Polytec Vibrometer Controller OFV-5000

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Title User Manual

Vibrometer Controller

O F V- 5 0 0 0
Warranty and Service
The warranty for this equipment complies with the regulations in our general terms and
conditions in their respective valid version.

This is conditional on the equipment being used as intended and as described in this manual.

The warranty does not apply to damage caused by incorrect usage, external mechanical
influences or by not keeping to the operating conditions. The warranty also is invalidated in the
case of the equipment being tampered with or modified without authorization.

To return the equipment always use the original packaging. Otherwise we reserve the right to
check the equipment for transport damage. Please mark the package as fragile and sensitive to
frost. Include an explanation of the reason for returning it as well as an exact description of the
fault. You will find information on fault diagnosis in CHAPTER 6.

Brand or product names mentioned in this manual could be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.

Identification Labels

OFV-5000-3G Controller

41152-Man-Vib-OFV5000-3G-1113-11en *41152*


1 Safety Information 1-1

1.1 General Safety Information ................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Information on Laser Safety ............................................................................................... 1-2
1.2.1 Safety Information .................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2.2 Safety Precautions ................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2.3 Laser Warning Labels .............................................................................................. 1-3
1.3 Information on Electrical Safety ......................................................................................... 1-4
1.3.1 Safety Information .................................................................................................... 1-4
1.3.2 Safety Precautions ................................................................................................... 1-4

2 Introduction 2-1
2.1 Operating Principle ............................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Polytec's Modular Concept of the Controller ....................................................................... 2-2
2.2.1 Principle ................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.2 Velocity Decoders .................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.3 Displacement Decoders ........................................................................................... 2-4
2.2.4 Auxiliary Decoders ................................................................................................... 2-5
2.2.5 Digital Filter Module ................................................................................................. 2-5
2.2.6 S/PDIF Transmitter .................................................................................................. 2-6
2.2.7 Sensor Heads .......................................................................................................... 2-6

3 First Steps 3-1

3.1 Unpacking and Inspection .................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Operating and Maintenance Requirements ........................................................................ 3-2
3.3 Control Elements, Displays and Connections ..................................................................... 3-3
3.4 Installation and Functional Test .......................................................................................... 3-6

4 Making Measurements 4-1

4.1 Switching On and Off ......................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Operating the Controller via the Touch Screen ................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 Operating Concept ................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.2 Moving within the Menus .......................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.3 Changing Settings .................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.4 Saving and Loading Settings .................................................................................... 4-3
4.2.5 Touch Screen Messages .......................................................................................... 4-4
4.3 Preparing and Making Measurements ................................................................................ 4-4
4.4 Velocity or Displacement Acquisition .................................................................................. 4-6


5 Selecting Suitable Settings 5-1

5.1 Focusing the Laser Beam with the Aid of the Controller ......................................................5-1
5.1.1 Remote Focus ..........................................................................................................5-2
5.1.2 Auto Focus ...............................................................................................................5-3
5.1.3 Saving and Loading Focus Position ..........................................................................5-4
5.1.4 Locking Manual Focus ..............................................................................................5-5
5.2 Dimming the Laser Beam with the Aid of the Controller (Optional) ......................................5-6
5.3 Switching the Laser Beam On/Off with the Aid of the Controller (Optional) ..........................5-6
5.4 Suitable Settings for Velocity Acquisition ............................................................................5-7
5.4.1 Selecting a Suitable Velocity Decoder .......................................................................5-7
5.4.2 Selecting the Velocity Measurement Range ..............................................................5-9
5.4.3 Setting the Tracking Filter .......................................................................................5-10
5.4.4 Setting the Low Pass Filter .....................................................................................5-12
5.4.5 Setting the High Pass Filter ....................................................................................5-15
5.4.6 Notes for Controllers with the Digital VD-06 Velocity Decoder .................................5-16
5.4.7 Using Digital Output Signals (only VD-06) ...............................................................5-17
5.5 Using the Adaptive DSP Filter (optional) ...........................................................................5-20
5.5.1 Description and Operating Principle ........................................................................5-20
5.5.2 Area of Application ..................................................................................................5-23
5.5.3 Setting the Adaptive DSP Filter ...............................................................................5-23
5.5.4 Saving and Loading DSP Filter Settings .................................................................5-24
5.6 Suitable Settings for Displacement Acquisition (Fringe Counting) .....................................5-25
5.6.1 Setting the Displacement Measurement Range .......................................................5-26
5.6.2 Optimizing the Displacement Signal with the HF Band-Pass Filter ..........................5-28
5.6.3 Using the Clear Function ........................................................................................5-29
5.6.4 Selecting the Tracking Filter ....................................................................................5-30
5.7 Suitable Settings for Displacement Acquisition (DSP Displacement Decoder) ...................5-33
5.7.1 Selecting the Displacement Measurement Range ...................................................5-34
5.7.2 Setting the Velocity Measurement Range ................................................................5-35
5.7.3 Behavior when the Measurement Range is Overrun (Overrun Mode) ......................5-36
5.7.4 Using the Digital Output Signal ...............................................................................5-41
5.7.5 Using Filters ...........................................................................................................5-41
5.8 Using Optional Auxiliary Decoders ....................................................................................5-41
5.8.1 VD-05 .....................................................................................................................5-41
5.8.2 DD-300 ...................................................................................................................5-43
5.8.3 DD-400 ...................................................................................................................5-44
5.8.4 DD-600 (I&Q Converter) .........................................................................................5-46
5.9 Displaying the Configuration and Firmware Version of the Controller ................................5-46
5.10 Configuring the RS-232 Interface ....................................................................................5-47


6 Fault Diagnosis 6-1

6.1 General Tests .................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Problems with the Laser .................................................................................................... 6-2
6.2.1 No Laser Beam ........................................................................................................ 6-2
6.2.2 Great Fluctuation of the Signal Level Display ........................................................... 6-3
6.2.3 Laser can not be Focused Manually (only OFV-505 / -503) ....................................... 6-3
6.3 No Measurement Signal or Implausible Measurement Signals ........................................... 6-3
6.4 Messages on the Touch Screen of the Controller ............................................................... 6-4
6.4.1 List for Notes ............................................................................................................ 6-4
6.4.2 List for Warnings ...................................................................................................... 6-4
6.5 Checklist for Fault Diagnosis .............................................................................................. 6-5
6.5.1 Controller with Single Point Sensor Head ................................................................. 6-5
6.5.2 Controller with Fiber-Optic Sensor Head .................................................................. 6-6
6.5.3 Controller with Fiber-Coupled Sensor Head ............................................................. 6-7

7 Technical Specifications 7-1

7.1 Harmonized Standards Applied .......................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 General Data ..................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.3 Digital Interfaces ................................................................................................................ 7-2
7.4 Analog Signal Inputs and Outputs ...................................................................................... 7-2
7.5 Metrological Properties of the Decoders ............................................................................ 7-4
7.5.1 VD-01 Velocity Decoder ........................................................................................... 7-4
7.5.2 VD-02 Velocity Decoder ........................................................................................... 7-5
7.5.3 VD-04 Velocity Decoder ........................................................................................... 7-6
7.5.4 VD-06 Velocity Decoder ........................................................................................... 7-7
7.5.5 VD-09 Velocity Decoder ........................................................................................... 7-9
7.5.6 DD-100 Displacement Decoder .............................................................................. 7-13
7.5.7 DD-500 Displacement Decoder .............................................................................. 7-14
7.5.8 DD-900 Displacement Decoder .............................................................................. 7-15
7.5.9 VD-05 Auxiliary Decoder (Velocity Decoder) .......................................................... 7-16
7.5.10 DD-300 Auxiliary Decoder (Displacement Decoder) ............................................. 7-17
7.5.11 DD-400 Auxiliary Decoder (Displacement Decoder) ............................................. 7-19
7.5.12 DD-600 Auxiliary Decoder (I&Q Converter) .......................................................... 7-21
7.6 Analog Low and High Pass Filters .................................................................................... 7-21
7.7 Adaptive DSP Filter (Optional) ......................................................................................... 7-22

Appendix A: Filter Diagrams

Appendix B: Declaration of Conformity



1 Safety Information

1 Safety Information

1.1 General Safety Information

Notes Please read this manual before using the instrument. It will provide you with
important information on using the instrument and on safety. This allows you
to protect yourself and prevents any damage being done to the instrument.
Pay particular attention to the basic safety information in CHAPTER 1 and the
information on installation, operation and maintenance in CHAPTER 3.

Keep this manual in a safe place and make it available to people using the
instrument. Never pass the instrument on without the manual.

In this manual, the following graded safety and warning labels are used:

Identifies an action that simplifies the usage of the instrument as well as requirements for a
safe usage !

"Type and source of danger" ! Identifies the danger caused by an action which could
result in damage to the instrument and how you can avoid it !

"Type and source of danger" ! Identifies a possible danger resulting from an action which
could lead to death or (serious) injury and how you can avoid it !

Intended use The instrument is intended for use in a laboratory and for operation in an
industrial environment. It may only be operated within the limits specified in
the technical specifications (refer to CHAPTER 7).

Faultless and safe operation of the instrument presume proper transport and
proper storage, installation and assembly as well as careful operation of the

When assembling, installing and operating the instrument, the safety and
accident-prevention regulations for the respective use must be adhered to.

Qualification This instrument may only be operated by persons who are familiar with
electrical measurement equipment and have been instructed in the use of
lasers. Please pay attention to the information on laser safety in SECTION 1.2.

Intervention for maintenance and repair work may only be carried out by the
manufacturer himself or by qualified personnel authorized by the

Disposal An instrument which is no longer required must be disposed of according to

the local regulations unless otherwise provided by the manufacturer.

1 Safety Information

1.2 Information on Laser Safety

1.2.1 Safety Information

The light source of the instrument is a laser. It is important to understand that

laser light has different properties from ordinary light sources. Laser light is
generally extremely intense due to the beam's low divergence. When
handling lasers, great care should be taken in any case to make sure that the
direct or reflected beam does not enter the eye.

For the detailed technical specifications, see CHAPTER 7 !

General The protective measures described in the following support compliance with
the safety standards for Laser Class 2:
• Polytec instruments generally comply with the standards IEC and
EN 60825-1 respectively US 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 except for
deviations pursuant to Laser Notice no. 50, dated 24 June 2007.
• The optical output power of the laser beam emitted from the instrument is
less than 1 mW provided the equipment is used in the manner for which it
was intended. This means that the instrument conforms with laser class 2
and is generally very safe. It is thereby usually assumed that eyes are
protected by prevention mechanisms including the blink reflex. This
reaction offers appropriate protection under reasonably foreseeable
operating conditions. This includes the use of optical instruments for
observing the laser beam. Even when optimally focused, the laser beam
is not intense enough to harm the skin.
• The user should not attempt to open the housing of the instrument which
contains the laser unit as he could be exposed to a higher level of laser
radiation that is potentially hazardous.
• Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than
those specified here may result in hazardous radiation exposure.

Specific • The sensor head is equipped with a beam shutter to block the laser beam
during the warm-up phase or when the vibrometer is not in use, although
switched on.
• An emission indicator on the sensor head indicates the activity of the
installed laser and thus the potential hazard of laser beams emitted.
• The laser is switched on using the key switch on the controller. The key
can only be removed if the controller and therefore also the laser is
switched off.

1 Safety Information

1.2.2 Safety Precautions

Pay attention to the following safety precautions when using the instrument:

• Only qualified and fully trained persons should be entrusted with setting
up the instrument, adjusting and operating it !
• Avoid looking directly into the laser beam with the naked eye or with the
aid of mirrors or optical instruments !
• Wear suitable laser adjustment eyewear when you have to look at the
target area of the laser beam long and hard to set it up !
• Never intentionally direct the laser beam at anyone !
• If you are working in the beam path of the laser, do not use any reflective
tools, watches etc. !
• Only open the beam shutter when making measurements !
• To position the sensor head, always close the beam shutter. The beam
shutter should not be opened until the sensor head has been roughly
aligned and mounted securely !
• The laser beam should be terminated at the end of its intended path
where this is practically possible.
• Instruments which are not in use should be stored in places which
unauthorized persons do not have access to.

1.2.3 Laser Warning Labels

You will find detailed information on the laser warning labels and on the
position of the laser warning labels on the sensor heads in the respective
manual of the sensor head.

1 Safety Information

1.3 Information on Electrical Safety

1.3.1 Safety Information

The instrument complies with the electrical protection class 1 in accordance

with the EU Directive 2006 / 95 / EC (Low Voltage Directive). With correct
mains connection and intended use, exposure to electric current is prevented
by the closed, grounded metal housing.

The instrument is subjected to the EU Directive 2004 / 108 / EC (EMC

Directive) and therefore complies with the limit values for emission and
immunity of the standards they are based on (refer also to SECTION 7.1 and

1.3.2 Safety Precautions

Pay attention to the following safety precautions when using the instrument:
• The instruments may only be connected up using a three-pin mains cable
to AC systems 50 / 60 Hz with a grounded protective conductor, and a
nominal voltage of between 100 V and 240 V.
• Defective mains fuses may only be replaced by fuses of the same kind
with the rating given on the instrument.
• If the mains switch is not freely accessible the mains plug is used as a
separator in case of danger. This means that the mains plug needs to be
freely accessible. Otherwise an additional disconnection device must be
• The housing may not be opened when using the instrument as intended.
Opening the housing will invalidate the warranty. None of the instruments
may be operated with opened housing.
• Maintenance and repair work may only be carried out by the manufacturer
or by qualified persons authorized by the manufacturer.
• Disconnect the mains plug before you remove parts of the housing for
installation and servicing purposes.
• Existing air inlets and outlets must always be kept free to allow sufficient
cooling. If you notice that a cooling fan is not working, immediately switch
off the affected instrument.

2 Introduction

2 Introduction

2.1 Operating Principle

The OFV-5000 laser vibrometer uses the principle of the heterodyne
interferometer to acquire the characteristics of mechanical vibrations or
transient motion processes. With this type of interferometer, a high-frequency
carrier signal is generated on the photo detector with the aid of a Bragg cell.
To make the vibration measurement, the beam of a helium-neon laser is
pointed at the vibrating object and scattered back from it. Velocity and
displacement amplitude of a vibrating object generate a frequency or phase
modulation of the laser light due to the Doppler effect. This modulation is
recovered in the signal processing unit with the aid of suitable demodulators
(or decoders). The velocity information is recovered from the frequency
modulation of the Doppler signal, while the displacement signal can be
reconstructed from the phase modulation available at the same time. A
schematic layout of both signal paths is shown as a diagram in FIGURE 2.1.

Sensor head Object

Doppler signal Dj, Df





Figure 2.1: Signals in the vibrometer

The Doppler signal is decoded in the OFV-5000 controller with up to four

different signal decoders. Depending on the equipment in the controller, these
are digital or analog velocity and displacement decoders. The functions of the
instrument can be controlled menu-assisted on the touch screen of the
controller or via a PC interface.

To display and evaluate measurement results with a PC, as an option you can
acquire the Polytec Vibrometer Software (VibSoft). This software is described
in a separate manual.

2 Introduction

2.2 Polytec's Modular Concept of the Controller

2.2.1 Principle

The construction of Polytec vibrometers is based on a modular principle and

thus allows user-specific configuration. The modularity is initially achieved
through strict separation of optics and electronics. The controller is designed
so that it can be equipped with different signal processing modules optimized
for the respective application. The various decoders with digital and analog
technology can thereby be combined with all sensor heads. A schematic
layout of the corresponding information flow in the controller is shown in

HF stage Decoder stage LF stage

Velocity Velocity 1 analog

decoder 1

Analog filter Velocity Output

Velocity 2 analog
decoder 2 Velocity 2 digital
High-frequency signal conditioning


DSP filter Velocity DSP Out

Serial bus

signal 40 MHz

S/P-DIF Digital Out Electrical

Digital Out Optical
Displacement digital
Displacement Displacement analog
decoder Displacement Output
External Decoder

Auxiliary decoder
velocity or Velocity or Displacement analog
Auxiliary Output

Figure 2.2: Schematic layout of information flow in the controller

The high-frequency Doppler signal coming from the sensor or scanning head
initially enters into a high-frequency stage. Whichever decoders the controller
has been equipped with, the measurement signal is optimally conditioned
here and supplied to the decoder stage. In this stage velocity or displacement
information respectively are recovered from the signal. The decoder stage is
followed by a low-frequency stage, consisting of an analog filter module and a
digital interface (S / P-DIF transmitter) as well as a digital filter module
available as an option.

In the following, you will find the decoders listed which are available for the

2 Introduction

2.2.2 Velocity Decoders

For velocity acquisition the controller is equipped with an analog velocity

decoder as standard. As an option, a digital velocity decoder or a second
analog velocity decoder can be installed as well. The analog output signals
from these decoders are directed over switchable high and low pass filters
which limit the bandwidth and suppress noise and are then made available at
the front view as an analog voltage signal. The data from the digital decoder is
sent from the decoder to the internal serial bus of the controller and can thus
be processed further with an optional digital filter module and also be made
available at the front view of the controller. Alternatively the digital signals
from the decoder can also be transmitted directly as a data stream via the
digital interface (S/PDIF transmitter, refer to SECTION 2.2.6). In this case the
data is made available at the back view of the controller as an optical or
electrical digital output signal in S/PDIF format.

You will find detailed information on suitable settings for velocity acquisition in

VD-01 The VD-01 is a velocity decoder for applications in the frequency range up to
50 kHz. In this range it provides excellent linearity and accuracy. With five
measurement ranges from 1 to 1 000 , it covers the entire dynamic
range of the vibrometer with high resolution. In the measurement ranges
125 and 1 000 you can make measurements from the frequency
0 Hz (DC capability).

VD-02 The VD-02 is a broadband velocity decoder and is universally suitable for
applications in the frequency range up to 1.5 MHz. The four measurement
ranges from 5 to 1 000 cover most technical applications with
sufficient amplitude resolution. The maximal velocity of 10 m / s can be
acquired for the frequencies up to 1.5 MHz. Out of all decoders the VD-02
offers the least frequency-dependent phase shift.

VD-04 With three measurement ranges, the VD-04 velocity decoder covers the entire
dynamic range of the vibrometer in the frequency range 0.5 Hz to 250 kHz.

VD-06 The VD-06 velocity decoder equipped with digital signal processing (DSP
technology) has four measurement ranges which allow high-precision and
high-resolution acquisition of vibrations or transient movements with a
maximum velocity of 0.5 m / s. The upper three measurement ranges cover the
full frequency range from 0 Hz to 350 kHz, while the lowest measurement
range (1 ) is limited to 20 kHz. Due to its strict bandwidth limitation, this
measurement range provides the highest optical sensitivity and is therefore
best suited for applications under unfavorable optical conditions. Apart from
the usual analog voltage output, the VD-06 provides the option of transmitting
measurement signals up to 42 kHz in digital form via the digital interface
(S/PDIF format) directly to suitably equipped signal acquisition systems.

2 Introduction

VD-09 The VD-09 is a digital broadband velocity decoder and is universally suitable
for applications in the frequency range up to 2.5 MHz. It is equipped with the
digital signal processing and has 8 measurement ranges which allow
extremely accurate and high-resolution acquisition of vibrations or transient
movements with a maximum velocity of 10 m / s. The lower cutoff frequency of
0 Hz (DC capability) enables the VD-09 decoder to be used unlimited also for
the acquisition of uniform, intermittent or rotational movements.

2.2.3 Displacement Decoders

For displacement acquisition you have the option of installing a displacement

decoder in the controller which works using fringe counting or a high-
resolution DSP decoder. The analog displacement signal is made available
directly at the DISPLACEMENT OUTPUT on the front view of the controller.
The digital signal also generated by the DSP decoder is emitted directly via
the S/PDIF transmitter as a data stream on the back view of the controller.

You will find detailed information on suitable settings for displacement

acquisition in SECTION 5.6 and SECTION 5.7.

DD-100 The DD-100 displacement decoder works using fringe counting. It is

especially suitable for acquiring relatively large displacement or vibration
amplitudes respectively, for which a resolution of 80 nm is sufficient. Its eight
finely graduated measurement ranges, each with a dynamic of 14 bits (>
80 dB), mean it can be optimally adapted to suit most measurement tasks in
the frequency range from 0 Hz to 250 kHz.

DD-500 The DD-500 displacement decoder is based on state-of-the-art DSP

technology. In contrast to fringe counting, the phase modulation of the
Doppler signal is evaluated almost continuously in this case, thus attaining a
displacement resolution of < 1 pm. A prerequisite for operating the DD-500 is
that velocity decoder VD-06 is installed. The full operating frequency range is
available in all displacement measurement ranges from 0 Hz to 350 kHz. The
maximum speed of 0,5 m / s is also permissible in all displacement
measurement ranges when the highest velocity measurement range of the
VD-06 is set at the same time. The output signal of the DD-500 is available at
the same time as the velocity signal of the VD-06 as a digital data stream in
S/PDIF format at the digital interface.

DD-900 The DD-900 broadband displacement decoder is based on state-of-the-art

digital technology. In contrast to fringe counting, the phase modulation of the
Doppler signal is evaluated quasi-continuously in this case, thus attaining a
displacement resolution of < 1pm. A prerequisite for operating the DD-900 is
that the VD-09 velocity decoder is installed. The maximum velocity of 10 m / s
and the maximum frequency of 2.5 MHz are available in all displacement
measurement ranges if the selected velocity measurement range of the
VD-09 allows these values.

2 Introduction

2.2.4 Auxiliary Decoders

An additional displacement decoder installed for special applications is

provided as an auxiliary decoder. Its analog output signal is available at the
AUXILIARY OUTPUT on the front view of the controller.

