Pertemuan Xii Passive

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The discussion on active and passive has been done in lesson one. But for some
reason which is related to its used, it would wiser to discuss it then. The structure of passive
uses TO BE + Posision III

go went gone
sing sang sung
understand understood understood
take took taken
Verb put put put
read read read
cut cut cut
walk walked walked
stop stopped stopped
look looked looked

is was
To be am been
are were

A.Passive in present time.

The passive form that being discussed is the one in the present time of speaking, like

She cleans the floor down there soon (active)

The floor down there is cleaned by her soon. (passive)
The floor down there is cleaned soon. (Positive)
Is the floor down there cleaned soon? (Question)
The floor down there is not cleaned soon. (Negation)

All of the problems are settled to day. (Positive)

Are all of the problems settled to day to day? (Question)
All of the problems are not settled to day. (Negation)
Subject + To be + V + Object
( is, am, are ) ( position III)
( position III)

To be + Subject +V + Object?
(is, am, are) ( position III) Question
Subject + To be +Not +V + Object
(is, am, are) ( position III) Negation

Pattern Practice
Some books are bought by Ratna
Where are the books bought?
They are bought in a book store.

Is your dinner usually prepared by mother?

No, our dinner is usually prepared by aunt Lucy.
But our lunch is sometimes prepared by mother.

Is English often tested in January?

No, it is not always tested in Januari.
But it is always tested in December.

Are you accompanied by your father to go to the mosque?

Yes, I am always accompanied by father to go the mosque.
But sometimes I am accompanied by my brother.

Is English taught every Monday this semester?

Yes, English is taught on Mondays.
But Mathematics is thaught on Fridays.

a. Does your sister eat apples for her died?
Yes, apples ----- -----(eat) by my sister.
How many apples ----- -----?
Three apples ---- ---- every day.

b.Do give your collection of stamps away?

Yes, my collection of stamps----- -----(give) away to the little girl.
To whom the collection of stamps ----- ---- (give) away?
They ----- -----(give) away to my little nephew.

c. Does the shop keeper open the grocery?

Yes, the grocery ---- ----(open) on Sundays
If you need goods Sundays, the grocery---- -----(open) early in the morning.

d. Do you usually collect the data in phases.

Yes, the data----- ----- (collect) in phases
---- the data ----- in three phases?
No,It ----- ----- (collect) in four phases.

e. Do you report the research?

Yes, the research ---- ---- (report).
To whom ---- the research ----- ?
It ----- -----(report) directly to the committee.

f. Do you always give samples to customers?

Samples ----- always ----- (give) to customer.
When ---- samples usually---- (give) to the costumers?
The samples---- -----(give) to the customer every Sunday.

g. Does she always take her little niece to play in the yard?
Yes, her little niece ----- -----(take) to play in the yard
When----usually her little niece ----- (take) to play in the yard?
She ----- usually----- (take) to play in the yard on Saturdays.

h. Why do many people come to the hall?

A party ----- ----- (hold) in the hall.
What of the party ----- ----- (hold) ?
My friend’s wedding party ----- ----- (hold) in the hall.
i How are the victims?
They are not really well, but food ---- ---- (supply) to them.
How much food ---- ----- (supply) to them?
Tons of food ----- ------ (supply) to them.

j. Are the arguments right?

The arguments ----- ---- (prove) right

B. Passive in past time.

The passive forms happen in the past time. Such as;
A parcel was sent to me by someone. (Positive)
A parcel was sent not to me by someone. (Negation)
Was A parcel sent to you by someone? (Question)

Alot of books were sent to me by someone. (Positive)

Alot of books were not sent to me by someone. (Negation)
were Alot of books sent to you by someone? (Question)

Subject+ Tobe + V + Object Positive
(was or were) (Position III)
Subject+ Tobe + V + Object Negation
(was or were) (Position III)

Tobe + Subject + V + Object?

(was or were) (Position III) Question

Pattern Practice

Did your sister buy a new car?

Yes, A new car was bought by my sister
When was the new car bought ?
The new car was bought at the begining of last month.

Did uncle Herman plant plenty of carrots?

Yes, plenty of carrots were planted by uncle Herman
When were the carrots planted?
They were planted two months ago.

Did you collect the data last month?

Yes, the data was collected last month.
Where was the data collected?
It was collected in an area next to Tebing Tinggi.

Did Ratna water all of the flowers?

Yes, all of the flowers were watered by Ratna.
How were the flowers watered?
They were watered by using a sprayer

Did you present the result of your research?

Yes, the result of my research was presented.
When was it presented?
It was presented two days ago.

a Did She bake some cakes?
Yes, some cakes ----- ----- (bake)
When ----- the cakes-----?
The cakes ----- ----- yesterday.
b. Did you lock the door?
Yes,The door ----- ----- (lock).
Why ---- the door -----?
The door ----- -----, in order nobody came in.

c. Did you she a new handbag?

