Review Design, Constructions and Testing Commissioning For Operational Facilities 2 - Noviar Arman Haris

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Review Design, Construction and Testing Commissioning

for Operational Facilities

Presented by
Noviar Arman Haris Meng MIRSE

A. Design Review

B. Review Constructions

C. Testing & Commissioning

Design Review

The design reviews are intended to The aim of the review is to assist the
establish design control against agreed designer to resolve any design
standards and defined operational deficiencies, errors or omissions and
requirements. non-compliances in relation to the
functional and operational requirements
and any deviation or non-compliance to
current standards and maintenance
Review in General
Confirm that the MoC process covers
the work proposed and has the Consider the RAMS affect of the proposed
appropriate sign off of all the relevant works

Ensure that all standards and requirements Ensure that any non-compliance is addressed
specified by Department, and provided in adequately through the Engineering Change p
the brief for the work, are met rocess

In the event of non-compliance, ensure that

Assess the impact of the design on the
there is adequate justification documented
network and, where possible, include the
to show that every attempt has been made
requirements of the Department and/or
to avoid the non-compliance and thus meet
the Asset Management Plan
the relevant standard

Ensure that the whole of life aspect of Ensure the safety system requirements
the assets is addressed adequately are met
Design Review Procedure Flowchart

Draftsperson Designer Checker

The person who has drafted o The person who has designed the The person who performs as the
r has performed CAD work of signalling drawing design office internal checker of
the signaling drawing the signaling drawing

Verifier Approver Drawing Certifier

The person who, within the production
The person who Independently organization, takes responsibility that the The person who takes responsibility
verify (independent from design drawings have been appropriately checked & that the drawings have been installed
office and/or design team) the verified and who takes responsibility that the to as-built status
signaling design drawing has been through an engineering q
uality assurance process for its accuracy and s
afety in design
The Design shall be validated through a rigorous testing procedure in accordance with the
requirements of AS 4292.4 using independent and appropriately qualified and experienced
and competent staff.

The Contractor shall ensure that signaling design and its installation are functionally in
accordance with the approved scope and design specification.

Tests shall then be carried out to validate that the installed system operates in accordance
with the required signaling principles and safe working rules and regulations
Fundamental Documents

The commencement of any technical

review will require the provision of Operating Functional
the fundamental scope documents Requirements Specification
that identifies the parameters by
which the design is to be undertaken Incorporates the train Outlines how we require the
operating performance project to be delivered and will
requirements and any describe any specific design
identified stakeholder obligations or commissioning
requirements such as needs and also outline the
speed profile, route interfaces that need to be
requirement etc. managed throughout the
design and commissioning
Fundamental Documents

Scope and Technical Reference Drawing Version

Design Standards
Requirements Designs Control Strategy

To meet the For larger projects a For larger projects, the During progressive stage works
requirements of the specific document will preparation of Reference drawings are often undergoing
Safety Management be developed to show Designs, covering Signaling various stage revisions made by
System how the project will be Arrangement Plan, Bonding the Contactor. In this case, the
broken up Plan, Cable Running Plan, Contractors shall be responsible
network architecture and for maintaining their own
Control Tables may be document control system in
undertaken accordance with their company
quality standards
The Scope and Technical requirement for the projects shall be clearly specified in Project
Specification and Technical Requirements (PS&TR) or Signaling Functional and Operational
Specifications (SFOS).

SFOS specifies how the train shall be operated, the headway, type of rollingstocks, the
safeworking system and the stageworks.

These requirements shall be verified to confirm this has been implemented in the design
and testing.
Verification of the design must be performed using staff who are independent of the design

For the signaling safety critical design this independence

is to be achieved by engaging the verification through a
separate office, thereby providing a clear demonstration
that there is no association between the staff doing the
verification and the staff involved in the design
The technical verification process,
The safety critical signaling design items include Signaling which encompasses the verification,
Arrangement Plan, Control Table, Bonding Plan, cable plan, validation and certification of new or
power plan, any fringe/interface design, Crossing design, existing Rail Infrastructure assets,
SER/Location detailed design, Application logic Data Design and ensures that assets are suitable,
manual, CBI data and Application data simulation principles sufficient and correctly configured
tests for the functional and operational
Verifier produce Verification Report document for the
signaling safety critical design when the design is verified
and complete for submission. This document is to register
error logs during the verification and to identify any issues
that may concern the client or require any changes for e
ach individual design package
Signaling Design
Flow Chart
Engineering Review Documents
• Design Management Plan
• Drawing Management Plan • Power Calculation
• Design Interface Management Plan • Power Distribution Plan
• Overlapping Design Agreement • Trackside Functional Module (TFM) Allocation Plan
• CBI Application Data Logic Structure Manual • Location Detailed Design
• Signaling Arrangement Plan (SAP) • Signal Equipment Room (SER) Detailed Design
• Signal Spacing and Braking Calculations • Signaling Diagram (Litho)
• Table of Routes • Train Control System Diagram
• Control Tables • Communication Architecture
• Track Circuits, Bonding Plan, Signaling Apparatus Plan • Communications Design
• Axle Counter System Overview • Testing & Commissioning Plan
• Cable Running Plan
• Aspect Sequence Chart
• Datalink Architecture
• System Architecture
Documents required to be submitted
with Design Package
• Design Management Plan • Design Summary Sheet
• Design Interface Management Plan
• Overlapping Design Agreement
• Signaling Design Reports
• Verification Reports
• Design Control Sheet / Error logs record
Modifications and Alterations
All signaling circuit alterations, whether temporary or permanent, shall be
1 checked and approved by competent persons / design consultants