You will find detailed information on suitable use of auxiliary decoders in


VD-05 The VD-05 velocity decoder with two measurement ranges is suitable to
acquire extremely high-frequency vibrations up to 10 MHz. Despite the wide
bandwidth and the relatively rough scaling, the VD-05 attains excellent
resolution values with spectral signal evaluation. Furthermore the VD-05 is
suitable to acquire fast transient motions.

DD-300 The DD-300 displacement decoder has been developed especially for
acquiring high-frequency vibrations and impulses in the frequency range from
30 kHz to 24 MHz. The amplitude range limited to ± 75 nm is adapted to the
physical limitations of high-frequency processes.

DD-400 With the DD-400 displacement decoder, displacement decoding is based on

the analog integration of the velocity signal from the VD-04 velocity decoder.
It is thus an alternative to real displacement decoders which directly evaluate
the phase modulation of the Doppler signal. The measurement ranges 1 µm / V
and 10 µm / V have been optimized for displaying the vibration amplitude of
ultrasonic tools up to 250 kHz. A further measurement range 100 µm / V allows
you to acquire vibration amplitudes in the acoustic frequency range of 10 Hz
to 20 kHz.

DD-600 The DD-600 displacement decoder is not a complete signal decoder but is an
I&Q converter used to operate the controller in connection with external signal
decoding on the basis of the PC-based system VibSoft-VDD. Installing the
DD-600 makes the Doppler signal available as a so-called quadrature signal
pair (I&Q) for digital processing at the interface for external decoding External
Decoder on the back.

2.2.5 Digital Filter Module

As an option, you can get an adaptive filter based on DSP technology for
post-treatment of the velocity signal from the VD-06 velocity decoder in the
frequency range from 0 Hz to 20 kHz. The specialty of this filter is suppressing
noise and dropout distortions in stationary vibration signals.

You will find detailed information on using the adaptive DSP filter in

2 Introduction

2.2.6 S/PDIF Transmitter

The S/PDIF transmitter formats the serial data streams from the digitally
operating modules to an output signal which corresponds to the S/PDIF
standard (Sony / Philips Digital Audio Interface Format) familiar from audio
technology. This signal is available on the back panel of the controller in both
electrical and optical form and can be used to control suitably equipped signal
processing systems.

You will find detailed information on using the digital output signals in
SECTION 5.4.7.

2.2.7 Sensor Heads

The single point sensor heads and the fiber-optic respectively fiber-coupled
sensor heads conform with the different requirements made of the vibrometer
optics. For every sensor head a selection of lenses covers a wide range of
stand-off distances. You will find a detailed description of the sensor heads in
the respective manual of the sensor head.

Single point The OFV-503 and OFV-505 single point sensor heads are particularly suitable
sensor heads for long measurement distances. Focusing the laser beam with the OFV-505
sensor head can be effected manually or automatically and can also be
controlled remotely via the controller or using a PC.

Fiber-optic The OFV-551 and OFV-552 fiber-optic sensor heads are particularly suitable
sensor heads for short measurement distances. Even almost inaccessible measurement
points can be reached by using the flexible and slim optical fiber cables. In
addition to that, the OFV-552 sensor head is capable of measuring
differentially, i.e. it can acquire relative movements between two sample
points. This technology allows high-resolution measurement on machine parts
for example, while the whole machine is vibrating at an amplitude which
would overload the measurement range necessary for making this

Fiber-coupled The OFV-534 fiber-coupled sensor head is suitable for a wide range of stand-
sensor head off distances. Even almost inaccessible measurement points can be reached
by using the flexible and slim optical fiber cables. An integrated video camera
can optionally be used for online monitoring the measurement volume. In
addition, a microscope lens can be fitted directly onto the sensor head which
makes it possible to measure vibration on microstructures.

3 First Steps

3 First Steps

3.1 Unpacking and Inspection

Unpacking The vibrometer is made up of the following components:

• OFV-5000 controller
• Interferometer cable between controller and sensor head
• RS-232(X) interface cable
• Mains cable
• Sensor head

The sensor head is described in detail in a separate manual !

Available as an option:
• S/PDIF cable (only for VD-06 velocity decoder)
• LF-02 adaptive DSP filter (only for VD-06 velocity decoder)

Inspection Please pay attention to the following steps when unpacking:

1. Check the packaging for signs of unsuitable handling during transport.

2. After unpacking, check all components for external damage (scratches,

loose screws, damaged components etc.).

3. In the case of a wrong delivery, damage or missing parts, immediately

inform your local Polytec representative, stating the serial number of the
instrument. The serial number can be found on the identification label.
You will find the identification label on the instruments (refer to
SECTION 3.3) as well as on the inside cover of this manual.

4. Carefully retain the original packaging in case you have to return the

3 First Steps

3.2 Operating and Maintenance Requirements

Ambient The instrument can be operated in dry rooms under normal climatic conditions
conditions (refer to specifications in CHAPTER 7). In particular the optical components are
sensitive to moisture, high temperatures, vibrations and dirt.

If you start operating the instrument after storing it in a cold environment,

allow a sufficient acclimatization period before switching it on. Avoid
condensing moisture on the optical components as a result of a rapid
temperature change.

Assembly The vibrometer should not be set up provisionally. In particular the sensor
head should be securely mounted as free of vibration as possible on a stable
tripod or an alternative stable base using the fixing screw threads.

Cooling Always keep the air inlets free. The distance to the wall must be at least
50 mm ! Provide sufficient free space under the instrument as air vents are
located there.

Connecting As a general rule, the instrument may not be switched on until all connecting
cable cables have been connected up. Make sure that all connections are
connected properly and firmly.

Protect the connecting cables from mechanical damage and high

temperatures. The bending radius may not fall below 50 mm.

Mains The mains voltage inputs of the instruments are designed as wide range
connection inputs and can be connected to all mains voltages with nominal values in the
range from 100 V to 240 V.

Warming-up The helium-neon laser requires some time to reach the optimal operating
temperature after it has been switched on. The instrument does not reach its
optimal metrological properties until a warm-up period of approx. 20 minutes.
After that you can be sure that all components are working properly in
accordance with the specifications. Less precise measurements, such as to
align the vibrometer for example, can however be carried out with a useful
result before this warm-up period has expired.

Transport Several Polytec sensor heads are equipped with a transport safeguard. You
will find detailed information on this in the manual of the sensor head.

Cleaning Clean the housing surfaces with mild detergent or disinfectant solutions. Do
not use organic solvents !

Switch off the instrument before cleaning it.

Installation of Hardware or software components which do not belong to the system can
other damage the system or adversely affect the way the Polytec software
components functions. Using them will result in the loss of warranty. If you want to install
such components, contact Polytec.

3 First Steps

Opening the Tampering with the instruments in any way is not necessary when using the
instruments equipment as intended and will invalidate the warranty. Exchanging or
retrospectively installing subassemblies may only be carried out by
authorized service personnel of Polytec.

3.3 Control Elements, Displays and Connections

Front view The front view of the controller is shown in the following figure.

1 2 3 4 5




11 10 9 8 7 6

Figure 3.1: Front view of the controller

The LED lights up if the controller has been switched on with the key switch
(position I) and indicates that the controller is ready to operate.

2 Touch screen
Display and modification of the configuration and settings of the controller

3 VELOCITY OVER LED for the velocity decoder

The LED lights up when the output voltage attains either the positive or the
negative full scale value of the selected velocity measurement range. If the LED
lights up permanently, the next highest velocity measurement range must be
selected if available (refer also to).

4 VELOCITY DSP OUT signal output (BNC jack)

Output signal of the optional DSP filter. The output is only active when using the
adaptive DSP filter.

5 VELOCITY OUTPUT signal output (BNC jack)

Output signal of the velocity decoder. The voltage at this output is proportional to
the instantaneous vibrational velocity of the object. The voltage is positive when
the object is moving towards the sensor head.

6 DISPLACEMENT OUTPUT signal output (BNC jack)

Output signal of the displacement decoder. The voltage at this output is in
proportion to the current deflection of the object. The voltage increases when the
object is moving towards the sensor head. The output is only active if an
displacement decoder has been installed.

3 First Steps

7 AUXILIARY OUTPUT signal output (BNC jack)

Output signal of the auxiliary decoder. The output is only active if an auxiliary
decoder has been installed.

8 DISPLACEMENT TRIG IN signal input (BNC jack)

This signal input can be used to reset the displacement decoder remotely to the
zero position. The input is only active if an displacement decoder has been

9 AUXILIARY UNIVERSAL signal output (BNC jack)

Signal output for special functions of the auxiliary decoder. The output is only
active if an auxiliary decoder has been installed.

10 AUXILIARY OVER LED for the auxiliary decoder

The LED lights up when the output voltage attains either the positive or the
negative full scale value of the selected measurement range. If the LED lights up
permanently, the next highest measurement range must be selected if available
(refer also to). The LED is only active if an auxiliary decoder has been installed.

11 I / O mains switch
The key switch disconnects the controller from the mains (position O) and is used
to switch it off in case of danger.

3 First Steps

Back view The back view of the controller is shown in the following figure.

1 2 3 4

Manufactured by: WARNING !

GmbH Disconnect Mains
D-76337 Waldbronn, Germany before opening
Model No.: OFV-5000
Version: xx
Mains: 100...240V 50/60Hz
Serial No.: x xx xxxx Fuses: 2.0 AT
Mfg.-Date: yyyy Power cons.: max. 100VA
Vor dem Öffnen
Netzstecker ziehen

Optical Electrical POWER


RS 232 External Decoder


10 9 8 7 6 5

Figure 3.2: Back view of the controller

1 Identification label
On the identification label you will find, among other things, the serial number of
the instrument.

2 Cooling fan

3 SIGNAL output (BNC jack)

The DC voltage at this output is proportional to the logarithm of the optical signal
level. This signal can be used to monitor the optical measurement conditions

4 Instrument warning label

On the instrument warning label you will find technical data for the fuses and the
mains connection.

5 POWER mains connection (socket for standard power cord with built-in fuses)
The mains voltage input is designed as a wide range input.

6 SENSOR connection (Sub-D jack)

Connection for the interferometer cable

7 External Decoder interface (Sub-D jack)

Connection for PC-based displacement decoder

8 Electrical digital signal output (TRIAX jack)

Connection for the optional S/PDIF cable to transmit the S/PDIF signal

9 RS 232 interface (9-pin Sub-D plug)

Connection for the RS-232(X) cable to control the controller via the software.

10 Optical digital signal output (TOSLINK jack)

Connection for an optical fiber cable with a TOSLINK plug to transmit the S/PDIF

3 First Steps

3.4 Installation and Functional Test

Damage caused by heat accumulation ! Always keep the air inlets and outlets free. The
distance to the wall must be at least 50 mm ! Provide sufficient free space under the
instrument as air vents are located there !

First of all, always connect up all connecting cables. Switch on the PC as the last instrument
so that the software detects the other instruments connected.

The implementation of a first functional test is described in the following. If the

instrument does not perform as described, read through the information on
fault diagnosis in CHAPTER 6 and if required, contact your local Polytec

To start using the vibrometer and to carry out a first functional test, proceed as

Prepare 1. Switch the key switch on the controller to position O and close the beam
shutter on the sensor head.

2. Place a piece of retro-reflective film (enclosed in the manual) at a distance

of approx. 30 cm from the front of the sensor head so that it is in the beam
path of the sensor head.

Cabling 3. Plug the interferometer cable into the SENSOR Sub-D jack on the back of
the controller and into the corresponding Sub-D jack on the sensor head.
Secure all the connections with the screws provided.
All connections must be easy to plug in. If not, check the plugs for bent
contact pins to avoid serious damage being incurred.

4. Use the mains cable to connect up the controller to an earthed wall outlet.

5. If applicable, connect up an oscilloscope or another signal evaluation

system (for example a PC with evaluation software) to the OUTPUT BNC
jack in the VELOCITY field on the front of the controller.

Switch on 6. Switch on the controller by turning the key switch to position I.

The POWER LED on the front of the controller lights up. If the
interferometer cable between the controller and the sensor head is
connected up correctly, then the LED for the emission indicator on the
sensor head will also light up (refer to the manual of the sensor head).
Laser light can not yet be emitted as the beam shutter is still closed.

Before you start working with laser light, pay attention to the information on laser safety in
SECTION 1.2 and in the manual of the sensor head !

3 First Steps

7. Open the beam shutter on the sensor head.

The laser beam is now emitted from the sensor head.

Danger of injury caused by laser light ! Do not look directly into the laser beam !
Do not use any reflective tools, watches etc. when you are working in the beam path of the
laser !
Wear suitable laser adjustment eyewear when you have to look at the target area of the laser
beam long and hard to set it up !

Test 8. Vibrometer systems with the sensor head OFV-505 are set to autofocus
on delivery. As soon as you switch on the controller, the sensor head
therefore focuses itself.
When automatically focusing the sensor head, the focus range of the
laser optics is traversed several times. In doing so, the point at which
the laser beam hits the retro-reflective film changes its size and after
several seconds will come to rest at a minimum diameter.

9. You will have to focus all other sensor heads manually. To do so, rotate
the focusing ring on the sensor head until the point at which the laser
beam hits the retro-reflective film has the smallest possible diameter.
If the sensor head and the input section of the controller are working
properly, the signal level display will light up fully after focusing. A base
line can then be seen on a connected signal evaluation system. If you
slightly move the retro-reflective film, you can now observe the
deflections of the measurement signal.

The instrument does not reach its optimal metrological properties until a warm-up period of
approx. 20 minutes.

If this functional test was successful, you can now make measurements with
the vibrometer as described in CHAPTER 4 and CHAPTER 5.

Direction The following direction convention applies to the output signals:

A movement towards the sensor head is seen as being positive. In this case
the velocity output provides a positive voltage and the displacement output
provides an increasing voltage.

3 First Steps

4 Making Measurements

4 Making Measurements

4.1 Switching On and Off

Damage caused by wrong cabling ! Before you switch on the instrument, connect up all
connecting cables in the correct order !

You switch on the vibrometer by turning the key switch on the front of the
controller to position I. The POWER LED above the key switch lights up and
shows that the controller is ready to operate. At the same time the LASER or
STANDBY LED on the sensor head will also light up respectively, if the
interferometer cable between controller and sensor head is connected up

4.2 Operating the Controller via the Touch Screen

4.2.1 Operating Concept

The controller is operated via the menu shown on the touch screen. The
contents of this menu control automatically adapt to the existing hardware
configuration of the controller. The selection of the menus and the individual
settings is done by touching on the touch screen.


DSP Out Output

Universal Output

Clear Trig In Output

Signal Level

Figure 4.1: SETTINGS page on the touch screen

The adjustable parameters been assigned to the following three menus:

• The menu SETTINGS contains all parameters which can be set

individually for a particular measurement.

• The SENSOR HEAD menu contains all parameters which concern the
sensor head.

4 Making Measurements

• The SETUP menu contains all the basic parameters for the controller
which are not assigned to a particular measurement.

You will be informed of malfunction of the system, operating errors (such as

the sensor head accidentally not being connected) and advice by various
messages on the touch screen (refer also to SECTION 4.2.5 and SECTION 6.4).

4.2.2 Moving within the Menus

By taping on the menus you can access all sub-menus and parameters of the
controller. Tap again on the menu to return from a sub-menu to the
superordinate menu. To close the pages with the parameter settings, tap
on x .

These three menu items can be chosen:

SETTINGS: The SETTINGS menu contains all settings for the controller
which are relevant for a measurement (decoder selection, measurement
ranges, filter settings, etc.).

SENSOR HEAD: The SENSOR HEAD menu contains all settings which
concern the sensor head (e.g. the focusing), if the sensor head connected
can be controlled remotely from the controller.

SETUP: The SETUP menu contains the configuration of the controller

and other settings which are not directly associated with a particular
measurement (e.g. saving the settings, interface configuration).

4.2.3 Changing Settings

To change a setting, first of all you have to activate the corresponding

parameter on the touch screen. After that you can change the value and
confirm the change. To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Tap on the parameter.

The page for the parameter settings is displayed.

2. Tap on < or > to change the parameter settings.

3. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

4. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

4 Making Measurements

4.2.4 Saving and Loading Settings

Five profiles are saved in a nonvolatile memory. Before you switch off the
controller you can select whether one of the three user settings (User1,
User2, User3), or the default setting (Default), or the last used setting (Last) is
loaded automatically when switching on the controller next time.

Save settings To save settings, proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SETUP page is displayed.

2. Tap on PowerUp.
The Setup | PowerUp Mode page is displayed.

3. Tap on < or > to select a saving name (User1, User2 or User3).

4. Tap on Save User Settings.

Settings saved! is displayed. The current settings are saved under the
select saving name.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

4 Making Measurements

Load settings To load settings you have already saved, proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SETUP page is displayed.

2. Tap on PowerUp.
The Setup | PowerUp Mode page is displayed.

3. Tap on < or > to select a saving name (User1, User2 or User3).

4. Tap on .
The next time you switch it on, the controller will start up with the
settings you saved under the selected name.

Default settings The controller can be started with the default settings too. To do so, proceed
as for loading saved settings. Select the Default entry instead of the saving

Settings last The controller can be started with the last used settings too. To do so,
used proceed as for loading saved settings. Select the Last entry instead of the
saving name.

4.2.5 Touch Screen Messages

Messages which appear on the touch screen of the controller are divided into

In SECTION 6.4 you will find all error messages, their possible causes and tips
on how to rectify them.

All messages are closed by taping on x .

4.3 Preparing and Making Measurements

Setup To make a measurement, proceed as follows:

1. Switch off the controller and close the beam shutter of the sensor head.

2. Set up the sensor head as described in the manual of the sensor head.

Switch on 3. Switch on the controller.

The instrument does not reach its optimal metrological properties until a warm-up period of
approx. 20 minutes.

4 Making Measurements

4. Adapt the controller settings to suit your measurement task. To do so, tap
on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.
You will find a detailed description of how to operate the controller by
the touch screen in SECTION 4.2.

5. Tap on the area where you want to adjust the settings.

The corresponding page is displayed.

6. On this page select the respective suitable decoder and adjust the
measurement ranges and filter settings.
You will find detailed information on suitable settings in CHAPTER 5.

7. Before you open the beam shutter on the sensor head, pay attention to
the information on laser safety in SECTION 1.2 and in the manual of the
sensor head !

8. Open the beam shutter on the sensor head.

The laser beam is now emitted from the sensor head.

The sensor head is described in detail in a separate manual !

Measure 9. Focus the laser beam on the measurement surface. You can look up how
to focus the laser beam using the controller in SECTION 5.1.
The signal-to-noise ratio is maximum if the signal level display fully
lights up. You can often still make measurements if none of the bar LEDS
is lit up. The output signal in this case, however, contains more noise.

10. If the signal level is low or fluctuating greatly, reduce the stand-off
distance by approx. 10 cm, as it is possible that the sensor head in this
case is positioned at an unfavorable distance to the object under
investigation. You will find information on optimal stand-off distances in
the manual of the sensor head.

The measurement signal is now available at the corresponding jacks of the

controller and can be analyzed with a signal evaluation system.

In SECTION 4.4 you will find information on when velocity acquisition and when
displacement acquisition provides the more meaningful measurement results.

In CHAPTER 5 you will find information which will help you to set up the
controller optimally for your measurement task and thus receive the highest
possible quality measurement signals.

4 Making Measurements

4.4 Velocity or Displacement Acquisition

The vibrometer can supply the velocity and the displacement information
independently from each other. If the vibrometer is equipped with velocity and
displacement decoders, then for many applications you have to decide which
is the optimal measured quantity. This applies in particular to harmonic
vibrations, as here the velocity and displacement signal provide equivalent
information due to the following relationship:

Equation 4.1

… Velocity amplitude
… Displacement amplitude
f… Frequency

In contrast to this, transient motion sequences in most cases are shown more
clearly by the displacement signal.

Apart from these application-specific aspects, there are also some process-
specific factors affecting the selection of the measured quantity. These are
explained in the following.

Dynamic range In the case of the DD-100 displacement decoder which works using fringe
counting, due to the counting width of 14 bits, the relatively resolution of the
displacement measurement ranges is 8192 increments with symmetrical
modulation. This corresponds to a dynamic range of approx. 78 dB. For the
displacement acquisition the noise floor as a general rule is below the
resolution and thus is not evident.

In contrast to displacement acquisition, the resolution for velocity acquisition

is only limited by the noise floor. With good optical signals (e.g. on reflective
film) and measurement bandwidths of several hertz, the noise floor is usually
more than 100 dB below the full scale value. This corresponds to a dynamic
range more than 10 times larger than that available with displacement

Resolution If according to the equation (4.1) you translate the absolute noise-limited
resolution of the velocity decoder (approx. 0.2 ) into the corresponding
amplitude of a sinusoidal vibration with a frequency of 100 kHz, then you will
get a value of approx. 3 · 10-13 mm or resp. 0.3 pm ! This means that with high
frequencies in particular, a significantly higher resolution can be attained with
velocity acquisition than with displacement decoders which work using fringe
counting. The DD-500 and DD-900 DSP displacement decoders are the only
ones with which a comparable resolution can also be attained directly from
the displacement signal.

Signal-to-noise The vibration to be measured is usually superimposed by interfering

ratio vibrations from the surroundings or from the object under investigation itself.
These interfering vibrations (e.g. building vibrations) often have low
frequencies, but large displacement amplitudes. To avoid overloading, the
displacement measurement range must be selected, taking this amplitude of
the interfering vibration into consideration. Even if the wanted signal then
shows up at all, you still get a bad signal-to-noise ratio at the output.

