OFV-5000 Vibrometer Controller: Measuring Vibrations

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OFV-5000 Vibrometer Controller


Vibrometer Controller
– Velocity Decoders
– Displacement Decoders

Standard Sensors

Fiber-Optic Sensors

Polytec’s modular vibrometer controller is continually improving to meet the needs
of advanced vibration measurement applications. The latest design adds digital
processing with a range of new features that make non-contact vibration analysis
even more precise, simple, flexible and rewarding.

OFV-5000 Controller – Functionality and Flexibility

The Soul of a Quality Modular Approach
Vibrometer System A wide range of configurations offers optimal
performance for the task with maximum flexi-
OFV-5000 replaces the widely respected OFV- bility and expandability to meet future needs.
3001 modular controller. Its advantages include
Application-Specific Configuration
improved vibration resolution and dynamic range
By selecting from a choice of different analog
from new digital/analog decoders, remote focus
and/or digital decoders, performance can be
and focus memory (with OFV-505), more capacity
precisely tailored to match the demands of
for a wider range of modules and digital filtering.
the application.
Polytec Laser Doppler Vibrometers operate on
Several compatible standard-optic and fiber-
the Doppler principle, measuring back-scattered
optic sensor heads are available to meet specific
laser light from a vibrating structure, to deter-
needs for robustness, flexibility and ease-of-use.
mine its vibrational velocity and displacement.
A vibrometer system is comprised of controller Upgradeable to Scanning Vibrometer
electronics and a non-contact standard-optic or OFV-5000 is fully upgradeable to Polytec’s
fiber-optic sensor head. The controller provides new 1-D and 3-D Scanning Vibrometer
signals and power for the sensor head, and pro- systems for full field vibration analysis.
cesses the vibration signals. These are electroni- Remote Focus Functions
cally converted by specially developed decoders Autofocus, remote focus and focus memory
within the controller to obtain velocity and are all possible with the OFV-5000 controller
displacement information about the test structure. used with the new OFV-505 sensor head.
This information is provided by OFV-5000 in either
analog or digital form, for further data evaluation.

Advancing Measurements by Light www.polytec.com

Laser Vibrometry Expansion Options, using the OFV-5000 Controller

Flexible Signal Processing Vibrometer Measurement

The OFV-5000 controller is designed to accept System
a choice of signal processing modules, each A system comprises an OFV-5000 controller,
optimized for different frequency, velocity or choice of decoder modules and a sensor head.
displacement performance. A choice of standard single point and
Each module is therefore tuned for different fiber-delivered single point sensors, or dual
measurement tasks by making the best use of (differential) fiber sensors is available.
the vibration information in the Doppler signal
obtained by the sensor head. Expansion to Scanning
Various analog and/or digital decoder options Vibrometer Systems
seamlessly cover the entire velocity range up to A system based on the OFV-5000 can be extended
±10 m/s, displacements from the sub-nanometer to a full scanning vibrometer system by adding
to the meter range, and frequencies from DC to other components.
20 MHz. Up to four decoders can be installed The Polytec Scanning Vibrometer (PSV) makes it
simultaneously to obtain the greatest possible possible to rapidly and automatically acquire
flexibility. This flexibility also allows retrospective vibration characteristics of complete surfaces,
add-ons and modifications to meet future needs. while the PSV-3D extends this to three-dimensional
data acquisition and analysis. The Micro-Scanning
Vibrometer and Micro Motion Analyser (MMA)
have been developed to perform the same
measurements on microstructures.

Selection and Combination Displacement Decoders
of Signal Decoders DD-100 and DD-200 analog 14 bit displacement
The OFV-5000 controller has four internal slots decoders take phase information from the Doppler
to accept up to four different signal decoders, signal to provide direct displacement signals, not
depending on the desired measurement ranges. derived from the velocity information. They may
Two are specifically designated for velocity de- be used in conjunction with velocity decoders to
coders and one is for the displacement decoder. provide full vibration characterization of the test
An Auxiliary Slot is provided to take a further structure.
optional velocity or displacement decoder. Alternatively, OFV-5000 accepts the DD-500
digital displacement decoder with high resolution
Please contact your local vibrometer sales
digital/analog output.
or application engineer who will help you
to select the appropriate decoders and A further option is the DD-600 I&Q demodu-
VibSoft Software. lator. This is designed to allow processing of
the digital signal with the PC-based VibSoft-VDD
package. This provides the highest resolution
Velocity Decoders and dynamic range of all the displacement
The VD-01 velocity decoder offers the highest decoder options.
linearity for frequencies up to 50 kHz. DD-300 and DD-400 decoders are designed
The VD-02 has an extended range up to 1.5 MHz. for use in the Auxiliary Slot. The high frequency
The VD-04 3-range decoder is required if the DD-300 measures between 50 kHz and 20 MHz.
DD-400 analog integrator displacement decoder The VD-400 employs an analog integrator for
is selected. VD-05 is intended for use in the the frequency range up to 250 kHz.
Auxiliary Slot, and with a frequency response
to 10 MHz is particularly well suited for ultra- DSP Filter
sonics applications. For the very best precision
in the low velocity region (up to 500 mm/s), The DSP based adaptive filter module significantly
we recommend the VD-06 digital decoder. improves the signal-to-noise ratio of the vibration
signal by suppressing random and non-periodic
Decoders can be used together. For example
noise for frequencies ranging from DC to 20 kHz.
VD-02 used together with VD-06 will give the
The adaptive filter can only be used in con-
greatest dynamic range and optimal frequency
junction with the digital decoder VD-06.
and velocity performance. Alternatively, a DD-
400 displacement integrator with VD-04, plus
VD-06 will give velocity and displacement.