The Testing and Commissioning Plan shall be reviewed and approved prior
2 to the Commissioning works. Any modifications required shall be discussed
and agreed at the pre-Commissioning meeting

Testing & Commissioning Plans are to incorporate any approved temporary

3 design solutions required as part of the Commissioning works. It shall include
details of any impact on interfaces and all affected parties

Test Logs shall be maintained by the TIC and they must record all
4 modifications, whether they are temporary or permanent
Roles of Design Reviewer
Design reviewer shall be conducted by competent engineers with suitable

Reviewer process shall be independent to the design development.

• Ensuring compliance to standards has been met

• Ensuring safety risks has been mitigated and controlled
• Ensuring operational requirements as specified by PS&TR and SFOS has been addressed
• Ensuring the design has been applied and delivered as per the best practice
• Ensuring any potential issues has been identified
• Ensuring technical review has been conducted independently
Roles of Inspector & Auditor for
Design Review

• Ensuring the design process has been conducted by competent designers

• Ensuring the reviews have been conducted independently by competent verifiers
• Ensuring project PS&TR or SFOS requirements has been implemented in design
• Ensuring all checking and verification logs have been documented
• Ensuring all outstanding errors and logs have been rectified
• Ensuring any design disputes has been resolved
• Ensuring documentations as part of design packages haves been produced by project
• Ensuring project stageworks, Reference Design and Final Design have been delivered as
• Ensuring Risk Assessment have been conducted during design development
• Ensuring design development life cycle (design – review – reworks) has been properly
Review Construction

… …
Testing & Commissioning
The practices required to adequately test and commission additions and alterations
to the railway signaling system are highly dependent upon:

1. The technology used; e.g., relay-based interlocking versus processor-based

2. The complexity; e.g., alterations to a location versus a new yard interlocking;
3. The potential risks, e.g., the type of train service and operations.
Objectives of Testing
The testing shall aim to prove that the signaling system:

1. Is safe for operational traffic;

2. Complies with the operational requirements;
3. Complies with the signaling design standards and principles;
4. Complies with the safe working rules & requirements; and
5. Has been fully tested and that there are records which can demonstrate the traceability
of tests.
The testing and commissioning personnel shall be independent of the design and construction
personnel, in order to reduce the likelihood of common cause failure

Resourcing levels shall be planned such that the works can be completed within the
allocated time.

All personnel shall be competent for the role they are to carry out.

Lead Signaling Designer Tester in Charge (TIC)
Manage the commissioning of new or Accountable for the safe production Accountable for the overall testing and
altered signaling works. Responsible f of signaling designs commissioning of the signaling system i
or the safe & timely completion of all ncluding certification of system safety a
the commissioning activities nd compliance with operational re

Signaling Construction Signal Engineering

Engineer Manager
Provide overall signaling construction Approve the Testing and Commissioning
management including personnel r planning documents, either directly or
esources, tools, equipment, logistics, t through a delegated authority
rack access etc.
Ref Sub-process Key Output

1 Planning (Overarching) • Preliminary Testing and Commissioning Plan

• Factory Acceptance Testing Plan
• System Integration Testing Plan
• Site Acceptance Testing Plan
2 Planning (Specific to each • Signaling Testing & Commissioning Plan (STCP)
commissioning) • Contingency Plan
• Testing & Commissioning Schedule
• Schedule of Resources
• Inspection & Test Plans
3 Installation Checks & Handover of Defect List
installation for testing
4 Pretesting Test Certificates for Pretesting

5 Changeover
Ref Sub-process Key Output

6 Setting to Work Equipment ready to be operated and tested.

7 Site Testing Test Certificates / Test Logs

8 Test Train Defects in the new/altered signaling system/Test Logs

9 Commissioning Test Certificates

10 Entry into Service

11 Equipment Removal
Testing and Commissioning Flowchart

Installation Checks & Handover of Installation for Testing

Installation Checks include:

• Signals
• Track Circuit
• Point Machines
• Level Crossing Protection
• Power Supplies
• Equipment Housings
• Equipment and Control Rooms
• Automatic Train Protection (ATP)
• Axle Counters
• Etc.

Installation checks shall be undertaken before the apparatus is set to work and tested.
Installation Checks & Handover of Installation for Testing

Minimum requirements for a Formal Handover:

• All construction has been completed sufficiently to commence testing on the equipment and systems
being handed over.

• Construction ITP (Inspection & Test Plan) have been signed by Construction Engineer

• IFC (Issued for Construction) Drawings have each been individually initialed by the respective
construction supervisors as an assurance of completion of construction for that drawing.