Yes, a new handbag ----- ----- (buy)
Where ---- the new handbag ----- ?
It ---- ---- in Bandung.

d. Did you lose your watch?

Yes, my watch----- ------. (lose)
When ----- your watch -----?
It ----- ----- last night.

e. Did someone break her laptop?

Yes, her laptop----- ----- (break)
When ----- her laptop ---- ?
It ---- ----- yesterday morning

f. Did Budi borrow her printer?

Yes, her printer ----- ----- by Budi (borrow)
Why ----- her printer------ ?
It ---- -----(borrow) because Budi’s printer was broken.

g. Did Alvian give her some book?

Yes, some books ----- -----. (give)
Why ----- the books-----?
The books ----- -----(give), because she needed.

h. Did you offer uncle Tom a cigarette?

No, a cigarette ---- not----- to uncle Tom. (offer)
Why -----a cigarette not----- to ucle Tom?
It ----- not-----(offer) because he doesn’t smoke.

i. Did your mother receive a present from the company?

Yes, a present ----- ----- from the company. (receive)
When----- the present----- from the company?
It ----- -----(receive) two weeks ago for my mother best performance.

j. Did she take the book off the shelf?

No, the book ----- not ---- off the shelf. (take)
Why ----- the book not ----- off the shelf?
It ----- not----- because she didn’t need it.

C Passive in perfect time.

The passive forms used when things or somethings happen completly, such as;

The research has been done by the researcher. (Positive)

Has the research been done by the researcher? (Question)
The research has not been done by the researcher. (negation)

A lot of houses have been sold out. (Positive)

Have A lot of houses been sold out. (Question)
A lot of houses have not been sold out. (Negation)

Subject + have /has been +V + Object Positive
(Position III)

have /has Subject + been +V + Object? Question

(Position III)

Subject + have /has been + not + V + Object

(Position III) Negation

Pattern Practice
Do you usually grill chickens for Idul Fitri?
A number of chickens have been grilled for Idul Fitri.
How many chicken have been grilled?
Twelve chickens have been grilled.

Does the Goverment ask to renovate old buildings in your town?

Yes, a lot of old buildings have been renovated in our town.
How many old buidings have been renovated .
Fifty old buidings all together have been renovated .

Does your mother throw those old newspapers ?

Yes, those old newspapers have been thrown out.
Where have those old newspapers been thrown out.
They have been thrown out to the public’s garbage box.

Does the research Committee plan a research competition?

Yes,The research competition has been plan by the committee.
When has The research competition been planned?
It has been planned since December.

Does a cyber police have resposibility to block a hoax news?

Sure, that’s why some hoax news have been blocked by cyber police recently.
Do you know the number of hoax news that have been blocked recently?
No, I really coudn’t say the number of hoax news which have been blocked recently

a Do you still display old products?
Yes, old products ---- still----- -----(display)
Why they-----still----- ------(display)?
Because a new product ---- not---- ----- (diplay) yet

b. The Goverment constructs skybridges, right?

Yes, An enormous skybridge ---- ---- ---- (construct) next to my hometown.
When----- it ----- ----- (construct)?
It ----- ----- ------ (construct) since November.

c. Does the customer officer suspect those two foreigners?

Yes, Both of the foreigners have been suspected.
Why have they been suspected?
Both of them have been suspected to carry marijuana.

d. Do you arrange the reseach design with your group?

Yes, the reseach design ----- ---- ----- (arrange) in our group
When ------ it ----- ----- (arrange) in your group?
It ----- ---- -----(arrange) for two weeks.

e. Have you launched the new historical book?

No, The new historical book ---- not ----- ----- (launch) yet .
Why ---- it not ----- ----- (launch).
It ----- not----- ----- (launch) yet, bacause it still need correcting.
f. Does the developer establish houses in a rural area?
Yes, Some houses ------ ----- -----(establis)in a rural area
How many houses ---- ---- -----(establis) in a rural area?
A hundred houses ----- ---- -----(establis) in a rural area

g. Does Professor Ananda always create new research framework.

Yes, A new research framework ----- ---- ---- (create) by Professor Ananda recently
How long ----- it ----- ----- (create)
It ---- ---- ---- (create) since three months ago.
h. Do you know about the general election?
The general election---- not ----- ----( perform) yet.
Why ---- the general election not ---- ----- (perform) yet.
I don’t know why, the general election not ---- ----- ---- (perform) yet.

i Did you about the victims?

the victims ----- ----- ----(settle) since last month.
----- they---- ----- (settle) in their hometown?
Yes, they ---- ----- ----- (settle) in their hometown.

j. Does the company promote him to a higher posisition ?

Yes he ---- ----- -----(promote) to be a manager.
Really?----- he ----- ------(promote) to be a manager?
Sure, he ---- ----- -----(promote) to be a manager.

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