yang pertama: prosedur untuk memperoleh pemahaman tentang pengendalian internal dan pengujian
pengendalian. Karena auditor perusahaan publik harus menerbitkan laporan tentang pengendalian internal
atas pelaporan keuangan, luas pengujian pengendalian oleh auditor harus cukup untuk mengeluarkan opini
tentang efektivitas operasi pengendalian tersebut. Hal itu umumnya membutuhkan pengujian pengendalian
atas pelaporan keuangan dalam jumlah yang signifikan.

Nomor 3
Pengujian pengendalian adalah prosedur audit untuk menguji efektivitas operasi dari kebijakan dan
prosedur pengendalian untuk mendukung pengurangan risiko pengendalian yang telah dinilai. Pengujian
pengendalian memberikan dasar utama untuk laporan auditor perusahaan publik tentang pengendalian
internal atas pelaporan keuangan. Akun khusus yang terpengaruh oleh pelaksanaan pengujian pengendalian
untuk akuisisi dan siklus pembayaran meliputi: kas, hutang dagang, pembelian, pengembalian dan
tunjangan pembelian, diskon pembelian, biaya produksi, biaya penjualan, asuransi prabayar, perbaikan hak
milik, dan berbagai biaya administrasi.

Nomor 5
Pengujian prosedur audit pengendalian untuk menguji bahwa tingkat upah yang disetujui digunakan untuk
menghitung pendapatan karyawan adalah dengan memeriksa formulir otorisasi tarif untuk menentukan
keberadaan tanda tangan resmi. Pengujian substantif dari prosedur audit transaksi adalah membandingkan
sampel tarif yang sebenarnya dibayar, seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam catatan pendapatan, dengan tarif
pembayaran resmi pada formulir otorisasi tarif.

Tidak 7
Tujuan utama pengujian transaksi penjualan dan penerimaan kas adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengendalian
internal sehingga ruang lingkup pengujian substantif atas saldo akun dapat ditentukan. Jika auditor
melakukan pengujian rincian saldo sebelum menguji pengendalian internal, tidak ada manfaat yang
diperoleh dari pengujian pengendalian tersebut. Auditor harus berusaha untuk memahami entitas dan
lingkungannya, termasuk pengendalian internal, sedini mungkin melalui analisis sistem akuntansi,
pengujian pengendalian, dan pengujian substantif atas transaksi.

Tidak 9
Pengujian substantif atas transaksi dilakukan untuk memverifikasi keakuratan sistem akuntansi klien. Ini
dilakukan dengan menentukan apakah transaksi individu dicatat dan diringkas dengan benar dalam jurnal,
file induk, dan buku besar. Pengujian substantif atas transaksi juga berkaitan dengan golongan transaksi,
seperti penggajian, akuisisi, atau penerimaan kas. Menelusuri jumlah dari file voucher ke jurnal akuisisi
adalah contoh pengujian substantif dari transaksi untuk akuisisi dan siklus pembayaran. Pengujian rincian
saldo memverifikasi saldo akhir dalam akun individu (seperti persediaan, piutang, atau biaya penyusutan)
pada laporan keuangan. Contoh pengujian rincian saldo untuk akuisisi dan siklus pembayaran adalah
dengan memeriksa secara fisik sampel aset tetap klien.
Tidak 11
Audit penambahan aset tetap biasanya melibatkan pemeriksaan faktur untuk mendukung penambahan dan
mungkin pemeriksaan fisik penambahan. Prosedur ini biasanya dilakukan berdasarkan pengujian dengan
konsentrasi pada penambahan yang lebih signifikan. Jika individu yang bertanggung jawab untuk mencatat
akuisisi baru diketahui memiliki pelatihan yang tidak memadai dan pengalaman yang terbatas dalam
akuntansi, ukuran sampel untuk prosedur audit harus diperluas untuk memasukkan sampel tambahan yang
lebih besar untuk tahun tersebut. Selain itu, penyelidikan tentang penambahan apa yang dilakukan selama
tahun tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh auditor manajer instalasi, pengawas, atau personel operasi lainnya.
Auditor kemudian harus mencari catatan keuangan untuk menentukan bahwa penambahan ini dicatat
sebagai aset tetap. Perhatian juga harus diberikan ketika akun biaya perbaikan dan pemeliharaan dianalisis
karena kurangnya pelatihan dapat menyebabkan beberapa aset yang dapat disusutkan menjadi beban pada
saat akuisisi.