• The updated defect list with details of the issues identified, attended & pending is handed over to TIC.

• After handover, any modification or defect remediation to the signaling equipment and systems shall
be undertaken with the formal authorization of the TIC. The TIC shall implement adequate assurance
measures to ensure that any such work does not compromise the integrity of the completed testing.
• Pretesting includes all test activities completed prior to the commissioning closure.

• Pretesting shall be undertaken in a manner that it does not cause any unplanned disruption to train
operations. It is preferred that pretesting is undertaken off-site as much as possible.

• Pretesting shall use the same Test Copies as those that will be used for Site Acceptance Testing
• Changeover generally involves modifying the operational signaling system or the connection of new
circuits, equipment or systems with the existing circuits, equipment or systems. Changeovers are
generally undertaken during planned possessions or closures to commission new/modified signaling

• The TIC shall identify in the planning documents the tests to be carried out at the interface of any
new and modified signaling system.
Setting to Work

After changeover and testing of individual equipment and interfaces, the new and
modified equipment shall be set to work. Setting to work shall include the following as a minimum:

• Adjustment of all power supply voltages, transformer tappings, circuit breaker trip settings and power
supply current limits;

• Adjustment of control system equipment and communication device line levels;

• Adjustment of battery charger levels;

• Adjustment of track circuit equipment feed and receiver levels and sensitivities;

• Adjustment of voltages to signal and flashing light lamps;

• Adjustment of point machine operated points sets; and

• Alignment of signal heads.

Site Acceptance Testing
Site acceptance tests shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant test plan, including:
• Detailed Circuit Tests
• Circuit Function Tests
• Cable Tests
• Signaling Equipment Apparatus Tests
• General Function Tests
• System Tests
• Factory Acceptance Tests
• Standard method and identification of checkmarks
• Test Certificates
Test Train
The test train timing shall be included in the Commissioning Schedule. The TIC shall identify and plan the
specific checks to be completed through the test train moves; as a general guideline a test train is used for
the following:
1. Testing the interface of trackside ATP with train-borne ATP such as spacing of transponder groups,
linking of consecutive transponder groups, separation of transponders from train antenna etc;
2. Type testing (e.g., new track circuit types);
3. Train compatibility testing (new train types);
4. Instances where train simulation is not considered sufficient;
5. To check shunting of track circuits by train;
6. To check the operation of new axle counter sections;
7. To check signal sighting;
Commissioning and Entry Into Service

All critical defects are identified and rectified as a requirement for Entry Into
Service, however, the commissioning of larger installations such as a new
interlocking, new lines or major yard alterations require an extended time
period to identify any non-critical defects, particularly in changeover works
undertaken during the commissioning.
Equipment Removal

All recovered or surplus signals, signaling equipment, relays, cables and

wiring shall be promptly removed from site. All redundant insulated rail joints
temporarily bonded during commissioning shall be removed and rails either
welded or permanently bonded.
Planning for Testing & Commissioning

Project Wide Planning of Signalling Testing & Commissioning.

The project shall produce the following documents:

1. Preliminary Signalling Testing & Commissioning Plan

2. Signalling Testing & Commissioning Strategy

3. Factory Acceptance Testing Plan

4. Signalling System Integration Testing Plan

5. Site Acceptance Testing Plan

Planning for Testing & Commissioning

Planning of Individual Testing & Commissioning Stages.

Individual stage or subsystem commissioning requires detailed planning of testing activities, resources & contingency to ensure
that safe and functional signaling system is entered into service within the agreed timeframe. The following planning documents
shall be produced.:

1. Signaling Testing & Commissioning Plan

2. Testing & Commissioning Schedule specific to stage/task

3. Schedule of Resources

4. Contingency Plan

5. Inspection & Test Plans

Planning for Testing & Commissioning

Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) .

Inspection and Test Plans provide a detailed list of tasks required to complete specific activities during construction,
testing & commissioning.

Pre-Commissioning Meetings.
The Commissioning Engineer shall convene pre-commissioning meetings periodically, to review the progress of testing a
ctivities & commissioning readiness. The meeting shall be attended by the Testers, Project Engineer, Construction
Engineer and representatives of all parties associated with the commissioning.

Design Cover During Commissioning.

Signaling design cover shall be provided during each signaling commissioning to respond to any test logs and prepare
signalling modification designs if required
Testing Documentation
• Test Copies
• Closure List
• Test Marks and Test Certificates
• Test Logs
• Commissioning Logs
• Modification Drawings
• Master Test Certificate
• Conditional Master Test Certificate for Partial Handback
• Interim Maintenance Copies
• Entry Into Service Certificate
• Test Equipment
• Testing Communications
Roles of Inspector & Auditor for
Testing and Commissioning

• Ensuring testing process has been conducted by competent testers

• Ensuring all testing records have been documented
• Ensuring all outstanding errors and logs have been rectified
• Ensuring testing documentations have been produced by project
• Ensuring Risk Assessment have been conducted prior to commissioning
• Ensuring removal equipment’s have completely done
• Ensure asset register has been updated
• etc
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