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Intermediat PING1.61.219 MK Umum 3 2 16 January 2020
e Grammar
Dosen Pengembang RPS / Lecturer Course Group Head of Study
Designing Syllabus Coordinator Program
OTORISASI (AUTHORIZED PERSON) Signature Signature Signature

Learning Outcomes PLO

PLO1 Demonstrate the ability to listen, speak, read and write in English with
advance accuracy and fluency for a variety of purposes.
PLO2 Analyze texts of different genres by making use of lexicogrammatical
PLO10 Demonstrate interpersonal and collaborative skills whilst working with
others in the investigation of problems, and in the presentation of
arguments and evidence.
CLO1 Students are able to understand and identify part of speech, continuous
tense, perfect tense, perfect continuous tense, gerund and infinitive,
passive, and sentence type.
CLO2 Students are able to explain part of speech, continuous tense, perfect tense,
perfect continuous tense, gerund and infinitive, passive, and sentence type.
CLO3 Students are able to create part of speech, continuous tense, perfect tense,
perfect continuous tense, gerund and infinitive, passive, and sentence type.
Course Description This course provides knowledge and skills on advanced English rules that include some basic organizational
principles of grammar, the relationship between grammar and meaning, and a number of grammatical
functions for Part of Speech, Continuous Forms, Perfect Forms, Perfect Continuous Forms, Gerund and infinitive ,
Passive Voices, Introduction to Sentence Types, Simple Sentence, Compound Sentence, Parallelism,
Materials/Topics 1. Parts of Speech
2. Past Continuous Tense
3. Future Continuous Tense
4. Present Perfect Tense
5. Past Perfect Tense
6. Present Perfect Continuous
7. Past Perfect Continuous
8. Gerunds and Infinitives
9. Passive Voices (Simple and modals forms)
10. Passive Voices (Continuous forms)
11. Passive Voices (Perfect forms)
12. Passive Voices (Gerund and Infinitives)
13. Introduction to Sentence Type (Simple Sentence)
14. Introduction to Sentence Type (Compound Sentence: Transition, Conjunctive Adverbs, Correlative
15. Parallelism
References Main: Werner, P.K. & Spaventa. 2007. Mosaic 1 Grammar. New York: McGraw-Hill.


1. Werner, P. K. & Nelson, J.P. 2007. Interaction 2 Grammar. New York: McGraw-Hill.
2. Azar, Betty S. 2002. Understanding and using English grammar. New York: Pearson Education.
3. Eastwood, John. 2002. Oxford practice grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4. Maurer, Jay. 2000. Focus on grammar: an advanced course for reference and practice. Second edition. New
York: Addison Wesley Longman.
5. Altenberg, E.P & Vago, Robert M. 2010. English Grammar: Understanding the Basic. New York: Cambridge.
6. Gerot, Linda & Wignell, Peter. 1994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Australia: Gerd Stabler.
7. Lock, Graham. 1996. Functional English Grammar. In Jack C Richards (ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
8. Broukal, Milada. 2004. Grammar: Form and Function 1. New York: McGraw-Hill.
9. Anderson, Vicky et.al. 2007. Grammar Practice: for Pre-intermediate Students. New York: Longman.
10. Anderson, Vicky et.al. 2007. Grammar Practice: for Intermediate Students. New York: Longman.
11. Eastwood, John. 2002. Oxford Guide to English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
12. Folse, K.S.; Solomon, E.v.; Smith-Palinkas, B. 2008. Top20 great grammar for great writing. Boston:
Thomson Heinle.
13. Knapp, Peter & Watkins, Megan. 2005. Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing
Writing. Sidney: University of New South Wales Press Ltd.
14. Swan, Michael & Catherine, Walter. 1997. How English Works: a Grammar Practice Book. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Media Software: Hardware:
- Laptop, LCD
Team Teaching - Drs. Don Narius, M.Si - Yati Aisya Rani, M.Pd
- Desvalini Anwar, S.S., M.Hum., Ph.D - Senorica Yulia Sari, S.Pd., M.Tesol
- Fitrawati, S.S., M.Pd - Dinovia Fannil Kher, M.Pd
- Witri Oktavia, M.Pd - Nur Rosita, SPd., M.A
- Dr. Yuli Tiarina, M.Pd - Nofrina Eka Putri, S.Pd., M.Pd
Prerequisite Basic Grammar

