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seen a lot of bands, but now I can say that movie, the monster never speaks. The film
UNIT I’ve been to an opera! There were some great makers first chose Bela Lugosi as the actor

12 moments, like when the chorus came on

stage, 30 or 40 people, all singing together, I
thought yeah, this is really, really good.
for the monster. He thought the monster
was a stupid, awful character. So then, they
chose Boris Karloff. Karloff worked with
P: And what did your colleagues at the the makeup artist to create the monster's
12.1   CD 4 Track 26
magazine think? character and disguise. He wanted the
Page 157, exercise 1 S: Well, they were very interested, actually. monster to have very dark eyes and to wear
Most of my colleagues have never seen an high, heavy black boots. These boots made
1 Artist
opera, so next time, I’m going to invite them. him over seven feet, or two meters, tall and
2 Player
much scarier. It worked. The movie made
3 Opera singer
12.6   CD 4 Track 31 over 12 million dollars. Let's talk about
4 Dancer
the movie of another book. Actually, three
5 Actor Page 157, exercise 1 books. The Lord of the Rings was a very
6 Band/Musician
popular series of books. For many years, it
7 Ballet Positive:
wasn't possible to make movies of the books
8 Concert Amazing because technology wasn't very good.
9 Play Cool Finally, in 1999, director Peter Jackson
10 Game Exciting started filming The Lord of the Rings in New
11 Opera Fantastic Zealand. They made all three movies in 274
12 Exhibit Fun days. They tried to make the movies very
Great similar to the books, but the director, Peter
12.2   CD 4 Track 27 Interesting Jackson, changed some characters to make
Page 134 them funnier. The location, New Zealand,
was very important for the film. Not many
I’ve visited a lot of castles. All right people have been to the beautiful, snowy
He’s been to Vietnam. mountains and other places you see in the
They haven’t studied Italian. movies. Over to you, Simon!
She hasn’t played badminton.
Have you stayed at this hotel?
Scary 12.8   (DVD 2); CD 4 Track 33
Has he worked in London?
Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Page 105, exercises 5 and 6
Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
Stupid S = Simon, K = Kate, A = Andy,
Terrible M = Millie, H = Holly, Y = Yannis
12.3   CD 4 Track 28
S: Now, let's talk to our viewers. Kate, Andy is
Page 103, exercise 4A 12.7   (DVD 2); CD 4 Track 32 on video chat from Australia.
1 I’ve been to an opera. Page 104, exercise 3 and 4A A: Hello. Well, I’m English but I live in Sydney.
2 I haven’t been to a tennis game. I just want to say, The Lord of the Rings is
3 I’ve never sung in a band. S = Simon, K = Kate alright, but nothing is better than the original
4 Have you ever bought a lottery ticket? S: Welcome to Learning Curve. I've decided to Mad Max. It's amazing. And that’s Australian.
be Frankenstein today because we're talking S: And what about the other Mad Max films?
12.4   CD 4 Track 29 about films. What books have you read that A: They aren't bad, but they're a little boring.
became movies? Which did you like better? The best one after the original is Mad Max:
Page 103, exercise 4B K: Simon, you are not Frankenstein. Fury Road. It has great action, and it's also
S: Of course not. I'm Simon. I'm wearing a quite sad. I've never seen the third one, but
1 Have you ever been to New York?
Frankenstein mask. I've heard it's terrible.
2 I’ve acted in a play.
K: No. I mean, read the book. In the book, he’s S: Really? I thought it was exciting!
3 I’ve never had a pet.
called “The Monster” – that’s the scary man. A: OK. Now I want to see it! Thanks, Simon!
4 I haven’t flown business class.
Dr. Frankenstein made the monster. S: Great. Thanks, Andy. Now I have Millie from
S: So, this isn't a Frankenstein mask? the UK on video chat.
12.5   CD 4 Track 30
K: No. It's a monster mask. M: Hi, Simon! I've seen all the Harry Potter films
Page 103, exercise 5 S: I've never read the book. Is it very different 10 times! More than any of my friends. I’m
from the film? the world's number one Harry Potter fan. I
P = presenter, S = Steve K: The film? You mean the movies! Plural! know everything about them. Go ahead. Ask
P: Last week, we invited Steve Bryant from Did you know that there have been over me anything.
Metal World magazine to go to the opera for 40 movies with Frankenstein's monster in S: What’s the game they play in the stadium?
the first time. So, Steve, how was it? them? The 1931 movie is the most famous M: Oh, that's easy. Quidditch. There's nothing
S: It was good. I’m surprised actually because I one. When people think of Frankenstein, like a Quidditch match. It’s better than
really enjoyed it! they usually think of the face from that football, tennis, any game.
P: Really? movie. In the book, the monster has long S: Kate? I need your help. Do you have another
S: Yes. I’ve never thought about going to an conversations with Dr. Frankenstein. In the Harry Potter question for Millie?
opera. I’ve been to a lot of concerts and I’ve K: OK. Who were Charlie, Percy and Bill?