4 Making Measurements

The situation is quite different for the velocity acquisition. With the same
displacement amplitude but a higher frequency, the velocity amplitude of the
wanted signal is a factor of 2π · fSignal / fInterfering larger than the interfering
vibration (refer to equation (4.1)). Therefore the signal-to-noise ratio is a priori
greater with velocity acquisition. A realistic ultrasonic application should
illustrate this:

Vibration to be measured: e.g.

fSignal = 100 kHz, Signal = 1 µm
=> Signal = 6.28 · 10-1 m / s (refer to equation (4.1))
Interfering vibration: typically
fInterfering < 100 Hz, Interfering < 10 µm
=> Interfering < 6.28 · 10-3 m / s

The signal-to-noise ratio here is orders of magnitude greater for the velocity
acquisition, even if the interfering vibration has an amplitude which is 10 times
higher. If the displacement signal is explicitly required, then after separating
out the low-frequency interference signal using a suitable high pass filter, it
can be calculated very precisely through signal integration. This process is
realized using the DD-400 displacement decoder which translates the velocity
signal into a displacement signal using analog integration.

Vibration Process-related the individual displacement decoders have different

frequencies frequency bandwidths. While the decoders like DD-100, DD-300, DD-400 and
DD-500 have fixed maximum vibration frequencies, the frequency bandwidth
of the DD-900 depends on the set velocity measurement range. When
acquiring high vibration frequencies always pay attention to the setting
instructions and specifications of the installed displacement decoders.

4 Making Measurements

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.1 Focusing the Laser Beam with the Aid of the Controller
To get the highest possible quality of the measurement signal, the laser beam
has to be optimally focused. The laser beam is optimally focused when the
diameter of the laser beam target area on the object is as small as possible.
Due to blooming effects in the focus point, it is often difficult to ascertain when
the smallest diameter has been reached. For this reason you can also view
the signal level display either on the sensor head or on the controller. The
signal level is shown as a bar in every menu of the controllers display. The
more signal level is shown, the better the laser beam has been focused.

As the actual aim of focusing is to minimize the undesired noise signals, you
can also use the output signal from the controller for orientation purposes
when focusing. Observe the output signal on an oscilloscope or another
signal evaluation system while focusing the laser beam on the unmoved
object. The better the focus of the laser beam, the smaller the amplitude of
the noise.

Please note that the setting options for the sensor head using the controller described in the
following are only available for the OFV-505 sensor head ! All other sensor heads have to be
focused manually using the focusing ring. To do so, refer to the manual of the sensor head !

There are different ways to focus the laser beam:

• Manual focusing with the focusing ring on the sensor head (refer to the
manual of the sensor head)
• Remote focusing via the touch screen on the controller (Remote Focus,
refer to SECTION 5.1.1)
• Remote focusing via the RS-232 interface on the controller (refer to the
separate manual)
• Automatic focusing via touch screen on the controller (Auto Focus, refer
to SECTION 5.1.2)

Apart from that, you can remotely lock the manual focus via the touch screen
on the controller. This avoids unintentional defocusing of the laser beam.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.1.1 Remote Focus

To focus the sensor head using Remote Focus function via the touch screen
of the controller, proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SENSOR HEAD page is displayed.

2. Tap on < or > to change the focus distance of the optics at Remote

If you tap on the arrow symbols shortly the focus distance of the optics is changing step by
step. If you keep holding your finger on the arrow symbols the optics is traveling longer
ranges quickly.

3. When focusing, orientate yourself towards the signal level or the noise
amplitude as also described in SECTION 5.1.

Alternatively you can also focus the sensor head remotely with the aid of
suitable software (e.g. VibSoft) via the RS-232 interface on the controller. See
the separate manual on this.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.1.2 Auto Focus

The function Auto Focus available for the sensor head traverses the focus
range of the optics and ascertains the position at which the intensity of the
reflected light received reaches its maximum. To start the Auto Focus,
proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SENSOR HEAD page is displayed.

2. Tap on Start Auto Focus.

The Auto Focus function only provides a meaningful result if the laser beam is pointed at an
unmoving object while focusing !

The controller starts focusing the laser beam automatically. This

changes the diameter of the target area of the laser beam on the object
which makes the signal level display on the sensor head or respectively
the touch screen of the controller fluctuate, depending on this diameter.
Automatic focusing is completed once the focus range of the sensor
head has been traversed twice.
The laser beam is now focused and ready to make measurements. If the
laser beam is not focused, the automatic focus was not successful (refer
also to the following section).

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Problems with The Auto Focus function is not always able to focus the laser beam optimally
Auto Focus in all cases. In such cases, you need to focus the laser beam either remotely
via the touch screen on the controller (Remote Focus function, refer to
SECTION 5.1.1) or manually using the focusing ring on the sensor head (refer
to the manual of the sensor head).

Problems can occur with Auto Focus particularly if:

• the object under investigation has got an optically irregular surface or
• a very small object is to be measured in front of a reflective background.

In such cases, the signal level with a badly focused laser beam may be higher
than with an optimally focused laser beam. The Auto Focus function then
identifies out of focus as the supposedly optimal setting.

You may be able to solve the problem by:

• increasing the reflectivity of the surface to be measured with retro-
reflective film or similar material or
• making measurements on small objects in front of a beam absorbing
background, e.g. black felt.

5.1.3 Saving and Loading Focus Position

To save a focus position of the OFV-505 sensor head which is set in the
controller in a flash memory of the controller and to load it again, proceed as

1. Tap on .
The SENSOR HEAD page is displayed.

Save 2. Tap on Save Position.

The current focus position is saved in a flash memory in the controller.

The focus position is only saved while the controller is switched on. If you want the focus
position to be saved permanently, you have to save the focus position and then the complete
settings of the controller as described in SECTION 4.2.4.

Load 3. To reload a saved focus position, tap on Load Position on the SENSOR
HEAD page.
The most recently saved focus position is read from the memory and the
optics travel to the corresponding position.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.1.4 Locking Manual Focus

The laser beam can at any time also be focused manually directly using the
focusing ring on the sensor head. This manual focusing can be locked
remotely from the controller for the OFV-505 sensor head. This avoids
unintentional defocusing of the laser beam. The focusing ring on the sensor
head can then still be rotated, but this rotation has no longer any effect on the
optics in the sensor head and thus on the focus of the laser beam.

To lock the manual focusing of the laser beam, proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SENSOR HEAD page is displayed.

2. Tap on to lock or on to unlock the manual focus.

This setting is now retained even after the device is switched off and can only be changed

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.2 Dimming the Laser Beam with the Aid of the Controller (Optional)
There is an option at the controller to dim the laser beam and thus reduce the
laser intensity on the fiber-optic sensor heads (new series OFV-551 / -552).

To dim the laser of a fiber-optic sensor head, proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SENSOR HEAD page is displayed.

2. Tap on Dimmer.
The SENSOR HEAD | Dimmer page is displayed.

3. Tap on < or > to select the value for the dimmer.

4. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.
The intensity of the laser has now been weakened in accordance with
the settings you have made. In this, the value 0 corresponds to full laser
power. You also have the option to select steps – 1 to – 7. The intensity
of the laser is reduced by approximately half per step.

On making measurements with high dimmer values (depending on the light level) the
switching frequency of the dimmer can occur in the measurement signal as an interference.
In this case, select another switching frequency. You can set the switching frequency via the
RS-232 interface (refer to RS-232 user manual) !

5.3 Switching the Laser Beam On/Off with the Aid of the Controller (Optional)
There is an option for fiber-optic sensor heads (new series OFV-551 / -552) to
switch on/off the laser beam at the controller.

To switch on/off the laser of a fiber-optic sensor head at the controller,

proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SENSOR HEAD page is displayed.

2. Tap on Laser.
The indicator is changing to On when the laser is switched on or resp. to
Off when the laser is switched off.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.4 Suitable Settings for Velocity Acquisition

This section gives you advice on how the controller needs to be set for
velocity acquisition to attain optimum measurement results. You will find
information on the VD-05 velocity decoder in the section on auxiliary
decoders (refer to SECTION 5.8).

5.4.1 Selecting a Suitable Velocity Decoder

If your controller is equipped with several velocity decoders, you should first
select the decoder optimally suited for your measurement task and set it up.
The following information on the individual velocity decoders should support
you in making this selection.

VD-01 If this decoder is installed alone, it covers the frequency range 0.2 Hz to
50 kHz, up to a maximum velocity of 10 m / s. In combination with a second
decoder (usually VD-02), the velocity range is limited to a maximum of
1.25 m / s. In this case, for all measurements up to 50 kHz which do not exceed
a velocity of 1.25 m / s, select the VD-01 due to its superior resolution. In the
measurement ranges 125 and 1 000 , the lower cutoff frequency of
the VD-01 velocity decoder is equal to zero, so that here uniform or
intermittent movement can be acquired without falsifying its progress over

VD-02 With its frequency range between 0.5 Hz and 1.5 MHz and a maximum velocity
of 10 m / s, the VD-02 velocity decoder has got the largest operating range and
can be used universally. When the VD-02 is activated, you should switch off
the VD-06 digital decoder, as otherwise high-frequency noise peaks can occur
in the spectrum of the velocity signal. You will find detailed information on this
in SECTION 5.4.6.

VD-04 The VD-04 velocity decoder is mainly installed along with the DD-400
displacement decoder (displacement decoder using integration, refer to
SECTION 5.8.3). The same advice applies to using it as applies to using the

VD-05 The VD-05 velocity decoder is designed for high-frequency applications up to

10 MHz and is installed optionally as an auxiliary decoder. Because of its
slightly inferior linearity and accuracy due to the principle it works on, you are
best to only use it when the frequency range of the main decoder is
insufficient. You will find detailed information on this velocity decoder in
SECTION 5.8.1.

VD-06 Of all the available velocity decoders, the VD-06 digital decoder has the best
metrological properties within its frequency and velocity limits (350 kHz at
velocities up to 0.5 m / s) and should therefore always be your first choice for
all suitable applications. As its lower cutoff frequency is 0 Hz, the VD-06 is
also suitable in all measurement ranges for acquiring uniform or intermittent
movements or extremely low-frequency vibrations respectively.

For applications in the acoustic frequency range this decoder is equipped with
a narrow-band, high-sensitivity measurement range (1 ). In particular
when measuring under unfavorable optical conditions, e.g. on large
structures, this measurement range should be favored.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

VD-09 Out of all available velocity decoders, the digital VD-09 decoder with its
frequency range of 0 Hz to 2.5 MHz and a maximal velocity of 10 m / s has the
largest operating range and can be universally used. As its lower cutoff
frequency is 0 Hz, the VD-09 is also suitable in all measurement ranges for
acquiring uniform or intermittent movements or extremely low-frequency

In the case of measurement tasks with analysis of the vibration phase, attention must be paid
to the signal propagation delay (phase shift) of the digital velocity decoders which is, due to
the principle it works on, slightly longer than for analog decoders. Further features of the
controller with the digital velocity decoders are described in SECTION 5.4.6.

Set the velocity To set the most suitable velocity decoder, proceed as follows:
1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Velocity area, tap on Output.

The SETTINGS | Velocity page is displayed.

3. Tap on Decoder.
The page for the parameter setting is displayed.

4. Tap on < or > to select the velocity decoder.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.4.2 Selecting the Velocity Measurement Range

Suitable When selecting the measurement range, first of all take the expected
settings maximum values on the measurement for the velocity and frequency or
acceleration into account. To attain favorable modulation, i.e. an optimal
signal-to-noise ratio and the best possible resolution of the measurement
signal, you should always select the smallest possible measurement range
with amplitude limits which are sufficient for the application (refer to

If either the positive or the negative boundary of a measurement range has

been reached, the OVER LED in the VELOCITY field lights up on the front
panel of the controller. As a general rule, you should then select the next
highest measurement range. However please note that this LED is activated
even by very brief overloading which can also be caused by noise spikes. In
such cases, the velocity measurement range can be maintained as long as it
is suitable for the amplitude of the wanted signal. Monitoring the signal on an
oscilloscope will definitely clarify this. For this purpose, connect up an
oscilloscope to the OUTPUT BNC jack in the VELOCITY field on the front
panel of the controller.

Set the To set the measurement range for velocity acquisition, proceed as follows:
1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Velocity area, tap on Output.

The SETTINGS | Velocity page is displayed.

3. Tap on Range.
The page for the parameter setting is displayed.

4. Tap on < or > to select the measurement range.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.
The upper cutoff frequency of the measurement range set is displayed
in the Max.Freq. field.

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.4.3 Setting the Tracking Filter

Suitable The tracking filter can be used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the input
settings signal of the sensor head. This filter bridges brief dropouts which always
occur due to the speckle nature of the light scattered back from the object.

The tracking filter can improve signals on all analog velocity decoder, as well
as on the broadband VD-09 velocity decoder. Due to the used principle of
decryption with the digital VD-06 velocity decoder, the tracking filter does not
have any effect on the signal quality here.

To reduce noise, the tracking filter works best with a high time constant
(corresponds to the tracking filter mode Slow). With a high time constant
however, it may not be possible to track highly dynamic signals. In such
cases, the tracking filter either needs to be switched to the Fast mode or
needs to be switched off (Off). You will need to ascertain the most favorable
setting for the tracking filter from case to case or estimate it based on the
range diagram in FIGURE 5.1. The range diagram shows the performance data
with the dynamic limits for both settings of the tracking filter plotted over the

V e lo c ity / m /s

V e lo c ity lim it 1 0 m /s
1 0
a c

1 0
0 0


0 .3
F r e q u e n c y lim it 3 0 0 k H z

0 .1

0 .0 3
0 .1 6 0 .9 4
0 .0 1 0 .0 3 0 .1 0 .3 1 3 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0
F re q u e n c y / k H z

Figure 5.1: Schematic range diagram of the tracking filter

It is characteristic for the maximum velocity to decrease with increasing

frequency. The maximum velocity of 10 m / s can only be processed up to a
cutoff frequency of 160 Hz or 940 Hz respectively. Above that, the velocity limit
transforms into an acceleration limit, i.e. the maximum velocity decreases
inversely proportionally to the frequency. For velocities below 150 mm / s or
300 mm / s, acceleration no longer have to be taken into account.

For the setting of the tracking filter, the range diagram in FIGURE 5.1 can be
summarized with the following rules of thumb:

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

• Use the tracking filter in connection with VD-01, VD-02, VD-04 and VD-09
velocity decoders to improve the signal noise if the optical signal is weak.
If you have a good optical signal, it is not possible for the tracking filter to
improve the signal-to-noise ratio for physical reasons. It should be
switched off if detrimental effects can be identified.
• Select the Slow or Fast mode depending on the peak acceleration. Below
a certain velocity, no acceleration limits need to be observed. For this
reason, in the lower measurement ranges to 10 , you can usually set
the tracking filter mode to Slow.
• For average velocities and frequencies, the acceleration limits of the
tracking filter have to be taken into account. The optimum setting has to
be found using the range diagram. If the velocity or acceleration limit of
the tracking filter is exceeded, then the internal phase-locked loop loses
lock. The signal is then distorted roughly. In FIGURE 5.2 you can see an
example of an oscillogram showing a distorted signal. Signal A shows a
sinusoidal velocity signal with the tracking filter switched off. Signal B
shows the same signal with the tracking filter switched on in Slow mode.
Here the tracking filter is at the limit of losing lock and the signal is
partially being distorted.

Figure 5.2: True velocity signal (A) and signal when the tracking filter loses lock (B)

• For particularly precise measurements, the tracking filter should be

switched off because it can cause amplitude errors of up to 0.5 dB with
high vibration frequencies. For measured frequencies which are above
300 kHz, as a general rule the tracking filter should always be switched off
because here it can cause waveform distortions.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Set the tracking To set the mode for the tracking filter, proceed as follows:
1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Velocity area or in the Auxiliary area, tap on Output (if a auxiliary
velocity decoder is installed).
The SETTINGS | Velocity or resp. SETTINGS | Auxiliary page is

3. Tap on Track.Filter.
The page for the parameter setting is displayed.

4. Tap on < or > to set the mode for the tracking filter.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

5.4.4 Setting the Low Pass Filter

Suitable The controller is equipped with adjustable low pass filters so that the
settings measurement bandwidth of velocity acquisition can be adapted to suit the
respective application. When presenting the measurement signals in the time
domain, the signal-to-noise ratio can be improved by limiting the bandwidth to
the necessary measure. For analysis in the frequency range with an external
FFT analyzer, low pass filters only play a secondary role. Here you can
reduce overloading the FFT analyzer which has been caused by noise effects.

You can select analog low pass filters with the cutoff frequencies 5 kHz,
20 kHz, 100 kHz or 1.5 MHz for the output signal of the respective selected
velocity decoder. Using the Off setting the filter will be switched off, so that the
frequency bandwidth is only determined by the velocity decoder.

Apart from that, the digital decoders offer you the possibility of limiting the
bandwidth with a digital low pass filter. The most measurement ranges are
available twice (refer to SECTION 7.5.4 and SECTION 7.5.5): Once with a
maximum frequency and once with the reduced frequency. As digital filters
have significantly better properties than analog filters, a bandwidth limitation
should always be carried out with this digital low pass filter first when using
this digital decoder. For further bandwidth limitations you can then use the
analog low pass filters in addition.

For precise measurements, you must pay attention to the frequency response
of the analog low pass filter. The corresponding diagrams for amplitude
frequency response, amplitude error and phase frequency response of the
low pass filter 5, 20 and 100 kHz, you will find in APPENDIX A. If you do not wish
any additional bandwidth limitation, set the low pass filter in connection with
the VD-09 broadband decoder in position Off, with all other decoders in

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

position 1.5 MHz. Under these condition the specifications for amplitude and
phase frequency response of the respective decoder are valid. The frequency
response of the digital low pass filter in the VD-06 and VD-09 can be ignored
as digital filters have got almost ideal properties.

The analog low pass filters 5, 20 and 100 kHz have got third order Bessel
characteristics. The phase linearity from the frequency zero to the cutoff
frequency is characteristic for this filter type, i.e. the phase shift increases in
proportion to the frequency. However these filters cause amplitude errors in
the pass band which can be roughly estimated:

• The amplitude error is less than – 5% up to 40% of the cutoff frequency.

• In the range up to 70% of the cutoff frequency, the amplitude error
increases to approx. – 15%.
• The upper 30% of the pass band should only be used for orientation
purposes. At the cutoff frequency set for the filter, the amplitude error is –
3 dB (approx. –30%).

The phase shift increases in proportion to the frequency from close to zero
degrees at a few hertz to approx. – 100 degrees at the cutoff frequency (refer
to FIGURE A.3). Due to the linear phase frequency response, the filter
transmits pulses optimally, as all frequencies in a complex wave are subjected
to the same time delay. The shape of the pulse is thus not distorted, but
merely subjected to a time delay.

An additional time delay is caused by the velocity decoder. This depends on

the velocity decoder used and also on the velocity measurement range and is
several micro seconds long. The resulting phase shift ∆Φ can be estimated
using the following simple equation:

Equation 5.1

… Velocity amplitude

… Displacement amplitude
f... Frequency

Apply the pD value with the negative sign from SECTION 7.5, otherwise you will get incorrect

The values for the frequency-dependent phase shift (refer to SECTION 7.5) are
valid for all decoders in conjunction with the 1.5 MHz filter setting. For the
VD-09 velocity decoder these specifications are valid with the Off filter setting.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Set the analog To set the analog low pass filter, proceed as follows:
low pass filter
1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Velocity area, tap on Output.

The SETTINGS | Velocity page is displayed.

3. Tap on Low Pass.

The page for the parameter setting is displayed.

4. Tap on < or > to select the cutoff frequency.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

Set the digital To activate the digital low pass filter for the VD-06 or VD-09, proceed as
low pass filter follows:

1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Velocity area, tap on Output.

The SETTINGS | Velocity page is displayed.

3. Tap on Range.
The page for the parameter setting is displayed.

With the digital decoder, various measurement ranges are available twice : Once at the
maximum frequency (without LP) and once at the reduced frequency (with digital LP) !

4. Tap on < or > to set up a measurement range with the LP add on.

5. Tap on .
The digital low pass filter is now switched on for the selected
measurement range. The corresponding reduced value is displayed in
the Max.Freq. field.

6. To switch off the digital low pass filter again, select the same
measurement range which is not marked with the add on LP.
The corresponding value is displayed in the Max.Freq. field.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.4.5 Setting the High Pass Filter

Suitable The high pass filter is of type 4th order Butterworth. Here it can be said:
settings • At 150 Hz (corresponds to 1.5 times cutoff frequency fc), the amplitude
error is approx. – 5%.
• The high pass filter generates a frequency-dependent phase shift (refer to
SECTION A.2). Switch off the high pass filter if this phase shift is not

Note that when the high pass filter is switched on, under certain
circumstances it may no longer be possible to identify in the measurement
signal when the decoder has been overloaded as the corresponding
frequency is filtered out. Measurement tasks in which a small measurement
signal is superimposed by a low-frequency machine vibration with a large
amplitude are particularly critical. The measurement signal is then
significantly distorted and the OVER LED in the VELOCITY field on the front of
the controller is continuously lit up, even though overloading is not apparent in
the measurement signal. To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Switch off the high pass filter.

2. Set up the smallest measurement range which is not overloaded for the
decoder you have selected

3. Switch on the high pass filter for the actual measurement.

Please note that the OVER LED can also be lit up due to brief noise spikes
resulting from inferior optical signal quality. This effect does not yet lead to
signal distortions by overloading the decoder.

The complete amplitude frequency response of a 4th order Butterworth high

pass filter as well as the corresponding amplitude error and phase frequency
response are shown in SECTION A.2.

Set the high To switch on or off the high pass filter, proceed as follows:
pass filter
1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Velocity area, tap on Output.

The SETTINGS | Velocity page is displayed.

3. Tap on High Pass.

The page for the parameter setting is displayed.

4. Tap on < or > to switch the high pass filter on (100 Hz) or off (Off).

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

5.4.6 Notes for Controllers with the Digital VD-06 Velocity Decoder

If you have a controller with an installed digital VD-06 velocity decoder, you
should pay attention to a few special features.