Week Sub CP MK (Lesson Indikator Kriteria & Bentuk Metode Materi Bobot
Learning Outcome) (Indicators) Penilaian (Method Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Penilaian
of Assessment) (Methods of (Materials) (%)
I Students understand the  Classroom  Observation  Inspiring video and Introduction to
purposes and objectives of regulation.  Teacher music Intermediate
the course  Introduction to Assessment  Presentation Grammar
the course  Questioner followed by question
 Ability to  Written pre-test and answer session
understand the concerning about
purposes and topic
objectives of the  Classroom
course Discussion
II Students review parts of  Ability to explain  Observation  Group presentation Parts of Speech
speech. the parts of  Written followed by
speech Assignment/ quiz question and
 Ability to identify  Self assesment answer session
parts of speech in  Peer & group concerning about
the given text Assessment topic
 Ability to use part  Teacher  Discussion
of speech in Assessment  Structured group
producing text task
 Individual task
 Game or other fun
III Students understand and be  Ability to identify  Observation  Group presentation Past continuous
able to apply the rules of past continuous  Written followed by question tense
Past continuous in formula Assignment/ quiz and answer session
producing sentences  Ability to  Self assesment concerning about
differentiate  Peer & group topic
between Past Assessment  Discussion
Continuous dan  Teacher  Structured group
Past Tense Assessment task
 Ability to apply  Individual task
past continuous  Game or other fun
formula in writing activities

IV Students understand and be  Ability to identify  Observation  Group presentation Future

able to apply the rules of Future continuous  Written followed by question continuous tense
Future continuous in  Ability to Assignment/ quiz and answer session
producing sentences differentiate  Self assesment concerning about
between future  Peer & group topic
and future Assessment  Discussion
continuous  Teacher  Structured group
 Ability to apply Assessment task
past continuous in  Individual task
writing  Game or other fun
V Students understand and be  Ability to identify  Observation  Group presentation  Present Perfect
able to apply the rules of Present Perfect  Written followed by question Tense
Present Perfect Tense in Tense Assignment/ quiz and answer session
producing sentences  Ability to  Self assesment concerning about
differentiate  Peer & group topic
between present Assessment  Discussion
and past tense  Teacher  Structured group
 Ability to apply Assessment task
Present Perfect  Individual task
Tense in writing  Game or other fun
VI Students understand and be  Ability to identify  Observation  Group presentation  Past Perfect
able to apply the rules of Past Perfect Tense  Written followed by question Tense
Past Perfect Tense in  Ability to Assignment/ quiz and answer session
producing sentences differentiate  Self assesment concerning about
between past  Peer & group topic
perfect tense, past Assessment  Discussion
tense and present  Teacher  Structured group
perfect Assessment task
 Ability to apply  Individual task
Past Perfect Tense  Game or other fun
in writing activities

VII Students understand and be  Ability to identify  Observation  Group presentation  Present Perfect
able to apply the rules of Present Perfect  Written followed by question Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous Continuous Tense Assignment/ quiz and answer session Tense
Tense in producing  Ability to  Self assesment concerning about
sentences differentiate  Peer & group topic
between present Assessment  Discussion
perfect  Teacher  Structured group
continuous dan Assessment task
present perfect  Individual task
 Ability to apply  Game or other fun
Present Perfect activities
Continuous Tense
in writing

VIII Students understand and be  Ability to identify  Observation  Group presentation  Past Perfect
able to apply the rules of Past Perfect  Written followed by question Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous Continuous Tense Assignment/ quiz and answer session Tense
Tense in producing  Ability to  Self assesment concerning about
sentences differentiate  Peer & group topic
between present Assessment  Discussion
perfect  Teacher  Structured group
Continuous, past Assessment task
perfect and past  Individual task
perfect  Game or other fun
Continuous tense activities
 Ability to apply
Past Perfect
Continuous Tense
in writing