Table of Decoder Combinations

Displacement Decoder Auxiliary Decoder
Velocity Decoders
Slot 3 Slot 4
DSP Filter
14-bit or 16-bit
Slot 1 Slot 2 Velocity or Displacement
VD-01 – – –
VD-02 – – DD-300 –
VD-02 VD-06 DD-500 LF-02
or VD-05
VD-04 – – DD-400 or
* –
VD-04 VD-06 DD-500 DD-300 LF-02
– VD-06 DD-500 DD-300 LF-02

Instead of the internal displacement decoder, a DD-600 I&Q demodulator

for external PC-based signal processing can also be installed (VibSoft-VDD)
in preparation

OFV-5000 Technical Data
General Specifications Polytec GmbH
Polytec-Platz 1-7
Ambient temperature +5 °C … 40 °C
76337 Waldbronn
Storage temperature –5 °C … 60 °C
Relative humidity 20 % … 80 %, non-condensing
Tel. + 49 (0) 7243 604-0
Power supply Switch mode power supply with wide range input 100 V ... 240 V Fax + 49 (0) 7243 69944
Weight 9.7 kg [email protected]
Dimensions [W x H x L] 450 mm x 360 mm x 145 mm (19” housing)
Interface RS-232
Display Illuminated graphics LCD with menu assistance Polytec-PI, S.A.
Outputs analog On the front: Velocity out, Displacement out, DSP out, 32 rue Délizy
Auxiliary out; On the back: Signal level out 93694 Pantin
Outputs digital S/P-DIF optical and electrical
Tel. + 33 (0) 1 48 10 39 34
Fax + 33 (0) 1 48 10 09 66
Sensor Head Compatibility [email protected]
Standard single point sensor heads OFV-505, OFV-503
Fiber optic sensor heads OFV-551, OFV-552
Photometrics Ltd.
Lambda House, Batford Mill
Available Velocity Decoders* Harpenden, Herts AL5 5BZ
Great Britain
Analog decoders
Tel. + 44 (0) 1582 764334
VD-01 max. 50 kHz, 5 measurement ranges (mm/s/V):
Fax + 44 (0) 1582 712084
1, 5, 25, 125, 1000
[email protected]
VD-02 max. 1.5 MHz, 4 measurement ranges (mm/s/V):
5, 25, 125, 1000 Polytec KK
VD-04 max. 250 kHz, 3 measurement ranges (mm/s/V): Hakusan High Tech Park
10, 100, 1000 1-18-2 Hakusan, Midori-ku
Yokohama-shi, 226-0006
VD-05 max. 10 MHz, 2 measurement ranges (mm/s/V): 100, 500
Technical specifications are subject to change without notice. LM_DS_OFV-5000_2004_06_1000_E

Digital decoders
VD-06 max. 350 kHz, 3 measurement ranges (mm/s/V): 2, 10, 50 Tel. +81 (45) 938-4960
Fax +81 (45) 938-4961
[email protected]
Available Displacement Decoders*
DD-100 14 bit FC decoder, 250 kHz, 8 measurement ranges Polytec, Inc.
DD-200 14 bit FC decoder, 250 kHz, 13 measurement ranges North American Headquarters
DD-300 Ultrasonic displacement decoder, 20 MHz, 1342 Bell Avenue, Suite 3-A
1 measurement range Tustin, CA 92780
DD-400** Analog integrator, 250 kHz, 3 measurement ranges USA
Tel. +1 714 850 1835
DD-500 16 bit DSP decoder, 350 kHz, 16 measurement ranges
Fax +1 714 850 1831
DD-600 I&Q decoder, direct output of the quadrature signal,
[email protected]
optional further processing with VibSoft-VDD
Polytec, Inc.
East Coast Office
Adaptive Filter Module
16 Albert Street
LF-02 DSP based, analog and digital output signal, Auburn, MA 01501
frequency range: 0 … 20 kHz USA
You will find detailed information in the Decoder Guidelines **
in preparation Tel. +1 508 832 0501
and in the separate data sheets for the respective decoders Fax +1 508 832 4667

Advancing Measurements by Light www.polytec.com

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