The output data from the digital velocity decoder can be made available as a
digital data stream via the S/PDIF interface on the back of the controller.
However, in unfavorable conditions, the high-frequency pulses from this
digital data can cause distortions in the analog signal of the digital velocity
decoder. For this reason you should always deactivate making S/PDIF data
available if you are not using the S/PDIF interface or the optional adaptive
DSP filter.

If your controller is only equipped with the digital VD-06 velocity decoder in combination with
the DD-100 displacement decoder, you must switch off the VD-06 to have the full bandwidth
available for the displacement decoder ! Please refer also to SECTION 5.6.2.

Deactivate To deactivate the S/PDIF data, proceed as follows:

S/PDIF data
1. Tap on .
The SETUP page is displayed.

2. Tap on Digital Out.

The SETUP | S/PDIF page is displayed.

3. Tap on < or > to select the Off entry by modifying the Data Rate

4. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

5. Tap on x .
The page is closed.
No more S/PDIF data is made available so that there is no danger of
high-frequency distortions in the analog signal of the digital velocity

For measurements with the analog VD-02 velocity decoder, you should not
only deactivate making the S/PDIF data available, but should also switch off
the digital VD-06 velocity decoder. If the VD-06 stays switched on during an
analog measurement, high-frequency noise peaks can appear in the
spectrum of the analog velocity signal from VD-02.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Switch off the To switch off the digital velocity decoder, proceed as follows:
1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Velocity area, tap on DSP Out.

The SETTINGS | Velocity DSP page is displayed.

3. Tap on Range.
The page for the parameter setting is displayed.

4. Tap several times on < to set Off.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

5.4.7 Using Digital Output Signals (only VD-06)

The measurement values from the digital velocity decoder are emitted as a
digital data stream in S/PDIF format on the back view of the controller. The
data is available as an optical signal at the Optical TOSLINK jack and also as
an electrical signal at the Electrical TRIAX jack in the DIGITAL OUT field on
the back view of the controller.

Digital recording or analysis equipment connected to the digital output should

support 24 bit format to obtain an optimal signal-to-noise ratio. To evaluate the
digital velocity signal, you can for example use a commercially available PC
sound card with an S/PDIF input. The connecting cable (TRIAX / RCA) is
supplied with the digital velocity decoder. To avoid measurement errors, you
should make sure when choosing the PC sound card that the card does not
automatically carry out amplitude reduction.

If required, you can get recommendations for suitable PC sound cards and
software from your nearest Polytec representative.

The digital output signals of the VD-06 are available with two different data
rates (48 kSa / s and 96 kSa / s). The data rate you use depends on which data
rate the digital analysis systems you are using can work with.

If you want to rework the digital output signal from the VD-06 using the
optional adaptive DSP filter, the data rate must be set at 48 kSa/s as the DSP
filter can not process any higher data rate.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Set the data rate To set the data rate, proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SETUP page is displayed.

2. Tap on Digital Out.

The SETUP | S/PDIF page is displayed.

3. Tap on < or > to set up the data rate by modifying the parameter Data

4. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

5. Tap on x .
The page is closed.
The S/PDIF data is available at the data rate you have selected at both
jacks in the DIGITAL OUT field on the back of the controller. If you have
selected the Off entry, the S/PDIF interface is not active.

To set up the data rate alternatively on the Settings [Velocity DSP] page,
proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Velocity area, tap on DSP Out.

The SETTINGS | Velocity DSP page is displayed.

3. Tap on Data Rate.

The page for the parameter setting is displayed.

4. Tap on < or > to set up the data rate.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Assign To be able to make full use of the transmission capacity of the controller's
channels digital outputs and the properties of the subsequent signal acquisition
systems, both channels (left and right channel) of the S/PDIF format are
assigned output signals from the controller. The following rule applies for the

• The digital velocity signal is always on the left channel, with active DSP
filter its output signal (DSP).
• For the right channel, you can select whether you want to transmit the
unfiltered velocity signal (for example for comparisons), or the output
signal of a digital displacement decoder DD-500 if installed (refer also to

The channel assignment can be summarized in the following table:

Installed decoder and / or

Left channel Right channel
VD-06 Velocity -
VD-06 + DSP filter1 Velocity DSP Velocity
VD-06 + DD-500 Velocity Displacement
Velocity DSP Velocity
VD-06 + DSP filter1 + DD-500
Velocity DSP Displacement
DSP filter activated with 48 kSa/s (refer to SECTION 5.5.3)

To select the assignment of the right channel, proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SETUP page is displayed.

2. Tap on Digital Out.

The SETUP | S/PDIF page is displayed.

3. Tap on < or > to select a data rate by modifying the Data Rate

A data rate of 48 kSa/s must be selected when using the DSP filter.

4. Tap on < or > to select the configuration of the right channel by

modifying the Right Channel parameter.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.
The S/PDIF data is available at the data rate you have selected at both
jacks in the DIGITAL OUT field on the back of the controller. If you have
selected the Off entry the S/PDIF interface is not active.

5.5 Using the Adaptive DSP Filter (optional)

5.5.1 Description and Operating Principle

Description The adaptive DSP filter is a filter which adapts automatically. It receives its
input signal in digital form from the VD-06 velocity decoder. It is designed for
natural vibration signals up to 20 kHz and adapts itself to periodic signals.
Random noise which occurs statistically independently is suppressed as well
as possible by the adaptive filter. Harmonic components and multi-tone
signals can also pass the filter due to its multiple band-pass properties.
However the filter is not suitable for pulse signals and synthetic signals with a
high proportion of harmonics. These signals are distorted in the time domain,
as after the third harmonic signal component, noticeable attenuation occurs.
The high order of the filter allows a very sharp cutoff as a prerequisite for
effective noise suppression. The frequency response of the adaptive filter
which has attained steady-state for a rectangular signal at 50 Hz is shown in

F re q u e n c y re s p o n s e
d B

- 2 0

- 4 0

0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 4 0 0 4 5 0 5 0 0

f a t 4 8 k S a /s H z

Figure 5.3: Diagram of frequency response of the adaptive filter for a rectangular signal

The individual band-passes for the harmonic components as well as the

noticeable attenuation as of the third harmonics can be easily identified there.
The filter optimizes according to the best possible signal-to-noise ratio. This
however also allows spectral components with a low amplitude to be
attenuated as well.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Operating Due to the continuous real-time optimization of the filter, continuous

principle adaptation to the current input signal takes place. However this new
adaptation to changes of the input signal does not cause any failure of the
output signal. The reaction of the adaptive filter to an abrupt amplitude and
frequency change of the input signal from 200 Hz to 100 Hz is shown in

In p u t a d a p tiv e filte r :
N o is y s in u s s ig n a l
w ith fre q u e n c y c h a n g e
fr o m 2 0 0 H z to 1 0 0 H z

A d a p ta tio n p r o c e s s o f
th e a d a p tiv e filte r in
th e 2 0 k H z ra n g e

Figure 5.4: Example of the adaptation process of the adaptive filter

The filter can start operating without prior knowledge of the input signal
values (amplitude, frequencies or signal shapes). After a settling time which is
necessary to detect and set the periodic signal portions, filter characteristics
optimally suited for the input signal are set. If the signal changes, the filter
continuously adapts its characteristics with the aim of improving the signal-to-
noise ratio.

With the aid of the frequency range which can be set on the touch screen of
the controller, the efficiency of the noise output suppression can be
significantly improved by adapting the upper cutoff frequency to the input
signal (refer to SECTION 5.5.3).

In FIGURE 5.5 you can see the frequency responses of the individual frequency
ranges for the input signal from FIGURE 5.3. In the 20 k range in the bandwidth
shown (0 Hz … 1 kHz), no optimal frequency response can be identified. In the
2 k range, the filter limits the pass band to a band-pass which covers all useful
signal frequencies and thus suppresses noise. In the 0.3 k range with several
band-passes around the individual useful signal parts, the possible noise
bandwidth is limited even further and the noise is suppressed even more.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

F re q u e n c y re s p o n s e
d B

2 0 k ra n g e

2 k ra n g e
- 2 0

0 .3 k ra n g e
- 4 0

0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 0
H z
f a t 4 8 k S a /s
U s e fu l s ig n a l fr e q u e n c ie s

Figure 5.5: Filter characteristics of the individual frequency ranges

Speckles which occur due to transverse motion, as for example during

vibration measurements on buildings, can be eliminated extremely well due to
their random, statistically independent appearance (refer to FIGURE 5.6). The
filter can not differentiate speckles which occur regularly from useful signals.

In p u t
a d a p tiv e filte r
w ith S p e c k le s

O u tp u t
a d a p tiv e filte r
in th e 2 0 k H z r a n g e

Figure 5.6: Example of the way the adaptive filter works in the case of stochastically occurring speckles

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.5.2 Area of Application

The adaptive DSP filter is suitable for improving the signal-to-noise ratio in the
case of uncorrelated (= random, not periodic) noise in the acoustic range from
0 Hz (DC) up to approx. 20 kHz.

The three frequency ranges 0 Hz … 0.3 kHz, 0 Hz … 2 kHz and 0 Hz … 20 kHz

allow optimal adaptation to the frequencies of the signal to be measured and
thus increase the effectiveness and performance of the adaptive DSP filter.

Frequency At the analog DSP OUT output in the VELOCITY field on the front of the
bandwidth controller and also at the digital outputs on the back of the controller, a
frequency bandwidth of 0 Hz … 22 kHz is available.

Analog DSP A 24 bit D / A converter uses the digital velocity information from the decoder
OUT output to generate an identically scaled but filtered, analog voltage signal in the
range ± 10 V for conventional signal evaluation. Due to the analog
components in the decoder, the calibration accuracy at this output (DSP OUT)
is not as good as at the digital outputs.

Digital outputs At the digital Optical and Electrical outputs in the DIGITAL OUT field on the
back of the controller, the velocity signal is emitted in the shape of a serial
data stream in the S/PDIF format widely used in audio technology. This signal
is limited to the data rate 48 kSa / s when using the DSP filter, corresponding to
the maximum signal frequency of 22 kHz. You will find information on further
processing the digital output signal in SECTION 5.4.7.

5.5.3 Setting the Adaptive DSP Filter

To adjust the adaptive DSP filter to the input signal, proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Velocity area, tap on DSP Out.

The SETTINGS | Velocity DSP page is displayed.

3. Tap on Adapt.Filt..
The SETTINGS | Velocity DSP | Adaptive Filter page is displayed.

4. Tap on < or > to select the frequency range.

Please note that the DSP filter only works with a data rate of 48 kSa / s. If
a higher or not data rate is set, in the Range field the Wrong Data Rate!
message is displayed. In this case first set the data rate to 48 kSa / s as
described in SECTION 5.4.7.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.
Active or Off is displayed under Adapt.Filt..

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

You can select the following entries for the adaptive DSP filter:
• Off (20 kHz) - You switch off the adaptive DSP filter and the input signal
will loop through unchanged with a cutoff frequency of 20 kHz.
• < 20 kHz or < 2 kHz or < 0.3 kHz - You select the upper cutoff frequency of
the adaptive DSP filter (refer also to SECTION 5.5.1).
• Loaded Response - You load filter settings which have been previously
saved. You will find detailed information on this in SECTION 5.5.4.
• Test FullScale - You carry out a full scale test. During this test a test signal
is generated which you can use to make sure that on a connected signal
evaluation system the adaptive DSP filter is working. The test signal thus
generated (frequency approx. 30 Hz, amplitude 20.0 Vp-p) is shown in

Figure 5.7: Test signal of the adaptive DSP filter

The plateaus of this signal should be exactly on the zero line. The maximums
of the first two peaks should be exactly on +10 V or – 10 V respectively. If this
should ever not be the case, it is easy for you to read the amplitude emitted
by looking at the plateaus of the last two peaks. If required, please contact our
service department to decide how to proceed from here.

5.5.4 Saving and Loading DSP Filter Settings

A save function on the controller gives you the possibility of saving the current
frequency response with the frequency range set in a flash memory of the
adaptive DSP filter. When you load these filter settings again, the filter no
longer continuously adapts to the changes in the input signal, but works like a
fixed filter with the saved settings.

The filter has a very narrow band. I.e., even when there are very small changes in the
frequency, the wanted signal can be very strongly attenuated !

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

To save and load filter settings, proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Velocity area, tap on DSP Out.

The SETTINGS | Velocity DSP page is displayed.

3. Tap on Adapt.Filt..
The SETTINGS | Velocity DSP | Adaptive Filter page is displayed.

Save 4. Tap on Save Filter Response.

The current frequency response is saved with the frequency range set in
the flash memory of the DSP filter.

Load 5. Tap several times on < until the Loaded Response indicator is displayed.

6. Tap on .
The filter settings you saved are loaded again. The filter is now no
longer adaptive but works with the saved settings like a fixed filter.

7. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

5.6 Suitable Settings for Displacement Acquisition (Fringe Counting)

This section gives you advice on how the controller needs to be set for
displacement acquisition to attain optimum measurement results. As these
recommendations strongly depend on the way in which the respective
displacement decoder works, they have been treated separately. The
information in this section applies exclusively to displacement decoders which
work using fringe counting (DD-100).

You will find information on the suitable settings for the DD-500 and DD-900
DSP displacement decoders in SECTION 5.7.

You will find information on the DD-300, DD-400 and DD-600 displacement
decoders in the section on auxiliary decoders (refer to SECTION 5.8).

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.6.1 Setting the Displacement Measurement Range

Suitable The most important aspect for selecting the displacement measurement
settings range is the expected maximum displacement. To make sure you avoid
overloading the displacement decoder however, a higher displacement
measurement range often has to be selected if the process is superimposed
with low-frequency interfering vibrations. As a general rule, the displacement
measurement range should be selected so that the output signal is as large
as possible, however with peak values which are sure to remain below the
control limits of ± 8 V (refer also to SECTION 5.6.3).

A further consideration is the expected maximum velocity. Due to procedural

limitations, the absolute maximum velocity of the vibrometer of 10 m / s can
only be fully utilized in the upper displacement measurement ranges 320 µm /
V to 10 240 µm / V. In the lower displacement measurement ranges 2 µm / V to
160 µm / V, several counting pulses per fringe are generated by interpolation,
whereby the signal bandwidth and the pulse counting frequency multiply
correspondingly. Consequently, the permissible velocity decreases to
approximately the same extent as the displacement resolution increases. Due
to this correlation, the full scale values of the lower displacement
measurement ranges can only be fully utilized up to frequencies of approx.
500 … 600 Hz. Above this value the maximum measurable amplitude
decreases with increasing frequency according to the relationship

Equation 5.2

… Velocity amplitude

… Displacement amplitude
f… Frequency

From the above described correlation, it can be said that the frequency also
ultimately has to be taken into consideration when selecting the displacement
measurement range. The specified maximum frequency can only be acquired
in the upper displacement measurement ranges. In the lower displacement
measurement ranges there are technical limits which can not be exceeded,
even if the condition (5.2) is complied with.

The resulting limiting graphs for all measurement ranges are shown in

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

1 0 0 m m
8 1 .9 2
1 0 2 4 0 µ m /V

4 0 .9 6
5 1 2 0 µ m /V

2 0 .4 8
2 5 6 0 µ m /V

1 0 .2 4
1 0 m m
1 2 8 0 µ m /V

5 .1 2
6 4 0 µ m /V

2 .5 6
3 2 0 µ m /V

1 .2 8
1 6 0 µ m /V
1 m m

6 4 0
8 0 µ m /V
A m p litu d e ( p e a k )

1 0
m /
1 0 0 µ m
5 m
2 .5
m /

1 0 µ m

1 µ m

P r a c tic a l lo w e r a m p litu d e lim it ( fo r th e 8 0 µ m /V r a n g e )

2 0 0

1 0 0 n m
1 H z 1 0 H z 1 0 0 H z 1 k H z 1 0 k H z 1 0 0 k H z 2 5 0 k H z 1 M H z
F re q u e n c y

Figure 5.8: Measurement range limits of the DD-100 displacement decoder

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

If the measurement range limits shown in FIGURE 5.8 are exceeded, overload
and losing lock become apparent which makes it impossible to meaningfully
analyze the signal (refer also to FIGURE 5.10).

Set the To set the measurement range for a displacement acquisition, proceed as
measurement follows:
1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Displacement area, tap on Output.

The SETTINGS | Displacement page is displayed.

3. Tap on Range.
The page for the parameter settings is displayed.

4. Tap on < or > to select the displacement measurement range.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

5.6.2 Optimizing the Displacement Signal with the HF Band-Pass Filter

The controller is equipped with a high-frequency band-pass filter which is

upstream of both the velocity and the displacement decoders. The bandwidth
of this HF band-pass filter is set automatically corresponding to the selected
velocity measurement range to attain an optimal adaptation to the bandwidth
of the Doppler signal. For this reason, selection of the velocity measurement
range is also relevant, even if pure displacement acquisition are being made
and only the signal of the displacement output is being used.

Set the Velocity Measurement Range for Displacement Acquisition

If the optical signal is good during the whole measurement, in the case of
analog velocity decoders, the measurement range 1 000 should be
selected, as this measurement range does not limit the bandwidth and thus its
influence does not have to be taken into consideration.

If your controller is only equipped with the digital VD-06 velocity decoder in combination with
the DD-100 displacement decoder, you must switch off the VD-06 to have the full bandwidth
available for the displacement decoder ! Please refer also to SECTION 5.6.2.

If the optical signal is bad however, the signal-to-noise ratio of the

displacement acquisition can also be improved by purposefully limiting the HF
bandwidth. To limit the bandwidth, the velocity measurement range should be
selected to be as small as the application will allow. The maximum velocity

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

which occurs should not exceed the respective full scale value, i.e. ten times
the respective scaling factor (e.g. 50 mm / s for the measurement range
5 ). If the OVER LED in the VELOCITY field on the front of the controller
lights up or if the displacement signal fails, then the next highest velocity
measurement range has to be set.

You will find detailed information on setting the velocity measurement range in
SECTION 5.4.2.

5.6.3 Using the Clear Function

As there is no lower frequency limit for the displacement decoder, the output
signal can also accept stationary values (DC). After setting a certain
displacement measurement range there is a voltage at the output, the so-
called DC offset, which changes with the average distance of the object under
investigation from the sensor head and with the thermal drift of the
interferometer. Dynamic displacement changes of the object (AC) are added
with the correct sign to this DC offset as long as the output voltage does not
exceed ± 8 V. If this value is exceeded, then the output voltage jumps from the
positive end of the measurement range to the negative end and vice versa as
the counter overflows. As a result of this, the AC signal is distorted. An
example of this distortion is shown in the oscillogram in the following figure.

Figure 5.9: Displacement signal when the counter overflows due to a DC offset

To avoid such a signal distortion, the DC offset should be set back to zero
before making a measurement. This is the only way to be able to utilize the
whole displacement measurement range for the measurement. You can clear
the DC offset in two different ways:

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Reset at the To reset the DC offset at the touch screen, please proceed as follows:
touch screen
1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Displacement area, tap on Clear.

The DC offset is reset to zero.

Reset a the jack Alternatively, a pulse can be fed into the TRIG IN BNC jack in the
DISPLACEMENT field on the front of the controller.

The second method is particularly suitable for measurement tasks in which a

periodic signal with a superimposed translatory movement is generated. In
such cases, the counter overflows very quickly due to the DC signal of the
translatory movement. Correspondingly a higher displacement measurement
range would have to be set which, however, would give inferior resolution of
the periodic signal. You can retain the best AC resolution if you periodically
clear the counter and thus suppress the undesirable DC drift of the signal.

A Clear signal of this kind does not necessarily have to be made available
externally, but in the simplest case can be gained from the OUTPUT signal in
the VELOCITY field on the front of the controller itself. Every zero crossing of
the velocity signal with a positive increase then clears the displacement
decoder. However, for this purpose, a certain quality of the velocity signal is
required. If the noise ratio is too high, the displacement signal may become
unstable. Due to the phase shift between displacement and velocity signal, in
this way there is no optimal utilization of the displacement measurement
range possible.

5.6.4 Selecting the Tracking Filter

Suitable The correlations for the tracking filter demonstrated in SECTION 5.4.2 for
settings velocity acquisition also apply analogously to displacement acquisition with
displacement decoders which work using fringe counting. If the range limits in
FIGURE 5.1 are exceeded, the tracking filter loses lock and creates phase
jumps in the input signal which make the displacement signal discontinuous.

The oscillogram in FIGURE 5.1 shows the distorted displacement signal of a

sinusoidal vibration where the tracking filter can no longer follow the

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Figure 5.10: Displacement signal when the tracking filter loses lock

In this case, the velocity signal should be evaluated and the most practical
setting for the tracking filter should be determined with the help of FIGURE 5.1.

It is very important that the acceleration limits are observed at pulse-shaped

motion sequences as for example valve lifts. Here, by temporary exceedance
of the acceleration limits, measurement errors may occur that can not be
identified as clearly as shown for example in FIGURE 5.10. A relatively certain
indicator for such a temporary loss of lock of the tracking filter are drift errors
in the displacement signal measured. That means that the object under
investigation apparently does not return to its initial position after the pulse-
shaped movement but seems to move statically.

In the following figure, you will see such an example.

Figure 5.11: Pulse-shaped displacement course with drift error

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Here, during the bounce / rebound effect in the rising phase a too high
acceleration was reached which lead to a temporary loss of lock of the
tracking filter and thus to a counting error in the displacement decoder. Due to
this additive error, the object seems not to return exactly to its rest position
after the movement impulse. Actually the measured amplitude between the
starting position and the pulse roof is falsified due to the effect described.

Set the tracking To set the tracking filter mode for displacement acquisition, proceed as
filter follows:

1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Displacement area, tap on Output.

The SETTINGS | Displacement page is displayed.