X Students apply gerund and  Ability to define  Observation  Group presentation  Gerund and
infinitive in correct gerund and  Written followed by question Infinitive
sentences infinitive Assignment/ quiz and answer session
 Ability to  Self assesment concerning about
construct  Peer & group topic
sentence using Assessment  Discussion
gerund and  Teacher  Structured group
infinitive Assessment task
 Individual task
 Game or other fun
XI Students apply the rule of  Ability to  Observation  Group presentation Passive Simple
passive sentences in simple recognize the  Written followed by question Form (Present,
forms (present, past, and form of passive Assignment/ quiz and answer session Past, and Future
future and modals) and present  Self assesment concerning about and modals) and
passive sentences in  Ability to  Peer & group topic Passive
continuous forms (present construct passive Assessment  Discussion Continuous Form
continuous, past present forms  Teacher  Structured group (present
continuous, and future  Ability to examine Assessment task continuous, past
continuous) the form of  Individual task continuous, and
passive past  Game or other fun future
 Ability to activities continuous)
structure passive
XII Students apply the rule of  Ability to  Observation  Group presentation Passive Perfect
passive sentences in perfect recognize the  Written followed by question form (present
forms (present perfect, past form of passive Assignment/ quiz and answer session perfect, past
perfect, present perfect perfect  Self assesment concerning about perfect, present
continuous, and past perfect  Ability to  Peer & group topic perfect
continuous) and passive compose passive Assessment  Discussion continuous, and
sentences in gerund and perfect  Teacher  Structured group past perfect
infinitive forms  Ability to Assessment task continuous) and
recognize the  Individual task Passive in
form of passive  Game or other fun Gerund and
gerund activities Infinitive Form
 Ability to
construct passive
XIII Students are able to identify  Ability to  Observation  Group presentation Introduction to
Simple sentence type its understand  Written followed by Sentence Type
component: simple Sentence Assignment/ quiz question and (Simple
 Self assesment answer session Sentence)
 Peer & group concerning about
Assessment topic
 Teacher  Discussion
Assessment  Structured group
 Individual task
 Game or other fun
XIV Students are able to identify  Ability to differ  Observation  Group presentation Introduction to
Compound sentence type its simple and  Written followed by Sentence Type
component: Transition, and compound Assignment/ quiz question and (Compound
Semicolon Sentence  Self assesment answer session Sentence)
 Ability to identify  Peer & group concerning about
transition words Assessment topic
and use it in  Teacher  Discussion
compound Assessment  Structured group
sentences; task
F,A,N,B,B,O,Y,S  Individual task
 Ability to identify  Game or other fun
Semicolon (;) and activities
use it in
XV Students are able to identify  Ability to differ  Observation  Group presentation Introduction to
Compound sentence type its simple and  Written followed by Sentence Type
component: Conjunctive compound Assignment/ quiz question and (Compound
Adverbs, Correlative Sentence  Self assesment answer session Sentence)
Conjunctions  Ability to identify  Peer & group concerning about
conjunctive Assessment topic
adverbs and use it  Teacher  Discussion
in compound Assessment  Structured group
sentences task
 Ability to identify  Individual task
correlative  Game or other fun
conjunctions and activities
use it in
XVI Students apply the rule of  Ability to  Observation  Group presentation Parallelism
parallelism (gerund and recognize the  Written followed by
infinitive, series) form of Assignment/ quiz question and
parallelism  Self assesment answer session
(gerund and  Peer & group concerning about
infinitive, Assessment topic
series)  Teacher  Discussion
 Ability to Assessment  Structured group
construct task
parallelism  Individual task
(gerund and  Game or other fun
infinitive, activities
Rubric to Assess Students’ Ability
Grade Skill Indicators YES NO
6 Proficient  Maintains consistent grammatical control of complex language, even while
attention is otherwise engaged (e.g. in forward planning, in monitoring others’
5 Advanced  Consistently maintains a high degree of grammatical accuracy; errors are rare
and difficult to spot.
4 Early  Good grammatical control; occasional ‘slips’ or non-systematic errors and minor
Advanced flaws in sentence structure may still occur, but they are rare and can often be
corrected in retrospect.
 Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control. Does not make mistakes
which lead to misunderstanding.
3 Intermediate  Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar contexts; generally good
control though with noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur, but it is
clear what he/she is trying to express.
 Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of frequently used ‘routines’ and
patterns associated with more predictable situations.
2 Early  Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic
Intermediate mistakes – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement;
nevertheless, it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.
1 Beginner  Shows only limited control of a few simple grammatical structures and sentence
patterns in a memorised repertoire.
Adapted from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment
A. Evaluation/Assessment
Students’ grades are based on:
Mid-Test 30%
Final Test 35%
Assignment 25%
Classroom Participation 10%

Range Grade
85-100 A
80-84 A-
75-79 B+
70-74 B
65-69 B-
60-64 C+
55-59 C
50-54 C-
40-49 D
<39 E

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