A2 Elementary 1 Personal Best A2 © Richmond 2018


M: Aha! They were Ron Weasley's older brothers.

12.10   CD 4 Track 35 12.13   CD 4 Track 38
They weren't in the movies very often but
they were in the books. I’ve read every book Page 106, exercise 2 Page 107, exercise 5B
at least fifteen times. Well, I’ve got to go!
R = Rob, C = Crissie Won, drunk
Another movie to watch. Bye!
Eaten, seen
S: Wow. There are a lot of people calling in R: Hello and welcome to the Rob Young Show.
Met, read
today. OK. Here's Holly. She's a big fan of I’m your host, Rob Young. Today’s show is all
Worn, bought
Jane Austen's books. about voice actors – those actors who do the
Written, driven
H: Hi, Simon! Not just the books. Any movie at voices for cartoons or advertisements. With
Flown, spoken
all that has a story from a Jane Austen book. me in the studio is TV and film journalist,
Have you ever seen Clueless? It’s a movie Chrissie Evans. Welcome Chrissie.
from 1995. C: Morning Rob. It’s nice to be here.
S: That's quite an old film, but wasn't it a R: Chrissie, we’re going to start with one of
modern Pride and Prejudice? the most successful voice actors, Nancy
H: Close. It was Jane Austen's Emma. The book, Cartwright.
Emma, was about people in a small village. C: Well, yes, most people have probably never
But in Clueless, the village is a modern high heard her name or seen her face, but we’ve
school. It's just like my life. It's cool. all heard her voice. That’s because she’s the
S: Hmm. How interesting. So which movie was voice of Bart Simpson on the TV cartoon, The
a modern Pride and Prejudice? Simpsons.
H: Oh, that was Bridget Jones’s Diary, but that R: That’s a pretty famous voice! When did
was a book first. The idea for the book came Nancy start playing Bart?
from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen! C: She started playing Bart in 1987. At first, she
S: I see. Very confusing. wanted to play the part of Lisa Simpson,
H: Not for me! Bye! Bart’s sister, but when she read about Bart –
K: Hi! I’m standing here with Yannis. Yannis, a ten-year-old boy who hated school – she
what is your favorite book and movie? decided that she wanted to play him instead!
Y: Bond. R: Movie actors can win Oscars and other
K: What? awards for their work. What about voice
Y: James Bond. Double oh seven. actors? Has Nancy ever won an award?
K: Really? Oh my gosh! Mine too! C: Yes, she’s won a lot of awards. In 1992, she
Y: Greatest spy ever. won an Emmy – it’s like an Oscar, but it’s for
K: Yes! I'm sure a lot of people would agree with television. In 2012, she won a special voice
us! actor’s award and, of course, The Simpsons
Y: Do you know why the first James Bond films has also won a lot of awards.
were the best ones? R: And has Nancy ever acted in a movie?
Y/K: Because they were just like the books. C: Yes, she has. But she prefers voice acting. She
Y: That’s right. I've read all the books and seen once said about her part on The Simpsons:
all the films. Ian Fleming wrote the books. He “It’s the best acting job in the world.”
was almost a spy, a secret agent, himself. It’s R: OK, we’re going to play some music now.
a shame the later films were different from Back in a few minutes.
the books.
K: I agree! Well, I could talk about James Bond 12.11   CD 4 Track 36
all day!
S: Well, don’t I make a good Frankenstein’s Page 135
monster? Have you ever been to Spain?
K: You do, Simon. But you're a little scary! Yes, I have.
Well, I've certainly enjoyed talking about I went there two years ago.
books and movies today. What books and Did you go to Madrid?
movies have you read or seen? Which are No, I didn’t. But I went to Valencia and Malaga.
your favorites? Let us know! Goodbye from
Learning Curve and see you next time!
12.12   CD 4 Track 37

12.9   CD 4 Track 34 Page 107, exercise 5A

Page 105, exercise 8 Won Flown

Eaten Spoken
1 Let’s talk about the movie of another book. Met Driven
2 I thought it was exciting! Read Bought
3 She’s a big fan of Jane Austen’s books. Worn Drunk
4 I’m sure a lot of people agree with us! Written Seen
5 I’ve read all the books and seen all the

A2 Elementary 2 Personal Best A2 © Richmond 2018

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