3. Tap on Track.Filter.
The page for the parameter settings is displayed.

4. Tap on < or > to select the mode for the tracking filter.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.7 Suitable Settings for Displacement Acquisition (DSP Displacement

The DD-500 or DD-900 displacement decoder receives as input a digital data
stream from the VD-06 or VD-09 velocity decoder respectively, which
represents the interferometric phase as carrier of the displacement
information. As the properties of this data stream are also determined by the
settings of the velocity decoder with regards to resolution and bandwidth, the
displacement decoder must always be seen in connection with the velocity
decoder. In the displacement decoder itself, the input data is processed to
become a displacement signal scaled into 16 measurement ranges which is
then available at the displacement output (DISPLACEMENT OUTPUT) on the
front view as an analog signal and with combination VD-06 / DD-500 on the
back view as a digital signal.

In the following you will be shown which settings on the controller are relevant
for displacement signal acquisition using the digital displacement decoder
and how to optimally use the properties of the digital decoder combination
velocity decoder / displacement decoder.

In SECTION 5.6 you will find the corresponding information for the DD-100
displacement decoder which works using fringe counting.

Special features of the optional DD-300, DD-400 and DD-600 auxiliary

decoders are described in SECTION 5.8.

Before using the DD-500, you have to select and set the digital VD-06 velocity decoder (refer
to SECTION 5.4).

Before using the DD-900, you have to select and set the digital VD-09 velocity decoder (refer
to SECTION 5.4).

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.7.1 Selecting the Displacement Measurement Range

Suitable As the digital displacement decoder depends on the settings of the digital
settings velocity decoder, you should always set the corresponding velocity decoder
before starting displacement acquisition, in such a way that it will not
overmodulate and will offer the required signal bandwidth. Only if the velocity
decoder lets pass the measurement signal, the displacement decoder can be
used, because the velocity limit and the maximum vibration frequency of the
velocity decoder also affect the displacement decoder.

Selecting the displacement measurement range is primarily oriented towards

the expected vibration amplitude which has to remain within the voltage limits
of ± 10 V. However with many technical applications, the required vibration
signal is often superimposed by low-frequency background vibration with a
relatively large amplitude which can lead to overload effects. In these cases
the measurement range selected often has to correspond to the maximum
interfering vibration which is at the expense of the resolution of the wanted
signal. But even in such cases the high bit resolution of the digital
displacement decoder in connection with special processes for dealing with
overload allows a useful representation of the desired signal. The specified
resolution (refer to SECTION 7.5.7 and SECTION 7.5.8 respectively) corresponds
to the smallest voltage step in the digital-to-analog converter at the analog
output (approx. 0.4 mV). At the digital output, due to the decimation of data
and interpolation to 24 bit which are effective here, a greater displacement
resolution can be attained with the DD-500. With spectral signal evaluation, a
greater, noise-limited resolution can also be attained by selecting suitable
FFT parameters.

Set the To set the measurement range for a displacement acquisition, proceed as
measurement follows:
1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Displacement area, tap on Output.

The SETTINGS | Displacement page is displayed.

3. Tap on Range.
The page for the parameter settings is displayed.

4. Tap on < or > to select the displacement measurement range.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.7.2 Setting the Velocity Measurement Range

Starting with the default settings (highest measurement range, complete

bandwidth), the measurement range setting of the velocity decoder can be
used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the displacement measurement

As a general rule, in all cases in which frequencies above 100 kHz and
250 kHz respectively are not of interest, the velocity measurement ranges with
bandwidth limitation should be switched on (identified on the touch screen by
LP). This setting allows the velocity decoder to attain a better signal-to-noise
ratio in unfavorable optical conditions which then also has a positive effect on
the measurement ability of the displacement decoder. A low pass effect for
the displacement signal is thus however only combined with the DD-900 and
not with the DD-500.

A further improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio or the optical sensitivity can

be attained by selecting a smaller velocity measurement range. With the
DD-500 this effect can be seen in particular in the measurement range 2
and 5 respectively at 100 kHz bandwidth, providing the full scale value is
not exceeded.

In case of sinusoidal vibrations, the peak velocity which occurs depends on

the relationship of the displacement amplitude and the vibration frequency f
according to the equation

Equation 5.3

If this value exceeds the full scale value of the selected velocity measurement
range, then waveform distortions will also be seen in the displacement signal.

This condition can be easily identified by the analog velocity signal and is
indicated by the OVER LED in the VELOCITY field lighting up. In this case the
next highest velocity measurement range must be selected to obtain a correct
displacement signal.

In contrast to displacement decoders which work on the principle of fringe

counting, the frequency bandwidth of the digital displacement decoder does
not depend on the selected displacement measurement range Thus even at
the highest resolution, vibration frequencies of up 350 kHz resp. 2.5 MHz can
be acquired, providing a velocity measurement range suitable for this purpose
has been selected.


If you want to make a measurement with the DD-500, the measurement range 1 of the
VD-06 can not be used.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.7.3 Behavior when the Measurement Range is Overrun (Overrun Mode)

Due to the ability of the displacement decoder to also acquire static shifts of
the object, the measurement signal is generally superimposed by a DC offset.
The motion signal will be added with the correct sign to the DC offset.
However, because the output voltage is limited to ± 10 V, the full measurement
range is no longer available for the vibration amplitude. In addition to that, in
particular in the high-resolution measurement ranges, it is easy to reach the
control limits by small shifts of the measurement object, or thermal expansion
(Overrun). This means that initially it is no longer possible to display the signal
shape correctly.

Clear function You can manually reset the digital displacement decoder before or during a
measurement with the aid of the Clear function. This means that the output
signal is set to zero from the time when taping and is thus moved in
y-direction. As the key is rarely taped at the zero crossing of a vibration
signal, the optimal centering of the displayed trace is not possible that way.

Further resets with the Clear function can improve the result.

TRIG IN input Usage of the displacement measurement range can be improved with the aid
of an electric signal synchronized with the motion process which is fed in
through the TRIG IN BNC jack. A positive pulse at the zero crossing of the
displacement signal is ideal for vibration measurements, as it results in the
measurement signal being precisely centered. Due to the trigger
characteristic of the TRIG IN input, a signal amplitude of approx. 25 mV
effectuates already a safe zero setting of the output signal so that analog
signals can be used as well. In many cases the signal can for example be fed
from the velocity output to the TRIG IN jack to synchronize zero setting.
Because of the phase shift of 90° between velocity and displacement
however, this does not center the displacement signal. The lowest point of the
displacement signal will touch the zero line and the signal moves exclusively
in the top half of the control range.

Overrun mode The high-performance DSP technology in the digital displacement decoder
allows automatic correction of overrun. Even without additional external
signals, in most cases this immediately generates a viewable output signal.

The R2Z (Return to Zero) and Clip operating modes provide two further
different processes which can be selected under the Overrun menu item,
depending on the measurement circumstances. With the help of the following
information or by trial and error, you should find out which mode provides the
better signal presentation for the respective measurement task in the actual

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Return to Zero If you select the R2Z operating mode the displacement signal at the output
(R2Z) will immediately reset to zero if the upper or lower limit (± 10 V) is reached.
This process is shown for a vibration signal superimposed with a uniform
movement ( = const.) in the following figure.

Figure 5.12: Sinusoidal vibration superimposed with a uniform movement

In the following figure you will find an example of a positioning process with a
triangular displacement-time progression and a superimposed vibration.

Figure 5.13: Complex displacement signal (original progress)

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

If this process is acquired with a measurement range setting for the digital
displacement decoder where the modulation amplitude limits (FS / - FS) are
overrun by the peak values of the original signal, then in R2Z operating mode,
you will get the measurement signal shown in the following figure. This type of
representation does not give any meaningful impression of the actual path of
motion of the object under investigation.

Figure 5.14: Measurement signal of the path of motion from FIGURE 5.13 in R2Z operating mode

The R2Z (Return to Zero) operating mode is thus more suited to acquiring
vibrations which are superimposed by slow shifts, which only lead to
overloading relatively infrequently. With the exception of the points of
discontinuity caused by resetting, the vibration action is shown without
distortion in R2Z operating mode (refer to FIGURE 5.12).

Clip If you select CLIP operating mode a complex process is used which retains
the displacement signal at the measurement range limits in the case of
overrun, however without setting it back to zero.

The advantage of this process is that no points of discontinuity are generated

in the measurement signal. Composite movements such as the positioning
process shown in FIGURE 5.13 can thus also still be clearly seen, despite
overrunning the measurement range as also shown in the following figure.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Figure 5.15: Original and measurement signal in Clip operating mode

In the area with a gray background you will find the clipped measurement
signal. For comparison, the original signal is shown too. Despite overrunning
due to the large positioning movement, the vibration process can still be
shown with high resolution.

Due to the signal dynamics however, with this operating mode in overrun
status, it is not possible to avoid affecting the signal shape of the AC content.
This is shown in FIGURE 5.16 between points A and B. If the vibration signal
(AC) is strongly superimposed by a shift (DC), once the measurement range
limit is reached, the AC content does not reappear until the motion reversal
(point B). Or in other words: During the measurement range overrun between
points A and C (refer to FIGURE 5.16), the presentation of the vibration process
is distorted.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Figure 5.16: AC signal distortion with strong superimposition

However, as soon as the signal is back within the measurement range limits
after motion reversal of the superimposed triangular shift (refer to
FIGURE 5.16, point C), the AC signal is once again shown without any

CLIP mode is generally very well suited for presenting vibration motion with a
superimposed, slow position drift of the object.

Set the To set the mode for the automatic overrange revision, proceed as follows:
operating mode
1. Tap on .
The SETTINGS page is displayed.

2. In the Displacement area, tap on Output.

The SETTINGS | Displacement page is displayed.

3. Tap on Overrun.
The page for the parameter settings is displayed.

4. Tap on < or > to select the mode.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.7.4 Using the Digital Output Signal

If the output signal of the digital DD-500 displacement decoder is to be further

processed in digital form, then the S/PDIF interface of the controller has to be
configured correspondingly (refer to SECTION 5.4.7). At this point it would be
advantageous if on the left channel the velocity signal of the digital velocity
decoder is transmitted and on the right channel the displacement signal of the
digital displacement decoder. You can then use a two channel analyzer to
show both signal shapes at the same time.

Depending of the data rate set, only a signal bandwidth of 22 kHz or 42 kHz is available at
the digital output.

5.7.5 Using Filters

Low- / high pass All the different filter settings for the analog low pass and high pass filters in
filter the controller do not have any effect on the signals from the digital
displacement decoder. With the combination of VD-09 / DD-900, reducing the
bandwidth can however be effected by the choice of the velocity
measurement ranges with reduced bandwidth (identification LP).

Tracking filter The tracking filter is only effective for the DD-900 (for details refer to
SECTION 5.6.4).

5.8 Using Optional Auxiliary Decoders

The VD-05 velocity decoder and the DD-300, DD-400 and DD-600
displacement decoders have been developed especially to be used as
auxiliary decoders for specific measurement applications.

The auxiliary decoders are working independently of the other decoders

installed in the controller. Therefore while making measurements with an
auxiliary decoder, you can use the output signals of the activated velocity
decoder (VELOCITY) and displacement decoder (DISPLACEMENT) if the
measurement signal is in their operating frequency range. To do so, after
setting the measurement range for the auxiliary decoder change to the
corresponding Settings menu of an other decoder to set it up as usual. The
auxiliary decoder remains active at the AUXILIARY signal output with the
settings selected.

5.8.1 VD-05

The VD-05 velocity decoder is suitable to acquire high-frequency vibrations

up to 10 MHz and fast transient motions. Such applications are common for
example in the domain of ultrasonic technology and micro mechanical
systems. The maximum velocity of 3 m / s still allows vibration amplitudes of
approx. 50 nm at the upper limit of the operating frequency range.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Output signal The output signal of the VD-05 is available at the OUTPUT BNC jack in the
AUXILIARY field on the front of the controller. The output voltage swing of the
decoder is nominal ± 5 V according to the full scale values ± 0.5 m / s or ± 2.5 m /
s respectively of the two measurement ranges. However, there is a headroom
of about 20% so that peak values up to 3 m / s can be acquired without

With signal frequencies in the megahertz range, the load connected to the
signal output can have great influence on the frequency response and the
signal shape. The signal output of the VD-05 is designed for connecting high-
impedance inputs of oscilloscopes or other signal acquisition systems (mostly
1 MΩ || 47 pF) via a BNC cable with a maximum length of approx. 1.5 m. If you
attach considerably longer cables, it is recommended to use a 50 Ω-
termination at the input of the subsequent instrument. In this case, the scaling
factors of the measurement ranges change to 200 or 1 000
respectively, while the output voltage swing decreases to ± 3 V.

Measurement Two measurement ranges with scaling factors of 100 and 200 are
range available for adapting to the vibration amplitude. If the positive boundary of a
measurement range has been reached, the OVER LED in the AUXILIARY field
lights up on the front view of the controller. Due to the headroom of about 20%
you can also make measurements as long as no clipping is observed in the
output signal.

Filter The filters installed in the controller (tracking filter, low pass filter and high
pass filter) do not have any effect on the signals of the VD-05.

Noise Due to the wide frequency bandwidth of the VD-05 you can observe, even
with good backscattering properties of the object, relatively high background
noise in the time domain. This background noise limits the amplitude
resolution for transient motions. It can only be reduced by using average
procedures in the subsequent signal processing. With signal evaluation in the
frequency range, spectral resolutions of some can be reached. For
physical reasons, the noise power density increases with frequency on
velocity decoding. For technical reasons, single noise peaks can occur at
determined frequencies in the specified limits of the spurious free dynamic

Interferences If your OFV-5000 is equipped with a digital velocity decoder (VD-06, VD-09),
the decoder should be switched off for measurements with the VD-05
because interferences caused by crosstalk may occur (refer to SECTION 5.4.6).

When making measurements on good reflective surfaces, an interference

frequency above 10 MHz can occur. If you are using an OFV-503 or OFV-505
sensor head, this interference can be suppressed by an OFV-A-001 neutral
filter on the front of the lens. The neutral filter should not be used on less
reflective surfaces because it raises noise markedly.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Impulse The VD-05 velocity decoder can also be used for acquiring pulse-shaped
acquisition signals. As in all systems with limited bandwidth, typical waveform distortions
are generated which should be taken into consideration when evaluating the
measurement results. In particular, rise time limitations for signals with a short
ramp response and amplitude decay for square wave signals due to AC
coupling can be expected. For signals with a steep rising edge, transient
effects with overshooting of the amplitude up to 20% are also induced by
technical reasons. As a rule of thumb, square wave signals should not exceed
a repetition rate of about 2 MHz.

5.8.2 DD-300

The DD-300 displacement decoder can be installed instead of the VD-05

velocity decoder. The DD-300 displacement decoder is designed especially
for ultrasonic applications. Using this decoder you can measure vibrations
and pulse-shaped motions in a frequency range of 30 kHz to 24 MHz with
amplitudes up to 75 nm (peak to peak). Thus the DD-300 is particularly
suitable for amplitude measurements on ultrasonic transducers, for acquiring
ultrasonic pulses or acquiring transient motion in the area of microsystems

Furthermore, a special technique which suppresses vibrations in the acoustic

range allows you to make measurements in a normal technical environment.
Thus the measurement object under investigation does not have to be

Background vibration that exceed a velocity amplitude of approx. 10 mm / s (peak) can result
in interferences in the measurement signal.

Output signal The output signal of the DD-300 is available at the OUTPUT BNC jack in the
AUXILIARY field on the front of the controller. To reach the specified
properties the input impedance of the connected system must be 50 Ω. You
can use a high-impedance termination for vibration measurements in the
frequency range below 5 MHz (e.g. 1 MΩ || 47 pF), however the scaling of the
output signal then changes to 25 nm / V.

Measurement Selecting a suitable measurement range is not necessary for the DD-300, as
range this decoder has only one measurement range available (50 nm / V).

Low pass filter The filtered output signal of the DD-300 is available at the UNIVERSAL BNC
jack in the AUXILIARY field on the front of the controller. The bandwidth of
this signal is limited to 2 MHz. Using the filtered signal is recommended during
signal analysis in the time domain to suppress noise if the signal bandwidth
allows this.

Tracking filter The tracking filter has no influence on measurements with the DD-300.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Noise The displacement resolution which can be obtained in the time domain
depends directly on the rms value of white noise. The noise voltage, however,
is generally relative high caused by the broad bandwidth of the DD-300.
Therefore accurate focusing of the laser in the sensor head is very important
when measuring amplitudes in the nanometer range. We recommend
observing the displacement signal on an oscilloscope while optimizing the
focus to attain a noise level as low as possible. On highly reflecting surfaces
the signal level display is not sufficient to find the optimal focus position.

Please note that in a 24 MHz bandwidth the noise level is a few millivolts,
even in optimal measurement conditions. As a result, when using an
oscilloscope, it is not possible to detect amplitudes below a threshold of
approx. 0.2 nm.

Otherwise, with good optical signal quality and a resolution bandwidth of just
10 kHz, the noise level will not exceed 0.2 mV (rms), which is equivalent to an
amplitude of 0.01 nm. It is thus evident that in order to detect very small
amplitudes it is always useful to limit the bandwidth, e.g. by using narrow-
band filters, a spectrum analyzer or a lock-in amplifier. Using a spectrum
analyzer, amplitudes of less than 1 pm can be measured in optimum

Interferences Two noise peaks with an amplitude of some millivolts can be observed in the
spectrum of the measurement signal in the frequency range from 8 MHz to
25 MHz when making measurements on reflective surfaces. These noise
peaks come from the high-frequency fluctuation of the laser power and can
not be suppressed electronically. Their exact frequency depends on the
sensor head but it is almost constant. It can thus be easily distinguished from
the proper ultrasonic signal.

When making measurements on good reflective surfaces, an interference

frequency above 10 MHz can occur. If you are using an OFV-503 or OFV-505
sensor head, this interference can be suppressed by an OFV-A-001 neutral
filter on the front of the lens. The neutral filter should not be used on less
reflective surfaces because it raises noise markedly.

5.8.3 DD-400

The DD-400 displacement decoder generates a displacement proportional

voltage signal via integration of the analog velocity signal over the time. This
means that its metrological properties depend on the properties of the VD-04
velocity decoder. A prerequisite for correctly operating the DD-400 is that the
VD-04 velocity decoder is installed and activated. The combination DD-400 /
VD-04 is suitable for vibration measurements in the frequency range of 10 Hz
to 250 kHz. In particular with applications in the ultrasonic range, e.g. with
bonding tools, you often get better results with the DD-400 integrator than
with displacement decoders which work using fringe counting.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

Output signal The output signal of the DD-400 is available at the OUTPUT BNC jack in the
AUXILIARY field on the front of the controller with an output swing of ± 10 V.
The UNIVERSAL BNC jack is not active.

For correctly operating the DD-400 the VD-04 velocity decoder has to be active ! If your
controller is equipped with two velocity decoders, you have to select the setting VD-04 in the
SETTINGS menu. Otherwise the DD-400 displacement decoder provides wrong amplitude
measurement values !

Displacement Three measurement ranges with scaling factors of 1 µm / V, 10 µm / V and

measurement 100 µm / V are available for adapting to the vibration amplitude. The two lower
range measurement ranges are suitable for vibration frequencies of up to 250 kHz,
while in the upper measurement range high vibration amplitudes up to 1 mm
can only be acquired up to 20 kHz according to the physical conditions. The
lower cutoff frequency is 10 Hz for the measurement range 100 µm / V, 100 Hz
for the measurement range 10 µm / V and 1 kHz for the most sensitive
measurement range 1 µm / V. The last one is therefore especially suitable for
ultrasonic applications.

If the peak value of the measurement signal reaches the full scale value
10 µm, 100 µm and 1 mm respectively, the OVER LED in the AUXILIARY field
lights up. In this case, select the next highest measurement range. A
prerequisite for a trouble-free processing of the displacement signal is an
optimally modulated velocity signal. In no case, an overloading of the velocity
signal must occur. Apart from selecting the displacement measurement range
hence you have to consider the optimal setting of the velocity measurement

Velocity As the DD-400 displacement decoder processes the output signal of the
measurement VD-04 velocity decoder, its properties also depend on the measurement
range range set for the velocity decoder. When changing the velocity measurement
range, the DD-400 displacement decoder automatically adapts its parameters
to the current scaling of the velocity signal so that the selected scaling of the
displacement signal is maintained. At the same time the noise characteristics
changes due to technical reasons. As a general rule, you should select the
smallest possible velocity measurement range which is not overloaded
(OVER LED in the VELOCITY field lights up). You can also select the velocity
measurement range in the Settings [Auxiliary-Displ] menu of the DD-400.
Here you can also activate the VD-04 velocity decoder if another velocity
decoder has been active before. Thus you do not have to change to the
Settings [Velocity] menu.

Tracking filter The tracking filter is effective for the DD-400 because it affects the signal of
the preceding velocity decoder. Thus for the optimal setting of the tracking
filter please read through the information given in SECTION 5.4.3.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.8.4 DD-600 (I&Q Converter)

The DD-600 signal converter mainly works independently of the settings

made in the controller, as the Doppler signal is already tapped off at a very
early stage in processing. The metrological properties of the system DD-600 /
VibSoft-VDD are almost exclusively determined by the settings in the signal
processing software VibSoft-VDD. Due to the internal bandwidth limitation of
the controller and depending on its decoder and measurement range settings
which in turn affect the measurement accuracy of VibSoft-VDD, it is possible
that the I&Q signal may be influenced. Therefore when VibSoft-VDD is
started, operating the controller via the front panel is blocked while the
optimum bandwidth is set internally. Upon leaving VibSoft-VDD, operation via
the front view is made available again.