Tidak 13
Mulai dari yang paling mahal hingga yang paling murah, jenis pengujiannya adalah:
• Tes rincian saldo
• Tes transaksi yang substansial
• Tes kontrol
• Prosedur penilaian risiko
• Prosedur analitis

Tidak 15
Dengan mengidentifikasi campuran pengujian terbaik, auditor dapat mengumpulkan bukti yang cukup dan
tepat dengan biaya minimum. Auditor dengan demikian dapat memenuhi standar profesi dan tetap hemat
biaya dan kompetitif.
Tidak 17
Pendekatan untuk merancang pengujian pengendalian dan pengujian substantif atas transaksi (Gambar 13-
4) menekankan pada pemenuhan tujuan audit terkait transaksi yang dikembangkan dalam Bab 6 dan 10.
Ingatlah bahwa tujuan ini berfokus pada berfungsinya sistem akuntansi.
Metodologi perancangan pengujian rincian saldo (Gambar 13-6) menekankan pada pemenuhan tujuan
audit terkait keseimbangan yang dikembangkan dalam Bab 6. Fokus utama dari tujuan ini adalah pada
penyajian saldo akun secara wajar dalam laporan keuangan.
Tidak 19
Jika salah saji yang dapat diterima rendah, dan risiko inheren serta risiko pengendalian tinggi, pengujian
rinci saldo yang direncanakan yang harus dilakukan auditor akan tinggi. Peningkatan kesalahan penyajian
yang dapat ditoleransi atau pengurangan baik risiko inheren maupun risiko pengendalian akan
menyebabkan penurunan pengujian rinci saldo yang direncanakan
Tidak 21
Auditor sering menganggap perlu melakukan tes audit sepanjang tahun daripada menunggu sampai akhir
tahun karena kesulitan penjadwalan personel perusahaan CPA. Karena distribusi yang tidak merata dari
tanggal akhir tahun klien mereka, ada kekurangan personel selama periode tertentu dalam setahun dan
kelebihan waktu yang tersedia pada periode lain. Prosedur yang dilakukan pada tanggal sebelum akhir
tahun sering kali bergantung pada pengendalian internal yang memadai dan kapan informasi tersedia bagi
klien. Selain itu, auditor perusahaan publik harus memulai pengujian pengendalian mereka di awal tahun
untuk memastikan mereka dapat menguji sampel pengendalian yang memadai untuk efektivitas operasi.
Beberapa kontrol hanya dapat dilakukan bulanan atau triwulanan. Dengan demikian, auditor perusahaan
publik harus memulai pengujian di awal tahun sehingga ada cukup bulan atau kuartal untuk menguji.
Prosedur yang dapat dilakukan sebelum akhir tahun adalah:
1) Perbarui jadwal aset tetap.
2) Periksa perjanjian pinjaman baru dan catatan hukum lainnya.
3) Menjamin transaksi tertentu.
4) Menganalisis perubahan dalam sistem akuntansi klien.
5) Review risalah rapat direksi.
6) Jika klien memiliki kontrol internal yang kuat, prosedur berikut dapat dilakukan dengan sedikit
peninjauan dan pemutakhiran pada akhir tahun:
• Pengamatan persediaan fisik;
• Konfirmasi saldo piutang;
• Konfirmasi dan rekonsiliasi saldo hutang dagang

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