If the I&Q output of the DD-600 is used in connection with other signal
processing systems than VibSoft-VDD, then of course the optimum bandwidth
is not set automatically internally, but depends on the settings of the internal
velocity decoder. To attain the best possible signal properties, then in these
cases the following settings on the controller should be selected:
• Digital VD-06 velocity decoder switched off (Range: Off, refer to
SECTION 5.4.6)
• For the analog VD-01, VD-02 or VD-04 velocity decoders, the
measurement range 125 or 100 must be set.

All other settings on the controller have no effect on the output signals from
the DD-600. If required, a test mode for the I&Q signals can be activated via
the PC interface (refer to VibSoft software manual).

5.9 Displaying the Configuration and Firmware Version of the Controller

To display the controller configuration and the firmware version at the touch
screen, proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SETUP page is displayed.

2. Tap on Obligatory Components.

The Obligatory Components page with the standard components is

3. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

4. Tap on Optional Components.

The Optional Components page with the optional components is

5. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

5.10 Configuring the RS-232 Interface

To configure the RS-232 interface on the back of the controller via the touch
screen, proceed as follows:

1. Tap on .
The SETUP page is displayed.

2. Tap on Interface.
The SETUP | RS-232 page is displayed.

3. Tap on < or > to set up the transfer rate by modifying the Baud Rate

4. Tap on < or > to set the echo mode of the interface to (On) or off (Off)
by modifying the Echo Mode parameter.

5. Tap on .
The setting is assumed.

6. Tap on x .
The page is closed.

You will find a description of the interface commands in a separate manual !

5 Selecting Suitable Settings

6 Fault Diagnosis

6 Fault Diagnosis

Procedure Simple tests are described in the following for you to carry out yourself in the
case of malfunctions. In the case of more difficult problems with individual
functions, please contact our service personnel. The tests described here are
not meant to lead you to carry out maintenance work yourself, but to provide
our service personnel with information which is as accurate as possible.

Testing the instrument is limited to such tests in which the housings do not
have to be opened.

Tampering with the instruments in any way is not necessary when using the equipment as
intended and will invalidate the warranty. Exchanging or retrospectively installing modules
may only be carried out by authorized service personnel of Polytec.

If the faults or malfunctions can not be solved by the measures described

here or if faults / malfunctions occur which are not mentioned here, please
contact our service department. Based on your fault description, further
procedure will be determined.

If the instrument has to be sent back for repair, please use the original
packaging and enclose an exact description of the fault.

Checklist Use the checklist in SECTION 6.5 which is applied to your sensor head, when
you contact Polytec or your nearest representative.

6.1 General Tests

In case of a malfunction, first check the following:

1. Have you connected up the controller to the mains ?

2. Have you turned the key switch on the front of the controller to position I ?

3. Is the POWER LED on the front of the controller lit up ?

Risk of injury caused by electric shock ! In principle disconnect the mains plug before
you check the fuses !

If the LED is not lit up, it can be assumed that there is a fault in the mains
supply. Disconnect the mains plug and check the fuses on the back of
the controller. Note that there are two active fuses which can both lead
to failure.

6 Fault Diagnosis

6.2 Problems with the Laser

6.2.1 No Laser Beam

If no laser beam is emitted, check the following:

1. Have you installed the interferometer cable between the controller and the
sensor head correctly ?

2. Have you screwed in the plugs of the interferometer cable ?

OFV-505 / -503 3. Is the LASER LED on the back of the sensor head lit up ?
If the LED is not lit up, it can be assumed that there is a fault in the mains
supply of the controller. Disconnect the mains plug and check both of
the fuses on the back of the controller.

4. Have you turned the beam shutter on the back of the sensor head to
position ON ?

5. Can you feel with your hand that after 20 minutes of operation, the
housing of the sensor head is warming up slightly indicating that the laser
is working ?

OFV-551 / -552 6. Is the STANDBY LED on the front of the sensor head and on the laser unit
and OFV-534 lit up respectively ?
If the LED is not lit up, it can be assumed that there is a fault in the mains
supply of the controller. Disconnect the mains plug and check both of
the fuses on the back of the controller.

7. Have you pressed the LASER beam shutter key on the front of the sensor
head and on the laser unit respectively once after you have switched on
the controller ?
The EMISSION LED lights up if the LASER beam shutter key has been
pressed once, thus emitting the laser beam. At the same time the
STANDBY LED goes out. If the LASER beam shutter key is pressed a
second time, the beam shutter is closed, at the same time the
EMISSION LED goes out and the STANDBY LED then lights up again.

8. Have you dimmed the laser beam (only OFV-551 / -552) ?

If your sensor head is equipped with the option Dimmer, check the
dimmer settings in the controller (refer to SECTION 5.2).

9. Do you assume a break of the fiber-optic cable ?

6 Fault Diagnosis

6.2.2 Great Fluctuation of the Signal Level Display

If the signal level display on the sensor head or on the display of the controller
fluctuates a lot periodically, check if the object is positioned unfavorably in a
visibility minimum of the laser.

If so, change the distance between the sensor head and the object. You will
find detailed information on optimal stand-off distances and visibility maxima
of the various sensor heads in the manual of the respective sensor head.

6.2.3 Laser can not be Focused Manually (only OFV-505 / -503)

If the laser beam can not be focused manually by turning the focusing ring on
the sensor head, check if the manual focus lock on the controller has been
switched on.

You will find detailed information on how to lock manual focus and release it
again in SECTION 5.1.4.

6.3 No Measurement Signal or Implausible Measurement Signals

If the laser beam is emitted but no measurement signal is available, check the

Signal level 1. Put the retro-reflective film at an optimal stand-off distance in the beam
display path in accordance with the instructions given in the manual of the sensor
head. Focus the laser beam on the retro-reflective film. Is the signal level
display on the tap screen of the controller lit up?
If the signal level display does not light up, then the input section of the
controller is faulty.

Velocity signal Now check the output signals of the controller as follows:

2. Connect up an oscilloscope to the OUTPUT BNC jack in the VELOCITY

field on the front of the controller. Does the output signal react to the retro-
reflective film moving?

3. If the output signal does not react, check if a significant offset is indicated.
Normally a DC voltage less than ± 20 mV can be measured.

4. Set the oscilloscope to 1 V / DIV and point the laser beam at nothing or at a
surface which completely absorbs the laser beam (e.g. black felt). Is the
output signal noisy or does the oscilloscope show a straight line ?
Noise has to occur if the laser beam does not hit a surface which
scatters light back.

6 Fault Diagnosis

Displacement 5. Connect up an oscilloscope to the OUTPUT BNC jack in the

signal (optional) DISPLACEMENT field on the front of the controller. At the touch screen
tap on Clear. You will find detailed information on the CLEAR function in
SECTION 5.6.3. Does the output signal react to the retro-reflective film

Auxiliary 6. If auxiliary decoders are installed with your controller, please also check
signals the output signals here. Connect up an oscilloscope to the OUTPUT BNC
(optional) jack in the AUXILIARY field on the front of the controller. Does the output
signal react to the retro-reflective film moving?

6.4 Messages on the Touch Screen of the Controller

Messages which appear on the touch screen of the controller are divided into

Note Messages in the category Note are identified by . These messages provide
information on activities of the controller as a consequence of the settings just

Warning Messages in the category Warning are identified by ! . These messages are
errors which you can rectify yourself.

6.4.1 List for Notes

Message Explanation
Focus Position Saved The focus position has been saved.

Focus Position loaded The focus position has been loaded.

6.4.2 List for Warnings

Message Explanation
! No Sensor Head found. OFV-505, OFV-551 / -552 and OFV-534 sensor heads:
The sensor head has not been connected or is
connected wrongly or the interferometer cable is
defective. Check that the interferometer cable between
the controller and the sensor head is connected up
Other sensor heads: All other sensor heads can not yet
be remotely controlled from the controller. So the
controller can not recognize them yet either.
! Loading Focus Position failed ! Loading the focus position failed.

!Non-volatile storage is only possible with The current focus position can only be saved in the Last
PowerUp Settings ’Last’ Power-Up mode. First of all, save the focus position in
the Last Power-Up mode. Then change the Power-Up
mode to User1, User2 or User3 and save the settings
(refer to SECTION 4.2.4).
! No Auto Focus available ! No sensor head connected.
Function auto focus is not available for the sensor head.

6 Fault Diagnosis

6.5 Checklist for Fault Diagnosis

6.5.1 Controller with Single Point Sensor Head

Serial number of controller:

Serial number of sensor head:

OFV-505 OFV-503

You will find the serial numbers on the back of the instruments and on the inside cover of this manual or
the manual of the sensor head respectively.

Target Actual
1. Is the POWER LED on the front of the controller lit up ? Yes
2. Is the LASER LED on the back of the sensor head lit up ? Yes
3. Does the housing of the sensor head feel warm to the touch as normal after Yes
about 20 minutes in operation ?
4. Is the laser beam being emitted ? Yes
5. Is the signal level display on the sensor head lit up ? Yes
6. Is the signal level display indicated at the touch screen ? Yes
7. Does the OUTPUT signal in the VELOCITY field on the front of the controller Yes
react to the reflective film moving ?
8. If the output signal does not react: How high is the DC offset ? < 20 mV
9. Is the output signal noisy when the laser beam is pointed at a non reflective Yes
surface (e.g. black felt) ?
10. Only for controllers with displacement decoder: Yes
Does the OUTPUT signal in the DISPLACEMENT field on the front of the
controller react to the reflective film moving ?
11. Only for controllers with auxiliary decoders: Yes
Does the OUTPUT signal in the AUXILIARY field on the front of the controller
react to the reflective film moving ?
Further observations:

6 Fault Diagnosis

6.5.2 Controller with Fiber-Optic Sensor Head

Serial number of controller:

Serial number of sensor head:

OFV-551 OFV-552

You will find the serial numbers on the back of the instruments and on the inside cover of this manual or
the manual of the sensor head respectively.

Target Actual
1. Is the POWER LED on the front of the controller lit up ? Yes
2. Is the LASER ON LED on the front of the sensor head lit up ? Yes
3. Does the housing of the sensor head feel warm to the touch as normal after Yes
about 20 minutes in operation ?
4. Is the laser beam being emitted ? Yes
5. Can you assume a break in the fiber-optic cable ? No
6. Is the signal level display on the sensor head lit up ? Yes
7. Is the signal level display indicated at the touch screen ? Yes
8. Does the OUTPUT signal in the VELOCITY field on the front of the controller Yes
react to the reflective film moving ?
9. If the output signal does not react: How high is the DC offset ? < 20 mV
10. Is the output signal noisy when the laser beam is pointed at a non reflective Yes
surface (e.g. black felt) ?
11. Only for controllers with displacement decoder: Yes
Does the OUTPUT signal in the DISPLACEMENT field on the front of the
controller react to the reflective film moving ?
12. Only for controllers with auxiliary decoders: Yes
Does the OUTPUT signal in the AUXILIARY field on the front of the controller
react to the reflective film moving ?
Further observations:

6 Fault Diagnosis

6.5.3 Controller with Fiber-Coupled Sensor Head

Serial number of controller:

Serial number of sensor head:


You will find the serial numbers on the back of the instruments and on the inside cover of this manual or
the manual of the sensor head respectively.

Target Actual
1. Is the POWER LED on the front of the controller lit up ? Yes
2. Is the LASER ON LED on the front of the laser unit lit up ? Yes
3. Does the housing of the sensor head feel warm to the touch as normal after Yes
about 20 minutes in operation ?
4. Is the laser beam being emitted ? Yes
5. Can you assume a break in the fiber-optic cable ? No
6. Is the signal level display on the sensor head lit up ? Yes
7. Is the signal level display indicated at the touch screen ? Yes
8. Does the OUTPUT signal in the VELOCITY field on the front of the controller Yes
react to the reflective film moving ?
9. If the output signal does not react: How high is the DC offset ? < 20 mV
10. Is the output signal noisy when the laser beam is pointed at a non reflective Yes
surface (e.g. black felt) ?
11. Only for controllers with displacement decoder: Yes
Does the OUTPUT signal in the DISPLACEMENT field on the front of the
controller react to the reflective film moving ?
12. Only for controllers with auxiliary decoders: Yes
Does the OUTPUT signal in the AUXILIARY field on the front of the controller
react to the reflective film moving ?
Further observations:

6 Fault Diagnosis

7 Technical Specifications

7 Technical Specifications

7.1 Harmonized Standards Applied

Laser safety: IEC / EN 60825-1:2008-05
(Safety of Laser Products, complies to US 21 CFR
1040.10 and 1040.11 except for deviations pursuant
to Laser Notice no. 50, dated 24 June 2007)
Electrical safety: IEC / EN 61010-1:2011-07
(Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use)
EMC: IEC / EN 61326-1:2006-10
(EMC requirements on Emission and Immunity -
Electrical equipment for measurement, control, and
laboratory use)
Emission: Limit Class B
IEC / EN 61000-3-2 and 61000-3-3
Immunity: IEC / EN 61000-4-2 to 61000-4-6
and IEC / EN 61000-4-11

7.2 General Data

Mains Connection

Mains voltage: 100 … 240 VAC ± 10 %, 50 / 60 Hz

Power consumption: 100 VA
Fuses: 2.0 A / slow-blow
Protection class: 1 (protective grounding)

Ambient Conditions

Operating temperature: + 5°C … + 40°C (41°F … 104°F)

Storage temperature: − 10°C … + 65°C (14°F … 149°F)
Relative humidity: max. 80%, non-condensing


Recommended calibration
interval: 2 years


Protection rating: IP 20
Dimensions (w x h x d): Without angle brackets
450 mm x 150 mm x 360 mm (19", 84 HP / 3 U)
With angle brackets
485 mm x 150 mm x 360 mm (19", 84 HP / 3 U)
Weight: 10 kg

7 Technical Specifications


Type: 7" color LCD with resistive touch screen

Resolution: 480 x 800 points
Quality: quality class A

7.3 Digital Interfaces


RS-232: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity,

transfer rates: 9 600 / 19 200 / 57 600 / 115 200 Baud,
adjustable in the controller,
RS-232(X) cable to the PC: 2 x 9-pin Sub-D jack, null
modem cable
DIGITAL OUT: Digital Audio interface complying with S / P-DIF
2 independent signal channels with 24 bit amplitude
Data rate: 48 kSa / s and 96 kSa / s (adjustable)
Frequency range: 0 Hz … 22 kHz or 0 Hz … 42 kHz
(depending on the data rate)
Electrical output: TRIAX jack
Optical output: TOSLINK fiber connector

External Decoder

External Decoder: Special interface for PC-based signal decoder

7.4 Analog Signal Inputs and Outputs


Voltage output for the velocity signal

Voltage swing: max. 20 Vp-p

Output impedance: nom. 50 Ω
Load resistance: min. 10 kΩ (− 0.5% additional error)
Overrange indicator threshold: typ. 95 % of full scale
DC offset: max. 20 mV

7 Technical Specifications


Voltage output for the velocity signal after adaptive DSP filtering (only for
VD-06 along with the LF-02 adaptive DSP filter)

Voltage swing: max. 20 Vp-p

Output impedance: nom. 50 Ω
Load resistance: min. 10 kΩ (− 0.5% additional error)
DC offset: max. 10 mV


Voltage output of the signal of the optional auxiliary decoder (displacement or

velocity signal depending on the decoder)

Electrical properties: Depending on the decoder installed (refer to

SECTION7.5.9 and following)


Input or output for special functions of the optional auxiliary decoders


Voltage output for the displacement signal (only with a displacement decoder

Voltage swing: max. 20 Vp-p (depending on the displacement

Output impedance: nom. 50 Ω
Load resistance: min. 10 kΩ (− 0.5% additional error)


Trigger input to set the DC offset of the displacement signal back to zero (only
with a displacement decoder installed)

Input voltage: max. ± 15 V

Sensitivity threshold: < 25 mV (rising edge)
Input impedance: min. 10 kΩ
Pulse width: min. 2 µs
Pulse frequency: max. 100 kHz
Trigger delay: < 10 µs (typ. 5 µs)


Signal output for a DC voltage signal proportional to the logarithm of the

optical signal level of the vibrometer

Voltage range: 0 V … 3 V, DC
Load resistance: min. 10 kΩ

7 Technical Specifications

7.5 Metrological Properties of the Decoders

7.5.1 VD-01 Velocity Decoder

Measurement range 1 5 25 125 1 000

Full scale (peak) 0.01 0.05 0.25 1.25 10.0 m/s
Frequency range
fmin 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 Hz
fmax 20 50 50 50 50 kHz
Max. acceleration 150 1 600 8 000 40 000 320 000 g
Frequency response
0.5 Hz … 20 Hz ± 0.5 ± 0.5 ± 0.5 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 dB
20 Hz … 20 kHz + 0.1 / − 0.2 ± 0.05 ± 0.05 ± 0.05 ± 0.05 dB
20 kHz … 50 kHz − ± 0.2 ± 0.2 ± 0.2 ± 0.2 dB

Frequency-dependent3 0.05 … 0.1 0.05 … 0.1 0.1 … 0.25 0.1 … 0.4 0.5 … 1.5

typically4 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.5

Frequency-dependent phase
− 7.56 − 2.75 − 1.88 − 1.86 − 1.79 ° / kHz
shift pD (typ.)
Signal delay tD (typ.) 21.0 7.63 5.21 5.16 4.98 µs
Calibration error5
Ta = (25 ± 3) °C
± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 %
(Ta = (77 ± 5)°F)
Ta = + 5°C … + 40°C
± 1.2 ± 1.2 ± 1.2 ± 1.2 ± 1.2 %
(Ta = 41°F … 104°F)
Linearity error6 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 %
Harmonic Distortions < − 40 < − 52 < − 60 < − 50 < − 50 dBc
Spurious signals (non-
< − 86 < − 90 < − 90 < − 90 < − 90 dBFS
The frequency response defines the frequency-dependent amplitude error referred to the reference frequency of 1 kHz.
The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is 0 dB with 1 Hz spectral
resolution, measured on 3M Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film).
The attainable resolution is frequency-dependent and is specified for frequencies above 10 Hz.
The typical value refers to the center of the operating frequency range.
Conditions: sinusoidal vibration, f = 1 kHz, amplitude 70% of full scale range, load resistance ≥ 1 MΩ
The linearity error is defined as the amplitude-dependent, relative deviation of the scaling factor, referred to the scaling factor
under calibration conditions (refer to footnote 5 ).
The maximum amplitude of the distortion refers to the full scale. An exception of this is just a single peak, generated by the
optical sensor, in the frequency range 20 … 25 kHz, whose amplitude depends on the stand-off distance.

7 Technical Specifications

7.5.2 VD-02 Velocity Decoder

Measurement range 5 25 125 1 000

Full scale (peak) 0.05 0.25 1.25 10.0 m/s
Frequency range
fmin 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Hz
fmax 250 1 500 1 500 1 500 kHz
Max. acceleration 8 000 240 000 1 200 000 9 600 000 g
Frequency response
0.5 Hz … 20 Hz ± 0.5 ± 0.5 ± 0.5 ± 0.5 dB
20 Hz … 100 kHz ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 dB
100 kHz … 250 kHz + 0.2 / -1.0 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 dB
250 kHz … 1.5 MHz − + 0.5 / − 2.0 + 0.5 / − 2.0 + 0.5 / − 2.0 dB

Frequency-dependent3 0.05 … 0.2 0.1 … 1.0 0.3 … 3.0 2.0 … 5.0

typically4 0.1 0.5 0.6 2.5

Frequency-dependent phase
− 2.19 − 0.45 − 0.42 − 0.36 ° / kHz
shift pD (typ.)
Signal delay tD (typ.) 6.08 1.25 1.17 1.01 µs
Calibration error5
Ta = (25 ± 3) °C
± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 %
(Ta = (77 ± 5)°F)
Ta = + 5°C … + 40°C
± 1.5 ± 2.0 ± 2.5 ± 2.5 %
(Ta = 41°F … 104°F)
Linearity error6 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 %
Harmonic Distortions < − 52 < − 46 < − 50 < − 50 dBc
Spurious signals (non-
< − 86 < − 86 < − 86 < − 86 dBFS
The frequency response defines the frequency-dependent amplitude error referred to the reference frequency of 1 kHz.
The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is 0 dB with 1 Hz spectral
resolution, measured on 3M Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film).
The attainable resolution is frequency-dependent and is specified for frequencies above 10 Hz.
The typical value refers to the center of the operating frequency range.
Conditions: sinusoidal vibration, f = 1 kHz, amplitude 70% of full scale range, load resistance ≥ 1 MΩ
The linearity error is defined as the amplitude-dependent, relative deviation of the scaling factor, referred to the scaling factor
under calibration conditions (refer to footnote 5 ).
The maximum amplitude of the distortion refers to the full scale. An exception of this is just a single peak, generated by the
optical sensor, in the frequency range 20 … 25 kHz, whose amplitude depends on the stand-off distance.

7 Technical Specifications

7.5.3 VD-04 Velocity Decoder

Measurement range 10 100 1 000

Full scale (peak) 0.1 1.0 10.0 m/s
Frequency range
fmin 0.5 0.5 0.5 Hz
fmax 250 250 250 kHz
Max. acceleration 16 000 160 000 1 600 000 g
Frequency response
0.5 Hz … 20 Hz ± 0.5 ± 0.5 ± 0.5 dB
20 Hz … 100 kHz ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 dB
100 kHz … 200 kHz ± 0.2 ± 0.2 ± 0.2 dB
200 kHz … 250 kHz + 0.2 / − 1.0 + 0.1 / − 1.0 + 0.1 / − 1.0 dB

Frequency-dependent3 0.05 … 0.2 0.3 … 1.0 2.0 … 3.0

typically4 0.1 0.5 2.0

Frequency-dependent phase
− 2.12 − 1.52 − 1.46 ° / kHz
shift pD (typ.)
Signal delay tD (typ.) 5.85 4.21 4.05 µs
Calibration error5
Ta = (25 ± 3) °C
± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 %
(Ta = (77 ± 5)°F)
Ta = + 5°C … + 40°C
± 1.5 ± 2.5 ± 2.5 %
(Ta = 41°F … 104°F)
Linearity error6 1.0 1.0 1.0 %
Harmonic Distortions < − 52 < − 50 < − 50 dBc
Spurious signals (non-
< − 86 < − 86 < − 86 dBFS
The frequency response defines the frequency-dependent amplitude error referred to the reference frequency of 1 kHz.
The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is 0 dB with 1 Hz spectral
resolution, measured on 3M Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film).
The attainable resolution is frequency-dependent and is specified for frequencies above 10 Hz.
The typical value refers to the center of the operating frequency range.
Conditions: sinusoidal vibration, f = 1 kHz, amplitude 70% of full scale range, load resistance ≥ 1 MΩ
The linearity error is defined as the amplitude-dependent, relative deviation of the scaling factor, referred to the scaling factor
under calibration conditions (refer to footnote 5 ).
The maximum amplitude of the distortion refers to the full scale. An exception of this is just a single peak, generated by the
optical sensor, in the frequency range 20 … 25 kHz, whose amplitude depends on the stand-off distance.

7 Technical Specifications

7.5.4 VD-06 Velocity Decoder

Table 7.1: Characteristics VD-06 part 1 of 2

Measurement range 1 2 (LP) 2

Full scale (peak) 0.01 0.02 0.02 m/s
Frequency range
fmin 0 0 0 Hz
fmax 20 100 350 kHz
Max. acceleration 128 1 280 4 500 g
Frequency response
0.05 Hz … 14 kHz ± 0.05 − − dB
14 kHz … 20 kHz + 0.05 / − 1.0 − − dB
0.05 Hz … 50 kHz − ± 0.05 − dB
50 kHz … 100 kHz − + 0.05 / − 1.0 − dB
0.05 Hz … 250 kHz − − ± 0.05 dB
250 kHz … 300 kHz − − + 0.05 / − 0.4 dB
300 kHz … 350 kHz − − + 0.05 / − 1.5 dB

Frequency-dependent3 < 0.02 0.01 … 0.04 0.01 … 0.1

typically4 0.01 0.02 0.05

Frequency-dependent phase
− 45.8 − 3.96 − 3.96 ° / kHz
shift pD (typ.)
Signal delay tD (typ.) 127.0 11.0 11.0 µs
Calibration error5
Ta = + 5°C … + 40°C
± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 %
(Ta = 41°F … 104°F)
Linearity error6 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 %
Harmonic Distortions < − 50 < − 54 < − 54 dBc
Spurious signals (non-
< − 80 < − 86 < − 86 dBFS
The frequency response defines the frequency-dependent amplitude error referred to the reference frequency of 1 kHz.
The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is 0 dB with 1 Hz spectral
resolution, measured on 3M Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film).
The attainable resolution is frequency-dependent and is specified for frequencies above 10 Hz.
The typical value refers to the center of the operating frequency range.
Conditions: sinusoidal vibration, f = 1 kHz, amplitude 70% of full scale range, load resistance ≥ 1 MΩ
The linearity error is defined as the amplitude-dependent, relative deviation of the scaling factor, referred to the scaling factor
under calibration conditions (refer to footnote 5 ).
The maximum amplitude of the distortion refers to the full scale. An exception of this is just a single peak, generated by the
optical sensor, in the frequency range 20 … 25 kHz, whose amplitude depends on the stand-off distance.

7 Technical Specifications

Table 7.2: Characteristics VD-06 part 2 of 2

Measurement range 10 (LP) 10 50 (LP) 50

Full scale (peak) 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.5 m/s
Frequency range
fmin 0 0 0 0 Hz
fmax 100 350 100 350 kHz
Max. acceleration 6 400 22 000 32 000 110 000 g
Frequency response
0.05 Hz … 14 kHz − − − − dB
14 kHz … 20 kHz − − − − dB
0.05 Hz … 50 kHz ± 0.05 − ± 0.05 dB
50 kHz … 100 kHz + 0.05 / − 1.0 − + 0.05 / − 1.0 dB
0.05 Hz … 250 kHz − ± 0.05 − ± 0.05 dB
250 kHz … 300 kHz − + 0.05 / − 0.3 − + 0.05 / − 0.1 dB
300 kHz … 350 kHz − + 0.05 / − 1.0 − + 0.05 / − 1.0 dB

Frequency-dependent3 0.01 … 0.04 0.01 … 0.1 0.04 … 0.2 0.04 … 0.2

typically4 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.06

Frequency-dependent phase
− 3.96 − 3.96 − 3.96 − 3.96 ° / kHz
shift pD (typ.)
Signal delay tD (typ.) 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 µs
Calibration error
Ta = + 5°C … + 40°C
± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 %
(Ta = 41°F … 104°F)
Linearity error6 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 %
Harmonic Distortions < − 54 < − 54 < − 54 < − 54 dBc
Spurious signals (non-
< − 90 < − 90 < − 90 < − 90 dBFS
The frequency response defines the frequency-dependent amplitude error referred to the reference frequency of 1 kHz.
The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is 0 dB with 1 Hz spectral
resolution, measured on 3M Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film).
The attainable resolution is frequency-dependent and is specified for frequencies above 10 Hz.
The typical value refers to the center of the operating frequency range.
Conditions: sinusoidal vibration, f = 1 kHz, amplitude 70% of full scale range, load resistance ≥ 1 MΩ
The linearity error is defined as the amplitude-dependent, relative deviation of the scaling factor, referred to the scaling factor
under calibration conditions (refer to footnote 5 ).
The maximum amplitude of the distortion refers to the full scale. An exception of this is just a single peak, generated by the
optical sensor, in the frequency range 20 … 25 kHz, whose amplitude depends on the stand-off distance.

7 Technical Specifications

7.5.5 VD-09 Velocity Decoder

Table 7.3: Characteristics VD-09 part 1 of 4

Measurement range 5 10 20 (LP) 20

Full scale (peak) 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.2 m/s
Frequency range
fmin 0 0 0 0 Hz
fmax 100 250 250 1 000 kHz
Max. acceleration 3 200 16 000 32 000 128 000 g
Frequency response
0.05 Hz … 50 kHz ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 dB
50 kHz … 100 kHz + 0.1 / − 1.0 + 0.1 / − 0.2 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 dB
100 kHz … 250 kHz − + 0.1 / − 1.0 + 0.1 / − 1.0 ± 0.1 dB
250 kHz … 1 MHz − − − + 0.2 / − 0.5 dB
frequency-dependent3 0.01 … 0.04 0.01 … 0.07 0.02 … 0.08 0.02 … 0.25

typically4 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.12

Frequency-dependent phase
− 7.45 − 5.54 − 5.8 − 3.2 ° / kHz
shift pD (typ.)
Signal delay tD (typ.) 20.7 15.4 16.1 8.9 µs
Calibration error5
Ta = (25 ± 3) °C
± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 %
(Ta = (77 ± 5)°F)
Ta = + 5°C … + 40°C
± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.5 %
(Ta = 41°F … 104°F)
Linearity error6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 %
Harmonic distortions
0.05 Hz … 100 kHz < − 44 < − 52 < − 52 < − 52 dBc
100 kHz … 250 kHz − < − 46 < − 46 < − 46 dBc
> 250 kHz − − − < − 38 dBc
Spurious signals (non-
< − 83 < − 86 < − 90 < − 90 dBFS
The frequency response defines the frequency-dependent amplitude error referred to the reference frequency of 1 kHz.
The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is 0 dB with 1 Hz spectral
resolution, measured on 3M Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film).
The attainable resolution is frequency-dependent and is specified for frequencies above 10 Hz.
The typical value refers to the center of the operating frequency range.
Conditions: sinusoidal vibration, f = 1 kHz, amplitude 70% of full scale range, load resistance ≥ 1 MΩ
The linearity error is defined as the amplitude-dependent, relative deviation of the scaling factor, referred to the scaling factor
under calibration conditions (refer to footnote 5 ).
Harmonic distortions are defined 70% of full scale for the wanted signal. In each case the bandwidth is specified, in which the
distortion can occur.
The maximum amplitude of the distortion refers to the full scale. An exception of this is just a single peak, generated by the
optical sensor, in the frequency range 20 … 25 kHz, whose amplitude depends on the stand-off distance.

7 Technical Specifications

Table 7.4: Characteristics VD-09 part 2 of 4

Measurement range 50 (LP) 50 100 (LP) 100

Full scale (peak) 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 m/s
Frequency range
fmin 0 0 0 0 Hz
fmax 250 1 500 250 1 500 kHz
Max. acceleration 80 000 480 000 160 000 960 000 g
Frequency response
0.05 Hz … 100 kHz ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 dB
100 kHz … 250 kHz + 0.1 / − 1.0 ± 0.1 + 0.1 / − 1.0 ± 0.1 dB
250 kHz … 1 MHz − ± 0.2 − ± 0.2 dB
1 MHz … 1.5 MHz − + 0.2 / − 0.5 − + 0.2 / − 0.5 dB
Frequency-dependent3 0.04 … 0.2 0.04 … 0.35 0.07 … 0.4 0.06 … 0.4

typically4 0.06 0.18 0.1 0.2

Frequency-dependent phase
− 5.4 − 2.94 − 4.54 − 2.94 ° / kHz
shift pD (typ.)
Signal delay tD (typ.) 15.0 8.16 12.6 8.16 µs
Calibration error
Ta = (25 ± 3) °C
± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 %
(Ta = (77 ± 5)°F)
Ta = + 5°C … + 40°C
± 1.0 ± 1.5 ± 1.0 ± 1.5 %
(Ta = 41°F … 104°F)
Linearity error6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 %
Harmonic distortions
0.05 Hz … 100 kHz < − 52 < − 52 < − 54 < − 54 dBc
100 kHz … 250 kHz < − 46 < − 46 < − 54 < − 54 dBc
> 250 kHz − < − 36 − < − 38 dBc
Spurious signals (non-
< − 90 < − 90 < − 90 < − 90 dBFS
The frequency response defines the frequency-dependent amplitude error referred to the reference frequency of 1 kHz.
The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is 0 dB with 1 Hz spectral
resolution, measured on 3M Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film).
The attainable resolution is frequency-dependent and is specified for frequencies above 10 Hz.
The typical value refers to the center of the operating frequency range.
Conditions: sinusoidal vibration, f = 1 kHz, amplitude 70% of full scale range, load resistance ≥ 1 MΩ
The linearity error is defined as the amplitude-dependent, relative deviation of the scaling factor, referred to the scaling factor
under calibration conditions (refer to footnote 5 ).
Harmonic distortions are defined 70% of full scale for the wanted signal. In each case the bandwidth is specified, in which the
distortion can occur.
The maximum amplitude of the distortion refers to the full scale. An exception of this is just a single peak, generated by the
optical sensor, in the frequency range 20 … 25 kHz, whose amplitude depends on the stand-off distance.

7 Technical Specifications

Table 7.5: Characteristics VD-09 part 3 of 4

Measurement range 200 (LP) 200 500 (LP) 500

Full scale (peak) 2 2 5 5 m/s
Frequency range
fmin 0 0 0 0 Hz
fmax 250 2 500 250 2 500 kHz
Max. acceleration 32 0 000 3 200 000 800 000 8 000 000 g
Frequency response
0.05 Hz … 100 kHz ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 dB
100 kHz … 250 kHz + 0.1 / − 1.0 ± 0.1 + 0.1 / − 1.0 ± 0.1 dB
250 kHz … 1 MHz − ± 0.2 − ± 0.2 dB
1 MHz … 1.5 MHz − ± 0.2 − ± 0.2 dB
1.5 MHz … 2.5 MHz − + 0.5 / − 1.5 − + 0.5 / − 1.5 dB
frequency-dependent3 0.13 … 0.8 0.1 … 1.0 0.25 … 2.0 0.25 … 2.0

typically4 0.15 0.5 0.25 0.6

Frequency-dependent phase
− 4.75 − 1.35 − 2.10 − 1.34 ° / kHz
shift pD (typ.)
Signal delay tD (typ.) 13.2 3.76 5.83 3.73 µs
Calibration error
Ta = (25 ± 3) °C
± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 ± 1.0 %
(Ta = (77 ± 5)°F)
Ta = + 5°C … + 40°C
± 1.0 ± 1.5 ± 1.0 ± 1.5 %
(Ta = 41°F … 104°F)
Linearity error6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 %
Harmonic distortions
0.05 Hz … 100 kHz < − 54 < − 54 < − 54 < − 54 dBc
100 kHz … 250 kHz < − 54 < − 54 < − 54 < − 54 dBc
> 250 kHz − < − 38 − < − 36 dBc
Spurious signals (non-
< − 90 < − 90 < − 90 < − 90 dBFS
The frequency response defines the frequency-dependent amplitude error, referred to the reference frequency of 1 kHz.
The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is 0 dB with 1 Hz spectral
resolution, measured on 3M Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film).
The attainable resolution is frequency-dependent and is specified for frequencies above 10 Hz.
The typical value refers to the center of the operating frequency range.
Conditions: sinusoidal vibration, f = 1 kHz, amplitude 70% of full scale range, load resistance ≥ 1 MΩ
The linearity error is defined as the amplitude-dependent, relative deviation of the scaling factor, referred to the scaling factor
under calibration conditions (refer to footnote 5 ).
Harmonic distortions are defined 70% of full scale for the wanted signal. In each case the bandwidth is specified, in which the
distortion can occur.
The maximum amplitude of the distortion refers to the full scale. An exception of this is just a single peak, generated by the
optical sensor, in the frequency range 20 … 25 kHz, whose amplitude depends on the stand-off distance.

7 Technical Specifications

Table 7.6: Characteristics VD-09 part 4 of 4

Measurement range 1 (LP) 1

Full scale (peak) 10 10 m/s
Frequency range
fmin 0 0 Hz
fmax 250 1 500 kHz
Max. acceleration 1 600 000 9 600 000 g
Frequency response1
0.05 Hz … 100 kHz ± 0.1 ± 0.1 dB
100 kHz … 250 kHz + 0.1 / − 1.0 ± 0.1 dB
250 kHz … 1 MHz − ± 0.2 dB
1 MHz … 1.5 MHz − + 0.2 / − 0.5 dB
frequency-dependent3 0.5 … 4.0 0.5 … 4.0

typically4 0.5 0.7

Frequency-dependent phase shift pD
− 2.57 − 2.14 ° / kHz
Signal delay tD (typ.) 7.13 5.95 µs
Calibration error5
Ta = (25 ± 3) °C
± 1.0 ± 1.0 %
(Ta = (77 ± 5)°F)
Ta = + 5°C … + 40°C
± 1.0 ± 1.5 %
(Ta = 41°F … 104°F)
Linearity error6 0.5 0.5 %
Harmonic distortions7
0.05 Hz … 100 kHz < − 54 < − 54 dBc
100 kHz … 250 kHz < − 54 < − 50 dBc
> 250 kHz − < − 38 dBc
Spurious signals (non-harmonic) 8 < − 90 < − 90 dBFS
The frequency response defines the frequency-dependent amplitude error, referred to the reference frequency of 1 kHz.
The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is 0 dB with 1 Hz spectral
resolution, measured on 3M Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film).
The attainable resolution is frequency-dependent and is specified for frequencies above 10 Hz.
The typical value refers to the center of the operating frequency range.
Conditions: sinusoidal vibration, f = 1 kHz, amplitude 70% of full scale range, load resistance ≥ 1 MΩ
The linearity error is defined as the amplitude-dependent, relative deviation of the scaling factor, referred to the scaling factor
under calibration conditions (refer to footnote 5 ).
Harmonic distortions are defined 70% of full scale for the wanted signal. In each case the bandwidth is specified, in which the
distortion can occur.
The maximum amplitude of the distortion refers to the full scale. An exception of this is just a single peak, generated by the
optical sensor, in the frequency range 20 … 25 kHz, whose amplitude depends on the stand-off distance.

7 Technical Specifications

7.5.6 DD-100 Displacement Decoder

Measurement Full scale1 Frequency Max. frequency at
Resolution2 measurable
range (peak-to-peak) range full scale
µm / V µm nm kHz m/s Hz
80 1 280 80 0 … 250 2.5 600
160 2 560 160 0 … 250 5 600
320 5 120 320 0 … 250 10 600
640 10 240 640 0 … 250 10 300
1 280 20 480 1 280 0 … 250 10 150
2 560 40 960 2 560 0 … 250 10 75
5 120 81 920 5 120 0 … 250 10 40
10 240 163 840 10 240 0 … 250 10 20
The full scale values correspond to ± 8 V (peak-to-peak) maximum output voltage.
The resolution is defined as 1 count or 1 mV at the analog output respectively.

Linearity error: ± 1 increment

Amplitude frequency response: 0 kHz … 100 kHz: ± 0.5 %
100 kHz … 200 kHz: ±1%
200 kHz … 250 kHz: + 1 % / − 10 %
Calibration error: ± (1% of the measurement value + 1 increment)
Conditions: sinusoidal vibration, f = 80 Hz, amplitude 50% of full scale
range, load resistance ≥ 1 MΩ

7 Technical Specifications

7.5.7 DD-500 Displacement Decoder

Full scale1 (peak-to-peak) Resolution2 (rounded) Frequency range3
µm / V µm nm kHz
0.05 1 0.015 0 … 350
0.1 2 0.03 0 … 350
0.2 4 0.06 0 … 350
0.5 10 0.15 0 … 350
1 20 0.3 0 … 350
2 40 0.6 0 … 350
5 100 1.5 0 … 350
10 200 3 0 … 350
20 400 6 0 … 350
50 1 000 15 0 … 350
100 2 000 30 0 … 350
200 4 000 60 0 … 350
500 10 000 150 0 … 350
1 000 20 000 300 0 … 350
2 000 40 000 600 0 … 350
5 000 100 000 1 500 0 … 350
The full scale values correspond to ± 10 V (peak-to-peak) maximum output voltage.
The resolution corresponds to the quantization step of approx. 0.4 mV at the analog output.
When a suitable measurement range has been selected for the digital velocity decoder

Amplitude Frequency Response

Max. additional error with reference to f

Frequency response
= 1 kHz
0.05 Hz … 100 kHz ± 0.05 dB
100 kHz … 200 kHz ± 0.1 dB
200 kHz … 350 kHz + 0.2 / − 1 dB

Phase shift: typ. − 3.96 ° / kHz

Delay: typ. 11 µs
Noise-limited resolution: < 0.5
The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal
amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is
0 dB with 1 Hz spectral resolution, measured on 3M
Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film).
Calibration error: ± 1% of the measurement value (Ta = + 5°C … + 40°C)
Conditions: sinusoidal vibration, f = 1 kHz, amplitude
70% of full scale range, load resistance ≥ 1 MΩ
Harmonic distortions: < − 54 dBc
Spurious signals (non-
harmonic): < 15 pm (rms)

7 Technical Specifications

7.5.8 DD-900 Displacement Decoder

Full scale1 (peak-to-peak) Resolution2 (rounded) Frequency range3
µm / V µm nm MHz
0.05 1 0.015 0 … 2.5
0.1 2 0.03 0 … 2.5
0.2 4 0.06 0 … 2.5
0.5 10 0.15 0 … 2.5
1 20 0.3 0 … 2.5
2 40 0.6 0 … 2.5
5 100 1.5 0 … 2.5
10 200 3 0 … 2.5
20 400 6 0 … 2.5
50 1 000 15 0 … 2.5
100 2 000 30 0 … 2.5
200 4 000 60 0 … 2.5
500 10 000 150 0 … 2.5
1 000 20 000 300 0 … 2.5
2 000 40 000 600 0 … 2.5
5 000 100 000 1 500 0 … 2.5
The full scale values correspond to ± 10 V (peak-to-peak) maximum output voltage.
The resolution corresponds to the quantization step of approx. 0.3 mV at the analog output.
When a suitable measurement range has been selected for the digital velocity decoder

You will find the technical specifications for frequency response function, phase shift, signal
delay, calibration error and linearity error in SECTION 7.5.5 for the current velocity
measurement range.

Noise-limited resolution: < 0.5

The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal
amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is
0 dB with 1 Hz spectral resolution, measured on 3M
Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film).
Spurious signals (non- < 10 pm (rms)
harmonic): An exception of which is a single peak, generated by
the optical sensor, in the frequency range
20 … 25 kHz, whose amplitude depends on the stand-
off distance (refer to SECTION 7.5.5).

The technical specifications for the harmonic distortions depend on the selected velocity
measurement range, refer to SECTION 7.5.5. Take the corresponding data from the table and
add − 6 dB to each value.

7 Technical Specifications

7.5.9 VD-05 Auxiliary Decoder (Velocity Decoder)

Measurement range 100 500

Full scale (peak)
Nominal 0.5 2.5 m/s
Maximum 0.6 3.0 m/s
Frequency range
fmin 0.5 0.5 Hz
fmax 10 10 MHz
Max. acceleration 320 000 1 600 000 g
Frequency response1
0.5 Hz … 5 MHz ± 0.2 ± 0.2 dB
5 MHz … 10 MHz ± 0.5 ± 0.5 dB
Resolution < 3.0 < 3.0
Pulse response
Rise time t10-90 < 25 < 25 ns
Signal delay tD < 100 < 100 ns
Overshoot < 20 < 20 %
Calibration error
Ta = (25 ± 3) °C
± 2.0 ± 2.0 %
(Ta = (77 ± 5)°F)
Linearity error4 2.0 2.0 %
Harmonic distortions < − 35 < − 35 dBc
Spurious signals (non-harmonic)5 < − 80 < − 80 dBFS
The frequency response defines the frequency-dependent amplitude error, referred to the reference frequency of 100 kHz.
The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is 0 dB with 1 Hz spectral
resolution, measured on 3M Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film). The attainable resolution is frequency-dependent. The typical
value refers to the center of the operating frequency range.
Conditions: sinusoidal vibration, f = 100 kHz, amplitude 70% of full scale range, load resistance ≥ 1 MΩ
The linearity error is defined as the amplitude-dependent, relative deviation of the scaling factor, referred to the scaling factor
under calibration conditions (refer to footnote3 ).
The maximum amplitude of the distortion refers to the full scale. The only exception to this is an individual peak generated by
the optical sensor in the frequency range 5 … 10 MHz, which can attain an amplitude of up to − 60 dBFS.

7 Technical Specifications

7.5.10 DD-300 Auxiliary Decoder (Displacement Decoder)

Measurement range: ± 75 nm
Frequency range: 30 kHz … 24 MHz (− 3 dB)
Noise-limited resolution:
< 0.02 at 100 % reflectivity
< 0.05 when measuring on reflective film
(corresponding to 0.25 nm (rms) at 20 MHz analysis
Scaling factor: 50 nm / V at load resistance 50 Ω ± 1 %1
(25 nm / V at load resistance > 10 kΩ)
Voltage swing: ± 1.5 V at load resistance 50 Ω1
(± 3 V at load resistance > 10 kΩ)
Output impedance: 50 Ω
Load resistance: 50 Ω ± 1 %1
NF suppression: Transition frequency: typ. 30 kHz (− 3 dB)
Frequency roll-off: − 12 dB / oct.
Pulse response: Propagation delay tD: < 140 ns
Rise time t10-90: < 25 ns
Overshoot: < 20 %
Calibration error: < ±5%
(sinusoidal vibration, frequency 500 kHz, amplitude
50 nm, load resistance 50 Ω)
Amplitude frequency response: refer also to FIGURE 7.1
BNC jack
(50 kHz … 20 MHz)
BNC jack
(50 kHz … 2 MHz)
Linearity error: < ±2 % to 60 nm Peak, refer also to FIGURE 7.2
Spurious signals (non-
harmonic): < 100 µV (rms)2
The specifications apply for a load resistance of 50 Ω. With frequencies of less than 5 MHz or if the
pulse has a slow rising/falling edge, the outputs can also be terminated with high impedance. In this
case the data given in brackets are for information purposes.
Non-harmonic interference signals are independent of the wanted signal. When making measurements
on mirror-like surfaces two more peaks in the frequency range from 8 MHz to 25 MHz with higher
amplitudes can occur, whose frequencies depend on the optical sensor.

7 Technical Specifications

d B
A 0


-1 0

-1 2 d B /o c t.

-2 0

1 0 k H z 5 0 k H z 1 0 0 k H z 5 0 0 k H z 1 M H z 5 M H z 1 0 M H z 2 0 M H z
F re q u e n c y

Figure 7.1: Typical amplitude frequency response with tolerance band

A m p litu d e E r r o r [% ]







0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 4 0 4 5 5 0 5 5 6 0 6 5 7 0 7 5 8 0

Figure 7.2: Typical linearity error of the DD-300

7 Technical Specifications

Harmonic Distortions

Vibration amplitude1
Vibration frequency
0 … 25 nm 25 … 50 nm
1 MHz < − 50 dBc < − 40 dBc
5 MHz < − 50 dBc < − 37 dBc
10 MHz < − 34 dBc < − 30 dBc
Harmonic distortions are produced from multiples of vibration frequencies. They depend on the
frequency and the amplitude of the wanted signal. The maximum amplitude in dBc corresponds to the
amplitude of the base frequency.

7.5.11 DD-400 Auxiliary Decoder (Displacement Decoder)

Measurement range 1 10 100 µm / V

Full scale (peak) 10 100 1 000 µm
Frequency range
fmin 1 000 100 10 Hz
fmax 250 250 20 kHz
Max. acceleration 1 1 600 000 1 600 000 1 600 000 g
Amplitude frequency
10 Hz … 100 Hz − − + 0.6 / − 3.0 dB
100 Hz … 1 kHz − + 0.2 / − 2.5 ±0.25 dB
1 kHz … 10 kHz + 0.2 / − 2.5 ±0.25 ±0.25 dB
10 kHz … 20 kHz ±0.25 ±0.25 + 1.5 / − 0.5 dB
20 kHz … 200 kHz ±0.3 ±0.35 − dB
200 kHz … 250 kHz + 1.2 / − 1.5 + 1.7 / − 1.5 − dB
Max. phase error
10 Hz … 100 Hz − − < 51 °
100 Hz … 1 kHz − < 45 <6 °
1 kHz … 10 kHz < 45 <6 <1 °
10 kHz … 20 kHz <6 <1 <1 °
20 kHz … 200 kHz <3 <1 − °
200 kHz … 250 kHz <1 <1 − °
Calibration uncertainty @
Ta = (25 ± 3) °C
± 2.5 (fref = 20 kHz) ± 2.5 (fref = 20 kHz) ± 2.5 (fref = 1 kHz) %
(Ta = (77 ± 5)°F)
Ta = + 5°C … + 40°C
± 3.0 (fref = 20 kHz) ± 4.0 (fref = 20 kHz) ± 4.0 (fref = 1 kHz) %
(Ta = 41°F … 104°F)
Is valid for the measurement range 1 000 of the VD-04 and for the tracking filter being switched off (Off).
The frequency response defines the frequency-dependent amplitude error, referred to the reference frequency fref.
The phase error refers to the physical phase shift of − 90° between velocity and displacement signal.

7 Technical Specifications

Frequency-Dependent Resolution

Measurement range 1 10 100 µm / V

@ measurement range
1 000 of the VD-04
10 Hz … 100 Hz − − 60.0
100 Hz … 1 kHz − 4.0 2.0
1 kHz … 10 kHz 0.4 0.5 0.5
10 kHz … 20 kHz 0.05 0.05 0.04
20 kHz … 200 kHz 0.02 0.03 −
200 kHz … 250 kHz 0.003 0.004 −
@ measurement range 100
of the VD-04
10 Hz … 100 Hz − − 60.0
100 Hz … 1 kHz − 2.0 2.0
1 kHz … 10 kHz 0.1 0.15 0.15
10 kHz … 20 kHz 0.01 0.01 0.03
20 kHz … 200 kHz 0.003 0.003 −
200 kHz … 250 kHz 0.001 0.003 −
@ measurement range 10
of the VD-04
10 Hz … 100 Hz − − 60.0
100 Hz … 1 kHz − 0.15 2.0
1 kHz … 10 kHz 0.002 0.01 0.1
10 kHz … 20 kHz 0.002 0.004 0.03
20 kHz … 200 kHz 0.001 0.003 −
200 kHz … 250 kHz 0.001 0.003 −
The noise-limited resolution is defined as the signal amplitude (rms) at which the signal-to-noise ratio is 0 dB with 1 Hz spectral
resolution, measured on 3M Scotchlite™ Tape (reflective film).

7 Technical Specifications

7.5.12 DD-600 Auxiliary Decoder (I&Q Converter)

External decoder interface at the back of the controller.

Signal type: Baseband Doppler signal in quadrature format

Bandwidth: 0 Hz … 5 MHz
Phase calibration: 2π = λ / 2 = 316.4 nm
AC signal voltage: 1.2 VP-P ± 1.5 dB at 50 Ω termination
DC offset: max. ± 10 mV
Noise-free range: min. 55 dB (measuring on reflective film)
I / Q phase tolerance: max. ± 2.5°

7.6 Analog Low and High Pass Filters

Low Pass Filter

For a typical amplitude and phase frequency response, refer to SECTION A.1.

Filter type: 3rd order Bessel

Cutoff frequencies: 5 kHz, 20 kHz, 100 kHz (adjustable)
Frequency roll-off: − 60 dB / dec = − 18 dB / oct
Stop band attenuation: > 70 dB

High Pass Filter

For a typical amplitude and phase frequency response, refer to SECTION A.2.

Filter type: 4th order Butterworth

Cutoff frequency: 100 Hz
Frequency roll-off: − 80 dB / dec = − 24 dB / oct
Stop band attenuation: > 70 dB

7 Technical Specifications

7.7 Adaptive DSP Filter (Optional)

Analog Signal Output VELOCITY DSP OUT

Voltage swing: ± 10 V

Digital Signal Output DIGITAL OUT

Data format: S / P-DIF, 24 bit, 48 kSa / s

Operating Frequency Range

Setting Signal frequency

OFF 0 Hz … 20 kHz
20 k 0 Hz … 20 kHz
2k 0 Hz … 2.35 kHz
0.3 k 0 Hz … 360 Hz

Settling Behavior

Setting Maximum frequency change rate1

20 k 32 kHz / s
2k 700 Hz / s
0.3 k 120 Hz / s
For vibration signals with a sliding frequency, the filter's settling time causes an additional amplitude
error. Up to the maximum frequency change specified, this error remains below − 5%. The precise
value depends on the signal to noise ratio of the input signal and this on the optical measurement

Harmonic distortions: < − 60 dB (harmonic distortion < 0.1%)

Noise-free dynamic range: > 96 dB
Amplitude error: max. ± 1% of the measurement value
(additional error with stationary signal)

A Filter Diagrams

Appendix A: Filter Diagrams

A.1 Diagrams of a 3rd Order Bessel Low Pass Filter

The frequency is normalized to the cutoff frequency fc.

1 0

-1 0

-2 0
A m p litu d e / d B

-3 0

-4 0

-5 0

-6 0
0 ,1 0 ,2 0 ,5 1 2 5 1 0 2 0 f / fC

Figure A.1: Amplitude frequency response


-1 0
A m p litu d e e r r o r / %

-1 5

-2 0

-2 5

-3 0
0 .0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0 .4 0 .5 0 .6 0 .7 0 .8 0 .9 1 .0 f / fC

Figure A.2: Amplitude error in the pass band

-2 0
P h a s e / d e g re e s

-4 0

-6 0

-8 0

-1 0 0
0 .0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 0 .8 1 .0 f / fC

Figure A.3: Phase frequency response in the pass band

A Filter Diagrams

A.2 Diagrams of a 4th Order Butterworth High Pass Filter

The frequency is normalized to the cutoff frequency fc.
1 0

-1 0

-2 0
A m p litu d e / d B

-3 0

-4 0

-5 0

-6 0

-7 0

-8 0
0 ,1 0 ,2 0 ,5 1 2 5 1 0 f / fc

Figure A.4: Amplitude frequency response


-1 0
A m p litu d e e r r o r / %

-1 5

-2 0

-2 5

-3 0
1 0 0 1 2 5 1 5 0 1 7 5 2 0 0 2 2 5 2 5 0 2 7 5 3 0 0
F re q u e n c y / H z

Figure A.5: Amplitude error in the pass band

4 0 0

3 5 0

3 0 0

2 5 0
P h a s e / d e g re e s

2 0 0

1 5 0

1 0 0

5 0

1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 0
F re q u e n c y / H z

Figure A.6: Phase frequency response in the pass band

B Declaration of Conformity

Appendix B: Declaration of Conformity

Figure B.1: Declaration of conformity for the OFV-5000

B Declaration of Conformity


Index C
cabling 3-6
calibration interval, recommended 7-1
checklist (fault diagnosis)
fiber-coupled sensor head 6-7
A fiber-optic sensor heads 6-6
ambient conditions single point sensor heads 6-5
controller specifications 7-1 cleaning
general information 3-2 housing 3-2
amplitude error Clear function, use
adaptive DSP filter 7-22 displacement acquisition 5-29
high pass filter, diagram A-2 displacement acquisition (DSP decoder) 5-36
low pass filter, diagram A-1 complaint 3-1
tracking filter, velocity acquisition 5-11 connecting cable, operating conditions 3-2
VD+02 7-5 control elements
VD+04 7-6 back view 3-5
VD+05 7-16 front view 3-3
VD+06 7-7 controller
VD-09 7-9 control elements (back view) 3-5
amplitude frequency response control elements (front view) 3-3
DD+100 7-13 display configuration and firmware version 5-46
DD+300 7-17 installation 3-6
DD+400 7-19 modular concept 2-2
DD-500 7-14 operating concept 4-1
high pass filter, diagram A-2 technical specifications 7-1
low pass filter, diagram A-1 controller (specifications)
applied, standards adaptive DSP filter 7-22
declaration of conformity B-1 decoder, metrological properties 7-4
specifications 7-1 digital interfaces 7-2
assembly general data 7-1
installation of the controller 3-6 Low and high pass filter 7-21
vibrometer 3-2 signal inputs and outputs 7-2
auxiliary decoder cooling of the device 3-2
description 2-5
auxiliary decoder (suitable settings) DD-100
DD-300 5-43 description 2-4
DD-400 5-44 metrological properties 7-13
DD-600 5-46 suitable settings 5-25
VD-05 5-41 DD-300
AUXILIARY OUTPUT description 2-5
on the controller 3-4 metrological properties 7-17
technical specifications 7-3 suitable settings 5-43
on the controller 3-4 description 2-5
technical specifications 7-3 metrological properties 7-19
suitable settings 5-44
B DD-500
bending radius of the connecting cable 3-2 description 2-4
metrological properties 7-14
suitable settings 5-33
description 2-5
metrological properties 7-21
suitable settings 5-46


DD-900 E
description 2-4 Electrical
metrological properties 7-15 on the controller 3-5
suitable settings 5-33 technical specifications 7-2
declaration of conformity B-1 electrical safety
diagrams safety precautions 1-4
high pass filter A-2 standards applied 7-1
low pass filter A-1 EMC
digital filter module, description 2-5 declaration of conformity B-1
dimensions, controller 7-1 directive 1-4
dimming, laser beam 5-6 standards applied 7-1
displacement acquisition Emission, EMC standards 7-1
optimize displacement signal with the HF band- External Decoder
pass filter 5-28 on the controller 3-5
OVER LED 3-3 technical specifications 7-2
set measurement range 5-26
set the tracking filter 5-32 F
set tracking filter 5-30 fault diagnosis
suitable settings of the auxiliary decoders 5-41 checklists 6-5
use Clear function 5-29 general test 6-1
displacement acquisition (DSP decoder) messages on the display 6-4
overrun the measurement range (Overrun) 5-36 no measurement signal 6-3
set displacement measurement range 5-34, problems with the laser 6-2
fiber-coupled sensor head
use digital output signal 5-41 checklist (fault diagnosis) 6-7
use filters 5-41
description 2-6
displacement decoder
problems with the laser (fault diagnosis) 6-2
description 2-4
fiber-optic sensor heads
select suitable decoder 5-25 checklist (fault diagnosis) 6-6
description 2-6
on the controller 3-3
problem with the laser (fault diagnosis) 6-2
technical specifications 7-3
on the controller 3-4
laser beam 5-1
technical specifications 7-3
lock manual focus 5-5
disposal 1-1
Remote Focus 5-2
DSP decoder
save and load focus position 5-4
DD-500, technical specifications 7-14
focus position
DD-900, technical specifications 7-15 load 5-4
suitable settings 5-33
save 5-4
DSP filter
functional test, carry out 3-6
area of application 5-23
description 5-20
operating principle 5-21 G
save and load settings 5-24 general data, controller 7-1
set, on the controller 5-23 general test, fault diagnosis 6-1
signal output, on the controller 3-3
technical specifications 7-22 H
high pass filter
filter diagrams A-2
suitable settings 5-15
technical specifications 7-21
cleaning 3-2


I&Q converter mains connection
metrological properties 7-21 at the back view 3-5
suitable settings 5-46 operating conditions 3-2
identification label specifications 7-1
on the controller 3-5 mains switch, on the controller 3-4
Immunity, EMC standards 7-1 measurement
inspection of the instruments 3-1 prepare and make 4-4
installation velocity or displacement acquisition 4-6
additional/other components 3-2 measurement range, select
controller 3-6 velocity acquisition 5-9
instrument warning label, on the controller 3-5 measurement range, set
interfaces, digital 7-2 displacement acquisition 5-26
introduction displacement measurement range (DSP
auxiliary decoder 2-5 decoder) 5-34, 5-35
digital filter module 2-5 suitable settings of the auxiliary decoders 5-41
displacement decoder 2-4 measures
modular concept 2-2 electrical safety 1-4
operating principle 2-1 laser safety 1-3
S/PDIF transmitter 2-6 messages on the display
sensor heads 2-6 categories 6-4
velocity decoder 2-3 list for notes 6-4
list for warnings 6-4
L metrological properties
label DD-100 7-13
identification label, on the controller 3-5 DD-300 7-17
instrument warning label 3-5 DD-400 7-19
labels DD-500 7-14
laser warning labels 1-3 DD-600 7-21
laser beam, dim 5-6 DD-900 7-15
laser beam, focus VD-01 7-4
Auto Focus 5-3 VD-02 7-5
lock manual focus 5-5 VD-04 7-6
problems with the laser 6-3 VD-05 7-16
Remote Focus 5-2 VD-06 7-7
save and load focus position 5-4 VD-09 7-9
laser class of the device 1-2 modular concept 2-2
laser safety
laser warning labels 1-3 N
safety information 1-2 no laser beam, fault diagnosis 6-2
safety precautions 1-3 no measurement signal, fault diagnosis 6-3
standards applied 7-1 notes about the manual 1-1
laser warning labels 1-3 notes, list in the fault diagnosis 6-4
focus position 5-4 O
settings 4-4 opening the instruments 3-3
low pass filter operating concept, controller 4-1
filter diagrams A-1 operating principle, introduction 2-1
suitable settings 5-12 operating temperature
technical specifications 7-21 controller specifications 7-1
Low Voltage Directive 1-4 warming-up of the laser 3-2
on the controller 3-5
technical specifications 7-2


OVER LED settings

AUXILIARY OVER 3-4 adaptive DSP filter 5-20
velocity acquisition 5-9 auxiliary decoder 5-41
VELOCITY OVER 3-3 dim laser beam 5-6
Overrun mode displacement acquisition (DSP displacement
Clip 5-38 decoder) 5-33
set the operating mode 5-40 displacement acquisition (fringe counting) 5-25
overrun mode display controller information 5-46
description 5-36 focus laser beam 5-1
Return to Zero 5-37 load 4-4
operating concept of the controller 4-1
P RS-232 interface 5-47
phase frequency response (diagram) save 4-3
high pass filter A-2 tracking filter, displacement acquisition 5-32
low pass filter A-1 velocity acquisition 5-7
problems with the laser (fault diagnosis) SIGNAL
great fluctuation of the signal level display 6-3 on the controller 3-5
laser can not be focused manually 6-3 technical specifications 7-3
no laser beam 6-2 signal inputs (on the controller)
signal inputs (specifications)
return information 3-1
RS-232 interface
configure 5-47
signal level display, problems with the laser 6-3
on the controller 3-5
signal outputs (on the controller)
technical specifications 7-2
S/PDIF transmitter Electrical 3-5
deactivate S/PDIF data 5-16 Optical 3-5
description 2-6 SIGNAL 3-5
set the data rate 5-18 VELOCITY DSP OUT 3-3
disposal 1-1 signal outputs (specifications)
intended use 1-1 AUXILIARY OUTPUT 7-3
laser warning labels 1-3 AUXILIARY UNIVERSAL 7-3
qualification 1-1 DISPLACEMENT OUTPUT 7-3
safety precautions electrical 1-4 Electrical 7-2
safety precautions laser 1-3 Optical 7-2
safety information SIGNAL 7-3
electrical safety 1-4 VELOCITY DSP OUT 7-3
general 1-1 VELOCITY OUT 7-2
laser safety 1-2 single point sensor heads
safety precautions checklist (fault diagnosis) 6-5
electrical safety 1-4 description 2-6
laser safety 1-3 problems with the laser (fault diagnosis) 6-2
save specifications
focus position 5-4 controller, general data 7-1
settings 4-3 decoder, metrological properties 7-4
SENSOR connection, on the controller 3-5 digital interfaces 7-2
sensor heads (description) DSP filter 7-22
fiber-coupled sensor head 2-6 low and high pass filter 7-21
fiber-optic sensor heads 2-6 signal inputs and outputs 7-2
single point sensor heads 2-6


specifications, technical VD-09

calibration interval 7-1 description 2-4
standards applied 7-1 metrological properties 7-9
standards applied suitable settings 5-8
declaration of conformity B-1 velocity acquisition
specifications 7-1 exceed the measurement range (Overrun) 5-9
switch off OVER LED 3-3
controller 4-1 select measurement range 5-9
DSP decoder 5-17 select suitable decoder 5-7
switch on set the high pass filter 5-15
controller 4-1 set the low pass filter 5-12
DSP decoder 5-17 set tracking filter 5-10
settings for VD-06 5-16
T suitable settings of the auxiliary decoders 5-41
tampering with the instruments 3-3 use digital output signal (VD-06) 5-17
tracking filter velocity decoder
amplitude error, velocity acquisition 5-11 description 2-3
suitable settings (displacement select suitable decoder 5-7
acquisition) 5-30 VELOCITY DSP OUT
suitable settings (velocity acquisition) 5-10 on the controller 3-3
transport safeguard, sensor head 3-2 technical specifications 7-3
on the controller 3-3
technical specifications 7-2
unpacking 3-1
use, intended 1-1
users qualification 1-1 W
warning labels, laser warning labels 1-3
warnings, list in the fault diagnosis 6-4
warranty, loss of 3-2, 3-3
wrong delivery 3-1
description 2-3
metrological properties 7-4
suitable settings 5-7
description 2-3
metrological properties 7-5
suitable settings 5-7
description 2-3
metrological properties 7-6
suitable settings 5-7
description 2-5
metrological properties 7-16
suitable settings 5-7, 5-41
adaptive DSP filter 5-20
deactivate S/PDIF data 5-16
description 2-3
metrological properties 7-7
suitable settings 5-7
use output signal 5-17


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